Not elastic body skin. Decreased skin elasticity

Beauticians under the elasticity of the skin understand its ability to resist mechanical stress. This indicator is also called skin turgor or elasticity.

The degree of skin elasticity can be assessed independently, without seeking help from specialists. The simplest test is done by any woman when she critically evaluates her appearance in front of the mirror. If the wrinkles and folds that form on the face during a conversation, or on the arms in the folds, are easily straightened out without leaving a trace, then we are talking about good turgor or elasticity of the skin.

Elasticity can be assessed using a more "complex" test. Big and index finger grab a fold on the skin about one and a half to two centimeters, pull it back, and then release it. According to the speed with which the skin will fall into place, how dense the skin seemed in the fingers, whether there were traces on it and how quickly they straightened out, elasticity is assessed.

With good elasticity, no traces remain, the skin is dense, elastic to the touch. In this way, the elasticity can be estimated inner surface arms, abdomen, thighs, neck. And the face is evaluated visually - the less wrinkles, the higher its elasticity.

What influences?

The condition of the skin, its elasticity is influenced by many factors: gender, age, the state of the endocrine and nervous systems, the quality of blood circulation and lymph movement, the state of subcutaneous tissue and colloids. Diseases of cardio-vascular system, endocrine, digestive organs adversely affect the elasticity of the skin.

Many factors, such as gender and age, are beyond our control. Therefore, we are doomed to the fact that with age, the state of elasticity worsens. However different women at the same age they look different, some skin is more elastic, others age faster.

Let's talk about the reasons for the decline

Apart from objective reasons, which we cannot influence, there are a number of subjective reasons that reduce skin elasticity. Among these, smoking should be put in the first place. A woman who smokes always looks older than a non-smoker, other things being equal. Smoking not only impoverishes the skin, but also poisons it, causing it to wrinkle prematurely.

Another important negative factor is ultraviolet radiation. Fans of excessive tanning, including under artificial lamps in solariums, will quickly feel that their skin has lost its elasticity. The combination of smoking plus a love of tanning greatly increases the risk of premature loss of elasticity.

Sudden weight loss almost always leads to a decrease in skin elasticity. And than in more adulthood weight loss occurred, the worse the elasticity and the more pronounced negative effects.

How to raise?


Among the factors that positively affect the elasticity of the skin, water should be noted in the first place. High degree moisturizing the skin allows you to maintain elasticity for as long as possible.

Witty beauticians usually in this case recall raisins. What happens if raisins are thrown into water? It will not turn into grapes - you should not expect miracles, but it will be smoother than dried raisins.

That's why the main task to maintain the elasticity of the skin - its hydration. Beauticians insist that moisturizers are more effective than fatty creams(remember that water will straighten raisins faster than fat).

Among moisturizers, the modern industry offers moisturizers with miraculous properties retain moisture on the surface of the skin for as long as possible due to the creation of a thin film. Such creams create the opposite effect: they disrupt the subcutaneous water-lipid balance, which in the long term dries the skin even more.

Beauticians advise not to use such super-moisturizers. If a woman has reached an age at which conventional moisturizers do not help, creams containing hyaluronic acid, collagen, coenzymes should be taken. These components of creams not only moisturize the skin, but also allow moisture to be retained inside the epidermis.

It is worth digging even deeper, and saturate the body with moisture - drink more clean drinking water.


When it comes to the skin, by nutrition we usually mean nourishing cosmetic products: creams, masks. But external care products give, in best case, short-term effect. The skin is part of the whole organism, and it is impossible to achieve its good condition only by external means. The skin should also be nourished from the inside, saturating it necessary components, vitamins and minerals.

Vitamin C can help solve the problem of loss of skin elasticity, as ascorbic acid participates in the synthesis of collagen and cartilage tissue. Collagen is the most important component of the skin, responsible for its elasticity. Loss of collagen and leads, by and large, to a decrease in elasticity.

