Mask with rice flour and honey. For whom is this tool suitable? Chinese mask for aging skin

It seems that quite recently you looked in the mirror and admired the reflection in the mirror. But it is so arranged by nature that over the years people do not get younger, and ugly folds appear on the face. This happens due to lack of moisture, which decreases with age. Of course, we accept various techniques for wrinkles. We buy expensive creams, visit beauty salons, do a lot of procedures. And some even go for such a method as plastic surgery.

Let's talk about this today folk recipe like a rice face mask for wrinkles. Perfectly tightens and improves the skin in general. We often do not take seriously the simple means available to us. We think that if there are fewer costs, then the result will be less effective. Let's get rid of prejudice.

Rice facial mask for wrinkles

A lot of the ingredients are recycled to make a face mask. Today we will talk about a cereal that will come to your aid. White rice. Why exactly him? This cereal contains a lot of vitamins, useful substances and antioxidants. Available Method in solving problems with age-related changes. mineral complex smoothes wrinkles, fights age-related changes. The presence of B vitamins gives us folic acid, which relieves the skin of acne, prevents the appearance of acne, normalizes the production sebaceous glands. Such anti-wrinkle rice masks are powerful helpers against imperfections. They restore skin tone, give softness and elasticity, increase elasticity.

Rice is a multifunctional and unique product. Newfangled and expensive facial products were unjustifiably pushed aside. Since ancient times, Japanese beauties have known how useful this cereal is. Therefore, they took it not only inside, but also outside. Rice contains starch, which makes the skin soft and whitens.

Many masks are made on rice basis. It is known that rice is rich in vitamin E and other beneficial substances that have a positive effect on the entire body. Rejuvenates, gives beauty and lightness. Thus, the anti-wrinkle rice mask is suitable for any skin type, which can be done quite often. The rice wrinkle mask will become effective if used weekly. But do not overdo it. It is important to know the measure.

How to make rice flour for mask? Very simple. Use a regular coffee grinder option is suitable and blender. You can buy ready-made flour and leave these nuances behind. A cooked rice face mask for wrinkles will suit almost everyone. But you should take into account the fact that any component can provoke allergies and irritation on the skin.

Before applying such a mask, conduct a sensitivity test. Smear not a large number of mixes on small plot skin, leave for a quarter of an hour. If, after the advent of time, you did not notice anything significant, there was no irritation on the skin, but on the contrary, it became noticeably better. So, everything is in order and the rice anti-wrinkle face mask is right for you. Feel free to keep doing it.

Wrinkle Rice Facial Mask Recipes

After you have used the blender or have not skimped on the finished flour, you can start cooking. Rice mask for wrinkles is done simply and without a long time. Below are the options for applying a rice face mask.

Recipe #1

Take 3 tablespoons of flour and mix with a little milk (you should get a moderately thick consistency) Let it brew for a bit, and then apply the mixture on your face. Leave on for 20 minutes and then rinse off warm water.

Recipe #2

Break the egg and separate the protein, we will need only 1 yolk, 2 tablespoons of flour, half a spoon of honey and a couple of drops olive oil. Apply for 25 minutes and wash off.

Recipe #3

We will need two tablespoons of grapefruit juice, one tablespoon of heavy cream or sour cream, rice flour. The composition should not be very liquid. Leave for 15 minutes on the face.

Recipe #4

Rinse one cup of rice hot water. Next, pour the already peeled rice with two glasses of water. Let's infuse for 10 hours. When the rice is infused, boil until evaporation. We cool the porridge. Apply to face and wait calmly for 20 minutes.

Tip: Don't put too much rice on your face. Dilute with other ingredients. So it will be much more practical, but no less effective.

Recipe number 5

This mask helps to quickly renew the skin. Take 2 spoons white clay and finely chopped parsley, aloe leaf. Mix well and apply the resulting mixture on the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. For 20 minutes.

Recipe #6

Give your skin a boost of vitamins. To do this, use a gruel of rice with a banana. We keep 15 minutes.

Not tricky recipes can help you with serious problems. The main thing is to be patient. Because it won't take a day. And it might take a lot of work. You should not make a panacea out of recipes and rely only on them. Try and experiment. In addition, the rice face mask has starch. He attaches mask light, nice texture. which is easy to apply to the skin.

The effectiveness of rice masks

We are all individual. For some, such care will bring good result, but not so much for others. It all depends on your age and what condition your skin is in now. There are many positive reviews on the Internet. They write that the rice mask for wrinkles has a beneficial effect on the skin and brings only pluses. Withering skin is tightened and changes are noticeable.

