How useful is honey massage for cellulite and how to do it at home? How to do honey massage for cellulite

The problem of cellulite worries many modern women. Cosmetologists successfully fight this deficiency with the help of various means, but natural honey is considered the most effective. Regular massage with bee product will give the skin elasticity, get rid of cellulite.

Honey against cellulite

A bee product is not a magical substance that gets rid of bad habits. Its excessive consumption leads to the accumulation of body fat. However, with moderate internal and local use, honey can cope with many problems. The nicotinic acid contained in its composition removes cholesterol and dilates blood vessels, which makes the product ideal for the skin. In addition, honey contains vitamin B2, which creates collagen, which is the main building material of the skin.

The beneficial properties of honey for the skin are used by cosmetologists, because with the help of a beekeeping product, the epidermis is deeply cleansed, lymphatic outflow improves, and cellulite fats dissolve. The process of honey massage strengthens women's health, improves metabolic processes in the internal organs, so getting rid of extra kilos is faster.

Honey anti-cellulite massage

Penetrating deep into the skin, the bee product combines with accumulated toxins and is easily removed along with them in the process of special massage techniques. As a result, turgor increases, subcutaneous fat dissolves. Among other things, massage with honey from cellulite provokes the activation of the production of elastin and collagen, improves lymph flow, frees the body from excess fluid. The procedure not only removes the external signs of orange peel, but also eliminates the cause that caused them - from circulatory disorders in small vessels. The course of honey massage from cellulite is indicated for:

  • subcutaneous fat deposits of 1 and 2 degrees;
  • myositis;
  • osteochondrosis (stage of remission);
  • obesity
  • neuralgia;
  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • mental and physical overwork;
  • sleep disorders;
  • reduced immunity;
  • sciatica;
  • radiculitis.

Honey massage for weight loss

You can remove stretch marks after childbirth, make the stomach elastic, and help in losing weight on the sides in a short time if you take a course of anti-cellulite massage with honey. According to the reviews of women who have undergone such a procedure, it can be argued that using this method it is easy to reduce the waist by 10 cm. For such a quick weight loss, strict diets and additional physical activity are not required. After the massage course, the skin on the abdomen ceases to be flabby, the signs of orange peel disappear, stretch marks turn pale. Massaging the belly with slimming honey improves the contours of the whole body.

Honey foot massage

People who lead a sedentary lifestyle often have problems not only with the skin of the legs, but also with varicose veins in the lower extremities. With a lack of physical activity, their blood supply is disturbed, which contributes to the manifestation of cellulite and varicose veins. The procedure with the use of honey not only contributes to the weight loss of the upper zones, but also solves the issue of swelling of the lower extremities. Honey massage from cellulite for legs has a regenerating and bactericidal effect on the skin, starts metabolic processes, which helps to eliminate orange peel.

Honey back massage

The effect of the bee product on the skin is known. This is one of the best methods of healing the joints of the back and spine. Honey massage of the back of the body helps with lung diseases, copes with pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, hernia of the spine. Anti-cellulite back massage makes lymph and blood circulate in problem areas with a vengeance, which leads to a rapid decrease in subcutaneous fat. It also triggers reflex processes that affect the proper functioning of internal organs.

Thigh massage with honey

To break the fat layer on the thighs in just a few procedures, massaging the skin with honey will also help. At the same time, it does not matter what type the product will belong to - buckwheat, linden or sunflower. Properly performed honey massage for the thighs will be effective in any case. The procedure is often accompanied by painful sensations and even peeling of the stratum corneum. After the first session, bruises may appear on the thigh, but this is normal. With each subsequent procedure, they will gradually disappear.

Anti-cellulite massage with honey at home

The fight against orange peel does not have to be fought in the salon. No less natural honey from cellulite at home helps. If you need to lose weight, then you should also adhere to proper nutrition and physical activity. It takes about 15 minutes to massage the body on your own. For the best effect, it is desirable to add essential oils to honey (lemon, orange, lavender, eucalyptus, juniper). The ratio of additives: for one teaspoon of bee product - 5 drops of aroma oil.

