Congratulations on your 20th wedding anniversary. Cool congratulations on a porcelain wedding

20 years. Spouses, living in legal marriage it is this period that celebrates the anniversary, called the porcelain wedding. Such an unusual name was not invented in vain. After all, the relationship of the couple for all these years together has already ceased to be fragile and become stronger. And real porcelain is famous for just such qualities.

Usually, relatives and friends do not have a question about what to give for a 20th wedding anniversary - of course, porcelain. Only now, having come to the store for a gift and seeing a lot of various items, it is quite possible to get confused with such a huge selection.

Maybe your parents will not be delighted with your souvenir or your spouse will not like the cups you bought with a beautiful pattern.

The choice of a gift for the 20th wedding anniversary should be approached with all responsibility. After all, such a number of years lived side by side is a rather long path passed by the spouses side by side.

And we will try in our article to tell everything about the most the best presents on and the main traditions of the anniversary.

20th anniversary life together - an important event in the life of every couple. Why did fragile porcelain become its symbol? Let's try to figure this out.

In the Middle Ages, porcelain ware was incredibly valuable and quite expensive. This material is ideally suited to reflect the whole essence of the holiday, because long-term relationships between spouses are incredibly fragile and that is why they should be carefully protected.

It is recommended to celebrate a porcelain wedding in a special way, because this holiday has its own specific traditions. What?

Of course, the celebration of such a celebration as a porcelain wedding can be an occasion for happy party, but still a more traditional option would be to celebrate this holiday with a narrow family circle.

After all, this celebration is a symbol of love and connection between spouses, and therefore extra people will be out of place here.

What are the options for gifts for the celebration of a porcelain wedding?

traditional gifts

Your friends or relatives are planning a wedding anniversary of 20 years, and you received an invitation to the celebration?

Of course, in such a situation, the first question that comes to mind is: “What to give for a porcelain wedding?”. And the most popular answer to it is becoming such an option as porcelain or dishes.

Consider some examples of traditional presentations:

Such a gift for 20 years of the wedding will surely appeal to the heroes of the occasion or close relatives, who are often collected for festive table his extended family. Experienced consultants in the store will also advise the head of the family first of all when he is interested in a gift for his wife for a porcelain wedding.

  • tea service

Typically, such a service consists of cups, a teapot for tea leaves, a jug for cream and other elements intended for the tea ceremony. This gift will please a mother, aunt or colleague who likes to have tea in the company of her friends.

  • Original vase with drawings or patterns.

Such a present can be presented to a spouse or relatives, supplementing it with a large bouquet of fresh flowers and wishes of happiness.

  • Unusual porcelain figurines with a hint of mutual understanding in the family.

Such a figurine can be made, for example, in the form of a couple in love or a pair of swans, and maybe even a playful image of the spouses. Such a wedding anniversary gift is appropriate for friends, former classmates, close relatives. You can give one figurine for two or choose different ones for each of the spouses, based on their interests.

  • Money in a beautiful envelope

One of the most practical and always needed gifts. However, according to the rules of etiquette, you should not give money to spouses who are older than you.

  • Expensive collection alcohol
  • Household appliances or kitchen utensils

Of course, it is worth acquiring something from what the spouses do not yet have.

  • Bed sheets.

The choice of it in stores is very large, so when buying, be guided by your imagination and financial capabilities.

  • Blankets and bedspreads

The main rule when choosing such a present is to know all the nuances of the interior of the spouses, so as not to give, for example, a red plaid to the bedroom in blue shades.

  • Beautiful picture

All of the above gift options are usually the first to come to mind for those invited to the celebration of a porcelain wedding. Such gifts are given to spouses with wishes for a further happy life.

Porcelain wedding gifts for husband and wife from each other

Not only the guests who came to congratulate the spouses on the twentieth anniversary of the wedding are asking the question: “What to give for the 20th wedding anniversary?”, But they themselves also choose gifts for each other.

Over the years, lived soul to soul, each of the spouses becomes aware of what exactly can please a loved one.

Therefore, the choice of a present for them is easier than for friends or relatives.

Husbands usually buy traditional gifts for the twentieth anniversary of the porcelain wedding:

  • coffee or tea-set;
  • Watches that are decorated, for example, with figurines of angels;
  • jewelry box;
  • An interesting figurine with an unusual inscription;
  • A beautiful vase for flowers.

Wives make more original gifts:

  • Ashtrays for smoking husbands of an unusual shape;
  • Personalized plates and cups engraved with the name of a beloved spouse and wishes for happiness in their future life together.

And it is not at all necessary to present porcelain products to your wife or husband - friends and relatives will already give them.

You can, for example, buy something that a loved one has long dreamed of: things needed for fishing or hunting, kitchen appliances, household appliances, jewelry made of precious metals or car souvenirs for her husband.

The main thing is that your gift for the 20th wedding anniversary should be made from pure heart and even after more than a dozen years gave only warm memories of this significant event.

What to give parents for their 20th wedding anniversary

Spouses who have been celebrating twenty years of marriage usually already have quite adult children. And, of course, they try to pick up interesting and the right gifts to please your beloved parents.

Gifts from children for a porcelain wedding do not have to be expensive at all, it is quite possible to make them yourself.

If you still get a ready-made present, then it is better to stop at a porcelain product that will become a symbol of a happy life together, but if parents want to receive a certain thing as a gift, then they should please them with it.

What can you give your parents for a porcelain wedding? These can be gifts such as:

  • Cup sets;
  • Service with a beautiful pattern;
  • Bedding (pillows, blankets, etc.);
  • Warm soft blanket made of natural materials;
  • Household appliances that mom has long wanted;
  • Home textiles (bedspreads, tablecloths, curtains);
  • Necessary furniture of small size;
  • Kitchenware.

Children usually try to give their parents not only a very significant, but also a touching present. After all, having some imagination, you can beat even the most ordinary gift in a completely new way.

For example, mugs and plates can be decorated with your own hands, depicting portraits of a couple on them or writing original congratulations.

You can show your love and attention more bright gift, for example, a variety of gift certificates - a joint horse ride or a themed photo shoot will definitely be remembered for a long time.

If not Money for a suitable gift, you can simply write sweet congratulations for parents in verse, unusually designing it, for example, engraving it on a porcelain figurine.

Such a present, expressing the depth of your feelings towards your parents, will be much more important than any, even the most expensive gift.

When choosing a gift, you can use the above options or come up with your own, because children know better what their parents would like to receive. And do not forget that the name of this anniversary of living together does not at all oblige you to purchase only porcelain souvenirs.

You can choose any present, the main thing is to pack it beautifully, for example, in a beautiful wrapping paper, attach a card with congratulations and do not forget about a bouquet of flowers. Any married couple will be pleased even with the simple attention from their children.

Original gifts for the 20th wedding anniversary

For such significant event, as the twentieth anniversary of living together, it is quite acceptable to present various original presents.

These gifts can be:

  • Porcelain box with an unusually decorated lid;
  • A voucher to a sanatorium or a vacation abroad;
  • Porcelain beautiful doll;
  • A couple of mugs with names or interesting inscriptions on the theme of love;
  • A picture painted by one's own hand;
  • Porcelain figurine in the form of a couple in love, it is desirable that she had at least a slight resemblance to the spouses;
  • A variety of crafts with the inscriptions "Twenty years of marriage";
  • Newspaper with news about the spouses celebrating the holiday on the main page;
  • Order or medal "Together 20 years";
  • Clock, which are decorated with photographs of the heroes of the occasion and their children;
  • Flight in a hot air balloon.

You can also make a collage of those photos that the spouses have accumulated over 20 years of life, some kind of fabric souvenir or a picture created from artificial flowers.

You can also present a delicious big cake, of course, with an inscription like "20 years together." Do not forget about the wishes of a further happy life - you can simply in your own words, or you can also in poetic form, in any case, the anniversaries will be pleased.

If you want to surprise and please the spouses even more, you can prepare a script for the celebration and familiarize some of the invited people with it in advance so that they can play along with you.

Such a surprise will surely be remembered for more than one year. If possible, you can shoot the holiday on video and then give it to the spouses.

There is also another very unusual tradition, which may well become a kind of gift for a 20th wedding anniversary.

Guests on the day of the holiday make a variety of clay figurines with their own hands during the celebration. They are then fired in a kiln and hand-painted. The idea of ​​having a party in a pottery workshop would be very interesting!

Fun Gifts for a Porcelain Wedding

Inexpensive gifts for a porcelain wedding

The best gifts that cost almost nothing, but are highly valued - made with your own hands. To make them, you only need imagination and a little diligence.

Ideas for such gifts:

  • A beautifully designed bottle of wine or champagne;
  • Aroma candles original form corresponding to the theme of the evening;
  • Solid perfume or soap;
  • Bouquet of flowers from sweets, soft toys or buttons.

Porcelain Wedding Gifts You Shouldn't Give

There are various beliefs and rules of etiquette, based on which, you can make a list of gifts that it is not advisable to present on a wedding anniversary.

We list some of them:

Important advice! The main rule when choosing a present is not to give those things that you yourself do not like.

And do not forget the main thing, no matter what gift you choose for your spouses for a porcelain wedding - do it with all your heart!

Viewed: 532

Lived together for 20 years
Hand in hand passed together.
Yesterday the bride and groom
Today mom and dad.

How fragile is porcelain, so is marriage!
Cherish it and keep it!
Fate gave you one sign -
You are always striving for it!

From the bottom of my heart congratulations
We give for the anniversary!
Let it be just a couple of lines
But they will warm your soul!

Twenty years is a round date
It seems like a long run
You need to love each other more,
And we need to live together for a century!

So love, appreciate each other,
Be there every moment and hour
Let the blizzard bypass life,
Let the sun shine for you!

20 years passed in an instant
We remember the wedding like yesterday
crazy fun
And festivities until the morning!

We sold out all the porcelain,
To give it to you
20 years in love you lived,
And they were able to have children.