There is a sense from rice water. It will help in the fight against hated wrinkles. Making it is pretty simple. Pour a glass of washed rice with water in a ratio of 1: 4, put on a strong fire. Once the water boils, reduce the heat and let it simmer for 30-40 minutes. Drain the resulting broth. When it cools down, you can use it.

In contact with

“The one who offers rice offers life itself,” with these words the Buddha emphasized beneficial features cereal. To develop strength and endurance, Olympians were fed rice porridge. The first mention in the annals of rice as a source female beauty date back to the reign of Nero. And they belong to Dioscorides, the Roman historian. And for Japanese women, a rice face mask is not even a procedure, but a traditional beauty ritual. Why the remedy has been so valued since antiquity and how it transforms modern fashionistas?

Doctors, nutritionists and cosmetologists have rated rice as extremely useful product. When used internally, it will purify digestive system, reduce bad cholesterol, and make the figure more slender. If the cereal is used in the form of masks, then it endows the dermis with antioxidants and linoleic acid, which activate collagen synthesis. rice cosmetics- it's a secret perfect skin Oriental beauties, which is also available for the modern woman.

Benefits of rice face mask

Rice groats are successfully used in many dishes. It is difficult to imagine food without fragrant pilaf or delicious cabbage rolls, and admirers Japanese cuisine they just can't imagine life without sushi. And if in cooking cereals can already be considered traditional cereals, then in cosmetic purposes European women have little demand for it. And in vain!

The wise East has great respect for cereals, because a rice face mask can provide the following beneficial effects.

  • Slow down aging. Rice is rich in vitamins and minerals. Among them: the well-known vitamin of youth - E, which promotes cell renewal and regeneration. As well as silicon, which provides the skin tightened effect, and selenium, the strongest antioxidant.
  • Wrinkle smoothing. The cereal is rich in fats that stimulate collagen synthesis in tissues. It is known that the deficiency of such cells leads to early aging of the dermis. Regular use of rice masks allows you to turn back the clock and smooth out the first wrinkles.
  • Whitening. The starch in rice is a powerful weapon against age spots, freckles. It gently but effectively whitens the skin.
  • Color enhancement. The combination of a large amount of vitamins, especially PP and B3, allows you to refresh the shade of the dermis, eliminate inflammatory reactions. Cosmetologists say that it is nicotinic acid (or vitamin PP) that makes the skin glow.
  • Hydration. Due to the content of potassium, rice masks are able to restore water balance even in very dry epidermis.
  • Elasticity improvement. Starch provides elasticity to the skin, phosphorus helps to improve the tone of the dermis, and silicon tightens the tissues, outlining the natural oval of the face.
  • Getting rid of rashes. Rice masks well reduce the greasiness of the dermis, cleanse the pores. For young beauties, such products are recommended as powerful remedy from oily sheen, acne, comedones.

Reviews of cosmetologists show that a rice face mask solves the problems of a young dermis, supports a mature epidermis, and restores fading integuments. But in order for a useful cereal not to deceive your expectations, you must use it correctly. healing power. How? Stick to the five rules.

  1. Mask selection. When choosing a skin care product, you need to consider your type of dermis. The wrong choice can provoke an increase in greasiness or lead to excessive drying of the integument.
  2. Skin preparation. Before applying the mask, the face must be cleaned with a tonic, gel or milk. Women with oily coats are advised to start with steam cleaning. This procedure will open the pores, cleanse the dermis and enhance the effectiveness of the mask. Withering dermis can be wiped with an ice cube before the session. It will also open up the pores as much as possible. If the skin is different excessive dryness, then before applying the product, the face must be lubricated thin layer olive oil.
  3. Application. On the prepared skin, the mixture is applied in a thick layer, for about 15-20 minutes. To reach best effect it is recommended to apply warm mask whose temperature is equal to the temperature of the body.
  4. Removing the mask. You can wash off the mixture with a decoction of herbs, warm water, milk, mineral water. After the procedure, the dermis must be soothed nourishing cream. Dry skin can be supported with moisturizing cosmetics or olive oil.
  5. Regularity of procedures. Rice masks are indicated for prevention once every nine to ten days. With an enhanced fight against aging of the dermis, it is recommended to repeat the procedures once a week. To rid the face of acne, various rashes, black dots, it is necessary to carry out masks in one or two days. The course of such treatment of the epidermis usually includes ten masks.

Rice mixtures are most useful for fading, tired and problematic dermis. And representatives too sensitive skin cosmetologists advise to refrain from this cosmetics.

