Dresses for thin girls: tricks that hide flaws and winning options for dress styles. Clothing style for thin people

Are you very thin and do you often have problems choosing clothes? In fact, many women dream of having the same wasp waist, but the fact remains that dressing properly and beautifully with excessive thinness is not always easy. We know many stars who, being very thin, are considered style icons and are very proud of their figure.

Calista Flockhart

The unforgettable performer of the role of Ally McBeal in the series of the same name is often accused of anorexia. But this is just her constitution, and the actress accepts it and carries it with dignity. How else would she have managed to get Harrison Ford!

Charlotte Rampling

Fashion model-turned-actress Charlotte Rampling proudly showed off her thinness all her life. When she was younger, she wasn't shy about exposing her long legs with '60s-inspired mini dresses. Today she wears wide trousers and long dresses.

Sarah Jessica Parker

For all fans of "Sex and the City" Sarah Jessica has become a model of style. Her slender figure has appealed to many brands who asked her to become the face of the brand, such as Gap. We can wear the clothes we like even if we don't have model parameters - and it's all thanks to Kerry!

Fanny Ardan

Beloved woman Francois Truffaut has always been a model of elegance and good taste. Tall and slender, the actress prefers a classic style in black and white. White shirt, buzz cut, red lipstick accentuating porcelain skin. Ardan skillfully uses the dignity of his figure.

Correct fit

You are allowed to do a lot, from tight-fitting styles to looser clothing if you want to appear fuller. Remember that a long sleeve visually shortens the length of the legs and adds volume to the hips. You can also wear shortened models.

Correct colors

You can afford almost everything. Today's fashion favors women with a fragile figure more than those who are "in the body." Don't be afraid to wear bright colors: experiment with yellow or red if your skin tone allows it. If you visually want to appear a little denser, choose light shades and play on contrasts: light top - dark bottom and vice versa. Prints are your true friends with a thin figure, especially large drawings will suit you. If you are tall, you can wear horizontal stripes.

The right fabrics

Choose for yourself denser soft fabrics. As in the case of the color scheme, use the power of contrasts: a silk blouse with rough jeans, a cotton T-shirt and linen trousers or a satin skirt. Wrap your figure in layered outfits - you definitely won't go wrong.

The right accessories


With a moderately slender figure, use belts of medium width in bright saturated colors. If you are very thin, you can afford the most original, intricate belts.


Neckerchiefs suit you very much, because they visually add volume to the figure. But if you have very thin hands, opt for a small handkerchief tied around your neck so as not to create a sharp contrast.

Large bracelets

Colored wooden or metal bracelets also add volume. If you want to stand out from the crowd or just add zest to a colorless, inexpressive outfit, wear several bracelets on your wrist at once, as is customary in ethnic style. With too thin wrists, such jewelry can also be worn, because they create a combination of fragile defenselessness and strength at the same time. Be careful with the amount of accessories, don't fall into the hip-hop style.

Ballet shoes

Ballerinas visually cut the silhouette and can be worn even if you have a large foot size. If you are short, choose ballerinas with heels. These shoes can be worn with almost anything, they look especially good with jeans or cropped black trousers in the style of Audrey Hepburn.

Clothes to avoid

Top with american armhole

If the arms are very thin, this is not the best option. In this case, wear tops with 3/4 sleeves, long sleeves or "lanterns". Also forget about thin straps if you have fragile shoulders with protruding bones.

Deep V-neckline

It will only emphasize an overly elongated silhouette. Instead, wear clothes with a round or square neckline. What you can afford with a V-neck is a sweater worn over a naked body or a white top. Also, avoid long neck accessories.

Short wide skirt

Wearing it, you run the risk of focusing on the excessive thinness of the legs. If you like light skirts, opt for longer ones.

Clothes you can afford

Ball skirt

That's where you need to draw the missing volumes! This skirt is not for everyone, but if you have a fragile figure, it will suit you perfectly with any height. Choose a cropped cotton version. The advantage of such a model is that it does not sharply indicate the lower bound. Wear it with ballet flats for a lighter look.

