Sleeve for full hands. Guide for a fat lady: how to hide fullness with clothes

Don't know how to hide full arms, especially the upper part? For you, we have collected several life hacks that will easily help you disguise what you don’t really like. Let's take a closer look at them.

The length of the sleeve

Whenever you put on a T-shirt or a short T-shirt, the whole part of your arm is visible. If you have any complexes about the volume of your hands, then choose T-shirts with long sleeves.

How to hide full hands? Make the horizontal sleeve vertical. You can turn the T-shirt up a little or sew on a twist. This will make you look slimmer and your arms won't look so bulky.

How to cover

Clothing that hides full arms: cardigan, poncho, jacket, organza capes. Any models will not highlight full arms, but focus on your beautiful waist or hips. In addition, such clothes are ideally combined with skirts, jeans, trousers, T-shirts, blouses and T-shirts.

If you are not satisfied with the volume of your hands, then try to pick up asymmetrical clothes or introduce any diagonal.

shoulder border

If your whole arm is quite voluminous, then you should carefully select clothes. It is recommended to refuse things with lowered shoulders, because they create the effect of "big shoulders". Especially for those who have an inverted triangle or apple body type. They have a larger top.

Tip: The line of the shoulder of the clothes should clearly match your shoulder.


The right bra should hug your upper body.

  • Make sure that the harness does not cut into the body, otherwise it will betray additional volume to the arm.
  • The cup of the bra should also not cut into the skin, because it is she who brings additional volume under the armpit.
  • If you have a wide chest, and you choose a bra with a standard chest arrangement, then part of the chest can be squeezed and go to the armpit, forming additional volume in the arm.

Your size

Try to choose things clearly according to your size. Clothing should never be tight and constrict your arms. Otherwise, all this will not look very nice, and you will experience constant discomfort. A small volume in the hand is needed so that the clothes fall freely over the hand and do not focus on extra volumes.

When you put on your clothes, raise your hands up and see if they are pulling your hands together.

Surplus 80s

If you think your arms are full, then forget about stretchy fabrics and flashy prints. A stretched print on the arm looks very ridiculous, and unpleasant fabric can bring a lot of discomfort. And the larger the print, the wider the hand will look.

How to hide full hands? Choose for yourself clothes from denser fabrics that do not stretch very much on the body (baize bike, calico, tapestry, jacquard, linen fabrics). It is best to choose clothes where there is no print at all in the arm area. And even if it is, then let it be very small.

Correct cut

Do not forget about the correct neckline on the top in the sleeve area. Quite often, it is too small, because of this, the fabric cuts into the skin, and part of the armpit peeks out from this. All this does not look very nice.

How to hide full arms with clothes: you need to choose cutouts that will not cut into the skin and will not pinch your hand. Cutouts on clothing should be sufficiently voluminous.

Sleeve styles

How to hide full hands? Take a look at these sleeve styles:

  • shuttlecock;
  • ¾ of a wide and flowing fabric;
  • with a cut;
  • sleeve made of translucent fabric;
  • bat sleeve;
  • ala kimono.

Dresses that hide full arms:

You will need

  • - corrective slimming underwear;
  • - dark clothes with a minimum of horizontal lines;
  • - shoes with high heels.


Soberly evaluate your figure by standing up in front of a large mirror. If you are not obese of the fourth degree, then not all parts of your body are problematic. Determine what needs maximum correction with the help of clothes, and what, on the contrary, can be safely shown. For example, a large belly will never look attractive, except for one case - when a woman is pregnant. But magnificent breasts are rather dignity, they do not need strong concealment.

Wear special shapewear: compression pants, bodysuits, shorts, tights and corsets. Slimming underwear is seamless and comes in three main colors: white, nude and black, i.e. it is designed in such a way as to be as invisible as possible under any clothing. It noticeably transforms the figure for the better: it compresses the most problematic areas: waist, hips, upper legs; and those parts of the body that can and should be emphasized (chest, back), lifts and supports. If the waist needs to be made as thin as possible, and the back is straight, a hard corset will help out.

Choose dark solid colors, because any white item visually seems larger than a similar black one. The same woman in dresses of the same style but different colors can look either fat or at a normal healthy weight. If you need to visually reduce any particular part of the body, then it should be dressed in a darker one, and vice versa.

