The best remedies for toenail fungus. The best remedies for nail fungus

When the tactics are determined, the doctor can only prescribe the best drugs for the treatment of nail fungus, but he does this after a deliberative conversation with the patient. The reason for this is a huge number of local and systemic drugs, which differ in the form of release and, of course, in price.

Synthetic drugs of the allylamine group

This group includes synthetic antimycotics naftifine, butenafine (from topically applied), as well as terbinafine. Topical preparations are indicated if the area of ​​the lesion is less than 50%, the nails are singly infected, and the matrix is ​​not affected. Allilimin tablets are prescribed if many nails are affected, a distal-lateral type of fungal infection is diagnosed, and also if local therapy has not worked.

A drug Description Mode of application Contraindications
Lamisil Operating principle: Terbinafine affects the initial stage of sterol biosynthesis and thus leads to ergosterol deficiency and cell death. Active towards dermatophytes (highest to Trichophyton, eg T. verrucosum, T. rubrum, T. mentagrophytes, T. violaceum), yeast Candida albicans. Apply if: more than 50% of the nail is affected, the matrix is ​​affected, the fungus has captured more than 2-3 nails, nail dystrophy has begun. Release form: spray, tablets, cream. Spray : 1-2 times a day, spraying on the nail plate in an amount sufficient to moisturize. Cream : on the nail and adjacent areas 1-2 times a day, lightly rubbing a thin layer.

Other antifungals

In addition to the above, there are other drugs belonging to the groups of arenes, glucan synthesis inhibitors, aniline dyes, boric acid derivatives, bis-quaternary ammonium salts, and others. This group also includes herbal preparations and derivatives of undecylenic acid. Let's take a quick look at these remedies for the treatment of nail fungus.

A drug Description Mode of application Contraindications
Mikoseptin This substance is active against the dermatophytes Epidermophyton, Trichophyton and Microsporum. Release form: ointment. Apply twice a day to a cleaned and dried nail plate. It can be used as a compress: the ointment is applied to the bandage and applied to the nail. The course of treatment is from 4 to 6 weeks. When the symptoms disappear, the ointment continues to be applied according to the scheme: 1 week - treatment once a day, 2, 3, 4 weeks - treatment every other day. Age up to 2 years, presence of open wounds, sensitivity to undecylenic acid derivatives.
Nitrofungin The active ingredient is undecylenic acid. It has an antiseptic, disinfectant effect, prevents yeast fungi from multiplying. Release form: solution. Until the symptoms disappear completely, the nail plates are treated 2-3 times throughout the day. For prevention (if there is a sick person in the family), the solution is applied 2 times a week. Special instructions: if irritation occurs, the drug is diluted with water (1:1). Children under 2 years old, allergies, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
Mycosan The drug of plant origin, registered as a pharmacy additional product range. The active ingredient is a rye enzyme. Release form: serum. The set comes with 10 disposable nail files. Twice application of serum during the day. The course of treatment is at least 4 weeks. Age up to 4 years.

There are also Demicten and other varnishes, details at the link

Some use Formidron for nail fungus. This drug primarily helps with excessive sweating of the legs. In the case of a fungus, its effectiveness can only be discussed in the initial stages of the disease. Formidron solution is rubbed into the surface of the nail with a cotton swab every 2-3 days.


    A couple of years ago, I had a problem - my feet were sweating a lot, so I could not wear light-colored clothes. Advised to buy formidron! The best remedy I have ever tried! Helps awesome! + helps with sweaty feet!

    My story with nail fungus began in 2009. After building nails in an expensive salon, a fungus came out on all my nails. The nails simply peeled off from the bed. I have never seen such horror. The doctor diagnosed Candida Albicans. a bunch of pills, ointments, lotions and other nonsense. The liver screamed “guard.” After that, folk remedies were used. There was domestos, vinegar essence, mixtures of tablets, vinegar and other explosive ingredients. This went on for 7 years. Terrible, so also the skin began to peel off. And recently a neighbor came and saw how I was sitting with my nails soaring in some kind of another solution and almost crying. She advised to cut the nails as much as possible and drip with formidron, which costs 12 UAH in a pharmacy. For a month, there was no trace of the fungus. But I’ll warn you right away - the product is aggressive and dries and burns the skin around the nail very much. It is best to lubricate with any antifungal ointment after formidron is absorbed. And try to get less on healthy skin. I wish you all good luck in the fight against the enemy.