We wish you good luck
So that, bypassing all the years,
You solved all the problems
Those that life has presented!

Porcelain wedding - 20 years,
Congratulate you on a wonderful anniversary,
Best friends came today
They wish you health, happiness,
Much love for years to come.
And even if it's a little hard sometimes
We wish you saved the porcelain
Before the emerald wedding.

Let this year of your life together be as beautiful as painting on porcelain, only a hundred times stronger than this fragile material. On the 20th wedding anniversary we wish you love, like for the first time, good luck in difficult times, incomparable happiness, healthy health. And so that now it all comes to you in twentyfold size.

20 years, porcelain wedding,
I wish you happiness and love.
May peace always reign in the soul,
Stay close, like ships in the sea.

Take care of each other with tenderness,
You give joy and care.
Fall asleep together, wake up
And you love each other all your life!

20 years ago you exchanged rings
And they swore allegiance to each other that day,
May all your days of love be bright,
We are all here today to congratulate you!

Like porcelain let life be graceful
But pay attention to the little things
May health be excellent
Your love will remain forever!

Porcelain tableware
And the wedding is 20 years old.
Accept this bride
Bouquet of beautiful roses.

Don't beat the cups together
Well, let the hearts beat.
And every moment
Angels are laughing at you.

Let the work argue
And there will be less work.
Hurry up to love now
After all, it is your lot.

Cherish each other
Like porcelain saucers.
And live up to a hundred years
Without grief, troubles and disputes.

Twenty years you've been married.
Happiness, reciprocity to you, friends.
After all, you are like two strong ropes,
And I sincerely want to congratulate you.

Together you, what a happiness
You can forgive each other.
And no matter a clear day or bad weather,
Never stop loving!

Today we are with you - anniversaries,
Let's call it whatever you want
But for some reason the fanfare does not sound,
And it's strange that they don't beat the drums.

After all, twenty years is a serious road,
And again we, as for the first time together,
And the music, well, maybe a little.
We will sing our song together.

Rushed twenty years like a fast train
All that's left is the smoke of memories
But the anniversary of pure porcelain,
Around whether we like it or not.

Such years are not a toy,
And as if for the first time, in the hand of the hand,
I am your friend and you are my girlfriend
And our friendship, like porcelain, is strong.

The wedding day itself and the entire first year is called a green wedding - as a sign of youth, freshness and purity of the newlyweds. In the first year, you can mark the date of this event at least every month, and even every week!

The name of the first wedding anniversary is associated with chintz - a light material. On the one hand, chintz symbolizes the fragility of relations: the young people have just got to know each other better. On the other hand, relationships soaked in love are still very easy and simple.

On print wedding It is customary to give products made of chintz, cotton, silk. It is convenient for close people to present to a young couple, for example, a beautiful set bed linen. Spouses are usually recommended to exchange chintz handkerchiefs on the first wedding anniversary, but if this gift seems banal or impractical to you (for example, you are used to using disposable ones), then you can choose other chintz products.

In the old days, on this day, the “young” was given a dress made of chintz fabric, and the spouse was given a shirt or trousers, also made of chintz. And, of course, the main ceremonial gift on this day, a cotton dress presented to the young wife by her mother-in-law appeared.

The two-year wedding anniversary is called the paper wedding. marital relationship during this period they are identified with the most fragile material - paper: it is easily torn, wrinkled, and burned.

For two years family life spouses manage to get to know each other quite well. Unpleasant habits are revealed, there is a distribution of duties, grinding of characters. Often at this time, the couple has a baby, which means the end of the romantic period when the husband and wife belonged only to each other and enjoyed intimacy. At the same time, this is a period of joy and happiness from new emotions and impressions - they should help overcome possible conflicts.

Guests invited to a paper wedding give all kinds of printed products: books, calendars, photo albums, paintings. Gifts made of plastic and furniture are also considered acceptable. You can even donate money: they are also paper!

They say that this wedding anniversary in Byzantium was associated interesting tradition. For the festive feast, the husband and wife made dolls out of paper. Notes with wishes to the spouse were hidden in these dolls, the advantages and disadvantages of a loved one were listed. It was believed that after two years of family life, the husband and wife got to know each other quite well and could give an objective assessment. Young spouses exchange dolls with guests, which should be next to them until the end of the holiday. During the feast, the husband and wife each closely monitor their doll, because the husband's friends or the wife's girlfriends can change the notes in the dolls. In the replaced notes, only the merits of the spouse are indicated. If the note is stolen, the kidnappers demand a symbolic ransom. By the end of the celebration, the young spouses take out notes from the dolls and read them aloud to the guests. The guests discuss whether the person who wrote them is truthful or whether he exaggerated something. The parents of the heroes of the occasion did not participate in this discussion. After the discussion, each of the guests had to give wise advice to the young spouses.

3 years from the date of the wedding - Leather wedding

Three years of marriage is the first "significant" date of a young family. Anniversary of 3 years from the date of the wedding is called leather wedding. It is believed that the "paper" difficulties are left behind, and since the husband and wife did not break off relations like paper, it means that they learned to get along with each other and adapt flexibly. After all, leather is a symbol of flexibility.

The importance of the ability to find a compromise in family relationships is emphasized by the gifts that guests bring to the holiday. These can be leather or leatherette products: bags, purses, organizers, belts, and for the more affluent - leather clothes or even furniture.

It was no coincidence that the fourth wedding anniversary was called linen, because linen is not chintz, it is much stronger, which means that the relationship of the spouses has become stronger and more reliable. Linen is a symbol of strength and durability.

This anniversary is sometimes also called a wax anniversary, which laid the foundation for the tradition of putting candles on the table without fail. Well, to cover the table, of course, should be linen tablecloth, and put linen napkin around each device.

Flax is a symbol of prosperity and security. Linen items last a long time, and therefore the gifts presented on this day will remain with the spouses for life: tablecloths, bedspreads, and other high-quality home textiles.

The fifth wedding anniversary is the first major family anniversary. Wood is a warm, supple, cozy and very homely material. In addition, he also construction material. By the age of five years of marriage, the couple had already managed to build their relationship, equip the house, and possibly have a baby.

Compared to all previous symbols of wedding anniversaries - chintz, paper, leather and linen, wood is the first solid material, which is also very symbolic. By the age of five, all the main roughness in relationships is smoothed out, which come to relative stability. Wood is a hard material, but, unfortunately, not eternal. A house built of wood is warm and reliable, but fires can also threaten it. family quarrels. It is considered a good omen for spouses to plant a tree on their fifth wedding anniversary. They say that a tree planted on the fifth wedding anniversary will survive all hardships and will be a memory for distant descendants.

If you did not mark the previous milestones of family life, then wooden wedding definitely worth celebrating. It would be nice to invite friends and all the guests who were present at your wedding. Gifts do not have to be expensive: boxes, carvings, wooden utensils and jewelry, small items furniture.

Here is the first "metal" wedding anniversary. But it should be remembered that cast iron, despite its external strength, is the most fragile of all metals, and may well break from a strong blow. In the old days, on this day, the hostess polished cast-iron dishes to a shine and put them on display for passers-by.

As a gift for cast iron wedding recommend giving cast iron pots and pans (in modern conditions, perhaps, they will have to be replaced with Teflon or ceramic). You can donate a brazier and skewers: although not cast iron, it is directly related to open fire.

By the way, in America and Western Europe, the wedding anniversary of 6 years is called candy, and in Latvia - mountain ash.

The first incomplete wedding anniversary is probably due to the fact that the atomic mass of zinc is 65.38. Obviously, the tradition of the holiday has not very deep historical roots and is not celebrated by everyone. However, it also has its own meaning: zinc wedding recalls that marriage, like galvanized dishes, needs to be polished from time to time. You can give a set of dishes, pots.

The copper wedding is celebrated on the 7th year after the wedding. Copper is a symbol of family strength, beauty and prosperity. This is no longer ferrous metal cast iron, but valuable. But it is still far from noble or precious.

As for wool, it is a warm material, warming all family members with even and soft warmth. But sometimes it can be prickly, which reminds of possible roughness in relationships even at this stage of family life.

IN former years in honor of the seventh wedding anniversary, the couple exchanged copper coins. Now you can give each other handicrafts as a gift for a copper wedding - a candlestick, a cezve for coffee, decorative cups, and in honor of wool wedding- knitted socks or sweaters. And you can, by analogy with copper utensils, give the hostess a multicooker or other useful kitchen device as a gift.

For eight years, everyday life becomes too familiar for the spouses, their relationship pales and dims, becoming like a nondescript tin. But everyday problems, which in the first years of life so interfered with marriage, have now subsided. The name of the wedding, as it were, says that life, which tested the spouses for strength, became their ally, bringing them closer by common concerns about home and family. But you should not go too deep into everyday life, so that family life does not become too dull, from time to time it needs to be minted.

On the eighth wedding anniversary, you can give kitchen utensils, household items, or just everything that sparkles and looks like tin products - tea, sweets in tin boxes.

The faience wedding is celebrated on the ninth year of family life. The symbolism of the ninth wedding anniversary has two opposite interpretations. According to one version, every year family relations become stronger, as good tea poured into faience cups. According to another version, nine years after the wedding, the family is going through a critical period and is fragile, like faience.

For a faience wedding, they usually give a tea set or tableware. Besides, earthenware wedding - A good reason break a plate for happiness!

The first full-fledged wedding anniversary, a round date, is called a pink (according to other sources - tin) wedding. On this day, it is customary to have fun to the fullest, celebrate solemnly, with huge bouquets roses, and not to think about petty family troubles and troubles.

Gifts for 10 years of marriage should be as beautiful as a ten-year relationship of husband and wife. Even the less popular "tin" name of the tenth wedding anniversary is associated with the flexibility and pliability of tin - that is, with the ability of spouses to adapt to each other.