A selection of the best recipes

Grain ground into flour is a good abrasive. Therefore, rice remedy is often recommended as a cleansing scrub for oily, problematic dermis. To use cereal for dry skin suffering from peeling, tightness, it is recommended to combine it with fermented milk products or vegetable oils.

The following masks will provide good results.


Japanese women use such a tool for dry integument. The mask allows you to saturate the dermis with vitamins, minerals, and moisturize it with high quality. The mixture has a whitening effect, improves blood flow, strengthens blood vessels.


  • Rice in boiled form - two tablespoons.
  • Spirulina - four tablets.
  • Jojoba oil - five drops.
  • Chicken yolk - two.

How to do

  1. Spirulina must be crushed into powder.
  2. Boiled rice is ground through a fine sieve.
  3. The yolks are pre-beaten in a separate bowl.
  4. Crushed spirulina is mixed with grated rice and beaten yolks.

This mask can also be used to moisturize oily dermis or combined. But in this case, the yolks are replaced egg whites, which are carefully whipped into a steep foam.


A mixture that combines rice and oatmeal is recommended for deep peeling greasy skin. The mask gently exfoliates dead cells, eliminates impurities from the pores. The tool allows you to normalize the functioning of the subcutaneous glands, so that the face loses its oily sheen.


  • Rice groats - two teaspoons.
  • Oatmeal - two teaspoons.
  • Yogurt (you can take kefir) - four teaspoons.

How to do

  1. Oatmeal is mixed with rice.
  2. The resulting mixture is ground in a coffee grinder to the state of flour.
  3. The mixed powder is combined with yogurt and the product is well kneaded.


The cereal is naturally endowed with the ability to whiten the dermis. And when combined with lemon juice this effect is multiplied. The whitening mask eliminates age spots, relieves pigmentation, and fights freckles.


  • Raw rice - four tablespoons.
  • Lemon juice - two tablespoons.
  • Water - two tablespoons.

How to do

  1. The cereal is ground into flour.
  2. Juice is squeezed from fresh citrus. Lemon drink is combined with water in equal proportions.
  3. Rice flour is mixed with diluted lemon juice.


A good solution would be a rice flour mask with the addition of apple-orange puree for a face that is dull and tired. The vitamin mixture will be able to energize the epidermis, saturate it with useful ingredients, restore lost strength and elasticity.


  • An apple is half a medium fruit.
  • Orange is half a citrus.
  • Yogurt (without fillers) - about four tablespoons.

How to do

  1. Apple and orange are peeled and seeds are removed. Thoroughly grind them to a puree.
  2. The apple-orange mixture is added to the rice flour.
  3. The product is diluted with yogurt.
  4. The mask is put in the refrigerator for half an hour, so that the remedy is infused.
  5. Before applying to the face, the mixture is slightly warmed up.

Against acne

White cereal flour is endowed with an antiseptic effect. It allows you to neutralize bacteria that cause on the dermis acne. The mask, in addition to the rice component, contains aloe and honey, which provide softening properties to the product. Cosmetologists advise using a mask for comedones, acne, to even out the tone and eliminate redness.


  • Rice flour - three tablespoons.
  • Honey - two teaspoons.
  • Aloe juice - three tablespoons.

How to do

  1. Juice is squeezed from the aloe plant (it is desirable to use the lower fleshy leaves).
  2. Rice flour is mixed with plant juice.
  3. Honey is added to the mixture.
  4. Add water if necessary.


This scrub mask is another option. effective fight with pimples. The mixture well cleanses the skin of black spots, relieves it of dead epithelium. The mask provides smoothing of the skin and polishes it well.


  • Rice flour - one tablespoon.
  • Sugar - half a tablespoon.
  • Wheat flour - half a tablespoon.
  • Honey - one tablespoon.
  • Milk - two tablespoons.

How to do

  1. Sugar is mixed with rice and wheat flour.
  2. The mixture is diluted with warm milk.
  3. Then honey is added and the product is mixed well.

From rashes

Strong cleansing properties, as women's reviews show, have a sage-based rice facial mask. The product well cleanses the skin from various rashes, pimples, acne, comedones. Provides relief from inflammatory reactions, eliminates pathogenic flora.


  • Dry sage grass - one tablespoon.
  • Hot water - one glass.
  • Rice flour - two tablespoons.
  • Honey - one tablespoon.

