Esoteric practices on the day of the autumn equinox. How to prepare for the autumn equinox. What not to do on the autumn equinox

This is a real holiday in the Wheel of the Annual Cycle, when they celebrate the holiday of fertility, harvest and abundance. It used to be celebrated from morning until night. The exact time when the equinox occurs is 03:54 (Moscow time) or 01:54 (GMT).

In 2019, it will be the 24th lunar day when male energy awakens. It is suitable for laying the foundation for planned affairs and achieving success. Especially favorable for building relationships with the opposite sex. All your energy should be directed to good deeds. Moderate physical activity will be beneficial. It is on this day that it is recommended to make amulets and talismans and charge them.

Also, the equinox will help you and your loved ones get rid of everything that prevents you from being healthy. If you, your children, loved ones do not sleep well, pick a twig from the magical mountain ash tree on the equinox. On this day, the mountain ash has a special power, because it is not for nothing that she is honored and considered the queen of the holiday.

In order for the mountain ash to protect you from the forces of evil, make sure that there are leaves and berries on the branch. It will protect you from the machinations of evil spirits, save you from insomnia, bad dreams, night terrors. A rowan branch can be put on the windowsill, decorate the window with it, it is also recommended to hang it directly above the head of the bed. Pay attention to this simple ritual for parents whose children suffer from bedwetting. A sprig of rowan, placed under the pillow will help to cope with the disease.

What else to do on the autumn equinox?

Summing up the year. This is the first thing to do. Analyze your affairs, notice achievements, identify mistakes. This can be done on the day of the equinox itself and within 3-5 days after the event.

As on the day of the solstice, all the techniques, rituals and recommendations presented on the day of the autumnal equinox are suitable for practice within 3-5 days before and after the event. You can perform them for a whole week, until next Monday 29.09.

What else is done on the day of the equinox?

Radiate love and gratitude. Thank God and the Universe for everything they give you, for material and non-material benefits. Be sincere, let gratitude come from the heart. Also thank all the people in your life. Do not forget your ill-wishers, people who criticize you, express their dissatisfaction with you. Remember - these are your teachers for life! First of all, you should thank them, then you will get a chance to become successful and achieve prosperity in the new year.

There are a few more things that cannot be ignored. It is important to pay close attention to all your thoughts. Pay close attention to the words you say to the emotions you experience. And this day is also the most favorable for getting rid of everything unnecessary, that which clutters up your house.

The people welcomed Avseniy, left only “required” things in their homes and thoughts, and got rid of any unnecessary rubbish. Therefore, on the eve of September 22 (on the holiday itself or within 2-3 days after it, they cleaned the house and the yard and perform an energetic cleaning of the home. Only the cleaning should be general. Feel free to shake every corner, look into all the drawers and shelves of the cabinet, dressing rooms Approach this issue of household cleaning responsibly: wash windows, floors - get rid of negativity and open the doors to happiness and well-being.

When it comes to the cleanliness of an apartment or house, it most often means the need or lack thereof for thorough cleaning and maintaining order in the living quarters. But, as practice shows, this is not always enough for normal family relationships, well-being, financial ...

What else can be done? Get rid of everything that has become obsolete and prevents you from becoming happy. To deal with all this, there are 3. Any person who seeks to improve the quality of his life can use the practice of getting rid of problems. Rituals for getting rid of problems and for the fulfillment of desires are used by all psychics, healers, magicians and people practicing other energy techniques.

What can not be done on the autumn equinox?

Above all, don't be passive or aggressive. It is possible that on the days of the equinox an avalanche of aggression from other people will fall upon you.

Bad thoughts and actions should not be allowed. The energies of the Equinox are tuned only to the fulfillment of what is desired. If you use these energies correctly, then you will definitely attract into life what you think and desire. At the same time, if you act thoughtlessly and let your emotions and moods take their course, you will unconsciously attract what you think about. If you can’t get rid of the negativity on your own, do it.

Rituals, rituals, practices on the day of the autumn equinox 2019

There are a number of practices and simple techniques required for this astrological event in the fall. First on the list are all the rituals that help get rid of troubles and problems in life. And also, at this time it is recommended to carry out the following work:

  • Working with the feminine. It is necessary to remember all the departed women of the family. Here we are talking about close women in the male and female lines of your Family. You don't need to get in touch with them. You need to remember them, thank them for all the good, for helping their descendants, for your protection, for everything they did for your Family. It will be right to pray for their souls and ask forgiveness for them from God.
  • attract love. The maximum mood for harmony and joy will allow you to invite love into your life. Confess your love to all living things, to all the people around you, to God, to Life, to yourself. There are special formulas for this, remember them.
  • Invite wealth, prosperity to the house. For this, too, there are special rituals. Do them. And do not forget to bake pies for this holiday and invite guests and loved ones.
  • Make a wish. At the equinox, portals are opened for the Universe to hear you and give you what you ask for. Formulate your desire competently, be extremely honest with yourself before making a guess - think, is this really what you dream of?
  • Get rid of what gets in the way. This applies to all areas of life. Starting from the banal garbage in the house, to personal happiness. These days you can get rid of misfortunes, illnesses, fears, lack of money, obstacles that prevent you from achieving your goals. Everyone has their own ritual.
  • give thanks. Remember, the more you give, the more you get. But this rule should not make you selfish. Thank Life, God, Close people and acquaintances sincerely, from the heart.
  • Carry out rituals for the success of a new business. September 23, as it were, begins the new year, this time is just right in order to plan and ensure the success of new ideas. Below you will find a ritual on how to protect your new business from failure and attract quick success.
  • Protect the house and yard from evil spirits and evil. This is an important procedure, especially on the eve of the darkest nights of the year, when the forces of evil are extremely active. Choose a time to perform one of the rituals described below. And for those who want to get a more serious technique, leave your request in the comments. We have something powerful and special for you!

Popular Rituals for the Equinox

Ritual to get rid of fears

Choose a time and go to the forest, the townspeople will like the city park, where trees grow. Find a few leaves of aspen, maple or poplar. Take a pen and write one of your fears on each piece of paper. Write briefly and carefully so as not to tear. Then, go to the river, or you can just go to the bridge. Get up against the wind. So that he blows in the face. Now throw the leaves in turn into the wind (into the water) and say:
“I thank you, my fear (call it) for what was in my life, I say goodbye to you forever, I release you in peace. Dear wind, (water) take away my fear (call it) forever. Thank you for helping me. Amen"

Do this for each leaf. If you're doing this on a downwind bridge, make sure the leaves fly behind you. Otherwise, the ritual will have to be redone.

Ritual for money so that you have money

On the day of the equinox, get up as early as possible. Go to the place where you keep your money. If you have the bulk of your savings in an account or on a bank card, then you first need to withdraw a decent amount, one that is more than ordinary expenses.

Take all your money in hand and start counting it. You need to do this 3, and preferably 9 times. Have you counted? Keep your money in hand. Now we need to express gratitude to God for them. You can also thank the Universe, Life. There is nothing to ask here, just give thanks. In the new year, your cash receipts will definitely increase. This rite is a folk magic for well-being, which is done on the new year at the autumn equinox.

