A fairy tale about a magic clock composed by children. Fairy tale "Which watch is more important


Creation of an emotionally favorable atmosphere at the holiday, conducive to the successful self-realization of each participant.


· Presenter

Baba Yaga

· Father Frost

· Snow Maiden


・Character costumes

Christmas clock, key

· Metronome

· Music center, disks.

Place of entertainment:

Music hall with Christmas tree and New Year's decor.

The host meets guests, greets, congratulates on the holiday.

Dear friends, girlfriends,

I overheard the blizzard

What will come to us today

Happy holiday - New Year!

Are you laughing, are you?

Does the holiday last two weeks?

You laugh in vain - it's coming to us

Holiday Old New Year.

Hello New Year's Eve!

Well, shall we go? The tree is waiting for us!

The host leads adults and children into the hall.

We to fluffy Christmas tree let's go quietly

Let's light the lights on the elegant Christmas tree.

Let's lead a cheerful round dance,

Let's put together a song, and sing it ourselves.

At the merry guests, Christmas tree, look,

Give a holiday to both big and small!

Let's get up, children, in a round dance, let's celebrate the new year with a song!

Song "New Year" music and lyrics by A.A. Pryazhnikova

HOST: (points to the clock hanging on the wall)

On the wall is not for beauty

Hanging magic clock

I'll go to the magic clock

And I'll wind up the clock.

Tits whistle,

The snow will sparkle

Voiced, light blizzard

There will be laughter.

sun glare

Will flare up like flowers

Good people have

Dreams will come true.

And when it's twelve

Will strike on the clock

With joy and happiness

Let's meet the new year!

(Then he goes to the clock, tries to start it with the key - nothing happens).

Strange, they don't start. But Aunt Metelitsa, when she gave me this key, said that christmas clock start with one turn. We'll have to use a special New Year's spell. Help me.

(Guests repeat after the host)

Tick ​​tock, tick tock

It's important to take the first step

Morning, evening, day and night

Days fly away

Time moves on

The new year is coming!

All the same, nothing works. Oh, hear, the blizzard howled - someone is in a hurry to visit us.

To the music of "Blizzard" by M. Minkov, excited Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden appear.

Such a surprise! Hello, Snow Maiden! Hello Dedushka Moroz!


Hello, dear guests, small and large! Hello, hostess! No wonder you are surprised, for the first time my granddaughter and I come uninvited to the holiday.

Yes, I just wanted to call you for help!


We know, we know, your magic clock does not start. We also felt that something was wrong with Time, so we hurried. Look, grandfather, what happened.

FATHER FROST: (approaches the clock, circles the staff, listens, shakes his head) Well, I knew it! Someone's black sorcery entangled the arrows - confused the past and future time - wound it into a ball. If we do not correct the matter now, there will be trouble - the thread of the Great Time will break, and the new year will never come!

And what are we to do now?


Like what, unravel the yarn of Time - unwind.

But as? Time can neither be felt nor seen!


And with the help of the game "Tangle". Come on, children, get up in a thread - a chain.

And you, granddaughter, let's confuse the ball - wrap it up! Just a deal! Do not separate your hands, do not tear the thread of time!

The Snow Maiden twists to the music - entangles the chain of children into a "ball" - a bunch of small ones. Then he invites parents to unravel the glomerulus. After the tangle is untangled, the presenter quietly starts the metronome and offers to listen.

Oh, do you hear? The magic clock has begun, our game has helped! Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden, quickly get up in a circle, sing a song with us!

Song - dance "New Year's rhyme"
music by A. Yermolov, lyrics by V. Borisov
(The presenter quietly stops the metronome during the song)


What is it!? The New Year's clock is up again! What happened this time?

SNOW MAIDEN: (finds a letter behind a clock) Look, grandfather, I found a letter behind a clock. Looks like Baba Yaga!


Oh, well, of course, again there was a nasty old woman here! Come on, hostess, read the letter, otherwise I forgot my glasses in the sleigh.

HOST (opens letter and reads):

"Let there be a lot of noise

From blizzard and blizzard.

Hello big you people

From Grandma Yaga!

What, they wanted to arrange a holiday for themselves, to meet the new year - to spend the old one? And they forgot to invite me, an old woman - a cheerful one, as always! Well, nothing, I’m not a proud grandmother, I stomped to you myself, I bewitched your magic clock - I stopped it. Now you yourself will come to me in a fairy tale, bow again. Yes, do not forget to grab more sweets, I love sweets very much. Map fairyland I have attached the letter, so do not get lost. You can take a guide with you so that some cannibal does not accidentally gobble you up for lunch. Only an agreement - do not take any wizards with you, they will not have a road to a fairy tale! Greetings, Grandma Yaga!


That's because the grandmother is harmful, and strives to spoil the holiday. IN last time persuaded her not to do dirty tricks - he gave a bag of sweets and a barrel of raspberry jam. She promised, the old witch, to calm down. And again for mine!