How to do

  1. Sage should be poured with a glass of boiling water. The container is covered with a lid and the herb is infused for about one hour. Then filter well.
  2. Two tablespoons of the resulting infusion is mixed with rice flour.
  3. Add honey to the mixture and mix well.
  4. After removing the product from the face, the skin must be wiped with the remnants of sage infusion. This will greatly enhance the anti-inflammatory effect of the mask.


The mask softens and nourishes the skin well. It evens out the shade of the dermis, eliminates peeling, and provides light peeling. Rice flour polishes the dermis, removes toxins, and helps narrow pores. Oatmeal eliminates the roughness of the epidermis. And walnuts well tighten the oval of the face.


  • Rice flour - one teaspoon.
  • Oatmeal (ground) - 1 teaspoon
  • Walnuts (crushed to a state of flour) - one teaspoon.
  • Ripe banana gruel - two teaspoons.
  • Cream (or milk) - two teaspoons.

How to do

  1. The ground rice is combined with oat flour. Chopped walnuts are added to the mixture.
  2. Banana puree is added to the product.
  3. To obtain the desired consistency of the mask, the agent is diluted with warm cream (for dry covers) or milk.

It is this recipe that is used in Thai salons. And according to cosmetologists, the mixture really allows you to get a snow-white even skin without flaws.


Cosmetologists advise using this mask to tighten the oval, “draw” the contours of the face, and eliminate wrinkles. The tool strengthens tissues well, moisturizes the dermis, gives it strength and energy.


  • Rice flour - two tablespoons.
  • Egg white - one.
  • Glycerin - one tablespoon.

How to do

  1. Flour is mixed with glycerin.
  2. Beat the egg white separately until foamy.
  3. Rice-glycerin mixture is mixed with egg foam until smooth.


Rice products allow you to improve appearance mature dermis. They saturate it with vitamins, give it a natural shade, even out the structure. The mask with the addition of sea buckthorn and vitamins A, E nourishes the tired dermis well, rejuvenates it, and launches a powerful process of tissue repair. Perfectly relieves the rice mask for the face from wrinkles, age spots, flabbiness.


  • Rice flour - two tablespoons.
  • Sea buckthorn oil - seven drops.
  • Egg yolk - two pieces.
  • Vitamin A - one ampoule.
  • Vitamin E - one ampoule.

How to do

  1. Rice flour is mixed with egg yolks.
  2. Sea buckthorn oil is added to the mixture and mixed thoroughly.
  3. Vitamins are injected into the mask.
  4. If necessary, you can dilute a thick mixture of yogurt or kefir.

For smoothness

One of the favorite masks of Japanese women has become the one that combines unique power rice, the whitening effect of milk and the rejuvenating effect of honey. Such a tool is able to tighten the covers, give them elasticity and smoothness.


  • Rice groats (raw) - three tablespoons.
  • Milk - one tablespoon.
  • Honey - one tablespoon.

How to do

  1. Rice is poured with water and boiled well. Then the cereal is drained and washed under running water.
  2. Boiled rice is poured with milk and thoroughly rub the mixture until smooth.
  3. Honey is added to the resulting slurry and the mask is kneaded.

Rice face mask at home will improve the structure of the skin, eliminate acne, smooth out wrinkles. As evidenced by the reviews, such funds really have many advantages. With minimal effort, you can keep your youth for a long time.

Hello friends!

For a long time I wanted to understand why rice flour is so popular in China...

But not how food product but as a skin care product.

And today I decided to do it, to find out everything about how rice flour is used for the skin and why it is so useful for it!

From this article you will learn:

Rice flour for skin - secrets of application

Cultures of various cereals, even after they have been processed in the form of grinding, contain an incredibly large amount of useful substances, from which there is a benefit not only for the whole organism as a whole, but also for the skin.

Rice flour is no exception to this.

China is the world leader in manufacturing in the world. He was the first country where they began to receive and use rice flour not only for food, but also in caring for their appearance.

In oriental cosmetology, rice flour has been used for a very long time. She is one of the favorite means for rejuvenation and whitening of the face by Chinese beauties. For peeling it is used and japanese geisha. The effect of the application is amazing, and allergic reactions are not capable of occurring.

Nutrients included in its composition effectively tighten and smooth the skin. In this regard, it is widely used in cosmetology.

Based on it, a variety of masks are prepared.

Rice flour - what is it and how is it useful?

The basis for obtaining rice flour is.

They are subjected to careful grinding. It can be purchased in stores, or you can cook at home.

Its distinctive feature is that it is easily absorbed by the body.

As a result, it has been widely used in baby food.

But baking a cake from such flour will not work. The fact is that it contains little. Therefore, a yeast cake and bread will not come out of it.

