Congratulations on your 7th wedding anniversary. Congratulations on the Copper wedding (7 years of marriage)

The seven-year wedding anniversary is called copper. And this has its secret meaning, because copper is a durable material, of course, copper is far from noble materials, perhaps because such a name for a wedding would hint to spouses that they still have everything ahead. According to the custom, on the 7th wedding anniversary, the spouses exchange coins as a sign family happiness.
Guests bring forged copper products and souvenirs as a gift, a wife can give her husband a belt with a copper buckle, a husband can give his wife original jewelry copper or jewelry.
The most appropriate gift for tin wedding there will be a copper horseshoe as a symbol of happiness and family well-being. Also, a wife can give her husband a Turkish copper if he likes to drink freshly brewed coffee in the morning.
And most importantly, it is of course original. On this page you will find congratulations on a copper wedding from parents, from friends, a wish from a husband to his wife and vice versa, poems with congratulations from a friend and a friend.

Happy everyone today
After all, fate is harmless:
You've been married for seven years
Today's wedding is copper!
Son-in-law, be strong as metal,
Delicate like mint
To become a support for his wife,
Yes, the kids are growing!

Lived together for seven years.
How many joys and troubles
You have experienced
But hidden from the eyes of strangers:
The dispute in the family is not for show,
Not for prying eyes.
Seven years to live -
Don't drink tea together
This date is not easy.
The boys are running...
It's not clear what's the matter
Life stuck or feelings broken?
You are red-copper before the wedding
We reached the victorious path:
Save your love
Saved a family from disaster.
We'll give you a copper cezve.
In the house of coffee - we love the house,

Seven years, like seven days,
flew brightly,
But, as before, bright words
The heart yearns for heat.
Be happy friends
And live long
The more reliable the family
The better the road.
And God forbid you lay down
The wings are young.
Your copper wedding - to live,
To meet others.

The number 7 is one of the main ones.
This is the number of completeness,
Happiness, peace, words of congratulations
In a house where flowers reign.
At a beautiful copper wedding,
Noisy, ringing and comfortable
With copper coins
Warm in fingers
So that all sorrows
Forever gone!
Live and continue to have fun
Sweet and songful!

It's been a good bit of life!
Although there are many more anniversaries,

You lived together for 7 years
The term is not that great.
Again you are the bride and groom,
You are beautiful at this moment!

This is a copper wedding, honey infusion -
This is our honey year, a small milestone.
We will ring the whole world with silver
And we'll play our gold later...
In the meantime, let this sonorous copper ring -
This is not a trifle at all - to overcome seven years.
This sonorous happiness that fell to us,
To celebrate, we will call our friends.
This copper frontier is more fun than others,
Because he caught us so young.

Seven glorious years have passed since the wedding day,
It's been a good bit of life!
Although there are many more anniversaries,
You are happy to celebrate your holiday.
We wish you love from the bottom of our hearts.
In the hearts, let it burn hotly,
Congratulations to your family today
You invite us to visit again!

Congratulations for the wife on a copper wedding

My dear, my wife,
Today I'll tell you, not melting,
That I was happy to live with you for 7 years,
And there is simply no better for me than you!
Thank you for the warmth and comfort
For the fact that they are waiting for me at home with dinner,
Thank you for my son and daughter...
You are the best in my destiny!

We lived to see the copper wedding with you,
And they have become a very strong family.
I'm happy that I met you in my life
I couldn't have dreamed of a better girl!
Thank you for our every day and night,
Thank you for your wonderful daughter!
Thank you for the love I will say.
Dear, I really appreciate you!

For luck, a copper coin
With you we will throw this day
So that the Russians, following the signs,
The shadow of misfortune has passed us by

Seven years already as we are with you,
We breathe and live each other
Since we are the same fate
Forever bound together

I wish myself this day
All my life to be loved by you,
So that every evening, falling asleep,
In a dream I saw your face.