What to do, apparently you have to go to a fairy tale. Only without us. After all, grandfather and I are wizards, a fairy tale will not open the gate for us - the gate is bewitched by Baba Yaga, and she is a strong sorceress.


My granddaughter and I will have to look for another way - through the snowy clouds in the boundless sky. And you already go on the ground, but do not forget to take a guide with you. See you at the end of the road!

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden leave.

It's easy to say - "Take the guide"! And where to get it? So that he was not a wizard, and lived in a fairy tale. What do you guys think? Wait, I remembered the fairy tale about Emelya - he is a simple man, but resourceful and lives in a fairy tale. Let's call him! Especially since now folk calendar Emelin's week is coming, when in Rus' it was customary to tell fairy tales on long January evenings. I think he will help us. Let's call in chorus: "Come, Emelya, your week!" (3 times).

Emelya appears under the Russian dance.

Hello good people! Why did you call?

We, Emelyushka, need to get into a fairy tale, to reach Baba Yaga. Look, here is a letter and a map.

Emelya: (is reading): Yes, grandma did. Did you know that we will have to travel along the paths of fantasy, and not everyone will pass along them. For this, our Russian tales must be well known. Moreover, the locks on the gates to our country are not locks at all, but riddles that need to be solved. Can you?

HOST: Let's try.

Emelya (reads:)

In heaven, not on earth

A woman rides on a broomstick

Terrible and evil

Who is she? (Baba Yaga)

On sour cream he is a mess

Baked in a hot oven.

He left his grandmother

Walked away from the bunny

And left the wolf

Walked away from the bear

But to the fox in the tooth

Still got it (Kolobok)

Once my friend boasted

Ivan the Fool:

“Yes, Emelya, I have

Two wonderful horses

They have golden manes

Rings curled into crayons,

But the horse is more dear to me

By nickname ... (The Hunchback)

Children guess the riddles of Emelya.

Yes, riddles are not easy,

But all the locks are open

And from here I can see

The whole magical land.

The map will now open the way

To the first fairy-tale heroes -

Let's walk around the Christmas tree

And we'll end up in a swamp.

Oh, and the path will be difficult!

This is where kikimoras live.

You walk very quietly

Don't wake up the kikimore!

Children and adults walk around the Christmas tree.

Suddenly, cheerful dance music begins to sound - at first it is barely audible, then louder and louder.

Emelya (stops): Oh, bad luck! Woke up - still, turntables are green! Now hold on, they will notice, they will dance to death - they are very eager to dance. We have only one salvation - to start dancing ourselves, but to dance out of the swamp - maybe then they will not notice - they will take them for their own.

Cheerful dance to the musical soundtrack (backing track) “If there was no winter” music by E. Krylatov, lyrics by Y. Entin

Uff, forcefully got out! What else is this?! (looks at the map, puts his hand with a visor to his forehead, looks closely). So it is - a fiery river, neither bypass it, nor bypass it. We'll have to weave a magic bridge with our tongue. Are there any poets among you? Now we will select words in rhyme. Word by word, like a plank, it will lie down, it will show us the way through the fiery river.


An approximate set of words: cat, earring, path, clasp, ladle, matryoshka, firebrand, etc. 7-8 words are enough.

Well, here is the fiery river behind. The last barrier remains. Yes, the smartest. Mirror maze: here is a task for adults - you need to reflect fairytale heroes turn - show them without words, and the kids should guess what fairy tale the heroes were from (pantomime - 2-3 fairy tales)

Well, here is Baba Yaga's glade. We are in place.

How spot on! And where is the hut?

So she's a bird! Did you forget about chicken legs? Grazing somewhere. Now I'll call: "Chick - chick - chick!"

A hut appears - a planar image is put on like a backpack, on Baba Yaga's back, Yaga moves backwards.

Here is the hut. Hey, hut, hut, stand back to the forest, front to me!

The hut turns.

Hello Baba Yaga!


And hello to you, Emelka! What, my dears, did they come, did they not get dusty? What did you complain about?

You know, Baba Yaga. They came to ask you to remove the spell from the New Year's clock.


I don’t complain about memory yet, but you, deushka, you see, your hearing is bad. After all, I asked - not why, but with what you came! Did you bring sweets with you?

Aren't you ashamed, Yaga? I myself saw how Santa Claus threw you a bag of sweets and a barrel of jam last week. Are you not enough?


Shut up, Emelka! Not you gave, not you and reproach! And I need sweets for something else. Well, they brought it, didn't they?

Take it, Baba Yaga. Why do you need them?


Of course, I love sweets. But a good word to me, beauty, is also pleasant. And from you people, you will not wait for compliments until the next new year. So, guys, listen, those who praise me best of all, he will receive a sweet candy!

