Is it possible to tan through car glass. Is it possible to get a tan without leaving the room, through the window glass

Outside the house

Sunny days

However, here is an example from life, indicating whether it is possible to tan through glass. One man constantly practices meditation in the sun. Especially in autumn and winter. In the morning, he sits in a comfortable chair right in front of the window. He closes his eyes and looks at the sun through his eyelids, getting thirty minutes of warm pleasure. The sun nicely caresses his face. Now imagine the picture that in the middle of winter his acquaintances are looking at him in surprise. And then they try to find out where he is so tanned. “Definitely not in the solarium,” he replies.

With a slight tan

Ordinary glass does not block ultraviolet soft UV-A rays with a range of 315 to 400 nm. But the very method of getting a tan is very inefficient. The process is rather slow. Although you can still use it. If a person has enough patience, then it is quite justified. Especially if they are people with a good content of melanin in the skin. Is it possible to tan through window glass? Luxurious tan, of course, will not work. But to remove acne on the face, according to knowledgeable people, it will be quite possible. A shade of a healthy tan is also possible. As you know, its appearance is directly related to the presence of melanin pigment. In turn, the appearance of the latter is possible when ultraviolet rays touch the skin. The "color" of a tan protects the body from sunburn.

Ultra-violet rays

There are three types of ultraviolet. So, ultraviolet C destroys all life, but is neutralized by the Earth's atmosphere. Ultraviolet B, which causes sunburn, is ninety percent absorbed by the atmosphere. But ultraviolet A easily penetrates the atmosphere and glass. By and large, if the issue of finding a "tan in slippers" is so important for you, you can get it on an open balcony or on the roof. Can you tan through glass? It's a matter of time and desire. If ordinary glass does not allow ultraviolet to penetrate, then you can use one that lets it through. Such will be quartz - the most effective conductor for ultraviolet radiation. Use it to glaze the loggia - and you are guaranteed a tan. After all, this is the material used in solarium lamps.

Darkening that is tanned. It is generally accepted that if sunlight through transparent objects, then all of its rays completely reach the surface of the skin, so a tan in this case can also occur. But in reality this is not so: through glass there is practically no. This is due to the fact that the glass delays part of the radiation, which is responsible for the production of melanin in humans.

Ultraviolet radiation is divided into three types: A, B and C. The first is long-wave: these waves act imperceptibly, penetrating under the skin and affecting various internal processes. These rays reduce the amount of water and elastin in the cells of the epidermis, as a result, the skin ages faster. Long-wave radiation can cause an allergic reaction and slight redness, but does not contribute to the appearance of a tan, since melanin does not appear in the cells. Under its influence, only the precursors of this substance are formed - elements without color, which only when oxidized can cause darkening of the skin.

Radiation B is short-wave, it is it that causes human melanocytes to produce melanin, as a result, the skin becomes darker. If the dose of this radiation is high, then a burn may occur, and with regular exposure to a large number of type B rays, skin cancer appears.

Rays C almost do not reach the surface of the Earth, being absorbed by the ozone layer.

Sunburn through glass

Glass transmits only long-wave radiation, and delays rays B, so the production of melanin under the influence of sunlight behind glass is impossible. But long waves of type A do not lose their ability to affect human skin: they not only cause aging, but also prepare the skin for exposure to rays B. With prolonged exposure to the rays of the sun penetrating glass, a slight reddening, but no more: melanocytes do not work in in such a case. Tanning through glass is theoretically possible if you are constantly under radiation. But it won't be a tan in the truest sense of the word: it's thermal damage to the skin that has led to redness.

It is the constant action of long-wave radiation that can explain why the hands of car drivers from the side of the window darken after long trips.

All of the above applies to ordinary window glass, other types - quartz or plexiglass - transmit ultraviolet rays much

Many people think that it is impossible to tan through glass and the question: “Is it possible to tan through a window?” for them is elementary. “No,” of course, they will say, and they will be greatly mistaken, because everyone knows that drivers and people who work near windows sunbathe quite well. But the physics of this process is not at all as simple as it seems at first glance.