The antioxidant properties of vitamins A and improve the skin's ability to restore elasticity. These vitamins are good for both internal and external use. If you add a few drops of Aevit to a regular cream, then its use will improve skin elasticity. When taking vitamins A and E orally, it should be remembered that their excess can provoke the growth of neoplasms.

Silicon, selenium, iron, potassium are just a small part of the minerals that, to one degree or another, affect the degree of skin elasticity. It is not necessary to take mineral-vitamin complexes all the time, it is enough to drink them in courses and eat properly and regularly, providing your body with everything necessary for cell regeneration and collagen synthesis.

Home procedures

Good results physiotherapy procedures are given to improve skin elasticity. The simplest of them is contrasting showers. This procedure stimulates blood circulation, improves skin condition, including its elasticity. Taking a contrast shower to improve the skin on the body, you can also pour over your face - the skin on your face will also noticeably tighten.

Useful for improving skin elasticity massage. However, cosmetologists warn of the need to approach facial massage with great care. By regularly massaging the buttocks and thighs, we will definitely improve the condition of the skin in these places, even if the massage is not done very skillfully - the skin here is quite rough.

With an illiterate massage on the face, it can worsen its condition by stretching the skin, carrying out manipulations outside the lines. Therefore, if the buttocks can be massaged on their own, then it is better to entrust the face to a professional, otherwise you can stretch the skin with inept hands - reduce its elasticity.

Professional treatments

Beauty salons offer a lot professional ways to restore skin elasticity. Injection - when various drugs are injected under the skin that improve skin turgur. Less traumatic - when the skin is exposed to pressure, temperature, light or electric currents.

Such procedures are called lifting - tightening. When choosing a procedure, you should take into account not only the state of your wallet and the advice of your friends, but also the recommendations of a specialist - everyone has their own skin condition: what is good for one type may not benefit another.

Lifting procedures usually maintain a certain effect for 6-9 months, during which you should carefully monitor the condition of the skin, eat right, avoid weight fluctuations, avoid sunlight and smoking.

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The elasticity and firmness of the skin is the main indicator of youth and beautiful view person. Most of all, women who have reached the age of 35-40 are worried about this. Skin turgor shows its tone, that is, internal pressure in conjunction with the tension of cell membranes. This is an indicator of the ability of the epithelium to resist mechanical stress and the level of water balance in the body. All women want to be beautiful elastic skin so that it retains its elasticity longer. But unfortunately, with age, the skin undergoes changes, becomes more flabby, sags, becomes covered with wrinkles. All this happens because the epidermis is more difficult to maintain the level of moisture and the turgor of the skin becomes weaker. it is important to maintain the skin from youth than to restore it later if it is in a neglected state.

Why does the skin lose firmness and elasticity?

Turgor gives the skin the opportunity to restore its abilities after changes. Of course, this problem plays a part hormonal background. The tone of the epithelium directly depends on the content of the hormone estrogen in the body, which is responsible for the production of elastin and collagen. Elastin and collagen fibers help the skin return to its original shape after deformation. When the fibers are stretched, sagging skin, folds and wrinkles appear.

The turgor of the skin is reduced for the following reasons:

  • insufficient hydration, decreased hydration (responsible for the connection of the water molecule), also the inability to retain fluid in the epithelial cells;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • oxygen starvation;
  • a chronic form of dysbacteriosis, accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea, which affects the dehydration of the body;
  • constant stress, lack of sleep, body overload, physical and emotional stress;
  • chronic kidney disease, endocrine system, gastrointestinal tract and liver;
  • bad habits;
  • diets and fasting that exhaust and deplete the body.

How to determine skin turgor

When skin tone is healthy, it looks even and smooth. Even during a conversation and a smile, the skin is quickly smoothed out. Over time, the skin loses its natural elasticity, turgor decreases, unfortunately, this process cannot be prevented, but it can be slowed down.
How to determine the turgor of the skin? take the skin on back side brushes and collect in a small warehouse, lift not much up and release sharply. In the case when the fold is smoothed out immediately, this indicates an excellent condition of the skin. If it took more than five seconds, then the level of turgor is reduced, and therefore needs urgent rehabilitation.