    It is good when you can get rid of the fungus thanks to drops or cream. But my husband was already in such a critical situation that he bought drops of exoderio and the effect was zero. Nail yellow, thick. The dermatologist said that the only option is to remove the nail. To pluck, the husband categorically refused. They advised nailtimycin-911 cream, it should be applied to the damaged nail, after steaming it in a soda solution, walking with this bandage for 2 days. Again they steamed, removed the exfoliated particles with tweezers. And so on until the complete detachment of the nail. It doesn't hurt. but I had to walk without a nail for a while. But he grew up healthy and handsome.

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All information is presented for educational purposes. Do not self-medicate, it is dangerous! An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a doctor.

Fungal disease of the toenails is an unpleasant problem that causes severe discomfort. But this misfortune can befall everyone while visiting swimming pools, gyms. Often, in order to achieve an ideal body, we simply do not notice that we are contracting this unpleasant infection in public places. Also, often the fungus can occur while wearing uncomfortable shoes.

But in any case, no matter where this disease comes from, you need to know how to deal with it. Just below we will consider the main means that can completely get rid of this ailment.

Healthy nails without problems

Be sure to constantly monitor the condition of your toenails. It is important that they are always in order. Any deviations in the form of blackening, delamination of the nail plate, itching and discomfort will be the first signal that a fungus has appeared. It is desirable to determine it at the first stage, otherwise it will be difficult to get rid of this disease in the future. In pharmacies, there is a large assortment of various medicines against nail fungus, which are worth familiarizing yourself with in more detail.


The drug Exoderil is available in the form of ointments and drops. The active ingredient in this product is naftifine hydrochloride. This component has a high cumulative effect. And this means that this substance is concentrated in the structure of nail tissues, while slowly reaching the required concentration, which has a detrimental effect on fungi. Additional elements that are part of Exoderil facilitate the penetration of naftifine into the structure of the nail tubules, through which the fungus spreads further.

How to apply:

  1. During a fungal infection, the ointment or drops are applied twice a day;
  2. The affected area should be treated;
  3. It is advisable to lubricate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin near the affected nail with Exoderil.

The cost of a bottle with drops of 10 ml can be from 650 rubles, the price of a tube of 30 grams is 400 rubles.


The drug in the form of a drop and ointment has the following advantages:

  • Helps to quickly eliminate fungal infections;
  • Prevents the recurrence of infection;
  • Reduces the sensation of itching;
  • In a short period, it reduces the inflammatory process that causes fungal infections.


Clinical studies, due to which it would be possible to prove the harmless qualities of Exoderil, have not been conducted. Therefore, this drug has contraindications. It should not be used in the following conditions:

  • Pregnant women;
  • During breastfeeding;
  • Children;
  • If you are allergic to the constituent elements of the drug.


Due to the fact that Exoderil has a complex effect, it received a score of 9 out of 10 in the ranking of the best medicines against fungal nail infections.


The main component of the drug Nizoral is ketoconazole, which has a strong antimycotic effect. It is highly effective against many yeast-like, mold and other types of fungi. Getting into the structure of the tissues of the nail plate, which are affected by the fungus, the active ingredient ketoconazole causes a metabolic disorder of fungal organisms and leads to their destruction. As a result of this influence, the formation of new colonies and their subsequent development stop.

The price of one tube of 20 grams is about 400 rubles. The analogue of the drug is Mycozoral, the cost of a tube of 15 grams is 180 rubles.


During clinical studies, the high effectiveness of Nizoral in fungal diseases has been proven. During the studies, the rate of cure of the affected nail plates was taken last, the main attention was paid to fungal lesions of the skin. Therefore, this drug can be used to treat seborrhea of ​​the scalp.