Congratulations on the wedding anniversary of 7 years from friends

We are happy to congratulate you, friends,
Your family has been living for seven years!
You, meeting a copper anniversary,
They became one whole, indivisible!
So may your happiness last forever
Let your love be perfect
Your children grow up with joy
And be the happiest you all in the world!

Congratulations on your copper wedding anniversary!
7 years - a considerable period has already passed,
And love all the same selflessly,
Everyone has gained happiness in each other!
You have overcome a lot of troubles together,
And the joy was shared - all together!
So let adversity lose you all,
And happiness will forever come to your home!

Congratulations for your husband on a copper wedding

My dear, I'm glad for you
Happy anniversary!
7 years together! It's necessary!
What do you wish me?
I wish you health
Let only success await in business.
And I'll tell you with love:
“For me, you are the best!

It's hard for me to find the words now
To convey how happy I am with you.
We share all the hardships in half,
And we multiply joy with love.
When we started living together
Everything seemed new, unknown,
We created our cozy home
And they were looking for common interests.
And on the anniversary of the wedding, I will say:
We succeeded and even very much.
I'm sorry, I can't find more words
And as a sign of love I will put an ellipsis ...

Cool congratulations on the 7th wedding anniversary

Honeymoon is the first
And the copper year is the seventh.
Husband, open the can
And change your ears.

Wife, you are a bride again! -
The sound of brass rumbles.
This yeast is in the dough,
And these - in moonshine!

May the sun of the copper date
It burns like a copper basin!
Let everything than the life of a hunchback
Will cover the copper basin!

Congratulations on the 7th wedding anniversary from parents

With a copper wedding dear
We want to congratulate you
And an unusual gift
Of course we will equip you.
The eighth year is very insidious
They say it's complicated
That even a crisis is possible
Where someone is not in love.
So keep your feelings
Don't worry us often
You live in harmony
Every day and every hour

The anniversary of 7 years is called copper or wool wedding. This is due to the fact that the relationship of the couple in this period life together reminiscent of these two materials. Having lived together for seven years, the characters of each of the spouses become flexible and compliant, they are able to understand and accept their soul mates in everything. And it is marked with wool because relations by this time have become tender and warm, but there are also different kind barbs. Perhaps, having lived together these years, the passion of a man and a woman subsided somewhat, but confidence in each other appeared. After 7 years married life the couple has achieved a lot, and if there are any family troubles and understatement, this needs to be worked on.

It is customary to celebrate this date on a grand scale, inviting friends and acquaintances, everyone who prepared for your date congratulations on copper wedding. For guests who do not have second halves, your family should become indicative. Speaking of gifts, it is worth noting that there is a old tradition- This is a horseshoe made of copper. Shawls, blankets, scarves and other things made of various wool will be a good surprise. The seventh anniversary implies both gifts and congratulatory verses within the family. A husband may present copper jewelry to his wife. It can be hair clips, a bracelet, beads and much more. And the wife, in turn, will please her beloved husband with a handmade surprise, in the form of hand-knitted socks, hats or mittens, thereby once again proving her love and care.

Poems 7 years of marriage

Congratulations on your copper wedding!
You've been together for seven years!
We wish you today
Live together, not knowing the troubles!

In vain do not swear
Don't lose the spark of passion
More gentle hugs
And kiss each other!

Seven years go hand in hand,
Your family has existed for seven years,
We wish you never
Troubles and problems have not touched you.

We wish you happiness and love,
Patience, kindness and prosperity,
Trust each other's thoughts
And do not experience disappointment!

To the marches of the brass band,
Shine of holiday lights
You are like a bride and groom again.
You have an anniversary today!

We wish your couple cute
Drive away longing, sadness and darkness.
We wish that love is enough
Live another seven times seven!

Seven years have passed since you each other
Gave rings at this hour
And you are happy spouses,
We congratulate you on this.
And on your seventh anniversary, copper,
We wish you with all our heart
Happy life and comfortable,
Love beautiful and big!

Congratulations on the copper wedding
I want you guys today
Glorify a worthy family
It's impossible to forget about you!

I wish you happiness in this life
And it's fun to walk together
Have fun in this world
And never lose heart!

