Harvest Festival - scripts for elementary school, high school students, adults and retirees. Autumn competitions for the harvest festival for the house of culture in the village. "Golden Autumn" program script for senior lyceum teachers


*** The stage is decorated: In the center, closer to the back of the stage, an improvised sheaf of bread tied with a towel with the inscription "Harvest 2009".
On the back of the stage is the inscription "Happy Harvest Day!",

*** Fanfare sounds to the melody of the song "Bread is the head of everything."

Host 1. Earth! To the West, to the East,
To the North and to the South: I would crouch, hug, warm -
How many hands...
Earth! Everything is more beautiful and visible
She lies around.
And there is no better happiness on it,
Work and love.

*** Choreographic composition
girls with grain sheaves perform a dance, raise a dome of sheaves, under which the Earth passes, put the sheaves into 1 impromptu sheaf of bread.

Earth. Not as an evil stepmother, but as the Earth-Nurse, I came to you.
On the grain field, as in my palm, everything is visible: who you are, what you are, what your skill is, and how you feel about bread. I love those who bow to my waist, who rise at dawn and greet the moon. I generously endow those who do not get tired of working.

*** A vocal group of girls comes on stage, they are dressed in folk costumes
sing the song "Oh sorry, we are sorry"
Against the background of the song, the Earth and girls with loaves on an embroidered towel come out.
Singing girls surround them.

Presenter 2. On the stage is the "Harvest-2009" loaf.
Loaf "Harvest-2009" is rightfully awarded _______________________
*** Music sounds, girls hand over loaves.

Earth. According to Russian customs
our low bow to all guests!
With kind words and love.
With bread and salt! With bread and salt!

Presenter 1. We are glad to welcome you to the harvest festival!
It has a dozen rains and forty days of sun,
It has a couple of hundred dawns and half a dozen thunderstorms,
One hundred thousand currents in it, and tires of machine rustles,
Harvesters steady roar, and showers of blue stars.
Both the field and the weather test the grain grower in his difficult, everyday and such vital work. The harvest of bread is the crown of labor of farmers.

*** Fanfares to the melody of the song "Bread is the head of everything."

Presenter 2. In August, there are three worries for a rural person: mow, plow and sow. It is today that we honor those who cared about the future harvest in the grain field. In honor of the end of the harvest season, and all the harvest farmers, we raise the Harvest 2009 flag. The right to raise the flag is granted to:

*** Sounds background
Earth. Blossom, my good Russia,
Blossom, grow under a peaceful sky.
And let praise grow like a hymn to labor,
Praise the hands that smell of bread.

*** Concert number ___________________________________
*** Mother Earth is leaving

Presenter 1. The honorary right to open a holiday is granted

Lead 2. They can handle all the secrets of the craft,
They serve the earth and duty honestly -
Keepers of the Russian village,
Our congratulations and songs to them.

Presenter 1. We have a lot in common with these guests,
We have the same problems, the soul hurts about one.

In this word of all life is the basis
Indivisible - Bread, Peace, May and Labor!

*** presentation of awards to combine operators, drivers.

Lead 2.
Today we have gathered people here.
All those who are proud of their work,
All those who left a particle of their hearts in it,
All those who worked without measure and rules,
Whose work was poured into the work of the region drop by drop,
Who tried to work better and better.
Accept, dear countrymen, musical congratulations!

*** Concert number __________________________________________

*** against the background of music.

Presenter 1. Life goes on and the family of grain growers does not dry out. The working family of kolkhoz machine operators is replenished with young grain growers from student production teams.
On stage for the awards are invited
*** presentation of awards to student production teams.

Lead 2.
Yes, our Stavropol region is rich in everything,
But we don't know more wealth
Than the youth that now
We dedicate to the grain growers.
And let the bread rustle in our fields,
The golden wheat is earing
So that heirs of glorious labor
Fathers and mothers could always be proud.