Traditionally, a husband gives his wife 11 roses: 10 red as a symbol of love, and 1 white as a symbol of hope for the next decade. Guests who came to congratulate the spouses on the tenth anniversary of marriage also give bouquets of roses. In the details of clothing, they try to include elements of pink symbolism (color, pattern). On the table are rose wine, tea with rose petals and a cake decorated with roses.

This anniversary speaks for itself, because it is 1 + 1 - the union of two people - hand in hand, soul to soul. Marriage hardened and became like steel, became strong and resilient. Steel is a beautiful metal, with a certain processing it becomes a mirror, so your union, having been processed by life's problems, joy, love and time, has become, like steel, a mirror.

As a gift, products from of stainless steel: pot set, tray, coffee pot, etc.

Nickel wedding - the second "incomplete" wedding anniversary. According to Russian customs, it is celebrated after 12.5 years, since this is exactly half the way to the most important anniversary - 25 years, silver wedding. For convenience, her conception is celebrated six months earlier - at 12 years old. The symbolism of this wedding anniversary is similar tin wedding: sparkling nickel indicates the need to refresh the sparkle of a relationship.

The theme of the gift for 12.5 years of the wedding is obvious - shiny items should be given, for example, dishes or even a mirror.

13 years of marriage - Lily of the valley wedding (or lace wedding)

Like lace, which requires great patience from the craftswoman, good, harmonious family relationships are weaved for years with great patience and accuracy.
Just as vibrant and gentle image include lilies of the valley, which gave the second name to this wedding anniversary.

For 13 years of marriage, it is customary to give gifts made of lace, products knitted from fine wool. It would be ideal for a husband to give his wife a bouquet of lilies of the valley for their 13th wedding anniversary.

Only 14 years after the wedding folk tradition begins to assign the family the status of a precious stone and this first stone is agate. A husband can give agate jewelry to his wife on the fourteenth wedding anniversary. It is appropriate for guests to present products made of bone to match the stone.

The name of the fifteenth wedding anniversary of the wedding testifies to the purity and clarity of the relationship of the spouses. On the festive table for the 15th wedding anniversary - crystal and glassware Participants of the celebration are advised to wear light-colored clothing.

Gifts for the fifteenth wedding anniversary should be made of glass and crystal - vases, glasses, salad bowls and even Swarovski crystals. Husband and wife exchange crystal glasses. The feast, according to custom, continues until someone specifically breaks a glass, glass or plate.

16th wedding anniversary - Topaz wedding

Topaz - transparent gem blue tint, which is probably why it symbolizes openness, clarity, mutual understanding. It is customary to celebrate the 16th wedding anniversary with family, relatives and friends. Any gifts that emphasize the warmth of the hearth, the strength of family ties are appropriate: a blanket or sofa cushions, a service or fondue set, a camera or a family photo album, etc.

17th wedding anniversary - Pink wedding

Some sources call the 17th anniversary a pink wedding, and the 10th in this case is a pewter one. gift for pink wedding obvious - a bouquet of 17 scarlet roses!

By this time, the older child often reaches adulthood, and with it the difficulties associated with growing up end. The purity and freshness of turquoise is reminiscent of the color of the sky on a clear day. They wish the spouses the same calm and cloudless life in the future and give turquoise jewelry.

19 years of wedding - Pomegranate wedding

The red shade of garnet, like red in general, symbolizes love. Therefore, it is customary to celebrate 19 years of marriage in a scarlet or burgundy dress. The closest friends are usually invited to visit, who, when choosing a gift, stick to reddish hues.

The twentieth wedding anniversary is called a porcelain wedding. After 20 years of marriage family union as beautiful and harmonious as genuine Chinese porcelain, the secret of which is still a mystery.

As a gift for a porcelain wedding, it is appropriate to give, of course, a tea set. But ask the owners if they will be happy with such a gift, because if each of the guests gives a service, this can become a real problem for the anniversary spouses!

21st wedding anniversary - Opal wedding

The people believe that opal brings discord and hostility, but according to other sources, it develops intuition, strengthens love and fidelity. In any case, it is to be hoped that during 21 years of marriage, husband and wife have become so close to each other that not only a stone, but even more serious reasons are not able to sow discord among them.
It is customary to celebrate the 21st wedding anniversary in private. The husband usually presents his wife with an opal, an amazingly beautiful gemstone.

So you got to the first "Olympic" wedding! Bronze is an expensive and noble metal, to earn it, you need a lot of work to strengthen the family hearth. On the 22nd wedding anniversary, bronze items are given: figurines, candlesticks, watches, etc.

The 23rd wedding anniversary is usually celebrated in close family circle. They try to decorate the table in the yellow-green range, characteristic of beryl. IN warm time it is appropriate to transfer the holiday to nature. Gifts can be simple and inexpensive, symbolizing mutual love.

Satin is a dense, smooth and silky fabric. This is exactly how - smooth and strong - the relationship between the spouses becomes after 24 years of marriage.
Since the 24th wedding anniversary precedes a major date - a silver wedding - it is not customary to celebrate it widely. But for a family feast, of course, there is a reason.

25 years of married life - SILVER WEDDING

About it wedding anniversary written poems, songs and plays. After 25 years, the name of the wedding anniversary for the first time "reached" the precious metal - silver.
Silver wedding gifts do not have to be made of silver, but usually give something significant and quite expensive. It might be a big one Appliances, pieces of furniture (which have worn out over the years), or antique clocks, figurines, silverware, etc.

Some special traditions accompany the celebration of the silver wedding. On this day, husband and wife can exchange silver rings and wear them in addition to the wedding ones throughout the jubilee year. A silver wedding can also be celebrated "officially" - in the wedding palace or registry office where the marriage took place.

Jade is a very strong mineral, it is almost impossible to destroy it. So a family that has lived a long life together becomes strong and indestructible.
Spouses can exchange jade products or jewelry. One of the beautiful and touching traditions jade wedding is an exchange of vows between spouses. Husband and wife should join hands and repeat their vows, which they probably gave each other 26 years ago. The repetition of these pleasant and meaningful words will obviously not be superfluous, but will only bring the heroes of the occasion even closer and strengthen their relationship.

Mahogany is a symbol of nobility and strength, wisdom and strong roots. All these qualities are inherent in a family celebrating 27 years from the date of the wedding.
Gifts, of course, should be from this noble type of wood: jewelry, caskets, figurines, etc., up to an elegant table or chair, if you are not limited in finances.

28th Wedding Anniversary - Nickel Wedding

Nickel is a very hard material and is also magnetic, polishes well and is very durable. The relationship of spouses who celebrate the Nickel wedding should also have the same qualities.

A nickel wedding gift can be associated with this metal, but it doesn't have to be. Can be donated beautiful bedspread on a double bed big bouquet or a cake with an inscription.

Velvet is a symbol of softness and tenderness. Without these qualities, it is difficult to save a marriage, which is well known to spouses celebrating their 29th wedding anniversary.
Velvet symbolizes wealth and luxury, so they often try to mark it “on wide leg”, for example, in a restaurant. Gifts for the 29th wedding anniversary should be decorated or complemented with velvet. You can present curtains or other velvet textiles, or show your imagination and present earrings on a velvet cushion.

Probably, the name is connected with the years lived together, in which there were both difficulties and hardships, and therefore the relationship managed to “tan”, from “green” to become “dark”.
A gift can be related to tanning: from sunglasses or a poster with a summer landscape to an invitation to a solarium or trips to hot countries.

32 years - Copper wedding

Some sources call the 32nd anniversary copper wedding, although the day of 7 years from the date of the wedding has a similar name. You can present gifts made of copper, or limit yourself to a bouquet of flowers and a birthday cake.

33 years - Stone (strawberry) wedding

The stone symbolizes the unbreakable strength that family ties have gained on the 33rd wedding anniversary. Another name for this date is more playful and suggests a strawberry cake or pie, which should certainly decorate the festive table.

Amber is an amazing material that hardens over the centuries, turning from a viscous resin into a precious stone, becoming harder and harder, like your relationship. On the 34th wedding anniversary, amber crafts and jewelry should be presented.

porcelain wedding. How to congratulate in prose?

Anniversaries who have crossed such a milestone as a porcelain wedding can be wished prosperity, unquenchable passion, prosperity, understanding and love that will accompany them throughout their lives.

Let this year of your life together be as beautiful as painting on porcelain, only a hundred times stronger than this fragile material! On the 20th wedding anniversary we wish you love, like for the first time, good luck in difficult times, incomparable happiness, healthy health. And so that now it all comes to you in twentyfold size!

With all my heart I congratulate you on the 20th anniversary of your family life, on your porcelain wedding! I wish you porcelain elegance and beauty of life, family well-being and home comfort, true good and high prosperity, sincere feelings and eternal love!

We are pleased to congratulate you on your twentieth wedding anniversary! I want to tell you that there is nothing more beautiful than looking at lovers who have lived together for more than a dozen and still that sincere love is visible in their eyes. Let your porcelain wedding give you a new step in relationships, in life. And presents to new level life! I admire your relationship! May the Lord keep your marriage and protect it with his blessing! Happy 20th Anniversary!

It's been 20 years and it seems like this day was just yesterday. You have grown wonderful children who decorate your life and keep you bored. Before you know it, you will have grandchildren. So let's raise glasses of champagne and drink to two wonderful people who were able to carry all the sorrows and joys together in this difficult life and saved what is so dear to all of us - family happiness! Let's drink to the bottom for the anniversaries!

You have become 20 years wiser and friendlier, and your family's endurance is 20 years stronger. Not all days were cloudless, but you found the strength to admit mistakes, learn, join hands and overcome obstacles. Keep it up! Each other by the hand, together, no matter what happens. More unity to your marriage, more more love and happiness! Happy porcelain anniversary!

Congratulations to the two wonderful people who found happiness in mutual love, happy 20th wedding anniversary! Let your union be intertwined with beautiful porcelain patterns, combining family well-being, mutual assistance, warmth, support and complete mutual understanding!