The ritual of attracting love

Within a week after the equinox is the best time to restore relations with your spouse, as well as attract love, find mutual love and the location of friends. The same ritual is suitable for gaining mutual understanding with partners and colleagues, establishing mutually beneficial relationships with partners.

Before the ritual, prepare 1 white, 1 red and 1 green candle, buy incense with the scent of jasmine, basil, rose, cinnamon, vanilla, patchouli or nutmeg. Choose the scent that suits you. On the first day after the equinox, and this will be September 23, choose the time for the ritual. You will need 15-20 minutes.

Retire in a room. Light 3 candles in turn. Start with white, then red, then green. Light the incense sticks. Take a comfortable position. It can be a lotus position or just sit comfortably in a chair in front of candles.

Calm down and repeat affirmations 25 times each:

  • I am a love magnet. I attract love (husband, men, colleagues, partners).
  • I want to be appreciated and loved.
  • I let happiness, prosperity and love into my life.
  • I accept love from all life on earth.
  • I give my love to all people and the whole world.
  • In my house, my family, love commands, wealth and mutual understanding reign.
  • My love is strong, powerful, endless.
  • I am the lucky one of love. I have a strong family, reliable friends.
  • I thank the Universe for the well-being in my life.

Ritual of protection from the evil eye

In order for you to be protected from all evil and the evil eye throughout the year until the next equinox, perform a simple ritual. This is not even quite a ritual, but the manufacture of an amulet. At noon you need to go to the mountain ash. Look for where rowan grows near your home. Since ancient times, this tree has been endowed with a powerful power of magic, it was considered a conductor between the earth and the sun. It is in the mountain ash that there is a huge energy and healing power, it will not let evil forces into the house, and will protect you from the evil eye and bad influence. Rowan fruits have great power only at the equinox.

Did you find a tree? Come say hello to him. This can be done mentally if you are shy. Now thank him and ask for help to protect your family and those you want to protect with the berry amulet. Pick the berries. There should be enough of them so that you have enough for the amulet. Berries are used to make bracelets for the hand, pendants for the neck, or they collect a beautiful bouquet with leaves to protect the house. A berry-leaf bouquet is hung over the threshold of the house. It will serve as a decoration for your home and at the same time protect your home from the influence of the forces of evil, and protect you from the evil eye.

There are several more rituals and practices that are carried out on the day of the autumn equinox on September 22, 2017, this is the practice of prosperity, building relationships in the family, attracting suitors, a ritual for trading, protective techniques from the influence of the forces of evil and everything bad.

We will also tell you how to work with the karma of the family, how to give thanks correctly, how to get rid of what prevents you from being happy, how to correctly ask the Universe for what you need, how to build protection around your home, how to make a wish and replenish your personal energy supply. If you are interested in them, leave your request in the comments, in the online form or by mail: [email protected].

Good luck and bright equinox to you!

Autumn - a time of depression and sadness? No matter how!

In fact, you can use the energy of autumn, and specifically - the point equinoxes to balance every area of ​​your life.

How to do it - read the article.

The autumn equinox occupies an important place among the key astronomical points of the year. In 2018, it falls on September 23rd.

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This is an energetically powerful time for putting things in order in your life and creation desired future.

Spiritual sources about the autumn equinox 2018

Celia Fenn: Balancing Your Energies for Future Spiritual Evolution

The autumnal equinox is the moment when the seasons change and when the Earth balances its energies after the stormy passage of the Lion's Gate.

This is the perfect time for us to turn outward and balance our own energies for future journey, spiritual evolution and transformation.

Equinox- this is an important time of balancing and balancing energy, which opens you best opportunities to build their new reality.

Below we will tell what practices will help you with this!

You can perform them not only during the equinox, but also a few days before and after it.

Signs of the influence of the equinox and how to survive this period as easily as possible.

Best Practices for the Equinox

1. Greet sunrise and sunset

Equinox is an important astrological event. Sunrise and sunset on this day are key energy points.

  • At sunrise(6:17 Moscow time) go outside or onto the balcony, turn east. Stand for a few minutes, welcoming the start of a new day—and a new cycle of your life.
  • On the Sunset(18:29 Moscow time) turn to the west, seeing the sun over the horizon. Together with him, with gratitude, release from your life everything that should be released ...

2. Balance your energy

At the equinox, the length of day and night is the same.
This is the best time to balance in itself polar energies: light and darkness, male and female, rebirth and dying.

We suggest going through meditation.

The purpose of the seminar is to realize and release the shadow aspects of consciousness - repressed, alienated feelings, emotions and personal qualities.

3. Harvest

On the equinox, our ancestors held a harvest festival, thanked yourself and nature for abundance.

It's about time summarize and you!

  • What important achievements did you reach that date?
  • What "seeds"(your ideas, actions) gave the richest fruits?
  • What "sprouts" didn't come up? Why do you think?
  • What should be done next time to make things successful?
  • Check, perhaps should revise plans and exclude something from life?

4. Thank yourself and the world

Make a list of all the people and forces that have helped you this year. Start from myself and your soul...

Be sure to mention Mother Earth, God (as a universal loving force), spiritual guides.

Write the names of the people who were with you at that time.

Find out what exactly thank everyone in this list.

You will be surprised how big the list will be, how much support and gratitude you have in your life.

5. Let go of everything that is obsolete

point of the autumnal equinox symbolizes also the transition to winter, that is, falling asleep and dying.

Birds fly away, leaves fall ... This is the best time say goodbye with everything that no longer serves you.

Write down on paper what habits, behaviors, relationships with people, situations and things you let go from your life.

Thank them for the experience and others values that they brought to you.

Then say goodbye to them and just burn sheet.

Go through a meditation that will help you leave behind everything that prevents you from moving forward in the direction you have chosen.

DAY OF THE AUTUMN EQUINOX - an energetically powerful time to restore order in life and create a desired future

Since ancient times, this event has been especially mystical.

It was believed that at this time an invisible gate opens between heaven and earth. Prayers, dreams and wishes made these days easily materialize

How to prepare the day before the equinox:
  1. RESULTS: On the equinox, our ancestors held a harvest festival, thanked nature for abundance. It's time for you to sum up. Write down the main achievements for this year. Which of your ideas have come true and which have not? Why? Perhaps you should reconsider plans and exclude something from life?
  2. GRATITUDE: Make a list of all the people who helped you this year. Start with yourself. You will be surprised how big the list will be, how much support and gratitude you have in your life.
  3. RELEASE: The autumnal equinox symbolizes the transition to winter. This is the best time to say goodbye to everything that no longer serves you.

Write on paper what you want to let go

  • habits
  • behavior patterns
  • relationships with people
  • situations

Give thanks for the experience and just burn the leaf

This is a technique for returning your energy from people. You will be able to harmonize existing relationships, and already unnecessary ones can be easily and safely completed

On the autumn equinox:
  • Greet sunrise and sunset
  • Balance the feminine and masculine energies. Inner man and Inner woman. harmonization practices
  • Write down plans and desires, approximate steps to achieve them
  • Strengthen your intention with energy practices

It is on September 22 that love energy is especially strong. Favorable time for marriage, building relationships with the second half. To attract love, buy any two pairs on this day and put them in the house as a symbol of a happy marriage with the words “I make a couple, I find love”

Celebrate the autumn equinox with joy and with the intention of renewal. And it will definitely bring a lot of positive changes in life.

