You can give a watch or not. What kind of watch to give – we make the right choice. Is it possible to give a man a watch for his birthday?

“In the morning, when you put on your underwear, don’t forget about your watch!” the poet once wrote, but for some reason, as a gift, watches fell into disrepute. Why can't you give a watch? And what happens if you decide to make such a seemingly harmless present?

“I gave him a watch and we parted!” the “temporarily lonely” girl confesses snifflingly and concludes, “Never give a guy a watch!” This is for separation! Who knows whether they would have lived happily ever after or whether the breakup was predetermined, but now it’s so convenient to blame the notorious gift for everything!

So, is it possible to give a watch to your loved ones? And where did this sign even come from?

Is it really wrong to give watches to your loved ones, or is this just a prejudice?

Why can’t you give watches, knives, mirrors?

“In the morning, when you put on your underpants, don’t forget about your watch!” the poet once wrote, but for some reason, as a gift, watches have gained notoriety... Why can’t you give a watch? Maybe the answer lies in the history and symbolism of gifts as such?

For example, in the Celestial Empire, a watch as a gift will be perceived as an invitation to a funeral. The Chinese are generally a mysterious people. Their customs are also incomprehensible to Europeans. Most of them are completely unknown to us. Why, then, has the opinion that it is impossible to give a watch take root in our land?

In China and Japan, a gift in the form of a watch can be regarded as a wish for a speedy death.

There is a superstition that a gifted watch shortens the recipient's age and symbolizes imminent separation. In some European countries clock hands are considered "sharp objects". But giving sharp objects - knives, forks, etc. - is not accepted. Thus, our ancestors believed that a gifted knife would attract “ evil spirits" As a result, a superstition arose that the donor and recipient would quarrel after such a “surprise gift.”

Well, not only do mirrors unfortunately break, forming sharpened fragments, but they are also recognized as a magical object! Therefore, some impressionable people are afraid to give and receive such things as gifts.

All these “passions” with signs and customs involuntarily lead to thoughts: is it possible to give a guy a watch? Why can't it? If he is not superstitious, not suspicious, not a bore or a snob, then he will be incredibly happy with a good watch with a name and reputation.

If your loved one is not suspicious or superstitious, give him a watch without any fear!

But Never give your loved one a watch if he believes it will lead to separation or any other trouble! Thoughts are material, and human fears tend to materialize.

Do you believe in omens? Despite the fact that we live in the 21st century, when science and high technology are developing, many still believe in omens. One of the most common things about watches is that they say that a watch is given as a gift for parting. Where did this belief come from? You can’t give a watch because you will be with your loved one for as long as it goes on, and as soon as it stops, separation cannot be avoided?

Why is giving a watch a bad omen?

Let's try to figure out exactly why this is considered so and where this opinion came from.

  1. The gift of a watch is perceived as a wish for near death.
  2. In China, watches are regarded as an invitation to a funeral.
  3. In some countries in Europe, clock hands are perceived as sharp objects, and as is known, such hands are not given as gifts. Ancestors have long believed that sharp objects attract evil spirits into the house.

It is also believed that the clock counts down and shortens a person's age.

Why don't people give watches to their loved ones?

They say that if you give a watch to a girl, it will lead to a quick breakup with her. But there are many examples of breakups regardless of what was given to whom. Therefore, it is impossible to say for sure that a watch is a harbinger of separation. Let's just say one thing: a watch is an expensive and status gift, an excellent accessory that any girl will appreciate. A loved one will always, looking at the watch, remember the one who gave it to her.

If you or the person to whom you are giving are superstitious, then the best way out of the situation would be to accept any sum of money for a gift, even 5 kopecks will do. It is then that the thing as a gift loses its meaning and develops into an object of sale and purchase, and no Bad sign in this case it will not attach. I hope we helped you figure out how to give a watch correctly and how to avoid all the unpleasant moments so that the recipient likes your gift.

Perhaps every person is familiar with the belief that giving a watch is not good, but not everyone knows what actually causes this. Perhaps this is just a meaningless superstition that only naive people can believe in? Or is there some sound logic in it? In this article we will tell you why giving a watch as a gift is a bad omen.