You do not need to think long and have some specialized knowledge to answer that it is possible to get a tan through a car window. It is important to understand how skin darkening occurs and what circumstances can affect it.

A sunbeam contains several types of electromagnetic radiation. The body perceives all of them individually: some are perceived as a source of warmth, and some as a source of light. Naturally, no one has yet been able to feel or feel the ultraviolet.

There are three types of ultraviolet rays:

1) A-radiation. Radiations of this type are long-wave and completely penetrate the surface of the Planet. A person does not notice the effects of such radiation at all. Rays of this type easily penetrate even into the deeper layers of the skin. Because of this, the epidermis ages prematurely, so such radiation is very harmful to the skin. The rays negatively affect the skin: they dehydrate and destroy collagen. Even severe redness may occur on the skin. Many people have a so-called allergy to the sun after such radiation. If contact with A-rays is not prolonged, then they will not bring severe harm to health.

2) B-radiation. These rays are shortwave. They make their way to the Earth, although when they encounter interference, the beams are partially scattered. Under the influence of B-rays, melanocytes produce a pigment called melanin much faster. The fastest tan can be achieved with this type of radiation. But with prolonged contact, you can get burned and burn out.

3) Gamma radiation. Such rays are the most dangerous and have a traumatic effect on all living organisms. Due to its good penetrating effect, gamma rays quickly penetrate into all living cells. But, fortunately, the ozone layer delays most of them. Otherwise, everything on the planet would burn out. For a person, such radiation is dangerous because he does not feel them in any way. Therefore, the consequences can be unpredictable, even to the point of death. The danger of such radiation lies in the fact that they tend to accumulate in the body.

Based on the above, we conclude: in order for the tan to be equal, contact with ultraviolet rays is still necessary!

Can you get a tan through a window?

Glass is a transparent material that allows light to pass through easily. It blocks gamma and beta rays, and no glasses can stop alpha rays. And as already known, A-rays act on the epidermis extremely slowly. The maximum that can be obtained is slightly reddened skin. After a while, this will pass. With all the great desire to get a uniform tan, it will not be possible, because the radiation is not so intense.

It is possible to sunbathe through car glass, but certain conditions must be observed. First of all, the radiation must be constant. You can get a beautiful tan when the skin has melanin pigment. Everything is very simply explained: sunburn tends to wash off and burn out. And melanocytes under the influence of the sun have developed a lot of melanin. And now, even under short-wave radiation, the skin will acquire a chocolate

Increasingly, on TV or from friends, each of us has to hear about skin cancer, which occurs as a result of prolonged exposure to sunlight.

That is why you have to think about whether it is possible to tan through the glass of a window or a car, and whether it is necessary to protect the skin with special creams while standing behind the glass.

About the types and properties of UV rays

Do you want to understand whether it is really possible to tan through glass? Then why not start by understanding how a tan appears on a person’s skin?

First of all, we note that it is a protective reaction of the skin when the rays of the sun begin to act on it, however, this reaction can not be caused entirely by them, but only by their ultraviolet spectrum.

Since there are cells in the skin that contain a special pigment - melanin, then as soon as the rays act on it, the pigment is activated, the skin darkens, preventing the harmful rays from penetrating further. This property of the pigment causes the appearance of darkening of the skin, which is commonly called a tan.

Now let's move on to the types of rays. It is known that the rays of the ultraviolet spectrum are of three types - these are types A, B and type C.

