A famous artist gave me a royal gift. Tickets for the royal gift Performance royal gift

Twenty years ago they were young and in love... It seemed to them that nothing could change their relationship, but life took its own course. Fate scattered them in different directions and swirled in a whirlpool of events, slowly erasing the sharpness of feelings. Years passed, but the case again made her remember that time...
And SHE decided to arrange a reception in his honor. HE had no idea what mysterious paths allowed them to meet.
What will this meeting turn into? How will this "game" end for the heroes today...?

Sincerity, humor, deep meaning are the hallmarks of this performance, which has a rare charm.
In this performance, the audience will see Nikolai Dobrynin and Ekaterina Volkova in a completely unexpected role! And their brilliant play will undoubtedly bring great pleasure to all theater-goers! Hurry up to see this light, kind, sometimes funny and very touching story, which will become a truly royal gift for you!

Cast of modern, popular theater and film actors:
Nikolai Dobrynin - ("House with Lilies", "Matchmakers 2,3,4,5", "Lyudmila Gurchenko", "Motherland", "Molodezhka", "Orlova and Alexandrov", "Goromozeka" and many others.).
Ekaterina Volkova - (“A Short Course in a Happy Life”, “Londongrad. Know Ours”, “Fartsa”, “The Law of the Stone Jungle”, “Motherland”, “Retribution”, “Beautiful to Death”, “Alive”, “Sharp”, "The Equation of Love", and many others.).

The performance runs without intermission.

Recently, the Chekhov Center hosted the play "The Tsar's Gift" with the participation of Honored Artist of Russia Nikolai Dobrynin, known to viewers from the series "Matchmakers" and Ekaterina Volkova - the femme fatale doctor from the series "Women in Love".

I did not think that I would get to this performance, but my friend Lena Opryshko and blogger Volodya helped me. Thank you very much.

The plot of the performance was as follows: a famous metropolitan actor came to a small town to earn a new heart at the local theater. Literally. The governor wished to pay for a new implant and an operation.

The actor played both Caesar and King Lear and Othello. And everything would be fine, if not for one "but". Fate brings the artist a surprise - confronts him with his former love, which, it turns out, has not passed.

Anna worked in the provincial theater. She was for everyone - for the dresser, and for the cleaning lady, and for the make-up artist.

And at first she was terribly angry"metropolitan star"

Anna tried to please the artist - she ran for expensive cognac, prepared a festive table. But the actor did not like this situation.

He said: “I don’t understand why I came to this hole ?!”

When he said this, a woman from the audience whispered: "He's talking about us."

After each stage appearance, the artist was injected with adrenaline, and his aching heart beat again. Before taking the stage, hesaid: "Wait, don't knock. Let me play it right."

He also had many women in every city. And in early youth he had his first love. They wanted to get married, but she suddenly disappeared. Then he learned of her death.

And suddenly it turns out that this is the same Anna - his first love and wife of the governor. She betrayed him in her youth, and now, having learned about his illness, she asked her husband to pay for the operation, making such a royal gift.

Realizing this, the man went out to play a play on aortic rupture. I read the monologues of Shakespeare's characters and fell.

His heart stopped forever. But under the thunder of applause, it again pounded. But no longer in the body, but in a beautiful box.

After the play, the audience gave the artist Nikolai Dobrynin flowers.

And he jumped off the stage to me and gave me a whole armful.

I was absolutely delighted!

After the performance, we talked a little with him.

I said that I love the series "Matchmakers" very much, I watched it 200 times.

He promised to film the 7th part and say hello to all the matchmakers.

I asked Nikolai Dobrynin if he liked Sakhalin. He said yes. True, he says, your roads are bad.

We took a photo for memory, and then he hugged me.

You can immediately see - a REAL ARTIST.

Photographed by Volodya

The halls of the Armory Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin are always crowded. But most of all, visitors usually linger at a huge showcase, behind the mirrored glass of which a whole regiment of warriors seemed to line up. Here are both horse and foot, simple warriors and governors. All of them are in shiny steel armor and carry. There are pointed helmets, "mirrors" - breastplates made of large plates decorated with gold notch - and chain mail.

One of the coats of mail in this showcase differs from the others in that on the left side of its chest there is a small gilded copper circle, the size of a five-kopeck coin, or “target”, as such circles were called in ancient times. Looking more closely, one can read a convex cast inscription on this target: "Prince Petrov Ivanovich Shuskgov."

Prince Shuisky! Familiar surname! It was worn four hundred years ago by eminent Moscow boyars, in the past - the princes of a small specific principality with the capital in the city of Shuya, which was part of the Grand Duchy of Suzdal. One of the Shuiskys, Vasily Ivanovich, subsequently even became the Tsar of Moscow for a short time.