*** Concert number __________________________________________

Presenter 2. Workers of farms and fields!
May troubles and precipitation pass you by!
Be healthier every year
And live in happiness and prosperity!
Receive a musical number as a gift!
*** Concert number __________________________________________

*** against the background of music.
Presenter 1. The word for reading the resolution is provided _______
Presenter 2. Honor and glory in work for those in love!
People of conscience and honor,
Whose work is visible to all.
So let's go today
Let's name them together.
You are invited to the stage for the awards ceremony!
*** presentation of awards

Lead 1. You, workers of arable land and fields,
Gardens and farms and delicious cheese dairies
We congratulate with all our heart,
And we give the best verses on a holiday.
Thank you for bread and milk
For butter, meat, fruits and pickles,
that don't come easily
And they require a lot of patience.
May your life be bright in everything,
So that no misfortune happens,
And the earth pleases like a warm house,
Giving you only mercy every year ...
Accept a song as a gift!
*** Concert number
Presenter 2. The word for reading the resolution is provided

Presenter 1. Fruits, bread and butter on the table
this is the work of all those who are on earth
work hard and with dignity.
It is their hands and mind that rye is grown,
oats, millet wheat, rice and flax.
It is to them that we must bow.
And the herds? And wool, resin and honey -
who thinks about it the most?
We wouldn't be able to live without them
as a fish cannot live without water.
Dear guardians of the earth,
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Receive a musical number as a gift!

*** Concert number
*** Against the background of music
Lead 2. The foreman went out into the fields,
Brigadier, Combat Commander.
But not at all on the attack, not in a furious battle -
He led the brigade along the sowing.
He did not sleep at night, he got up at dawn,
He passed the exam with dignity.

Presenter 1: Oh, the motor went haywire, the horse lost strength.
If the doctor is not found, work in the field will be interrupted.
Only this doctor exists! According to his work and honor.
He is both a welder and a blacksmith, well done for all trades.
What breaks - fix it, put the horse on its feet!

Presenter 2: Do you want, do you want, where are we without drivers?
How much they need to take out both into trenches and warehouses
Root crops and grains? Everything that has been completely removed.

Host 1: Our question will not be strange:
Who is the most important in the harvest?
Everyone has known for a long time:
Well, of course, the combiner!

Presenter 2: Strada, suffering! She is expected everywhere
With hope and anxiety in my heart.
Our peasant labor crowns the harvest
And he tries the strength of the farmer.

Eared rye, wheat,
So that your faces smile
Lit up like dawn.
Receive a musical number as a gift

*** Mixed choreographic composition with the smallest ones in the foreground, (children hold yellow and orange satin ribbons in their hands - the sun's rays). Against the background of songs about the sun, bread and earth, they perform a dance, in the finale Yarilo Sun is carried out, the children surround him with rays and the Earth comes out.
*** against the backdrop of majestic folk music.

Earth. The voices of generations can be heard to me like the rustle of ears of corn. The words are crumbly like grains. And the warmth of human feelings warms me. The thrust of my earthly, unbearable hero Svyatogor overstrained himself. And only true farmers can bear my burden. I generously present my gift to talented cultivators, renowned masters of the harvest.
I deeply respect and love you for your honest work, for your loyalty, for your hard-working, rough hands, which have no price.

*** Veterans of grain growers come out.
Earth. Accept this symbol of fertility and agriculture as a gift.

*** The earth solemnly hands over the sun to the grain growers.

Earth. Let the children fill every house
Let a good sign mark this childhood!
We give them love for the earth
As the highest legacy.

Presenter 2: You are invited to the stage
*** The guys from the student brigades come out, stand next to the grain growers.

Earth. Life goes on and the family of grain growers does not dry out.
If a young man, once and for all, paved the path to the field, if he possesses such qualities of character as diligence and patience, then a feeling of power over the grain field will certainly come to him.
And may Yarilo, the sun that soared in the sky, bring prosperity and hope for prosperity to all of us.

Presenter 1: We wish you happiness without looking back,
Without dark days and bitter tears!
Let the sun shine a lot
By white, gentle birches!
Let's release the rising sun into the sky - "Yarilo"

*** "Yarilo" is launched from balloons by veterans and children from student brigades
and at the same time a volley of firecrackers.

