Secrets of emo style in clothes, accessories, hairstyle and manicure. Who are emo? What are the emo groups. How to do emo makeup

In the late 90s and early 2000s, young people began to appear on the streets of cities, often very young boys and girls, dressed in pink and black colors of clothes, hairstyles in the same colors, with long bangs obliquely covering half of the face.

One would think that another style appeared in fashion. However, this style, called "Emo" was something more than a fashion trend. The emo style turned out to be a whole philosophy and life position.

The history of the emergence of the subculture Emo - music and life.

The first followers of emo, as is often the case in youth subcultures, came out of music. In the late 80s, the "emocore" musical trend became popular among American youth as the most emotional branch of hard rock. In the emo direction of hard rock, lyrical, sometimes with emotional lyrics to the point of snot and tears, prevailed.

The rock ballads dealt with the themes of unrequited love, pain, despair and death. Such texts oriented young people not only not to hide their experiences, but, on the contrary, to demonstrate and focus the attention of others on them. A bright and open display of emotions has become fashionable and popular. The more direct and open a person is, the more authoritative he is in the emo circle.

Attitude, ideology and philosophy of Emo style.

At first glance, such a philosophy and life position does not threaten anyone. Youth is characterized by ease. But there is a sad statistic - the number of suicides among emo is higher than the average among young people. The gun is one of the favorite emo symbols, as in the photo below:

There are features in the social behavior of adherents of Emo style. There are no drug addicts among them, they do not drink, they do not smoke. Many of them preach vegetarianism. The attitude of a true follower of the emo lifestyle lies in the concepts of emo-kid, i.e. child man. Childish spontaneity, emotionality, wide-open eyes, open to the world characterize the philosophical beginning of emo style. The emo style ideology is inherently harmless and defenseless against the big and formidable world. This is the ideology of the defenselessness of a child, like an emo girl with a toy in the photo below:

A real emo must keenly feel the injustice of the world, resist it, feel the fear and pain of those around him, be vulnerable to depression and express himself vividly. In emo love, sublimity and romance are inherent. In the work of Johann Wolfgang Goethe "the suffering of young Werther", in fact, for the first time the worldview and philosophy of the emo style are described, although the style itself did not yet exist.

How to distinguish the Emo style by the image and signs of clothing.

External attributes expressing the image of a medium static follower of the Emo style look like this:

1. The face is pale, the eyes are drawn, the lips can be in skin tone, but red lipstick is not forbidden. Under the eyes are well-drawn traces of cosmetics that seem to be washed out by streaks of tears.

2. Hair is one of the important elements of emo style. They are usually black or dark. One or two strands of hair are dyed a different color, usually pink, lilac, lilac. The bangs cover half of the face and one eye, symbolizing the secret of the soul. The other half is emotionally open to the world. All as in the photo above.
3. The combination of black and pink prevails in clothes, but there may be combinations of black with purple, red, blue. Some element of striped clothing is recommended. On the feet are converse sneakers, slip-ons or the like. T-shirts and jeans are tight and tight.
4. Emo style means piercings on the face, nose or ear, badges with emo style on clothes, bracelets, bags, belts and belts with studs and chains. Teddy bears or some cute toys are hung on chains. You can wear large glasses, hiding mascara smeared under the eyes, behind black glasses.

Emo style symbols.

Badges, pendants, pink or black beads and bracelets, designs on T-shirts and embroidery on clothes should convey the symbolism of the emo style, as the symbol of the emo pendant in the photo below conveys.

The background for the image of symbolic signs of emo is usually pink, and the symbol itself is applied in black. Because these colors express the bipolarity of the world. Pink - symbolizes love, joy, romance and difference from another subculture - gothic. And black color symbolizes pain, despair, depression, death.
1. Symbolism includes a broken, cracked, torn heart, necessarily pink.
2. Disney cartoon characters, more often Mickey Mouse and his girlfriend Mini, have also become symbols of the emo style. They are depicted on T-shirts, and the Teddy bear is pressed against the chest, as children usually press their favorite toy.
3. Often, a skull and crossbones or crossed pistols are depicted next to a pink broken heart, as an allusion to the same crossbones.
4. Sometimes a black five-pointed star or a pistol is depicted as a symbol.