Pleated skirt

A pleated, good-girl look that ends just below the knee, perfect for thin legs. Pleats add volume to the hip area. Wear a pleated skirt with a pullover and ballerinas or pumps. Just do not combine it with a shirt, so as not to look like a schoolgirl.

Top with one sleeve

One shoulder remains open, and the other is hidden under a soft volumetric sleeve. Such a piece of clothing cannot be worn every day, it is more suitable for the evening. This option will look great in an evening dress.

cropped jacket

It breaks up the silhouette and adds volume, of course, if you need it. Avoid too artificial fabrics that look very cheap. The best option would be leather or denim, which never goes out of style. Choose classic long sleeves, aviator jackets or leather jackets. They can be worn with both jeans and skirts.

Some tricks


The epitome of a timeless classic, a white or any color shirt is suitable for any occasion. Pair it with trousers or a skirt for a fuller silhouette, or add a string of pearls around your neck for a more feminine look.

Tube jeans

A model called "pipes" comes into fashion, which suits thin girls even more than flared jeans, which, on the contrary, can draw attention to the thinness of the legs. Such a model of jeans, due to the low fit, will indicate all the existing roundness, focusing on them.

Wide pants

Wide trousers win back once lost positions in the wardrobe. This is just what such a figure needs. They can be worn with flats, wedges or heels to add height. For tall girls, the option of wide trousers is suitable along with a long-sleeved top, especially in a horizontal blue stripe like a vest.


Hello! !! Help to become relaxed, learn to enjoy life! !!! Thanks in advance! !!

12.01.2017 22:48:26, GULMIRA

ASPEN waist suggests lush hips and bust. where is the excessive thinness, I wonder?

No pictures - no

Comment on the article "Secrets of the right style for thin people"

Why do women after a certain age begin to push themselves somewhere into “grandmothers, old women, women without style”? Like “I only wear jeans, I have no style, I don’t care how I look, but I don’t care that it’s a woman’s style, I’m so comfortable” - that’s a lie, girls.


Well, what a catch .. Everything is simple, in fact. So, since the age of 22, I have been a fashionista (before I could not, I was not up to myself for family reasons). And now I'm 42 and the figure is not happy, no, not obese, but ... it was better, yes. However, this is still experienced, but there is another problem. Plus, over the years, the skin has become simply terrible, constantly some kind of rash, irritation, spots, vascular spots. All this along with a hellish itch. From time to time I just can’t go outside ((((. It’s like I drank for a month, then I rubbed it heartily with brick chips, and then added a life-giving massage with nettles and mosquitoes for every millimeter of skin. Well, now, I want to dress up like before so that the skirt is beautiful, and in general. And then I understand that I don’t need to draw attention to THIS. So I choose something non-staining, dim, so that all this ugliness is not evident.
And many also feel insecure for various reasons, so they choose to be inconspicuous .. Plus, we have a lot of women plus size, and decent clothes on them - almost none in nature, they wear what they have.
And also, for your friends. Little money, children grow up. Good and fashionable clothes cost money, but you have to dress children, tutors, and so on. That's all.

09/25/2018 11:21:58 PM, angry

I have had different periods in my life. In general, I am very free from thoughts about appearance, I already had enough attention from men, so I didn’t bother myself. But I’m a late mother, I’m 44, my child is 4. And now the idea just occurred to me that I need to dress up so that against the background of 30-year-old mothers I don’t seem like an old woman.

Many of those who cannot leave the house without makeup are simply insecure. Or ugly without makeup (not all, of course). In England or the USA, clothing is easier; no one will go out in the rain in stilettos.

Due to the fact that thin legs go only to the knee, for long ones - height is too small 165. Or are jeans my destiny? Secrets of the right style for thin people. Dresses or trousers for slender legs? Skin and hair care, figure, cosmetics, face, cosmetology, clothing and footwear, fashion.

A long-haired woman with long nails, high heels - flirting with pleasure, she likes to attract men. Clothes for school for a thin and tall girl. Experienced mothers of thin and tall girls, tell me!

Secrets of the right style for thin people. School pants for skinny boys. The problem is girly pants. Clothes for school for a thin and tall girl.