Baba Yaga gives everyone a candy for praise; towards the end of the attraction, Emelya imperceptibly starts up the metronome.

Well, Baba Yaga, everyone praised you, the sweets ran out. And then what? Time does not wait, it's time to start the clock! Disenchant them quickly before the trouble happens!


You, deushka, it's time to see a doctor, check your hearing! Can't you hear - the clock is ticking!

How so! You haven't said a spell yet!


So it's not for nothing that the wisdom of the people says - "from the word of a good and dry stump blooms." You warmed me with kind words - my anger melted away - the clock went off!

So, are we wizards?


It turns out so.

I don’t know who is warm here, personally I don’t get a tooth on a tooth. Cold - what a pull!


Well, of course, this is Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden hurrying here - to save you from me. Hee hee!

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka appear to the song "Three White Horses".


And here we are! Look, Snow Maiden, but here, it seems, they managed without our help - and the clock is ticking, and there is no fight.


Yes, we're all right. Only some - who froze when they saw you.


Eh, I love to scare with frost, to test strength and endurance. Are you afraid of frost?

How blizzards will go for a walk,

How the frost will crack

Close windows, doors,

Take care of your ears, nose!

The game "Freeze" is being played.


Well, he was joking, grandfather, and that's enough. It's time to light the tree.


This will not be the case (waves staff). One - two - three, Christmas tree, burn! And now, in a round dance, friends, let's celebrate the holiday with a cheerful song.

Song-round dance "The little Christmas tree is cold in winter."


And now, children, girls and boys, who will amuse me, the old one, will the poem tell?

Children read poems to Santa Claus.


Well, by poems and gifts (she catches herself, slaps her forehead). Oh, I'm an old snowman, a frozen head, a bag - I forgot with gifts while I was in a hurry to see you!

BABA YAGA (snickers):

That’s it, as soon as he didn’t leave his wise head along with gifts! Okay, I'll help you out. Take, grandfather, a bag of gifts that he gave me. Do not leave the kids without sweets!


Thank you, Yaga, helped me out! Don't hesitate, I'll bring you another bag, no worse than this!


Don't forget! (Pulls out bag.)

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden distribute gifts. Then the clock chimes.


Here comes the new year. It's time for us to say goodbye.


So the game is over!

It's time for us to part!


Happy New Year! Old year! With a Christmas tree! With a song! With a round dance!


Have fun, relax. Don't forget us friends!

They say goodbye and leave.

Authors: Bogdanova S.B., teacher of the highest category;
Gainutdinova Yu.A., music director of the highest category;
MADOU " Kindergarten No. 90, Berezniki, Perm Territory.

The article is posted in the author's edition

Even small children know that all things and objects only seem inanimate. After all, as soon as the night comes, everything around comes to life. And the conversation begins about this, about this ...

Once, on one of those nights, when the clock on the wall struck twelve times, and there was such an argument ...

- How much noise can you make? Everyone already knows it's time for bed! - exclaimed indignantly porcelain elephant, standing on a shelf just under this clock. - No rest!

We are the most important! - not even offended by the elephant, the clock said proudly. “If it wasn’t for us, people wouldn’t know what time it is!”

– Ha-ha-ha! the alarm clock chuckled. What's the point of this noise? Whether business I! I stand in the most visible place, quietly ticking, I don’t get on anyone’s nerves with my roar, like some ...

And my battery-heart is durable. And you can always replace it with a new, imported one. A Wall Clock just touch the chain, and that's it! Get up!

“Hee-hee-hee ...” the women's watch giggled, lying quietly on the table near the bed on which the girl was sleeping. - I'm more important than some kind of alarm clock! After all, people do not take it with them to the street, but our hostess puts us on the handle every day and takes us out for a walk.

We know all her secrets and experiences. She constantly admires us, listens to us ticking, putting us to her ear. Especially if her boyfriend is late for a date. Probably the hostess thinks we've stopped.

- Exactly! - massive voices from another room Men's Watch in a gilded case.

“Your mistress doesn’t trust you!” Whether business we! At least beat us, at least drop us! We are anti-shock! And the dearest among you! And our heart does not depend on some company http://Watch-Japan.ru/.

We have a factory outside, so there is no need to climb inside us and change something there. It won't take long to get the infection! We know, we know ... we saw how from your heart, dear alarm clock, one day White blood leaked out!

“Not blood, but acid!” - gave out their knowledge wall clock. - We also saw and heard how the alarm clock was almost thrown into the landfill!

“Well… it almost doesn’t count…” the alarm clock drawled offendedly. - By the way, about shockproof ... You do not have enough stones: put on one, and hit the other! he quipped, making a joke about the men's watch.

- Ugh! What a lack of culture! snorted a woman's watch. And the joke is old. It is immediately clear that he has lagged behind life!