How to do honey massage for cellulite

This is a simple but painful procedure. The technique of honey anti-cellulite massage is performed first with light pats and stroking with the palms, and then the movements become stronger and sharper. Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Mix the ingredients: add essential oil to honey. The mass must be warm.
  2. Warm up your body in a sauna, bath or bath. Then apply a layer of the prepared mass to the problem area. Wait a few minutes for honey to play the role of a nourishing mask.
  3. Move your hands clockwise without lifting from the skin. Then firmly press your palms to the desired area and tear off sharply. With this movement, retraction of the skin is observed.
  4. The final step is to cleanse the skin. Then you should apply an anti-cellulite or moisturizing cream to the treated area.

How often to do honey massage for cellulite

Anti-cellulite massage technique requires regular performance. The best effect is achieved after 10-15 procedures, which are carried out every other day. We must try not to take breaks between sessions for more than 2 days. The visible effect is already noticeable after 5-7 procedures. The maximum result will be visible only two weeks after completion. Honey massage against cellulite should be repeated no earlier than three months after the end of the course. The advantage of this method lies in the fact that even chronic skin defects can be corrected.

Honey is a product loved by everyone since childhood. It is eaten simply as a delicious sweet, used for cooking, as well as in folk medicine and cosmetology. Honey masks have long been famous for their beneficial effects on the skin. They not only rejuvenate, give smoothness, but also destroy harmful bacteria.

The beautiful half of humanity especially liked the honey massage, which eliminates cellulite, stretch marks and flabbiness. A full course of procedures is able to remove the hated orange peel, model the contours of the figure, nourish the covers with vitamins.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of massage is that it is not necessary to attend expensive sessions in the salon. Naturally, a professional guarantees a long and lasting result. But having studied the technique of execution, it can easily be done at home on your own.

The procedure also has other advantages:

  • availability of ingredients;
  • high efficiency compared to other cosmetic methods (masks, peeling, body wraps);
  • elimination of toxins;
  • improvement of the skin condition - rejuvenation, smoothing, cleansing of dead horny cells, pulling out impurities from the pores;
  • reduction of signs of stretch marks;
  • normalization of blood circulation in tissues, as a result of which cells are rapidly renewed, metabolic processes are launched, and lymph outflow is restored.

However, the use of honey has disadvantages:

  • high risk of developing allergic reactions;
  • many contraindications;
  • high probability of hematoma formation;
  • soreness.

Honey massage refers to the methods of reflexology. After all, its effectiveness is due more to the biologically active components in the product than in the massage itself.

Through the pores, honey is able to penetrate deep into the subcutaneous fat. There, its action manifests itself like a sponge. It absorbs toxins and slags from tissues, and then safely brings them out.


Honey is considered a product of animal origin, so it is not suitable for everyone. It is advisable to consult a doctor before starting its use, especially if there are any chronic diseases.

The massage procedure is contraindicated in such cases:

  • with hypersensitivity, allergies, bronchial asthma and individual intolerance to bee products;
  • at any stage of varicose veins;
  • in the presence of oncology in the body;
  • people with bleeding disorders;
  • with diabetes;
  • during periods of elevated body temperature and fever;
  • with pathologies of the thyroid gland;
  • if there are infectious, inflamed or purulent rashes on the skin, open wounds.


To evaluate the effectiveness of honey massage against cellulite, it is necessary to have an idea about the mechanism of pathology.

The cells that make up subcutaneous fat are called adipocytes. They convert the sugars that come with food into calories needed to meet the energy needs of the body. The excess is stored as fat.

For this reason, changes occur in the tissues:

  • capillaries are weakened and edema is formed - the first symptoms of cellulite;
  • from a lack of blood supply, adipocytes are grouped into nodes, which leads to the appearance of an orange peel;
  • in advanced cases, the nodes increase and thicken, and the surface of the integument becomes bumpy.

Honey massage is effective only at stages 1 and 2 of the pathology.

With the right technique, deep cleansing of the pores from impurities occurs. The product absorbs toxins and literally pulls them out of the tissues. Mechanical action stimulates blood circulation and saturation of cells with oxygen.

Reviews of girls who regularly do the procedure are extremely positive. Within a month, body volumes are reduced by 2–4 cm, and the integument is noticeably smoothed out. To achieve the result, it will take about 20 sessions every 1-3 days, depending on the reaction of the skin.

Unfortunately, honey massage will not correct severe tissue deformation and will not get rid of pronounced bumps. More aggressive methods (for example, liposuction, cavitation) will help here.

How to prepare for the procedure

An important point at the preparation stage is the choice of honey. It must be natural and without additives. Therefore, it is better to buy it from the manufacturer in the apiary. Any flower will do - buckwheat, linden, sunflower or mixed.