About, . To do or not to have a mastectomy, that is the question.

emois a style born in the musical environment, which has long stepped into the world of fashion and continues its confident black and pink procession to this day. Emo is one of the most easily recognizable styles, which, however, is not recognized by the majority for its demonstrativeness, catchiness, pronounced contrast. Expressionemotions- this is the main life principle for emo. They have a clear desireself-expression, special, sensual perception of the world. Most often, emo kids are vulnerable and a littledepressivee people. In our world, there is a stereotypical idea of ​​emo as whiny boys and girls.

Clothes, shoes and accessories for emo kids

Undoubtedly, the color in clothes gives out emo with a head. Intense blacks and grays paired with vibrant pinks, blues and whites are the foundation of this style. It is thanks to catchiness that emo style is so popular among teenagers, who are so often prone to maximalism and a thirst for self-expression. In addition, each color also carries a semantic load. So black color symbolizes sadness, melancholy and pain, and bright elements, on the contrary, emphasize joyful life moments, such as love, friendship.

In general, the appearance of the emo style is very democratic. Emo followers can often be seen in tight jeans, leggings, and dark-colored T-shirts. The main color is always complemented by the usual pink, but brighter colors such as purple or red, as well as purple or bright lilac, are also allowed.

Despite the presence of purely girlish colors - fuchsia and all shades of pink, emo guys wear exactly the same colors. This is the secret of emo style. It can safely be classified as unisex. Practically any clothing or accessory inherent in emo style can be easily worn by both boys and girls, with rare exceptions.

Skirts play an interesting touch in creating the emo girl style. It can be asymmetrical skirts of any dark or, on the contrary, bright pink shade and any length, or vice versa, fluffy tutu skirts.

The outerwear of emo kids is, as a rule, a short, tight-fitting jacket or sweatshirt that is not of a sports plan. The presence of traditional emo elements, such as broken hearts, crossed guns, favorite emo stripes or checks, also carry various emotional messages.

No one is so prone to an abundance of accessories in the image as emo-kids. The most popular among them are wristlets, gloves or mitts, stockings, stockings or leggings, scarves, including arafats, as well as a variety of bags, belts and, of course, badges. The colors of accessories are also varied - stripes and chess, emo-style drawings, images of favorite emo-rock bands.

Emo's favorite shoes are sneakers or slips, which are comfortable like slippers. Emo culture does not accept high heels. Laces, badges or buttons act as bright strokes in shoes.

Emo haircut and makeup

Black color is inherent not only in emo clothes, but the hair of most young people is dyed in this color. Very often there is a combination of black hair with various kinds of coloring with bright shades of not only pink, but also other colors.

Slanting bangs falling over one eye are the hallmark of the emo hairstyle, and the complete lack of symmetry is the haircut in general.

Well, of course, emo makeup does not lag behind clothes and hairstyles in its bright catchiness. The emphasis, of course, is on the eyes, which emo, both boys and girls, thickly let down in black.

If you want to have more emo pieces in your wardrobe, follow these tips for more inspiration.


    Start with hair. Get layered or long side bangs that cover your eyes. You can ruffle it or straighten it. Many emo girls dye their hair a lot. The most popular colors are black or pure white. If you're afraid to go that bold but want to try it, buy regular hair dye that lasts 4-6 weeks from Ulta or Hot Topic, but the best hair dye is Manic Panic. You will need hairspray and other styling products to achieve the look you love. Remember that this is your hairstyle and make it unique. You can brush off the bangs if you like.

    We do makeup. The emo image concentrates on the eyes. Use a thick line of eyeliner at the top of the eye and below the lashes. Use dark shadows to create a darker color around the eyes. You can use a base tone lighter, but by the way, pale skin tones are a sign of Ready.