- Yes Yes! Speaking of modern times, the cell phone called. – My device has the most accurate clock! They don't need to be run every day. Set the time once - and admire! Yes, I don’t argue, my body is delicate and fragile, but no one has a desire to knock on it and test it for strength. I pressed the button - the screen lit up and showed the time. And there is no ticking.

By the way, about the button! And where is your button? - the men's watch sneered. - We heard that if you press it, then not only your watch, but you yourself will fall into a coma for a long time!

- In a lethargic dream! - Picked up the alarm clock.

The cell phone wanted to say something, but the laptop intervened in the conversation, which had previously been dozing peacefully on the table in the corner of the room:

- It's funny to listen to you! All of you put together do not have even a fraction of the information that I have! What's the use of your "tick-tock", yes "bom-bom"! Whether business I! Everything depends on me! If I don't want to join, I'll see how your owners will groom and cherish you!

- Yes, you are all overgrown with cobwebs! the clock exclaimed. “It wouldn’t hurt to wash you!”

- Dense, you technique! The Web is not spider webs, but the Great Internet! This is more important than the dates of your mistress, - the laptop turned to the women's watch.

It is not known how long the dispute would have continued, but the alarm clock rang with a ringing trill, announcing that morning had come, and it was time for all the inhabitants of the apartment to get up: some to go to school, some to work.

Men's watches were quickly put on a muscular hand, women's watches adorned a delicate girlish wrist.

The owner, passing by the wall clock, touched the weight with his hand, shook it and said with satisfaction:
- They're coming, folks!

A nimble childish hand grabbed a cell phone from the table and hid it in a jacket pocket.

Someone from the inhabitants of the apartment turned on the laptop to find out last news and check all the clocks at the same time.

The alarm clock was not left without praise.
- Well done! I woke up right away! Grandma said, stroking the side of the clock with her wrinkled hand. What would we do without watches?

A wall clock, women's watch, men's wrist watch, alarm clock, cell phone and laptop shamefully silent. They suddenly realized that each of them is important in its place and is very necessary for its owner!

How the mouse Cunning Mouse taught time

Once upon a time there was a girl Tanya. Quite big, smart, knows everything
But she doesn't know how to tell the time by the clock. But soon she will become a schoolgirl.
How so? Tanya remembers that at exactly three o'clock in the afternoon her beloved
cartoon will be shown. Yes, not just a cartoon, but a long, very interesting animated series. One episode every day.
After dinner, Tanya starts pestering her grandmother:
“Grandma, tell me, what time is it?”
Grandmother will put on glasses, look at the clocks that hang] on the wall in the kitchen, and answer her granddaughter:
- It's a quarter past two.
- In how many minutes will it be three hours? Tanya asks.
“In forty-five minutes,” Grandma replies.
“Granny, dear,” she fawns in an affectionate voice.
to Grandma Tanya, - please turn on the TV for me at five minutes to three. I'm afraid to miss a cartoon about a talking crow - a mischievous old woman.
- OK! I’ll turn it on if I don’t forget, ”grandmother agrees.
“And I’ll remind you, so you won’t forget!” Tanya replies happily.
Oh, Tanya, Tanya! - remarks the grandmother with a reproach. - You are big girl and you can't tell the time by the clock. That's not the point!
I'll ask your dad to work with you on the weekend and teach you the clock.
- Fine! Tanya was delighted. “I want to learn how to read the clock myself. Then I won't bother anyone. I'll look at my watch and see what time it is.