The absence of gluten in such flour causes such a circumstance in which it is digested in the stomach and absorbed by the body very easily.

This is relevant for people suffering from pathology. digestive tract prone to constipation and flatulence.

Chemical composition of rice flour

It has a variety of content. various substances, which have undoubted benefits for our body.

All of them are in it in a balanced state.

Main active ingredients:

  1. There is a lot of sugar in this flour. All of them are represented by mono- and disaccharides.
  2. It has a very rich composition of amino acids. The special value of flour lies in the fact that in its composition it contains essential amino acids, which are not formed in the body, but must be supplied to it only from the outside. It also contains a number of essential amino acids.
  3. The list is very diverse in its composition, which includes fatty acids of absolutely all groups. Of particular value are polyunsaturated fatty acids. They are represented by linoleic and linolenic acids. Their role for the body is simply enormous. Suffice it to say that they affect the elasticity of the vascular stack, thereby ensuring normal blood flow.
  4. The vitamin composition of rice flour is simply huge. Here are vitamins of almost all groups. The leading role in this vitamin set belongs to vitamins, representatives of group B. The role of vitamin B 5 is to regulate all types of metabolism. As a result of a lack of pantothenic acid, damage to the skin and mucous membranes occurs. Other vitamins are also present. Nicotinic acid takes part in the processes of oxidation and reduction. Its deficiency in the body bad influence on the state skin.
  5. Rice flour is rich in dietary fiber. Their role in the body for digestion is well known.
  6. Diverse and rich mineral composition rice flour. It is represented by various mineral elements, the amount of which in it is also different. Most of all it contains manganese. Its content reaches 60%. Quite a lot is contained.
  7. It also contains starch.

Rice flour for skin - beneficial properties

Rice flour is especially widely used in cosmetology. And this is not at all accidental.

Its widespread use is due to the content in it of a large number of substances whose effect on the skin is simply unique:

  • Rice flour is used to whiten the skin. In this case, the skin acquires additional softness. This is due to the content of starch in the product. In addition, the complexion is evened out. And this is achieved due to the content of nicotinic acid in the flour;
  • flour is able to relieve inflammatory changes on the skin. She kind of calms her down. This effect is provided by the presence of choline and folic acid in it;
  • under the influence of masks, which include rice flour, the cellular composition of the skin is updated. This circumstance causes the disappearance of wrinkled folds and relieves wrinkles. The skin looks smoother and firmer. This effect becomes possible due to the fact that the antioxidants that are included in it are present in sufficient and varied amounts. Silicon and vitamin H also contribute to this;
  • crushed cereal contains potassium. As a result, even too dry skin is abundantly moisturized. But fats are credited with the role of additional collagen production;
  • in addition, rice flour eliminates pore pollution. If they are too wide, they can often become clogged. Flour eliminates such conditions.
  • Dead skin cells are removed with rice flour. This helps to reduce skin sagging. Rice flour scrub is especially effective.

Rice flour for skin - recipes for masks

In cosmetology, there are a fairly large number of recipes for face masks based on rice flour. Any woman can make them at home.

  • Whitening face mask with rice flour

It is not difficult to prepare such a mask, but it will allow you to get rid of age spots. Rice combined with kefir will be an excellent tool for these purposes.

To do this, rice is poured with water for 60 minutes, and then crushed using a blender.

Two spoons of rice flour are mixed with one spoon of kefir. A little honey is added to this mixture. The mask is applied to the face for 1/3 hour. After that, of course, it must be washed off.

  • Rice flour for acne

If the skin has such unpleasant phenomena as acne, then a mask with rice flour for acne will be very effective.

Such a mask in combination with sage herb will be very effective. Rice bran in the amount of two tablespoons is mixed with the same amount of sage tincture.

You need to add some honey. The mask is applied for 15 minutes and then washed off.

  • Rice flour for the skin around the eyes

You can use rice flour to make an eye mask.

To do this, a spoonful of rice flour is combined with two tablespoons of sour cream. It is applied to the area around the eyes. After that, the mask is washed off using cool water.

  • Rice flour neck mask

Rice flour masks are also used for the neck. Rice must be ground in a coffee grinder. Protein and fennel extract are introduced into it in the amount of a few drops.

If it is not at hand, then you can use any essential oil.

The mask is applied to the skin of the neck and wrapped with a towel for three hours.

Contraindications to the use of rice flour

Due to its naturalness and low ability of rice to cause allergic reactions, rice flour masks have practically no contraindications.

