Folk calendar. Autumn. Autumn signs in Rus'

Warm autumn- to a long winter.
There are a lot of mountain ash in the forest - autumn will be rainy, few - dry.
In autumn there are a lot of cobwebs - for clear weather.

If on a birch a leaf began to turn yellow from the top, then the next spring will be early, and if from below, then it will be late.
In autumn, birds fly low - to a cold, high - to a warm winter.
In autumn, the bees close up with wax denser than letok - for a cold winter, leave it open - for a warm winter.
Autumn frost - to dry and sunny weather, to warmth.

Indian summer It has long been known that in mid-September - early October there is (after the first cold snap) an increase in temperature. This time is called by the people "Indian summer".
During the "Indian summer", warmed up downright spring sunshine, mushrooms come out of the ground and plants begin to bloom again. According to the folk calendar, it lasts from September 14 - the day of the Pilot Seeds until September 21 - the day of the Nativity of the Holy Mother of God.

Illustrations by Inna Kuzubova

Indian summer came not only among the Slavs. The Germans call this time "old woman's summer", or "Marina's yarn", "Marina's cobwebs", because. at this time in the meadows and on the trees in good weather thin strands of cobwebs are worn. In France, the period is called "Saint Martin's summer"; in the USA - "Indian summer".

Why this phenomenon is called "Indian summer", and not in any other way, is definitely difficult to answer. One can only assume that most likely it is connected with the life and work of a peasant woman. In the second half of September the field harvesting work ended, and the woman, who was very busy in the field, was a little relieved of hard work and could for some time feel summer rest. The coincidence of such a period of everyday life with periods of relatively warm, pleasant weather, obviously, was the reason for the name "Indian summer". The duration of such a rest for a woman was as short as the periods of return summer heat. After the "Indian summer" women began to knead and ruffle the hemp, wash it and lay linen, fiddled with canvases and took up the spindle, needlework.


September - gloomy, Verasen. September is cold, but full.

Since September, fire in the hut and in the field.

In September, one berry, and that bitter rowan.

Thunder in September - for a warm autumn.

If the cranes fly high, slowly and cooing - to a good autumn.

If there is a lot of nettennik for Indian summer - by a clear autumn and cold winter.

A rich harvest of acorns on oaks - on warm winter(in other sources - on a fierce one), and on Christmas (January 7) - a lot of snow.

1 (Aug. 19) Day of Andrey Stratilus Teplyak. Stratilatov's day has ripened, oats have ripened. On Fekla - pull the beets.

3 (Aug. 21) Day of Baba Vasilisa. The last apples are harvested so as not to deplete the tree. Baba Vasilisa takes care of flax.

4 (Aug. 22) Day of Agathon the bean gourd. It is believed that on this night the goblin comes out of the forest and runs around the villages and villages, fools and scatters sheaves on the threshing floor. Therefore, they guard him, putting on a sheepskin coat inside out and with a poker in their hands.

5 (Aug. 23) Day Lingonberry magnifying glass. There are first frosts on the magnifying glass. On Lupa frost peels oats.

11 (Aug. 29) Day of Ivan the Lenten. Tall roots are collected on Ivan the Lenten, and herbs are collected on Ivan Kupala. On this day, they don’t eat anything round, such as: apples, potatoes, etc. (which resembles a head), and they don’t boil cabbage soup, and they don’t chop cabbage, they don’t cut poppies, they don’t tear apples, they don’t dig potatoes, they don’t take hands of a mower, an ax, etc.

14(1) Day The beginning of the Old Indian Summer (usually before the Lesser Pure). On Semyon a day before dinner, pasha, and after dinner, wave your hands. According to Semyon, the old fire is extinguished in the evening, and in the morning they wipe the new one out of the wood. If the Indian summer is rainy - the autumn is dry, and if it is clear on the Seeds - the autumn is bucket, there is a lot of netting - to a clear autumn, to a cold winter; wild geese sit down, but starlings do not fly.

21 (8) Small Most Pure (On the Dormition - Large), Aspas day. On this day, women meet autumn by the water (the second meeting of autumn, the first on Apple Spas). Bees are harvested on the Malaya Prechistaya, onions are harvested.

24(11) Every summer ends with Fedor. It is believed that on this day autumn rides on a bay mare. The third meeting of autumn.

25(12) Day of the Hieromartyr Autonomus. It is believed that on this day the snake in the forests goes into the ground.

27(14) Uplift. Bread moved from the field to Vzdvizhenye (the last hay from the field), the bird moved away, the reptile does not move.

28(15) Geese fly south to Nikita.

Weddings usually ruled from Letoprovodets (September 14, NS) to Guria (November 28, NS)

October is a winter road, a dirt man, a wedding man.

In October at one o'clock and rain and snow.

October thunder - to a snowless winter.

From the first snow to luge - 6 weeks.

1 (September 18) If the cranes fly away to Eumenes and Arina - frost to the Pokrov. "Wheel road!" - they shout to the cranes to turn them back (so that they stay longer and winter comes later).

2 (Sept. 19) Trofimov day. Happiness does not pass by Trofim: where Trofim is, there and it follows him. From Trofim, the girls begin to look at their suitors. From this day on Savvatiy (10 Oct. n.s.) bee nine was noted. These days, honey must be present. Deadline collection of deciduous mushrooms.

3 (September 20) If there is a north wind on Astafia - wait for a cold, south to heat, west to sputum, east to a bucket; if it is warm and a web flies - to a good autumn and not soon snow.

8 (September 25) Sergius day. Sergius the cabbage man. The winter path is set at four Seminas (weeks) from Sergius. Sergius of Radonezh cut cabbage. If the first snow falls on Sergius, then winter will set in on Mikhail (November 21).

10 (27 Sep.) Day of Savatiy beekeeper. On this day, the hives are removed into the omshanik.

14(1) Protection.

Cover is not summer, Meeting is not winter. First winter.

Term for hires and deals.

Mother Pokrov, cover the earth and me young.

Snow on Pokrov - fortunately young.

The Veil did not cover, and Christmas will not cover.

Assumption sows, and the Pokrov collects (collection of the last fruits).

Between the Intercession and Parental Saturday, winter does not become.

If on Pokrov the wind is from the north - to a cold winter, from the south to - warm, from the west - to snowy. What is the Cover, such is the winter.

17(4) Erofeev day. It is believed that on this day the goblin fools through the forests: they wander and scream, clap their hands and laugh, and by morning, after the first cocks crow, they fall through the ground. Therefore, people do not go to the forest: the goblin is furious.

20(7) Winter begins with Sergius, sets in with Matrona.