*** The final song is performed by all participants of the concert

Presenter 2: From the bottom of our hearts, we congratulate
Those who honestly, sparing no effort
Our wonderful country
Today's crop has grown.
Let the glory of them ring loudly,
Let the words sound proud and loud
Let them merge into a song and a verse -
Glory to the Grain Growers! We all praise them!
We congratulate you all today
Let friendship grow in work,
And invites you all to dance
Stavropol free our people.

First you need to decide on the venue of the event. In the scenario, the House of Culture is indicated, but with reasonable planning and weather conditions, a stadium can also be preferred. So, as always, everything should start with the design. You can hang posters, balloons, paper flowers, ribbons, preferably all in the same color scheme. At the entrance, you can build a photo zone, or a stand with wishes. The script spelled out the moment of the beauty contest among grandmothers. It can be crossed out, but if you are going to hold it, then you will need to select future participants in advance and take care of the nominations. There are five nominations in this scenario: "Beauty Queen", "Miss Skillful Hands", "Miss Charming Smile", "Miss Vociferous", "Miss Charismatic". If this competition takes place, it is important to take care of the prizes for the winners. You can also install several stands on which photos, profiles of participants, their fakes and so on will be placed.

Leading, jury, dance groups, performers, the elderly.

gifts for contests, gifts for a beauty contest, three blindfolds, three easels with sheets, three markers, cards - hints, a list of songs, a diploma.

Presenters appear on the stage to the music "My years, my wealth."

Today is an unusual day
Age praise and honor,
And for the elderly we are together,
The concert is ready!

You accept my congratulations,
I speak from the heart
Get comfortable,
We will have fun!

You have seen a lot in your life. Luggage of experience, wisdom, knowledge, memories. We admire you! Low bow to you and long life.

Good health and optimism. You are the pride of generations, the backbone of the country, thank you!

We will start our holiday with congratulations. Or rather, from the youngest generation, which has already been waiting for its turn to congratulate the grandparents gathered here.

(Several children come on stage and read)

I want to remind you friends
An unusual competition is taking place,
Let beauty rule the world
Today is just a great day!

I want to remind everyone present that today we will choose the “Beauty Queen” among the grandmothers who applied for participation.

We will also choose "Miss skillful hands", "Miss charming smile", "Miss vociferous", "Miss charisma".

The venerable jury will help us with this, which will appreciate the talents of the contestants.

In the meantime, the contenders for the crown are preparing, I suggest our grandfathers show their talents.

It sometimes happens that grandfathers have to do some work for their grandchildren, in particular to draw. In this skill we will compete with you.

Draw for me contest.
Three grandfathers are invited to the stage. Three easels with sheets are set up, markers are given to grandfathers and they are blindfolded. The facilitator names the objects that the grandfathers should depict blindfolded. Whoever does it better wins.
You will need: three blindfolds, three easels with sheets, three markers.

And while we were drawing, our contestants managed to prepare.

The host invites the participants to the stage for the performance and asks questions:
1. What year of birth?
2. Who is by profession?
3. How many times have you been lucky enough to become a grandmother?
4. What is your main skill?
5. Your reason for pride?
6. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Questions may be different, depending on the desire and imagination.

And now, while our contestants have left to prepare for the next competition, a dance group is invited to the stage (Name).

(After the dance)

I suggest, I will unwind a little to the guests,
And sing a little song
I invite those who wish to the stage,
To a familiar motive, sing a song!

Who's the loud one here?
Nuka, raise your hand
Show your great talent
Show your voice to the world!

Contest "Guess the song"

The host selects several participants from the audience 5-7. This competition requires some preparation. Namely, you need to make hint cards for songs in advance. A word is written on the card and a picture is drawn. For example, for the song “N. Kadyshev's stream flows”, you can write the word flows and draw a stream.

Card options:
1. Noisy reeds (word noise, picture reeds);
2. Oh viburnum (word oh, picture viburnum);
3. My years (word year, treasure picture);
4. Why are you standing, swaying, thin mountain ash (the word is thin, the picture is rowan);
5. Black Raven (word black, picture crow);
6. Maple curly (word curly, picture maple);
7. Red viburnum (word red, picture viburnum);
8. Oh, roads (word eh, drawing of the road);
9. Shaggy bumblebee (the word is furry, the drawing is a bumblebee);
10. Dark mounds sleep (the word is dark, the figure is barrows).