Rituals for the Autumn Equinox

The day of the autumn equinox is a great time to tune into the energies of Abundance, Love and Prosperity.

Let the rituals help you with this:
  1. Saying goodbye to negativity Take a broom and go around the house counterclockwise from the front door. While sweeping, imagine how negative energy, troubles, lack of money, etc., leave. from the apartment and life. And the house is filled with wealth and happiness. Read prayers turning to the Higher powers to help get rid of all of the above. Then throw out the trash and take a bath (shower) with sea salt
  2. Altar of Abundance: Find a bright place in the house and put a bowl of fruit there. Decorate with an autumn bouquet and symbols of wealth. Light a candle and meditate for a few minutes with the words:
    “I open myself to the flow of the infinite Abundance and bounty of nature. I allow the riches of the Universe to enter my life.
    After that, lay a rich festive table and dine with loved ones.
  3. Talisman of Love: Choose a stone or jewelry from them. It can be quartz, amethyst, onyx, garnet, jade, etc. Charge it for happy love or success. To do this, cleanse the stone with fire. Hold in your hands for a few minutes with the words: “I activate the crystal for success in love and business”. Set the intention you need: to create a family, to increase profits, etc. Then carry it with you. It will attract the energies you need all year round.

What else is good to do:

  • Take a walk in the forest (park) and ask the spirits of nature for generous gifts
  • Bake a wealth pie (with cabbage), feed it to family, friends, neighbors
  • Write a gratitude list for the abundance of life
  • Kindle a fire as a symbol of a new abundant life
  • Take care of nature, hang bird pockets, do a good deed

The more you give, the more abundance will come to life

I send rays of happiness, love and abundance to everyone who reads these lines!

With love, Natalya Vesna

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ABOUT vernal equinox - Practices

autumn equinox - The earth is in a strictly vertical position relative to the sun,

it only happens twice a year in spring and autumn.

Officially autumnal equinox begins 2018: 23 September 1h54 GMT (23 September 4h 54m Moscow time) , when the Sun crosses the celestial equator and moves from the northern hemisphere of the celestial sphere to the southern.

Astronomical autumn will come in the northern hemisphere and spring in the southern. On this day, the duration of day and night on the whole Earth is the same and equal to 12 hours.

September 22, 23, 24 - autumn equinox - magical days when any of us can clearly touch the miracle.

During the autumn equinox, day and night are equal in their rights, after which we will all tune in to a new way of life and plunge into autumn.

Rowan was given special importance on the day of the autumn equinox:

Bushes with bright and ripe berries were placed between window frames in the evening, believing that from this day, when the sun begins to weaken, the mountain ash will protect the house from the forces of darkness.

It was also believed that a rowan branch plucked that day could help with insomnia.

Women wore rowan beads to rejuvenate the body and fill it with energies that would help to conceive and bear a child.

The autumn equinox is associated with the energy of Mother Earth. Therefore, on this day, special importance was given to cooking and the festive table. The abundance of food helped reinforce the image that there would be enough food for everyone in the winter.

In philosophical terms, this is the time to take stock, give thanks for what we have, and complete the year's affairs.

Equinox practices.

Apart from ov It is especially useful to perform harmonization practices on the day of the equinox.

The easiest way to get energy from the sun. It is necessary to disconnect from extraneous thoughts, concentrate your attention only on the object, raise your hands to the Sun and mentally imagine how its energy enters your body.

Feel the flow of warm golden energy that enters you through the hands of the eye, through the whole body.

The energy of the earth with its power, stamina and calmness is also very necessary at any time of the year.

In order to receive the energy of the Earth, it is necessary to touch its surface with your feet and
palms. Walking barefoot is the best way possible. Energy will flow through the fingers and toes. Here again, you need complete focus on the process and an inner sense of peace.

Grounding technique - gives self-confidence, the ability to see your path and follow it.

Standing or sitting with a straight back, close your eyes. Bring all your attention to the soles of your feet. They should stand on the floor, in contact with the surface. Imagine that your legs go down like roots into the ground, adding stability to you, fixing you. You can stay in this state, watching how the relationship with the energy of the earth takes place, for as long as you need.

Spend the day consciously, fix your thoughts and feelings, be aware of what is happening. Spend this day in a positive mood.

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rituals Welfare and Prosperity on the autumn equinox to attract Money, Love and Health .

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00:00:00 [Intro]
[Presenter]: I greet all listeners of Veda Radio live. We begin our broadcast and our communication with Ivan Tyurin. Today is Wednesday and our wonderful broadcasts with Ivan continue, which have a common name, two common names at once: "Peace to your home" and "Everyday psychology of Vastu", or "Everyday psychology of Vastu". This is all about what is probably close to all of us, if you are now listening to this live broadcast, then you are probably interested in this. And of course, thanks to the live broadcast, you can ask your questions closer to the end of the broadcast. Well, now we are contacting Ivan via Skype. Hello.
[Ivan Tyurin]: Hello Olesya, hello friends. Peace to your home.
[Presenter]: Peace to your home and the home of Veda Radio. These are such electronic waves, this is our home for this time. And our today's broadcast will be connected with some calendar dates.
[Ivan]: You could say that. In fact, this is a very serious, very important astronomical event, an astronomical phenomenon that I could not miss in any way, since there are only four of them in a year. Of course they are worth telling in more detail, many of us are not even aware of the depth and importance of these events. And today we will analyze the relationship of such an astronomical event as the autumn equinox. Naturally, the traditions and practices of various peoples and cultures are associated with this day. And of course the Vastu rules that affect these important dates. So that we can more accurately, more deeply understand how to create a healthy, happy space for our home. By tradition, I want to start with a little meditation.

00:02:01 [Meditation]
Today, like the theme of the broadcast, it will be slightly unusual. Try, as always, to take a comfortable position of the body, sit comfortably, relax. If possible, sit so that nothing interferes, straighten your back. If you can, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths in and out. And as you exhale, let go of all your tensions, unnecessary thoughts, move away from everything that is happening around you. Just breathe. Breathe in and as you exhale let go of anything that can disturb you. Now imagine yourself walking down the alley. Around the alley are beautiful maples, lindens, aspens. Multi-colored leaves fall: yellow, red, brown, brown. They fall slowly, swaying in the wind.
Each season has a secret meaning and earthly beauty.
Together with us, nature rejoices and is sad, looking up into the sky.
But there are more mystical secrets in the autumn magic season,
Her tears seem to be fatal, her ardor - ice fires.
Only suddenly in her eccentric kingdom will you find the long-awaited answer
And peace, and usually happiness, and someone's parting words in the wake.
Having scattered heaps of gold, you will sigh with a relieved soul,
And you will enter the stooped dawns naked, like a Magus, enlightened.
This time, the time of the beginning of autumn, is a certain transition. Both energetic and philosophical. And nature itself shows us that we must make a certain transition in our lives. Let's become like the enlightened Magi from this poem by Tatyana Vorontsova. And we pass the coming equinox for the benefit of consciousness, for the benefit of material life. We need now to meet this day, the day of the autumn equinox, and spend it correctly, in accordance with the way our ancestors did it, as the ancient sages did. Now try to get out of the state of meditation. I hope that you imagined this moment, the moment of the transition of nature from one state to another. Return now to our time and place.

