Happy and unhappy days. Numerology: lucky and dangerous numbers 24 unlucky days a year

Unfortunately, extremely unlucky people are sometimes born into the world. The cause of such a misfortune can be all sorts of fatal accidents: for example, the mother of the unfortunate, while still pregnant, crossed the road of the funeral procession. This is connected with the date of birth (the so-called black days) and the time of birth. For example, March 1 is considered an extremely bad day (according to ancient legends, it was on this day that Judas sold the Savior). There are other unlucky days, I will list them in the table below.

So, how can you remove bad luck from a person and thereby change his life for the better?

Maybe you consider yourself a failure, maybe all sorts of troubles fall on your head. You always miss public transport and the doors close right in front of you; after standing in a huge line at the checkout, you can’t get through the purchases, as the cashier has run out of tape; your new clothes are torn, barley jumps up in your eye, and a huge pimple on your face right on the eve of an important meeting for you; at work you have only problems, but quarrels in the family?... Then this rite is for you.

Take a black hen's egg and boil it exactly at midnight. While the egg is being cooked, read the following plot three times in a row:

Black foxbird
With ten claws, with two wings,
With troubles, with bad luck,
With deaf longing, with dashing misfortune,
Get off, back off, roll up, weld up
Roll down from me into the grave, servants of God (name),
From the body, from my case,
Out of my way, out of my way
From little paths
From my footprints and from my bones
Released from people and animals.
Go to the grave, to the black earth,
To the sleeping and blind dead man.
Go, put the wretched wretch in the grave
And black bad luck. Amen.

Then take this egg to the cemetery and place it on a fresh grave. When returning home, do not look back and do not talk to anyone until you cross your threshold.

Unlucky days of the year

January -

February -

March - 1, 13, 17, 18; (1, 13

April - 1, 3, 13, 19

May - 8, 10, 18; (8, 18

June – 1, 7, 12, 23

July - 7, 13, 21, 30; (7 - witch's day; 13 - sabbath day)

August - 7, 13, 17

September – 12, 15, 19, 30

October - 2, 11, 15

November - 3, 4, 24, 29

December - 5, 7, 11, 17

Be especially careful these days and ask the Mother of God to bless you and help you. People born on these days are rarely happy and lucky.

January - 1, 11, 26 - Most often people go missing these days

February - 8, 16 - A lot of people freeze to death these days

March - 1, 13, 17, 18; (1, 13 - the most terrible days. They are also called infernal

April - 1, 3, 13, 19

May - 8, 10, 18; (8, 18 - these days, things and money are most often irretrievably lost)

June – 1, 7, 12, 23

July - 7, 13, 21, 30; (7 - witch's day; 13 - sabbath day)

August - 7, 13, 17

September – 12, 15, 19, 30

October - 2, 11, 15

November - 3, 4, 24, 29

December - 5, 7, 11, 17

wedding conspiracy

Looks at the saints.
Lord, King of Heaven,
Crown with a holy crown

So that the husband and wife never part, always be faithful to each other and selflessly love each other, read the following conspiracy during the wedding:

All the saints of the servant of God (name)
They take you by the hand and lead you to the altar.
At the crown of the servant of God (name) stands,
Looks at the saints.
Lord, King of Heaven,
Crown with a holy crown
Servant of God (name) with Servant of God (name)
For all eternity, do not separate until death. Amen.

Dry conspiracy

Over the memorial meal - gingerbread or pancakes - read the following plot:

I remember the dead from youth to gray hair,
From blood roots to strangers,
And with them the servant of God (name),
Not lying in the ground, walking on the ground.
The kingdom of heaven is a bright place. Amen.

Dry on the wind

So that he misses, grieves,
I did not see the white light.

In the evening under the moon

God's servant (name). Amen.

As soon as a strong wind rises outside, go out into the courtyard and say these conspiracy words:

Thirteen winds, thirteen whirlwinds,
Come from behind the mountains, raise the mountain,
Find on the servant of God (name),
So that he misses, grieves,
I did not see the white light.
Call him to me during the day in the sun,
In the evening under the moon
Find him the torment of the Lord for me,
God's servant (name). Amen.