    Have a good assortment of clothes: skinny jeans and loose t-shirts should prevail. Try to buy clothes from online band stores or District Lines, as they give more money to the bands. Good clothing brands include Criminal Damage, Iron Fist, Hell Bunny, Green day and Poison Industries. Hot Topic makes good discounts by giving bands less money. Jeans can be found at Old Navy, Forever 21, Hot Topic, Pacsun, and Macy's. You will have to try to find skinny jeans in black or another dark color ... for both boys and girls. When it gets cold, you can wear regular sweatshirts or group sweatshirts If you live where there is snow, thick down jackets are perfect for you.

    Buying shoes: classic black and white or black tall Converse always look good. Black slip-ons or classic Vans in dark colors are also a good option. You can look at other Wikihow pages for how to select them. It's as easy as writing your favorite band's lyrics on them or just buying some neon shoelaces. Lately, the most daring emos are wearing colorful Nikes.

  1. Accessories: hair clips, bracelets, bright bracelets, black, white, silver studded belts, neon laces, band pins, safety pins, ribbons, grenades, pistols, brass knuckles.

    • Make sure you do this to be yourself and not to imitate or impress other people.
    • Search the Internet for what emo looks like and add your own personal touches to this look.
    • Don't cut yourself just to be on point. You don't need it. People who hurt themselves can be emo, but not everyone does it that way.
    • You can look sad or depressed, but don't do it on purpose, otherwise you may be called a poseur (a person who tries to fit into the image, but in fact he is not) or a copycat.
    • Gradually start wearing different things, but without completely changing the style for one night, maybe change clothes for the summer.
    • For makeup, check out the other wikihow pages, as proper makeup is the final touch of a perfect emo look.
    • It's okay to wear light-colored jeans like white, gray, or neon, but be careful with neon. "Theater people" respect themselves, so avoid confusion about which subculture you belong to.
    • If someone asks if you're emo, answer "I hate labels" or just ignore the question.
    • Hang flags and badges on personal items to let everyone know you love the music you listen to. Items such as colorful bracelets are also great.

    Try making your own accessories to spice up dark outfits.

    • When using nail polish, use a dark color.
    • Listen to bands like ptv, sws, bmth, mcr, etc.


    • Don't misbehave at school. Just because you're emo doesn't mean you should get bad grades and stay on punishment after class. Most emos are good at school because they know who they are. Also, many emos prefer to stay introverted in order to stand out more in the class.
    • Some people don't think about emo the way others do. Don't be offended if someone laughs at you or looks askance. You are who you are, so don't force yourself to worry about it.
    • If your friends don't like your style, don't change for them. Tell them to accept you the way you are. But try not to quarrel with them, you don't want to be left alone, do you? You are who you are, so don't change just because someone doesn't like it. Perhaps they are just jealous.
    • Don't push your old friends, they don't have to be emo.
    • You may be called a poser, but it's still your decision.
    • If you only become emo at night, you will be called a poseur.

    What will you need

    • Skinny jeans and layered skirts
    • Loose, black or retro shirts
    • Converse, Vans or similar shoes
    • Messenger bags, checkered or colored backpacks: Dickies and Jansport are good choices.
    • Badges or pins to identify outfits
    • A variety of hoodies: regular, colored, with band logos or just black will look best
    • A piercing on the lip, eyebrows in the ears or on the dimple on the cheek is not really necessary for you. A snake bite, an angel or spider bite, or just a regular piercing on one side of the lip.

Emo in English means emotional. Now the emo subculture is heard by every teenager and youth. This movement is widespread in different countries.

The youth subculture of emo appeared relatively recently. Sometimes on the street or in public transport you can meet interesting young people dressed in all black, talking about completely mysterious things. The movement also has peculiar symbols and distinctive features that distinguish this movement from other subcultures.

Appearance of emo kids

The clothes of representatives of the emo subculture are characterized by dark and pink shades. Numerous piercings, large grinders, the eternal theme of death and suicide. In this, the emo subculture is somewhat reminiscent of ready. But there are some differences here as well. Emo are characterized by increased sensitivity, emotionality. Some emo kids also prefer pink with black.

Representatives of this subculture dress quite peculiarly for ordinary citizens. These are teenagers and young people with black hair falling over their foreheads. Girls prefer to wear often funny, childish hairstyles, bright hairpins, a few ponytails.