  1. If we talk about the most dangerous of them, then type C is considered to be such, since its impact can lead to the complete destruction of all life on our planet. Much to my relief, this radiation is successfully neutralized by the atmosphere, and therefore the entire surface of the Earth, where people and animals live, is out of danger.
  2. Compared to type C, radiation of another type, B, is not so dangerous, however, this does not mean at all that it cannot have a bad effect on various living organisms. But still, you should not be afraid, because a caring atmosphere in this case also saves our planet, delaying as much as 90% of this radiation. The remaining ten, although they reach us and are also responsible for the occurrence of sunburn, are still living organisms, thanks to the properties of their skin or wool, able to protect themselves from them.
  3. It remains to deal with the last type of radiation - A. Despite the fact that its atmosphere practically does not delay and therefore it freely reaches the surface of our planet, this radiation is rightly considered the safest and softest of all those already listed. It does not even cause any protective reactions in your skin and does not activate the production of melanin in it. All that is subject to him is to cause a slight darkening (and then under the condition of prolonged exposure) of the skin. Don't worry, it won't affect her in any way.

How to get a tan through ordinary window glass?

Whether it is possible to tan through window glass or not depends on what properties it has.

The bottom line is that window panes pass only ultraviolet type A. Given this fact, you will not be able to tan through the glass.

Sometimes, of course, there are cases when a person spends some time under the sun's rays that pass through the glass, and then finds a light tan on his body, and then he is completely sure that he tanned through the glass. However, this is not quite true.

Such a tan occurs according to the following principle: any person who is indoors still sometimes goes outside - he either goes outside to smoke during a working break, or goes to a store, etc.

While he is outside, especially in the warm season, he receives some amount of ultraviolet radiation of type B, as a result of which the skin becomes tanned.

When it starts to get cold outside, people rush to dress warmer and therefore they are less susceptible to radiation, and melanin returns to its normal state. But still, some charged pigment remains (only it is no longer activated), therefore, when it is again exposed to type A radiation, the charged melanin is immediately activated.

As a result of this chain of events, the skin becomes slightly tanned, although this darkening passes rather quickly.

Agree, it is rather difficult to call all this a tan seriously - it can be more attributed to the so-called residual effect.

Is it possible to get a tan through a car window?

Professional drivers often notice how their skin darkens after some time behind the wheel of a car. Moreover, some parts of the body may be darker (for example, hands and face), while others are much lighter.

But some people, on the contrary, are completely sure that it is absolutely impossible to get a tan in such a strange way. So who is right in this dispute?

The truth is somewhere in between, it is that the way automotive glass interacts with ultraviolet rays, it does not differ from ordinary glass.

In other words, automotive glass, as well as glass on the windows of houses and other buildings, can only transmit ultraviolet type A.

However, this is the main mystery: such radiation can really cause darkening of the skin, but this interesting process will take ten, and perhaps even a hundred times more time than if you decide to sunbathe on the beach or in the solarium.

So is it possible to tan through the glass of a car? The conclusion is very simple: the more time a person is driving his car, the higher his chances of getting a tan through the glass, but, again, the severity of darkening of the skin also depends on the time spent behind the wheel.

Other people in his car should not even worry about this problem, because the passengers still do not sit in it as often as the driver.

If for some reason you want to tan through ordinary or car glass, then first you have to take a walk under the sun's rays on the street, and only then sunbathe through the glass. Of course, you will have to stock up on a lot of patience.

Do I need sunscreen if sunbathing through glass?

You need to worry, perhaps, only to those people whose skin is prone to the appearance of age spots, because anything can provoke them.

For such people, being in a car for a long time or generally under the influence of sunlight, it is better to use a special sunscreen - the weakest of them will do.

Even if you use your regular day cream, it will still protect your skin, because such creams also contain a UV filter.

Apply a small amount of protective agent on the neck and face - these areas are considered the most vulnerable and it is there that unpleasant age spots most often appear.

Do not panic if there is no protective cream or other similar remedy at hand. The human body has developed another additional protection that saves us when exposed to solar radiation no worse than melanin.

In recent years, more and more information has emerged about skin cancer caused by long-term exposure to sunlight. In this regard, more and more people are worried about whether it is possible to tan through glass, and whether it is necessary to use protective equipment while behind glass.