00:05:36 [Meaning of Orientation in Vastu]
In fact, next week, September 23, this day actually occurs, the day of the autumn equinox, when day and night last conditionally for 12 hours. Let this be the astronomical beginning of autumn. And most of the cultures and peoples of the world throughout the history of mankind this day, knew about this day, and treated it accordingly. For example, there are many applied and practical points regarding this day, especially in the science of Vastu. And the first key point is orientation. Yes, I have talked about this many times, this is one of the fundamental principles of designing and creating space from the point of view of Vastu science. This is an important design aspect. Orientation What is orientation? This is the act of locating a building, site or city in relation to the main directions, the cardinal points as we know them: north, south, west, east. And accordingly, if the plan of the building is correctly oriented along these directions, along the lines, say, certain lines of the earth's grid, this establishes a certain geometric and energetic correspondence or harmony with this grid of the Earth. If there are deviations, various deviations, then this introduces certain adjustments, or there may even be disharmony with the energy grid of the Earth somewhere. Those. this is an important element of design technology in the science of Vastu. Therefore, you need to be able to find the correct orientation of the building. As far as possible, one might say ideal orientation. Vastu science attaches great importance to the main line, just the projection onto the Earth of the line of motion of the Sun. This is the east-west line.

00:07:20 [Spring and winter solstices, autumn and spring equinoxes]
There are basic conditional points of the Sun's movement known to man from time immemorial. These are 2 days of equinox and 2 days of solstice. I will briefly tell you what it is, maybe not everyone knows what kind of astronomical phenomena these are. The sun is at its closest to the Earth's surface on the vernal equinox, March 21st. And on this day the flow of solar energy is maximum, and the day is equal to the night. That is why it is an equinox, that day is equal to night. Further, the Sun moves, as it were, upward in the west, in our Western world, this is called the "northern path", i.e. The sun is moving north. In Sanskrit it is called Uttaryana. It's like one half of the year in the Eastern calendar, in the Indian calendar. Then on September 23, the day of the autumn equinox, the Sun begins its reverse movement, moving south. Those. this is the "southern way". And in Sanskrit it is called Dakshinayana, the second half of the year. After the date of the autumn equinox, the Sun just passes into the southern hemisphere and from the autumn equinox, i.e. from this day, the reduction of daylight begins, and it seems to us that its decrease is very rapid, the night is getting longer, we just notice it every day. The upper point of the Sun's northward movement is called [Katakarekha], and the lower point is called Makararekha. In our usual form, or as we used to call it, this is the summer and winter solstice. Those. maximum point when the Sun is at its highest position. This is happening, as you know, on June 21st. And the lowest position, which is called Makararekha. Rekha is, as it were, a mark, a line of movement of the Sun. They are also used by Vastu for orientation, and we know them in the same way as the summer and winter solstices. Winter is December 21st. Those. Here are 4 such milestones that are very important and interesting for us. And of course they were interesting and useful for our ancestors and ancient sages. And the days of the equinox in Vastu are called Phumadyarekha. Yes, Phuma, often the Earth is called Phuma.

00:10:10 [True East Definition]
These days, or these points, are just the most suitable for determining the most accurate orientation on the ground before building or organizing a site. After all, especially on the days of the equinox, the Sun is at right angles to the surface of the Earth, without deviations. That is why these days are used. The sun, as if its projection line on the Earth, it is perpendicular to the surface of the Earth. And these days, with the help of the so-called gnomon, a special device, literally this is a certain stick, which is very accurately and evenly vertically inserted into the ground, and by the shadow you can find a certain line, or the true east. In Sanskrit or Vastu it is called [Shudhabrachiya]. Shudha is pure, brachia is east. Those. such an important line, from which there is only then the direction to the north, south, etc. Therefore, do not miss such an important day, if you plan to ideally orient your building or site, then next week Tuesday will suit you.

00:11:22 In fact, there are many ways to determine orientation, not only the gnomon. About different ways, at least 4 different ways, I tell students in training courses. I also decided to start the training course from this time of the autumn equinox. It will be next week, starting on Thursday. And there are various ways to determine the orientation, but now I will not touch on them in detail, this is a deeper topic, practical, for people who are going to do this directly on the site, on their land or to orient their home.

00:12:00 [Autumn equinox in life]
Well, then, let's continue on this important day. Imagine that the Earth is, in general, like us, we are all preparing for winter, the birds gather in flocks, migratory birds, at this time their training flights begin, and they begin to fly south, autumn leaf fall begins just at this time , everything in nature indicates that a certain transition is taking place. For our ancestors, the autumn equinox was a time of thanksgiving to the gods for the harvest, for prosperity, as well as paying honors to the dead ancestors and decorating, and walking behind the graves, behind the burial places. At the end of September, the end of the harvest was celebrated and various thanksgiving feasts took place. But the matter, of course, was not limited to simple feasts; in philosophical terms, this is the time to take stock. Ascension again of gratitude for what we have and for what we have received this year. And of course, summing up the results of this year. Because in fact, on this very day, although according to our Gregorian calendar the year has not yet ended, nevertheless, such a reference point is the autumn equinox. We are summing up the results of the most active period that has already passed this year.

00:13:35 [Holidays associated with the day of the autumn equinox]
So, on the autumn equinox there were many, many different holidays, I will mention only a few of them, the brightest. For example, the Celts celebrated such a fairly well-known holiday, which was called Mabon. Festival of harvest and ripening of apples. Interestingly, the traditions of mabon from ancient times are alive to the present day in many European countries. And at the end of September, various harvest festivals, commemoration of ancestors, etc. are traditionally held. Often a harvest festival is held on the Sunday following the full moon closest to the autumnal equinox. This full moon is often referred to as the Harvest Moon. This year, such a full moon will occur in early October. In the Middle Ages, however, the Roman Church replaced these ancient September festivals with Michaelmas Day. It is now known as the day of the Archangel Michael, celebrated on September 29th. In fact, the holiday itself and its traditions, this day of the Archangel Michael, are inherited from the ancient festivals of the autumn equinox.

00:14:48 In Rus', the day of the autumnal equinox was considered a holiday. It was always celebrated with a feast and festivities. There was an interesting tradition on this day. They collected mountain ash brushes together with leaves and inserted them in the evening between window frames, believing that from this day, when the Sun begins to weaken, the mountain ash will protect the house from the cold and the forces of darkness. A very interesting tradition, in my opinion very beautiful. If there is an opportunity to gratefully take a few branches of mountain ash, put them on the window, for example, as a symbol of such a transitional period, then it will be very cool. On this day, the Slavs began the seventh month of the year, dedicated to the god Veles, he is Odin in the Scandinavian tradition, he is Shiva in the Hindu tradition. The month, by the way, was called Veresen, it corresponded to the name of the god. The Slavs celebrated this great holiday for 2 weeks: a week before and a week after the equinox and drank a drink, treated everyone to it, a drink with the sunny name Surya. Such a famous drink in both Slavic culture and Hindu culture is well-known. The Slavs naturally commemorated their ancestors in the same way, summed up the year and prepared for winter.