To be happily married
Or it's great to get married
You all need to learn
So keep your knowledge!

Passion of love in full swing
And whining and boredom - fight!
Congratulations to your couple
Happy seventh anniversary!

Congratulations on your copper seven!
Although the name is not very shiny,
It means a lot
And says a lot more!

Talking about love and trust
About a healthy and strong family!
Be happy, be beautiful
And live like in a fairy tale dream!

You yourself have found the key to happiness,
And it was kept safe.
No secret was revealed to anyone
Gently, tremulously hid it.
We want to wish that in years
Troubles did not penetrate the castle.
7 years together, we give a copper basin,
You already have the rest.

On this day, spouses exchange copper coins as a pledge of future happiness, and their friends, relatives and acquaintances give wrought copper products, copper utensils and jewelry.

Voice greetings happy 7th wedding anniversary send to mobile

congrats on your copper wedding
I have a wonderful family.
May love be great
Furious and passionate.

May the lucky seven
You will be given only luck.
Let it not subside over the years
Drive, intrigue and excitement.

I wish you to live with dignity
Just walk by the hand.
Only together all the obstacles
Conquer you on the way. ©

Congratulations on your copper wedding
My glorious friends.
Let it bloom, prosper
Your friendly family.

Let the seven be only good luck
Cash flow bears.
I wish you to live successfully
Never know adversity.

Passion always let it burn
So, as in that cherished moment.
Never runs dry
Your tenderness is a spring. ©

Seven years is a long time!
And this, of course, is an indicator
The fact that the common path is dear and pleasant to you,
No wonder the copper metal wedding!

And, therefore, the gift should be copper.
And to continue enjoying life
We need to try to please each other,
Well, save love and happiness!

Every year become
I wish you more.
Happy anniversary
The glorious family is seven.
Always be worthy rear
each other in important hour
And then peace and happiness
will be the norm for you.
Your children are the inspiration
I want you to draw.
Stork to your house more often
Be sure to invite. ©

Audio congratulations on your wedding anniversary

Copper wife's wedding
Celebrate this day.
Let it bring good luck
Number glorious to you "7".

Happiness to the couple, understanding,
additions to the family.
Let communication give joy,
There will be a place for novelty.

To live only in abundance
I wish too.
health and prosperity
To you, beautiful family! ©

Let lucky figure"seven"
For the family will be.
Life joint and problems
Feelings will not diminish.

So that you always live
In full understanding.
Never violated
Oaths, promises.

Let it always be a full bowl
The house will be cozy.
And good luck to peek
Will not forget to visit. ©

There's a reason to celebrate today
And your faces are happy now!
Family seventh anniversary -
Congratulations on your copper wedding!

Let your smiles not melt
Hearts beat faster with joy
And let your feelings take over
Like seven wonderful years ago!

We wish you prosperity and health,
Confident in family boat swim,
Always surround each other with love,
And live together for a long, long time in happiness!

The number 7 is one of the main ones.
This is the number of completeness,
Happiness, peace, words of congratulations
In a house where flowers reign.

At a beautiful copper wedding,
Noisy, ringing and comfortable
With copper coins
Warm in fingers

So that all sorrows
Forever gone!
Live and continue to have fun
Sweet and songful!

Lived together for seven years.
How many joys and troubles
You have experienced
But hidden from the eyes of strangers:
The dispute in the family is not for show,
Not for prying eyes.
Seven years to live -
Don't drink tea together
This date is not easy.
The boys are running...
It's not clear what's the matter
Life stuck or feelings broken?
You are red-copper before the wedding
We reached the victorious path:
Save your love
Saved a family from disaster.
We'll give you a copper cezve.
In the house of coffee - we love the house,

Seven years, like seven days,
flew brightly,
But, as before, bright words
The heart yearns for heat.

Be happy friends
And live long
The more reliable the family
The better the road.

And God forbid you lay down
The wings are young.
Your copper wedding - to live,
To meet others.

I wish you great happiness
To always have spring
To never know bad weather,
To be pure hearts!
For everyone to trust each other
Lived did not count the years
Loyalty has not been lost over the years
And they were not afraid of different troubles,
So that you go through life rejoicing,
And friends would say:
"Here is an exemplary family!"

For seven years you are spouses - a rather big way,
I wish you, friends, do not turn off it,
May you always light the way
Love is your guiding star.

Keep the hearth, take care of your home,
Everyone true friends let there be a place in it,
And in the distance foreign winds will carry -
Always look forward to waiting at home.

greeting card

We congratulate you on marital happiness,
And we really want to live without bad weather,
So that everything in life is like in youth - it's easy,
How in summer nights- bright and beautiful
Love-kiss from dawn to dawn.

So let's drink to strong man
And for him the most beautiful woman!
For their seventh anniversary
From the day they were married.

With a copper wedding
Dear guys.
May life be comfortable
She will also be rich.

May this date
Joy will provide
And wage growth
To make your life easier.

you day and night
Take care of happiness
each other very
Lovingly love! ©

Here is the seventh anniversary
She approached quietly.
There was a case that "stormed"
You, friends, lightly.

But your frigate resisted,
All of you have experienced.
And always in strong union
They were inspirational.

I wish you today
Wind only in the sails
Let the glorious ship sail
Heaven help. ©

Copper wedding today
You, dear family.
To each other - husband and wife,
Lovers, just friends.

May the union be fruitful
May he give you wings.
For a wonderful meeting today
Say "Thank heavens."

I wish you great happiness
Save your ardor, love.
Let it boil in your veins without fail
From passion hot blood. ©

Beautiful congratulations in your own words

For 7 years you have been bound by the bonds of Hymen, and we congratulate you on your copper wedding. For these joint years you have learned patience and flexibility in relationships, learned to understand and forgive each other, which means you are on the right way for a golden wedding. May joy and success continue to live in your house, happy children grow up, and love warms your days and nights.

Congratulations on the copper wedding
Glorify a worthy family
I want you guys today
I wish you happiness in this life
And it's fun to walk together
Before the wedding golden.

Congratulations on your copper wedding!
We wish you today
Live together, not knowing the troubles!
In vain do not swear
More gentle hugs
And kiss each other!

You have been married for seven years
Days passed in love and harmony
You lived richly and simply
They became the pride, the happiness of relatives.
You are copper before the wedding
We reached the path of victory.
So we wish you more
Before the wedding golden
reach that path.

Congratulations on the copper wedding
I want you my friends
I wish you more money
Love, your house is warm.
I wish you happiness in this life
And it's fun to walk together
Have fun in this world
And never lose heart!

Seven years together you already, Congratulations! On this day, our ancestors gave copper jewelry and things useful in everyday life, because copper is the metal of the goddess of love, Venus. For seven years you have been giving each other love, affection, tenderness and warmth. We wish you to continue to maintain such a tender and affectionate relationship. We wish you to always feel each other and send only positive to each other.

Lived together for 7 years.
How many joys and troubles
You have experienced
Seven years to live -
Don't drink tea together
Save your love
Saved a family from disaster.

We congratulate you on your copper wedding,
Today you are seven years old!
We wish you love, patience and strength,
So that you live happily every day on the road!
So that your happiness can be seen by everyone!
We wish you another twenty times seven!

We hasten to congratulate you on the occasion of the copper wedding. After all, you have been together for seven years, living soul to soul! So for you, I want to wish something special, beautiful, tender! May your hearts, never get rid of it wonderful feeling your love! We wish you that all the troubles that you have experienced turn into an invaluable experience! After all, the fact that you found each other is a miracle! After all, you are perfect for each other! In short, you are simply made for each other! Happiness to you our relatives!

We have not seen a more beautiful couple,
Today you are just like samovars -
Iridescent copper shine shining,
Admire! And we congratulate you
We wish you happiness and good luck,
Limousine, cottages in the Canary Islands,
And love, of course, huge,
And salaries are more than modest!