23(10) On Eulampius, the horns of the month seem in the direction from where the winds are; if to the north - to be an early winter, to the south - do not wait for an early winter, there will be slush until Kazanskaya (November 4).

27(14) Day of Praskovya trepalnitsy. It is believed that from this day on, flax should be ruffled. Praskovya mud, powder. Mud on Gryaznikha - four shifts before winter.


November is leafy. November is the gate of winter, the twilight of the year.

November nights are dark before the snow.

In November, the snow will inflate - the bread will arrive.

The appearance of mosquitoes late autumn- for a warm winter.

Yellow leaves fall weakly - frosts will not come soon.

If the leaf fall passes soon, we should expect a steep winter.

Saturday before Dmitry. Dzyady. Parental Saturday. Commemoration of the dead. Dmitrov's Saturday - work for the caterers.

4 (Oct. 22) Kazanskaya. To Kazanskaya good people they don't travel far. If the Kazan sky cries, then winter will come after rain. Whoever marries Kazanskaya will be happy.

8 (26 Oct.) Dmitrov day. Dmitrov does not wait for the day of transportation. If Dmitrov's day will be on a goal, then the Holy, and on the snow, and the Holy - on the snow.

10 (Oct. 28) Day of Praskoveya Friday, Praskoveya linen (flax is crumpled and brought to church). On Praskoveya they pray for good suitors.

11 (Oct. 29) Day of Abraham Shepherd, Nastasya Sheep. Sheep holiday. It is believed that from this day the sheep should be sheared.

12 (30 Oct.) Yurovaya. Festival of fishermen and hunters. If wolves go in packs to Yurovaya, there will be famine, pestilence, or war.

14(1) Day of Kuzma and Demyan. Chicken holiday. On Kozmo-Demyan, a chicken on the table, a chicken ass. If Kuzma and Demyan will forge, then Mikhail (8th) will unforge (thaw). A leaf from a tree did not fall cleanly on Kuzma and Demyan, in some places it remained - in front harsh winter and hot dry summers.

19(6) If there is snow on Paul the Confessor, the whole winter will be snowy, it is good for winter crops.

21(8) Michaelmas day. Mikhailovsky frosts. Since Michael, winter does not stand, the earth does not freeze. Mikhailovsky thaws, mud. In that Michael, in that and Nikola. From Mikhail winter forges frosts.

22(9) Matryona day. From the winter Matryona, winter rises to its feet, frosts come. From Sergius (Oct. 8 n.s.) winter begins, from Matryona it sets. Hoarfrost on Matryona on trees - to frost, fog - to thaws.

24(11) Since the day of Fyodor Studit, it has become cold and angry. Fyodor Cools the earth.

25(12) Rain on the Merciful - thaw before the Introduction.

27(14) Frost on Philip - harvest on oats.

28(15) Day of Guria - a dental healer. On Guria, mud and snow are all interspersed: Guria rides a piebald mare. If the snow covers him with a cover, he will lie until the flood.

29(16) There are thaws on Matthew. The earth will fall on Matthew.

Description: folk calendar compiled using dates and folk holidays. In Rus', everything that happens in nature has always been treated with reverence - to its phenomena - be it rain or frost, heat or cold.
Purpose: this work will be useful for teachers additional education, educators in work on environmental education, to anyone who is interested folk omens, rituals and holidays.
Target: Acquaintance with the folk calendar (autumn).
- educate interest in folk traditions;
- to instill a love for folklore;
- develop a desire to be interested in what is happening in nature in the fall.

1. Autumn chores: meeting autumn. Osenins
Autumn is ancient holiday farewell to summer and welcome to autumn. What is Osenins - this is a meeting of autumn in Rus'.

It was celebrated three times: on September 14, 21 and 27.
September 14 is the day of Semyon the pilot. With Seeds, meetings began, i.e. work in huts by fire.
September 21 - celebrated Ospozhinki - harvest festival. It was believed that from that day the summer ended and autumn comes into its own.

September 27 - Exaltation. All signs, characteristics and recommendations of this day were somehow connected among the peasants with the word "move". The exaltation of autumn moves towards winter, “bread moves from the field to the threshing floor”, “the bird has moved away”, and even “the caftan with a fur coat has moved, and the hat has moved”.

In the old days in Rus', our ancestors celebrated Osenins on September 21, on the day of the autumn equinox, when day is equal to night. By this time, the entire crop had already been harvested. The holiday is celebrated by going to visit, wide hospitality. They certainly visit their parents and commemorate their ancestors.

September 8/21 - Nativity of the Virgin. Among the people - the Lesser Most Pure (Big Most Pure - Assumption, August 15/28).
Osenins - the second meeting of autumn. Easter day. Bees are harvested, onions are harvested. Onion Tear Day. The earth tends to white matinees. "Amen to every summer (end)." "If the weather is good, autumn will be good." "Indian summer quiet scared."

Autumn meet by the water. On this day, early in the morning, women go to the banks of rivers, lakes and ponds to meet Mother Osenina with oatmeal bread. The older woman stands with bread, and the young people around her sing songs. Then they break the bread into pieces according to the number of people and feed livestock with it.

The Aztecs celebrated the day of male fertility on this day. erection holiday. September 21 was considered to be a favorable day for the conception of strong and healthy boys. It is interesting to note that the day of the Aztec mother goddess, Atlatonin, was not this day at all, but 06/18, which is about 9 months after this holiday.

In the old days, there was a custom of treating the newlyweds to their relatives, which is why September 8 was also called “Offering Day”. All relatives and friends came to the newlyweds. The caller invited such guests: “To visit the young, look at their life and life and teach them the mind-reason.” After a hearty dinner, the young hostess showed her entire household in the house. Guests, as usual, had to praise and teach the mind. The owner took the guests to the yard, showed them rye in the barns, summer and winter harness in the sheds, and treated them to beer from a cask in the garden.
September 27 - the third Osenins, "Snake Holiday".

According to popular belief, on this day, snakes and other reptiles, along with birds, moved to an unknown blissful country called iriy (the Christian word took on the sound of "paradise"). Therefore, they were sent off with requests to convey messages to those who had gone to another world.

“Exaltation is a holiday of snakes. Snakes move to one place. They go into the ground, move there.” On September 27, they try not to go into the forest, which is completely at the disposal of the snakes. Whoever goes into the forest can be dragged underground by snakes. Fleeing from snakes, you can read a poem. Step with your right foot and stop when you go into the forest. Make three bows to the earth and say: "Save me, Lord, from the beast running, from the creeping reptile." And spit three times over the left shoulder.