In clothes, shoes and accessories, use horizontal lines to a minimum, and vertical lines to the maximum. The former visually add width to the figure, while the latter reduce this width. Moreover, the wider and rarer the horizontal stripes and the thinner and more often the vertical ones, the stronger the effect. It is better to refuse horizontal stripes on fabrics altogether, as well as square cutouts and “boat” cutouts on dresses and sweaters. All of the above adds horizontal lines to the silhouette, which means they shorten and thicken the figure. The V-shaped neckline, long vertical tucks and decorative stitching hanging down to the waist and below the bead thread “remove” the extra pounds.

Avoid sleeveless items. Full arms can spoil the impression of a person, even if the whole figure looks good. The fullness of the arms is better hidden by an elegant three-quarter sleeve.

Don't wear a mini. It is better to hide imperfect legs, besides, the mini very noticeably adds that same forbidden horizontal line to the silhouette, as if crushing and shortening the figure, visually expanding it. The ideal length of dresses and skirts for overweight women is a couple of centimeters covering the knee and, if appropriate, a maxi. Thanks to this technique, the legs will appear longer, slimmer, which means that the owner of these legs is also thinner.

Choose trousers if you have to choose between trousers and a skirt. The correct length of trousers for obese women and men is completely covering the heel in the shod leg. The correct silhouette is slightly flared downwards.

Shoes up to the middle of the calf, as well as shoes with ankle straps, can ruin any, even the most slender leg, shorten it, make it seem thicker. It's all about the notorious horizontal lines. Only one piece of clothing is suitable for such shoes - the one behind which you can not see where this shoe ends.

Give preference to shoes with high heels, stilettos are better, it gives the maximum effect. But even a thick, stable heel not only makes a person taller, but lengthens the leg, redistributes the load on the muscles so that a person is forced to keep his back straighter and draw in his stomach for balance. Any clothes on a figure improved in this way will look more advantageous.

Naturally, the first thing that comes to mind is things with voluminous sleeves: dresses, sweaters, jackets. They can be fitted and free, interesting cut, knitted, from dense and thin fabrics. Things with loose sleeves perfectly hide full arms, without depriving the figure of elegance.

Items with ¾ wide straight sleeves

Such models look stylish, fashionable and ideally mask full forearms, if necessary.

Shirts and blouses

That piece of clothing that can be safely called universal. The cut of shirts and blouses is perfect if you need to disguise full arms. Try rolling up your sleeves for a lighter look. In the summer, you can tie a shirt in a knot to further emphasize the waist line and make it visually narrower.

Hoodies and sweatshirts

Comfortable and cozy things that you can't do without if you want to try on an image in the style of sport-chic. In order for the sweatshirt to hide full forearms, its sleeves should not fit the arms. A good decision, take a model one size larger. Just do not think that it will visually make you fuller. On the contrary, the feeling of freedom and light volume will emphasize your elegance and fragility. Just like shirts, hoodies and sweatshirts look very stylish with rolled up sleeves.

Oversized things

Sweaters, jackets and other oversized garments will hide both full arms and imperfect forearms. The main thing is to combine them with things on the figure, so as not to look baggy. Pay attention to fashionable models today with exaggeratedly large and voluminous sleeves.

Things with a print

Multi-colored fabric has a unique ability to divert attention from problem areas, if any. If you want to hide full hands, pay attention to things with a print. A small pattern, for example, a cage, will look especially advantageous.

Soft yarn items

It is so nice to wrap up in knitted things. But besides this pleasant moment, they successfully hide full hands. Take a closer look at dresses and sweaters in large knits, loose cotton jumpers and other knitwear.


We must not forget about such a wardrobe item as a jacket. It will perfectly fit into outfits in different styles and will save the situation if you need to hide full hands. For example, if you decide to wear a silk tank top or even an open-top ball gown.

Top with a wide line of shoulders

If you still want to open your arms or it's hot outside, choose things of the right cut. Pay attention to models without cutouts, with a wide line of shoulders or bustier models, in which a straight neckline smoothly turns into small sleeves - such techniques visually distract attention from problem areas and make the silhouette visually much more elegant.