With all my heart I congratulate you on your porcelain wedding, on the wonderful 20th anniversary of your life together! I wish you that your happiness and love only grow stronger every day and your feelings are pure and transparent! Let your homely atmosphere be like porcelain, impenetrable to envy and resentment! Good health to your family and for long years life!

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart on a porcelain wedding, on the 20th anniversary of family life! On this wonderful anniversary of yours, I wish you a beautiful and happy life, wonderful ideas and undoubted good luck, mutual understanding and well-being, comfort and prosperity in the house, health and peace in the family!

20 years ago two good man united their hearts forever and were able to carry their love through all these years, overcome all the obstacles that stood in the way of happiness. But they are still young and just beginning to live. So let's raise our glasses and drink to the years we have lived together - and let love, like a star, lead them along the rough road of life straight to happiness and prosperity!

Congratulations, my dears, on your porcelain wedding - on the twentieth anniversary of your life together! I wish you to live in happiness and prosperity, peace and understanding, respect and love. May there always be a holiday in your home, may comfort, prosperity and fun not leave it! long to you joint years filled with sincerity, health and good luck!

I can hardly believe that 20 years have passed since your wedding! This is a real feat - to live together for so many years in love and harmony and celebrate your porcelain wedding today! May your love never fade away, bring you only tenderness and happiness! Take care of your family from now on, like fragile porcelain. Be kind to each other and to your children, because they try so hard to be like you. I wish you happiness and success in all your new endeavors!

Russian folk proverb says: "The husband is the head, the wife is the soul." Your family has been living according to this folk wisdom. Wife - her gentle, kind, loving soul. She managed to raise and educate children smart, kind, caring. In her family there is always a harmony, an atmosphere of love and mutual understanding. Well, the husband is the head of everything. He provides for his family, and he managed to pass on his skills and experience in many matters to his sons, you can always turn to him for help and advice. Be happy, healthy and live in love and harmony for many more years!

I know what helped these people to live 20 years in an atmosphere of complete mutual understanding: let's drink to Faith, Hope, Love! Bitterly!

Congratulations on your porcelain wedding, you've been together for 20 years! And we are in a hurry to wish you today, to live together for a hundred years, good health, smiles, patience, faith and love, not to know longing and gray sadness, mutual understanding, care of loved ones, warmth! You are the ones we look up to, admire and admire! We will take over your life experience, we wish you the growth of happiness every day!

It's been two decades since your wedding. Congratulations on your anniversary and we wish you to always remain a couple for each other, the most beloved, most valuable people. Be happy in your family life and always understand each other, as you understood in these 20 years!

Congratulations on round date family, 20th birthday married life! May your porcelain bowl of love and goodness always be full, may no winds of fate and hardships of life be able to break it! I wish you big family happiness, health and prosperity to you for many years!

My dears, I congratulate you on the 20th anniversary of your family life, on your porcelain wedding! With all my heart I wish you youth of the soul and cheerfulness of the body, eternal romance and tenderness in relationships, well-being in the family and kindness, true happiness and good health!

Today, I wholeheartedly congratulate you on the twentieth anniversary of your life together, on your porcelain wedding, on the anniversary of your relationship! I want to tell you that only by sincerely loving, you can walk together to a porcelain wedding! On this day, I wish that in your life those feelings that flared up when you met would flare up! So that all the time that you spend together gives you only joy and pleasant emotions! After all, you really shine with happiness and love for each other. Please accept my congratulations and know that you are admired by many! Happy porcelain wedding anniversary!

Congratulations on your 20th wedding anniversary! Porcelain wedding, the date when you were already able to build strong and strong relationship, to fill the family with high and pure, like porcelain, feelings! I wish you never lose faith in each other, constantly fill your house with ringing laughter and kind smiles, arrange as often as possible wonderful holidays and just happy days!

Today you are 20 years old - 20 years of joint happiness and true love, mutual care and a wonderful family! into your porcelain anniversary With all my heart I want to wish good health and a cozy home, a rich life and joyful events, good news and prosperity from year to year!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! You've been together for 20 years, which is a long time. At 20, people start families and even have children. And yet your anniversary is called porcelain, and porcelain is a fragile material, and therefore we wish you to continue to protect and strengthen your union, so that after a while it will shine with silver, shine with pearls, and then sparkle with gold! Do not cool your feelings, live happily ever after!

Porcelain wedding is 20 summer anniversary married life! The symbol of the anniversary is porcelain, which is a thin, light and elegant material. But having lived together for twenty years, you know each other like no one else, all habits, mistakes and virtues, so this knowledge will help you stay together forever, and that sincere love will not let anything separate you! Happy anniversary of your life together! Bring each other only joy, and only a good mood!

You have been together for 20 years, and this, without a doubt, is the period that cannot but command respect! We sincerely congratulate you on this significant date and we wish that the joy that you experience from your love for each other only becomes stronger and stronger over the years! Happiness to you and health!

In the 20 years you have lived, I wish your relationship to continue to remain bright, high and clean, like porcelain! Let the love and health of the family grow stronger, let happiness and prosperity come, and let sorrows and troubles not disturb! Family well-being, good luck and light!

Congratulations on the magnificent anniversary of your family life, on the 20th anniversary of your marriage! In a porcelain wedding, I wish you to fill cozy family evenings joyful memories and wonderful moments, keep a happy and warm atmosphere in the house, always support each other and cherish your love!

According to a Russian proverb, "husband and wife are tied with one rope." Here you are dear anniversaries, have been married for twenty years. These bonds are bonds of love, mutual understanding and respect. Over the years, you have become true friends. You can go through life through all the difficulties, preserving the honor of the family and dignity, only by sincerely loving and supporting each other. The symbol of the wedding is porcelain, a very elegant, fragile material. Take care of your family like porcelain and may peace and love always reign in your house!

20 years - it is on this anniversary that I want to congratulate you today! Just think how long you've been together! So many hardships, so many good and bad experiences, and all together! I wish you to remain as united and strong! May love, luck and happiness never leave you!

With all my heart I congratulate you on the 20th anniversary of a happy family life, on a porcelain wedding. I wish you bright days joy and well-being, calm and peaceful nights of sweet dreams and dreams, high prosperity and mutual understanding in the family, wonderful mood and good atmosphere in the house!

Congratulations on your 20th anniversary, porcelain wedding! I wish you to take care of the porcelain bowl of your love and your happiness! I wish you to live together and prosperously, without ceasing to take care of each other and respect! I wish your family good health, peaceful skies and great success!

Husband and wife are not just words, they are the proud titles of a couple who today celebrate another twentieth anniversary of their family! You were able to adequately carry the warmth of your relationship through everyday storms and troubles, strengthen your feelings, keep the fire in the family hearth. Be an example in everything for your children, live with a smile and joy!

Dear anniversaries! Exactly twenty years have passed since you were together! We wish you good health, human happiness, prosperity, well-being, family comfort, dove-grandchildren, beautiful decades - we wish you to live in ardent love!

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on a porcelain wedding, on the 20th anniversary of family happiness and true love! I wish that your porcelain bowl of family good always remains impervious to envious eyes and evil tongues! Manage to save what is already there and create everything that your hearts aspire to!

For twenty years now, you have been celebrating the Porcelain Wedding together and today! We've been through a lot together, experienced both good and bad things. They were able to carry their love through the decades. Porcelain is a beautiful, expensive, but very fragile material; today it symbolizes your family happiness. It is priceless, but always remember that it must be cherished and protected, because happiness is only in your hands and you support it with your warmth and love for each other. We wish peace to your home, harmony in the family, pride in the children you have raised! Be always happy, happy anniversary!

People say: there is health, there is happiness, and in family well-being there are all cherished dreams - the house is filled with goodness, joy, affection and comfort from children! So it is with you, and therefore in this 20-year-old wedding day, we say: let every moment of married life please you with its uniqueness, let fate always smile, bring only joy with them for years! May loyalty, love never be betrayed, may your dreams and all your desires come true! Walk side by side happily on the family trail for many years! Bitterly!

Dear ours! Twenty years ago, you also sat at the head of a rich table, accepting congratulations and listening to witty toasts in your honor. Today we will again shout "Bitter!" to you, give gifts and nice words! Nothing changed. You are also in love, and your eyes glow with tenderness for each other. However, some changes have taken place - during this time your family has grown, which is natural and encouraging. So let only pleasant changes happen in your life! Advice to you and love!

It's been 20 years since you got married! I just can’t believe that today we are gathered for your porcelain wedding. They say that at this respectable age, the relationship between husband and wife is like porcelain - refined, but fragile. Therefore, it is so pleasant for me to look at you and understand that love and mutual understanding still reign between you. You are an example for everyone present. During the time spent together, you have experienced many different moments. There was both joy and sadness. But it only made the two of you stronger and more tender! May life be filled with happiness, and children bring only joyful news! Good luck to you!

Congratulations to our spouses on a porcelain wedding! Twenty years have passed in your official married life! What do you wish now? Well, of course, and further happiness, family well-being, love! Be patient, not far off and a silver wedding!

Dear porcelain newlyweds! You have been living together for two decades, but at the same time you love and respect each other, no less than on the first day of your life together. And maybe more, because mutual love cannot be measured! Despite all the hardships, stay together forever, and then nothing will break you! Rejoice in the victories of children and get ready to celebrate their weddings! You deserve it! Happiness to you! And may good luck accompany everything!

Love is not for virtues, but in spite of shortcomings. And this is true, because on your own experience, you have proved to us all that your love never fades and it is real. After all, despite your shortcomings, you lived twenty years together! Paying no attention to each other's shortcomings, because no ideal people! People call the twentieth wedding anniversary porcelain. So let your eyes shine with love and happiness! And may the path that you have traveled together become better, brighter and more fun in the future! After all, by working on mistakes, you can achieve anything!

On this wonderful and happy day for you, when you celebrate your porcelain wedding, I want to wish you faith in each other! After all, only with support loved one you can move mountains and achieve your goal. Let your house pass all sorts of problems, and only mutual understanding and happiness reign in it! Take care of your love like a precious porcelain vessel: let the fire burn in it, and the porcelain does not crack!