00:16:06 [Presenter]: So, Ivan, you said... I beg your pardon, you said that the month was Veresen. In Ukrainian, this is still the name of September. [Varesen] in Ukrainian. And that's all that's left.
[Ivan Tyurin]: Yes, it is. In many Slavic cultures, in many Slavic countries, a lot of names have been preserved associated with both the Old Slavic language and Sanskrit, respectively. Yes. Because they are very close in pronunciation, roots, etc. But here, just like with Michael's Day, there was also a slight substitution. In the Russian Orthodox Church, the Russian Orthodox Church, on September 21, the feast of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos is celebrated, which just at one time replaced this holiday of Velesen.

00:17:02 [Autumn Equinox in Japan]
There is another interesting tradition in Japan. And the day of the autumnal equinox is considered an official public holiday there. It has been celebrated since 1878, i.е. has long been recognized as a public day. On this day, the Japanese perform various rites of the Buddhist holiday, which goes back to the distant depths of history, which is called [Higan]. Families go to bow to the graves of their ancestors, order prayers, and provide the necessary ritual honors. In general, the Buddhist concept [Higan] is also very symbolic and very interesting for us. It is translated as "that shore", i.e. the world where our ancestors went and where their souls settled. Prior to Higan, the Japanese do a thorough cleaning of the house, especially the home altar, on which they often keep photographs of teachers, ancestors, and various paraphernalia related to these individuals. Refresh various flowers, offerings, leave ritual foods. I must say that naturally ritual dishes in this case are prepared exclusively vegetarian, since the holiday is Buddhist, one might say Vedic, so offerings are made, of course, not from barbecue, but from fruits, vegetables, cereals, flowers, etc. I think a lot of people already know about this.

00:18:38 [Mexico Equinox, Coculcan Pyramid]
Another interesting holiday in Mexico, also on the day of the autumn equinox, many people try to visit the famous pyramid, which is called [Kokulkan]. In the Mayan language, it is a feathered serpent. There is such an ancient city [Chichen Itza], one of the most famous in Mexico. This is one of the most famous pyramids that have survived to this day. The pyramid is very interestingly oriented. Those who are fond of such sacred structures, especially pyramids, think they know about the secret of this pyramid. Pyramid, it is located approximately with a deviation of 18 degrees relative to the cardinal points. And it is this deviation that gives an amazing effect, on the days of the autumn and spring equinoxes, the rays of the Sun, as it were, project shadows from the edges of the platform of the pyramid itself onto the central staircase. There are stairs on all four sides, like in all those Mayem Indian pyramids. And now the projections from the edges of the pyramid onto this central staircase create such a play of light and shadow that resembles the contours of a snake. The most interesting thing is that during the day, during the time that the Sun moves across the sky, these shadows move along this ladder and resemble a snake crawling up. A very interesting real effect that occurs 2 times a year. It symbolizes again that a snake crawling up. Many who have heard or are studying the science of yoga, that the energy of consciousness, called Kundalini, is symbolized precisely by a snake rising from the bottom up, from the lower chakras to the upper ones. Therefore, such an ancient symbol on a distant continent, you can also see this information, a lot has been said about this on the Internet.

00:20:41 [Pitra, duty to parents]
From the point of view of Vedic culture, every person born in this world has three debts. Or as they are called in Sanskrit: Rna, duty. And each person must return them during his life. The first duty is called Pitra or Pitrirna, the debt to the parents, because Pitra or Pitri are the ancestors. Duty to parents, to father and mother, and of course to all, all ancestors. Parents give us life. For 9 months, the mother bears the child, endures certain inconveniences or even suffering, and after the birth, the mother and father devote themselves, their strength, time, sacrifice a lot in order to raise the child. Therefore, we have a large debt to our parents, which must be repaid.

00:21:33 [Devarna, duty to nature]
The second duty is called Devarna. Deva is the Gods, Deities or Divine nature. Duty to nature, its divine powers. Nature provides for everything necessary for life, primary elements, water, light, food, heat, everything that surrounds us - this is a divine gift of nature. For example, if we go to the hospital for a small oxygen bottle, we have to pay money. But we can use the air and pure oxygen, which the Creator gives us absolutely free of charge. We also have to pay for a bottle of water somewhere in a kiosk or store. But nature already has clean water for our life, you just need to take it and thank the Creator for it. Receiving all these countless benefits from nature, man is called upon to repay this debt. Naturally.

00:22:28 [Guurrna, duty to the teacher]
The third duty is called Guurna. Those. debt to the teacher. We owe their knowledge. The knowledge that we received at school from teachers, professional knowledge, in higher educational institutions, knowledge received from mentors and, of course, the most important knowledge that each of us and all of us receive from sages, from enlightened people. This is also a debt that is also subject to repayment, but how to repay these debts?

00:22:57 [How to repay debts]
The duty to the teacher must be returned by serving other people, serving society, serving God. We must pass on to the next generation the knowledge we have received from our teachers, from our parents, from our mentors and from the experience that we have already received in this life. The debt to nature, to divine nature, can be repaid by performing and participating in various ceremonies. In the Vedic culture they are called pujas, yagnas. Such, fiery, for example, sacrifices. And we must offer the divine forces of nature part of our energy in gratitude. And in exchange already receive their support and blessing. If we honor nature in a timely manner, respect it, we contribute to the preservation and strengthening of such life-giving natural energies. And then in a difficult hour, in some moments of danger, in moments of need, nature itself and divine forces come to our aid, provide support, and perhaps minimize some negative moments. And naturally, natural support also extends to our family members, helping to find happiness and prosperity in our home. This is very important, we should not separate our home, outside of which we feel safe, and what is outside of it. This is nature, this is the environment. So it's very closely related here. There remains a duty to our parents, and the Vedic scriptures say that while our parents are alive, it is our duty to listen to our parents, support them, help them. Just as they took care of us in childhood, so we should take care of them in their old age. After they leave this world, it is our duty to remember this, to remember them. And at least once a year, on the day of death, according to the Vedic tradition, and according to the tradition of most cultures of the world, various ceremonies are held. Such ceremonies of remembrance and gratitude to parents. In Vedic culture, in Sanskrit, this ceremony is called shradha, or pitropuja, or it is also called tarpana. These are slightly different ceremonies, but the essence is the same. For example, sraddha can be translated as "that which we offer with the greatest reverence." The name itself already contains the essence, and actually the task of this ceremony. We must pay and show our respect and gratitude to our ancestors.