The only exception is that masks should not be applied to damaged skin.

Well, here it is, it is effective, this rice flour for the skin.

Girls, use for beauty!

Alena Yasneva was with you, bye everyone!

Rice is a traditional oriental remedy used to beautify the face, get rid of wrinkles and other skin problems.

The cosmetic properties of rice are unique. In its composition:

  • ceramides (protect the skin from damage and help maintain elasticity and skin youth),
  • tyrosine,
  • allantoin,
  • ferulic acid, which whiten the skin, relieves inflammation and redness.

Rice differs from other cereal crops in that it does not cause allergic reactions, since it does not contain gluten - a specific protein that can provoke allergies.

Rice also has the ability to remove toxins from the body (respectively, the skin). It contains amino acids involved in the process of creating new cells, fats that whiten the dermis, as well as powerful antioxidants, such as vitamin C and gamma oryzanol.

Rice is also rich in such vitamins:

  1. E (vitamin of youth);
  2. D (tones),
  3. B (stimulates cell regeneration, promotes blood flow to tissues);
  4. B1 (prevents early aging skin);
  5. B2 (contributes to gaining healthy color face, facilitates cellular respiration).

The composition includes many minerals:

  1. calcium,
  2. potassium,
  3. phosphorus,
  4. iron,
  5. amino acids and fats.

Operating principle

Regular use of the rice mask relieves skin flabbiness, wrinkles, moisturizes, makes the skin radiant and clean.

The principle of operation is that its components:

  • gently remove, exfoliating, dead cells,
  • cleanse,
  • nourish and whiten the skin.

The rice mask will also eliminate excess shine and give the face even tone with a matte finish.

For maximum effect, which should be produced with a rice mask, some recommendations must be followed:

  1. such masks are made from rice flour, you can also grind whole grains of rice with a coffee grinder;
  2. the recipe for the mask must be selected, focusing on your skin type;
  3. the mask is recommended to be applied to steamed skin, with the most open pores;
  4. it is necessary to use this remedy no more than once every 7-10 days;
  5. The mask must be kept on the face for at least 20 minutes.


The rice mask has no contraindications, except for one: it cannot be used by people with vascular diseases skin, including rosacea.

Video: Cooking rules

Recipes for rice masks for wrinkles

You can prepare a rice mask for wrinkles at home according to the following recipes:

  1. in boiled half a cup of white rice, washed cold water, pour milk (2 tablespoons), knead to get a homogeneous mass. The mask must be cooled, applied to the face for 20 minutes;
  2. Mix 50 g of rice flour with oatmeal ground in a coffee grinder in a ratio of 1:4. Add, pre-chopped, a walnut kernel and a small piece of banana (preferably overripe). Grind, bring water to the state of liquid sour cream. Insist 10 minutes. The mask perfectly tightens the oval of the face, reduces puffiness, flabbiness of the skin, swelling;
  3. "double wrinkle": spirulina - 4 tablets, 2 teaspoons of sour cream and rice flour, half of whipped protein (for dry skin, replace with yolk). Mix all the ingredients, keep on the face for 20-25 minutes;
  4. Boil half a cup of rice in a glass of water, mash until smooth, add honey (3 tablespoons) to this mixture, grind and add a teaspoon of pearl powder. Apply the mixture for 20-25 minutes;
  5. take 40 gr. rice flour, 2 chicken egg yolks, a teaspoon sea ​​buckthorn oil, vitamins A, E (sold in a pharmacy). Separate the yolks, mix with rice flour, sea buckthorn oil, add a little milk (for sensitive and dry skin) or yogurt (for combination or oily dermis). Wash off after 20 minutes, then use your regular moisturizer. To combat both mimic and deep wrinkles, it is effective to apply the mask in courses (12–15 sessions each) once every 6 months;
  6. Pour 2 tablespoons of rice flour with 3 tablespoons of natural honey, preheated a little, apply for 15 minutes on the face, rinse;
  7. mix 1 tablespoon of rice flour, yogurt, and vegetable oil of your choice, add chopped aloe leaf, 2 tablespoons of chopped parsley, and white clay, apply on face, décolleté for 20 minutes;
  8. boil half a glass of rice with milk, grind this mass to a puree state, add a teaspoon of olive oil and 2-3 drops of essential rose oil: this mask very effectively moisturizes and fortifies the dermis;
  9. to two tablespoons of rice flour, add a tablespoon of heavy cream (good for dry skin) or milk (for oily and combination skin), apply on steamed face skin for 20 minutes;
  10. classic recipe Japanese mask: strain cooked rice (quarter cup). Do not pour out the remaining liquid after cooking. Pour a tablespoon of a little warmed milk into this boiled and washed rice, knead to a mushy mass, add honey (a tablespoon).

