Skin care. We cleanse the skin. Smooth skin. How to make skin beautiful. Elastic body. How to make the body supple and toned at home

One of the conditions of attractiveness is beautiful smooth skin. The flabby and rough surface of your body is capable of producing not the most best impression especially among members of the opposite sex. Therefore, every self-respecting woman or girl should know how to make her skin smooth.


Face - business card person. And it should always look perfect. One of the main and most common ways to make your skin smooth is peeling. It is made using a special mixture - a scrub, consisting of special grains that exfoliate old dead skin cells. Scrub is enough to apply a small amount on the face and gently massage problem areas fingertips.

After using the scrub, the skin on the face is smoothed, it becomes clean, velvety and smooth. With the systematic use of peeling, the skin of the face becomes lighter and more attractive, unevenness and roughness disappear on it.

If you want to make your skin smooth - do not forget to use moisturizing and nourishing creams, as well as regularly do vitamin masks.


Every girl dreams of having perfect skin that drives men crazy with just one touch. We will reveal to you a few tips that will tell you how to make the skin of the body smooth. To do this, it is not necessary to visit expensive beauty salons or spa treatments. You can bring the skin to the ideal at home.

  • Watch your diet. Eat more vegetables, herbs and fruits. They contain a large number of vitamins and beneficial trace elements.
  • Give up bad habits.
  • Go in for sports. At the very least, exercise in the morning. Physical exercise will improve blood circulation, and this is the first step to beautiful skin.
  • Take a shower daily. You can refuse shower gels in favor of the usual baby soap It has fewer chemical additives and is suitable for all skin types.
  • Use a washcloth. It will not only cleanse the skin, but also get rid of keratinized dead cells.
  • Don't dry off after a shower. Let your skin absorb this moisture.
  • After the bath, apply on the body baby oil or nutritious cream. They will make your skin silky.
  • Exfoliate 1-2 times a week. You can use a homemade scrub. For example, honey and coffee. Such a procedure will not only cleanse the skin, but also enrich it with useful substances.

These same methods will help to make the skin of the legs smooth. But do not forget about hair removal. Without this procedure, the attractiveness of the legs you will not achieve.


Often women have problems with the skin of the buttocks. And few people know how to make the skin of the priests smooth. If you have the so-called "goosebumps" on the buttocks or thighs, massage this area with a brush. After that, rub a moisturizer or oil into the skin. These procedures should be done daily. Only in this case you will receive good result.

Do not forget also about anti-cellulite creams. They make the skin supple and toned.


The skin in this area needs special care. In addition to the fact that there is a large amount of sebaceous and sweat glands, the armpit area is often subjected to mechanical stress from razor.

  • In order for the skin under the arms to be tender and well-groomed, it is necessary first of all to remove unaesthetic hairs. You can do this in several ways
  • Shaving. This method is not the most successful, as the hairs grow back very quickly.
  • Depilation. This procedure is carried out using wax or caramel. The hair is pulled out of the skin. The first time the sensations will be quite painful, but with each following procedure they will get weaker. The advantage of this method is that the skin remains smooth and tender for a long time.
  • Epilation. It can be laser, ultrasonic, electric or light. This procedure is quite expensive and is carried out exclusively in cosmetology clinics. In the process of exposure to the hair, its bulb is partially destroyed, as a result of which the hair stops growing completely or on long term. Before you decide on the epilation procedure, consult your doctor about side effects.

Regularly use emollient creams and moisturizing gels, they can make the skin of the armpits smooth and tender.

When choosing a deodorant, give your preference to those that contain caring ingredients.

Remember that only when comprehensive care you can reach desired result. Make it a rule to take care of your skin every day. Moisturize and nourish every inch of it. All in your hands. Be perfect!

Many girls dream of a smooth and smooth skin, but the question of how to achieve this often remains open, and each of the representatives of the weaker sex solves it in her own way.

Someone resorts to the help of beauty salons; someone is trying to solve the problem at home, remembering that you can achieve results not only using the services of venerable cosmetologists, but also on your own.

Any girl knows that the health and beauty of the skin depends on three progressive steps: timely, toning and nutrition.

Cleanse the skin should be twice a day, not forgetting that the owners of dry skin are unlikely to suitable remedy oily care. As, however, and vice versa.

After cleansing, the skin is toned with or cosmetic ice, which can be purchased at any of the pharmacies, or - if you want to be sure of its naturalness - cook it yourself.

After toning, a nourishing cream is applied to the skin, in the selection of which it is important to take into account the seasonal factor: in winter it is better to use creams based on glycerin or fat, in spring and autumn - creams enriched with vitamins. Moisturizing options are more suitable for summer.