How to restore turgor, improve its capabilities

Be sure to drink at least 2 liters of water every 24 hours. It is equally important to retain moisture in the composition of skin cells. This process depends on hyaluronic acid, which is found in epithelial, connective and nervous tissues, as well as in body fluids. So that the water level is always stable, it is necessary to saturate the skin hyaluronic acid. If the level of "hyaluron" in the skin decreases, then it will be impossible to retain moisture. This factor is important for maintaining natural turgor.

What you need to do to maintain skin elasticity

It is recommended to periodically examine the hormonal background, identify the causes of chronic and infectious ailments, and treat them until they harm the body in the maximum form.
Spend more time on fresh air, do not be nervous, get enough sleep, lead a healthy and active lifestyle. Eat a variety of quality foods

Conduct due :
  • clean the skin, how to do it right, look here;
  • use creams, peels, scrubs and masks to increase skin turgor with the help of vitamins - A, E, elastin, collagen, hyaluronic acid, coenzyme Q10, etc.;
  • once every seven days, conduct a facial massage with a beautician or on your own;
  • take on, take cold and hot shower, bath with herbs, body wrap;
  • visit cosmetologists in beauty salons - do ozone therapy, mesotherapy, photolifting, myostimulation of the epithelium and cryotherapy.

Over time, due to the influence of negative environmental factors, skin elasticity decreases, turgor decreases, and the integuments and cell walls no longer adhere tightly to the subcutaneous fatty tissue. If not prevented this process, then already after 35 years the face and body will seem faded. For skin elasticity, it is necessary to use vitamins and preparations.

Causes of a decrease in elasticity

There are several factors due to which there is a loss of elasticity and elasticity. Firstly, this is an excessive presence under the straight lines. sunbeams and smoking. Being in the sun requires the use of appropriate sunscreens so that the rays do not harm the skin or minimize this damage.

The elasticity of the skin of the face and body is a kind of shield that protects against negative influences. environment. But over time, the outer layer of the skin loses its elasticity and becomes thinner.

It implies the ability of the skin to stretch and return to its original state, if necessary. For many women, the loss of elasticity and firmness of the face and body means aging. It is called elastase.

It can be most easily detected on the part of the body that is most often exposed to negative influence sun. The skin loses its softness when a person spends a lot of time outdoors.

In addition, rapid weight loss in a short time period also leads to a loss of elasticity. The reason is that the cover does not keep up with such sudden changes, which is why ugly folds form.

Creams for elastic skin

Facial firming products can restore elasticity and give the desired shape to the body. Many are interested in what are the best drugs for these purposes.

In general, the effectiveness of any cosmetic product depends on composition. In order to understand what effects the tool will have, you need to study its components.

The most effective elements that help restore skin elasticity, increase turgor are:

  • Complexes of vitamins A, E and C. They nourish the cells and have a stimulating effect on the synthesis of new cells, the formation of elastin and collagen, which directly affect elasticity;
  • Vegetable oils such as cocoa, wheat germ and avocado;
  • Essential oils - juniper, grapefruit, menthol, lemon and rosemary and others;
  • Hoods medicinal plants and citrus, green tea and ginkgo biloba.

Often, manufacturers produce cosmetics in series. They may differ in purpose and composition. However, often they are presented in the form of milk or cream. On the packaging of products that increase skin turgor, manufacturers write "Lifting effect".

Usually all brands offer not only one, but a number of series for the whole body. For the body area, milk is standardly used. This is because if the body loses elasticity, it can bring tangible benefits. It absorbs instantly and leaves no greasy traces on clothes. Therefore, it is convenient to use after a shower.

If the skin loses elasticity, then one application special means not enough. To achieve the result, you need to make some efforts - to play sports and adhere to proper nutrition.

If the elasticity and firmness of the skin has decreased over time, then you can drink vitamins. You can restore flexibility and elasticity to the skin of the face and body, not only by consuming vitamins, but also enough water, raw vegetables and fresh fruits. However, vitamins should be taken with caution, in excess they can cause health problems. Before deciding which vitamins can be consumed and in what quantity, you should consult with a specialist.

