Congratulations from the hare on your 7th wedding anniversary. Copper or wool wedding (7 years)

Each anniversary date has its own symbol, but some dates, such as a wedding anniversary, even have several. We are talking about the seventh wedding anniversary, which has two symbols, which you will learn about later. And this is only according to Slavic traditions. In fact, for the 7th wedding anniversary, there may be even more symbols.

Seventh wedding anniversary - copper wedding

The seventh anniversary of marriage is called the copper wedding. The second symbol is wool. Of course, the copper wedding has become more widespread compared to the name - woolen wedding. However, no matter how different these materials are in structure, each of them has its own meaning for a married couple. After all, in many ways, marital relationships resemble these materials.
On the one hand, relationships are time-tested, they are soft and flexible, they can take any shape - just like copper. On the other hand, they are the same as wool - warm, pleasant, cozy, but can also be prickly for sensitive areas.
So, the relationship between the spouses is no longer so fiery, and there is nothing wrong with that, they continue to burn without burning out, and they have enough fuse to spare. At the stage of seven years, the spouses have already achieved a lot, but mutual reproaches still remain and sometimes attacks of jealousy slip through, which can “poison” married life.
The name itself—copper wedding—has a hidden meaning. Essentially, copper is a valuable and durable material, although, of course, copper is far from being a noble metal. And this wedding is like a hint that the couple still has everything to come.

Crisis of 7 years for a copper wedding (wedding anniversary)

In married life there are so-called crisis periods. And the seventh wedding anniversary is right on that date. The number 7 is very arbitrary; the crisis, or rather its manifestations, may begin earlier or a little later. This date is a crisis in a mature marriage. Additional crises can aggravate the situation, for example, the “3 years” crisis, as an example, or the “midlife” crisis of spouses.
The seven-year anniversary is a new breath against monotony and routine. By this age, the family already has a large farm and a well-equipped mechanism.
It is worth remembering that a crisis can unfold in different ways; there is no one universal scenario. Its essence is to distance the spouses from each other. The alienation can be so strong that it seems that the spouses no longer have anything in common, and the relationship may no longer be of any value.
It is during this period that one of the spouses often starts an affair on the side. Or one of the spouses, in search of a way out of this routine, may go to work and continue to act according to the same principle. On the one hand, the spouses try for the family, earn money, strive to equip their family, and on the other hand, the spouses move away from each other.
So how to get out of this situation? How to save a family? A universal piece of advice would be to visit a family psychologist who will help you sort out the problems. The most important thing is to understand and clearly define each other’s needs. After the work has been completed on identifying each other's needs. Now comes the time to work on recreating emotional intimacy. A crisis in itself is not scary, what is scary is complete inaction and letting the situation take its course.
Well, what are we talking about sad? After all, a crisis of 7 years is not the norm at all, but only one of the possible development options. We hope that it will bypass you, and if not, then try to survive it using the recommendations that we gave above.

Traditions of celebrating the 7th wedding anniversary (copper wedding)

Seven is a sacred number for almost any person. For these reasons, it is customary to celebrate the seventh anniversary on a grand scale and with family and friends. Even though the date is not round. The symbol of the wedding obliges to celebrate so widely; copper is a symbol of prosperity and material well-being in the family.
According to traditions, spouses exchanged copper coins with each other on this day. This is where the tradition of giving copper rings on the seventh wedding anniversary came from, and these gifts must be stored for a long time.
There was also a tradition of “ringing clothes”. It was believed that on this day, the wife should wear as many ringing jewelry and various jewelry as possible. The more such decorations, the happier and more fun the life of the spouses will be. The ringing sound that is heard when the wife walks scares away negativity and the evil eye.

It was on this date that it was customary to hang a copper horseshoe over the front door. In this case, the horseshoe should hang with its sides up, and not, as happens, down. Thus, it forms a kind of cup in which prosperity, happiness and family wealth will be collected.
You can celebrate the wedding itself in different styles. If weather conditions permit, then it is quite possible to go into nature, or arrange a holiday in an oriental or antique style. It was these cultures that often used copper jewelry.