It seems that there is nothing surprising that in the ancient treasury of the Moscow tsars - the Armory - there is a chain mail of one of the Shuiskys, that it looks like new: perhaps it was not very much used for this beautiful and expensive thing, which belonged to the same royal relative, there was always caring care (each ring was carefully rubbed and smeared).

But no, the safe appearance of this thing deceived us. The chain mail went through fierce battles, changed owners many times, and only by pure chance returned to Moscow and found a quiet life as a museum exhibit. They really made it for one of the Shuisky princes - Pyotr Ivanovich. It was at one time a well-known military leader who participated in many campaigns, including the siege of Kazan. During the Livonian War, he was one of the main Russian governors, took a number of cities, and was governor in Polotsk. But in 1564, his troops were, as already mentioned, defeated by the Lithuanian hetman Radziwill near the town of Orsha, and Shuisky himself died in this battle. The body of the murdered governor, according to the customs of that time, was exchanged with enemies in order to be buried with honors at home. It was then, apparently, that the expensive chain mail of Peter Ivanovich Shuisky first came into the royal storerooms: after all, the time when noble warriors were buried along with their weapons had long since passed.

The years went by. And the young Russian state significantly expanded its eastern borders. It included the vast Siberian land. This feat was accomplished by a small detachment of Cossacks led by Ermak Timofeevich, who defeated the Siberian Khan Kuchum, who was much superior to him.

With the news of the victory over Kuchum, people from Yermak arrived in Moscow, Tsar Ivan the Terrible, in joy, “forgave” the Cossacks for their former “guilts” and even wished to bestow gifts on the Cossacks from his treasury. Among the royal gifts sent to Yermak in Siberia were two chain mail, including chain mail, which once belonged to Prince Peter Ivanovich Shuisky. This gift, of course, came in handy, and Yermak, continuing his difficult campaign, wore both chain mail (one over the other) day and night.

The storm roared, the rain roared;
Lightning shone in the darkness
And the thunder roared incessantly,
And the winds raged in the wilds.
To the glory of passion breathing,
In a country harsh and gloomy,
On the wild bank of the Irtysh
Yermak sat, engulfed in thought.
Companions of his labors,
Victories and loud-sounding glory
Among the spread tents
They slept carelessly near the oak forest.
“Oh, sleep, sleep,” the hero thought, -
Friends, under the roaring storm,

With the dawn, my voice will be heard,
Calling for glory and death."

Who does not know this folk song! Her words are a slightly modified "Duma", which was written about a hundred and fifty years ago by the famous poet Kondraty Ryleev. The song sings about the death of Yermak. And in fact, Yermak died during an unexpected night raid by Kuchum's troops on the Russian camp, located on the banks of the Irtysh. He probably tried to escape by jumping from the shore into a boat that was standing on the river. But heavy chain mail, which had protected him more than once in battle, this time caused his death. It is difficult even for a very strong person, which Yermak probably was, to jump far in full armor, which then (all together) weighed one and a half to two pounds. It is even more difficult to swim out if he has not jumped to the boat. Or maybe Yermak was also wounded; after all, he had to run and swim, of course, under a hail of enemy arrows.

Probably, we would never have learned anything about how Yermak's chain mail got back to Moscow, if the well-known historian Sergei Vladimirovich Bakhrushin had not taken up the fate of this thing. It was he who suggested that it was precisely the chain mail that is stored in the Armory that was among the royal gifts to Yermak. Bakhrushin was led to such an idea by a discovery in the old settlement of Isker (the former capital of Kuchum) of exactly the same cast gilded copper target with the inscription: "Prince Petrov Ivanovich Shuskovo." On the reverse side of it are two pins, with which the target was once attached to chain mail. Probably, at first there were two targets on Shuisky's chain mail, one on each side of the chest. One target has remained in its place until today, and the other came off in Isker, the capital of Kuchum. But Isker was finally abandoned by the population in 1588. So the chain mail had been there before. And this could only happen if, after the death of the first owner, it belonged to Yermak and if Yermak's body was raised from the bottom of the river (of course, not in order to show him military honors, but in order to take valuable weapons). Both of his chain mail, of course, were captured and brought to the capital of Kuchum.

Yermak became so famous for his exploits that even the Siberian Tatars and Kalmyks considered his weapons magical, bringing good luck in the war. For one of his chain mail, which Kuchum presented to a certain Murza Kaidaulu, he was given ten families of slaves, fifty camels, five hundred horses, two hundred bulls and cows, a thousand sheep.

And Kaydaul did not sell chain mail even for such a price.