My beloved mom and dad! I wish you on the day of your twentieth wedding anniversary just remember your happy life, smile and understand that you have achieved a lot! I want to say that I love you very much and am proud of you! I wish you good, boundless happiness and the same tender love!

Today is your porcelain wedding day. You have been together for twenty long years. Just awesome! No wonder the symbol of your wedding is porcelain. You glow with joy and are filled with tenderness and warmth of relationships. I wish you to illuminate your life path with love and fidelity for many, many more twenty years! You deserve only happiness, so love, respect and support each other! You are a wonderful couple that many admire! Congratulations!

This anniversary of a porcelain wedding is an excellent occasion to mentally return to the past, when you were still so young and inexperienced, but already deeply in love. 20 years have passed since your wedding, life experience has accumulated, and you still look wonderful together. Remember what feelings guided you 20 years ago and think about the feelings that reign between you today. Here is the secret of your successful marriage - this is the unquenchable power of love. Over the years, it has become even stronger, deeper. May your love never fade away and give you wonderful and joyful moments of life! Congratulations!

Today is a significant and joyful day! 20 years ago, a worthy cell of society was formed on earth, connected by reliable and strong bonds marriage! You are an exemplary example for everyone around you, you want to be equal to your family! During these twenty years, your cell of society has experienced countless events - happy and not very happy, but in any situation you have been a reliable and faithful support to each other. Happy porcelain wedding, dear ones! May only peace and understanding reign in your house! Treat each other, as before, with tender awe, and may the mysterious flame of love and care for each other never fade in your eyes!

porcelain wedding. How to congratulate in verse?

porcelain anniversary,

Twenty years have passed since the wedding

We want to congratulate you on this

After all, you are lucky with each other,

Let your couple keep

Great love, community of souls,

We wish you good luck

You are the best wife and husband!

Twenty years is a round date

It seems like a long run

You need to love each other more,

And we need to live together for a century!

So love, appreciate each other,

Be there every moment and hour

Let the blizzard bypass life,

Let the sun shine for you!

Porcelain wedding - 20 years,

Congratulate you on a wonderful anniversary,

Best friends came today

They wish you health, happiness,

Much love for years to come!

And even if it's a little hard sometimes

We wish you saved the porcelain

Until the emerald wedding!

20th wedding anniversary

In a cozy house at a magnificent table

Let will gather friends, guests!

May it be the best day ever!

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart

Your wonderful family!

I wish you happiness and wealth

Fulfill the main dream!

Love each other more

Bring love through the years

Let the thought that you are too dear -

Will touch the hot blood

After all, you have become much closer,

Interweaving of bodies and souls -

porcelain wedding today,

Fresh flowers shine!

Twenty years ago and you were twenty

From huge love there is nowhere to go!

So live in peace, in tenderness holy

Until the beautiful date - golden wedding!

Porcelain wedding - 20 years!

And we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!

Let there be understanding in the family!

May the days and years be good!

You have been through a lot during this time.

And they deserve the title of "family"!

We wish you happiness, goodness and prosperity!

Live happily ever after!

Your feelings are like porcelain

Strong and shiny!

Their pattern is woven

To the panorama of happiness!

May your eyes always shine

bright ideas,

And the heavens will bestow

Anniversaries again!

Today is your wedding date

You have been together for exactly 20 years,

And we are sure that in the world

There is simply no happier couple!

Congratulations on your porcelain wedding,

We wish you love, well-being,

You always take care of each other

Live in peace and harmony!

Live side by side for twenty years -

Here you need to sincerely love,

Compromise sometimes

A smile to touch your eyes.

May many years ahead

Life shines a good light

And let the family warm the hearth.

Blessed be this marriage!

You have been married for twenty years, together for a very long time.

Your anniversary symbol is-porcelain

Be careful because porcelain is fragile,

If it breaks, do not collect the pattern!

God gave you a lot of patience -

After all, 20 years is a long time!

Not everyone can live together

So long, and yet - to love!

I want to wish you happiness

And from the bottom of my heart I want to say

Let dreams come true

I wish you sincere love!

Today on the table - porcelain,

The family is twenty years old!

There is a heartfelt conversation.

Love to you and advice!

And again Bitter! we scream

Like twenty years ago.

May God keep the marriage

And meet no barriers!

You have lived close, close by for twenty years;

Two tender hearts kept beating to the beat.

And we are extremely happy to congratulate you.

You are a super couple! This is an exact fact!

You've been through a lot together!

Happy long 20 years!

It's time to congratulate you

There is no reason to be silent about it!

Let the champagne sparkle

Let your glasses clink!

We want you to fall in love again

Like 20 years ago!

Porcelain is so beautiful

But it beats so easily

You - only a happy life

Surrender completely!

After all, marriage is exactly 20,

And this is your success

You - in the joy of swimming

Without any interference!

There were rainbows, of course

Stars, thunder and frost

And today is a day of the heart,

Holiday of young scarlet roses!

Twenty years have passed like in a song,

Congratulations with all my heart

And we wish only together

You live in great joy!

Happy porcelain wedding, dear ones!

Already twenty years of your marriage today,

And you, as before, we are young,

A beautiful couple that you won't find!

May love linger forever in your hearts,

Warming yourself at an hour, even a difficult one,

And the happiness of minutes will count endlessly,

May your family be strong and resilient!

Twenty years of family life has passed

And it's like it all just started

It's just that the kids have grown up.

You've been through a lot of events!

We want to congratulate you on such a date,

To be near all the time in summer and winter,

And so that discord does not enter your family,

Better hug, so as not to beat the porcelain!

Your family union is beautiful,

And this is a plus for you, of course.

It is harmonious, like porcelain,

And there is no need for words at all.

Congratulations on your twentieth anniversary

Let's send the word to the family.

Let there be strength and beauty

Love itself has woven you!

I want to congratulate you on this date,

Not everyone can walk this path!

After all, behind the shoulders of rich experience,

And full of happiness and sadness minutes!

But you are all also in love with each other,

Everything also shines with happiness in the eyes,

Let your feelings, inspired in the soul,

Live always in warm hearts!

Delicate porcelain wedding,

The happy family is exactly 20 years old!

You are inseparable, young, beautiful,

A beautiful light of love comes from you!

And your union is like expensive porcelain

It becomes more valuable day by day!

May every moment bring happiness to you

They shout to you "bitterly!" children and family!

Love is a beautiful art

And the most unshakable feeling.

Love fragrant bouquet

Keep you twenty wonderful years.

This is your porcelain wedding.

Ah, not to break and not to lose!

Twenty years of family ties

Is it a heavy load?

For two, it is light and beautiful,

It is filled with joy and happiness!

I wish you live like this forever!

Loyal love to you, endless!

Together in peace, in agreement to live

And raise children in love!

With a porcelain wedding

Happy date!

May you be together

Always just sweet

Let the years run

You are not afraid of them -

Do you have a magical

Potion of love!

Hiding tenderness behind fragile porcelain!

Your lover's gaze will reveal the secret!

You just became each other's support!

It's just that you've been together for twenty years!

Congratulations on this event

May your life be full of happiness!

We wish you sunny days and good luck

To drown drunk again in love!

On the day of the porcelain anniversary

We wish you all the best

Have no reason to be sad

In your family life is good.

respect, love, understanding

Thoughts, feelings, actions of each other,

Wedding with the name "golden"

Come closer husband and wife!

Dear friends, congratulations!

Accept the porcelain set,

You have been going through life together for 20 years,

You don't know domestic strife!

We wish to boldly continue,

Move forward, don't be discouraged!

So that it was only sweet in life,

And my heart is warm and smooth!

Twenty years is a long time!

Taught everyone a lesson

How to keep the fire going

In the family hearth

Live side by side day by day

Without getting on my nerves

And swear, and put up,

And raise children in love.

Gotta work every day

Twenty years to live together!

Something the faces of lovers shine

Something bitter around everyone screaming -

This is what they celebrate

Is that what they say?

This is a porcelain evening wedding -

It was the stars above them that lit up,

Freezes around infinity

May their life be happy!

Life at a distance of twenty years -

This is a time of mistakes and a time of victories.

Well, in the life of a family such an anniversary -

A glorious achievement of many families!

You have reached that milestone today

When everyone lives dearly by the hearth,

When the power of your love is great

Above quarrels and insults: they are easy to get around!

We wish you to keep family happiness,

May your love always be with you,

May you have many more happy years!

20 years ago you exchanged rings

And they swore allegiance to each other that day,

May all your days of love be bright,

We are all here today to congratulate you!

Like porcelain let life be graceful

But pay attention to the little things

May health be excellent

Your love will remain forever!

Such a beautiful wonderful couple,

For love to always be

We give these wishes

Good luck, family warmth!

Let there be only happiness in life

And there will be a friendly family,

How twenty years ago you "Bitter"!

All your friends want!

You've been married twenty years!

And we always took care of each other.

Through a lot together

You kept the warmth and love!

Let the light burn in your hearts

And passion will return to you again!

Accept congratulations,

With a porcelain wedding, you

Despite all the hardships

You are in love like before

Learned not to get angry

Learned to understand

You can't sleep without each other

It's hard even for you to breathe

May your union be eternal

Relationships are endless

May you always be lucky in everything

The path of success to your home will find!

Here are two decades

Along the common road

You passed without knowing the troubles,

Light and loaded.

Not grown old hopes

And fate is beautiful!

May love always keep

You and henceforth, relatives!

And a lucky star

Shines like the first time!

Shining wedding porcelain

You've been living together for twenty years

Friends today is a friendly choir,

Singing a huge song of love!

The thought of our song is so light:

"Love inspires your souls!",

After all, we know for sure

She guards your hearth!

You have been next to each other for 20 years,

How this many - 20 years!

And all eyes are on you

After all, there is simply no better couple!