But this short set of recommendations, of course, does not exhaust the possibilities for skin care. To make the skin of the body smooth, you also need another procedure loved by many - fragrant masks and scrubs. Now they are so popular that it will not be a problem to buy them in any store or even cook them yourself, following the formula: minimum effort - maximum result.

In particular, many of those who actively use it are well aware that products based on clay, vegetables and fruits, saturated with skin, give special smoothness to the skin. essential oils. Below are some of the recipes.

Skin smoothing masks

Kefir mask for smooth body skin

For skin smoothing and treatment acne fit kefir mask. Her recipe is very simple:

  • mix two large spoons of clay with kefir and bring to a thick consistency;
  • add a few drops of rosemary oil;
  • apply on face and keep for no more than 15 minutes.

Peach mask for smooth body skin

Peach mask not only cleanses the skin, but also makes it look radiant:

  • mix with a big spoon peach oil with several types of other oils: lavender, clove, cinnamon, as well as thyme oil;
  • apply to the skin and hold for 5 minutes, then do a light massage;
  • wipe the skin with an alcohol-free tonic.

Masks for moisturizing and nourishing the skin of the body

Great for moisturizing and nourishing body skin suitable mask from cottage cheese and lemon juice:

  • Mix 2 jars of cream (500 ml each) with 1 kilogram of cottage cheese (best of all - the most thick, creamy consistency);
  • mix thoroughly and apply on the body in thin layers;
  • wash off after 30 minutes.

Special skin care

To solve other skin problems, there are also special tricks: for example, a cream or body milk with a high fat content will help prevent excessive peeling of the skin in the knee area; the long-awaited deliverance from acne on the back will bring a mask of therapeutic mud; and regular rubbing with lemon and cream will prevent reddening of the elbows and the appearance of roughness on them.

Massage using a brush and further moisturizing the body with oil and cream will save the beautiful half of humanity from goose bumps in the thigh area. True, to achieve a long-term result, one massage will not be enough - it must be alternated with sports.

In self-care, as in other areas of life, not only consistency and regularity are important, but also reasonable approach along with the measure. After all, health and external beauty are affected at once in several ways. important factors: nutrition, the absence or presence of bad habits, the duration and mode of sleep and, of course, sports. Therefore, detailed attention to one of these points, but complete disregard for all the others, is unlikely to lead someone to the desired goal. First, you should balance your image and rhythm of life, and only then wait for “return” from your body.

Some people have large breasts and thin waist, someone got naturally slender legs and not a flat tummy at all - all women are different. But everyone is united by the desire to have an elastic body, and relief forms. Modern woman all kinds of cosmetic products for the fight against cellulite. However, do they really help? And what should you do with your body to look perfect? This is to be dealt with in this article.

What is cellulite?

The main enemy of the beauty of the fair sex is old age. Its manifestations are not only wrinkles, but also loss of skin elasticity. And since there is a fatty layer under the epidermis, shaped like a collection of jelly-like round bodies, what thinner skin, the more likely the infamous orange peel higher. That is, visible irregularities on the buttocks, abdomen, arms, popularly referred to as cellulite, are the outline of adipose tissue due to age-related decrease in skin thickness.

The second reason for the occurrence of this phenomenon, which negatively affects the elastic body, is the action of estrogens. It is these hormones that predominate in female body, block the instant breakdown of fat. Here is the explanation for why cellulite mainly attacks the buttocks of the fair sex. But this does not mean that nature has made life easier for men. They have, due to the development of obesity in abdominal cavity the risk of death is higher than in women with lush buttocks.

Muscle vs fat

Elastic and toned body can only be achieved through physical exercise. No slimming creams, massages, ill-fated pills, diets will build relief forms. Round buttocks, a flat tummy, posture, pumped up arms and excellent health - this is a consequence of regular physical activity.

Muscles make many contractions every day. Thanks to their work, a person moves, breathes, blinks. For these vital necessary actions muscles require 10% of all body fat. And where to send the remaining 90%? The answer is obvious: to the forced work of muscle tissue, namely, to physical exercise. During strength, aerobic exercises and with proper nutrition, subcutaneous fat is burned, which prevents the formation of an elastic body.

Wraps - true or myth?

Beauty salons offer chocolate, seaweed wrap, focusing on the crazy effect of the procedure, which provides getting rid of the orange peel. But if we consider this process with scientific point view, then it turns out that the declared anti-cellulite session is another swindling of money.

The fact is that the skin is negligible. The epidermis is not the intestines or the stomach. If the skin could deliver any substances to the body, then a person would get drunk from alcohol-soaked knees. However, this is not the case.