To understand whether it is possible to tan through glass, you first need to understand the concept of "tanning" and the reasons for its occurrence. So, sunburn is a protective reaction of the skin under the influence of the sun's rays. But in fact, not all the sun's rays cause such a reaction, but only their ultraviolet spectrum. The skin contains melanocytes - cells that contain melanin. This pigment, when exposed to ultraviolet rays, begins to darken. Thus, it prevents harmful rays from penetrating through the skin into the body and damaging internal organs. It is this property of melanin that causes the darkening of the skin, called sunburn. In principle, sunburn is the same protective reaction of external tissues to ultraviolet rays as a bruise is a reaction to a blow or injury.

Three types of ultraviolet rays

There are three types of ultraviolet rays: A, B and C.

Type C radiation is the most dangerous. Its impact is capable of destroying any living organism on Earth. But fortunately, it is completely neutralized by the earth's atmosphere. Therefore, the surface of the planet on which humanity lives is completely free from their influence.

Type B radiation. It is not as dangerous as that described above, but it also has a very detrimental effect on living organisms. But even here life on planet Earth is helped by the same atmosphere. This type of radiation is delayed by 90%, and the remaining 10% still reach the surface of the planet. It is these percentages that are responsible for the darkening of the skin, called sunburn.

The last type of radiation is A. It is practically not delayed by the Earth's atmosphere and easily reaches the Earth's surface. But it is the safest and gentlest of all three types of ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, it does not cause a protective reaction in the skin and does not contribute to the production of melanin in the cells. The only thing he can do is, with prolonged constant exposure, cause a slight darkening, which will not affect the condition of the skin in any way.

Transmission of ultraviolet rays through different types of glass

Recently, there have been many rumors about the fact that you can tan through glass. But some claim that the glass does not transmit ultraviolet rays at all and therefore it is impossible to tan through the glass. So, do you really sunbathe through the glass or not? In fact, both are right, but there are reasons for this.

Different types of glass interact differently with UV rays. The so-called organic glass transmits the entire spectrum of ultraviolet radiation. Quartz glass works even better. By the way, it is it that is used in devices for quartzing rooms and in lamps for a solarium. So in answer to the question “Does skin tan through glass?” you can safely say - yes, sunbathing, but not through each.

As for the question of whether it is possible to sunbathe through a window glass, then the properties of this glass play a role. They lie in the fact that only type A ultraviolet radiation passes through the window glass. This is what explains why it is impossible to tan through the glass. But there are cases when people, having been under the sun's rays passing through the glass for some time, find some darkening of the skin. At the same time, they believe that they got this tan through the glass. After that, they try to convince everyone they know that it is possible to tan through the window glass and at the same time demonstrate their “tan”.

In fact, this is not entirely true. The mechanism of occurrence of such a "tan" is as follows. Not a single person will constantly sit indoors - he will definitely go out (to the store, to work, just to take a walk). This is especially true during the warm season. Being outdoors, he will definitely receive a certain amount of ultraviolet B radiation, which causes darkening of the skin. After the cold snap sets in, people begin to dress and are less exposed to this radiation, which brings melanin back to normal. But there is still a certain amount of charged, but not activated melanin. When exposed to ultraviolet A radiation, which penetrates ordinary glass, this charged melanin is activated and causes a slight darkening of the skin, which disappears very quickly. You can't call it a full blown tan. It's more of a residual.

Sunburn through car windows

Many motorists, especially professional drivers, notice that after a while some areas of their skin become much darker than others. This is especially true for the face and hands. But others argue that it is impossible to tan through glass. This causes a lot of controversy and discussion about whether it is possible to tan through the glass in a car.

In fact, automotive glass in its interaction with ultraviolet is no different from ordinary glass. This means that it transmits only ultraviolet radiation of type A. But here lies the key to this phenomenon. The fact is that this radiation can lead to sunburn, but it will take tens or even hundreds of times more time. Therefore, those drivers who spend a lot of time behind the wheel still get the dose necessary for tanning, while everyone else does not. Passengers of the same car, the question of whether it is possible to sunbathe through the glass in the car, should not bother at all.