There are certain vitamins with which you can increase elasticity skin both faces and bodies

  1. A - found in parsley, carrots, cabbage, spinach and turnips. Such a vitamin not only restores elasticity, but can also increase resistance to all sorts of ailments.
  2. C - is present in large quantities in natural natural sources. Such as citrus fruits, berries, grapes and kiwi. Especially a lot in the wild rose. With its help, you can successfully return the turgor of the skin of the face. In addition, it will enhance the creation of collagen and promote the formation of new tissues, as well as free radicals and toxins.
  3. E - they are rich in peanuts, almonds, olive oil and Walnut. This is the main vitamin that revitalizes the skin, softens it. It can be drunk to eliminate free radicals. For aging and unhealthy skin, lotions and creams with it are useful, or capsules can be used. A maximum of 400 IU is allowed per day. The presence of this vitamin in the human body can increase the formation of vitamin A.
  4. B - helps the skin of the face retain moisture. B vitamins are found in eggs, whole grains, brown rice, potatoes, milk, cereals. Means for the elasticity of the skin of the face with this vitamin keep it healthy and fresh.
  5. K (K1, K2, K3) is an effective component that will help restore skin elasticity. These vitamins contribute to the regulation of blood flow, in the future this will ensure full nourishment of the skin of the face. These vitamins can be found in soybeans, green vegetables, chicken, cabbage, egg yolk, spinach, and lentils.

Additional methods for increasing elasticity

The skin of a person must necessarily have a tone. If it is not, then it is inelastic and sluggish. Water is ideal for increasing turgor. Many cosmetologists advise using ice cubes from herbal decoctions, as well as compresses.

These are the most affordable and easy ways to help give the dermis and facial muscles an active life. You can start your day with this wash every day. This is useful not only to eliminate lethargy, but also as a preventive method. It is useful to mix decoctions of herbs with berry and vegetable juices, sea and mineral water.

Also, to increase elasticity and firmness, special nutrition and skin cleansing are used. If you do this, then after 2-4 months, elasticity will return.

Means prepared at home for skin elasticity are no worse than “shop” means.

These tools are different:

However, like any cosmetic product, they can provoke allergic reaction. Therefore, an allergy test should be carried out before use.

The most important role in achieving results is assigned to self-massage of the skin and special exercises. You can perform pinch, classic, spoon or any other massage.

So that the skin of the face and body is elastic, it is best to carry out preventive actions rather than trying to restore elasticity. It is necessary to organize in advance the correct and competent care, to conduct healthy lifestyle life and use only suitable means for the skin. Only then will it be elastic and healthy for a long time.

Every woman from a young age should take care of her face and body, and then with age she will have fewer problems.


On for a long time save elasticity skin able to regularly eat buckwheat. Moreover, you can cook from it not only porridge, but also other dishes. The composition of this product includes a huge amount of rutin, a substance that slows down the process of wrinkles. It is not for nothing that nutritionists call buckwheat groats anti-aging.

Maintains elasticity and elasticity skin silicon. People call it the element of youth. Silicon is found in large quantities in various cereals, bran, some berries and fruits. This miraculous element is also present in carrots, cabbage, fresh herbs, as well as in germinated cereal seeds.

Inelastic and pale skin indicates, as a rule, a lack of iron in the body. To replenish this important element, more often you should eat buckwheat and oatmeal, meat and liver, veal and rabbit meat, as well as egg yolk. supportive elasticity skin iron is present in chicken, pork and lamb, although the amount of iron in these products is small.

For elasticity and smoothness skin Selenium is also responsible. Those who regularly eat selenium-rich foods elasticity his skin may not worry. This is found in coconuts, tuna and sardines, pork and beef liver, wheat grains, eggs and garlic.

Regular consumption of foods rich in zinc will prevent skin from losing elasticity. These include: seafood and fish, wheat bran, veal liver, pumpkin seeds, cocoa, yeast, mushrooms and nuts.