In the Perm province, it was believed that wearing the Maryin root plant on a pectoral cross protects against a snake.
“If you see a snake, shake it by the tail, then it won’t bite and won’t crawl away anywhere.” (Vlasova M. Russian superstitions. Encyclopedic Dictionary. - St. Petersburg, 2001. - S. 202.)

The snake is depicted on medical emblems: above the bowl, the staff of the god of healing Asclepius (among the Romans - Aesculapius), entwined with snakes. A snake in the hands of the sorceress Medea, who could restore youth.
Every year, thousands of snakes are removed from nature to obtain poison. Gyurza and cobra became rare.

OSENINS. folklore holiday

LEADING. Hello guys! Today we have a holiday called Autumn. What is Oseniny - this is a meeting of autumn. In the old days in Rus', our ancestors celebrated Osenins on September 21, on the day of the autumn equinox, when day is equal to night. By this time, the entire crop had already been harvested. And what kind of harvest could the peasants collect? Let's remember what grows in the garden?
CHILDREN: Carrots, beets, cabbage, potatoes ...

HOST: Right! And so, having harvested, the peasants arranged a holiday, sometimes for a whole week, they went to visit each other, put all the most delicious on the table, the grandchildren stayed with their grandparents for several days. And we will also invite Autumn to visit today. Only you and I are used to representing Autumn in the form of a beauty in a multi-colored outfit, with a bunch of yellow leaves, but in Rus' Autumn was depicted as a little dry peasant. His face is stern, with three eyes and shaggy hair. After harvesting, he walked through the fields - he checked whether everything was harvested properly. And today Autumn will appear in the form of a girl. So, let's say a cry together: Autumn, Autumn, you are welcome!

Includes Autumn and 3 autumn months.
AUTUMN: Good afternoon, my friends!
Waiting for, come on, me?
Summer was red
For a long time, power did not yield.
But everything comes to a time -
I arrived at the threshold.
I came, guys, not alone, but with my brothers. And what are their names, you now guess.

SEPTEMBER: Our school garden is empty,
Spider webs fly into the distance,
And to the south end of the earth
Cranes stretched out.
School doors opened.
What month has come to us?

OCTOBER: All the darker face of nature -
Blackened vegetable gardens, bare forests,
Silent bird voices
The bear went into hibernation.
What month has come to us?

NOVEMBER: black field- became white
It rains, then it snows.
And it got colder
Ice bound the waters of the rivers.
The winter rye freezes in the field.
What month, please?

AUTUMN: Do you guys know that the people called these months differently?
SEPTEMBER: They called me frowning, howler, zarevnik.
AUTUMN: September - howler, from the roar of autumn winds and animals, especially deer.
OCTOBER: They called me winter, leaf fall, dirt.
AUTUMN: September smells like apples, and October smells like cabbage.
NOVEMBER: They called me half-winter, chest.
AUTUMN: November - September grandson, October son, winter dear father. Do you guys know any folk signs, proverbs, sayings?

And now guess Russian folk riddles:
A girl is sitting in a dungeon, and a scythe is on the street (Carrot)

SEPTEMBER: They threw off Yegorushka's golden feathers, made Yegorushka cry without grief. (onion)

OCTOBER: Alena dressed up in her green sarafan, curled the frills thickly. Do you recognize her? (cabbage)

NOVEMBER: There is a cake on one leg. Whoever passes by, everyone will bow. (mushroom)

SEPTEMBER: Sits - turns green, falls - turns yellow, lies - turns black. (sheet)

OCTOBER: Under the ground, the bird made a nest, laid eggs. (potato)

NOVEMBER: Round like a moon, leaves like a spruce, and a tail like a mouse. (turnip)

LEADING: And you know, guys, the turnip was a very important vegetable (remember the tale about the Turnip?).

The fact is that our favorite potato appeared in Rus' only in the 18th century, and before that, turnips were the main vegetable. Turnips were eaten fresh, steamed, dried. They baked pies with turnips, made turnip kvass, cooked porridge.

AUTUMN: And the last riddle: It is bitter in haymaking, and sweet in frost. What is a berry? (Rowan)

LEADING: Rowan, guys, was very famous in Rus'. All the berries have long been harvested, even in the summer, and the mountain ash turns red only by autumn, its berries burn brightly. Rowan kvass was prepared from mountain ash, laxative and refreshing. There was even a special day, September 23, when rowan berries were plucked and hung with tassels under the roof. But some of the berries were always left on the tree - thrushes, fieldfare, bullfinches, red-throated.

This is how they met Autumn in Rus'.
Well, we meet Autumn with our traditional exhibition of gifts of nature, unusual vegetables grown in your country house, autumn crafts.

Autumn, we invite you to watch the children's exhibitions and help select the best exhibits for the school-wide exhibition.

AUTUMN: With pleasure! Wait for me, guys, by class. I’ll go to everyone, I won’t miss anyone, and I’ll even bring a treat!

When in the classroom Autumn says goodbye
AUTUMN: Well done guys, nice work! And now taste my treat - autumn apples! Autumn distributes apples from a basket. Goodbye!

September 21 - the second Osenins, the day of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Early in the morning, women and girls went out to the banks of rivers, lakes and ponds to meet Mother Osenina with oatmeal and jelly. In the minds of a Russian person, her image merged with the image of the Mother of God, therefore they turned to her: "The Most Pure Mother of God, deliver me from maety, harassment, take away from others, illuminate my life-being!" According to custom, on this day, all relatives and friends went to visit the newlyweds in order to "teach them the mind." The young mistress was preparing a special round cake: "For our bread - salt, you are welcome!" After a hearty dinner, the young hostess shows the house, and the young owner shows the yard, barn, barn, garden. The guests were treated to beer of their own production. All together the cathedral honored the Sun.

From September 21, it was believed that every summer - Amen. Autumn has come into its own. In fact, this is a religious holiday of the astronomical autumn equinox.

The second Osenins connect, as it were, two holidays: earthly and spiritual. In its earthly essence, it is a harvest festival, accompanied by games and songs, and in its spiritual, heavenly nature, it is the birthday of the Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus Christ.

9th of September
In the agricultural calendar of the Slavs, this day was called "autumn" or "ospozhinki" and was celebrated as a harvest festival. On this day, Thanksgiving was given to Mother Earth.

At the beginning of September, the harvest was completed, which was supposed to ensure the well-being of the family for next year. In addition, the meeting of autumn was marked by the renewal of fire: the old fire was extinguished and a new one was lit, which was mined with blows of flint.