Conspiracy to return the husband to the house

Like me, God's servant (name),

Yes, with the godmother,
Yes, with the Mother of God.
Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos,

If your husband left you, buy a candle in the church, light it and read the following conspiracy over it:

Like me, God's servant (name),
She was baptized in the church with her mother,
Yes, with the godmother,
Yes, with the Mother of God.
Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos,
For the sake of baptism, give me forgiveness.
Please help me, bring my husband back to me. Amen.

For a husband to obey you and be devoted to you

The conspiracy is this:

Shed blood, shed tears.

To the heaven of the Lord.
There the angels will trumpet

For my business
And he will become my shadow

How a wax candle melts

Take the cut nails of a loved one (what you need them for, you can’t say in any case - it’s better to deceive), a few hairs (they can be collected from a comb) and mix it all with hot wax from a melted candle. Blind a wax figurine from this, pour water over it, while calling the name of your loved one three times in a row, wrap the figurine first in a shred from his undershirt (shirt), then in a shred from his top shirt, and sprinkle dust from his boots on top, saying in a whisper:

Servant of God (name), you belong to God in soul, and in my mortal body.

Hide this figurine in the house away from prying eyes, but every full moon, take it out, press it to your heart and read a special plot over it. This rite is performed seven full moons in a row. But beware! If someone steals a doll from you, bury it and give it a drink, your loved one will die.

The conspiracy is this:

Shed blood, shed tears.
The candle will be lit, the heart will beat,
The heavens will open, the earth will open.
Arise, pillar, from the sinful earth
To the heaven of the Lord.
There the angels will trumpet
The name of the servant of God (name) thirty-three times,
And he will be reborn from wax to a body,
For my business
And he will become my shadow
And it will be more devoted to me than a faithful dog.
How a wax candle melts
And so it melts away, leaving me alone. Amen.

So that the husband does not scandal

The language was heavy

From now until forever. Amen.

Buy a new hammer and immediately read a special plot over it. Such a charmed hammer should be kept in your home at all times. The spoken words are as follows:

Like a heavy hammer does not rise,
So that the servant of God (name)
The language was heavy
Would not rise and would not swear.
Be, my words, strong and sculpting
From now until forever. Amen.

Love spell on female blood

The blood has gone, I don't need it
Need my dear
Servant of God (name).
I couldn't live without blood

Add some blood to your husband's wine, read a special plot over him and let your loved one drink it. The conspiracy is as follows:

The blood has gone, I don't need it
Need my dear
Servant of God (name).
I couldn't live without blood
He can't do without me. Amen.

A love spell read in a cemetery

This is a very strong love spell, which, as a rule, is impossible to reprimand.

So, go to the cemetery, taking a candle with you. There, walk between the graves, holding a lit candle in your hands, and read a special plot (until the candle burns out to the end). By the way, for this purpose, it is best to choose an old cemetery where no one is buried anymore (it is considered a bad sign if a dead person is brought during the ceremony). After the ceremony, in no case do not meet with your loved one for three days.

Then perform the ceremony two more times: after nine and forty days.

The conspiracy is as follows:

I will come to the big city, the city on the churchyard,
Here are the bones.
I walk along the row, I look at the houses,
On grave houses.
The crosses are standing, the dead are sleeping.
Brothers, get up
Sisters, wake up
Help me, help me
Take the heart of the servant of God (name).
Take away, bury from all people:
From the baptized, immersed and non-Christs,
From girls, from women, from fat women and thin women,
From dark, from light,
From black-eyed and blue-eyed,
From green eyes and from gray eyes, -
To make him happy only for me
And everything went and ran in my direction,
Everything would have thrown and thrown at my white hands,
Looking for my gaze
And I would be dearer to him than the red sun,
Sweeter than May honey.
You hold, tie him to your crosses,
Iron gates, to the cemetery fence,
To my bottom. Amen.