The other chain mail was apparently brought as a gift to the local deity (such a custom - to give part of the military booty to temples - existed in ancient times among many peoples of the world). The chain mail found itself in the Ostyak sanctuary Belogorye, at the confluence of the Irtysh with the Ob. There was in those days the famous oracle. Who knows, maybe the enemies, before attacking Yermak's detachment, consulted with this oracle of their neighbors - the Ostyaks (or, as they call themselves, the Khanty), and the rich gift was the promised gratitude for a successful prediction?

But soon the chain mail was taken from the sanctuary by one of the Ostyak princes. For some time this armor was in his arsenal. It is difficult to say whether it was captured by the Nenets (the Samoyed, as they were called then) or was sold to them by the Khanty, but only in 1646, more than half a century after the death of Yermak, a Russian detachment sent from the town of Berezov to pacify the rebellious Nenets captured they have chain mail, on which there was a target with the name of Peter Ivanovich Shuisky. The chain mail was sent from Berezov to Tobolsk, and from there to Moscow. And for the second time she settled into the royal treasury. Now for a long time.

In numerous inventories of the Armory, she is given a place of honor. In the inventory book of 1687, it is listed under the number one: "The chain mail on it is a copper mission on the target, the signature: Boyar Prince Peter Ivanovich Shuisky" ...

“According to the census ... and after examining that chain mail against the previous census records, the census did not show up at the census,” some clerk wrote anxiously. Obviously, there was confusion here, as can be judged from the following entry made five years later: “And according to the latest census ... and upon inspection, that chain mail was announced to the armory, the price was thirty rubles, and the second was written in the previous inventory book.” Thirty rubles at that time was a lot of money.

In the inventory of 1711, the chain mail was again “upon examination on the face, and 2 silver-plated targets appeared on it.” So palace officials worried about the old chain mail from year to year.

You have seen that this seemingly prosperous thing actually endured perhaps more adventures than any other of those described in our book. Two famous military leaders - a well-born boyar and a simple Cossack - died in battles wearing this armor. She probably visited the battles near Kazan, and in Livonia, and in Siberia. It was kept in the arsenals of the Moscow tsars, the Siberian Khan, the Khanty prince, the Nenets, and even in a temple with an oracle.

It is hard to even imagine how many hands she passed through, how many human eyes looked at her with admiration, greed, hope, hatred!

Tomato Royal Gift is a determinant variety and belongs to large-fruited crops. The variety has gained popularity due to the fruits with a rich delicate taste, with an imperial look. Invented by Russian breeders and recommended for outdoor cultivation. The plant is unpretentious, does not require special care.

The royal gift is characterized by a good harvest. The bush is determinant, not very fluffy, requires pinching and tying to a support. The bush grows on average up to one meter. The leaves are medium in size and dark green in color. The variety has a simple inflorescence. Among the advantages of the variety is its high yield.

Description of fruits

The royal gift has rather large fruits. The average weight is 200-250 grams. With special care, a fruit weighing up to 500 grams is obtained. The fruits have a beautiful round-barrel shape, ribbing is pronounced on the sides. The color of ripe fruits is bright red with a pearly sheen.

The skin is quite dense, protects the tomato from cracking. If tomatoes are stored in a cool place, then they are characterized by good keeping quality. The fruits of this variety are characterized by their versatility and are well suited for both fresh consumption and canning. Delicious tomato juice of a beautiful shade is obtained from vegetables.

Pros and cons of the variety

Tomato has many positive aspects and few negative ones:

Grade advantages:

  • wonderful taste of tomatoes;
  • high yield;
  • the versatility of fruits, vegetables are perfect for both fresh use and for conservation;
  • good plant immunity. Unpretentious in care.

The only drawback is that the bush grows quite tall and requires garter and pinching.

How is seeding and care?

Before planting, it is recommended to treat the seeds with a weak solution of manganese. It is necessary to prepare a special soil that is useful for feeding the future plant. For these purposes, an admixture of humus or peat is suitable. Young sprouts require a dive. When the plant is two months old, it is planted in open ground.

Before planting, it is recommended to harden the plants and take them outside for a couple of hours. In order for the plants to feel comfortable, seedlings are planted at a distance of 70 cm from each other. Care consists in regular watering, loosening the earth and periodic feeding of the plant.

Plants are watered moderately, preferably with warm water. Foliar top dressing is recommended.

When the bushes have grown and strengthened, the tomatoes are formed into one stem, all other side shoots are removed.

The play "The Tsar's Gift", reviews of which will be presented in this article, is based on the play of a modern playwright. It is vital and tells the story of two lovers, which can happen to each of us. This happens all the time in our lives.