What to give and congratulations on the seventh (7) wedding anniversary (copper wedding)

The most traditional gift is, of course, a copper horseshoe. Appropriate gifts could be copper decorations for the home - copper vases, candlesticks for 7 candles (symbolically), various bowls. In the old days, copper dishes and samovars were also given as gifts. Of course, today these gifts do not have much practical value, but they will appeal to lovers of traditions.
It is not necessary to give spouses copper or any other metal. When choosing gifts, do not forget about the second symbol of the wedding – wool. This could be wool products, for example, some decorative items for the home, or for spouses personally, for example, a woolen blanket and so on.
As for intra-family gifts, the husband must give his wife copper jewelry - monists, beads, earrings or hair jewelry. In response, the spouse must present her husband with a gift that is made with her own hands. Thus, needlewomen knit wool sweaters, socks, and mittens. Don’t forget about children, who are also given gifts made from wool, made with their own hands, as a symbol of care and warmth.
There will be no competition for an original gift, namely a copper basin! You can make jam for the whole family in a copper basin. Such a basin is not only a comic gift, but at the same time practical. At the same time, a copper basin is a symbol of prosperity in the family.
You can give copper as a gift to a Turk if the “young” people like to make coffee, figurines, writing instruments, and who knows what else...
For centuries in Rus', all significant events were accompanied by the ringing of bells. Why not continue this tradition, especially since the occasion is suitable. Copper alloyed with tin produces bronze. It is the bronze bells that are the most sonorous. For your wedding anniversary, you can give seven decorative bells, which with their ringing will protect the family from adversity and evil spirits.
It is also worth remembering about stones that are called “copper”, since they contain copper. One of the most sought after and famous is malachite. For their anniversary, you can give a malachite box, vase, bowls and other souvenirs. Or any jewelry, because malachite is a semi-precious stone.

Don't forget about congratulations on the 7th anniversary - "Congratulations on the 7th wedding anniversary - copper wedding."

Having successfully overcome the seven-year crisis, if there was one, and celebrating the holiday of marriage and family, we must continue to work not only for the benefit of the family as a whole, as such, but also for the benefit of the spouses individually. Of course, don't forget about the children.
Only in this case, family holidays will not end with an eight-year anniversary - a tin wedding, which we will talk about in our next article.

Celebrating wedding anniversaries is an established ancient tradition. A wedding day or the birthday of a new family is a magical holiday for spouses. It is customary to celebrate each year lived together. Every anniversary has its own definition and meaning, is unique and filled with traditions. Your family experience is 7 years old and what kind of wedding is this?

The seventh anniversary is usually called a copper or wool wedding. And although this date is not round, it has a very great importance for spouses. They lived together for many days, 7 years, giving each other love and care. The grinding of their characters has already ended, the husband and wife got to know each other well, learned to understand and accept the character of their other half, find compromises and negotiate, and studied each other’s habits.

Symbols of the seventh wedding anniversary

It’s not for nothing that a wedding at seven years old is called a copper or wool wedding. Symbols of the anniversary are copper and wool. It is believed that spouses who have been married for 7 years have already gotten used to each other and their relationship can be compared to a soft, pliable metal - copper. Copper is a noble, beautiful material, despite its softness and ductility, it is quite durable. Just like relationships within the family.

This is not a paper or linen wedding, but a “metal” one, although noble metals are still far away and the spouses have a long journey ahead of them together.

Another symbol of the 7-year wedding anniversary is wool. This warm, gentle and cozy material can sometimes be scratchy. The family has managed to become a strong support for the couple, where it is pleasant to warm up and relax, to receive the love and care of a loved one.

At this stage, family relationships are mostly smooth, but there is still, of course, something to work on. Periodic misunderstandings or attacks of jealousy may arise, which, of course, is very upsetting for spouses and growing children. It can be said that some disagreements fuel the fires of passion, but it is important to ensure that they do not escalate into war.