The choice of songs may be different. You can also make up words instead of drawings. Do not forget that the competition is for the elderly, so the tables should be expressive and the words should be large. Alternatively, you can just turn on the music. The one who guesses the most songs will win the prize.
You will need: cards - hints, a list of songs.

Participants are ready to perform
I would like to invite you to the stage
They will amaze with their talent
And conquer the hall with a smile.

(This stage of the competition is discussed in advance. The contestants must prepare a small number of amateur performances, lasting 2-3 minutes and present to the audience and the jury)

They say that with age comes the long-awaited wisdom, which is sometimes so lacking. Is it so? Let's ask the audience!

Contest "Advice".
3-4 participants (preferably women) are selected from the audience and called to the stage. The facilitator sets the situation and receives advice. Whoever gives more valuable and interesting advice will receive a symbolic prize - a diploma "The best adviser of the city."

Preliminary list of questions:
1. What is best for a headache?
2. If dampness appeared in the house?
3. Does the child suck his thumb?
4. The wife bites her nails. What to do?
5. I pulled my lower back, what do you recommend?
6. Does cabbage grow in the garden?
7. Spilled wine on your favorite shirt, wife can't wash?
8. Are there occasional centipedes in the room?
9. I was preparing a romantic dinner, but burned my wife's favorite pot, what should I do?
10. Forgot to pick up your child from kindergarten?

Questions may be different.
Required: Diploma. The winner of the competition can be announced by the jury.

Our contestants have rested and are ready for the next task.

So what are we waiting for then? I ask the contestants to the stage.

(Contestants in tracksuits come out. The “Everybody Dance” contest is announced. A young girl stands in front of the participants and shows modern dance moves. Their task is to repeat)

And I invite you to the stage
I am fine craftsmen
Who will show us the theater
And say congratulations.

Leader continues:
The older generation is interesting in its own way, funny in its own way, wise in its own way. And it happens that one of the spouses has come to terms with his age, while the other stubbornly protests. So, the case in the family.

(Two high school students (a girl and a boy) enter the stage and show a humorous scene “Old age crept up on us unnoticed”)

The girl is standing, preening. The boy approaches her.
- Hey, old, it's you, where are you going to carry your bones, looking at the night?
- You may be an old grandfather, but Petrovna and I are going to the club.
- Oh how! What about some kind of concert? Probably, "Pesnyary" will come ...
- What you? We are going to the youth club, we will dance, we will give a master class to the younger generation!
- Matveevna, face control will not let you through.
- Face, whom?
- Control. Don't match your age!
- What are you talking about, I can't hear you! (puts hand to ear).
- I say that you are old, that you will not pass!
- You're old! We are still wow! In the prime of life, at the very juice! I'm out, I even bought "Louboutins" for myself, it's fashionable now.
- Who did you buy there?
- "Louboutins", shoes like that. Oh, Petrovna will die of envy! (Shows a shoe box with a price).
- Petrovna may be from envy, but I from a heart attack! Old man, have you seen how much they cost?
- Why didn't you see it? Of course, I saw them, I got them a loan. Took 5 years.
- (grabbing heart) Yes, it would be better if you took a shower stall to the dacha, a cart, and there would still be enough for new tires for my swallow! Can you even walk on them? (looks at high heels).
- I can't walk yet, but it's very comfortable to sit in them. Well, I'll learn! Oh, everything! (Looks at watch) . It's time for me! Disperse. The host announces that an hour has passed.
A high school student appears on stage. Shoes in hand, holding on to the lower back, limping:
- Sanych, Sanych, I'm dying, water!

(A high school student appears, excitedly runs up to her)

Did you dance? Well, wait, wait, I'll bring your slippers.