With "autumn" the main economic activity was transferred from the field to the garden or to the house: the collection of vegetables began (first of all, onions were harvested). Usually in Oseniny (in Orthodoxy - Christmas day Holy Mother of God) arranged a treat for which the whole family gathered. For the holiday, beer was brewed and a sheep (ram) was slaughtered. A pie was baked from the flour of the new harvest. They praised Mother Earth for giving birth to bread and other supplies.

Since the harvest of hops began from that day, the corresponding game songs were sung at the festive festivities:

We weave, hops, weave,
To our side
As on our side, there is a lot of freedom!
And the freedom is big, the men are rich!
That the men are rich, stone chambers!
What stone chambers, golden doors,
What poppies are cast!

September 27 - Third Osenins
The third Osenins are timed to church holiday The Exaltation of the Holy Life-Giving Cross of the Lord is the third meeting of autumn. "Exaltation - autumn moves towards winter."

According to folk tradition, cabbage parties began, girls' parties, when young people went from house to house to chop cabbage. These parties lasted two weeks. This is a kind of sacred action: cabbage was considered the sacred food of the Gods. On this day, very ancient rite- cross. The sign of the cross has been a symbol of the sun since prehistoric times. It was believed that on the Exaltation, he radiates protective power. The peasants carved crosses out of wood, criss-crossed rowan branches, painted crosses in places they wanted to protect from evil spirits: in bins, barns.

On the third Osenins, according to popular belief, snakes and other reptiles, together with birds, moved to an unknown blissful country called iriy (in Christianity, this word took on the sound of "paradise"). Therefore, they were sent off with a request to convey a message to those who had gone to another world.

In the villages, the peasants brewed beer. They carried out a ritual plowing of the village, driving out of it Kukhoma (fever, shaking), then shared the beer at home and rested after the labors of the righteous. In the evening, baths were heated and steamed, expelling evil spirits from themselves. In the forests goblin before a long winter last time joked with people, arranging a review of animals and birds - are they ready for a harsh winter.

By old calendar the beginning of autumn fell on September 14th. The First Ecumenical Council (325) established this day as the beginning of the year. According to Orthodox tradition, the world was created in September.
Osenina the first meeting of autumn. On this day, it was supposed to “wipe out” the “new” fire with the help of two planks, and with this pure fire to start sittings, or gatherings. From that day on, Rus' began to celebrate autumn weddings(until November 15), moved to new homes, performed the rite of “monsow” (initiation) of boys who had reached the age of seven, into youths, marking their new role in the community.

On the festive day of the first Osenins, an ancient amusing rite of burial of flies and cockroaches, annoying inhabitants of the Russian summer, was timed. September 14 - the beginning of the Indian summer, which lasts up to three weeks in some areas. They noticed: if Semyon is a clear day, then the whole Indian summer will be warm, and a warm winter must be expected.

September 14- the day of Seeds of the Pilot. Simeon the Stylite (5th century) became famous as a man of a selfless lifestyle. In the history of mankind, he discovered the new kind asceticism. Wanting to test his spiritual strength, faith in God, he built a 4-meter-high pillar on the mountain with a platform on top, surrounded it with a wall, and read sermons to numerous pilgrims from this “mountainous” place. Then Simeon settled on a pillar in a small cell, indulging in intense prayer and fasting. Gradually, he increased the height of the pillar on which he stood. His last pillar was 40 cubits (16 meters) high. He spent 80 years in enhanced monastic deeds, of which 47 stood on a pillar.

His life was well known in Rus', they learned from him to endure in the name of a holy cause the numerous difficulties of human existence. According to an ancient tradition, it was believed that on this day it is necessary to do charitable deeds, to be merciful. In Muscovite Rus', not a single beggar was left without abundant alms on this day, even prisoners in dungeons were presented with gifts.

2. Equinox
Autumn Equinox

The day becomes shorter than the night, the "dark", winter part of the year begins, the real autumn. Harvesting ends and active autumn harvesting begins. From here begins a series of autumn holidays and related fairs and weddings. There is an active decrease in energy, which predetermines the rhythm of chores, personal life and ritual practice...

In terms of astronomy and astrology, the Autumnal Equinox is the moment when the Sun crosses the Celestial Equator and enters the sign of Libra. Accordingly, the day when this happens (and the day, day, in the Indo-European tradition is considered from sunrise to sunrise) and is considered the Day autumnal equinox. The night is now longer than the daylight hours, the dark, winter half of the year is coming. The weather can still please people with the warmth of the "Indian summer", but the trees have almost all turned into autumn colors, the flowers have almost all faded, only those few remain that bloom until the very first snow, like alpine asters, for example. And although it is still warm on sunny days, the nights are already cold, the first frosts will soon begin (if not already).

The Autumnal Equinox is the busiest part of the year. By this time, most of the harvest has already been harvested, the housewives are actively making preparations for the winter. Fresh vegetables and fruits will not be available until next summer, only a few autumn berries and mushrooms are still available in fresh. The resulting harvest must be calculated and distributed over the entire next year until the next harvest. That is why the sign of Libra is associated with the Autumn Equinox.

Harvest is not enough to harvest (harvesting is mostly the concern of the previous period of the annual cycle), the harvest must also be preserved. It is precisely this - calculation, preservation and distribution - that the period between the Equinox and Samhain is dedicated to. At this time, the housewives are actively fermenting cabbage, preparing pickles, at the same time they begin to serve pickles and jams to the table. From that day on, they started brewing beer. The peasants finished working in the field, all activity moved to the house and to the household yard, the preparation of the economy for winter began. And naturally autumn fairs. Sell ​​crops, buy something that they themselves could not grow. Accordingly, artisans by this time were preparing more of their own goods for sale. Where there are fairs, there are always festivities; where there are festivities, there are matchmaking and weddings.

The very day of the Autumn Equinox - the day when the transition from Light to Darkness takes place, like other critical days, was revered as non-working, idle, festive, like everyone else holidays he had his own name. The Celts called it Mabon, Alban-Elved, among the Slavs this day was called Oseniny. The day of the Autumnal Equinox is dedicated to the mother goddess (who concurrently bestows material wealth), the astrological sign of Libra is ruled by Venus.

Christians adopted this ritual: on September 21, Christian churches celebrate the Nativity of the Virgin. Interestingly, in the distorted Julian calendar, the holiday is closer to the original, correct date than in the Gregorian one (Catholics celebrate the Nativity of the Virgin on September 8, all dates are given in the Gregorian, new, style), which indicates that Christians adopted this holiday quite late.

The holiday was traditionally for women. On this day they baked ritual bread (however, the agricultural peoples baked ritual bread for any holiday), women went to the river with this bread, to meet them very much. Also, women plowed the salting around the yard with a plow, protecting the house and household from the dark forces gaining strength.