Copper wedding traditions

The seventh wedding anniversary has its own traditional rituals, rules and rituals. They are aimed at strengthening the family unit, giving the relationship even more warmth, and making the spouses’ life comfortable and prosperous. I want to celebrate the anniversary in such a way that the entire next year of family life is filled with love and mutual understanding.

Usually on the morning of the special day, the spouse puts things in order in the house and does a thorough cleaning. It is believed that any dirt, impurities, cobwebs have bad energy and are enemies of a harmonious family life, so it is necessary to completely get rid of them. You also need to throw away all broken or cracked dishes, and give old things to those in need or throw them in the trash. It is important to start the next year of family life clean and get rid of everything unnecessary.

The spouse, in turn, must repair everything that is broken in the house. It is better to throw away those things that cannot be repaired. It is important to clean not only your home, but also your relationships. Spouses should talk frankly, remembering the best events that happened this year, thank each other for them and forgive their other half for minor grievances in life, if there were any. This will greatly strengthen family relationships.

On this day, husband and wife give each other copper coins, which will be considered a family talisman and should be carefully preserved. Another important ritual of this holiday is the exchange of copper rings between spouses. It doesn’t matter what they are, the simplest or the most exclusive and expensive, they must be given with all your heart and kept with love.

How to celebrate a copper wedding

A wonderful seven year anniversary - what would a wedding be without some fun? It is believed that a copper wedding should be celebrated noisily and cheerfully. It is better if the celebration takes place in some unexpected and non-standard place. Invite your family, friends, work colleagues - everyone with whom you enjoy spending this holiday.

Let the outfit for the seventh anniversary be bright and unusual; it is allowed to use a large number of decorations. Accessories can be made of either copper or precious metals. The ringing of earrings and bracelets is believed to attract good luck and wealth.

The table at a celebration is usually set with copper utensils, and the room is decorated with copper accessories - candlesticks with seven candles, figurines, coins. The main course at a festive feast is usually served on a large copper tray.

Traditional gifts for a copper wedding

You need to think in advance about what you give for your 7th wedding anniversary. Experience in family life already allows you to fully determine each other’s preferences and you can choose a gift that can please your other half. Symbolic and beautiful wedding of 7 years. What's a wedding without gifts?

It is customary for women to give this wedding anniversary:

  • copper utensils, coffee pot;
  • copper accessories for the home: candlesticks, boxes, vases, figurines;
  • copper jewelry;
  • woolen blanket;
  • woolen clothes: sweater, jacket, mittens and scarf;
  • wool threads for needlework.
  • belt with copper buckle;
  • copper mug, ashtray;
  • woolen items: warm sweater, socks, mittens and scarf.
Whatever you choose as a gift, present it with soul and with all your heart.

A marriage that lasted 7 years, received the name " copper wedding" It is not for nothing that a metal such as copper was chosen for the name. It should be noted that copper is not only a durable metal, but also valuable. This suggests that a seven-year marriage is not only durable, but also of considerable value for its participants. Of course, there are more noble metals than copper, but the spouses will definitely cross this line, they have everything ahead of them.

Invited guests for the seventh anniversary of marriage can safely give the spouses copper products. For example, copper jewelry for the wife, a belt with a copper buckle for the husband, and any other copper items that serve as souvenirs. The most acceptable gift would be a copper horseshoe, which brings happiness and prosperity. Guests should also express congratulations and good wishes regarding the future life of the spouses.

As for the spouses themselves, given the old traditions, they must exchange copper coins so that their future family life will be happy.

Congratulations on your copper wedding
And we wish you happiness and love.
Let the feeling seem like flight,
To be together forever,
So that the days shine with gold,
Like two wedding rings.
“Seven years is not an easy date!” -
Let's say the smile is not hidden.
Let it be stronger than everyone else in the world
Your wonderful family!

You've been together for seven years, the kids are growing up,
In the rays of love, grievances quickly melt away.
Were you able to resist, you won -
All because they loved devotedly!

You greet every morning with a kiss.
Don't forget what you like to say.
In everyday life - help, clean and cook.
Give in to each other, don’t argue!

Congratulations on your copper anniversary, on the happy number of your life together - seven! I wish your family prosperity and well-being, strong and mutual bright feelings, understanding and prosperity. Continue to support each other in everything, enjoy life and successfully achieve common goals. Health to your family, comfort to your home and long life to you.

A tender palm lies in the palm of your hand,
Words of love are quietly whispered by lips...
You went through water and fire together,
And brass ceremonial trumpets!

May fate send you many victories,
May your path be filled with joy.
And may happy years pass by
Copper will turn into silver and gold!

You have been together for seven wonderful years,
I sincerely congratulate you on this!
There is no more important feeling than love,
I wish you eternal happiness!

May you have peace and harmony in your family
They always reign so that in relationships
The fire of love never went out!
Drown in joyful moments!

Congratulations guys
From the copper wedding from the heart!
You have been married for seven years.
How good you are!

How much faith, how much light
In your joyful eyes!
Let this happiness not fade away,
Let love live in hearts!

The anniversary has arrived -
Your wedding is copper!
There's a great reason
Congratulations to you at the same hour!

May your couple be
Strong like that metal
But compliant and soft,
Like that red material.

May health and good luck
They will find shelter in your house!
Let good things happen
Will happen many times!

Seven long best years you go together,
And all the hardships, troubles don’t matter.
Let love always remain in the heart,
Only happy moments for you two!

And it’s called the copper anniversary.
Copper is a soft, but also durable metal.
May you be able to smooth out all the quarrels,
It’s not for nothing that God sent you to each other!

Seven years, I will say, is not a short time!
You managed to quarrel more than once,
What has happened over the years,
But the main thing is that you are together now!

And this is a sign - love is stronger than anything,
She guides you forward in life.
She will always overcome adversity
And it will protect you from the storms of life.

So happiness to you is as great as the sky,
Let the avid bachelor be jealous.
No matter how hackneyed or ridiculous it sounds -
Let your eyes shine and your heart beat to the beat!

You've been through fire and water
For 7 years with each other,
And today the anthem is being blown
Copper pipes for you.

We are at your copper wedding
We wish you happiness
May love protect your home
The kids are growing up.

May the sunrises delight you
And the sunsets bring peace,
May today's copper
It will become gold someday.

Congratulations and wishes in verse and prose

Congratulations guys
Happy copper wedding from the bottom of my heart!
From dawn to dusk,
Have fun people, dance!
Lucky seven for you
It turned out to be on the shoulder!
So let it be bitter!
I shout to you with joy!

A good sign is the number seven,
He brings happiness to everyone
Copper anniversary,
Let it be comfortable!
We congratulate the spouses,
We always want to be together,
For a wedding anniversary,
You just had more fun!

7 happy years of hope,
7 wonderful years of love!
The kindest, most gentle...
My heart is bursting out of my chest!
Congratulations guys
Happy best copper day in the world!
From dawn to dusk
Be happy together!
So that adversity and sorrow
So that they shout at you bitterly
People all over the country are united!

Dear and beloved (names of spouses)! Today you have proven once again that love exists in the world. 7 years have passed since the day you swore allegiance to each other. During this time, you learned to understand each other perfectly, to forgive insults and not to harbor grudges, but to cover everything with love. But remember that you are having a copper wedding, and copper tends to tarnish and is quite vulnerable to scratches and dents. So don’t forget to add brightness to your relationships, and not darken them with a showdown, so that love doesn’t begin to fade. Light it like a fire and keep the flame constantly burning. After all, as long as love lives, the family will be the strongest union on earth!

We have never seen a more beautiful couple,
Today you are just like samovars -
Shining with a rainbow copper sheen,
You admire! And we congratulate you,
We wish you happiness and good luck,
Limousine, dachas in the Canary Islands,
And, of course, huge love,
And the salary is more than modest!

No wonder they say that 7 is a lucky number! After all, it is precisely this number of years lived together that can be called a truly happy time. Years fly by like moments, and moments dissolve into eternity, showering two loving hearts with copper rain. Your wedding anniversary opens up a new path to perfection for you, and once you set foot on it, you will never deviate from your intended path. We congratulate you on your copper wedding and wish your life to be as noble as the metal that represents this day.

Copper ringing penetrates through the curtains,
Copper sunlight illuminates the area -
Seven years have flown by since then,
How you said “yes” at each other’s wedding!
Blow out, trumpet, the sounds of joyful copper,
Copper dance, candle, dancer dance,
May you live happily today and in the future,
So that joy flies to the soul from the soul!
So that love beats in your hearts like a fountain,
So that you live together, so that you live richly,
So that your marriage is bright, like passionate saffron,
May you remember this “copper” date!

The holiday is supposed to thunder today,
Your feelings shine today like copper!
Now, husband, kiss your little wife on the lips,
Let the copper pipes play in your honor!
Family seven years, like copper, now shine,
Your friends and family will all applaud you!

The number that marks your holiday symbolizes a lot of positive things. It is no coincidence that seven is so common in popular proverbs and sayings. Its most important meaning is in the word “family”! It means that there is already a strong foundation; on it you build your life and plan the fate of many generations that will come from the branch of your family tree. On this day we wish you: strong family roots, many beautiful branches and delightful moments of flowering! Let there always be a place under your family tree where copper will turn into gold! We wish you long and happy years at your copper wedding!

On today's day filled with happiness, we want to congratulate this wonderful married couple on their seventh copper wedding anniversary! We wish that your relationship, just like copper, will be soft, warm, easily taking on any form. Let happiness and comfort never leave your home; let children’s joyful laughter smooth out boredom and despondency in it. Love each other, appreciate, respect, enjoy every moment of being together! We love you and believe in your family! Congratulations! | | | |

Seven glorious years have passed since the wedding day,
Already a good part of life!
Although many more anniversaries await,
You are happy to celebrate your holiday.
We wish you love from the bottom of our hearts.
Let it burn in our hearts, let it burn hotly,
Congratulations to your family today,
You can invite us to visit you again!

You lived together for 7 years,
The period is not that long.
Again you are the bride and groom,
You are beautiful at this moment!

Copper wedding - seven long years!
There is a bright light of love in your hearts.
Your friendly home is filled with this light,
And your whole family is happy in it.

Congratulations to my husband on his 7th wedding anniversary

We live together with you,
My dear, it’s already seven years!
Living with you is interesting
There is no better husband in the world!
For your love and affection
I thank you
Happy with you, like in a fairy tale,
I love you very much!

Congratulations to my wife on her 7th wedding anniversary

My dear, my wife,
Today I will tell you, without hiding,
That I was happy to live with you for 7 years,
And for me there is simply no one better than you!
Thank you for the warmth and comfort,
Because they are waiting for me at home with dinner,
Thank you for my son and daughter...
You are the best in my destiny!

We are celebrating today
Your copper wedding!
And from the heart we wish
You have a comfortable fate.
May your children make you happy
Let things go uphill,
Let there be plenty of happiness,
So that love blooms in hearts!

Congratulations on your copper wedding for your wife

We lived to see your copper wedding,
And they have already become a very strong family.
I'm happy that I met you in my life,
I couldn't have dreamed of a better girl!
Thank you for our every day and every night,
Thank you for your beautiful daughter!
I will say thank you for your love.
Dear, I value you very much!

Congratulations on your copper wedding for your husband

My dear, I'm glad to see you
Happy anniversary!
7 years together! This is necessary!
What can I wish for you?
I wish you health
May only success await you in your business.
And I will tell you with love:
“For me, you are the best!”

Happy 7th Wedding Anniversary Wishes for Friends

We are happy to congratulate you, friends,
Your family has been living for seven years!
You, celebrating the copper anniversary,
We have become one, indivisible!
So may your happiness last forever,
May your love be impeccable,
It's a joy to see your children grow up,
And be the happiest person in the world!

Congratulations on your copper wedding
And we wish you all the blessings of earth!
Live in love, keep your family
And cherish each other!

Other congratulations in verse for a copper wedding