There are a certain number of theories that can shed light on the question posed. For example, in Western countries clock hands belong to sharp objects (along with knives, forks and others). Things of this kind are classified as bad, inappropriate gifts.

Also, many people were convinced that such gifts are closely related to power and the person who received them as a birthday gift is able to tie her to himself. In addition, according to the superstition about a gifted watch, over time the relationship with the donor was bound to deteriorate. And also various troubles and troubles were not excluded. Our ancestors were convinced that sharp objects (in particular, watches) were capable of cutting once and for all long term relationship(no matter what the plan is - friendship, love or partnership).

Turning to another variation of this sign about the prohibition of donating watches, we find ourselves in Ancient China. For a long time, the Chinese believed that if you give a watch to a person as a gift, together with it he will receive an invitation to a funeral.

Residents of Japan They went even further - in this culture it was believed that if someone wants to present a watch, it means that he quite consciously wishes the death of the hero of the occasion. At first it may seem to you that there is no sound logic in such a statement, but do not forget that Eastern culture has always had its innermost secrets and mysteries, incomprehensible to outsiders, but this does not lose their relevance.

The Eastern sign about the prohibition of giving a watch to a person on his birthday was explained from the other side, in this case there is There are several interpretation options at once:

  • The presented clock begins counting down the time until the imminent parting with the donor, and when it stops, the connection with the person will be irretrievably lost.
  • A watch received as a gift automatically starts a specific countdown until the person's death.

Signs about the clocks of our ancestors

Our distant ancestors, the Slavs, interpreted this sign in their own context: they believed that along with the gift of a watch, pain, anxiety, disappointment and excitement come into life.

Another explanation of the sign indicates that, together with the watch, the donor gives away a certain part of his life. There is also a version according to which a gift of such a plan provokes serious quarrels or even death. Moreover, it does not matter what kind of clock was given - wall, pocket or wrist.

After being exposed to so many negative opinions Regarding donated watches, it becomes clear why people in most cases avoid giving such gifts. After all, even if nothing bad happens in reality, the human imagination will definitely paint a terrible picture for itself, “inspired” by so many negative preconditions.

Is it possible to give a man a watch for his birthday?

Known a large number of versions explaining why you should not give a watch to your loved one. According to a popular legend, one girl decided on her lover’s birthday to give him beautiful wrist watch. Until this time, there were absolutely no quarrels or problems in their couple, but after the celebration the relationship changed, and in the most dramatic way.

Regular conflicts and showdowns began to arise, which, of course, did not bring any pleasure to both partners. As a result, fortunately, everything ended quite happily - the power of their love was enough to break the ill-fated clock. The item could not be restored, and the lovers were able to live happily ever after.

When is it acceptable to give a watch?

All the signs described above, for obvious reasons, do not have scientific confirmation, therefore Is it acceptable to give watches to those around you or not?– this question will have to be answered independently. First of all, you need to think once again about how a person will perceive such a gift. If you know that the hero of the occasion is very superstitious and will subsequently think and worry about such a gift for a long time, it is better to refuse it, so as not to spoil the nerves of either yourself or the birthday boy.

It can be said 100% that hours(especially the old ones) people will be happy who are collectors of these items. Or they just love watches. In this case, to add even more “zest” to the gift, order a special engraving for them.

And if you want to be sure that such a gift will bring only positive emotions to a person, go shopping with him.

What to do if you receive a watch as a gift?

If you belong to the category of superstitious people, do not rush to immediately think that the donor certainly wishes you harm. Most likely, the person is simply not aware of the existence of such a belief or does not really believe in it. And in principle, what is more important is not the gift itself, but the attention shown.

In addition, there is effective way, allowing you to get rid of the expected negative impact gift. All that is required from you is just make a ransom that is, pay for the watch. Then they will automatically become not a gift, but an acquisition. Of course, there is no need at all to pay half the cost of the goods - a few coins will be enough.

Try your best in everything life situations tune in only to the positive. Scientists have long been able to prove that thought is material and can greatly influence the further course of events. Therefore, believe in the best, wear your watch with pleasure and try never to waste time!