(Sits down on a chair)

I've looked at this! And Petrovna ran away after 20 minutes!
- Didn't like it at all?
- Yes, what is there! The music is roaring, which is already pawned in the ears. Boys look like girls and girls look like boys. All songs are in a foreign language. And one thing everyone is jerking, jerking! And how many people! Moms!
- Okay, shoes, but what about the lower back?
- And I tried to dance with the youth ...
- And How?
- I was able to bend, but not very straightened!
- And why do you need my grief, can't you sit at home?
- Well, how can you sit here? So many temptations!
- All right, I'll make you some tea. Now, what to do with your Louboutins?
- Sanych, everything is simple here! I will sell them online!
- Where where?
- Petrovna told me that they buy everything there, so I'll sell it, and we'll change the shoes of your swallow! All you have to do is buy online!

(Boy grabs his head)

(At the end of the scene, the guys say. A girl is for grandfathers, and a boy is for grandmothers)

And now I will ask our contestants to submit their homework!

(This moment is discussed with the contestants in advance. You can ask them to cook some kind of fake on a certain topic, you can puzzle them to compose a song, or bake a pie. If you still decide to stop at baking, then everyone should cook the same dish, which then given for tasting to the judges, and to everyone from the audience)

While our participants are preparing for the next stage, I suggest you play a little, otherwise, I see, somehow you get bored!

(5-8 participants are invited to the stage. The principle of the game is “The sea worries once.” The presenter speaks in the ear of the participants the figure that they should portray, and the audience must guess what the participants are showing. Time 3 minutes. If you wish, you can choose another cheerful and, most importantly, do not forget about the age characteristics of the participants and musical accompaniment)

Get ready you friends
It's time to defile
They will surprise us all
The contestants are here to step!

Announced competition "Defile".
The contestants show off their beautiful outfits.
It is important that after each competitive stage, the jury evaluates. These small breaks can be filled with performances by dance groups, or simply musical breaks.

Thank you all friends
It's time to end the evening
We chose the Queen
The votes have been counted!

(The participants are being awarded. There may be more or less categories of nominations, depending on the number of participants. The above indicated nominations are presented as an example)

After the concert, you can announce a dance evening, but this is optional.

The harvest festival has many names: Oseninny, Day of Blessing of Bread, Bogoroditskaya, Malaya Most Pure, Mother Autumn, Rich. This is a celebration of worship of Mother Earth, her gifts and fertility, the day of completion of all agricultural work and summing up the harvest. Our ancestors considered the Harvest Festival to be one of the main days of the year, so they celebrated it on a special scale and sincerely revered its patroness, the Mother of God. No wonder the Eastern Slavs even celebrated it on the same day as the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin - September 21. It was believed that from how cheerful and hospitable the celebration would be, the next year would be so fruitful. Today, the Harvest Festival has almost lost its original significance and a clear date for the celebration. Nevertheless, it continues to be celebrated not only in the villages in the Houses of Culture, but also in schools and kindergartens. And interesting scenarios for the Harvest Festival are written not only by pensioners, but also by active high school students and teachers. In our article today, you will find some interesting scenarios for the Harvest Festival, not only for elementary and high school, but also for adults.

Elementary School Harvest Festival Scenario - Ideas

Most often, the Harvest Festival in kindergartens and elementary schools is called the Autumn Festival. Such a formulation is more understandable to children, as it includes not only the concept of harvest, but also an acquaintance with autumn metamorphoses in nature. Consequently, the script of the Harvest Festival itself, for example, for elementary school is written on an autumn theme. In other words, the ideas for the Harvest Festival scenario for elementary school should resonate with the main autumn events: transformations in nature, animal behavior in autumn, harvesting vegetables and fruits, weather changes.

Fairy tale scenario of the Harvest Festival for children

One of the most popular for children is the fabulous version of the Harvest Festival. It implies the participation of fairy-tale characters, including thematic ones. For example, Borovichok, Autumn, Slush, etc. can participate in such an event. The script for an elementary school itself should be narrative in nature, but at the same time include direct communication with children in the form of various competitions. For example, riddles about autumn, autumn vegetables and fruits, weather are perfect. Active competitions like relay races will also be appropriate.

An interesting scenario for the Harvest Festival for elementary school

An excellent event in honor of the harvest in elementary school can also be held in the format of a thematic fair. Students, as well as their parents, can participate in such a fair with various autumn-themed crafts. It can be both thematic applications, crafts made from natural materials, and completely edible exhibits from autumn vegetables and fruits. Each of the presented works must be done by hand and have a short description. It will be necessary to prescribe in detail the introductory part, where participants will be able to demonstrate their creations, the main part with interesting skits and contests, and the conclusion with prizes.