- Well done! I’m sure you will succeed, because you learned the numbers a long time ago, ”the grandmother praised her granddaughter.
By the way, in Tanya's apartment there is a clock in every room. And everywhere different. Old clocks with a pendulum and a cuckoo hang in the kitchen. The wooden cuckoo lives in a cozy house. Every half an hour she looks out of the window and cackles loudly and cheerfully: “Cuckoo”, reminding that half an hour has passed. Dad has a massive bronze clock on his desk in his office. Dad brought them from Spain when he went to this country on a business trip. They don't have a loud, melodic fight. Grandpa has a small and plastic alarm clock, Grandpa always winds it up when he has to get up early and go fishing with his friends.
There is also a clock in the bedroom, it is white and pink, porcelain, decorated with angels, and is placed on the table by the bed. There is a clock in the children's room, they are painted with different little animals. What's the point in having a lot of clocks in the house! Tanyusha is not yet able to determine the time using them.
But on Sunday, when dad had a day off, he called his daughter:
- Tanechka, we will study the clock with you. Bring your own pencils and markers.
- Fine! the girl agreed.
Dad, meanwhile, laid out a large sheet of cardboard on the desk and brought an ordinary glass from the kitchen. He also took out scissors and a ruler from the desk drawer!
Did you bring pencils and markers? he asked Tanya. - I brought it! she answered.
- So that's great! Dad praised Tanya. He took the glass, put it upside down and circled it very carefully. with a simple pencil. - You see, we got an even circle - this is the dial. Try to draw the same circle yourself.
Tanya tried, and she succeeded. And I must tell you that the mouse Hitrushka, who usually hid in a mink, stuck out his curious black nose, then crawled out from under the carpet and began to watch dad and daughter. You may be surprised and ask why she needed it?
The fact is that Khitrushka has long dreamed of teaching her kids to tell the time by the clock. After all, it is very convenient! For example, grandmother goes to rest after dinner always at the same time. You can look out of the mink and find out what time it is. So there's no one in the kitchen right now! And in the buffet there are a lot of delicious things: cookies, dryers, crackers. Under the table you can find a piece of sugar and even sausages. Grandma rests for two whole hours. So, looking at the clock, you can find out when it's time to hide in a mink.
“So,” Dad began his lecture. - Come on, Tanyusha, take the scissors and carefully cut out both circles-dials. First me and now you.
When the circles were cut out, dad, using a ruler and a pencil, divided them into exactly four parts. He drew horizontal and vertical lines. I wrote with a black felt-tip pen at the very top of the vertical line the number 12, and at the very bottom the number 6.
On the left, on the horizontal line, he wrote the number 9, and on the right, 3.
Tanya did everything exactly like dad did. "
Then dad placed all the other numbers at the same distance from each other.
Here's what happened to dad and daughter.
The trickster watched them carefully and tried to remember everything better.
Then dad drew two arrows. One short thicker, the other long and thin. And cut them out.
- Short hand - hour. It shows the hours, and the long one shows the minutes. With its help, we learn the minutes.
Tanya also made two arrows and colored them in Blue colour. Tanya's numbers on the dial and the hands were dark blue, while dad's were black.
Finally, dad took a needle and attached the hands to the very center of the dial - Tanya did not lag behind dad.
“Here we have the model of the clock almost ready,” dad remarked with a satisfied voice.
He taught his daughter how to indicate the minutes, and explained that while the short hour hand moves slowly, one hour passes, the fast minute hand manages to run around the dial 60 times, because there are exactly 60 minutes in one hour.
“Yeah!” hitrushka realized. “I didn’t even know that there are exactly 60 minutes in one hour. You have to remember this.”
Then dad explained to his daughter how to tell the time:
- Just imagine that the short hand is exactly on the number 9, and the long one is on 12. So the clock shows 9 o'clock. Now put the short hand on 4 and the long hand on 12. What time does the clock show?
"Four hours," the girl answered briskly.
- Clever! her dad praised her. "Well, that's enough for today, I think," he said. Tomorrow we will continue our studies with the clock.
Grandma called everyone to the kitchen for dinner.
When dad and Tanya left the room, Khitrushka pulled off a sheet of paper from the table, on which the girl practiced setting the clock, and dragged it into the hole. She called the mice: Rezvushka, Brave, Baby, Smyslenesh and began to explain to them everything that she herself remembered. Smart mouse-kids soon understood everything.
The next day, dad continued to study with the girl, and soon she was smartly and correctly answering his questions.
And Khitrushka also listened attentively to her father's lessons, so that later she could teach time to her mouse children.
- Hooray! - Tanya shouted joyfully at the end of the lesson. “Now I know what time it is. Now it's ten minutes past eight! Right, daddy?
- Right! Well done! The father praised his daughter.
- Now I will no longer pester either my mother, or you, or my grandparents. I will not bother them with the question: "What time is it?" I'll look at my watch and see what time it is.
By the way, smart Cunning has taught the mice to know the time by the clock.
The little mouse will look out of the mink, look at the walkers and immediately find out when the grandmother leaves the kitchen to rest, and Tanya watches her favorite cartoon.

time and baby

Once time flew into the park, where it was full of flowers, tall rose bushes grew and gently smelled of jasmine. Time sat down on a bench and decided to rest a bit. Children ran along the paths, rode bicycles and scooters, played hopscotch, and the girls jumped over the rope. One boy sculpted a tall palace out of sand and decorated it with pebbles.

Time has paid attention to the baby. He has such clear big Blue eyes, chubby arms and legs, curly hair- real man!

Time involuntarily thought. But this kid will soon grow up and become an awkward teenager. Then he will get prettier, get stronger and turn into a beautiful young man. A lot of girls will dry on him. But he will choose the most charming and sweet one. They get married and have children. And when the children grow up, they will have their own children, and our angelic baby will turn into a grandfather. His face will be cut with deep wrinkles, he will become hard of hearing, lose his hair and teeth.

“No, I don’t want this wonderful boy to become an old man!” thought Time. “Yesterday I flew into the palace of my beloved queen. She was going to a ball. into an old woman."

The maid adorned her hair with a golden crown, the queen's dress shone and shimmered with diamonds, they also played on her hair, in her ears expensive diamonds. Even the buckles on the shoes were diamonds.

The queen took the mirror, looked into it and threw it away from her.