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Many people think that you should not give a watch as a gift because it is considered a bad omen. There are various explanations for this superstition, but it has not received scientific confirmation. In some cases, however, you can give a person this gift.

There are 2 main theories that explain the origin of the sign that prohibits giving a watch as a gift.

According to the first version, clock hands used to be equated with sharp objects. They were believed to attract evil forces. The moment a person received a gift, these spirits became attached to him, which is why various troubles and misfortunes happened later. The gift could lead to a deterioration in the relationship with the donor, strong quarrel, sometimes caused a break in relationships. It was believed that sharp, cutting and piercing objects cut happiness and friendship.

Another explanation arose in China. In this eastern country it was believed that this mechanism was an invitation to a funeral. Some people believe that a donated watch counts down the time until the death of the person who received it, others argue that such a gift counts the time until separation from the donor. In Japan, such a gift is a sign that the giver consciously wishes the death of the recipient.

The Slavs believed that emptiness, unhappiness, and disappointment would come into the life of the recipient. Some people argue that this is how the giver gives away part of his life. There is a theory that the clock counts down the remaining life of the recipient; according to another version, it will stop at the moment of the death of the giver.

None of these theories has scientific evidence. When clocks first began to appear, people were afraid of this mechanism, because they were afraid of what they did not understand: the future, eternity, time. Because of this, legends about the device appeared, which later became signs. Horror stories composed later, wanting to scare impressionable young people.

Why you shouldn't give a watch to your loved one

There is a separate explanation for why you can’t give a watch to a girl or guy. It is believed that such a gift will lead to the end of the relationship, separation. Before love, friendly relations things begin to deteriorate, disagreements and quarrels arise, which is why lovers may stop communicating.

Giving a chronometer to your beloved woman or wife is not recommended for the reason that women are often more superstitious. Because of this, the recipient may be offended and have a negative attitude towards the gift. In addition, it is more difficult for a girl to choose an accessory that she likes, since women often pay great attention on details, have their own preferences in color and features. The chosen option may not seem pleasant in appearance.

It is believed that you should not give a watch to your husband, since this increases the likelihood of infidelity and disagreements. The development of relationships slows down, and a cooling of feelings occurs. There is a version that such a gift brings the spouses back, leading to separation.

Why don't people usually give watches for birthdays?

Not worth giving to a loved one birthday watch. Such a gift can offend even those who do not believe in superstitions if it is perceived as a hint of lack of punctuality or increasing age. Elderly people or those suffering from terminal illnesses who receive such an anniversary gift are especially often upset. You should not give a wristwatch for your birthday to those people who do not like to wear any accessories on their wrist: there is a high probability that the gift will remain unclaimed and will not bring joy to its new owner.

You shouldn't bring a watch to your friend's birthday party. Girls often worry about their appearance and youth, and a gift that reminds them of their gradually approaching old age will not be the reason positive emotions.

If the potential recipient is a freedom-loving person, the likelihood that he will like such a gift is low. The watch can be taken as a hint that it's time to settle down.

If a person tends to get upset on his birthday and doesn’t like this holiday, such an accessory will ruin his mood even more. It will remind you of your increasing age and can cause irritation and sadness. There is a belief that the moment the hand stops, the life of the owner of the watch will end, which is why receiving a gift can be offensive.

If a person is superstitious, the relationship may deteriorate. In such a gift, he can see bad intentions on the part of the donor. A gift can be frightening if the recipient believes death is approaching or a relationship is about to end. Giving a watch for a birthday is not recommended as it is considered a bad omen.

When is giving a watch a bad omen?

It is recommended not to choose this accessory as an anniversary gift. When deciding whether you can give a watch as a wedding gift, you should first find out whether the bride and groom are superstitious. If any of those getting married believes in omens, the watch will not bring happiness to the newlyweds and can spoil the mood of the holiday. It is believed that such a gift can deprive one of the young spouses of health, lead to infidelity, and an early divorce.