Both girls and boys paint their lips in a light color, use various powders and foundations to give the skin a deathly pale look. They prefer to paint their eyes with dark shadows, eyeliner. Skinny jeans with various patches, a T-shirt with the image of your favorite band, bright makeup, and bangs to the side are all attributes of this subculture.

T-shirts with children's drawings in combination with black clothes look quite funny. On their feet they wear sneakers, on their hands there are various bracelets made of beads of different shades. Pink or black polish is usually present on the nails, headphones with emo music turned on in the ears. Adolescents of this course often have suicidal tendencies.

Features of the emo subculture

A fairly common phenomenon among emo-bisexuality. Adolescents often form couples with same-sex partners. Which often shocks society. But they live by their own special rules.

Emo kids often adhere to the principles of a flow called straightedge. This is a movement that promotes a healthy lifestyle. Many of the representatives of this subculture are quite anxious and vulnerable people who usually live in their own fictional world. They suffer from depression, shut themselves off from the outside world and its aggression, hide their faces under long bangs. Sometimes you can meet a large crowd emo kids . This usually happens before the performance of some famous musical group.

Surely you met on the streets of big cities guys and girls, and even teenagers, dressed in strange black and pink clothes, with numerous piercings, with black, often dyed hair and long oblique bangs. They are called emo. Often these young people are confused with other subcultures (primarily with the Goths), they are ridiculed. And in some countries they are even persecuted. Many people unknowingly believe that emo is just a style of clothing: thick baubles on a patched shoulder bag.

Others believe that these guys like to gather in cemeteries and read whining poems about death, that this is a phenomenon close to the decadence of the early twentieth century. There are those who identify these difficult teenagers as prime candidates for suicide. So who are emo? How did they originate, how do they differ from representatives of other related subcultures? Read all about them in this article.

History of occurrence

If you asked who emo people were in the 1980s, then most of the inhabitants of our planet would shrug their shoulders in bewilderment, and the inhabitants of the District of Columbia (USA) would answer you that they are fans of a certain musical style. Indeed, the spiritual ancestors of modern girls and boys with oblique bangs were called punks. They also listened to hard rock, adorned their bodies with tattoos and piercings, and were addicted to "strangleholds" on their necks. But emo-core, spun off from punk rock, was too idiosyncratic, specific. And the fans of these two styles professed different life principles, felt the world in a completely different way, in order to be different. And therefore, in the style of clothing, slender young men with black hair began to move away from pumped up, shaved to zero guys. A little later, they were isolated from the ready environment.


With the rise of a new subculture and its penetration into the countries of the Old World, many people became interested in who emo were. The main distinguishing feature of the adherents of this youth movement is expressiveness, a vivid and undisguised expression of their feelings. Therefore, among the masses, far from subcultures, there is an opinion that emo are whiny, unwilling to grow up, prone to depression and even suicide. Yes, they have a romanticization of death, however, just like the Goths. But what gave the name to the current is called not a thirst for suicide, but a desire to express emotions - no matter what, sad or cheerful. It's just that our world gives more reasons to cry than to laugh ... They call themselves emo-kids (from the English words emotional and kid (child), thereby emphasizing their desire to remain childishly direct, refusal to wear social masks that society imposes on people.

Emo core music

Of course, the subculture is determined by a certain ideology, lifestyle and attitude, but do not forget that it was born in the depths of music lovers. The first creators of emo-core were punks from Washington, who brought a certain harmony and musicality to the cacophony of the mainstream. In subsequent years, the musical style was influenced by such trends as grunge and Hindi rock. The lyrics of emo-core songs are distinguished by lyricism, and their performance - by excessive emotionality, expansiveness. Long ballads are mostly about heartbreak, longing and suffering. Singers should have a high and strong voice, capable of abruptly moving from a whisper to a squeal. The modern emo style in music has split into several currents. One of them is the classic "core", close to hard rock, but softened with lyrical notes. Vaolens (from violence, violence) is distinguished by cruel texts splashing out aggression. Emo-punk is not devoid of gaiety and self-irony. But screamo is hard to withstand for unprepared people, but this style also has its fans.