Children's sizes are really wide. Try looking for an adult xxs, you can also look at teenage stores like Jennifer, Tommy and Kira Plastinina.

Thanks to those who answered, I'm compiling a list of "where to go."

07/16/2014 17:45:01, where to look?

Thinness after 30 years. Figure. Fashion and beauty. That a woman, a mother should have a more solid appearance. I'm not skinny at all. How much do you weigh, what style of clothing do you prefer and are you going to get better with age?


And this is how I live now????????????????-??????7
With my 69 kg? with a height of 170?
FSE here weigh like normal 30-year-old women, I'm the only SOLID one!
horror, went to sob

same settings! I don't suffer at all! even vice versa! I love that no one can think that I'm almost 30. and have a baby! I am flattered when men turn around, when people are generally surprised that I have a child at all ... in general, it seems to me that you are really worried! whoever says this to you is probably jealous ...;))

I remember how I was already well pregnant, bald in denim shorts with lace and a tunic, and on my hands a bunch of bracelets tumbled into a float restaurant on Chistye Prudy ... Until my husband came up, I felt the intent scrutiny of the people ... It felt like the opinions were exactly opposite: from a deep "yes" to "no-no-no".
If this hairstyle suits you, then there are a lot of clothes variations :)

Today's fashion favors women with a fragile figure more than those who are "in the body." Clothes for the skinny. Where can I buy?. Section: Clothes (where to buy clothes for women with large breasts). Well, what should I do if I have a height of 157, I myself am incomplete (I still have a waist), and my chest is "D"?


also suffered. Bottom line: tight-fitting top + custom-tailoring, thank God I found a super-dressmaker at reasonable prices. Otherwise, no suit was sitting - and I am in the office, obliges. Or shoulders with a "cloak", or on the chest of the cuff with a "house"

So branded clothes do not sit on you, because it is sewn on a standard figure. So what if my height is normal, but my bust is 75N? The usual clothes of my size 52 are wide on my shoulders, they are sewn on a huge chest like 95C there, which in volume will give me the same 108 cm. I have to fit a lot of things on my chest and fit. Just today I went to the dressmaker with such a problem. It's not that you're tall or something (that's another story), but that your size is made up of a narrow chest and a relatively large bust. Looking for stretch clothes

I have a girlfriend, she is not exactly a teenage woman, she is a Girl!!! Very strong, very smart, very determined! She takes care of all the weak and wretched, she really saw how she drove a hefty drunk man from the playground - she just pushed her out! It doesn’t cause tenderness, but I don’t believe that if you met her, you could experience your hatred))))
Well, I will add that people are all different)))

Nowadays, girls and women in almost all corners of the globe are concerned about the problem of excess weight. All media promote healthy eating, sports and model figure parameters. But what to do if you are far from the modern ideal, and the point is not at all that excess fat has been deposited on the waist after the winter. In addition to girls with appetizing forms, there are enough of us among us who suffer from excessive thinness. The owners of such a figure, as a rule, are complex because of their angularity and the lack of sexual roundness, which is so attractive to the opposite sex. But do not despair, clothes are not only designed to cover nudity. It will help to hide all visible flaws, turning them into undoubted advantages. Let's try to figure out how the most feminine wardrobe item - a dress - will help with this.

Dress styles for the thinnest girls

The most classic and win-win dress option for any girl or woman is a sheath dress. In the case of a thin figure, it is also ideal. The main condition for the correct one is its ability to sit well on the figure. Only in this case, the outfit will be able to create the correct proportions for its owner. However, additional details, such as drapery, ruffles, and decorative seams, will help a thin woman to become even more seductive in such a dress. All this will help to give the figure more volume.

An equally good option for thin women will be dresses in the style of baby dollars. The style with a high waist and a flared skirt in the form of a trapezoid will make the thin figure even more elegant and fragile. At the same time, such a dress focuses on the chest and hides the angular hips.