One of the most important rituals there was a kindling of fire. All fires were extinguished in the houses, and then rekindled. It was supposed to kindle a fire ritually clean way- by hitting a stone against a stone or rubbing a piece of wood against a piece of wood. By the way, an interesting incident - the fire produced by a piezoelectric lighter turns out to be the cleanest. Zoroastrians - the main fire-worshippers of our day - believe that the purest fire is when natural gas coming out of the earth ignites from a lightning strike. In a piezoelectric lighter, an electric spark - a small lightning - generated by hitting a stone - a piezoelectric crystal - ignites a gas extracted from the bowels of the Earth.

There were also feasts and festivities, especially for youth. Young people made themselves crowns from fallen leaves, girls made beads, stringing red rowan berries on a thread. These beads symbolized Brinsingamen - Freya's necklace. During the festivities, the girl threw this necklace around the neck of the guy she liked and he had to spend the whole day with her.

This is the historical and cultural background of the holiday, predetermined by the energy of the annual cycle. How and what should we, city dwellers, do today?
How to celebrate the Autumn Equinox for a modern city dweller?

Actually, exactly the same. Bake a cake to treat your friends to. Women can and should go to the river with this pie, greet autumn, leave part of the pie on the shore (eat the rest, so take it with you in moderation so as not to take the demand back home).

What to do and what not to do around the Autumnal Equinox?

It must be remembered that near the Autumn Equinox, the decrease in solar and vital energy goes very quickly, so you should minimize the load on your body, pay more attention to health, and avoid overload. The period near and after the Autumn Equinox is extremely unfavorable for new beginnings, new projects and deeds, on the contrary, it is very good for summing up, completing, getting results and renewing old contacts and connections. In a sense, this time is similar to the period of the waning of the moon, but it mostly affects long-term affairs, with a development cycle of a year or longer.

Immediately after the Equinox, it is very good to engage in trade. During this period, it is good to both sell and buy. Right now it makes sense to bring your projects to the phase of obtaining results and sell them. In the period immediately after the Equinox, this can be done with maximum benefit. And by the way, good time to conduct an audit of stocks and reserves, to decide what should be left and what should be discarded. The period is most favorable to sell the supplies you no longer need with maximum benefit for yourself. If you do not do this on time, these reserves will lie dead weight with you, hindering development, it will be much more difficult to sell them later, they can generally "rotten", become useless to anyone. And they can interfere with further development, like excess fat in an obese person. At the same time, right now it is necessary to stock up what is needed and necessary, creating a material base for further growth.

Since it is in the period immediately after the Equinox that the vital force decreases most rapidly, you should allocate time for rest and generally limit the load. Very good and useful to combine relaxation and business conversation, as was usually done at fairs. The time while the Sun is in Libra is very favorable for the conclusion of any alliances, from marriage to business and political. Be sure to take advantage of this opportunity! Also, this time is extremely favorable in order to renew old connections, find old friends, and renew lost acquaintances.

The dark season is suitable for dark witchcraft. This is not only inducing damage, love spells and curses. This is also any magic aimed at communicating with the world of the dead, with ancestors, guardians of the family, with "dark" gods, personifying the elemental forces of nature. This includes all fortune-telling. It is not for nothing that they almost do not guess in the summer, and the peak of fortune-telling falls on the night before Christmas ( winter solstice), the longest night of the year, the moment of triumph and the greatest power of Darkness.

In the period between Mabon and Samhain, the last services of the goblin and the water are performed, which, according to folk beliefs, after which they go into hibernation.

TO dark side Magic also includes a modern hobby - spiritualism. On long winter nights, it is much easier to communicate with the world of the dead. But even more dangerous!

3. Kindling a new fire
At home, you can and should light at least a few candles. Ideally, five: four on the cardinal points and one in the center of the room. You can symbolically kindle a new fire - turn off for a minute all the electrical equipment in the house, which will symbolize the extinguished old fire, and after the candles are lit, turn it on again.

And, what is very important, try to free this day as much as possible from all affairs. The energy on the days of the turning point is actually very unstable, any business that you do on this day will be especially difficult and can lead to completely unpredictable consequences. No wonder our ancestors declared these days idle.

4. Fieldfare
September 23 - Peter and Pavel Ryabinniki. Mass collection of mountain ash. On this day, mountain ash was harvested for the future, for compotes and making kvass. Rowan infusion was considered a good anti-inflammatory remedy for winter colds. They decorate windows for the winter with rowan clusters from all wickedness.

Rowan is a faithful assistant against twigs and evil spirits. Rowan infusion was considered a good anti-inflammatory remedy for winter colds. The people believed that if a malicious spirit torments you, it doesn’t give you sleep, it comes to your chest and chokes you, you need to take a rowan branch, outline the space around you - and evil spirits will perish, as it never was. And therefore, windows for the winter were decorated with rowan clusters from all wickedness.

In Rus', there are two Peter - Paul - big and small, summer and autumn. Autumn Peter - Pavel - fieldfare. At this time, after the first frosts, the mountain ash becomes sweeter and they begin to collect it for food. Gathering mountain ash, leave on each tree part of the berries for birds. Few mountain ash - dry autumn, and a lot - harsh winter.

Fieldfare OR SORBARIA is a flowering ornamental shrub with leaves very similar to Rowan. The height of the bush reaches 2 m. Numerous white or cream small flowers are collected in large fluffy paniculate inflorescences that adorn the plant for quite a long time in the middle of summer. The plant is very stable, unpretentious and even quite aggressive - it reproduces by root shoots when good care in large quantities and can inhibit other plants.

Root offspring of most species form dense thickets. They can grow both in the sun, but there they are shorter and fade faster, and in partial shade - the plants are taller and bloom longer.

Fieldfare (lat. Turdus pilaris) is a common species of European thrushes.
It breeds everywhere in Europe, from the northern border of forest vegetation to the northern border of the steppe zone, and also in Siberia - to the watershed between the Yenisei and the Lena. In Southern Europe, North Africa, the Caucasus, Central Asia and Kashmir it is found as a vagrant, wintering bird, although with a significant harvest of wild berries it also winters in Central Europe.