We wish you much happiness

Do not stray from the right path

Your way alone, your way

Be able to pass with dignity!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary!

You heart to heart together for 20 years!

I wish you even more happiness

So that light flares up in feelings with renewed vigor!

Love in the hearts is the same as before

May she never leave!

May faith and hope live in the souls,

And the rest will help you fate!

Behind twenty years of marriage,

Behind me is sadness and joy, pain and laughter!

This life is sometimes so capricious

Great is the price for success!

You were able not to lose each other in a quarrel,

Through the years, they retained their tenderness!

May grief always bypass you,

Porcelain wedding will light up the hearts,

May it light the way forward!

And then, without a doubt, without a doubt

Your happiness will always find you!

On the day of the twentieth anniversary of the wedding cake

Accept our congratulations,

And a tribute to the intoxicating healthy cup,

And wishes of happiness to you!

May your marriage union grow stronger,

Beautiful love is the reward of the soul,

And the duty of marriage, family ties

May you always be happy!

May your life always sparkle

Like the effulgence of past years,

Let Hymen shine

Looking at the rejuvenated

And happy faces!

Let it be gentle like porcelain

Excellent, dear

Ringing in the family love

Let the blood warm!

Native cheerful circle,

Or maybe the sound of songs!

Will always save

From troubles, keeping comfort.

Swing near the house!

Guys-grandchildren to you the sea!

Good luck, lots of happiness!

Porcelain wedding, twenty years

They rushed off somehow inconspicuously,

Soon your grandchildren will say hello to you,

After all, the children have matured imperceptibly!

Your home keeps warmth,

In it happiness is light, harmony, comfort,

This is not easy for many

But it always hopes and waits!

Twenty years you've been married!

Happiness, reciprocity to you, friends!

After all, you are like two strong ropes,

And I sincerely want to congratulate you!

Together you, what a happiness

You can forgive each other!

And no matter a clear day or bad weather,

Never stop loving!

One fifth of a century

You lived, gentlemen!

Celebrate your porcelain wedding

Happy to come here!

We wish you fun, laughter,

And keep going together!

Let everything be fine in life

We wish you a great vacation!

Congratulations on your porcelain wedding,

With the fact that you lived for years without a quarrel!

Though it happened, probably, everything,

But if you are together - it's nothing!

Porcelain is something very fragile,

You take care of him!

And together, like a dove with a dove

You live a long, long time!

We got married twenty years ago

Twenty years - a happy family!

There is a car, an apartment, there is a manor,

You have children and you have friends!

Let your house be a full bowl

And everything in your family will be smooth,

And love burns in the hearts with fire!

You lived with each other for twenty years,

You can be proud of this!

Carry a warm light in your souls,

Feel free to share them with others!

A strong union - a decent time,

There are few such stories today.

And life brought only joy!

In your family history

There are many good events

Love led you through life

And she helped me so many times!

Let's celebrate in the family circle

20th wedding, her anniversary,

The hostess is in your house,

And the husband is the standard of a family man!

We wish you good luck in business

Health and personal happiness!

May the future be blessed

And pleases everything in the present!

Twenty years is probably a long time

But love does not go out!

Let from her earthly roads

Happiness doesn't go away!

May you always shine

And the moon and the sun

Children make hearts happy

And happiness will be endless!

And the cherished star

It won't fall from the sky!

Living in harmony is an art!

Your sincere feelings

As if woven from threads

Romantic events!

For each other - addition,

Gentle reflection thoughts!

Is that why, to your credit,

Have you been living together for twenty years?

Your marriage is not only a commitment -

He is the strength of feeling proof!

And you are not prisoners in the family at all,

And true allies of the heart!

Your house is not just a private area -

The sanctuary of love is beautiful!

For twenty years, I will say without flattery,

You have grown together very tightly!

Guests gathered at the festive table,

After all, twenty years is a wonderful anniversary!

And wedding toasts

And "bitterly" is again heard from friends!

Kohl 20 years - porcelain wedding,

May your marriage be strong forever!

All plans and desires will come true

And trouble will never touch!

Porcelain was littered in China,

But not in Rus'.

Rus' has enough

Drink and snack containers.

What are the cups of the Celestial Empire to us -

Drank, smacked and Khan!

We are much more interested

Absorb from cast iron!

Today is a porcelain wedding,

And in our hearts we have Shanghai.

We, oblique, will shout in unison:

"Let be! Long live! Come on!”

The glass jubilee has already rang,

And you again invited us to visit,

Tell you a toast long term families,

"Porcelain wedding", so to speak, "washed"!

And we are glad to see how many years

You look at each other with tenderness,

Carry your love like a flame

Raise your children with dignity.

You will not leave on the path capricious!

Let luck, harmony, earthly peace,

You are led by the hand through this life!

Lived together for 20 years

Hand in hand passed together!

Yesterday the bride and groom

Today mom and dad.

How fragile is porcelain, so is marriage!

Cherish it and keep it!

Fate gave you one sign -

You are always striving for it!

What have you gained for these

20 years? Solid porcelain!

Well, porcelain wedding

Came here for the first time since then.

We congratulate you together

Let life bring joy

Don't let the saucers fly

And do not fight from insults,

May it grow and prosper

Let it go up, not down

Your friendly family

Like one big service!

20 years of life together,

20 years in grief and in love,

20 years old groom to his bride

Gives tender feelings!

And the bride also does not regret

Caresses and cares for him,

So, believe me, your happiness is ripening

The best and fastest!

Together for 20 years!

You have made a lot of good

Life is full of experience!

What to wish married couple?

Your love is in full swing.

Let the hearth burn comfort,

We wish you all the best!

20 years flew by like a month!

Friend, with a porcelain wedding to you!

I want smiles and laughter!

And, of course, more kindness!

Let there be no quarrels in the family!

May you be lucky in everything!

May love grow stronger every day

Warms your cozy home!

wedding china chime,

One life for two

And he's still in love

And she is in love!

you 20 years ago,

Stretching a moment into years

Looking into each other's eyes

Together they said: "Yes!"

Let the blue ball spin

Springs and winters change.

live one destiny

Love and be loved!

20 years there is a family -

20 long, busy years!

And believe today, friends,

What a wonderful family there is!

You are two: husband and wife -

For a long time they have become one whole,

You are support, support for each other,

You two are doing well!

You have everything you need to be happy:

There is prosperity, there are children, friends!

Let in the future, as in the present

Your family will be happy!

We express our respect to you!

Your family is worthy of admiration!

Happy 20th anniversary, friends!

You live in harmony, keeping love!

You always stand up for each other with a mountain,

Live together! we are very happy for you!

We wish you happiness for many years to come!

Advice to you, love and peace forever!

Porcelain wedding has come to you,

Rather, put aside all things,

Rather, call you guests,

To make your home more fun!

I want to wish you health

Good luck, and do not know despondency

May only the best in life await you

And let happiness be with you!

Twenty years is a great occasion

To pour yourself some wine!

To congratulate the couple in unison,

Drink for love to the bottom!

You were able to live with each other

So many years and so many days!

You are wonderful spouses

There is no pair of you dearer!

Live in prosperity and love!

Let there be no falsehood!

God bless your union!

20 years have flown by!

Keeping your sacred vow!

Porcelain wedding, happy twenty years

Gone, and left an indelible mark.

Go without knowing grief, and find joy!

May your joint dreams always come true

Let separation and trouble not touch you!

Give each other smiles and love,

Then you will see that the world is lit again!

On porcelain doll your wedding is not like

She is beautiful and graceful, but not so warm-hearted yet!

Twenty years on your feelings, looking at harmony,

We understand that there is an example of an earthly paradise in the world!

We wish you to remain a wonderful family,

Where each vocation is guarded by love!

May it always reign over you, that dumb understanding,

That which gives infinity to your fairy tale without a name!

You've been married for twenty years!

Peace, happiness to you, friends!

With this holiday

I want to congratulate you!

Twenty years! What happiness -

Understand everything and forgive everything

On a sunny day, in bad weather -

Love the same!

Do not bow down from blows!

Do not become pessimists.

stay young

Twenty years later again!

Let the silver pattern

Your life will sparkle!

We need, as before,

"Bitterly!" shout together!

Broken fragile services,

And your bonds have become stronger!

After all, no resentment, no whims

Porcelain did not interfere with strengthening!

You kept it for twenty years

In warmth and love.

You were closest to each other.

Family ship, you sail

Pump the hearts of a couple of lovers

On the waves of affection with kindness,

Spin them around the globe

Until the wedding golden!

Congratulations on your porcelain wedding!

For you, anniversaries, a surprise!

Protect your happiness, as before wishing

Porcelain give service!

For 20 years, a lot of dishes have broken,

And I've been through a lot!

But still, no matter what happens in the family,

Try to forgive and love!

In love as beautiful as porcelain

You've been around for two decades!

She, like a wise miracle worker,

Helped you keep your promise!

And we, with all our hearts, wish

Wanted hundreds of days like this

In what sheer grace ...

So that the restless noise subsides!

Porcelain - sophistication and value,

As our family immutability!

We've been with you for 20 years

AND better family not in the whole world!

We understand each other perfectly

IN contentious issues yield,

After all, we have learned to be relatives,

Feelings to appreciate and bring joy!

We heartily congratulate you! Twenty years is quite a long time!

And today, on this holiday, we raise our glasses:

So that china bonds never break

May your hands never part in life!

So that you love with your soul, every year, more tenderly,

So that love is great, and health is stronger!

You have been living together for 20 years:

Side by side and shoulder to shoulder!

You with your holiday joint

I want to congratulate you very much!

I wish you joy and happiness

Love knows no boundaries!

Everything in life is only in our power,

Don't forget it!

There were quarrels and doubts

But love is always stronger!

20 years of marriage

We say: “Here, yes!”

Let life be interesting

Like a churning pool!

To make people jealous

How great you two are!

porcelain wedding! Joy and comfort

20 years of successful living among you!