Immediately before the procedure you need:

  • wash thoroughly under a warm shower or take a bath to soften the epithelium;
  • use a scrub or peeling to improve the patency of the pores;
  • dry the skin;
  • to warm up, briefly massage the integument with your hands, a brush or a roller massager without using oil or lotion.

Mixing with other components

Massage can be done both with pure honey and with the addition of essential oil (for 1 tsp. 3-5 drops).

Each fragrance has specific properties that must be considered when choosing:

  • orange- relieves fatigue, improves mood;
  • lemon- invigorates, encourages physical activity;
  • grapefruit- relieves the effects of stress;
  • eucalyptus- fights against drowsiness;
  • lavender- relaxes, removes aggression;
  • mandarin– eliminates depression, returns a positive attitude;
  • juniper- tones.

Video: What tools will not help fix the problem

Technique for performing honey massage from cellulite at home

The most problematic places are not only the hips, but also the stomach, buttocks, and in some women the calves and knees. You need to massage all areas in turn. The mixture is prepared at the rate of 1 tsp. for each zone. A small amount of the resulting composition is rubbed in the palms and massage is started.

Initially, the execution technique is aimed at absorbing honey into the skin:

  1. With light pats, the mass is transferred to the covers.
  2. Then they are evenly distributed along the massage lines, trying not to tear the palms away from the body:
  • on the hips and buttocks moving from the coccyx to the sides;
  • on the legs - from the bottom up;
  • in the center of the abdomen - around the navel clockwise;
  • at the bottom of the abdomen, and then at the top under the ribs - from left to right and back;
  • at the waist - from the navel to the sides and in the opposite direction.

After the active ingredients penetrate deeply, the technique changes. Now you need to pull the harmful substances out. The palms are first glued to the epithelium, and then torn off by patting.

On sensitive areas, it is not necessary to use the entire surface of the hand. It is enough to carry out movements with the fingertips. It is important to listen to your own feelings. If severe pain occurs, reduce pressure and force of jerks.

If after a while a whitish thick mass began to stand out, then everything was done correctly. This is the excess of toxins, fat, pollution, which had to get rid of. The end of the procedure comes when there is severe discomfort or honey is over. On average, the duration of the session is from 20 to 40 minutes.

In conclusion, the covers are washed with warm water, carefully removing the remnants of honey, and lubricated with a nourishing cream or cosmetic oil. It is advisable to lie quietly for half an hour under a terry towel or a warm blanket.

Popular Mistakes

It is important to pay attention to common mistakes:

  1. Too much honey will spread over the body, and the massage will drag on for a long time. In addition, an overdose of the active substances in the product may occur.
  2. The procedure should not be carried out in a hot and humid room (including the bathroom). From heat, honey will simply melt, and the absorbed moisture will make it even more liquid. As a result, it will not stick strongly to the covers, so it will not be a massage, but a mask.
  3. Candied honey is not suitable for the procedure, as there are a lot of hard lumps in it. But it will make an excellent vitamin peeling.
  4. If there are even small dilated capillaries on the skin, then it is better to refuse massage. Honey is so deeply absorbed that it can disturb the blood vessels, provoke the development of varicose veins.
  5. There are often bruises after the procedure. To avoid this, you need to massage carefully, especially in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe inner thighs and abdomen. There, the skin is more tender, and hematomas on it heal for a long time.
  6. Do not refuse the procedure if pain is felt. As a rule, discomfort is present only at first. Gradually, the skin adapts.
  7. Immediately after the session, you can not go out into the open sun. Ultraviolet light can damage the top layer of the skin, leading to pigmentation and freckles.

Useful tips to help avoid complications and increase the effectiveness of the procedure:

  1. To exclude the risk of allergies, a test should be carried out before using honey. Apply a small amount of the product to the inner crease of the wrist, and rinse after 10-15 minutes. If within 12 hours there is no severe itching, redness and rash, then you can safely proceed to the massage.
  2. In girls with a low pain threshold, the skin is lubricated with oil before the procedure. So the adhesion of honey with it will be less. But efficiency will also decrease.
  3. It is not recommended to influence more than 3 zones per session. Honey massage from cellulite in one area at home should last at least 10 minutes.
  4. Manipulations are not carried out in the groin area, on the chest and neck, in the armpits. There are lymph nodes that should not be touched.