Fieldfare differs from other thrushes primarily in its way of life. Although some pairs breed in isolation, most of them gather in medium-sized colonies of 30-40 pairs. They like to settle in park plantings and in copses, along the edges of forests, closer to wet meadows. Fieldfare is not found in dense forests. Its main habitats are in the north and in the middle part of Europe and Asia. Some birds are sedentary, some are nomadic. Scandinavian fieldfare, like a certain number of Central European ones, fly south for the winter, primarily to the south and west of Europe. The nesting season lasts from April to July. Fieldfare eats both animal and plant foods. In winter, flocks of fieldfare flock to feast on mature mountain ash and other berries (eg sea buckthorn). The fieldfare thrush is not a particularly valuable commercial species, its shooting is allowed all year round without license. The main purpose of shooting is to protect orchards, and the meat of thrushes is also eaten.

Autumn gifts bring health and happiness. Autumn is not in vain called golden and generous. Beautiful foliage and fruits of trees will also come in handy for autumn rituals, known to our ancestors and aimed at attracting happiness to the personal and family life, good luck in business. Chestnuts and acorns are perfect for filling with energy. The first, by the way, are used to cleanse the home of negative energy. A autumn harvest fruit - attributes of rituals to strengthen the family and relationships between spouses.

Amulets from autumn fruits

The more chestnuts in the city, the better, because they literally charge people healing energy. It is useful to hug these trees: the flow of their energy will cope with the ailments associated with great fatigue. Chocolate shiny chestnut fruit will protect against evil forces and evil eye. And all you need is to pick up a couple on a walk, put it in your pocket and carry it with you. The power of the amulet will be the stronger, the more often you touch and stroke the chestnuts in your pocket.

Also, with the help of these beautiful fruits, you can clean. To do this, you need 8 chestnuts in their prickly "clothes". Between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. they must be laid out in different angles apartments. After 10 days, chestnuts must be collected and the peel burned, and the “naked” fruits should be taken and left by the tree where they were picked up.

Surprising in its strength, energy is also carried by such small fruits as acorns.

You need to find some strong fresh acorns and put them in your pocket. It is believed that the energy of the little "children" of the oak tree is so strong that it can cure infertility. And certainly guaranteed bright sex life And good health. And if you hang acorns in the window, it will protect the house from evil forces.

Colored leaves in a ritual for good luck

In autumn, we either instinctively or traditionally pick up beautiful fallen leaves to put between the pages of a book. I so want to prolong the fleeting beauty of this miracle of nature! Maple leaves can become an amulet that helps our five senses to open up more fully. The one who will carefully keep the dried Maple Leaf in a conspicuous place (but it is better to carry it with you), it will become deeper to perceive the joys of life and the beauty that surrounds us.

Such simple autumn gifts as yellow and red leaves, as well as vegetables, fruits, nuts can bring good luck if used correctly in the ritual. You will also need 8 candles - equally green and blue, a large vase and two sheets of paper.

Blue candles will symbolize events that have already passed, and by burning them, these situations are released in peace. Green candles will bring the energy of the Earth and all the good that is associated with it.

Leaves should be put in a small basket, and vegetables, fruits, nuts should be laid out around it. If there is, the cereals of the new crop will also be appropriate. Mentally drawing big square, you need to put green candles in its corners. Inside this square, in a similar way, you need to imagine a smaller square and put blue candles in the corners. Then they should be lit in turn by blue candles, and then green ones.

The second stage of the ritual using nuts and fruits

Now in the center of the inner square you need to lay out a circle of fruits, nuts and leaves. And in the center of the circle formed, you need to place a vase filled with water. On one sheet of paper, write the word "Regret", as well as indicate those plans that could not be realized, as well as unfulfilled hopes. On the second - you need to write the word: "a" and indicate what has been achieved, your victories, as well as ways to solve problems that still exist. The sheets should be put into the water and say: “The losses that were, and the good luck that came, are now equalized. And let the waters of life carry them away now.”

After this ceremony, you need to enjoy the gifts of the Earth, eating nuts and fruits and saying these words: “Thank you for the rich harvest that I have been given. Farewell, Summer, I am not sad that you have passed. After that, you need to put one sheet into the vase, naming one of your failures or troubles from the list.

Those leaves that remain must be scattered on the street in the wind, accompanying your actions with the words: “Fly, leaves, easily and freely, I will not regret anything.

Return in spring, new leaves, bringing the joy of renewal." Fruits and vegetables should also be distributed to your family and friends.

Ritual for happiness

Autumn fruits are the gifts of Mother Earth, evidence of her good powers. That's why they can help rebuild, let it sprout true wonderful feelings, which are worthy of close people and who, due to some misunderstanding, have weakened.

To start the ritual, you need to fill the dish autumn fruits: apples, pears, plums, peaches and others. Putting it on the table, you need to place your family photos. Then you need to outline it all with a circle of rosemary.

And, in order to protect yourself even more reliably from the influence of negative forces, you need to lay out a square from any blue stones and in the corners put one dry autumn leaf and put a dark blue candle in a candlestick.

While making all these preparations, you need to say these words: “I see how my beloved family is surrounded by the light of love and wisdom. Every day, everyone who is dear to me will appreciate each other more and more. Friendship again unites the members of my family more and more tightly, and mutual help and support makes recent grievances mean nothing. We are all happy and glad to each other and love each other more and more.

Ritual Completion - Special Notes

Now you need to slowly light the candles. Looking at the first candle, you need to say: “This dying leaf will take into oblivion all the bad things from our family - anger, rivalry, misunderstandings and quarrels” - and burn the leaf lying next to it. On the second candle, you need to burn the next sheet, saying: “This dying leaf will take into oblivion, which anyone had in relation to our family and gossip that interfere good relations among our family members."

When burning the third leaf, you need to say: "This dying leaf will take into oblivion all the unjust things that we have done, as well as reproaches and quarrels between members of our family that threaten the happiness of our family."

The fourth leaf must be burned with the words: “This dying leaf will take into oblivion the feelings of hostility of my family members towards each other. Let it take away the unpleasant opinions of each of us about each other, instilling a sense of security among relatives. Let it be so!"

The next day at dinner, each member of the family should eat at least one fruit from the ritual dish.

apple magic

Apples of the new crop also have magical properties. These fruits symbolize bliss, health and vitality. They represent love, marriage, youth.

In order for the house to be filled with harmony and good energy, it is enough to put a dish with fresh apples on the table. And in order to replenish your own energy, you need to turn directly to the apple tree.

Standing not far from it, you need to close your eyes and turn to the tree with a request that it replenish your strength. At the same time, you should breathe slowly, and imagine how the energy of the tree enters the body and fills all its parts in turn. It is quite enough to spend 5 minutes on such a date with a tree.

Another ritual will help clean the apartment from. You need to cut the apple in half and cut out the core. Then, with a lit candle, you should go around the rooms clockwise and at each corner and door jamb, hold the candle from bottom to top clockwise three times. After that, the melted wax from the candle must be poured into one of the halves of the apple, both of them are connected and tightly fastened, wrapped with a thread. After holding the apple in your hands for a few seconds, you need to take it out of the apartment and throw it in the trash.