Apply the mask for half an hour, then rinse with the remaining rice water. This water has excellent moisturizing properties, is rich in antioxidants, and is able to absorb ultraviolet rays.

Distinctive property rice water is that it affects the process of slowing down the production of melanin pigment. And the less melanin, the less chance the appearance of age spots. Such water significantly lightens existing stains.

This water can be used as a facial tonic in the mornings and evenings and should be stored in the refrigerator for 3-4 days. It is also very good to freeze rice water in the form of cubes and wipe your face with them, this effectively refreshes the skin.

In order for the grain masks to be as effective as possible, you need to cleanse your face well with scrubs:

  1. rice and coffee scrub: 1 teaspoon of crushed coffee and rice beans mix, pour 2 tbsp. tablespoons of milk (for normal skin) or kefir (you can natural yogurt) for the care of oily and mixed dermis. Keep the scrub on your face for about 7 minutes;
  2. rice and cottage cheese scrub: has excellent cleansing and moisturizing properties, nourishes the dermis. In the rice (2 tablespoons) crushed in a coffee grinder, add a tablespoon of cottage cheese (necessarily fresh) and 1 teaspoon of any vegetable oil. The mixture must be warmed up before use;
  3. Rice Oatmeal Scrub: a tablespoon of crushed rice grains and oatmeal mix, add yogurt (without preservatives). You should get a homogeneous thick mass. Apply scrub to clean face massage for 2-3 minutes.

Separate word area around the eyes

Masks are also successfully used in the area around the eyes, but here you need to be careful about the set of ingredients added to the mask, since the skin around the eyes is very delicate and vulnerable.

  1. mix a tablespoon of rice flour and two tablespoons of sour cream, gently apply to the area around the eyes, rinse gently after 15 minutes. Under no circumstances should you rub delicate skin in the area around the eyes;
  2. peel a large potato, chop on a fine grater, add 2 teaspoons of milk and 1 teaspoon of rice flour. You can apply first to gauze, and then apply to the eyes. Wash off with cool water;
  3. add egg yolk to 1 tablespoon of banana pulp, a tablespoon of rice flour, apply to the area around the eyes for 5-15 minutes.
  1. any type of rice is useful for masks, but if possible, it is better to use brown, as it contains more vitamins;
  2. do not make masks more than twice in 7-10 days, otherwise the frequency metabolic processes slow down in the skin. After a month of use, change the rice mask to another one. And after a month of using another mask, you can apply again this mask;
  3. rice mask does not need to be done for the future, because the active components of the mask lose their useful properties very quickly;
  4. in order for the mask to bring the maximum effect, you need to apply it on the face in a warm form, and steam the face first.

Rice is not only a valuable nutritious product, but also an effective cosmetic product. Even in ancient times in China and Japan, this particular cereal was used to rejuvenate, cleanse and whiten the skin of the face.

Today, a rice facial mask for wrinkles is also used. The rich mineral and vitamin composition makes it a cheap but quite effective cosmetic product that can always be used at home.

Rice face mask: a stunning effect is guaranteed

Clinical picture

What Doctors Say About Wrinkles

Doctor of Medical Sciences, plastic surgeon Morozov E.A.:

I have been doing plastic surgery for many years. Many have gone through me. famous people who wanted to look younger. Currently, plastic surgery is losing its relevance. science does not stand still, more and more new methods for rejuvenating the body appear, and some of them are quite effective. If you are unwilling or unable to seek help plastic surgery, I will recommend an equally effective, but the most budget-friendly alternative.

For more than 1 year on the European market there is a miracle drug for skin rejuvenation NOVASKIN, which can be obtained FOR FREE. In terms of efficiency, it is several times superior to Botox injections, not to mention all sorts of creams. It is easy to use and you will see the most important effect of it instantly. Without exaggeration, I will say that almost immediately small and deep wrinkles, bags under the eyes. Thanks to the intracellular effect, the skin is completely restored, regenerated, the changes are simply colossal.

Learn more>>

The secret of the effectiveness of rice face masks lies in the chemical rich composition of the natural component:

  • Vitamin B group - natural antiseptics that allow you to forget about acne, acne, pimples, black spots.
  • Vitamin H - allows you to make the skin of the face healthy, elastic, radiant due to its regenerative qualities.
  • Vitamin PP - makes the integument clean, healthy, strengthened.
  • Starch is a whitening natural ingredient that also softens the dermis, making it velvety.
  • Minerals - calcium and potassium, silicon and magnesium - make the skin supple, elastic, healthy. It is the minerals that retain moisture, do not allow the covers to dry out.
  • Fats - nourish and soften, stimulate the production of collagen, have a rejuvenating effect.