In order for the skin to remain elastic, elastic and smooth for a long time, it is recommended to exclude fried, fatty, overly sweet and salty foods, as well as spicy seasonings and sauces from the daily diet.

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Elastic and elastic skin, perhaps, is the dream of every woman. After all, thanks to this, your skin is not threatened by the appearance premature wrinkles and stretch marks during pregnancy. But due to some factors such as smoking, prolonged exposure to the sun, drinking alcohol and improper care, the skin can lose its elasticity. So how do you get your skin back to its former elasticity?


During improper care behind the skin, and this is the rejection of moisturizers and nutrients, taking a hot shower and frequent walks in the sun, the skin becomes thinner and loses a certain amount of moisture. To increase the elasticity and tone of the skin, it is necessary to switch to a contrast shower and, after taking a bath, be sure to use moisturizers for the body and face. Don't forget to moisturize your feet and hands too.

Take a good look at your diet and malnutrition add more vitamins to it - vegetables and fruits containing a large number of fiber. This element is necessary to maintain the body in good shape and nourish the skin. Choose cosmetics according to age, suitable for your skin type.

Do not forget about face masks that you can cook yourself at. Mix one tablespoon of beaten egg with one tablespoon of baked apple, mix thoroughly and apply to the skin. Wait until the mask dries well, then rinse it off with cool water.

The mask will help restore elasticity and freshness to the skin. Mix one tablespoon of freshly squeezed orange juice with half a glass of boiled water. Add to composition oat flour, mix everything until a homogeneous slurry is obtained. Apply the mask on your face, leave for ten minutes, rinse warm water. This mask will help restore your skin healthy look.

Many are aware of the ability peach oil improve skin elasticity and give it healthy color. To do this, after taking a bath, mix five drops of peach oil with body lotion or cream, apply to the skin. With prolonged use of oils (almond, peach, avocado, apricot), you will soon see a positive effect - the skin will become young, moisturized and fresh, the complexion will improve, fine wrinkles will be smoothed out.

Massage perineum is a wonderful prevention of ruptures during the birth of a child. Since the fabrics perineum during the eruption of the baby's head, they experience the maximum load, the woman in labor is most at risk of ruptures. Massage will help expectant mother increase the elasticity of tissues and skin, it can stretch without any problems during childbirth.


Train all weakened muscles with special exercises to increase elasticity skin neck. Sit on a chair, keep your back straight. Then tilt your head back and look up. Keep your mouth closed. Then make chewing movements. Feel how your neck muscles work. Repeat this exercise at least 20 times.

Take a starting position. Also, while sitting, throw your head back, your lips should be closed, but relaxed. Slowly begin to draw out the lips in the form. Count to ten, then relax your muscles faces. Repeat five times.

Do a forehead exercise. Raise your fingers and place them on your forehead. Then pull down the skin of the forehead, at the same time do not let the eyebrows rise high. Raise your eyebrows up, opening your eyes wide. Relax and then repeat the exercise 10 more times.

Do a lip exercise. While sitting on a chair, look ahead of you. At the same time, keep your lips and teeth closed. Then smile as wide as possible, without opening your lips, count to ten. After that, stretch your lips, count again to ten, make the sound "and". Relax and repeat the exercise several times.

Move your muscles faces. Open your mouth wide and close. Repeat the exercise several times. Then, pronouncing each letter, slowly say the vowels three times. Breathe through your mouth, move your lower jaw in different sides, then slide it back and forth several times.

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Chocolate wrapping promotes the removal of excess fluid, reduces external manifestations cellulite, stimulates collagen synthesis, thereby increasing skin elasticity. It is noteworthy that this procedure has a beneficial effect on any type of skin, regardless of its condition and age. In SPA salons wrapping chocolate is an expensive service. You can carry out this procedure at home.

The characteristics "elasticity" and "elasticity" are closely related. In 99 cases out of 100, these two concepts are used separated by a comma, and many generally think that they are one and the same. Indeed, they are close and play an equal role in skin tone. But there are still differences between them.

    Elasticity- the ability of the skin to stretch without damaging its structure.