Undoubtedly, after wrapping there is a feeling tightened skin. Nutrients kelp or cocoa butter fill small wrinkles on the epidermis, hence the feeling of an elastic body comes. Since the aroma of a sweet treat relieves fatigue and irritation, you can experiment with a chocolate wrap at home.

How to make the body elastic and toned?

Wraps were invented by the lazy, those who did not want to practice. Perhaps they are effective in preventive measures as a way to maintain skin elasticity. But if lipodystrophy (cellulite) has already attacked problem areas, then only proper nutrition and sport will help to achieve results.

Group workouts are suitable for active individuals. But what about busy women? How to make the body elastic? In this case, purposefulness should help. Running through the day - great way remove extra centimeters. In the early days, 10-15 minutes of jogging with breaks for walking is enough. When the muscles get stronger, you should increase the time of the session.

Skipping rope is a cheap and effective home exercise machine. After half an hour of jumping, 500 kcal is burned on it. As with running, while working with a rope, the muscles of the back, legs, arms and abdomen are involved.

Daily regime

Eight-hour sleep for an adult is not a whim of doctors, but a guarantee healthy condition. Lack of sleep leads to disruption of metabolic processes, which is the reason overweight. A study was conducted in which people who slept less than 8 hours a night for three weeks recovered at the end of the experiment due to a short-term metabolism. They had a strong weakening of insulin sensitivity and a decrease in the level of the hormone leptin. Their beautiful elastic bodies are overgrown with excess kilograms.

Therefore, deciding to beautiful figure, you should take care of a healthy and good rest at night.


Svetlana Fus, a well-known nutritionist who has helped hundreds of people acquire the cherished forms, spoke about the benefits of water and proved this not only in words, but in deeds. The participants of the experiment, without giving up gastronomic habits, lost 3-4% in two weeks.

The point is that the reasons excess weight are: slow metabolism, stress eating and overeating desserts after the main meal. It revealed:

  • Drinking 2 glasses of water on an empty stomach speeds up metabolic processes in organism.
  • Drinking water 30 minutes after eating reduces the desire to eat extra dessert.
  • Mineral water with magnesium fights false hunger (during stressful situations). Magnesium suppresses irritation of the central nervous system. However, regular use of such water requires consultation with a doctor.

Strength exercises

elastic body cannot be achieved with only cardio activities such as jumping and running. The relief of the muscles gives weighting during sports. Simple exercises that can tighten the gluteal muscles are squats. For novice athletes, it is better to polish their execution technique in the gym under the supervision of a coach.

But you can try doing squats at home. Weighting take 1-2 kg. Hands shoulder-width apart, back straight. You should sit down to the parallel with the floor, you need to get up slowly, focusing on the heels, while squeezing the buttocks. The number of approaches is 3-4 with 15-20 repetitions.

In between sets, you should do 5-10 push-ups. To strengthen the muscles of the whole body after the above exercises, it is advisable to hold the bar for a minute, while controlling the back, which should not be bent.

Summing up: how to make the body elastic at home?

  • Healthy sleep.
  • 8 glasses of water a day.
  • Regular physical activity: alternating cardio training with strength exercises.
  • Rubbing the buttocks with a hard washcloth or towel.
  • The use of creams that increase skin elasticity.
  • Refusal of sweets after 15:00.
  • Consumption of lean meats.
  • Refusal to eat after training for 2 hours.
  • Meat is eaten only with vegetables, not with bread.

To keep the result long years, the recommendations listed should become a way of life, and not a temporary way to make the body supple and toned.

In order for the skin to always be smooth, soft, even and velvety, it is not enough to smear the first cream that comes across once. Care should be regular and comprehensive!

The complex is cleansing, exfoliating, moisturizing and nourishing the skin, professional massage and some exercise.

1. Daily morning exercise promotes excellent stimulation of blood flow, so that the skin receives more nutrition, and, therefore, remains young and beautiful for much longer.

2. After physical exertion, the skin of the body will be perfectly refreshed by a shower. Don't forget to take it every day. Soap or shower gel is suitable for normal to oily skin.

And for owners of very dry skin, it is better to use either mild baby soap, or special oils and creams, rubbing them in immediately after a shower, while the skin is still damp.

3. It must be remembered that the shower can also be taken in different ways. For example, a moderate temperature shower is great for cleansing the skin of the body. cool or cold and hot shower wonderfully relieve fatigue and help to cheer up in the early morning. It is better to forget about a hot bath forever, because. it dries out the skin a lot.