If you have full hands, then, built in the classical way, it can be narrow in shoulder girth. It is this problem that women with a full figure and full arms often face when sewing dresses or blouses with sleeves. So how do you build a full arm sleeve? There are several ways that you can use when building a pattern.

School of Sewing Anastasia Korfiati
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Sleeve for full hands: method 1

Armhole depth adjustment

When building, increase the width and depth of the armhole. To do this, it is necessary to give additional increments to the Armhole Width and Armhole Depth values. This will increase the width of the sleeve during construction, and reduce the length of the fabric along the collar, requiring a fit.

When choosing this method, remember that too much increase in the depth and width of the armhole can change the design of the product in the armhole area.

Sleeve for full hands: method 2

Rice. 1. Sleeve for full arms

If for some reason you do not want to increase the depth of the armhole, you can change the sleeve itself by cutting it and spreading it as follows.

To do this, cut the sleeve from the top of the sleeve sleeve to the bottom and horizontally, setting aside 4-5 cm from the bottom of the sleeve. Extend and unfold the upper parts of the sleeve so that they overlap each other along the sleeve (but not more than 1 cm), and along the elbow moved apart. In this case, the width of the eyelet does not change, but we increased the width of the sleeve (see Fig. 1).

Sleeve for full hands: method 3

Rice. 2. Building a sleeve pattern

Build a sleeve pattern based on the circumference of the arm at its widest point. In this case, you must understand that in this case the height of the eyelet may decrease, and the fit of the sleeve may change. However, everything depends on the fullness of the hands (see Fig. 2).

Building a pattern

Set aside a horizontal segment with a length equal to the girth of the arm at the widest point + 1 cm. Measure the length of the armhole on the pattern of the front and back of the dress. Divide the resulting value in half and from the ends of the segment (at an angle) set aside 1/2 the length of the armhole according to the pattern. Next, build as usual according to the pattern (see Sleeve for full arms Fig. 2).

Sleeve for full hands: method 4

Another way to build sleeves for fuller arms is to tuck or fold from the top of the sleeve and tuck any excess fabric into it. You can also use a pattern.

Most overweight women face the problem of full hands. Over time, this problem becomes more pronounced, the skin of the hands loses elasticity, and they become flabby. Fortunately, this task is not difficult to solve with the help of a properly selected wardrobe.

The first thing that comes to mind is to choose clothes that completely cover the arms. But this option is not always successful: firstly, it is strange to wrap yourself in warm sweaters in the summer, and secondly, the long sleeve does not always favorably hide the fullness of the arms.
What to do? First of all, choose a set of exercises for the arm muscles that suits you. Over time, your hands will not be so full, and you will gain self-confidence. But for this you need more than one month to pass, but you want to look good right now. Of course, clothes come to the rescue.

Wardrobe hiding full arms

First of all, if you are worried about being overweight, try visiting a store that sells clothes for overweight girls. Often such clothes are cut and sewn in a special way, which allows them to visually make you slimmer. In addition, it is often difficult for overweight girls to find clothes of a suitable style and size in ordinary stores.
Here are some tips to help visually make your hands look slimmer:
Try using ¾ sleeve length. Such a sleeve never loses its relevance and does not go out of fashion. In addition, by opening your wrist, you visually make your hand thinner.
Use clothes with flared sleeves. A similar technique is used with trousers flared to the bottom.
Let your wardrobe have as many light, airy, flowing fabrics as possible. Avoid tight-fitting synthetics.
Pick up loose wide bracelets. Narrow and cutting into the skin jewelry will only emphasize the fullness of the hands.

Clothes that should not be worn by owners of full hands

Do not choose tight T-shirts with thin straps. They get lost on fat girls and look extremely unprofitable. Most often, such clothes open all the problem areas of the body, emphasizing them. Tops with short sleeves up to the middle of the forearm will not suit you either. They draw extra attention to bare hands, which you don't need at all.

Additional volume to full arms is given by fashionable puffed sleeves and short sleeves with elastic bands digging into the arms.
You should not wear outerwear that opens the arms, but hides the décolleté. On the contrary, focus on beautiful breasts.

Zetkina Alena, especially for the site.

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