00:25:49 [Shraddha or Pitropuja ceremony]
Naturally, for all ceremonies, especially Vedic ceremonies, there are certain canons, but each of us can perform these ceremonies independently to a certain extent. I'll talk a little about it, because it's really a valuable important ceremony that each of us can perform and thereby receive benefits for his family, for himself, and naturally certain benefits for his ancestors, because this interaction involves such a two-way connection and two-way benefits. Usually this ceremony, Shradha or Pitropuja, is the responsibility of the eldest member of the family. But in general, each of the family members can hold this ceremony. As a pinda, the so-called special offering to the ancestors, rice balls are usually offered. How to cook them? To do this, rice is simply boiled, for example, in milk, then mixed with yogurt or with what we call yogurt, i.e. homemade yogurt, not the one sold in stores. Then an interesting detail is added - black sesame, or some other black seeds. Why? Because they represent the energy of the planet Saturn. If someone heard on our previous ethers, especially the ethers associated with the planet Saturn, you know that it is very much connected with our ancestors, with the energy of departed people, the afterlife, the other world. Therefore, black is the symbol of Saturn, and all black foods and seeds will represent and support his energy. Thus connecting us with this subtle world of ancestors. You can also add honey, ghee to this food. From all this, such balls are made, 3 - 6 pieces. It is believed that such food, the preparation of which is naturally accompanied by a certain state of consciousness, purity, all this should be done in peace, in silence, some kind of pleasant music, mantras can be turned on, you can read mantras or some prayers. Those. to be in the right state of consciousness, in absolute purity of both mind and body. Naturally, before this, one must undergo a full ablution, and it is desirable to be alone at this moment in the kitchen. In such a state of deep meditation, cook all this. And in the process of preparation, establish a connection, establish contact with those who left, just with the energy of the ancestors, if, for example, you don’t remember what they look like, maybe even someone doesn’t know them, you can simply tune in to the ancestors. And it is this process that connects us with that very world and helps to establish a connection, to establish a certain contact, in order to correct some difficult situations, some unpleasant ties in the past with our parents or our ancestors and receive their blessing. After the ceremony, it is clear that there are a lot of details, each of you can also find a description on the Internet, these balls are usually left as food for crows. Those. they are carried out somewhere on the street, placed somewhere on a high place, where no cats, dogs and mice can preferably reach. It is desirable that birds eat it, and it is highly desirable that it be ravens, since they are also a symbol of Saturn, a kind of conductor. Always, practically in most cultures, they were a symbol of the other world, the world of ancestors. They represent the souls of the dead. This is an ancient tradition, it has been observed for thousands of years in the Vedic culture, and in most cultures of the peoples of the world. They are described in the Vedas, and in Slavic texts, and in many cultures of Europe in exactly the same way. It is interesting that exactly [Ashvini], there is such a month, or [Bhadrapada] it is also called in southern India, i.e. these are Indian names, September-October, this ceremony is held. Usually this period, this time, is called Pitrupaksha. Pitru is precisely the ancestors, Paksha is such a segment, such a time. Held 15 days before the start of the Navratri festival, also someone, I think, knows. This year it will fall on the period from 9 to 24 September, i.е. precisely on this transition into autumn. Therefore, in many, many cultures, it is clearly indicated precisely with reference to the day of the autumn equinox.

00:30:45 [Webinar "Housewarming according to Vastu or 7 keys to a new house"]
It is necessary to sum up such a small result, as usual, under everything that has been said, a small line, and remember how to meet and how to spend the days of this autumn equinox. By tradition, my wife, Ekaterina, and I prepared such a special post for our listeners in our "Architecture for Life" groups both on VKontakte and on Facebook. You can look at these posts, they contain short excerpts from today's broadcast, something else has been added there, and they can be used as a guide to action if you have already understood that this important period should not be missed. So, I will list what needs to be done next week on September 23, or, respectively, on the days that are as close as possible to this period. First, if someone had such luck this year to build a new house for themselves, then this is the time to determine the exact orientation of the future building or site to the cardinal points, this is one of the most favorable days of the year. And the accuracy of calculations this day will be the highest. Well, now speaking about a new house, I would like to say that many listeners, my students and clients ask how to choose new apartments, new houses, new plots. This is now not quite in line with our seminar, our topic, so we have prepared a special free webinar called "Housewarming in Vastu or 7 Keys to a New Home". I just want to talk about it now so that you don't miss it. We specifically talked about it today, because we decided to hold this seminar exactly on the day of the autumn equinox, September 23, next Tuesday. It will take place over the Internet, as such an open webinar at 20-00 Moscow time. You can find all the details in the VKontakte group "Architecture for Life", and on Facebook, of course. Therefore, I invite you, many, many, many questions for all the time of our work on the radio, on the Internet were about the selection of new housing. This is a very relevant topic for most people, even if they have not yet bought a new apartment for themselves or even think about it. Anyway, sooner or later such a moment comes for you and for your loved ones. Of course, it is important to know how to do it correctly, including in what period. Therefore, next week, on Tuesday, there will be such an open webinar. Therefore, find a link in the groups on VKontakte and Facebook and we will meet there next Tuesday.

00:33:37 [What should be done on the day of the autumnal equinox?]
So, I will continue then the list of what needs to be done next week on Tuesday, exactly the same day that our seminar will be held. What else can you do? Naturally, like the Japanese, to carry out general cleaning in the home, on the site, in the house. It is very important to put the home altar in order. We should not forget about this very sacred place in the house, and this is the time to do such a cleaning, put in order photos, renew flowers, renew some products, incense, water, everything that should be there. What else? It is natural to commemorate the ancestors, departed relatives, holding special ceremonies, which I spoke about. I repeat, they are called Shradha, Pitrupuja, for example, Tarpana. By these names you can find a more detailed description, you can conduct them yourself, as I said, read in more detail how this is done, or invite a more experienced person. What's happening? There is cooking, as I said above. Organization of festivities dedicated to ancestors, parents, teachers, inviting and treating relatives and friends. You may well devote this day to your friends and relatives, invite you to visit, feed everyone. It is very auspicious to do, especially on this day. It is necessary to make gifts, offerings to parents, teachers and friends. Those. You will receive a huge benefit, but certainly incomparable to what your friends will receive if you do it sincerely. Especially teachers, who should be given great attention.

00:35:25 What else? Because it's such a beautiful weather outside. In my opinion, the same Indian summer has come, so you can spend or participate in various thanksgiving ceremonies for the divine forces of nature. To offer them a particle of our energy in gratitude for what we have, for the harvest, if someone harvested it this year, and even if it didn’t, we all depend on what kind of harvest our farmers have harvested this year. Therefore, it is imperative to honor nature and pay tribute, incl. to the people who are engaged in agriculture, to thank them for the fact that we have food on our table. After all, not every one of us grows food for ourselves. And one of the most important and most such key points that needs to be done on this day is summing up, summing up the year, and to some extent, you can sum up the life, the days lived. It is natural to express gratitude for what we have, and some kind of completion of the main work that has been started this year. Because, as I said already, the year has not ended yet, but most of it, let's say the active part, has already passed. Therefore, we can sum up. What can be done? This is really a practical exercise - summing up. You can sit in a calm state of mind at your desk and write a list of important things that have been started and not completed, make such an analysis, see what you have done, what you wanted to do and what needs to be done to complete them. It is very important. You can not leave things unfinished, especially during this period. Therefore, I wish you that your good plans are realized this year, use this list, hang it for yourself and go ahead, to action. I am ready to answer your questions, if any.