4. How can dead skin cells be exfoliated? For this, a shaggy mitten, brush or washcloth is useful, with which you should rub the body while taking a shower. By the way, you need to do this correctly - rubbing should start with the toes, gradually moving up, performing circular movements.

5. Baths with the addition of essential oils are very popular among the fair sex. They not only ennoble the skin of the body, but also have a positive effect on the entire body as a whole. Bath salt is especially popular today, which perfectly relaxes and keeps the body in good shape.

6. Regular exfoliation is another great, essential body treatment. In the process of peeling, not only the keratinized layer of cells is removed, but also excellent conditions for better penetration of nutrients and moisturizing substances into skin cells. The body becomes extremely smooth and tender.

Naturally, the skin of the body is much rougher than the skin of the face, which is why the body scrub consists of larger grains. Owners of dry skin should peel once, and ladies with oily skin and two or even three times a week.

7. After a daily shower or bath, and especially after peeling the skin, it is simply necessary to apply a nourishing or moisturizing agent to the body, when choosing which do not forget to take into account the type of your skin.

It so happened that many of the fair sex care only about facial care, but do not forget that the beauty of the body is also one of overall indicators attractiveness of a real lady.

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In order for the condition of your skin to please you, you need to make some efforts. Its beauty may depend not only on the amount invested Money to beauty salons and cosmetical tools, not only from proper care, but also determined in many respects by lifestyle and nutrition. If you have decided to take care of your appearance, then here you will learn how to make the skin of the body beautiful.

How to make your skin beautiful

Make a plan for your diet. To make the skin of the body beautiful, it is necessary that the nutrition is correct and balanced. Your body needs to get everything it needs to proper development cell substances - fats, carbohydrates, proteins, minerals and vitamins. If you have normal blood circulation and metabolic processes are working correctly, skin cells will also receive adequate nutrition, which is good for their regeneration.

Make sports a part of your life. Try not to ignore morning exercises, because even simple physical exercises can improve blood circulation, and this has a beneficial effect on skin condition. Well, if you overcome yourself and start running in the morning, sign up for a fitness club or some section, do not doubt that after a while you will be able to look younger than your peers.

Try to give up bad habits. Drinking alcohol and smoking greatly affect the condition and color of the skin.

Nourish and moisturize your skin. The most important condition matte, smooth and without signs of peeling of the skin is the normal water balance. You can restore it with the help of industrial cosmetics and home folk remedies.

To keep the skin of the body beautiful, clean it with scrubs, about 1-2 times a week. It depends on the type of skin. Thus, you can remove dead cells, dust, dirt, cosmetic residues, sebum and toxins. Scrubs can be purchased at the store or you can make your own at home. For these purposes, sea or edible salt, chopped nuts or fruit pits, bran, coffee beans are suitable. At the base of a homemade scrub, you can use vegetable oil, cream, sour cream, milk, etc.

To moisturize the skin, a couple of times a week you can prepare a healing bath for yourself. fill it up warm water, add warmed milk in the amount of one liter and the same amount of decoction of coltsfoot, mint and chamomile (2 tablespoons) to it. Lie down in this composition for 20 minutes, and then take a shower. Massage sessions will also help to make the skin of the body beautiful. very effective in this regard. honey massage. Massage subscription can be ordered online, including as a gift.

To improve the condition of the skin, you can also use baths with essential oils. For oily skin, the following combinations (2 drops each) of oils such as eucalyptus, lemon and mint will help you; juniper and bergamot; chamomile and lemon; pine, bergamot and juniper. If your skin is prone to acne and blackheads, use oils of bergamot, rosemary, lemon balm and lemon. With the help of a bath with fennel oil, toxins can be removed from the body; to combat cellulite - oils of orange, grapefruit, tangerine or lemon.

In the evening, after returning home, immediately try to remove makeup, wash your face or take a shower, so that the dust and sweat accumulated on your skin for the whole day are removed. Use the gel to cleanse your face cosmetic milk or lotion. After that, wipe the skin of the face with tonic in order to be better absorbed. night cream. Choose all these products according to your skin type.

Be sure to apply a night cream before going to bed. If the skin is young, a moisturizer that contains trace elements and flavones is perfect. For dry skin, use a cream with vitamins A, C and E. If you are already over 30, you should choose cosmetics that promote collagen production. Best Option for aging skin there will be a cream with vitamins, trace elements and proteins that act against wrinkles. After you have applied the cream and it has absorbed, be sure to remove its excess.

Don't forget about your hands as well. during the day they are exposed to water, chemical substances, different temperatures, etc., but few resort to the help of a cream. Therefore, the best way out of this situation would be to lubricate the skin of the hands with this product at night.