- Time! Ruthless time has turned me from a young beauty into a disgusting old woman. Even wonderful stones are no longer able to decorate me! I hate time! Nobody can stop him!

Time, very sad, imperceptibly flew out of the palace. Tears shone in his eyes, he felt sorry for the old queen.

Time shook its head to drive away the unpleasant memory.

“Isn’t it possible for me to make sure that the adorable baby in the park does not become an old man?”

I'll fly, perhaps, to the wizard who lives in a castle of crystal on a high, high mountain, and ask his advice.

Time did just that.

The old wizard kindly received him, listened to the story and took out a bottle with a transparent liquid from a dark oak cabinet.

- Here, take it! Tomorrow, go to the park and sprinkle exactly three transparent drops on the baby. See what will happen!

Time thanked the wizard and in the morning was back in the park. The sun was shining, the children were playing on the playground.

Time splashed exactly three drops of enchanted liquid on the baby. They hit him on the head.

- Ai! Rain is coming! the child exclaimed.

“There is no rain, it just seemed to you,” his girlfriend remarked, and they continued to play.

Meanwhile, time passed, sometimes it flew into the park and noticed that the children around the baby stretched out over the summer, grew up, but he still remained the same.

A year has passed. One spring day, Time flew into the park. His pet still played with a scoop and molds in the sand, while other children were already rushing on roller skates and bicycles, playing ball.

They grew up, and many of them were already going to school in the fall. A few more years passed. The kid's comrades had grown up a long time ago, and he was already playing with other crumbs, still the same blue-eyed and curly. Time again sat down on the bench and thought deeply: “What awaits my pet? Will he remain a baby forever? beautiful bride He will not have children or grandchildren.

How many things interesting things will pass past him!

No! Let him Life is going just like other people. This is her great wisdom!"

Time again took out a vessel with a magical liquid and splashed three golden drops on the baby's face. The next morning, the boy jumped out of bed and did not recognize himself: his pajamas were too small for him, and his feet did not fit into slippers.

- Mommy! Look what happened to me! I grew up!

Yes, son, thank God! You grew up overnight! I'll go and buy you new clothes. I think you will go to school soon.

T.A. Shorygin "Conversations about space and time". Toolkit

On a quiet winter evening that fell on our deaf swamp, I sat down by the gentle fire to warm my paws and belly. Yes, alas, I had membranes on my paws, and on my belly there were scales and a lot of frog-like things, but exactly a hundred years have passed since the dishonorable sorcerer turned me into this little green creature ... Kwa-kva! ..

I still lived on the edge of a dense forest, in an impenetrable swamp - a terrible and dangerous place, especially for a simple person.

In the swamp grew a large water lily charmed by a sorcerer. And the flower floated not just somewhere on the edge of the bog, but in the very center muddy water- so that you can not reach it with your hand! Under the petal of a water lily, the sorcerer hid my house.

My house is small but very beautiful. Only this is no longer the merit of the sorcerer, but the swamp elves. For three days and three nights, while I shed bitter tears over a happy human past, they built me ​​a warm house.

Seeing how elegant and comfortable my new home turned out, I realized how good wizards tried to comfort the poor frog! Then, in spite of the cruel sorcerer, I wiped away my tears with a green fist and stopped crying.

My new acquaintances were delighted, put construction tools in air backpacks and hit the road. On the other side of the green swamp, they were already waiting. The mosquito broke its wing, and only the swamp elves could help it: they always carried with them a special stretcher for sick mosquitoes.

At parting, the forest wizards sang:

“Someday your mother will find you, and you will be a happy little girl again.

- How do you know? Qua? Qua!..

I was so excited that I began to speak two languages ​​at the same time - human and frog.

- A woodpecker rattled to us about this. And the summer wind whispered to him. And the wind blew warm rain. And your mother promised rain. She said so: “I will find my girl, even if the sorcerer took her to the ends of the world!”

These words made me feel better, I entered into new house, and the difficult frog life began.

In my house there was everything that I, a frog girl, needed: beautiful dishes, an elegant tablecloth, silk curtains.

There was even a real hearth in the house, but not simple, but magical! Smart and kind. Good friend. If not for him, I would have despaired long ago and stopped waiting for the one who will disenchant me. Even mom would stop waiting!

And then one evening, when our swamp was covered with the first snow, when the forest gnomes with difficulty rolled out their sister into the night sky - full moon, and the wind-beggar persistently knocked on my window, I sat down by the hearth. She threw firewood and heard:

“I will tell you a story.

- Magical? I rejoiced.

No, not magic. Truthful,” the flames swayed thoughtfully.

- Truthful?

I pouted, and the fire, seeing my offended face, laughed. He laughed warmly and tenderly. That's how my mom laughs. From the memories, I became sad and asked angrily:

- Why should I true story? Look at me, look at this green skin! I am the truest story on earth!