    Elasticity- the ability of the skin to resist deformation, to return to its original shape when stretched or squeezed.

Here is what Vichy medical expert Elena Eliseeva says about this:

Responsible for skin elasticity collagen fibers that, like the spring frame of a mattress, restore the surface of tissues after compression. Responsible for elasticity elastin fibers: they run diagonally under different angles, "tightening" the dermis and preventing the separation of its components.

Elastin fibers are responsible for the elasticity of the skin © iStock

Both collagen and elastin fibers are synthesized by the same cells - fibroblasts. Over time, their activity slows down, and therefore, elastin and collagen become less, which leads to a loss of tone and further down the list:

  1. 1

    wrinkles (folds and creases);

  2. 2

    flabbiness of the skin of the face and body.

What determines the elasticity of the skin

Elasticity is directly dependent on the ratio between the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers and their destruction. IN young age it equals 1:1. But gradually the proportions change: more elastin and collagen are consumed than produced. We cannot stop this process, but we can slow it down. How? Let's move on to the next point.

Elasticity refers to the ability of the skin to stretch © iStock

How to improve skin elasticity

If you want the skin to be elastic and elastic, you will have to make some changes in the diet and not neglect the rules of care.

Failure to do so can cost your skin dearly. Type A ultraviolet rays that are neither cloud nor window panes, day after day they carry out destructive activities, reducing the ability of fibroblasts to synthesize the main skin proteins - collagen and elastin.

The more responsible you approach the issue, the more chances your skin has to maintain tone, firmness and elasticity.

Ultraviolet damages elastin fibers © iStock


Skin with an insufficient level of moisture a priori cannot be elastic. Imagine a dry blade of grass - it breaks even with a little tension. It is quite another matter - fabrics saturated with moisture, they stretch better and are not injured. Pay attention to cosmetics with the following ingredients:

  1. 1

    hyaluronic acid;

  2. 3

    extract and juice of aloe;

  3. 4

    seaweed extract.

We give examples of moisturizers and remind you that the skin needs to be moisturized not only from the outside, but also from the inside (observing drinking regimen at the rate of 30 ml of pure non-carbonated water per 1 kg of weight per day). Otherwise, no cosmetics will help.

    Daily gel serum for skin exposed to external aggressions, Minéral 89, Vichy 89% rich in trace elements thermal water. In addition, the product contains hyaluronic acid and glycerin, which attract and retain water.

    Aquafluid for normal and mixed skin"Hydrating Genius" L'Oreal Paris Based on purified water, enriched with hyaluronic acid and aloe juice, it supplies moisture to 5 layers of the epidermis.

    Softens, moisturizes and tightens the skin due to the action of Blue Hyaluron - a natural activator of collagen synthesis.


If you reduce your consumption of sugar, and ideally completely abandon it, you can prevent such a process that is harmful to the skin, such as glycation. It is the "gluing" of collagen and elastin fibers under the influence of glucose molecules, which undermines their ability to resist deformation. So sweet - no.

We speak Yes:

  1. 1

    fresh vegetables and herbs rich in antioxidants;

  2. 2

    vegetable unrefined oils rich in essential fatty acids;

  3. 3

    oily fish is a source of omega-3 fatty acids.

To protect collagen and elastin fibers from glycation, you will need cosmetics with antioxidants.

Vitamins and dietary supplements

You can feed your body with supplements with hyaluronic acid and antioxidants - substances that can really affect the elasticity of the skin. But, as Elena Eliseeva warns, you need to follow the rules.

  1. 1

    Consistency. Do not expect a miracle from one capsule, you need a course lasting 3-6 months. Satisfied internal organs, the body will begin to supply useful components into the skin.

  2. 2

    A complex approach. Drink vitamins for internal use and use creams for external exposure.

  3. 3

    Balance. Look for dietary supplements with a complex of components: glycosaminoglycans, lycopene, vitamin C - or take several drugs at once. Be sure to consult with a specialist first.


To all of the above, you need to connect beauty products that stimulate the synthesis of the protein frame of the skin - collagen and elastin.