And love is the driver of your goals, feelings!

This congratulations - to you from our lips!

Be healthy, be completely happy,

And swim only in a joyful wave!

We wish you a long, full life,

To our precious golden friends!

Often we, deciding to marry,

We can't find out:

The temper of a mouse or a tigress

The one we choose to marry.

The Taming of the Shrew -

Oh no easy task!

But, believe me, patient

Luck is sure to come!

Let's drink to patience!

Porcelain wedding - two decades,

The date is fragile, like a porcelain vase,

But there is no reason to be afraid when there is love, advice!

You keep your love, and take care of each other,

So that the bride and groom walk together in life together,

And the flower of their love gently, reverently carried,

And from thunderstorms, from storms, winds saved!

Every wedding has its own symbol,

And this date, too, has something,

You will have to rely on Porcelain,

Him today, salute!

Let everything be very harmonious with you,

Great love, happiness to heaven,

Let it be what is said in congratulations

May there be many miracles in life!

And, of course, good health to you,

And so that sparkles shone in the eyes,

For joy in the soul, more expanse,

And so that everything that is in dreams comes true!

20 years have flown by!

Your feelings are already twenty years old!

Together they lived, as they sang!

Keeping your sacred vow!

And the porcelain of love with a brilliant sheen

Colors your happiness for two!

And the bride is good blush!

And the groom is still in love!

How beautiful, flawless look at porcelain,

We don't look at you, my love!

Live in love and happiness forever,

For fuss with invisible worries.

Please accept our congratulations with admiration,

After all, twenty years to live together is not a little!

May the angels give you luck

So that life becomes a very beautiful fairy tale!

Fragile porcelain, but unshakable feelings,

20 years of marriage, this is art!

Tenderness and fidelity are fellow travelers to you,

Do not split your union in half!

Congratulations on the porcelain date,

We wish to be together twice in twenty!

Let the wind of problems carry by,

In family life, you are always lucky!

20 years, not too many and not too few

20 years is certainly not the limit,

20 years since life became one,

Like traces on the heart, from Amur arrows!

And today, let's fill all the glasses,

Delicious and charming wine,

We will perform the most beautiful toast for you,

To warm the family home with good:

Happiness to you, health, longevity.

Let life be like paradise

So that you have more than one century,

To visit beautiful love, the edge!

Living together for twenty years

This is a great merit!

Let's say hello to you now

Congratulations friend, friend.

You have come a long way together

In troubles, sorrows, joys... Not the point.

Just be happy

And we wish you.

I loved you, so that like Lyudmila,

Mysterious and fabulous Ruslan!

Let the most beautiful pattern

Your love will shine!

And we, like twenty years ago,

We will shout "BITTER" to you!

The house is full of guests today,

There is one reason for this

Already 20 years, as you two,

And such a term, worthy of the rank!

Well, let me wish

So that your life is beautiful

So that you do not suffer,

So that love is powerful in her!

Still good health

After all, it is the best help,

For good to take its toll

So that everything is according to the will of God!

Thin, light and graceful

But your union is so strong!

Twenty times already wished

And once again I repeat:

Health and happiness,

Understanding and passion

Patience, good luck

United to be a part!

support, supports,

No troubles and quarrels.

Happy Anniversary

Life long and happy!

20 years is the date!

Pass the years together...

Someone once thought -

"To live is not a field to cross!".

We are a poem for your wedding,

Let's read to you for an encore,

In addition, we present

Porcelain service for you!

As always - live in peace,

Kindness in the soul!

Children came to you, relatives,

Congratulations, friends!

Let me express my admiration to you!

You met on a happy day and hour...

With a twenty-year-old wedding

We are all in a hurry to congratulate you!

We wish you to see one good,

To turn porcelain first into silver,

Then into a sapphire - we can not argue with that,

Under the exclamations of "Bitter!" you cling to each other!

In the captivity of a kiss, lips merge!

Guests wish you with frantic zeal,

So that you stay in love oblivion!

Tired of kissing, just sit down,

How they bawl again, counting, "Bitterly!"

One, two, three...twenty...We made a splash!

But the wedding today, alas, is made of porcelain.

Graceful, beautiful, the edge is gilded.

But it only happens that it is very fragile.

You must deal with the family skillfully:

No step, no look, no thought to the left!

Well, stop hugging each other already,

After all, there are three times twenty years ahead!

I want to congratulate you

with the long-awaited date!

On this day and at this hour

Twenty years you've been married!

Twenty years of life together

Like a fairy tale without end!

Again you are the bride and groom,

Beat in unison of the heart!

Let them knock forever

Let love not run out

May happiness be endless

And life sends good luck!

20 years, porcelain wedding,

I wish you happiness and love!

May peace always reign in the soul,

Stay close, like ships in the sea!

Take care of each other with tenderness,

You give joy and care!

Fall asleep together, wake up

And you love each other all your life!

I remember your wedding, what a golden day!

And today you are beautiful, like swans in spring!

A lot of years have passed since then, I can’t remember everything, I can’t say.

And happy 20th anniversary, we are going to congratulate you!

We wish you comfort, long years, calm days!

So that joy lives in the heart, and the soul is brighter!

Together you walk hand in hand, along a straight path of fate!

And meet no obstacles, no separation, no anxiety!

We wish you fun, so that the sun always shines,

And the love that warmed the heart became one for two!

Sweet name so that lips always whisper at night!

We wish you, dear ones, that you become happier!

Love in power is sweet

In porcelain doubly -

Take care of your happiness

Like the sun in spring!

Let it warm you

Let it carry to the intoxicated meadows -

We sincerely wish you

Get lost again there!

Don't look for excuses

You won't be saved today

For you a porcelain saucer,

Birds of happiness will bring!

Let the Porcelain Wedding surprise everyone with fun

And in beautiful passionate dance you, spouses, will be swirled!

Yes, porcelain, of course, is fragile, it must be protected,

But close your hands, as during the first meetings,

Bitter ice will not come to you then,

Life will remain only sweet, like candy, cake and honey!

May your happiness last for many more long years,

And porcelain protects you from adversity, anxieties and troubles!

Twenty years have passed like a moment

Throwing up bright heaps of events,

Again you are the bride and groom

At a wonderful porcelain wedding!

Congratulations! Let the cup of love

Never empty in the family

And from the mouth of confluence - in the blood

Passion electricity thickens!

Let for a hundred years

Life brings you every hour

Happiness multicolored bouquet

And lots of great surprises!

Twenty years ... Do they live that long?

It's a joke! The truth is only

It consists today

How happy you two are!

A wedding with the fragility of porcelain

But you will give odds to everyone -

Your marriage is very strong,

Without each other, you are nothing!

Twenty years... I congratulate

And in the future I wish you

So love each other

Respect, protect, appreciate!

Porcelain doesn't crack - it breaks.

We wish you a happy anniversary.

So that 20 years of marriage,

You met in your love!

Let every day be like a holiday!

To be together once and for all!

To never be separated

You life for many years!

May love always burn

And it will never go out!

In order not to be touched by misfortunes,

And trouble did not come to your house!

So that you respect each other!

Less offended in life!

After all, your marriage is not at all simple,

He is sent to you by heaven, by fate!

Congratulations on your porcelain wedding,

Together 20 years - that's great!

Two decades - what an anniversary!

Accept congratulations from friends!

Loyalty, tenderness and love -

We'd better find words

To describe your union

You don't need to quarrel

Let the house be full

Wealth and goodness!

And love has anniversaries -

Your term is already twenty years,

But your feelings have not decayed,

Keep your holy vow!

Let love warm the house

Let the family dinner be a joy

When the family is in a hurry to get together again!

Be an example for your children

Let them appreciate the comfort of home.

And everything will turn out well for them

And there will be peace in family relations!

Today we give you porcelain,

Let there be no quarrels in your house!

Let this be your motto from now on:

“We take care of love as our service!”

If there are no cracks on it,

Much happiness will come to you!

And there is not much happiness

And with him love does not dry out!

We wish you love for many years,

From now on - forever - forever!

Eyes shining, hand in hand!

And again you are newlyweds!

The hand of fate is so good to you,

And the heavens are so kind!

We are glad for you from the bottom of our hearts!

After all, 20 years is no joke!

And they lived

In the union of heart and mind.

Today is the wedding anniversary

And we will shout “Bitterly!” to you again.

And we wish you to live

IN happy marriage long long time!

Congratulations, friends

You've been together for twenty years today!

Let there be a strong family

Let the groom speak to the bride

Words of love, beautiful words

Yes, so that the head is spinning!

Let love not disappear

Not two decades, but two hundred years!

Let him protect you from boring life,

Keeps your home from tears and troubles!

Let year after year fly by

And the feelings don't stop there!

porcelain saucers,

They won't break

When they are filled

Love to the brim!

porcelain wedding,

Ah, let's celebrate

After all, 20 years is no joke

Be husband and wife.

What do you want, happy?

Forever be loved

In shining eyes

reflect each other

Raise children and grandchildren

In the family, not knowing boredom,

In the fire of hot feelings

Burn and don't burn!

Oh, envy us people

And marvel at the whole wide world,

On porcelain dishes

Ate for twenty years!

And now, after all, this is necessary,

Under a porcelain service,

We have a porcelain wedding

Rolled up. Here's a surprise!

Well, if so, then closer to the point. —

Let's walk the wedding

So that neither soul nor body -

Do not languish, do not suffer!

Remember twenty years ago

Feelings blossomed like a quivering flower?

And today that love is like a garden!

You raised her, saved her!

We give you a porcelain vase,

To keep the flowers of love in it,

So that she never cracked,

Survived us until we meet again!

May you be in the house you need,

Will live to see the pearl wedding!

You made a promise 20 years ago

Keep each other faithful

love, appreciate, protect,

Your marriage is like a royal fortress!

Let's note the porcelain wedding,

Porcelain is very rich and refined!

How is your relationship - elegant,

You have proven that your marriage is very strong!