00:37:35 [Answers to questions. How to repay Debts during life?]
[Presenter]: Thank you, I hope everyone managed to make such notes for themselves on this list and on the recommendations that you gave. If not, then you can listen to our broadcast as always. Here we have the first question that came: "Is it possible to listen to the broadcast in the recording?" Of course! All broadcasts are recorded and posted on our website in the "Live broadcasts" section. You only need to remember the last name and first name of the lecturer. Today we have Tyurin Ivan, by last name you find a section that is completely dedicated to all the broadcasts in which Ivan participated in one way or another. And then we look at what questions we have come from today's conversation. And we got such a philosophical question from Yulia: “You are talking about debts that we must repay during our lives. Tell me, how to find out what they are exactly? And do you pay them or not? development of an individual program? And what then is the point according to the Vedas?" These are the kind of thoughtful questions you are asked right away, Ivan.
[Ivan Tyurin]: Harsh. Julia dug to the core. In my opinion, this is what we should think about at this time, these days. I must say that you need to think about this at any time, determine the purpose of your stay and understand whether this is some kind of working out of the program, or this is really a task, and we carry out a certain mission while fulfilling it. It is difficult to say how this actually happens, because for each person in a certain period there are tasks in life, everyone must fulfill them in a certain way. No need to think that everything here is random and happens according to some boring and incomprehensible program for us. Each of us has a specific task, a specific mission. And that's okay. To learn about what we owe and to whom we owe, in fact, in some situations it is not so important to find out to whom specifically and what exactly we owe. It is important to understand that in principle we have certain obligations. Maybe the word "duty" for us, for most of us, is just a little unpleasant. There is some problem in this, we believe that we should not be indebted to anyone. This is a certain delusion of the modern world. "I don't owe anyone anything" is our favorite expression throughout life. And it is a priori not true. How can this be? If, take again the simplest example, our parents. We believe that now we are independent, we are adults, we do not owe anything to anyone. But remember the years they sacrificed for us. And it is very difficult, and it will be very presumptuous to believe that we do not owe them. I personally, by my own example, as a parent who has a small child who requires a lot of attention, strength and certain sacrifices, I understand, right now and only now, that I really owe my parents. Naturally, this is a certain experience, without which this moment of duty to parents is not fully understood. Without the fact that you yourself will become a parent, it is very difficult to endure this story with debt to the end. What do you owe your parents for? Why do you owe your parents? Many people like to say: "Yes, it would be better if they didn't give birth to me." There is such an interesting story. But it happened so that we were already born. And it's a sin to complain that we exist. You just need to look, at every moment you can feel to whom and what we owe. This is not some painful emotion, this duty. Ideally, this is a sense of duty, it should bring joy. Because its fulfillment, this duty, is the essence of our mission. First of all, let's be honest, this is a duty to our soul, the so-called Atma, our inner nature, which is given to us so that we can realize it. This is what we need to do, to study how we must fulfill the duty to our inner core, to our soul. Therefore, Julia looks right at the root, I think that we just need to continue to study this issue. But first of all, do not try to pass all the information of the world through yourself on this occasion, but simply try to feel what is happening inside. At every moment of time there is a certain voice within. It is precisely the voice of the Atma, the voice of the Paramatma, the voice of the Supersoul. He needs to be heard, that's what we're talking about.

00:43:13 [Answers to questions. What to do with an unfinished house?]
[Presenter]: Thank you for your answer, Ivan. Today I will have at least one more question, and communication via Skype is obligatory. By the way, our Skype is also at your service. Anyone can call in the next few minutes and ask their question to Ivan. And Galina was the first to call today. Hello.
[Galina]: Hello.
[Ivan Tyurin]: Hello, Galina.
[Galina]: Ivan, thank you for the very interesting lectures and comments on the questions. With deep gratitude. I have a question of the following nature: I sum up the results and, for example, I have very important unfinished business. What needs to be done so that they, as it were, in the future, they are completed, as the process itself is relatively unfinished business, very important. Suppose a house was laid down five years ago, there is a log house, we can’t finish it in any way. Did not happen.
[Ivan Tyurin]: Good. I understood your question. It is a very common situation, many clients during consultations turn to me with such a question that the idea of ​​building their own house, it always seems good, seems very important, necessary. But there are a lot of some problems, delays, delays along the way. And here, firstly, very often one can see some external reasons by which one can judge what is in the way. And, probably, one of the most important principles that you need to adhere to is the assessment of your own motivation. This is the first thing to start with. Then all the other details and nuances. Motivation, what do I mean? Why, for what and for whom are you building this house? And what hinders the implementation of this process? It can be completely different things, it can be different for everyone. Someone now, this house, it is absolutely not needed. For example, he was beyond his means. The man wanted to jump above his head. And there is no point in continuing this process. Often it will be a blessing to simply complete this process, for example, literally selling this site. Because he simply sucks the last juices out of the family, and does not bring the expected happiness to anyone. In other situations, when the question is not in the means, the question is for some reason in delays, you need to understand what exactly is holding? You need to understand what is holding you back. Because any external reasons, some delays with the builders, organizational moments - these are only the final phenomena. First of all, any delays occur in your mind. Why don't you want to finish building this house? What do you dislike about its construction process or what you see next? More often than not, this is the wrong motivation. And the usual motivation is: "I just want to close myself within four walls, supposedly in nature, so that no one touches me, no one interferes, I will just enjoy." Usually with such and only such motivation nothing further happens. Construction takes a very long time. Let's call it, in any case, all desires are a kind of selfishness. But there is a positive egoism that contributes to our path, the solution of some issues. And there is selfishness, which does not affect anything at all, except for one's own pleasure. If we are talking only about him, then naturally any process at a certain moment, it will simply stop. Therefore, you need to analyze your own motivation from this side. What do you think, Galina, about this?
[Galina]: I absolutely agree with you.
[Presenter]: It looks like the mobile phone also agrees there, it squeaked very strongly on the air.
[Galina]: My granddaughter is calling, by the way. You are absolutely right. I analyzed and thought about it before. Only, but how now to move from the dead point is all this?
[Ivan Tyurin]: Right off the bat, you need... Okay, you've analyzed it. In order to understand, you need to start further or not? We need to see if there is any positive motivation for this? Those. build it for your children, for your parents, for friends to come there, so that you have more life, more freedom from the fact that you live in nature. For what? To just live there and enjoy nature? Plus what else? In order to be able to calmly, well, or, let's say, more fully engage in, for example, self-development, helping other people, etc. Those. This is where I propose to think. From a dead point it is possible only when your motivation is alive, you understand. If you think about it and there is no inner urge to continue all this, let's say inspiration. And inspiration is not something like “well, it’s time to finally finish this”, no, it’s not the same motivation, but another, which I spoke about above. So try to meditate in this direction. But this must be done in a calm state. Imagine a house, imagine what you will do there, and understand if this is good for you, for the environment, in general for the development of you and everything that happens around you. Or you just want to finally finish building the cottage, where you can come to fry zucchini on a spit and that’s all.
[Galina]: Yes, I understand you. I remembered that in many lectures it was said that the house should be your temple. Not your home, but a temple for God. Basically, this is what you are talking about. Thank you.