Those who want to find their love can try to "bewitch" with the help of an apple. It is necessary to cut it in half and, having removed the core, put 3 nettle leaves inside. At the same time, you need to say: “Let love be beautiful, like this fruit, and burning me and my chosen one, like nettles. Let it be so!" The apple must then be hidden in a secluded place, and when it dries, you should bury it near your house.

I knit a knot - I will bewitch my beloved

When all the trees change their green crown to the bright colors of autumn, the leaves of the willow remain silvery green, still swinging gracefully on its weeping branches.

And there is one simple sorcery. You need to take a willow twig and in the light new moon tie in a knot, while saying:

"I'm tying this knot,
To meet that (that)
Who will be my lover (my lover)

After that, the amulet must be hidden. If the relationship becomes a burden, it will be necessary to untie the knot in the light of the flawed month. And then the feelings will go away without pain, and resentment will not torment.

Video to the topic "The magical properties of trees"

In Rus', there were not so many autumn holidays and rituals, and this is due to the fact that the Slavs associated this time with the withering of nature and the fading of life. Rituals that do exist, have great power, and they must be carried out according to all the rules.

Folk autumn rites on Oseniny

  1. fire renewal ritual. The time when autumn comes into its own is considered September 21, because the period of Indian summer ends. On this day, the Slavs performed a ritual of renewing the fire. At night, all light sources were extinguished in Oseniny, and it could only burn in churches. After that, the fire was lit in a new way, using either flint or two wooden sticks. It was believed that the flame that was lit on this day contributes to the renewal of everything around and gives a person energy. To end this autumn rite, it is necessary to go around the whole house with a lit fire, and also light a stove from it. They also used smoke from the new fire, which was used to fumigate livestock to protect them from diseases and other problems.
  2. Ritual for women. Another ritual on the Osenins was carried out near the water and it was done exclusively by the fair sex. At dawn, women went to the shore of the reservoir, taking oatmeal and jelly with them. Bread certainly had to be held in the hands of the most adult woman. She was placed in the center of the round dance, and other women sang songs, dancing around her. A woman with bread was supposed to read, addressed to the Virgin and ask her to save her from misfortune and give good luck. After that, the bread was broken into pieces, the number of which should match the number of participants. Women returned home with him and fed his livestock. It was believed that such a ritual attracts wealth and prosperity to the house.
  3. Ritual for the autumn solstice. On this day, you can perform the “Nest” ceremony and a woman should do it. At dawn, you need to go to the forest to find such an empty nest of any bird. Among the Slavs, it was considered a symbol of the hearth. Entering the forest, it is important to bow, greeting the Mistress of the forest. The found nest should be taken home and left in the red corner along with others.

He fixed the beginning of autumn with a ban on swimming: "Here, since Ilyin, the days are no longer A Jutes. Everyone said... deer in water And sal already, it is no longer possible to buy A tze"" ; "Swim, you see, kovda ol And s And Kick into the water, you can't" (Mod., Plotichye, KTsNTK: 135-14).

As on any other significant holiday, on Ilyin’s day, and often the next two or three days, they didn’t work, which was facilitated by the custom of visiting and festivities in the villages in which this or that holiday was celebrated: “Ilyin’s day is the second O wa [August], so it's Friday [before Ilya's day] ... And not a rob O there was a hoist. No matter how many robots A field, and not rob O hoist once A. Treasured Friday! Everyone was afraid" (Mod., Kortikha, STNK: 079-22); "Ilyin's day - a holiday [d] nickname was celebrated [d] new. Big holiday [d] nickname. Nar I days went - re[o] dev A foxes [in festive clothes]. A big holiday on Ilyin's day ... So a friend went to a friend [to visit] " (Mod., Popchikha, STNK: 085-29).

Despite the fact that harvesting was not an easy task, like any other peasant work, it caused women and girls only the most positive emotions. This was also facilitated by ditties, which during the harvest were sung to a special "long" chant (Nos. 53-58): "Rarely on [to] and with such a thin voice, and with such a carrying out" (Nikol., Petrovo, KTsNTK: 082-24); "In the harvest they sang like this, in such a tone - duty O, prot I zhnyim" (Dub., Tsampelovo, 081-16); "Wu min I how will mom go<...>here I'm getting drunk. Duck glad until dark A reap" (Ust., Kormovesovo, KTsNTK: 088-67). Of course, harvest motives were also present in the ditties performed on the field:

Sting high rye,
Knitted by Kolosinotskaya.
Because of a girlfriend dear
Grew up with him And Notsky
(Ust., Romankovo, ONMTsK: 003-16)

[Green rye] thick -
Why not l e stnaya?
Now love is not intir e sleep,
Next is the unknown.
(Nikol., Petrovo, KTsNTK: 082-22)

Green rye is not reaped,
And it doesn't knit when wet.
Pro min I pro young at
Chev O, chev O they won't say.
(Nikol., Petrovo, KTsNTK: 082-21)

The harvested crop was taken out to special rooms with stoves - barns, where it was dried, and then threshed on a nearby threshing floor: "The device was also like this:" threshing O"was called or "palm" - under cr s shoy. There is a very flat clay floor. Here they unleashed the sheaves and laid them: one row, and then another row. And so they go and strike [with a flail, threshing] on these ears. And they have to guess pieces O no matter what O twice twice O they didn’t hit at once" (Zales., Zalesye, KTsNTK: 112-05) KTsNTKpod

major event not only the harvest, but the entire annual cycle of the peasant farmer were dozhinki. Therefore, of course, they were furnished with a whole series of rituals, one of which, preserved for the longest time, was the veneration of the last sheaf: A intelligibly, kovd A con cha children [harvest], we put such a small sheaf in the corner.<...>This is the very last sheaf O to the head I eat it and bring it home" (Ust., Romankovo, ONMTsK: 003-007); "Dozhin A eat - we bring a sheaf here [= to the house].<...>It's ishsh O edinol And shno lived, duck here: "Reap A flax, - they say [or] yat, - at mines I, con h reap. A flax. reap A a flax sheaf stands in the corner"; "They brought such a small ... - a sheaf O oat chick. Oats And the day went. Rye - before, I h Men used to be stinged, and oats are the last. And from oats they carry such a small sheaf O chik - will do okkur A thin, cute h nenkoy - and put yov O under the image".