In addition, Nizoral has another main advantage - its components are not found in the blood, even with prolonged use.

  • It can be used by pregnant women, during lactation, patients with kidney and liver disorders.


The negative qualities of this drug include the following qualities:

  • Inconvenient scheme of application - twice a day;
  • The composition has a not thick and oily structure;
  • Due to the fact that the ointment has an uncomfortable consistency, it is difficult to apply it while traveling or outside the home.


If we compare the properties and qualities of this drug compared to other anti-fungal agents, then Nizoral deserves 10 points out of 10. However, due to the fact that it is not fully researched in relation to its treatment of fungal infections, it received a score of 9 points.


The main constituent of the drug Lamisil is terbinafine. This component inhibits the growth and development of various fungal organisms, including those that affect the structure of the nail plates. During the correct use of the drug according to its instructions, a concentration of this agent is created in the nail plate, which resists re-infection.

The price for one bottle of 15 ml is about 350 rubles.


The advantages of Lamisil include the following properties:

  • Different forms of release - spray, solution, gel and cream;
  • High efficiency of all forms of the drug;
  • With proper application, improvements will be observed within 14 days after the start of use.


Due to the fact that the active substance terbinafine has a strong effect, this drug has contraindications:

  • Not allowed to be used by women during pregnancy;
  • During breastfeeding;
  • Children under 12;
  • If an allergic reaction to the constituent components occurs.


The best varnishes

During the treatment of fungal lesions of the nail structure, various varnishes are used that have a direct effect on the infection. The main elements of these funds are different, so the price has big differences:

  1. Loceryl- the active ingredient is amorolfine. The price of one bottle with a volume of 2.5 ml is 1300 rubles;
  2. Batrafen- the main substance is ciclopyroxolamine. The price of a 2.5 ml bottle is 1570 rubles;
  3. Demicten- the active substance is aldehyde formic acid. The price of a 2.5 ml bottle is approximately 280 rubles;
  4. Mycosan. This tool has a complex of active elements. The price of a complete set is 650 rubles.


All the main components of each of the varnishes are strong antimycotic agents. Due to this, they have a direct effect on the activity of fungi and stop their development. In addition, this type of preparations are convenient to use.

It is enough to completely treat the affected nail plates with the means of this type once and then follow the instructions for use - once or twice a day or tint the nails for 7 days.


Despite the fact that these drugs are highly effective due to the constituent components of the antimycotic type, they show low efficiency in deep lesions of fungal organisms.

But this disadvantage is compensated by the fact that the nail is able to accumulate medicinal components, which eventually penetrate deep into the nail plate. But even this factor cannot fully ensure that the fungus does not reappear from places where the constituent elements of the preparations could not get.


If we judge the effect of varnishes in the treatment of nail fungus, then they can be rated 7 out of 10 points, if the prevention of fungal infections, then 10 out of 10 points.

What is the danger of a fungus on the legs, a review of pharmaceutical products. Symptoms, treatment and prevention of the disease at home.

Folk remedies

As an auxiliary therapeutic therapy for onychomycosis, various folk remedies can be used. However, with advanced forms of fungal infection, herbs and other natural preparations should not be used.

In addition, before using folk remedies for the treatment of fungus, it is worth consulting with a specialist, and already before using them as a complex treatment in conjunction with medications.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil contains terpenes. Thanks to these components, this drug has an antiseptic, antiviral, anti-inflammatory effect. Also in the composition there is a unique component viridofloren, which is a strong antimicrobial element.


Tea tree oil has the following benefits:

  • Due to the fact that it has a 100% natural composition, it can be used for the treatment of fungal infections in women during pregnancy, breastfeeding and children;
  • It has a high antimycotic effect, due to which it quickly stops the development of fungi;
  • Due to the fact that this tool has an antimicrobial effect, it prevents the secondary appearance of the fungus on the weakened areas of the nail.


Tea tree oil has the following negative qualities:

  • The oil has a strong odor. Some comment that it is pleasant and fresh, while others say that it is similar to medicine;
  • Despite the fact that it has a wide range of effects, some types of fungal infections are highly resistant to the viridofloren component. Therefore, sometimes the use of oil for the treatment of fungus can be useless;
  • It is not recommended to use if you are allergic to the constituent elements of this drug.


Due to the fact that this folk drug has practically no contraindications, is highly effective and has a complex effect, it can be called one of the best folk medicines for the treatment of fungal infections and give it 10 points out of 10.


Iodine is an inexpensive, affordable and effective drug for the treatment of fungus. This tool has an antiseptic, fungicidal quality. When using iodine for 2 months, fungal infections can be completely eliminated, and if 1/3 of the nail is infected with the fungus.

Before using it, you need to test for the likelihood of allergies:

  1. To begin with, a small amount of iodine should be applied to the bend at the elbow;
  2. If throughout the day there is a feeling of itching, redness on the surface of the skin, then iodine should not be used for treatment;
  3. If after application there are no negative manifestations, then the treatment of the fungus can begin.

For the treatment of fungal nail lesions, iodine is used in several ways:

  • Nails should be lubricated with iodine with a cotton swab twice a day. A healthy nail structure should be treated once every 2 days;
  • Pour boiling water into the container and add a little iodine. Steam your feet in this liquid for 10 minutes.
  • After that, we cut off the edges of diseased nails, and the skin near the affected area is treated with 3% hydrogen peroxide.
  • Then it is smeared with antibacterial ointment and a bandage is applied.


For therapeutic therapy and prevention, vinegar from apples and grapes is also used. In the environment of these agents, all microorganisms that cause the development of damage to the nail structure by the fungus die. But when using this remedy, you should not abuse it too much, since vinegar can cause burns. It can be applied in several ways.

Steaming nails:

  • Pour 250 ml of apple cider vinegar into a container with boiling water;
  • Next, lower the legs and leave for 10 minutes;
  • We take out and wipe well;
  • We treat nail plates with lesions with antifungal drugs that are prescribed by a doctor.


  1. In a cup, combine apple cider vinegar and vegetable oil in equal proportions;
  2. In the finished solution of the mixture, a small cotton swab is wetted;
  3. Next, we apply cotton wool with the mixture to the affected nail, fix it with a bandage;
  4. This therapy is carried out every day until the complete recovery of the affected area.

Tea mushroom

From kombucha, you can prepare not only a delicious drink, but also use it to treat various lesions by pathogens. This is due to the fact that the fungus is able to destroy harmful microbes. To treat the fungus, you need to crush a piece of the mushroom and rub it into the affected areas several times a day.

The scheme of the compress from kombucha:

  • First you need to separate the layer of kombucha in advance and soak it for 12 hours in liquid;
  • Before going to bed, apply the soaked mushroom to the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe nail;
  • We wrap everything with a plastic bag, put on socks;
  • In the morning we take off our socks, remove the compress. We wash our feet and remove all residues from exfoliated nails;
  • At the end, everything is smeared with iodine or treated with a solution of potassium permanganate.


Soda can be used as an adjunct to the main therapeutic therapy. Baking soda can quickly soften, disinfect, and dry the affected area of ​​the nail. Soda can be used in dry, dissolved form or in combination with other medicinal preparations. Before using it, you need to consult with your doctor.

How to use as part of soda baths:

  1. For cooking, you will need 3 large spoons of soda and 3 large spoons of rubbed laundry soap;
  2. All these components are dissolved in 7 liters of hot water;
  3. In this remedy, you need to wash your feet for 4 days.

How to use in paste:

  1. Soda must be mixed with a small amount of water to make a paste-like mixture;
  2. Next, the paste should be applied in an even layer on the affected area and drip a couple of drops of lemon juice;
  3. After 5 minutes, everything is washed off with water;
  4. At the end, the nail is treated with an antifungal agent.

Bath recipes

Various baths can quickly eliminate fungal infections. They can be made from herbs, soda, blue vitriol, laundry or tar soap, hydrogen peroxide, sea salt and others. The duration of these procedures is from 10 to 15 minutes. After the baths, the affected nail should be treated with an antifungal agent.

Bath types:

  • From copper sulfate. In 1 liter of hot water it is necessary to dissolve 1 teaspoon of copper sulfate. One and a half liters of warm water is added 1 tbsp. a spoonful of this solution;
  • From salt and vinegar. In 4 liters of warm water, you need to dilute 100 grams of salt and 4 large spoons of vinegar;
  • From celandine. 100 grams of celandine should be poured with 1 liter of hot water and left to stand for 20 minutes. Then the solution is filtered and diluted with water 1:1. Soak your feet in this solution for 15 minutes.

What you need to know about treatment

In order for the treatment to really help get rid of fungal nail infections, you should remember a few secrets:

  1. Before applying the products, wash the nail with warm water and soap. After that, you need to steam the affected nail in hot water for 5-7 minutes. This procedure allows you to open the pores and increases the penetration rate of all antifungal agents. But these drugs should not be used for varicose veins, hypotension, elevated body temperature;
  2. It is imperative to cut off the protruding part of the nail plate in a timely manner in order to make room for the drug to penetrate into the affected area;
  3. In addition to the nail, you need to treat the area around the nail by 1 cm;
  4. It is advisable to consult a doctor for a microscopic examination, which will help identify the causative agent of the disease and prescribe the appropriate drugs.

Nail fungus should be treated at the first symptoms of the disease in order to exclude its further spread and complication of the patient's condition. When eliminating the pathology, only effective drugs should be chosen., which are easily tolerated by patients and give a quick result. But is it possible to buy a really effective and at the same time inexpensive remedy for toenail fungus in a pharmacy?

In the information provided, I will introduce you to the safest, most effective and affordable drugs for the development of the fungus.

An affordable drug that allows you to achieve the desired result in treatment in a few weeks. The main substance of the drug is micronized bifonazole. The component acts on the outer and deep layers of the skin, which allows you to localize the focus of the disease and prevent its further spread.

Mycospor is produced in the form of a cream and a solution, which are equally easy to use and show the same result. When using the liquid form of the drug, it is necessary to apply three drops of the drug to each affected area. The ointment is applied in a thin layer with gentle massage movements.

Apply the product once a day, preferably at the same time. This will allow not to reduce the concentration of the active substance. The duration of therapy using Mycospor is 4 weeks. You can use the medication in childhood and during the period of bearing a child.

Domestic analogues of expensive funds

The drug is produced in the form of a spray, which must be applied to previously cleaned nail plates. It is important to wait until the fingers are completely dry, as water will not allow the active substance to penetrate sufficiently.

Lamitel is used once a day on the affected area and two cm from it. The duration of therapy is 7 days. Completely contraindicated during pregnancy.


Very cheap, but at the same time toxic, which, when released into the bloodstream, causes severe nausea, vomiting, headaches and dizziness. The agent is applied with a cotton swab exclusively to the localization of the fungus up to four times a day with the same time interval.

If Fukortsin gets on healthy skin, it should be washed immediately. It is strictly forbidden to use in childhood and during pregnancy.

The drug belongs to the medicines of veterinary medicine, but at the same time it perfectly allows you to change the infected nail to a healthy one. Creolin is applied strictly only on the nail plate, avoiding the skin.

In case of contact with it, immediately rinse the area with clean water and apply a moisturizer. After applying Creolin, the nail should be sealed with a plaster. Treatment with medication continues until the complete convergence of the affected nail.

A complete analogue of the expensive varnish Lotseril, but is available in the form of a cream. The drug is used once a day. First, you should wash your toes and dry the nail plate as well as possible. The duration of treatment of nail fungus with Atifin is one week. A month later, if necessary, you can repeat the course of therapy.

Attention! Before using the described medicines, it is IMPORTANT to read the contraindications. They can cause severe damage to the body if the patient has problems with the heart and kidneys.

Oral preparations for nail fungus

The drug is available in the form of tablets, which are aimed at suppressing the fungus from the inside. The patient can be prescribed from 50 to 400 mg of the active substance. The exact dosage is determined taking into account the age and complexity of the course of the fungus. The drug relieves itching well and suppresses the reproduction of harmful organisms. The duration of treatment is selected strictly individually.


The use of these tablets is very long and can take from 12 weeks to a whole year. The medication is taken strictly during meals at a dosage of 200-400 mg of Fungavis. Taking these pills is completely contraindicated in the presence of liver disease, especially in the acute stage.

The drug is indicated for long-term use. Patients take 200 mg of the active substance once a day. The remedy is used for seven days, after which the weekly course of therapy is repeated again. According to this scheme, treatment can continue for 9 months.

Attention! If it is necessary for children to take pills, the dosage should be selected strictly according to the weight of the baby, since there is a high risk of side effects.

Preparations against nail fungus for pregnant women

Before use, you need to gently steam your feet in water, where one teaspoon of soda and liquid soap are added. After that, the fingers should be wiped and completely dried. Nogtivit is applied only to the affected area with a thick layer, after which it is fixed with a plaster for four days. After this period, the legs should be steamed again, the dead parts of the nail should be removed. The procedure is repeated until the fungus is completely eliminated.

A drug in the form of a cream, which must be carefully rubbed into the affected area. It is recommended to use Bifosin 1-2 times a day, taking into account the stage and complications of the disease. The duration of therapy using the cream is quite long and is 12 weeks.

It is also allowed to use the medication by children from the first year of life. During pregnancy, hypersensitivity to the active substance bifonazole is possible.


A medical preparation is produced in the form of drops, which must be applied in a dosage of one drop to the nail plate. First, you should clean the nail and file it carefully. Treatment of a fungal disease is carried out for 16 weeks. When using Citrosept, it is recommended to polish the nail in a clinical setting.

Attention! The use of any means during pregnancy is indicated only with the permission of the gynecologist and dermatologist. Even when applying approved products, a woman may experience unwanted reactions due to hormonal changes.

According to research, every third person is faced with fungal nail diseases. Moreover, the fungus on the nails a few decades ago was quite rare.

According to researchers, the disease has gained such prevalence due to the benefits of civilization: the high availability of swimming pools, public saunas, gyms - what was created to improve human health. But when building muscle mass or losing weight, a person rarely pays attention to the threat that is next to him: pathogenic fungi that are just waiting to become one with the new "master".

The consequences (and not only of an aesthetic nature) are not long in coming. Darkened, loose, exfoliating nails, an unpleasant smell from the feet and shoes are far from the most terrible manifestations of the disease. Without treatment, the fungus can spread to neighboring areas of the body, reduce local immunity and promote secondary infection - the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the tissues and blood, and also cause infection of others. The patient's family members are at risk - people whose skin comes into contact with surfaces on which microscopic particles of infected skin remain. It is for this reason that an effective home remedy for nail fungus is a great idea, especially if you visit the gym, swimming pools and other public places where there is a high probability of infection with a fungus.

So, what are the best remedies for nail fungus that the modern pharmaceutical industry and traditional medicine offer us?

The best remedies for nail fungus



The cost of a bottle of 10 ml. about 650 rubles, tubes weighing 30 g - 400 rubles.

The active substance of Exoderil - naftifine - has a high "cumulative" effect. This means that when using the drug, naftifine accumulates in the tissues of the nail plate, and gradually reaches its maximum concentration, which is detrimental to fungi. The excipients that make up the drug facilitate the penetration of naftifine into the nail tubules, through which, in fact, the fungus spreads.

Advantages. In addition to the antifungal action, the drug prevents the secondary infection of the affected tissues, relieves itching and in a short time relieves the inflammatory processes provoked by fungal infection.

Flaws. Clinical studies of the drug, which would confirm or disprove its harmlessness, have not yet been conducted. Therefore, today Exoderil is contraindicated for the treatment of children, pregnant and lactating women, as well as people with intolerance to any component of this remedy.

Grade. The complex action of Exoderil is its only, albeit significant, advantage, which provided the drug with 9 points out of ten in the ranking of the best remedies for nail fungus.

From the reviews:“I treated Exoderil with a fungus on the nails and on the skin between the fingers. To be frank, the fungus is survivable, but not the itching it causes. This drug literally took off the itch in a day, although the fungus itself was treated according to the instructions - until the nail grew completely.



The cost of a tube weighing 20g. about 400 rubles. Analogue - Mycozoral (15g / 180 rubles).

The active substance of Nizoral - ketoconazole - has a strong antimycotic effect, and is effective against most yeast-like, mold and other fungi. Penetrating into the tissues of the nail affected by the fungus, ketoconazole disrupts the metabolism in these organisms and destroys their cell membrane, which becomes a stop factor for the formation of fungal colonies and their further reproduction.

Advantages. The high efficiency of Nizoral is confirmed by clinical studies, but at the same time, the percentage of cure for nail lesions was taken into account last: the main attention was paid to fungal skin diseases. For this reason, it is difficult to say whether the cream is as effective for onychomycosis as it is for seborrhea of ​​the scalp. But what is really proven is that with the local use of Nizoral, its active substances are not found in the blood even with prolonged use of the drug. Therefore, for the treatment of lactating, pregnant women and persons with any diseases of the kidneys and liver, this cream is allowed.

Flaws. Not a very convenient scheme for using the cream (twice a day), in combination with its consistency - not thick and oily, can be difficult. This is especially true for those who are treated on the road or outside the home.

Grade. In general, Nizoral deserves 10 points out of ten. But insufficiently large-scale clinical studies on issues that interest us here and now - the treatment of nail fungus - still reduce its rating. Therefore, we will stop at 9 points.

From the reviews:“I liked Nizoral shampoo when I treated oily scalp seborrhea. Therefore, when I discovered the fungus on the nail, I immediately bought the cream of the same name. I haven’t noticed any obvious results on my nail yet - I started treatment only a week ago, but the skin around the nail began to look healthier.”



The cost of a 15 ml bottle is about 350 rubles.

The active substance - terbinafine - inhibits the growth and activity of various types of fungi, including those that cause nail damage. With the correct use of the drug according to the instructions, a concentration of terbinafine is created in the nail, which prevents re-infection for a long time.

Advantages. The convenience of Lamisil lies in the possibility of choosing a dosage form in the form of a spray, solution, gel or cream. All forms of release of Lamisil are equally effective. With proper use of the drug, obvious improvements are observed after 2 weeks.

Flaws. The quality treatment that this remedy provides is due to the powerful action of terbinafine. But it is precisely for this reason that Lamisil treatment of nail fungus in nursing, pregnant women and in children under 12 years of age is contraindicated.

Grade. One of the best remedies for nail fungus, popular all over the world, but requires strict adherence to the "rules of the game". Deserves 10 points out of 10.

From the reviews: “I think that Lamisil is overpriced, although it is really convenient to use it in the form of a spray. The fungus passed along with the growth of the nail, I used Lamisil for about a month.

The best varnishes for nail fungus


Varnishes for the treatment of nail fungus use various active ingredients, and the cost of such preparations varies widely:

  • Loceryl (Amorolfine). The cost of a bottle of 2.5 lm is about 1300 rubles;
  • Batrafen (Ciclopiroxolamine). The price for a bottle of 2.5 ml is about 1570 rubles;
  • Demicten (aldehyde formic acid). The cost of a bottle of 2.5 ml is about 280 rubles;
  • Mycosan (complex of active substances). The cost of the set is about 650 rubles.

These are the best and most popular varnishes for treating fungal nail infections, and they all share the same advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages. Each of the active ingredients - amorolfine, ciclopiroxolamine, etc. - is a strong antimycotic agent that inhibits the growth and activity of fungi. The convenience of using varnishes leaves no doubt - periodic or single treatment of the affected nail before the first (or each) use of the product, and subsequently it remains only to follow the instructions: “tint” the nail once or twice a day or even once a week (as Lotseril promises).