About the performance

This is a play about love. About a man and a woman who, in their youth, loved each other and thought that nothing in the world could separate them. But fate decreed that they had to part. Twenty years later they meet again. She's throwing a party in his honor. How will this meeting end?

Based on the play by Alena Vaymer, the play "The Tsar's Gift" was staged. The actors who are involved in the production are known for their numerous roles in films and TV shows. We often see Him on our TV screens. His most striking work is the role of Mityai in the series "Matchmakers". His partner is the equally famous Ekaterina Volkova. Their wonderful game will give the audience great pleasure and give an unforgettable experience.

The director of the play is Nina Chusova. She is famous for finding original and non-standard solutions. And the production of "The Royal Gift" was no exception. The performance turned out to be modern, wise, fascinating, sincere, funny and not vulgar.


The comedy "The Tsar's Gift" is a love story. The heroes of the play are adults, mature individuals who had to go through a lot in their lives. He and she had not seen each other for many years. It seemed to them that their feelings for each other had long since faded. But one fine day, she recalls that romantic acquaintance that happened in her life twenty years ago. And in honor of this memorable meeting, the woman decides to organize a gala dinner. She wants the man with whom she is going to celebrate a romantic acquaintance to be present at this celebration. What prompted her to do so? Or maybe the feelings did not die at all?

He appears at the festival, but does not even suspect why and how he ended up there. This meeting can change the future lives of two people. It will be a real royal gift for them. But how will this venture end? The date will be the impetus for the development of their feelings, and will they be together or will they part forever? The denouement of the plot will not be clear until the very end. How this story will end will be clear only before the closing of the curtain. The production is filled with curiosities and unexpected plot twists.

The performance lasts an hour and a half. It is intended for viewers aged 16 and over.

For the actors, this production is difficult because there are only two of them and it is necessary in such a small number to be able to keep the attention of the audience for an hour and a half. It is necessary to work with full dedication, not a drop of fake. Any miss will be noticeable, since there is no one to hide behind. There are only two actors, and only to them all the attention of the public is riveted.


Nina Chusova is a famous director in our country. She was born in Voronezh in 1972. In her hometown, she received an acting education at the Institute of Arts. After graduation, she worked as a theater artist in Samara. In 2001 she graduated from GITIS with a degree in film director. A student of the famous Leonid Kheifets. In 2009, she opened her own theater. In 2012 she worked as a director in Samara. Then she became artistic director and chief director of the Moscow theater of fairy tales "Aquamarine".

The most famous performances staged by Nina Chusova in different cities:

  • "Catherine the Great".
  • "Viy".
  • "Pit".
  • "Little Tsakhes".
  • "Hedda Gabler".
  • "Mamapapasondog".
  • "Dream on a crazy night."
  • "Annie".

Nikolai Dobrynin

This famous actor plays the main male role in the play. Nikolai Dobrynin was born in Taganrog in 1963. His mother was a trade worker, his father was a policeman. From the 6th grade, Nikolai began to work, first he made mailboxes, and then he was a loader. In his student years he served in the subway. He received his acting education at GITIS. Since 1985, he worked for K. Raikin in the Satyricon. After 4 years, he moved to the independent studio of A. Sigalova and the theater of R. Viktyuk.

In 2002, the title was awarded to Nikolai Dobrynin. The roles in movies and TV series that made him famous all over the country are listed below:

  • Sasha ("Nina").
  • Private Stryapuhin ("Fight of local importance").
  • Leonid Utyosov ("Orlova and Alexandrov").
  • Secretary of the City Committee Shulgin ("House with Lilies").
  • Boris Eder
  • Archimandrite Benjamin ("Scout").

Ekaterina Volkova

This is a well-known theater and film actress in our country. She is a native of the Siberian city of Tomsk. First, Ekaterina Volkova graduated from a music school in the class of choral conducting. Then she studied for three years at the Yaroslavl Theater Institute. The artist arrived in Moscow in 1997. In the capital, she entered GITIS, where she was immediately accepted into the third year, in the workshop of Mark Zakharov. Ekaterina played her first role in Moscow in the performance of her classmate Sergei Aldonin. She was entrusted with playing the main character in the production of The Master and Margarita. For Catherine, it was a dream role. Margarita E. Volkova played for the next ten years.

Known to a wide audience for her roles in the following films and TV series:

  • "Oriental novel".
  • "Collector".
  • next.
  • "KGB in a tuxedo".
  • "Captain's Children"
  • "Clinch".
  • "Retribution".
  • "A short course in a happy life."
  • "Women in Love"
  • "Still alive."
  • "Farza".