Notable emo bands

Many musical groups that are worshiped by emo all over the world disown belonging to this subculture or use different styles in their work. In Russia, the leader in popularity is the German group Tokio Hotel. Her album "Room 483" received our platinum status. The musicians of "Fall Out Boy" call themselves pop-punks, although experts consider their work to be a classic emo style. The compositions of "30 Seconds To Mars" merged alternative, space and prog rock. Since the early 2000s, various emo groups have appeared in Russia as well. Monalisa is very popular. She appeared in Moscow in 2001 under the original name "The Day After Tomorrow", and six months later she gave her first solo concert. Also, you can not ignore the "Ocean of My Hope", whose album "What You Don't Know About" is very popular.

Varieties in the subculture environment

Emo is, first of all, a lifestyle. It is not necessary to dress in black and wear long raven bangs to belong to this subculture. For example, true emo (from English tru - real), who consider themselves the true spokesmen for the views and life position of this youth movement, dress in retro-style plaid clothes. They also only listen to music on vinyl records, reel-to-reel and cassette recorders. "Real emo" do not smoke and do not drink alcohol, avoid drugs. The entire youth trend is characterized by vegetarianism and even veganism. New emo - with black hair, long bangs hanging down to the tip of the nose, wristbands and piercings - are very recognizable.


A special feature of this subculture, which distinguishes it from the Goths, is clothing. An emo boy often wears a tight T-shirt and jeans in black or navy blue, with patches and holes. A bag is thrown over his shoulder, like a postman, where badges and emblems are thickly fastened. The emo girl is adorned with a black short skirt, from under which torn tights stick out. Plush toys are attached to the backpack or bag, with which the hostess rips open the bellies, and then sews them up with harsh threads. Representatives of both sexes are also given out by a belt - black or pink - with chains, a huge badge. T-shirts are decorated with either the names of musical groups or very characteristic prints: broken hearts, crossed pistols, and other cemetery paraphernalia. Wristbands, severe collars and piercings (on the left nostril, as well as lips, eyebrows and bridge of the nose) complete the look.

Emo makeup

Both girls and boys who adhere to this style apply white powder to their faces to emphasize the contrast with black hair. Lips are painted with flesh-colored lipstick. Their eyes are thickly lined with a dark pencil. Emo kids wear black nail polish. Everything in their appearance should speak of a gloomy rejection of this cruel world, of their own resentment and defenselessness. Emo makeup creates a certain image - a sweet, vulnerable child who you so want to protect. On a bloodless-pale face (this effect is achieved with a light foundation and white powder), eyes stand out. The upper eyelid is painted with a pencil, the lower one with eyeliner. Generously apply shadows and blend them. Mascara is passed through the eyelashes twice. Emo lipstick (as opposed to ready) should be light pastel colors.


Representatives of this subculture are distinguished by a long oblique, completely covering one eye, bangs. Emo for haircuts turn to specialized salons, because it is required to thin the ends of the hair with a razor, to make the hair look like it is prickly. Owners of wavy curls should first align the strands with an iron. Emo hair is dyed black or dark red. Girls often wear a lot of accessories - bows, bright hairpins, elastic bands. They often wear the ends of their hair in ponytails or pigtails. With the help of varnish or emo wax, short hair is fixed at the top of the head so that it stands upright.

Subculture in Russia

How did they appear? Many music critics claim that Russian emo are "crazy punks". However, there are creative teams that try to completely copy the classic western core. The fans themselves are trying to follow the emo fashion down to the smallest detail. Despite the lack of specialized clothing stores and especially shoes in most cities, boys and girls try to completely resemble their American and European "colleagues". Despite the obvious apathy of the representatives of this subculture, the Russian authorities do not particularly favor them. In 2008, the State Duma even considered the "Concept of State Intervention in the Spiritual Education of Children." This bill indicated that it promotes suicide and cultivates depression. In Armenia in 2010, a wave of repressions swept over representatives of this youth movement. The authorities of the country expressed themselves in a very peculiar way on the topic of who emo are: they say that foreign influence spoils young people, and instead of being filled with a national-patriotic spirit, they resort to suicide attempts.