My story will be about love and despair. Believe me, she will teach you a lot.

And I began to listen.

Somewhere, far from the noisy local places, there was an amazingly beautiful and calm city. Only lived in it happy people. The townspeople did not think about why they are infinitely happy, and simply rejoiced at the sun, sky and wind.

The secret of their happiness was that a magic clock was hidden in the cute turrets of beautiful houses. They were once invented by a wise watchmaker. It was the clock that kept the peace in the city.

It was not easy to come up with correct clock for people. More than one year flew by while the watchmaker assembled the magic mechanism. No one knew or guessed about that smart watch: neither the inhabitants of the city, nor animals, nor birds, because what kind of magic is it if everyone in the neighborhood knows about the miracle.

At the same time - only not in a happy city, but in a gloomy castle - lived a terrible sorcerer. Of course, the villain had no real friends, only two friends - two forest robbers: the owl Wuhu and bat Cross-eyed. Sometimes they flew up to him and whispered about something, tightly curtaining the windows of a gloomy castle. What were they whispering about? It's hard to say, but after each meeting, something terrible happened in the nearby forest.

Once a bat appeared to the sorcerer before the appointed hour. And the sun had not yet gone to sleep, and the animals had not yet dispersed into their holes, and the birds from distant flights had not returned to their nests, and Cross-eye was already scratching at the window of the gloomy castle.

The owner of the witch's lair did not immediately hear the creak of a mouse wing on the glass, because he was sleeping like a dead dream, and he saw mountains of pearls and gold in his dream.

Only the mouse achieved its goal, woke up the sorcerer, flew into the castle as an uninvited guest and squeaked right from the threshold:

What can I say, sorcerer! I found the city! Wee-wee.

- And it's all?! - the evil wizard was indignant, remembering his happy dream, interrupted because of such nonsense.

"Wait, sorcerer, don't be angry!" cried Crosseye. - I'll tell you a secret. There is a magic clock in that city! How about breaking them? the mouse asked.

“And what do you want from me?”

Make me invisible!

After such a request, the sorcerer realized what was the matter and how he should act. He answered slyly - he set a price:

“Get a bag of earthworms for me for dinner, mouse, and then we’ll talk.”

“You are insatiable, my friend! Pee-pee, - the mouse squeaked in response.

The mouse did not agree with the sorcerer - it only quarreled and flew away into the forest with nothing.

Before Crosseye had time to hide behind the horizon, the villain made a special sound signal: “Pts-pts!” called an owl. Wuhu heard, quickly flew in and began to report:

- Oh, master, what can I say! There is a happy city on earth!