The answer to the question of whether it is possible to present Wall Clock on wedding celebration or on a wedding anniversary will also be negative. It is believed that if the mechanism breaks or falls, quarrels and discord will begin in the marriage. You should also not give watches to friends as housewarming gifts for this reason.

Antiques that have already had an owner are also dangerous. You shouldn’t give away your own accessories either. It is believed that they can absorb negative energy, transfer the problems of the previous owner to the new owners.

To whom and in what situation can you give a watch?

  1. It is allowed to give the accessory to close relatives if they do not believe in omens. This is a practical gift that not only benefits the person, but also looks stylish. A watch given to a father or mother, son or daughter will not cause a break in relationships or frequent quarrels.
  2. It is allowed to present such a gift to collectors. A person who collects watches will be glad to receive another copy.
  3. It is also possible to exchange watches with business partners. In this case, you should choose expensive options from famous brands.
  4. You can give such a gift to people who are not inclined to believe in omens. It is recommended to first clarify with the intended recipient how he feels about donating a watch.
  5. There is a tradition according to which it is customary to present watches to military personnel as a badge of honor. Such a gift is also given to civilians for special merits and heroic behavior.
  6. For a wedding, it is allowed to give a pair of watches to the bride and groom. It is believed that if both spouses receive a time measuring device as a gift, their union will become stronger. It is recommended to choose quality products that won't stop for a long time.

How to give or accept a watch without causing trouble

If someone gave this mechanism as a gift, you should not quarrel with the person or get angry with him. Not all people know about the existence of a negative omen; non-superstitious people may not consider bad sign reason for refusing the chosen gift. Having made a gift, the donor might not have meant anything bad, so you should not show him that the accessory caused negative emotions. You should accept the gift with a smile and thank you for it.

It is believed that getting rid of negative influence You can if you pay a small fee for the item. There is no need to pay the entire amount; it is enough to give the donor a few rubles so that evil spirits consider the action taken not as an act of donation, but as a purchase. It is recommended not to use large bills: it is believed that ritual repayment performed with coins works better.

If the watch was given to an impressionable person who is very worried about bad luck, it is better to re-gift or sell the gift. It is recommended to do this quickly so as not to be stressed for a long time. There is no need to throw away the item; the watch must find a new owner.

One of the parents should accept the gift for the children. This is because minors are more vulnerable to evil forces, since their energy field is not fully formed.

You should choose only good quality products as a gift. If the watch is cheap and breaks quickly, even a non-superstitious person may get upset. It is necessary to take into account the preferences of the recipient when choosing an option, since this accessory is not only a useful device, but also a decoration.

When giving a watch as a gift, ask for a coin. This will help reduce the recipient's possible concerns.

A good option would also be to present a certificate for the purchase of an accessory. It turns out that the watch itself is not a gift and negative energy will not reach the recipient.

It is important not to keep watches purchased as a gift. It is believed that you can attract negative energy if you do not give them to the new owner.


Giving an electronic version, various devices (for example, fitness bracelets), one of the functions of which is time tracking, is not considered negative. Such devices do not have sharp arrows.

In addition, they often have other functions. The desktop version will fit well into the interior of your home or office, it looks stylish, is convenient and easy to use. Often such devices are bought for primary schoolchildren to teach them discipline and teach them how to manage time.

Every person periodically faces a difficult, but at the same time such a pleasant choice of gift. Pick upsuitable presentSometimes it’s very difficult for a loved one, relative or acquaintance, and once you’ve decided on a gift, problems begin to appear. various superstitions both signs and a long choice have to start again.

“When it comes to gifts, every country has some kind of prejudices; some believe in them and try to adhere to them, while others deny them.”

So, among the French it is not customary to give perfume as a gift unmarried girls, no matter how strange it may sound to us. Among the pedantic Germans it is not customary to give stationery and weeklies. In our opinion, it is better not to choose as a giftknife, mirror and watch. If the first two are more or less clear, then why nice watch are they a bad present?

For the first time in China, giving these devices as gifts was prohibited. As you know, these people are quite superstitious, so they treated the object, which is capable of measuring what the human eye is not able to catch, with caution. In addition, the hieroglyph denoting a chronograph is in many ways similar to the sign that denotes death. They believe that getting a chronometer in any form is Bad sign and promises a quick departure from life.