Honey massage is an effective way to reduce the appearance of cellulite and improve skin condition. But it is a mistake to believe that it also eliminates excess weight. The procedure only helps to shape and improve the contours of the figure, but the accumulated fat deposits will not go anywhere. To burn mass, you need to eat a balanced diet, exercise and devote more time to physical activity.

The procedure for honey anti-cellulite massage enjoys stable popularity. And this is not surprising, since the technique is really effective and brings a good, stable result.

Honey is a unique natural substance that helps to rejuvenate and refresh the skin. That is why it is so often used in cosmetology, in particular, when it comes to the fight against excess weight and even cellulite. Honey massage is one of the most effective ways to fight cellulite, and this option can be implemented at home.

Massage as a remedy for cellulite

What is cellulite?

Cellulite, or its more colloquial variant “orange peel”, is structural modifications in the subcutaneous fat layer that lead to pathologies - lymphatic outflow is disturbed, microcirculation in the body worsens.
This congestion in adipose tissue, which leads to its dystrophy.

Cellulite can also be called "a metabolic disorder in the human body." As a result, “blockage” occurs, that is, what, in theory, should have been removed from the cells, remains in them. Because of this, the cells begin to group, form solid “islands” in the connective tissue, which, in turn, block the lymphatic outflow, the process of blood supply. As a result, there is an excessive accumulation of calcium (calcification of fat cells).

Cellulite is easy to determine by the condition of the skin on the buttocks, thighs, abdomen, arms, legs, shoulders - it becomes uneven, with depressions and tubercles.

There is also compression of the nerve endings, painful sensations appear. And yet - cellulite cells attract water, which leads to swelling of the affected areas.

Honey in the fight against cellulite

Honey perfectly moisturizes, nourishes and softens the skin. It has such useful properties as a regenerating and bactericidal effect, stimulates fat and water-salt metabolism in cells, due to which the skin becomes elastic, its tone increases.

That is why honey is one of the important components of many nourishing masks, baths, creams, scrubs, and other beauty treatments.

Honey massage for beauty and body benefits

Honey massage against cellulite

Honey massage is an effective remedy for cellulite. It allows you to remove toxins from the body, cleanse the pores, saturate the skin with various useful elements.


The technique of honey massage in the fight against cellulite is contraindicated in:

  • Allergies to honey
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Varicose veins
  • Skin diseases such as fungus or dermatitis
  • Thrombosis.

Also, the procedure is not carried out:

  • Women during the menstrual cycle.
  • Women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • At elevated body temperature.
  • When intoxicated.
  • In the postoperative period.

Side effects

The honey massage procedure at home is quite painful. During the session itself, a person may experience discomfort associated with the fact that honey sticks to the palms. Reddening of the skin, even bruising, which disappear within a month, is also possible. This is due to the fact that the skin is inelastic, inelastic. For this reason, small capillaries can easily be damaged.

After the session, hematomas may appear on the body, but after several procedures, new bruises will not appear.

Care must be taken when performing honey massage. To avoid disruption of metabolic processes, honey is evenly applied throughout the body, and not just on problem areas (this is especially true for those who have chronic diseases).

How to do honey massage?

Features of the honey massage procedure

It is very good to warm the honey a little in a water bath before the procedure. During the session itself, you need to do not patting, but, on the contrary, sliding movements. This keeps the capillaries intact.

Duration, frequency and number of sessions

On average, the duration of a honey extract is five to ten minutes. The session should continue until the collected honey on the hands turns gray. This will be a “signal” that he was able to “pull out” old fat and toxins from the body.

Honey massage gives a very good result, but the effect of the procedure is not instant.. After the first session, it may even seem that the skin, on the contrary, has become rough and rough. After a few sessions, her condition will improve slightly, the procedure will no longer be so painful, and the skin itself will gradually become soft, tender, smooth and pleasant to the touch. To achieve this, massage is recommended every other day, at least three times a week. On average, the course should consist of 15 procedures.

You can repeat it in six months.

Preparation and process of massage

Preparing the skin for massage

To prevent the occurrence of side effects of anti-cellulite massage, in particular, hematomas, as well as painful sensations, the skin must be properly prepared. And this must be done in advance. Cosmetologists recommend appointing a day for the session.

Within a week before this date, you need to massage the skin daily, after a shower, with light, smooth movements of the palms. In this procedure, it is also good to use various aromatic oils, nourishing lotions. It is useful to drink a course of vitamins (vitamins A, E, C) - to pre-strengthen the skin.

Massage Recipes

For an effective procedure, you need to take natural honey. Linden, floral or herbs work well. The main thing is that it should be without additives. Very old, candied can not be used.

For one session, you only need a couple of teaspoons of honey. If desired, you can add a few drops of essential oil to it at the rate: for one teaspoon of honey - no more than five drops of oil. Essential oils have an anti-cellulite effect, such as:

  • Juniper.
  • Grapefruit.
  • Lavender.
  • Orange.
  • Mandarin.
  • Eucalyptus.

You can also prepare effective mixtures, for example, mix honey:

  • With lemon, eucalyptus & lavender essential oils.
  • With lemon, mint & lavender essential oils.
  • With lemon, lavender and orange essential oils.
  • With lemon and orange essential oils.

They must be prepared immediately before the session, all components of the mixture should be thoroughly mixed.

Honey massage technique

Honey massage is convenient to do in the bathroom. First, honey is applied to the problem areas with a thin layer (a few tablespoons, you can also add a couple of drops of essential oil to it) - it must be liquid, not candied, after which, with light finger movements, you need to start pressing on the skin surface.

The procedure can be painful. When the skin sticks to the palms that pull it up, discomfort can occur. But these moments are the most important, because, thanks to the movements of the hands, a “vacuum effect” is created. It is he who destroys all subcutaneous fat deposits. Therefore, the hands must be torn off the body, as sharply as possible.

During the session, you can see how a mass of light gray color begins to come out of the skin. Its quantity will gradually increase, it will begin to settle on the palms. This mass can be occasionally removed from hands by wiping them on a towel.

At the end of the procedure, you need to wash off the remnants of honey without soap and the use of various gels - just warm water with a soft washcloth. After that, it is recommended to lubricate the treated areas of the body with natural oil (for example, grape seed, almond or wheat germ), or a moisturizing nourishing cream.

  • If left untreated, this can lead to undesirable consequences, which can be found in our article.
  • Laser removal of spider veins can only be carried out by qualified specialists, learn about this and more from.

The benefits of honey massage have already been proven by many experts. This procedure allows a comprehensive approach to solving the problem of cellulite and is one of the varieties of reflexology. One such session combines both the massage technique itself and the healing effect of bee honey on the human body. In the complex there is:

  • Deep cleansing of the skin.
  • Removal of waste and toxins.
  • Finding lightness, freshness.
  • Improvement of blood circulation.
  • Deep nourishment of internal organs and tissues.
  • adsorption of toxins.
  • Body rejuvenation.

Honey massage is very useful. This is not just an excellent means of combating hated cellulite and extra pounds, but also a great way to keep fit in the face of all kinds of nervous tension, overload, stress. It helps to remove accumulated fatigue.

If you regularly do honey massages, then in a month you can reduce body volume by 3-4 centimeters and completely get rid of cellulite. The technique, indeed, provides a stable, good result, which will pleasantly please.

How to make a honey massage for cellulite: video

Massage is always pleasant and beneficial for the skin, especially if you use a product such as honey. This video shows exactly how to do this procedure.

The rhythm of life of a modern woman very often leads to various diseases, excess weight and cellulite. Constant stress, snacks, fast food, high heels, jeans - all this contributes to the appearance of "orange peel" on the legs and hips. The body is not able to independently cope with so many harmful substances that enter our body. As a result, these harmful substances are deposited under the skin and create bumps and dents. Removing cellulite is much more difficult than getting it. There are many ways. One of them is a honey massage for cellulite, reviews of which are only positive.

Honey will remove cellulite very quickly. In just 3-4 weeks, the "orange peel" on the legs and buttocks will be less noticeable or disappear altogether. Honey not only effectively smoothes the “orange peel”, but also improves skin condition. The skin becomes soft and tender, velvety and elastic. Honey helps to speed up metabolism, increases blood flow to the skin.

Honey against cellulite: recipes

This method is very popular in the villages. Villagers often bring honey to the bathhouse and smear it on the body. This procedure is considered beneficial for the whole body. The skin gets better. Be sure to smear honey on the chest to cure a sore throat or cough. Honey is also applied to the legs, abdomen and thighs to reduce subcutaneous fat deposits.

photographer Alexandra Kuklin

Honey massage against cellulite does not have to be done in the bath. Hot air, of course, has a very beneficial effect on the skin. The efficiency of the procedure is greatly increased. At home, this effect can also be achieved. Take a warm bath or hot shower, steam your skin properly.

Then apply honey on the body. Honey should be used thick, but not candied. Rub the honey into your skin in circular motions. After that, abruptly tear your palm away from your body. And start massaging again. You can also lightly pat yourself on problem areas smeared with honey.

The duration of the honey massage should be 5-10 minutes. After a few minutes of intense massage, the honey will turn gray. These are slags and other harmful substances that honey takes with it. Rinse honey with warm water.

If you do such a massage in good faith, then the first few sessions may seem a little painful. A minor side effect of this massage is bruising. Do honey massage from cellulite regularly, then the skin will quickly get used to such an effect.

During honey massage, it is better to apply honey to the whole body. Firstly, it will be useful to your entire body. And secondly, honey speeds up metabolic processes. If the honey is not applied evenly, an imbalance is possible.

Add a couple of drops of essential oil to honey. Choose those that burn fat and eliminate cellulite. Essential oils of grapefruit, tangerine, orange, lemon, juniper are perfect.

Who should not get a honey massage

No matter how useful and nutritious honey is, this anti-cellulite procedure is far from suitable for everyone. Anti-cellulite massage has contraindications, but they are few. The first thing you need to pay attention to is allergies and individual intolerance to honey. If you are not aware that you are allergic to honey, apply some honey to your skin. An excellent place to test may be the crook of your elbow. If after a while no rash or redness appears, then you tolerate honey normally.

A serious contraindication may be a thick hairline in the area of ​​​​the intended impact. Since honey is quite sticky, massage can become too painful and almost impossible. Fortunately, this contraindication in most cases does not apply to girls.

Do not do honey massage immediately after surgery, fractures, strokes or heart attacks. If you have experienced any of the above, you can only do honey massage six months after the incident.


  • oncological diseases
  • blood diseases
  • tuberculosis
  • viral diseases
  • elevated body temperature
  • increased pain threshold
  • allergy
  • wounds and lesions on the skin

With honey, you can also do a vacuum massage from cellulite. Be careful, this type of massage is contraindicated for women suffering from varicose asterisks on the legs. Apply honey on the body, massage problem areas a little. Then take a special rubber or silicone jar and start the massage. When exposed to such a jar, the skin will be sucked inward a little. This procedure perfectly breaks fatty stagnation, removes toxins from the body. It is recommended to periodically tear off the jar from the body.

Massage Recipes

Circular movements and patting are far from the only kind of honey anti-cellulite massage. You can get to know the massage technique better by watching the video of honey massage for cellulite.

Heat honey in a water bath. Mix it with sea salt in equal proportions. You will get a great massage mask. Apply this honey scrub on the body and rub the skin with your hands, gently massage the body.

Coffee is another wonderful product that smoothes out even neglected cellulite before our eyes. Mix 4 tablespoons of natural ground coffee with 8 tablespoons of honey. Hide this mixture for a week in a closet or pantry. Any other warm and dark place may be suitable. After a week, add a couple of drops of any essential oil to the coffee and honey mass. Then rub this mask into the skin, massage the legs, thighs, abdomen and buttocks.

Honey massage course - 15 sessions. Massage should not be done every day. It is better to carry out this procedure every other day. Then in a month you will remove up to five extra centimeters from your hips and get rid of cellulite.

You can learn more about honey massage from these videos:


Action on the body and skin. Indications and contraindications

Wraps with honey

With honey, you can do not only massage, but also body wraps. Mix 2 tablespoons of powdered milk with warm water. Add 4 tablespoons of natural honey. Mix the ingredients well. Apply this honey mass to problem areas of the body, wrap them with cling film. Then put on a bathrobe or just wrap yourself in a warm blanket. Wash off after 20 minutes.

Air does not enter under the film, as a result, the skin rots, the fat melts and leaves the body. After a few minutes, the temperature will rise, droplets of sweat will appear on the skin. This will enhance the effect of honey on the skin, its beneficial substances will penetrate deeper into the skin.

Detailed instructions from

Honey wrap is contraindicated for pregnant women and nursing mothers. If you have varicose veins, this procedure will not work for you either. It is worth doing such wraps several times a week.

It is useful to make cellulite masks with honey. Mix some liquid honey with grape juice. Add moisturizer. Apply this mask on your legs and buttocks and leave for half an hour. Wash off with warm water.


Christina, 21 years old:

I add rose essential oil to honey. Smells great. The skin becomes silky and soft. I have a special bath mitt, with its help it is very convenient to massage. I apply the mixture on my body, put a mitt on my hand and start rubbing the skin. The massage does not last long, usually after a couple of minutes the skin begins to turn red.

Anastasia, 27 years old:

And by the way, I sometimes use candied honey. Once I wanted to do a honey massage, so there was no fresh honey at home. Only a jar of old, already candied honey. I stirred a few tablespoons of honey with milk, warmed it up in a water bath. I got a great massage mix.

Julia, 24 years old:

Sometimes I take a bath with fragrant oils. As a rule, once a week. After that, I apply honey to the steamed skin and massage it a little. I also always take honey with me when I go to the bath. I think this is a great and fairly cheap tool.

Judging by the reviews of honey massage for cellulite, this universal remedy is useful for the whole body. The main thing here is regularity. If you massage with honey once a month, you should not expect results. It is best to do this massage every two to three days. In addition, honey masks, massages and wraps are an excellent prevention of “orange peel”. Try to sit on a non-strict one, do physical education. Of course, honey is the strongest remedy in the fight against cellulite, but you should not limit yourself to honey alone.

Pay attention to other methods of dealing with cellulite and problem skin:

  • Many factors confirm the effectiveness of women who have undergone a massage course and the enthusiastic looks of men, lightness and excellent mood.
  • - an effective, affordable and proven remedy for the successful fight against cellulite at home.
  • - a modern device that allows you to stimulate blood circulation and break down excess fat deposits in various parts of the body.
  • women arises due to a number of reasons: genetic predisposition, smoking, sedentary lifestyle, stress, tight clothing, hormonal influence, poor nutrition.
  • is one of the most effective methods used in the treatment of cellulite and the fight against stretch marks and wrinkles.

Honey anti-cellulite massage at home

Honey massage is used to combat cellulite and excess volume, remove toxins and improve the body. Make it easy at home. It does not require training or special devices. You will need honey.

It is better to take a fresh product. If the honey mass has thickened or sugared, heat it in a water bath so that it becomes more liquid and easier to apply to the skin.

The classic anti-cellulite honey massage is performed using honey alone, but many also add fine salt to it. In both cases, the effect is amazing.

How to do?

Prepare a cup of honey. Before starting the massage, it is recommended to warm up the skin - take a hot shower and rub the problem area with a brush. Then the body must be wiped dry. This is an important point, since honey massage is more difficult to do on wet skin, the hands will not adhere well to the body and in the end nothing will work. Therefore, it is recommended to do the procedure not in the bathroom, where there is high humidity, but in an ordinary room.

It is better if someone will help, because if you do the procedure yourself, your hands can quickly get tired. In addition, it is not always convenient to reach problem areas.

Apply honey in an even layer on warm but dry skin and start making cotton movements over the body. Pat your hands where there is cellulite. The clapping is slow - you seem to stick your hand to the body, and then abruptly tear it off. Many note that such a massage is painful and bruises remain after it.

Perform honey anti-cellulite massage at home for 5-15 minutes, depending on the sensations. Despite the fact that almost everyone knows about the benefits of the procedure, this activity is abandoned at the slightest pain. You should not do this - just shorten the massage time and do it more slowly and gently until the skin gets used to it.

After the procedure, rinse the honey with warm water. While the skin is breathing and the pores are open, apply an anti-cellulite agent or a mixture of olive oil and grapefruit essential oil (10 drops of essential oil per spoonful of base oil). Wrap yourself in cling film, a scarf and walk like this for another hour. This way you will get much better results.


Honey anti-cellulite massage is contraindicated for people with varicose veins and rosacea (spider veins). Caution should also be for those whose veins are located close to the surface of the body.

In these cases, they resort to another technique of honey massage, moreover, no less effective than the previous one. Add to 2 table. spoons of honey 1 teaspoon of fine salt, mix and apply on the body. Massage the skin with gentle circular motions, as if applying a scrub. Massage for 15 minutes, then rinse.

Such a massage will also increase blood circulation and make the skin smooth. This option is a great alternative for those who cannot do a classic anti-cellulite massage due to rosacea and the proximity of the veins.

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