He was a hereditary watchmaker. Yes, not simple. It was about his grandfather and great-grandfather that fairy tales were written ... It was they who taught how to make clocks that measure time back, clocks that stop the future. And all the watchmakers of this kind were some kind of wizards ... How many fairy tales about watches ??? And about the watchmakers who made these wonderful mechanisms - not a word. His watch was different from anything known in this world. This watch counted down the time until the wedding ... As soon as they got to the person, he instantly got married. Not necessarily the owner. The one who pushed the spring to the limit. The plant lasted for a week. And during this week, a person managed to fall in love and get married. Or get married. Watches that create families ... There were fewer and fewer lonely people, the owners of the miracle often let suffering acquaintances start the watch. Rumor about them miraculous properties reached the ears of the king. And the king decided to collect all the wonderful specimens in his palace. Everything that the master has done in his entire life. The king wanted to collect them and start them at the same time in order to marry the most-most. After all, if one watch could make a person happy, then what can we say about ten?
Magic watches were kept in families. Passed down by inheritance. Sold at auctions. And they worked, worked, worked... The master grew old, and to his joy none of his watches ever broke. Until that very day.
It was the day when the king collected within the walls of the palace all the hours that were so desired. He wound each mechanism to the stop, until he saw that in the very last hours the winding was broken. The king's anger knew no bounds! He had been collecting them for so long, and suddenly!!! He immediately ordered the master to be brought to him.
The watchmaker by this time had become very old, he could not see well, his hands no longer obeyed him, so when the guards broke into the house, he fell into despair. How to fix a clock if you are almost blind and weak? The guards grabbed him and dragged him to the wagon. The master begged them to let him go, talking about his ailments, but they did not want to listen. Royal wrath was feared in earnest. They almost stuffed him into the wagon when a girl ran out of the house.
- Where are you taking him?
- He has to repair the clock that the king bought. We have been given a command to bring him in and force them to correct them.
- Are you completely blind? He is old. And he won't even be able to repair his own clothes, let alone his watch! Let him go! I am his daughter. I will repair your king's watch.
The guards thought and thought, and let the old man go. The girl went with them. The old man begged her to stay, and shouted after them that a wonderful gift in their family is transmitted only to men, that his daughter will not be able to help them, but the stern guards drove away with stone faces.
You probably guessed that, although one clock was not working, the rest of the king started it, which means that the time counting the minutes and days before his wedding has gone.
The watchmaker's daughter appeared at the royal palace towards the end of the third day, and she was immediately escorted to the king.
“Can you repair the clock?” the king asked sternly.
- Yes, Your Majesty! She didn't think for a minute. “Give me a quiet room, tools, and complete rest. And I'll fix the watch. Just bring all the clocks so that I can figure out the mechanism.
Everything was done according to her wishes. For three days she did not leave the room, the courtiers whispered that it was the sixth day - but there was no preparation for the wedding, as if there were none ...
Finally, the door opened and the watchmaker's daughter spoke to the waiting king.
- Your Majesty, I repaired the watch. You can execute me, but this watch is my father's mistake. There will be no more weddings because someone just twisted a spring. Hasty marriages do not bring happiness. Of course, someone fell in love, someone fell in love later, but the majority of people cursed this watch, so I deprived them of this ability.
The king became furious, and ordered to conclude the obstinate filed in prison. Days passed. The gloomy king, who had lost hope of meeting his betrothed, began to be afraid. He spent most of his time in the room with the clock... The clock he had been collecting for ten years and now no longer needed...
He touched and stroked them… He talked about his dreams. The courtiers began to think that he had gone mad. They began to fear not only his anger, but even his gaze...
The gray-haired old man crossed the threshold of the palace late at night. He was looking for his missing daughter. Terrible rumors were heard ... He was old, and the king's anger was nothing compared to the pain of his father's heart.
- Where is my daughter? he asked the king. That's it, without respectful treatment, without preface.
"Your daughter ruined your life's work!" And she deserves the punishment she deserves!
The king led the old man into the treasured room, and begged him to try to fix at least one mechanism. The old man was shaking his head... Old, almost blind... A watch is a delicate work! And the king decided to go to the trick. He ordered to deliver the prisoner. While the guards rushed to fulfill the order, the wrinkled hands of the old man stroked the clock ... He touched them and shook his head ... The hands “read”, the old man was surprised at the talent of his heiress, probably the most gifted of all magical watchmakers ...
- Tell me, Your Majesty, did you wind all the watches?
- Yes all. Except the ones that were broken... Your daughter deceived me, said she would fix them, but she ruined all the others.
- Of course, I'm old, but take my advice, start this last watch right now, because you won't lose anything ...
The king decided that he really did not lose anything, and picked up the very watch, a stumbling block on the way to his happiness ... The spring wound up easily, and the watch lay in his palm, as if it were part of it. They warmed not only the skin, but also the soul ... The king's soul suddenly blossomed, he felt a surge of strength, an intoxication of incomprehensible joy and even .. happiness. At that moment the prisoner was brought in. The king looked at her. On her proud landing head. At the lips compressed in a sign of inflexibility, looked and admired. An amazing thought pierced him: “God! Yes, she is the uncrowned queen!” The world sparkled with all the colors of the rainbow... And the astonished king fell to his knees in front of the watchmaker's daughter...
- I'm sorry! I was wrong! Something covered my eyes, and I could not understand how I need you! Now the veil has fallen from them, and I see that I cannot live a day without you!
- You see??? asked the prisoner. Or do you feel?
- I see and feel... I just learned to see with feelings... You have no idea how wonderful it is!
- All-seeing feelings? Why can't I imagine, how I can imagine! - the girl exclaimed, furtively showing her father a finger to her lips, as a sign of silence ...
The wedding of the king and the watchmaker's daughter was magnificent and amazing ...
And immediately after the wedding, she retired with her father, using the first possible minute for a conversation.
- Are you angry about what I did to your watch?
- No, what are you, dear! After your hands, they have become perfect!
- I could not completely remove the gift pledged by you, I only slightly corrected it ...
- You made it so that now everyone who gets them will find their happiness in love ... And marry only for love. You gave the happiness of reciprocity to everyone who touches these springs.
- Not really! Not just someone alone will turn them on ... They should be turned on by men and women. female hands who then unite their destinies forever! Because they will be married not even by a priest, not by Fate, but by HER Majesty Love herself!
- But how???
"Daddy, don't you understand?" This thought came to my mind as soon as I saw the king... I saw him and realized that I was gone... Because no man can compare with him. I started them as soon as I repaired them ... I expected that he would want to start these ones, which he had not started before ...
Women's cunning... Yes, combined with talent and beauty - a terrible force!!! Since then, the belief has gone that you can’t give your loved one a watch ... Men who are afraid strong feelings and responsibility, came up with this stupid omen. Be sure to donate!!! Just don't forget to wind up the spring before doing this. And of course - to the end! And suddenly, these are the very ones created by the amazing queen - the daughter of a watchmaker? They will count the time that you lose when you are not together... I hope that Love will marry you too...