00:49:08 [Answers to questions. How should you change your lifestyle after the equinox?]
[Presenter]: It's very good that everyone understood each other. I hope all the other listeners also made conclusions. Thank you. We continue our broadcast for a few more minutes. And we have another call. Yes, it seems that the listener called us some time ago, and now I call her back. Her name is Larisa, it seems ... At least Skype says so. And she's already in touch with us. Hello.
[Larisa]: Hello. Hello Ivan. Thank you very much for the lecture, for your knowledge that you give us. My question is: “How should the pace of life, lifestyle, daily routine of a person change, maybe food until the next equinox for these six months? And is it good for those who practice yoga to change the complex? dynamic exercises, for example, to static ones, or vice versa? That's what I wanted to know about.
[Ivan Tyurin]: I understand. Here, look, I will not delve into the details of yoga and nutrition. Oleg Gennadievich, and many teachers of Veda-radio, and many teachers of Ayurveda speak a lot about this. Naturally, they consider the regime of the day, diet. Here you are very right. At the beginning of the broadcast, when I spoke about the periods of the year, I said that there are two important segments in the year: Utarayana and Dakshinayana. Two different, completely different in terms of energy and temperature, in general, throughout the entire period of the year. And so dakshinayana begins just from September 23, and it changes, you say correctly, the day regimen changes, because the Sun rises later, i.e. it is possible somewhere, at some moments, to adjust the time of eating, the time of waking up, the time of falling asleep, going to bed, etc. Complexes naturally change, because the temperature changes, for example, it starts to get colder. And at some points, for example, complexes, if we talk about yoga, should become more dynamic than in summer. Because it's hot in summer. Naturally, now in winter it should be at some point, depending on what yoga we are talking about, for example, I am a supporter of always calm yoga and static exercises. Because everything else is exercise. What else? Diet - definitely. It is for dakshinayana and for each of the months or each season in Ayurveda there are certain diets. Now the most favorable time is coming, from this very day, from September 23, for Ayurvedic cleansing, the so-called pancha-karma. Because at this time the body is maximally saturated with health, strength, vitamins, and it is able to normally endure various cleanings, various cleansing procedures. That is why literate people, understanding people, are engaged in cleansing procedures in September-October. These are fasting, various cleansings, exercises, and taking certain preparations of some kind, medicines or auxiliary means. It was during this period. Those. You have touched on such a good topic. This is worth studying, because the diet is really changing now, you need to understand this. If you continue to eat the same way you ate, for example, in the summer, you can get unpleasant consequences. And vice versa, when spring comes, on March 21, after it, some foods should be excluded, heavy ones that were able to digest in winter, and are already very difficult to digest in summer. It's the same story here. Those. now it is favorable to engage in liver cleansing, but carefully, calmly. Food should be selected not heavy for the liver, etc. Study this question, very good question, I think many listeners should pay attention to it. I also plan to change my diet a little now, I need to prepare for the winter. First of all, the liver, because it will keep us warm, provide the right element of fire during the long winter evenings and normally digest the heavy food that is needed in winter. Therefore, these transitional periods are favorable for various kinds of cleansing of the liver and pancreas. Well, the same is true in all other areas of life and activity, too. You need to understand that activity is changing now, the Sun is changing and you need to adapt to it. This, in fact, is what Vastu is talking about. All applied Vedic scriptures speak of this, that everything in nature is astrologically, astronomically connected with our activities. Everything changes according to what is happening around us. Nature dictates its own rules, and it would be foolish not to listen to them and not look closely at them.
[Larisa]: Yes. Thank you very much.
[Ivan Tyurin]: Please. Please, Larissa.

00:55:00 [Answers to questions. Is it good to run in the morning?]
[Presenter]: Thank you, Larisa, for communicating with us on this live broadcast. We have one more question from Rafael from Tashkent: "In many speeches of lecturers who cover Vedic knowledge, I met conflicting information. I heard such information that a person's life is counted by the number of breaths. Based on this information, is morning 5- a mile run? Or will I shorten my life by doing so?" Well today, Ivan, you are simply asked a variety of questions from different areas. But here's what comes, I'll read it to you. You can send this person to another person, do not know what to say?
[Ivan Tyurin]: Naturally, as a particularly gifted person, I have my own opinion on everything. This is such a minus to my ... It was now the cry of my ego. Nevertheless, I just also go through different stages, once I was engaged in both running and various sports, but in the end I came, thanks to my own experience and experience-recommendations of wise and authoritative people for me, to the fact that some dynamic physical activity not only are they not useful, but they bring serious harm to our health, our body, and at some points even the psyche. Maybe at the age of 20, 5 kilometers in the morning over rough terrain, some negative, some negative impact on the body will not be noticeable, only an increase in energy, strength, etc., an increase in muscle mass will be felt. Because at the age of 20 it is very difficult to notice how cartilaginous discs are erased, how ligaments and tendons are overstrained, how the cardiovascular system is overstrained at this moment. If you are not in the army and no one is forcing you to do these morning forced marches at gunpoint, then my personal opinion is that running does not contribute to recovery at all. Running away from a heart attack is unlikely to succeed, as they like to say. The best load for a person ... Understand here a simple principle that I also now try to use in yoga, and in sports, and in any load - what a person does in his life naturally leads him to health, what he does more than what is natural for him - does not help and does not make him healthy. We walk - this is our natural way of movement and way of life. And so walking, therapeutic walking, it is favorable. You can walk these 5 kilometers at a calm pace, most importantly with proper breathing. It will be much more useful than running, while straining all other systems. The same is true in yoga. I am a supporter of calm and deep static exercises that do not lead to a huge number of injuries and sprains, microtraumas of muscles and ligaments, which is now happening all the time. Those. you need to understand that a person in his normal life, he does not deal with such things as intermittent stretching and twisting. This is not normal for the body, for the body. Therefore, look for a more natural approach in this sense. The amount of life was often, especially in the East and in Chinese culture, canceled not by inhalations but by exhalations. Therefore, in some yogic directions, qigong directions, techniques are practiced when a person inhales, but does not exhale. To increase health and longevity.
[Presenter]: I wonder how. In general, there were a lot of interesting things today, Ivan. We were introduced from different sides, with different aspects of life, so to speak, we could not do without poetry. How pleased I was at the beginning that you conducted such a partially poetic meditation. Well, of course not only that. Autumn is the time of the year of poets, I wish everyone a pleasant immersion in this autumn peace. But with Ivan we will hear again somewhere, probably in a month. We will write the exact date on our website, in the news. Well, from next week we will begin live broadcasts from the Blagost festival and all our listeners will witness how this festival goes. For now, our live broadcasts will be interrupted for a while, but there will be live broadcasts. Ivan, thank you for today's communication. And we will hear you already on the new air, probably in the new month already.
[Ivan Tyurin]: Thank you very much, Olesya. I wish you success at the Blagost festival. I highly recommend everyone to go there, we will listen to you from afar. All the best, I'll be glad to hear from you in about a month, while I have a training course. Well, I invite everyone to the festival "Goodness" and to the Vastu course. See you on new episodes. Peace to your home!

Transcription: Alexander Oblivny | Novosibirsk | Russia| October 28, 2015