Live happily ever after

Keep this day in your heart!

Love has gone to a new level

I took another step!

Porcelain tableware is on the table today

And this means that the anniversary in the family!

Twenty, like a bush!

But this is no accident!

After all, the anniversary is like a victory

You walked to him for a long time,

Forgot grief, tears, troubles,

Save love and happiness!

Let the stars shine bright for you

Let the bad years pass you by!

Live in abundance

Before the wedding at five dozen!

20 years passed in an instant

We remember the wedding like yesterday

crazy fun

And festivities until the morning!

We sold out all the porcelain,

To give it to you

20 years in love you lived,

And they were able to have children!

We wish you good luck

So that, bypassing all the years,

You solved all the problems

Those that life has presented!

Anniversaries are on the doorstep!

Twenty years have gone by unnoticed,

And, loving each other selflessly,

One way you go.

And again your words are tender,

As before, you are next to each other,

And again loving glances

And again the glasses are full.

So always be young!

at least twenty years will pass, at least thirty!

To have smiles on their faces

To live in peace, without war!

Once the wedding sang and danced,

Once you wished from the heart,

To make your perfect couple

And soon there were babies.

Since then, not much has passed and not enough

And as many as 20 years sped off into the distance ...

You have seen a lot together

Sharing joy, sorrow and sorrow...

And today there is no reason to be sad!

Around friends, relatives and family!

And every guest will not miss the opportunity

You shout BITTERLY, dear friends!

Happy wedding day, everyone is happy to congratulate you,

Your family is an example for everyone

To live together so much laughter and troubles,

Not every family can do it!

We want to wish you good health

Smiles and happiness from the bottom of my heart,

Let life flow like a river

And love never gets tired of the heart!

20 years ago - there was a wedding,

merry celebration,

Today fireworks,

In honor of your family and all!

You are so happy together - nice to look at

We wish you to live in wealth and healthy,

Congratulations on your porcelain wedding!

They could understand each other from a half-word

To live without quarrels, always with respect,

We wish good and good luck

On this day, so that any decision

And any goal that you have in mind,

Turned into reality without difficulty

You health, fun, great love,

To the joy of endless possibilities!

For 20 whole years we have been together,

Together we drink coffee from valuable porcelain!

20 years ago you were your fiancee

He said that she is priceless!

And we are not afraid of the sound of broken porcelain,

He will not disturb love's mutual song!

Gentle melodies will not subside so soon,

For many more years we are with you together!

Twenty years is a long time

And the son has grown up for a long time,

Daughter got married

And some wrinkles.

But love is quick to joy

From donated porcelain

Let the park of a living miracle

Rising everywhere.

Your miracle is a beautiful house,

Smiling and clear eyes

Yes hope always

Will be good years!

Excitement and delight in the hearts:

Today is a wonderful, important day!

Tears sparkle in the eyes

So blessed is their wet shine!

As before, twenty years ago,

The love of the guests called to itself,

Again congratulations sound

Flowers are dazzling, the hall sparkles!

We have come a long way in life,

But there is a long road ahead!

The family comprehended the meaning and essence

May you be very good!

porcelain radiance

Today will meet the table.

Oh, it's a wedding, a wedding!

Ah, 20 years have passed.

And again the guests are assembled,

And "bitterly" everyone screams.

With exquisite porcelain

Gifts all the way.

Let your life sparkle

Love and kindness.

And so reliable the pier -

Your bright, warm home!

Twenty years the family is big,

Celebrates with the whole crowd,

And there is very little left

You are golden before the wedding,

Congratulations are deserved

Your marriage is very good

Be happy folks

Make us happy every day

To love each other was

Every day is not lazy at all!

porcelain wedding,

Elegance in everything


And we give you .. porcelain!

You've been together for 20 years

But tenderness has not faded

Family your secret

Stored in your happiness!

porcelain rain

Let it pour slowly

You are the joy of new days,

And gives serenity!

Our bride is the most beautiful

representative groom,

20 years as "tilly dough"

Became in front of everyone!


Lots of delicious food

Let there be no gossip

Let everyone around love you!

We wish you happiness

Has always been a companion

So that only passion for each other,

You guys are on fire!

The kids were so successful

There were no upsets

To be led by a tender feeling,

You loved each other!

Dear our parents!

Do you want - do you want

But your children have grown up

And your finest hour has come!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary,

Live long without getting old, without getting sick!

So that you never get bored

To take care of us less

So that you love each other

How we all love you!

Live for your pleasure

Always keep calm!

And though we quarreled more than once,

We love you very, very much!

So 20 years have flown by

Rang out the foliage of fate

And porcelain ringing, so not bold -

I have revealed all my secrets to you!

What can I say - you are young again,

Your wedding has come today

How beautiful is the bride today -

And she has a fiancé at least somewhere!

So let's raise our glasses

For a porcelain wedding dawn?

We wish you a lot of happiness

If only they were side by side for the whole century!

20 years have passed so unnoticed

You are with me my family

Our life is priceless

I love you with all my heart!

You are my ray, my happiness

You are my beloved wife

Congratulations on your anniversary

I love, love, love you!

And you, my good, dear,

I wish you health, success and kindness,

Have good patience

We are waiting for bright years with you!

Twenty years have passed and you're still the same

Hand in hand and gentle look,

Even though you have a porcelain wedding,

You are still newlyweds!

So many years you lived in the union,

Your marriage was harmoniously harmonious,

You were not a burden to each other,

There were no scandals to the nines.

And now I would like to congratulate

Happy wedding anniversary for you two

Wish you could guide

How to live with each other, all the young.

Always be an example for us

The wonderful life of a loving couple,

May your mutual trust

Gives us beauty lessons!

I am 20 years old to you, my beloved,

I dedicate myself to the ground,

And always happy with you

And every moment I glorify you!

I want to wish you today

So that we are happy forever

Come here, I want to hug you

May our love last forever!

Girlfriend, you are a wife and mother -

Keep the hearth of your family!

Today is your holiday

Twentieth wedding anniversary!

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!

I wish you happiness, grace,

Let everything be as you want!

Live and be happy!

You are a wonderful wife for 20 years,

Your family is wonderful, I will not hide!

I wish you were in love

And to love with true love!

Girlfriend, I want to wish you

So that a lot of happiness awaits in life,

I want to congratulate you and say -

May many miracles await you in fate!

Here is your wedding again, again you are the bride and groom,

And in the hearts of love is burning, and in the eyes of a happy light,

And we can not find today better, more beautiful and more wonderful

Pairs of yours that celebrates twenty years today!

From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you to understand, appreciate each other,

And, of course, everything is just as strong, sincerely love,

Let rains, winds and blizzards bypass you,

May only sunny happiness always shine on you!

Only together, only side by side and only one way

You carry the light of love in your hearts before the golden wedding,

And today, young people, we shout to you in unison: bitterly!

So that later you live sweetly every day and for a hundred years!

Time flies quickly, and sometimes even too much. And if the wedding day is always remembered as something bright and important, then anniversaries from this moment begin to fade. Yes, and in the hustle and bustle of everyday troubles and other problems, such holidays are sometimes simply forgotten. If the first anniversaries of life together are always expected, remembered and celebrated, then, as a rule, after the fifteenth, some couples stop celebrating this special day and, I must say, completely in vain.

Be that as it may, but traditionally from 16 to 19 years are not celebrated, which cannot be said about the wedding anniversary of 20 years. To celebrate it or not is a personal matter for each family, but, nevertheless, it means that two people have done a lot of work, moreover, daily work and sometimes imperceptible. They learned to understand each other, to accept shortcomings, they learned to adapt and go towards each other, they learned to forgive and reckon with each other together, eventually becoming a single whole. Nowadays, couples who have lived together for so many years cause involuntary admiration and respect.

What wedding is celebrated for 20 years of marriage?

The number 20 in numerology is a symbol of romance and dreaminess, but sometimes couples who have lived together for two decades have already forgotten what it is. This anniversary will remind them of the romantic and beautiful wedding day that started it all.

If we turn to history and traditions, then the twentieth anniversary of living together is a porcelain wedding.

This anniversary is called so because the union of a man and a woman is fragile, and this period, as a rule, is a turning point. The fact is that children have already grown up, are entering or will soon enter a new life. Spouses, accustomed to caring for children, in fact, again, as at the very beginning family relations, only the two of them remain. Only then did they have a huge prospect in front of them, which at the moment is either realized or has remained a dream. talking plain language, for everyday activities, people forget that you can enjoy each other's company.

Traditions and gifts

The wedding anniversary of 20 years is usually celebrated on a grand scale, because the second youth of the spouses is just beginning. Those invited give them all kinds of porcelain items on this day. These can be sets, vases, plates, etc. For example, due to the fact that oriental trends are becoming more and more popular in the modern world, porcelain figurines and souvenirs will appeal to many people.

By the way, on the twentieth anniversary there is a tradition to put only new dishes on the table, it is believed that everything that was previously donated has long been broken into happiness. And if not, it is definitely worth doing it in connection with a new round of family life. They also say that the true secret of Chinese porcelain has not been revealed, so the relationship of the two, since they still last, is the same mystery. But to treat mutual happiness even in the third ten years of living together is extremely careful, as if to a light, elegant, but fragile porcelain vase.

There was a tradition in Russia, according to which, during the celebration of a porcelain wedding, guests sculpted various figures from clay, most often doves, burned them in an oven and then presented them to a married couple. Five years later, during the celebration of the silver wedding, they decorated the ceremonial table.

Since porcelain is a Chinese material, therefore, it is desirable to have several dishes of traditional oriental cuisine on the table.

In general, no matter how big the anniversary is celebrated, the main thing is that an atmosphere of cordial warmth and friendship reigns in it. The wedding anniversary of 20 years is definitely a life achievement, therefore the married couple should be congratulated and wish them not to waste everything that has so far allowed them to keep the boat of family happiness from all the storms and hardships of life.