Hi everybody! Well, a week! and its worthy completion - Pyatnizzo 13:) In 1791, the British authorities began an active fight against superstitions among sailors. On the doubly cursed day, Friday the 13th, the construction of a large ship was started at the shipyard. Not afraid of sin, it was called "Friday". They launched the ship on the water, of course, also on Friday, and he sailed into the misty distance. Since then, no one has seen the ship or the crew... However, besides Friday the 13th, there are other unlucky days and numbers! July 18, 387 BC The Celts sacked Rome. Since then, July 18 in Rome has been considered an unlucky day. Indeed, on the night of July 18, 64, a fire broke out in Rome, which raged for three days. The fire destroyed 10 out of 14 districts of the city, even the imperial palace burned down. It was on this night that Emperor Nero recited poetry while looking at the fire. Lord Burghley, who had held the post of treasurer at the court of Elizabeth I since 1572, told his son that there were three "unfortunate" Mondays in the year. The first Monday in April was considered the day when Cain killed Abel, on the second Monday in August, the Lord was believed to have destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, and on the last Monday in December, Judas Iscariot was born. In Russian tradition, there were unlucky days in every month. The most “fruitful”, at the same time, was January: it already has 7 unlucky days! The most "happiest", in this case, should be September: it has only one unlucky day - the 18th. In addition, it was believed that on which day of the week the Annunciation falls, no business can be started on that day throughout the year. However, it was also not recommended to start business just on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
In England and France, the Day of the Massacre of the Innocents (December 28) has long been considered the most unlucky day of the year. It is known that the coronation of Edward IV, which was inadvertently scheduled for this day, was postponed to December 29th. In China and Japan, the numbers 4 and 9 are considered unlucky, because "four" is pronounced in Japanese as "shi", which is consonant with the word "death", and "nine" "ku" - reminiscent of the word "pain". Sergei Korolev did not like Mondays. Indeed, under the Queen, there were 11 accidents for four successful starts on Monday! Launched on Monday, October 10, 1960, the Molniya launch vehicle with an automatic station for exploring Mars exploded. At Baikonur, the start is never scheduled for October 24th. British insurers claim that the most unlucky day is Monday the 27th. According to their reports, it is on this day that the greatest number of accidents, troubles and injuries occur. In Germany and Austria, April 1 has long been considered an unlucky day. A person born on this day, as if unlucky in life. According to legend, on this day Satan was cast out of heaven.

auspicious days

Leave on the road on Tuesday or Saturday.

Who on Thursday before sunrise washes with silver and with eggs, he will be healthy and clean.

There is no easier day against Saturday (and harder than Monday).

Who was born on the full moon will be tenacious and durable.

On Friday, looking at the birds flying by, you should say: "How many feathers are born on them, so much money is not transferred in the wallet."

Donate money to the church for Christmas. But before you give them away, say: "To whom the church is not a mother, I am not a father."

On the Trinity, they are sure to put on something new - for happiness.

bad days

On what day of the week is the Annunciation (April 7), on that day throughout the year do not start any work.

Do nothing on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

On Monday, do not give out money - all week expenses.

On Monday, they do not lend money, so that they do not melt like wax throughout the week.

Don't borrow money on Tuesday or you'll be in debt for the rest of your life.

From Monday - for the whole week (that is, good luck or bad luck).

Monday and Friday are hard days; Tuesday and Saturday are easy.

Whatever God gives, but on Wednesday (or Friday) do not spin.

Working on Friday is a sin.

On Fridays, men do not plow, women do not spin.

On Friday, chickens are not planted on eggs: chickens do not live.

Whoever starts a business on Friday, it will back away.

You can’t laugh and have fun on the eve of a big holiday - on the holiday of tears.

On Easter days, girls do not take salt in their hands so that their palms do not sweat.

forbidden days

There are days when you are not supposed to get married. There are no weddings in the church these days. This:

Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday;

Cheese Week, i.e. one week before Lent;

Great Lent (seven weeks before Easter);

Easter week;

Eve of the Ascension of the Lord (39th day after Easter);

Eve of the Holy Trinity (49th day after Easter);

Day of the Holy Trinity;

April B, i.e. eve of the Annunciation;

Petrov fast, which falls on the second Monday after Trinity;

Unlucky days

January has seven such days: 2, 4, 7, 11, 13, 20, 28.

February - three days: 11, 18, 21.

March - five days: 1, 3, 13, 21, 27.

April - four days: 1, 14, 18, 28.

May - three days: 5, 7, 8.

June - two days: 11, 12.

July - three days: 7, 17, 26.

August - three days: 6, 21, 28.

September - one day, 18.

October - two days: 6, 16.

November - three days: 5, 8, 17.

December - four days: 6, 12, 19, 25.

It was believed that people born on these days do not have health. These days are also unfortunate for any important and serious undertakings. For those who are married, they also do not promise success in family life, as well as in business. Lovers these days are threatened with betrayal by the fair sex. For hunters, they represent a complete failure. Those who fall ill are not recovering well, travelers are in danger. Merchants and entrepreneurs - losses if they make large transactions these days. Artists and artists these days do not bring success. Dreams these days are unpleasant, as well as unrealizable.

Each number carries a strong energy impulse that can both help and harm your endeavors. Use the advice of numerologists to plan important things for the most auspicious dates.

Not only accurate calculations are associated with numbers, but also signs. With the help of numbers, you can quickly achieve good luck and prosperity, just by following the right sequence of actions. Numbers surround us everywhere, and each carries a hidden meaning. To determine which numbers are suitable for certain manipulations, use the knowledge of specialists in the field of numerology.

The meaning of unlucky and lucky numbers of the month

10th, 20th, 30th. These days, new beginnings, serious business and success in general are in doubt. Zero can negatively affect any attempt to succeed, whether it is passing a report or exams. In order not to be "in flight", try not to plan any events for these dates. If you still have to do something important on these days, then be extremely careful. Mistakes made will be difficult to correct.

1st, 11th, 21st. The unit enhances luck, which means that things will be argued. Signing documents, keeping records and other operations with numbers will be surprisingly easy. On such days, it is worth being afraid only of your own inattention. However, if you keep the situation under control, you have nothing to fear. Luck in a professional environment on such days literally goes into your hands.

2nd, 12th, 22nd. These days, numerologists recommend giving up on serious decisions in your personal life. A new relationship can become a mistake, and the person you liked on the first date will disappoint you later. It is undesirable to make marriage proposals on such days because of possible troubles in further relationships. A couple may have a major quarrel right up to parting. Playing a wedding these days is also a bad idea: your couple can quickly become disappointed in each other.

3rd, 13th, 23rd. These numbers are responsible for money luck. The three can enhance the effect of any business you start and lead you to victory. This means that you will be able to plan financial transactions, loans and large purchases on these dates. Deals you make can be accompanied by whispers for good luck.

4th, 14th, 24th. These days, refuse any changes in appearance. Hand and toenail manipulation can lead to vein and muscle health problems. Cutting your hair will most likely lead to headaches and will also contribute to dandruff. Postpone cosmetic procedures and operations so as not to harm either your appearance or your health.

5th, 15th, 25th. Knowledgeable people these days refuse to lend money and borrow funds. Don't be flippant and don't hand over your savings even to people you've known for a long time. You can experience all the "charms" of delayed payments. Loans will also not bring you happiness, and it may turn out that you will have nothing to pay for the accrued interest.

6th, 16th, 26th. These days are literally made for travel. The six gives an advantage on the road, which means there will be no delays, no breakdowns, no accidents. Unpleasant circumstances will bypass you, and good luck will accompany you to the place of arrival. In addition, along the way you can meet interesting people, establish business relationships and even meet your love.

7th, 17th, 27th. On days when the seven is present in the date, you can safely deal with health issues. These numbers are created for operations, visits to beauty salons, sports exercises. If you plan to start a course of recreational gymnastics, then time it exactly to the 7th, 17th or 27th. You can easily overcome the body's resistance to unusual loads and quickly achieve the desired result.

8th, 18th, 28th. These days, the conclusion of marriage alliances will bring happiness and prosperity to young families. Weddings are planned for these dates. Also at this time, you can safely conduct rituals to attract the second half. Singles on the days marked with the number eight should pay attention to the opposite sex so as not to miss their destiny.

9th, 19th, 29th. Dating these days will be a complete disappointment. The sincerity of people these days is in doubt, so you can easily be deceived by first impressions. Be especially careful when meeting people in a business circle. Among them there may be deceivers and traitors. In love affairs, there is a chance to meet gigolos and lovers of quick money. Do not reveal yourself and your secrets, so as not to be in a difficult position.

31 number. On this day, the negative influence of the people around you may not affect you in the best way. Be careful not to fall under the hot hand of those who are able to cause damage or the evil eye. Try to spend as little time as possible among the crowd of people, and also use amulets. They will help neutralize the flows of negative energy and protect you from accidental or deliberate witchcraft.

Digital messages can tell you a lot. You can find out the features of your character, calculate financial luck, love compatibility with the person you like, and even bring prosperity to life. We wish you happiness, and do not forget to press the buttons and

auspicious days

Leave on the road on Tuesday or Saturday.

Who on Thursday before sunrise washes with silver and with eggs, he will be healthy and clean.

There is no easier day against Saturday (and harder than Monday).

Who was born on the full moon will be tenacious and durable.

On Friday, looking at the birds flying by, you should say: "How many feathers are born on them, so much money is not transferred in the wallet."

Donate money to the church for Christmas. But before you give them away, say: "To whom the church is not a mother, I am not a father."

On the Trinity, they are sure to put on something new - for happiness.

bad days

On what day of the week is the Annunciation (April 7), on that day throughout the year do not start any work.

Do nothing on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

On Monday, do not give out money - all week expenses.

On Monday, they do not lend money, so that they do not melt like wax throughout the week.

Don't borrow money on Tuesday or you'll be in debt for the rest of your life.

From Monday - for the whole week (that is, good luck or bad luck).

Monday and Friday are hard days; Tuesday and Saturday are easy.

Whatever God gives, but on Wednesday (or Friday) do not spin.

Working on Friday is a sin.

On Fridays, men do not plow, women do not spin.

On Friday, chickens are not planted on eggs: chickens do not live.

Whoever starts a business on Friday, it will back away.

You can’t laugh and have fun on the eve of a big holiday - on the holiday of tears.

On Easter days, girls do not take salt in their hands so that their palms do not sweat.

forbidden days

There are days when you are not supposed to get married. There are no weddings in the church these days. This:

* Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday;

* cheese week, i.e. one week before Lent;

* Great Lent (seven weeks before Easter);

* Easter week;

* the eve of the Ascension of the Lord (39th day after Easter);

* the eve of the Holy Trinity Day (49th day after Easter);

* Day of the Holy Trinity;

* April b, i.e. eve of the Annunciation;

* Petrov fast, which falls on the second Monday after Trinity;

* September 10 and 11, i.e. eve and day of the Beheading of John the Baptist;

Unlucky days

January has seven such days: 2, 4, 7, 11, 13, 20, 28

February - three days: 11, 18, 21

March - five days: 1, 3, 13, 21, 27

April - four days: 1, 14, 18, 28

May - three days: 5, 7, 8

June - two days: 11, 12

July - three days: 7, 17, 26

August - three days: 6, 21, 28

September - one day, 18

October - two days: 6, 16

November - three days: 5, 8, 17

December - four days: 6, 12, 19, 25

It was believed that people born on these days do not have health. These days are also unfortunate for any important and serious undertakings. For those who are married, they also do not promise success in family life, as well as in business. Lovers these days are threatened with betrayal by the fair sex. For hunters, they represent a complete failure. Those who fall ill are not recovering well, travelers are in danger. Merchants and entrepreneurs - losses if they make large transactions these days. Artists and artists these days do not bring success. Dreams these days are unpleasant, as well as unrealizable.