Harvest Festival - Original Screenplay for High School Students

The scenario of the Harvest Festival for high school students should be more original than just a concert. However, high school students themselves often directly participate in organizing this event at school and write a creative script for the holiday themselves. Therefore, high school students can have many options for the Harvest Festival with an original scenario. For example, a rather interesting concert can be organized on a historical theme. High school and middle school students will not only have to prepare a script for the holiday, but also demonstrate their knowledge of history. As the theme of the holiday in this style, one should take the history of the origin of this holiday, the traditions and signs associated with it. Schoolchildren can not only tell dry facts, but also play thematic scenes, including funny ones.

Modern scenario of the Harvest Festival for high school students

For those high school students who strive to keep up with the times in everything, we can offer a more modern version of the scenario for this holiday. For example, the Harvest Festival can be interestingly beaten in the format of a popular television show. The Field of Miracles or KVN is quite suitable. Taking as a basis the main features of the TV show, you can quite simply transform even the most ordinary contests and numbers. In addition, it is advisable to stage the Harvest Festival in high school in a humorous format with an abundance of funny scenes and funny contests. For example, an excellent competition for such a holiday is “Harvest”. All participants are offered to collect unborn local fruits blindfolded. Along with ordinary fruits and vegetables, inedible objects that resemble fruits to the touch (balls, balloons, plastic vegetables / fruits) can also be used in this competition. The competition should be held for a while, and the winner will be the one who collected the most real vegetables and fruits.

Scenario of the Harvest Festival in the village for adults

If somewhere else there are celebrations in honor of the harvest, vaguely reminiscent of the autumn festivities of our ancestors, then in the countryside. For residents of villages and settlements, the agricultural industry has been, is and will be the main activity. Local residents are familiar with all the difficulties of growing and harvesting, so this autumn holiday has a direct bearing on them. Most often, the scenario of the Harvest Festival in the village is aimed at adults. Usually it takes place in several stages, and sometimes takes several days. Traditionally, the script is thematic in nature and is dedicated to autumn and harvest. As a rule, the whole village gathers for the celebration: adults and children participate with pleasure in autumn fun, contests and games, which abound in the scenario of the Autumn Festival.

An obligatory condition for celebrating the autumn harvest in the village is a real fair. It is usually held in the first half of the day, so that everyone can purchase the gifts of autumn, with which it is rich. In addition, often at such fairs there are awards for the most notable participants. It is considered a great honor to win a prize for achievements in agricultural work at such a fair.

Scenario for the Harvest Festival for the House of Culture

Since the weather in autumn is not particularly pampering, often festive events dedicated to the harvest are often held in local Houses of Culture. Such concerts are organized by local activists and are in the nature of amateur performances. Most often, the concert itself in the House of Culture is saturated with autumn themes. All competitions, sketches, songs and poems are dedicated to this season and its gifts. And since the audience at such an event is going to be of different ages, the concert itself is often divided into blocks of different directions. For example, performances by local song ensembles are organized for adults and people of retirement age, and fun autumn contests are organized for children and youth.

Thematic scenario for the Harvest Festival for pensioners

Not many joyful events, especially in autumn, are left for pensioners, and therefore for them the Harvest Festival is a kind of outlet and an interesting concert with a thematic scenario. Most often, city pensioners do not take an active part in organizing this event. The picture is quite opposite in the villages, where it is not uncommon for pensioners to keep the local Houses of Culture. The thematic scenario for the Harvest Festival for pensioners consists, as a rule, of calm and traditional numbers. Most often these are songs and poems dedicated to autumn and autumn joys. Often, to participate in such concerts, they attract familiar children and adults who bring more active numbers to the event. For example, thematic dances about autumn and mobile contests on autumn topics are very popular. Such numbers are most often prepared by high school students and elementary school students. At the end of the evening, a disco with a song repertoire of different years, which will appeal to both adults and children, will also be appropriate.