The tulip dress is also a suitable style for thin girls. It will perfectly emphasize the waist and at the same time create additional volume to the hips. Dresses with a bell or sun skirt are also perfect for thin and tall girls. They will help visually increase the hips and focus on a thin waist. In addition, choosing long dresses of this style, you can solve the problem of too thin legs by hiding them under a skirt. Long dresses with a high waist will suit thin girls of short stature. They emphasize the waist, visually increasing the chest and hips. Do not forget about additional details in the form of ruffles and flounces, which can add volume and hide excessive thinness as much as possible.

The correct color of dresses for too thin girls

When choosing dresses for overly thin girls, it is better to give preference to light or bright shades. These colors add extra volume. At the same time, it should be taken into account that large prints on the dress will make the forms of a thin lady more appetizing, and plain outfits, on the contrary, tend to conceal volume. Drawings in the form of large peas, flowers, horizontal stripes or other geometric patterns are suitable. However, vertical lines in clothing, as well as other vertical geometric patterns, should be abandoned. Visually, they will lengthen the figure, making it even thinner than it really is.

In our country, overweight women are much more common than thin women. But they all have one thing in common - complexes, with which you have to fight all the time in all sorts of ways. If for overweight girls it is easy and simple to cope with excess weight and body fat from one week to several months, then for thin girls it is quite difficult for several years. However, even women with non-standard figures can find a beautiful slender body with the help of fashionable clothes and accessories.

What style of dress to choose a thin girl?

Many of the fair sex make the traditional mistake of wearing baggy and shapeless dresses. Not many people know which dresses are suitable for thin girls and how to choose them correctly. Therefore, due to ignorance, they choose clothes from knitted thin fabric with a tight cut, making a gross mistake. What do trendsetters offer to girls of thin physique?

  • Classic sheath dress. Traditional clothing has always been and will be in fashion. So, this season, the universal style has won the hearts of many women. Qualitatively sewn and perfectly matched to the female figure, the model gives the lean physique ideal proportions. For more attractiveness, you can choose a sheath dress with horizontal drapery, ruffles and decorative seams that make the figure visually more voluminous.
  • Touching dress baby dollars. The model is ideal for a slim figure, thanks to the high waist and lush trapezoidal hem. Looking at a woman in such an infantile dress, first of all, the look falls on the upper body, as it visually increases. Lush folds of the model mask flat buttocks and angular hips, emphasizing the fragile and graceful silhouette.

  • Exciting tulip dress. If the two options described above do not fit and you still care about which dresses suit thin women, then with a tulip dress this question disappears by itself. After all, thin young ladies most often have many complexes about the small volume of the hips, protruding collarbones and a too thin waist. A tulip dress is able to hide all the above-described shortcomings, thanks to a spectacular semi-circular boat neckline, optimal length and narrow cut of the model.
  • Feminine bell dress and sun dress. The fashionable model looks majestically on ladies of a thin physique, visually enlarging the hips and making the thin waist especially fragile due to the lush flared hem. Owners of sharp knees will be able to choose a knee-length or even slightly lower dress for themselves to hide this flaw.
  • Appetizing long dress with a high waist. The model is ideal for thin persons of average height. The dress, draped with all sorts of flounces, frills or ruffles, perfectly hides the thinness of the girl. The main focus of the model is on the chest, emphasizing its beautiful forms, and masking too narrow hips and thin legs.

I would like to believe that now there will be no question what dresses go for thin women, what style of clothing to choose and the most optimal length of the model. Fashionistas with a thin physique will easily choose the most optimal solution for themselves and will effectively shine in their chic outfits.

Hello guests and readers of my blog! This time I decided to talk with you about how to choose the right dresses. for women of short stature, depending on the figure and occasion. For my miniature height (152 cm), I managed to create an excellent collection of outfits, they all fit perfectly on me and visually lengthen my silhouette. Many of my friends are constantly trying to figure out how I manage to dress so stylishly and beautifully, despite my small stature. You are interested? Then, let's get started!

From this article you will learn:

How to choose the right dress for petite girls?

When choosing a dress, first understand whether you like it or not. If yes, then go through this checklist to see if it makes you visually taller. If yes, then great! If not, then you can always make the necessary correction with the help of accessories and shoes.