Troubles and sadness lagged behind on the road,
The stars only predicted happiness for us.
Copper wedding - as much as 7 years!
This is the dawn of love and fun.
Let there be sun, sea and palm trees,
Again we look into the beautiful distance,
Where the star is golden, like fate.
May the path lead you to good luck.
May congratulations on the anniversary
Weddings bubbling like a glass of cappuccino.
How much we wish you!
Joy, happiness, all good deeds -
Only success and implementation!
Let there be a holiday, like sonorous singing!

Congratulations on the copper wedding
I want you guys today
Glorify a worthy family
It's impossible to forget about you!
I wish you happiness in this life
And it's fun to walk together
Have fun in this world
And never lose heart!

No wonder they say that 7 is a lucky number! After all, it is this number of years lived together that can be called a truly happy time. Years fly like moments, and moments dissolve into eternity, showering two loving hearts copper rain. Your wedding anniversary opens up before you new road to perfection, stepping on which, you will never turn off the intended path. We congratulate you on your copper wedding and wish your life to be as noble as the metal that represents this day.

Seven years is a copper wedding
You won't split the union.
No more need to prove
That feelings are doubly strong.
I wish you more money
Love, your house is warm.
Luck may last longer
After all, your marriage was created for good!

A copper wedding is already considered strong! After all, you have lived under one roof for a considerable period of time, experienced difficulties, troubles, happiness, bad weather, joy and other situations! But at the same time you are together because you love! So let, on this holiday, you remember your first feelings that made your hearts beat in a new way! Today, we wish you, despite all the surprises prepared for you by life, to stay together, to love and take care of each other as well! Just admire each other! Happy wedding!

Copper ringing penetrates through the curtain of curtains,
Copper sunlight illuminates the area -
It's been seven years since then,
How did you say "yes" at the wedding to each other!
Blow, trumpet, the sounds of joyful copper,
Copper dance, candle, dance dancer,
So that you live happily today and henceforth,
So that joy flies to the soul from the heart!
So that love beats in your hearts like a fountain,
So that you live together, so that you live richly,
So that your marriage is bright, like passionate saffron,
So that you remember this "copper" date!

You caught up with the lucky seven!
Were you able to prove your feelings of reliability!
But before we shout to you: "Bitter!",
Let me say something else:
May this day be solemn, victorious
Bravura march rejoices brass,
And we wish you a copper wedding day
Everything you need to be happy, have!

The number that marks your holiday date symbolizes a lot good points. After all, it is no coincidence that the seven is so common in folk proverbs, and in proverbs. Its most important meaning is in the word "family"! It means there is already a strong foundation; on it you build your life and plan the fate of many generations that will come from a branch of your family tree. We wish you on this day: strong family roots, many beautiful branches and delightful moments of flowering! Let under your family tree there is always a place where copper will turn into gold! We wish you a long and happy years at the copper wedding!

The holiday is supposed to thunder today,
Shine your feelings today, like copper!
Kiss, husband, now the wife on the lips,
Let them play in honor of your copper pipes!
Family seven years, like copper, now shine,
Friends and family will applaud you!

On this day, the usual for the uninitiated
An important anniversary gathered us at the table.
After all, the wedding took place exactly seven years ago,
Today we celebrate in a small circle of friends.
Russian wisdom called this copper wedding,
Because copper is known to be a useful metal.
We will give copper jewelry, beads,
And a souvenir horseshoe to protect you.
We will congratulate our dear spouses,
After all, they still have love in their chests.
And they look at each other lovingly
Let then love can not leave them.

This day is special for you
Family birthday!
And I wish you
There was a lot of love in it!
Lots of tenderness and affection
Warm relationship!
Let it pass like in a fairy tale
Seventh Anniversary!

Copper wedding! I sincerely congratulate you on this holiday! For seven years you have been living soul to soul! Take care and respect each other! Cherish and warm with the warmth of your hearts. So, on this festive day, I wish you to remain the same as when you met, in love and inspired! May joy come to your home every day. Grief and bad weather bypass your house. May your love always help you in difficult situations. Happy holiday.