“Our ancestors were also wary of clockwork and believed that it had mystical powers.”

It’s not that they didn’t give watches, they even tried not to keep them in the house. Today, watches do not pose a threat to anyone, but nevertheless, it is not customary to give them as a gift.

Why is it wrong to give a watch to your loved one?

It is believed that watches should not be given to loved ones, since such a gift will certainly lead to quarrels and separation. According to some signs, discord is predicted for a loving or married couple after the hands of the donated watch stop. According to other beliefs, separation is inevitable in any case, even if the mechanism is reliable and will never stop.

Whether to believe such signs or not - everyone decides for himself. More often than not, girls are more suspicious and believe various signs; they are the ones who most often, when receiving a watch as a gift, think that this means separation. It seems to them that their lover or husband specifically chose such a gift to end their relationship. As a result, dear ones, beautiful watch may be a completely unwanted gift; if they are accepted, it will be with dissatisfaction and resentment.

Men are not at all so suspicious and treat many such signs with irony. Therefore, to the question: “Can I give a guy a watch?” there is no clear answer. If you are not a superstitious couple, then feel free to choose a practical and beautiful accessory as a gift. This useful gift which will appeal to any man.

You cannot believe in this or any other sign as an axiom. Remember that harmonious long relationship depend only on the two of you and no clocks, mirrors or other little things can bring discord into the strong union of two people. Therefore, whether to give a wristwatch to your wife or husband, or perhaps choose a wall clock for your home as a gift for the next holiday, is up to you to decide.

Is it possible to give a man a watch for his birthday?

When choosing a gift for a representative of the stronger sex excellent option there will be stylish watches.

“In the business sphere, giving and receiving such an accessory as a gift is a common thing” . Good, branded and expensive watch are able to emphasize the status and solidity of a person. Despite the fact that modern man There are various gadgets that display the time; wearing a wristwatch never goes out of fashion. In business, partners can often exchange such accessories for no reason; this may indicatewillingness to cooperate and trust.

You can give a watch for your birthday to your brother, father, work colleague, or boss without any worries. But as for the man you love, decide for yourself, it all depends on superstition. Despite this, any man will appreciate such a gift.

Watch for a woman: the meaning of a gift according to signs

If you want to give your wife or girlfriend a watch, we advise you to find out in advance what she thinks about the signs associated with this accessory. Possible in in a comic form bring up the topic when talking with friends or walking past a watch store. After that, draw conclusions about what the reaction to your gift might be.

Choosing a watch for a woman is quite difficult, because it is not only an accessory, it is to some extent decoration, which should be to her liking. Most often, representatives of the fair half of humanity are given round and oval shape clock face. According to some signs, such a watch will help you avoid life's troubles and difficulties, prevent quarrels and help you find compromises. There are some signs regarding the material from which they are made:

· Copper watch help relieve pain and suffering and quickly heal wounds. Wearing such an accessory on your left hand will protect you from negative energy.

· Made of brass - are considered good sign attracting wealth and prosperity.

· Made of ceramics - put you in a positive mood, help get rid of depression and bad mood.

· Steel the body will protect people from the negative influence and will serve as a kind of amulet.

· Silver accessories will rejuvenate the body and protect against evil tongues.

· Gold hours by folk signs are considered royal gift and the reason for this is not only the fabulous cost, but also energy potential which they carry.

Is it true that you can’t give watches to your friends either?

Planning to give such a controversial gift as a watch to a friend for her birthday or anniversary to the best friend, we advise you to rely not only on your opinion regarding the signs associated with this accessory, but also on the opinion of the birthday boy. Find out in advance what your friend thinks about this, whether he has any prejudices. If henot superstitious, then feel free to choosewatches as a gift, just decide what they will be: wrist, wall, sand, floor or fireplace. Remember that the gift must be in harmony with the room, and in the case of wristwatch- suit the style.