  • Vertical lines are what you need! A wrap dress can be a great option for you. It will make the silhouette slimmer and visually add a few centimeters to the height. Clothing that has vertical decorative seams, patches, zippers, slits, a row of buttons, etc. will look good on you.
  • For petite women, a V or U neckline is ideal, as it visually lengthens the neck.
  • When buying a dress in a store, then pay utmost attention to the armhole, waistline and shoulders. And in the online store, look at the growth of the model. Shoulder seams, armhole and waist must be in place! If you buy clothes from the petite collection, then there will definitely be no problems, since the patterns and patterns are designed for a female figure with a height below 160 cm.
  • If the dress code allows, then for short young ladies the ideal length is to the floor or short. And "on the floor" with the shoes with which you plan to wear your dress. For the office, it is better to choose the length of the skirt just above the knee or slightly below, but in no case to the kneecap. Sheath dresses are perfect for little girls.
  • When choosing a dress with a puffy top or bottom, it is best for you to wear high-heeled or platform shoes in order to maintain the proportions of growth and visual volumes of the body.
  • If you choose an outfit with a print, then the print should be small or medium. And the pattern on the fabric should not exceed the size of your fist.
  • I advise you to choose narrow belts and belts. If you want to opt for a wide belt: it is best to wear a belt of the same color as the clothes.
  • Don't forget about shoes! It is best to wear pumps, as they visually stretch the silhouette. And be sure to wear shoes to match tights, leggings, pants so that your legs look longer.
  • If you choose a long evening dress for a holiday, then opt for an outfit made of light and flowing fabric. Vertical folds on such outfits are exactly what you need!

For brides when choosing a wedding dress the same advice as above will do. Although there are a couple more nuances about how to choose a wedding outfit for little girls.

  • Silhouette. It is best if the wedding dress is made in the Empire style or has an A-line silhouette. The dress will look very gentle on the bride on the floor or with a small train. But with very puffy skirts you need to be careful. When choosing a silhouette, also consider your body type.
  • Sleeve. You can opt for a sleeveless model, or a narrow ¾ short sleeve.
  • Straps. If you want the outfit to be with two straps, then they should be thin. However, if you want to make your shoulders visually narrower, then you can take wider ones. American armhole or V-neckline are excellent options that will suit almost any bride. And no doubt, the bride will look great dressing strapless or with one strap.
  • Wedding accessories. It is better to refuse a long and lush veil, as it visually shortens growth. It is best to wear a delicate and elegant headband, a small hat or a wreath of flowers.

Petite wedding dresses can be found in online stores Jcrew.com, asos.com and Macys

What should short women avoid?

And now, I will share tips on what short girls should be wary of. A In fact, everything is simple: horizontal lines and wrong proportions. Now in more detail what to avoid:

  • Large prints and patterns, as well as contrasting combinations in clothing. You have to be careful with color-blocking as it makes the silhouette shorter and breaks the shape apart. If you decide to wear an outfit that consists of different contrasting colors, then you better keep the proportion 3/5 so that there are not many divisions. Ideally, let the dress be two-tone.
  • Clothes that have large decorative details in the form of large pockets or collars that turn away, as they "steal" a few centimeters of height. Against the background of any large elements, you look even smaller.
  • A mid-calf length skirt, but if you want to wear this length, then I recommend emphasizing the waist with a cute belt, and wearing stilettos on your feet. You should also avoid low-waisted dresses, otherwise your legs will look short and you will look even shorter than you really are.

I gave you examples in the pictures above.

How to choose dresses for different types of figures, taking into account short stature?

You do not know which style will suit your body type? Below I will tell you how to do it right. If you follow all the tips, then your outfit will be very harmonious and stylish. In order to make it clearer to you what the types of figures look like, there is a photo for each description.

Figure "Pear"

Girls with such a complexion have wide hips. In this case, they should harmoniously balance the figure by adding volume to the top of the outfit, and this will balance the bottom of the figure. The silhouettes of a pencil skirt will look ideal, an A-line skirt is also acceptable. Skirt slits are welcome. The top of the dress should be either shiny, or with a print, or with some kind of decor, with a boat neckline, voluminous sleeves, and the like. The task is to balance the shoulders and hips in order to visually bring the figure closer to the hourglass.

Let's take an example.

By the way, all items from the selection are tailored for heights below 160 cm!

  1. First dress from the selection has a black pencil skirt of the perfect length for petite ladies, which will visually make the hips narrower and the legs longer. At the same time, the top creates additional volume in the chest, and graceful "wings" on the shoulders make them visually a little wider. The waistline is in its place, and the colors of the top and bottom do not contrast with each other. This way your hips look slimmer and you look taller.
  2. Wrap dress with lanterns on the sleeves perfectly elongates the silhouette thanks to the horizontal lines and makes the hips narrower, the A-line skirt does not add extra volume to the hips, the lanterns on the sleeves create a balance between the lower and upper parts of the body. This dress can be worn both in the office and beat it for casual looks.
  3. Black long dress in itself visually very slim and stretches growth. The line of the shoulders is essentially horizontal, which visually makes the upper part a little wider and creates a balance between the top and bottom. This dress can be worn as a smart dress, complementing the look with heeled sandals and bright accessories. You can also create a comfortable urban look with it by throwing over a denim jacket and wearing sneakers.
  4. Very pretty bright dress, ideally suited to the "pear". The slit on the skirt visually makes the hips narrower and the legs longer. In general, growth is also “pulled out” by a slightly high waistline. And the sleeves and boat neckline add some volume to the upper body. A stunning dress that can be worn both as dressy and as an office dress, as well as create relaxed city outfits with it.

Figure "Apple"

Owners of this type of figure have a wider upper body, medium or large bust, tummy. Against this background, slender legs, buttocks and hips stand out noticeably. The main task for this type of figure is to hide the large chest and stomach, as well as draw attention to the face and slender legs. The simpler and more concise the form, the better! It is better to choose the length of the dress to the knees to focus on the legs. V-neckline and empire dresses will draw attention to your face. The best option is plain fabrics, but the print must be chosen very carefully. Don't forget shapewear too.

Let's take a look at the examples from the collection again

  1. Short bright A-line dress with V-neckline and medium-sized print. Visually makes it taller and also hides the tummy. A great option for both going out and every day. It will look good with denim, jacket and leather jacket. By the way, I already wrote in one of the previous articles.
  2. Another very beautiful V-neck short dress and no emphasis on the waist. Draws attention to the décolleté, neck and face, accentuates the legs. Visually stretches and slims. You can wear it with almost anything, as well as on its own or over a turtleneck.
  3. Short black dress with a top made in the Empire style. In fact, everything is the same as in the previous paragraphs - it stretches, hides the tummy, focuses on the legs and décolleté line. A great option for parties, corporate events and dates.
  4. Long dress makes you look taller. Despite the fact that it is on the floor, it does an excellent job with its functions for an "apple". The tummy will be neatly hidden, the silhouette will be extended. Perfect for the summer to create both festive looks and relaxed urban ones.

Hourglass figure

Ordinary young ladies with such a complexion have a graceful and pronounced waist. And the chest and hips are the same in volume. We can say that this is really an ideal figure that can afford everything. Dresses that accentuate the waist look especially luxurious. As well as very deep V-necklines, short flared skirts. In general, the owner of the hourglass figure will suit any dress from those that I cited as an example at the very beginning of the article. By the way, I have exactly this type of figure and for myself I chose a suede dress with a wrap, I'm in it in the photo.

  1. White V-neck Short Dress emphasizes the waist and stretches the silhouette. It can be beaten in a fairly large number of sets. Wear it with a leather or denim jacket; like a skirt, wearing a cropped sweater or sweatshirt on top; with a shirt worn on top like a cardigan, with sneakers or pumps. In general, there are a lot of options.
  2. Long dress in boho style with a print acceptable for short girls. The cut and deep neckline add a couple of visual centimeters to the growth. A great option for the "hourglass" for the summer. In cool weather, you can wear a coarse-knit sweater on top, emphasizing the waist with a strap.
  3. Bright lace dress perfect for an hourglass figure. Although the neckline here is a boat, but the correct length of the dress, as well as the emphasized waist just above the natural line, will visually stretch the growth.
  4. Very beautiful deep V-neck bodycon sheath dress. It looks very sexy and also makes you visually taller.

Shape "Rectangle"

Girls with this type can be both thin and full, their shoulders and hips are approximately the same in width, most often the bust is not very large, but at the same time, their waist is weakly expressed. The main tasks for miniature "rectangles" are to "make" a visually narrow waist and stretch the growth. In this case, you should opt for outfits that, with the help of trim, color contrast, style and other visual illusions, create the effect of a thin waist. Girls, I’ll make a reservation right away - wrap dresses are not the best option for you, as you will look angular in them.

Another important point, if you are a full rectangle and you have a tummy, then the dresses for you will be similar to those that fit the "apple". You should avoid focusing on the waist as well as belts. Empire style dresses with a slightly high waist will suit you well.

But usually there are very few full miniature girls with a rectangle-type figure, but there are a lot of thin, low “rectangles” and they are very worried that their figure resembles a boy’s. They dream of gaining some weight to get more feminine lines. If they were taller, their appearance would strictly correspond to model standards. For slender "rectangles" dresses with a tulip, flared or A-shaped skirt are ideal. These dresses will add some volume to the hips. At the same time, the upper part of the dress should also create a little volume: details on the sleeves, a boat neckline, dresses with thin straps will also look good. But wide horizontal lines (color block, wide belts), which could add volume, are best avoided, as they will shorten growth. Let's look at examples

  1. ASOS PETIT puffy midi dress creates the necessary volume due to the texture, flared skirt and boat neckline, and the correct length does not steal centimeters from the growth.
  2. Denim dress with sun skirt, boat neckline perfectly creates the illusion of a waist and elongates the silhouette due to the short length.
  3. ASOS PETITE fitted dress with crepe de chine top. The double-layered top and flared skirt create just the right amount of volume and a slim waistline. The short length and slightly cropped top elongate the height.
  4. textured dress with a tulip skirt and pockets, again gives feminine volume to the hips, an important boat neckline for a rectangle. Correct length. Great option for the office.

    Inverted triangle shape

In this case, dresses that have a tight top and fluffy skirts, as well as peplums, are perfect. Dresses with a V or U-neck and an American armhole are ideal, you can also give preference to a mini length.

And again, consider the details of the cut of dresses with examples.

  1. Peplum dress with plunging neckline. Everything is simple here: the peplum will add volume to the hips, the V-neckline will narrow the shoulders. Since the peplum does not differ in color, it will not steal growth. Good length.
  2. Another elegant Dress Basques, color for bold and bright girls. With the function of body shaping and growth copes perfectly. For an inverted triangle shape, that's what you need.
  3. Bright red dress. V-neckline, wide straps visually narrow the shoulders and make the growth higher, and the puffy skirt balances the figure. Great option for both parties and dates.
  4. A more relaxed option White dress. Suitable for office and special occasions.

I think you understand the principle. It remains to choose the right outfit that suits your lifestyle and the style in which you like to dress. And now you know exactly how to choose the right style for miniature growth, taking into account the type of figure. On this I say goodbye to you! Do not forget to make posts on social networks, so that later you do not have to look for the information you need. And subscribe to my blog to be aware of all fashion trends!

But to be honest, in this article I was a little cunning. Since, in fact, there are no types of figures in the terminology in which I gave you in this article, since there are no two identical figures. I gave you only simple, one might say, template techniques that are simple, without additional skills, to apply in life here and now. And I used this terminology only because it is familiar to millions of girls and women.

In a good way, when correcting a figure, it is necessary to take into account not only volumetric characteristics, which are usually evaluated in “types of figures”, but also planar ones. And also, it is important to consider that the ideal of the "hourglass" has long ceased to be an ideal. And now all the figures are in fashion. And it is important to take into account, rather, not those zones that fall under one type or another, but those that you like about yourself in order to focus on them, and do not like them in order to retouch them. And at the same time, it is extremely important to consider your planar characteristics.