Even the simplest rice anti-wrinkle mask allows you to prolong youth, restore a radiant look to your skin. The preparation is simple, it also allows you to abandon expensive cosmetic procedures.

What beauty products from rice can be prepared at home?

Rice can always be used at home for cooking:

  • Anti-aging, whitening, healing masks;
  • Rice scrubs for skin cleansing.

It is the latter option that allows you to gently and carefully, but most importantly, inexpensively cleanse the skin of fat, dead cells, and dirt. For cooking, it is enough to grind the cereal with a coffee grinder. After mixing the product with soap or water, the rice scrub is applied to the surface of the skin and gently rubbed with soft massaging movements. Honey or egg yolk can also be used as a base.

How to achieve maximum effect?

A Japanese rice face mask for wrinkles, as well as a number of other compounds, are used to rejuvenate, cleanse, and improve the skin. To achieve the maximum effect from the application, it is enough to use the advice of experts:

  • Grind rice to a state of flour. If you use coarse flour to prepare the composition, the effect of use will be insignificant (minerals, vitamins, other useful components will absorb worse).
  • A rice face mask is being prepared at home for wrinkles, mainly from crushed unpolished cereal. It has a lot of nutrients and the most useful substances.
  • Skin before holding home procedure is pre-prepared. It is cleaned of dirt and sebum, after which it is thoroughly steamed.
  • Apply a rice mask on your face for 20-30 minutes, you can wear it longer. Less time will not allow all components to be absorbed.
  • You can repeat the procedure 2-3 times a month. This is quite enough to maintain cleanliness and health.

Numerous positive reviews O rice mask for the face from wrinkles indicate the effectiveness of the composition, its maximum benefit and safety. Dermatologists do not prohibit the use of the product more than three times a month.

Rice face masks for wrinkles

Nourishing and rejuvenating

Rice mask is prepared on the basis of flour (2 tsp), sour cream (2 tsp), half of the whipped protein and four spirulina tablets. You can find the last component in pharmacies, it is freely available. In order to mix the ingredients, they must be crushed. Protein is used as a liquid base, but it is recommended to use it when preparing a mask for oily and combination skin. If it is necessary to prepare a rice composition for wrinkles for dry skin, the protein should be replaced with the yolk. The agent is applied for 20-30 minutes.

with goat milk

If there is no such component, it can be replaced with cream. This nutritional composition which contains 3 tbsp. l. rice flour and 2.5 tbsp. l. goat milk(cream). A spoonful of liquid honey is added to the finished mixed mixture, after which the product should stand for 15 minutes. Apply the mask to a cleansed face.


Provides a quick tightening of the skin of the face. The anti-wrinkle mask is made from rice flour and oatmeal (proportion 1:4). Chopped is added to the mass Walnut and a piece of overripe banana. All components should be thoroughly mixed and let them brew. This is a unique tool that not only tightens the skin of the face, but also successfully fights swelling under the eyes, flabbiness and swelling of the skin.

Cleansing and revitalizing

For the preparation of a nourishing and regenerating anti-wrinkle mask, only whole rice is used. It should be filled with water and left to infuse overnight (at least 10 hours). Rice should be poured in a ratio of 1: 2. When the rice swells, it should be boiled (without washing and stirring). Use for the preparation of an anti-wrinkle mask, only the top layer is used. It should be rubbed until smooth and add egg yolks. Their number will depend on the desired consistency of the mask.

Drawing conclusions

If you are reading these lines, we can conclude that you are still looking for a way to rejuvenate your face and get rid of wrinkles that make you feel uncomfortable when you see them in the mirror.

We have investigated, studied a bunch of materials and most importantly tested most of the ways and means against wrinkles, ranging from folk methods and ending with the procedures that doctors can offer. The verdict is:

All means, if they gave, then only an insignificant temporary result. As soon as the procedures were stopped, after a few days everything came back.

The only drug that has shown significant results is NOVASKIN.

This serum is the best alternative botox. main feature that NOVASKIN acts instantly, i.e. In just a few minutes, you can see significant improvements!

This drug is not sold in pharmacy chains, but is funded by the Ministry of Health and distributed FOR FREE. Reviews about NOVASKIN can be read here.