Flaws. Unfortunately, with all the effectiveness of the antimycotic substances that make up the varnishes, they are ineffective in deep fungal infections, as well as in the localization of the fungus under the nail plate. This disadvantage is to some extent compensated by the ability of the nail to accumulate medicinal substances, which spread deeper over time. But even taking this into account, there is no guarantee that a few months after the completion of the course of treatment, the fungus will not appear “out of nowhere”. It is known from where: from the areas of the nail into which the active substances could not penetrate.

Grade. The inability to predict the effectiveness of the treatment immediately deprives even the best varnishes for the treatment of nail fungus of several rating points. But they immediately return, since Lotseril, Batrafen, Demikten, Mikozan, etc. are the best means for preventing fungal infections. Therefore, for those who visit public pools, saunas and gyms, it will be interesting to know the “dual” rating of varnishes: we give them 7 points out of 10 as treatment drugs, and 10 out of 10 as means for the prevention of nail fungus.

From reviews of varnishes from nail fungus: “I treated the fungus on the big toe with Demicten - the effect was completely zero. True, I did not have the opportunity to steam out my leg, I applied varnish on a dry one. A few months later I bought Mikozan and did not regret it: the fungus had just begun to destroy the nail, I did everything according to the instructions. After 2 months, there was no trace left.

Tea tree oil
best home remedy for nail fungus


The cost of a 10 ml bottle is about 140 rubles.

The composition of tea tree oil includes terpenes, which serve as the basis for the antiseptic, antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects of the remedy. And viridofloren, the most powerful antimicrobial substance, has been found only in tea tree oil to date, which makes it truly unique.

Advantages. Given the 100% natural origin of the oil, it can be indicated for the treatment of fungal diseases of the nails and skin of the feet, even in pregnant women, nursing and children. It has a pronounced antimycotic effect, inhibiting the growth of fungi, and due to the antimicrobial effect, it does not allow secondary infection of areas weakened by the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms.

Flaws. A strong smell that some describe as pleasant and fresh, while others find it somewhat "medical". The spectrum of action of tea tree oil is wide, but some types of mushrooms are resistant to viridofloren, which makes this remedy useless in the treatment of a number of fungal infections. Also, the oil is not recommended for people with individual intolerance to the components of this product.

Grade. The almost complete absence of contraindications, effectiveness, complex action - all this allows us to call tea tree oil the best folk remedy for nail fungus and award it 10 points out of ten.

From the reviews: “I had to treat a recurrent fungus on my legs during pregnancy. I was afraid to use synthetic preparations, I preferred tea tree oil. I can say that I have never had a better remedy for nail fungus in my hands: from the “root”, the nail began to grow even and pink. Now I constantly disinfect street and indoor shoes with this oil from the inside - I forgot about the fungus for 7 years already.

What you need to know when treating nail fungus?

The effectiveness of remedies for nail fungus can be significantly increased if you use the following "tricks":

  • Before applying the product, wash your feet thoroughly in moderately warm water with soap (it is better to use baby or regular laundry), then change the water to hot and steam the affected nail for at least 5-7 minutes. Such a procedure will "open" the cells of the nail, which will allow the varnish or cream to penetrate deeper into its tissues. Just do not forget that hot foot baths are contraindicated for varicose veins, hypotension, elevated body temperature.
  • Make sure that the overgrown nail is cut off in a timely manner. The protruding, “free” part of the nail plate should be removed as it grows back in order to free access for the drug to the soft tissues of the nail bed.
  • Treat not only the nail, but also the areas of healthy tissue surrounding it. “Capture new territories” without hesitation, at least 1 cm from the nail: the fungus is able to survive the drug attack in nearby tissues, and at the end of the course of treatment, return as if nothing had happened.
  • If the fight against fungal infections has become your way of life, and you live in the “remove the fungus - rejoice at recovery - find the fungus again” mode, be sure to consult a doctor. Most likely, you will need to microscopically examine a nail sample in order to identify the pathogen and then prescribe drugs to which “your” fungus has not yet become resistant.

Attention! There are contraindications, you need to consult a specialist