And if you want to learn exactly the logic of reasoning when analyzing and correcting a figure, selecting styles, at the same time learn how to combine colors and prints and create your ideal wardrobe, then come to me for a basic online intensive "". I will reveal all the cards in it and teach you to think as if you are an Italian stylist!

And add me to Instagram, there are my images and daily usefulness for miniatures.

PPS I'm wearing a suede dress ASOS PETITE Wrap Front Dress in Suede in size 6 Petite, Kepi ​​Eugenia Kim And STEVE MADDEN over the knee boots in US size 5.5. And also here are links to dresses for women and girls below 160 cm, which I really liked. So now you know where to buy these.

  1. Lace Crop Top Midi Sheath Dress
  2. Glamorous Petite Button Tea Maxi
  3. John Zack Petite Wrap Front Maxi
  4. ASOS PETITE Midi Sheath Dress
  5. ASOS PETITE Floral Button Up Maxi Dress
  6. Blue Free People Print Chiffon Dress
  7. Dress for petite with bare shoulders and lace hem
  8. ASOS Premium mini fitted dress with straps
  9. Ann Taylor dress with belt
  10. Ann Taylor bright midi dress
  11. Ann Taylor textured blue office dress
  12. Ann Taylor office bodycon dress
  13. Loft maxi dress
  14. Loft office dress
  15. Blue Loft Dress
  16. INC International Concepts Petite Embellished denim dress shirt

Many tall girls consider their height almost a curse. They begin to stoop, refuse heels ... Although in fact they have even more opportunities to present their appearance favorably than miniature young ladies. High growth in a woman in many times was considered a sign of aristocracy. And luxurious long legs drove quite a few men crazy! So, our fashion site presents to your attention 6 basic rules that will tell you how to dress tall girls to look stunning!

How to dress tall girls? 6 basic rules

Rule One
Even if your height is more than 180 cm, you should not completely abandon shoes with heels. Of course, tall girls look great in flat shoes, but you should not forget about the heel completely. First, doctors do not recommend a flat sole, however, as well as a very high heel - both of which lead to flat feet. For daily use, it is best to choose a heel from 2 to 5 cm of a fairly stable shape. Secondly, a slight rise in the heel will make the foot look smaller. Thirdly, a woman must always remain a woman: many dresses and skirts, and especially evening dresses, imply high heels. Ballet shoes will be bad manners in such a situation, even if the heels make you a little taller than your companion.

Rule Two
In order for a figure with high growth to look proportional and beautiful, it is necessary to visually “separate” it. For these purposes, a large pattern, a wide strip and a cage are ideal. With such prints, the figure looks more compact. The same effect is obtained as a result of a combination of contrasting things, fashionable layering looks especially good in this case. But it is better to refuse one-color ensembles, on the contrary, they visually increase growth even more.

Rule Three
Usually tall girls have long legs. But it will be a mistake to try to emphasize this even more with a super miniskirt. We are not saying that mini skirts are contraindicated for tall girls, not at all! But the length of the shortest skirt should reach the fingertips, if you stretch your arms at the seams. A miniskirt emphasizes high growth, especially if you wear it with shoes or ballet flats, as a large space of “bare” legs remains unfilled. So you will look like an ostrich - a small torso on prohibitively long legs. Believe me, the dignity of a beautiful figure will not hide the skirt to the knees or a little higher. This length is more versatile in application, elegant, it will make a tall figure more proportional.

Rule Four
It is better to lower the waist line on trousers, jeans or shorts to the hips - this will balance the silhouette. But there is one more small nuance: in this case, when buying T-shirts, shirts, sweaters and other things, you should be attentive to their length so that they are not too short.

Rule Five
Cropped trousers, like high boots, are just made for tall girls! Both are visually separated by long legs, hiding growth.

Short ladies cannot afford this, as they will look even lower, but girls from 170 and above can easily flaunt in super and cropped trousers.

Rule six
Pay attention to large accessories. They look great with high growth, balancing the dimensions of the figure.

And finally. Never slouch! Listen, never! Believe me, this will not make growth smaller, but on the contrary, it will only emphasize it. For beauty, an even posture is simply necessary, do not forget about it.