Elderly performers still remember the making of a reaper in the form of an anthropomorphic creature:<...>on lane e they will put a reaper corner, and stands in the lane e afternoon corner" (Nikif., Danilovskoe, KTsNTK: 089-07).

Bringing the reaper home was accompanied by a symbolic expulsion from the house of insects - cockroaches, fleas, flies: "Mom is coming, this sheaf och com waves:

Cockroaches, flies, fleas,
Get out all of you!
You are the summer of years A whether,
We winter winter. -

Goes everywhere:

Cockroaches, flies, fleas,
Get out of the house everyone!
You are the summer of summer A whether,
We winter winter. -

<...>She goes everywhere A go slowly like this, okkur A tnenko, and inviting A rips.<...>It's because 'summer [years A whether] "that you are not at home for a whole summer, everything is in the field, in the field: either haymaking, then harvesting, then sowing, then harvesting ... - and that’s all A field. And in winter h ov O[do not do] - they will remove the cattle and again on the pe h ku. That's why - "you are the summer of yo A whether "" (Ust., Kuzminskoye, KTsNTK: 083-37).

The last sheaf stood in the front corner of the hut until Pokrov. And on Pokrov, the day on which grazing usually ended, it was divided in the yard among all the cattle available on the farm - they fed the cattle for the winter: "Mom gets up in the morning, takes the harvest A flax from coal A, where the image A... and carries it to the barn. L O shade will give - cha feed the drain, cows, calves. This harvest A the calf must be fed to the cattle" (Ust., Kuzminskoye, KTsNTK: 083-37). "It was we who fed them: ... there are sheep, duck sheep A m, cow, duck to a cow, - everyone [divided]. It’s like it’s in place [= the cattle gets up for the winter].<...>reap A flax - we feed the cattle ... A small sheaf O to so and stands up to with A movo cover O wa" ( Ust., Romankovo, ONMTsK: 003-007).

The celebration of dozhinki and the feeding of cattle for the winter continued even in collective farm time: "And on the collective farm, harvest A line: beer fat And t pridseed A Tel. D O lyushki will give - there kov O- something will sting. Milk will give. The war was going on, they lived in poverty. Well, feed us. It was called "reaping A linen "" (Dub., Lineva Dubrova, KTsNTK: 079-74); "This is oats we reap, and they say:" This is necessary for the cow of zagov e tsy, - well, according to p I line [give]. Even on a collective farm. E if I am a milkmaid [work], duck from Kolkh O I'll take the last handful of fields again - we'll feed them. [It] feed cows to z And me - that's what it was called. Here in the fall they feed ... The public cow [needs] to be fed: she brought the last handful, [took it to the field] where the women live, and fed and e. They say: "I fed the cow sowing O days of oats"" (Ibid., KTsNTK: 079-74).

Special ceremonies were performed earlier and at the end of flax harvesting. One of these ceremonies was the lining of flax with a circle - a "mirror" or "sun", as it was called here: "When you finish laying the field, and at the end [they made" the "sun"] ... shtob flax is white And ls" (Ust., Demetyevo, KTsNTK: 088-33). In the old days, the manufacture of the "sun" was accompanied by somersaulting of women on torn linen: "I'm already Soviet, duck [linen], and fight A home. The old women who, [those] did "with O little sun "... - like the sun goes around here. And [the old woman] says:" You didn't make the sun, Anna, that one? "I say:" Not a damn thing A didn't. wu min I beat e e in A there will be a seam." Like this. And another old woman: "Yes, it would be necessary, it would be necessary," he says, "to do something."

They tumbled [with a sentence]:

Kukur And ku-naman And ku,
Lost Manka with And ku.
Kukur And ku on the face,
I gave my friend the ring. -

Yes, and run. The old woman already [did], st A rei who min I. tumbled apt e rhu legs. Feet square e rhu. Kuv s rnettsy kv e rh legs: "wu min I, - go[thief] it, - linen b e loy b at children.<...>St e lol something. TO O n h it's all for them. The women say: "I tumbled sowing O days, pcs O min I on a strip of flax [bleached better]". This was earlier ... " (Dub., Lineva Dubrova, KTsNTK: 079-74, 75).

Flax was crumpled in the same place where the grain was threshed before, on the threshing floor. On p O urine, as a rule, was collected by girls and women: A t" (Dub., Lineva Dubrova, KTsNTK: 079-76); "Before, the soft crumpled [flax]... girls. P O girls can do it... All vm And keep it up O not collected at tzy ... And I crushed t O same con e shno - let dvin A tset, thirteen, fifteen [was] - crushed flax And Sun Yu. The fabric needs to be processed. We'll sleep there, there tr e plyom, - all youth. Well, the old women are in charge O new something ... But how! And [then] I will do things O in something - isomn at-that's not right. Need to look e ugh, he was crumpled.<...>[Songs are not sung here]. Remember And- try it, the fiber is stale A and here in the grinder, yes: hop, hop, hop ... There is no time for p e sen like mouth t e sen.<...>[And when] grandma sd e la [e] t table in the evening, give beer to drink, duck we sing and pl I shom - flax crumpled" (Ibid., KTsNTK: 079-76).

The peasants tried to time the end of harvesting and processing the crops to the patronal holidays, which were celebrated in every village in the fall: "Kovd A everything in the fields will be removed ... - Bo G op O ditsyn day - tovd A everything will be removed from the fields, and on that day they walked" (Zales., Zalesye, KTsNTK: 112-01); "[Dmitriev's day] - h yotv yo mouth of October - h ov O- we have a throne, we have a holiday in the village ... It seems like the harvest has already been removed A whether, duck, they walked ... two or three days. Walked, had fun ... Holy Dm And trey is a birthday boy, so here [tables] were set, walking, having fun" (Mod., Popchikha, STNK: 083-27).

ELIMINATION. In Vozdvizhenye, according to folk beliefs, snakes coil into balls and crawl away for the winter: "In Vzdv And Zhenya do not go to the forest. You can't go to the forest. There are snakes there A yuttsy, - they say, - in ku h And. Who duck and rightly say that he came into the forest and ran away - snakes to uch am"; "[The man came to the forest. There] like snakes yes to uch am.<...>Into this Vzdv And zhenyo sober A uttsy snakes in o[d] O place for the winter.<...>Vzdv And Zhenya can't go to the forest in any way" (Nikif., Volosovo, KTsNTK: 084-12).

Exaltation is also distinguished by the fact that on this day, as on some other important holidays of the folk Orthodox calendar, one cannot work: "In Vzdv And They don’t dry the barns, they don’t heat the baths, they don’t go into the forest. [If you work] - also a ghost e neh how O yo" (Mod., Sludy, KTsNTK: 136-07).