Give married couple for a housewarming party you can have a wall clock, it will become a practical gift. If you are choosing a gift for your friend who loves to cook, choose hourglass. They will an irreplaceable thing in the kitchen while preparing some dishes. Also close friend you can safely present an elegant fashionable watch that will serve as a beautiful and stylishspecial decoration. Active to a young guy As a gift, you can choose an electronic device with a built-in chronograph.

“You can give watches to friends, it is only important to make sure that they do not have a negative perception of this accessory.”

Is it possible to give watches to close people and relatives?

We do not recommend buying a chronograph as a gift for superstitious relatives or loved ones. If you are sure that, having received your gift, the person will not change his face, but will only be happy, you can safely choose a gift. Fashionable sports Digital Watch will good choice for my brother's holiday, but here are branded ones classic models It's better to choose the father. Well-known Swiss movements can also be given to your dad or grandfather; they will become an expensive gift in all respects. When choosing a model for your sister, we recommend choosing an elegant watch with a dial trimmed with precious stones. amnyami.

Prin Should I give watches to children or not?

A watch as a gift for a daughter or son will becomeuseful and irreplaceable thing.

"Children of preschool and younger school age They will help you quickly master the concept of time and teach you to understand what time it is by looking at the dial.”

Older children will find such a gift useful for self-discipline, for planning time.They will help teach me to be independent. In a word, this is an irreplaceable gift for children that does not have any negative connotations. Today it is very popular to give an electronic watch to a child for his birthday. Such a gadget will not only allow you to find out the exact time, but will also help you monitor your child’s whereabouts; in addition, with the help of such an accessory, your child can make calls to several numbers.

Is it possible to give a gift watch? or is it bad?

Antique watches are especially valuable and are often passed down as family heirlooms from the older generation to the younger. Even if you are a superstitious person and are wary of such gifts, under no circumstances throw away the olddevice. It is better to put it in a secluded place in the box, as a reminder of your relatives.

If you were given fashion accessory that for some reason you don’t like in appearance, don’t match the design, or you just don’t wear them,You can safely donate the watch.Perhaps one of your acquaintances or friends will appreciate this model and will happily wear it as decoration or use it for its intended purpose. Therefore, do not be afraid to give a gift watch and think less about all sorts ofx signs, because the most important thing in a gift is thatthe energy that you carry.

How to give a watch correctly and avoid bad omens and superstitions

If you choose a watch as a gift, you can bypass all the bad omens with the help of other beliefs. So that nothing interferes with your happiness, when you give a watch, you need to givesymbolic fee.A few pennies will turn a gift into a purchase and the chances of failure when receiving them will be reduced to zero. At the same time, people say that you need to buy yourself out of trouble with your left hand, but take a coin only with your right.

Another way to give a watch and not be separated is to buy a watch case, and put money in it to purchase an accessory, and then togetherwith your loved one or loved one go to the store and choose suitable model. This way, you will realize your idea and give a watch, but you will do it together.

“In this case, no signs threaten you, and the chances of choosing a model you don’t like are minimal.”

In addition, superstitions say nothing about electronic devices popular today that have built-in clocks. Such gadgets will appeal to young people, athletes, and everyone who leads an active lifestyle.

What to do if you gave a watch

"They do not look at a given horse's teeth"- a well-known proverb that answers the question better than ever: “What should you do if you were given a watch?” No matter how you feel about signs, if at one point you were given a watch as a gift, sincerely thank the person for the attention they showed to you. You shouldn’t immediately think about the motives, why this accessory was chosen, what the donor wanted to say and other nonsense. Perhaps the person is not even aware of existing superstitions and has chosen an expensive and beautiful accessorywith the best intentions.

If you are still a very suspicious person, and the gift does not have much value for you, for example, it is a plastic watch with a bright belt given on March 8, then a logical question arises: “What to do with the gifted watch?” Many people have the idea of ​​getting rid of the gifted watch and simply throwing it away. It’s better not to do this, give them to someone who will be happy with such a gift. Or, when giving a gift, simply pay off the donor with a couple of coins and that’s it. possible signs they just won't act.

The video also examines the question of whether giving a watch as a gift is really a bad omen, and what superstitions are associated with: