Rating of the best thermal underwear for our harsh winter. How to choose men's thermal underwear

With the approach of winter, many men are thinking about buying thermal underwear. What does it represent? Long sleeve t-shirts and underpants or boxer briefs. Some kits include thermal socks.

Lightweight and easy to move, thermal underwear seems to be an ideal option not only for sports or tourism. Ordinary city dwellers also use it - from those who are not averse to abandoning a heavy fur coat and a voluminous down jacket in favor of a comfortable alternative.

The principle of operation of thermal underwear

In fact, not everything is so simple. In winter, a person freezes because the sweat that appears on the skin does not evaporate, but saturates the clothes. The damp cloth comes into contact with the body and absorbs heat from the surface of the skin. Thermal underwear is designed to solve this problem. It removes excess moisture, while remaining dry and allows the skin to breathe.

The main purpose of men's thermal underwear for cold weather, oddly enough, is not to warm, but to effectively remove moisture from the surface of the skin. Therefore, it is important to understand that it is chosen primarily by those who engage in physical activity in cold conditions and the inability to change clothes and dry comfortably.

In stores under the guise of thermal clothing comes across anything. Sometimes, even underwear with completely opposite properties - for example, ordinary cotton vests and underpants. Cotton perfectly absorbs and retains moisture. In such clothes, sweating a couple of times, you are simply doomed to freeze.

How to choose a good men's thermal underwear? The answer depends on what you need. Tired of being cold on your way to work? Do you want underwear for the winter for active sports? Worried about sensitive skin? Let's figure out what the variety of types of thermal clothing represents to us.

Thermal underwear can be classified according to three parameters:

  • material - synthetic, natural or mixed;
  • fabric density - thin "single layer" or multilayer models;
  • purpose and functionality - heating and water-repellent underwear, depending on the type of occupation.

Material type

Synthetics repel water well. Therefore, high-quality thermal underwear is made from synthetic fabrics. Some - with the addition of natural wool, cotton or mixtures thereof.

Specialized sports thermal clothing does not contain cotton at all. It is added for softness to the composition of everyday linen.

Bamboo fabric is a good alternative to cotton. Bamboo sets are more expensive, but this is offset by their softness and skin-friendly effect.

Thickness and density of fabric

Single-layer thermal clothing is designed to effectively remove moisture. This is worn in conditions not only of cold, but also of heat - for example, when traveling to southern tropical countries.

Winter models of increased thickness retain heat better, but remove moisture worse.

Purpose and functionality

There are three types of thermal underwear:

  • one removes moisture from the surface of the skin,
  • the other warms
  • the third compromise option combines both functions.

Models for extreme sports are made from pure synthetic fabrics - the same as underwear for water sports. These things have to endure long-term use: multi-day rafting, climbing and hiking.

Polypropylene is considered the ideal water-repellent material. It does not absorb moisture at all, so kits for extreme and water sports are completely composed of it.

For greater comfort, a small amount of natural textiles is added to sports underwear. Such models perfectly withstand 5-10 hours of wear, however, then the linen gains moisture and needs to be dried.

Softness and comfort are the necessary parameters of underwear for everyday wear. It is often made with a high content of cotton or wool.

How to choose the right size men's thermal underwear

The fabric of thermal underwear should fit as closely as possible to the skin in order to effectively remove moisture and prevent freezing. This means that the size has to be selected carefully, avoiding possible folds and sagging of the material.

The male size of the kit is determined using simple measurements: sleeve length and chest circumference with waist. A visual ratio of the sizes of linen and measurements is in the table.

Table of men's thermal underwear sizes

Summing up: brief conclusions

  • There is no significant difference in which thermal underwear to choose for everyday wear - fleece, wool, synthetic or cotton additives. It is important not to make a mistake with the thickness. Thin linen for the warm season, thick - for low temperatures.
  • For skiers, adherents of winter fishing, snowboarders, underwear with the addition of natural fibers will be the right choice. Here, not only the ability of linen to remove moisture is important, but also its thermal insulation properties.
  • Synthetics and only synthetics if you choose extreme sports with multi-day hikes - no matter winter or summer. Only synthetic underwear can provide comfort in conditions of long-term continuous use.

Perhaps you will be interested

thermal underwear- this is underwear, it is worn on a naked body.

The main purpose is to retain heat and / or remove moisture from the surface of the body.

Thermal underwear is used for everyday wear, for sports, outdoor activities, etc.

If a child sweats outside, he is hypothermic. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary that the clothes remove moisture as quickly as possible, preventing it from accumulating and freezing the body. Thermal underwear works great moisture-wicking function.

In thermal underwear it will not be warmer than in ordinary underwear if the following layers of clothing do not support this function !!! (for example, fleece or wool with synthetics + overalls with modern insulation).

Some teenagers do not want to put on something warm in winter. They can lure thermal underwear as clothing for strong athletic men (not just some kind of underpants).

It is ideal to use thermal underwear to comply with the principle of layering under membrane clothing (for example, modern overalls / jackets with a membrane).

Merino wool is a hypoallergenic wool, very soft and delicate. From high-quality linen there is no greenhouse effect, there will be no overheating!

It is just other clothes that overheat, and thermal underwear is specially designed to avoid overheating and hypothermia.

How thermal underwear works

It's all about the texture of the fabric.

A distinctive feature of thermal underwear is its cellular structure. Cells adjacent to the body remove moisture from it, and the upper cells "work" for its maximum distribution over the surface and rapid evaporation.

The cells also act as "pockets" that contain warm air. In contact with the body, the air in the fabric is heated to a comfortable temperature, creating a protective layer.

During physical exertion, human skin releases moisture (sweat), which, accumulating in the fabric of ordinary linen, reduces its thermal insulation properties. Additional energy is spent on warming and evaporation of this moisture. Functional thermal underwear removes moisture from the body. A protective layer of warm air between the skin and the external cold environment pushes moisture out of thermal underwear due to the pressure difference. This reduces body heat loss in cold weather, adds a feeling of comfort and protects the body from hypothermia and overheating.

With intense physical exertion and fairly low temperatures, both properties of thermal underwear are necessary - heat retention and removal of excess moisture from the skin surface. This can be achieved by using a large thickness of fabric, a certain combination of materials, a multi-layer structure of underwear. In the latter case, the inner layer is responsible for removing moisture, and the outer layer is responsible for retaining heat and sometimes absorbing sweat.

How to wear thermal underwear

Thermal underwear is worn on the naked body. It is used only for walking, and at home (in kindergarten, school), the child must change into natural fabric.

Thermal underwear must tightly fit the body otherwise it will not perform its function.

Therefore, it is chosen the size in size or even a size smaller. The exception is overalls for babies up to a year old, they can be a little loose.

How to choose

When choosing, think about what kind of winter awaits you: mobile, wheelchair, mobile-chair, sports. For each type of activity on the street there is a type of linen. Some models are designed for intensive moisture removal, while they almost do not heat, others heat well and poorly remove moisture.

All thermal underwear can be divided into 3 types:

Heat-saving (weak activity),

Moisture-wicking (active walk),

Mixed (combines the functions of the previous two types).

Child from birth to 1-1.5 years choose thermal underwear containing at least 50% natural fabrics. Or linen from 100% wool or silk-wool, cotton.

Some companies have two-layer options for babies: the top layer is wool, and the inner layer, adjacent to the skin, is cotton.

Most likely, at temperatures up to -10 degrees, nothing more from clothes, except for the top overalls, will be required.

Perhaps nothing is needed even in cold weather - reviews show that when buying merino overalls, mothers save on additional warming.

Mobile children (from 1.5-2 years old and up to the institute) suitable thermal underwear made of polypropylene, polyester and other synthetics mixed with cotton or wool - or pure synthetics.

At temperatures below -10 degrees, you may need a fleece or woolen underwear - again, it all depends on the quality of the overalls.

If you are buying 100% wool underwear for an older child, be sure to try it on to see how it feels. Many children immediately feel discomfort, despite the tenderness of merino or llama products.

The heat-insulating properties of thermal underwear cannot be determined by touch!

Thermal underwear should not be thick! It must be of high quality: focus on the composition and well-known company, the price of good thermal underwear is never low.

What is the composition of thermal underwear?

Thermal underwear can be made of polyester, polypropylene, wool, cotton or a combination of both, etc.

Fully synthetic materials wick away moisture better and are more durable.

The addition of cotton or wool makes the underwear more comfortable, which is more suitable for everyday use.

One composition... but different properties?

Very often, parents buy, for example, thermal tights, and then, seeing the same composition in other tights, they think that it is the same thermo... But this is not so ....

"Thermo" is not just synthetics, not just some specific fabric composition ... it is a special structure of synthetic fibers. This structure allows you to absorb emerging sweat (like a sponge) and remove this moisture to the upper level (ordinary synthetics do not absorb).

Synthetics can be different .... not all synthetics are "thermo" !!!

Cheap synthetics are not thermal ....

In addition, the "thermo" must be properly looked after !!! This special fiber structure spoiled by high temperature. Therefore, "thermo" should not be washed at high temperatures and dried on batteries and near heat sources. Otherwise, the "thermo" will deteriorate and stop working ...

What brands of thermal underwear to choose

As a rule, for all well-known brands, underwear is divided into the above types, and you can find out which model is right for your child from a consultant or on the company's website.

The following companies that have proven themselves to be of high quality are represented on our market:

- Janus(Norway),

- Guahoo(Finland),

- NORVEG(Germany),

- Joha(Denmark),

- ODLO(Switzerland),

- Ketch(Sweden).

The main raw material for the production of GREEN HILL wool thermal underwear is the wool of Australian merino sheep. Maximum comfort is achieved with a sheep hair thickness of 22 microns. It is this wool that is used in GREEN HILL thermal underwear. A greater thickness of the hair makes the underwear heavier, and a smaller one makes it less warm. A thickness of 22 microns is the best for baby clothes. Before production, the wool undergoes a lengthy cleaning so that the linen can be used for medicinal purposes for asthmatics, children with a weakened immune system and with reduced vascular tone. Knitted the canvas is connected using the "elongated loop" technology. Due to this, air columns are formed inside the canvas, which better retain heat. This is the so-called "thermo-viscous". For children's underwear, knitting of two types of density is used - 200 g/m2 and 400 g/m2. The higher the knitting density, the greater the number of insulating air columns contained in one square. see knitwear, the warmer is thermal underwear.

200 g/m2 for wearing at temperatures from +50 C to -200 C (mainly underwear)
400 g/m2 for wearing at lower temperatures (not recommended to be worn on the naked body, as a dense fabric for this purpose is rough).

Janus(Janus) - Norwegian underwear.

Of. website: janus.no/default.asp?id=696

underwearJanus(Janus) made of merino wool is pleasant to the skin and gives the baby a pleasant feeling of warmth.

The collection includes various bodysuits, tights, socks, hats and also soft and cozy baby blankets.

Wool can absorb up to 30% moisture without feeling wet.

Merino wool allows a lot of air to pass through and that is why it regulates temperature very well.

Thanks to these qualities Janus "Wool for babies" can be used both in summer and in winter.

Janus Baby Wool is easy to care for. Clothes are easy to wash in a conventional washing machine and dry quickly. You can use a drying chamber.

Washing and care

Washing no more than once a week, at a temperature not exceeding + 40 degrees, with soap or liquid detergent without bleach.

You can do this by hand or in the washing machine on a “gentle” wash cycle, with the addition of rinse aid with antistatic agent and without spinning.

High-quality thermal underwear with such care will not stretch and retain all its properties.

Be sure to ventilate woolen products after wearing.

Skiing, snowboarding, skating - these winter funs certainly evoke a storm of emotions and charge us with a good mood, but, unfortunately, a glass of hot tea or a glass of invigorating mulled wine will not save us from cold and colds. This article will talk about thermal underwear, as one of the most important pieces of equipment for any athlete.

Initially, thermal underwear was intended for athletes - climbers, skiers, skaters, but later its advantages were highly appreciated among ordinary people and, soon, thermal underwear became a commonplace even for people who are completely far from sports.

Sometimes thermal underwear is divided into several categories:

The latter type can be used even in summer - in this case, the underwear does not warm the body, but, on the contrary, protects the body from overheating, removing moisture.

When choosing thermal underwear for outdoor activities, you need to pay attention to its functionality. Thermal underwear for athletes is made mainly from synthetic fibers of the capillary structure, which provide intensive moisture removal and heat retention. People involved in outdoor sports know that at the end of a workout, heated muscles cool down quickly, which in turn leads to serious illness and subsequent injuries. The main reason for rapid cooling is wet underwear that has absorbed the increased perspiration of the athlete. The only fabric that does not absorb moisture is synthetics. Synthetic materials such as polypropylene and polyester have the ability to pass moisture through their fibers without absorbing it and the smell of sweat, are lightweight, and also have good ventilation. The better the gas exchange system of the laundry, the more comfortable you will be in it. The removal of moisture in thermal underwear occurs due to the presence of hollow villi, thanks to them, droplets of sweat, falling on the fabric through microtubules, penetrate to its surface. Quite often, the addition of a natural thread to the composition (for example, Merino wool) improves the characteristics of thermal underwear: it does not absorb odors, is lightweight and has good thermal insulation. Suitable for skiing, skating, hockey, climbing, cycling and other sports where the main goal is to achieve relaxed movements and stay dry

For figure skating, curling or freestyle, you need to think about how not to overcool the body during a long stay on the ice. Therefore, in this case, it is necessary to buy thermal underwear with a large percentage of natural fibers, namely woolen or cotton underwear, the interlacing of the fibers of which is a reservoir of warm air. Therefore, the body temperature always remains comfortable.

So if:

1. If you are an amateur athlete, then the best option would be synthetic thermal underwear with cotton fibers.

2. If you are a professional athlete, then it is better to opt for synthetic thermal underwear with wool elements.

The best thermal underwear for snowboarding is made from synthetics with the addition of natural fibers, because materials such as wool or cotton do not dry well, absorbing a lot of moisture. It shows itself well when worn for no more than 3-8 hours, but the more natural fibers, the faster the fabric is saturated with water, as a result, linen ceases to isolate moisture.

Thermal underwear for snowboarding is produced by the following companies: "Morgan Mills" (USA), MILLET (France) - "Carline" series, LOWE ALPINE (USA) - "Dryflo" series, VAUDE (Germany) - "Ecolog" series, MJ Sport (Finland) ), Levron (Czech Republic), Marmot (France), "TG 900 Moira" (Czech Republic), SWEDTEAM - (Sweden), NORTH CAPE, ODLO, HELLY HANSEN and others.

When buying thermal underwear, pay attention to maximum comfort and the absence of stiffness of movements in it. When you try it on, it simply has to fit to the body. Don't rely on the label size, which, by the way, should be sewn on the outside to avoid chafing the skin - another sign of quality thermal underwear.

As we read above, thermal underwear for athletes is made of soft and thin fabric and, accordingly, requires careful personal care. It is necessary to wash it on a delicate mode without spinning, it is also not recommended to use powders containing chlorine and iron it.

All that concerns the cost, thermal underwear, of course, will be much more expensive than ordinary underwear. However, much here depends on the purpose for which it is intended, from what materials it is made. The brand also plays a significant role in determining the final cost. However, people who have tried thermal underwear, as they say, on themselves, who have appreciated all its advantages, agree with such an overpayment. In fact, this is a payment for your own comfort and convenience.

So, a Graft men's long-sleeved T-shirt will cost only 3,000 rubles, and underpants about 1,500-2,000 rubles. Similar prices have similar women's clothing. Yes, and children's is not much cheaper. For example, a teenage Reima set will cost you about 2,500 rubles. Thermal underwear described in this article, as well as much more, you can purchase in the online store protect-group.ru

And remember, acquiring only high-quality thermal underwear, playing sports will bring you a lot of pleasure!

Thermal underwear: comfort and warmth in any weather

Today you do not need to put on "a hundred clothes" so as not to freeze in cold weather. Light, practical and beautiful thermal underwear regulates body temperature by itself, removes sweat and provides the greatest comfort for a person.

Criteria for choosing the best thermal underwear

Thermal underwear type

In order for thermal underwear to please its owner, you need to choose it strictly for its intended purpose. Thermal underwear happens:

  • sports, or moisture-removing. It is designed for active physical activity in the fresh air.
  • everyday, or heat-saving. Its main function is to retain body heat, it is also suitable for light physical activity.
  • hybrid. Combines the properties of the two previous types by combining materials with different characteristics.

According to the cut and design, underwear is divided into men's, women's and unisex. Children's thermal underwear stands apart: it is subject to increased requirements for comfort and heat-saving properties. Manufacturers, as a rule, produce three types of children's underwear: for passive, semi-active and active walks.

Materials and composition

For sports thermal underwear, 100% synthetic materials are used: they remove moisture better and are more durable. For everyday linen, cotton and wool are used, which have high heat-saving properties, but they remove moisture worse and wear out faster. The warmest underwear is made from merino wool, but when choosing 100% woolen underwear, you should make sure that it does not prick the body!

To improve consumer characteristics, silk and bamboo fibers are added to the thermal underwear. Linen with mixed properties (hybrid) also has a mixed composition: natural fibers plus synthetic in different proportions, most often 50/50.

Important: thermal underwear is not a heating pad, but a convenient way to remove moisture from the skin and retain body heat. Without the “correct” outerwear (membrane suit and, if necessary, fleece underwear, polartec), thermal underwear will not work as efficiently as stated by the manufacturer.

Manufacturers of quality thermal underwear

When choosing the best thermal underwear, you need to understand that you will not be able to evaluate the presence of high technologies in the product “by eye”. Therefore, "Price Expert" advises instead of inexpensive products of one-day firms to give preference to well-known brands that have been operating on the market for many years and value their reputation. Notable Companies Craft, ODLO, X-bionic, Marmot and others offer a very wide range of thermal underwear, relying on sports and casual options: men's, women's, children's. The most popular brands: Norway(Germany) and Guahoo(Finland-China) - you can find offers for the whole family and any situation.

The principle “the more expensive the better” when choosing thermal underwear often works, but not always. In the inexpensive segment, there are also good models, for example, casual underwear Comazo(Germany) and sports Brubeck(Poland). But Russian manufacturers still have nothing to boast about: their cheap thermal underwear in fact most often turns out to be ordinary underwear without special properties. The only exception is products redfox And " Alloy».

Rating of the best thermal underwear - TOP-9

"Price Expert" chose 9 products of the most popular and time-tested brands.


Estimated price of a set (t-shirt + underpants)


Craft Active

the most comfortable and functional synthetic thermal underwear

high-quality thermal underwear made from natural materials

Norfin Nord

excellent fleece thermal underwear for fishing and hunting 9.7

Joha cotton/wool

best thermal underwear for kids

most popular thermal underwear

Brubeck Webster Termo

sports thermal underwear at the price of everyday

ODLO Warm Trend

excellent choice of women's thermal underwear for sports and leisure

classic men's thermal underwear for everyday wear

good budget thermal underwear

Let's take a closer look at each selected model.

1.Craft Active
the most comfortable and functional synthetic thermal underwear

Photo: www.finkult.ru

Average price in the Russian Federation: 2100 rubles.

Craft thermal underwear is made of a very thin, almost weightless polyester thread, but it warms just fine. All the “fault” is the special technology of weaving threads and tailoring features. Linen fits perfectly to the body and perfectly copes with the removal of moisture. "Price Expert" recognizes it as the most efficient, comfortable and ideally combining price and quality.


  • a wide range of;
  • perfect fit;
  • flat elastic seams;
  • Sold as sets or units.

Minuses: not detected.

Typical reviews aboutthermal underwear Craftactive:

“The Craft Active thermal underwear is the best - it is very comfortable, retains heat well and actively removes moisture! Indispensable for active winter fun and walks with a child.

“Sits like a glove! The trousers are exactly in height (as stated on the size chart), the belt does not pinch, the shirt fits the figure, the sleeves also cover the arms completely.

2. Janus
The best thermal underwear made from natural materials

Photo: www.emy-teplo.ru

The average price of a set in the Russian Federation: 6000 r.

The visiting card of the Norwegian company Janus is the production of thermal underwear only from natural fibers: merino wool, cotton and silk. These are high-quality and expensive clothes for adults and children of all ages to stay comfortable in the cold.


  • natural;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • variety of assortment and design.

Minus: price.

Typical thermal underwear reviewsJanus:

“The best thermal underwear! I'm buying a second season. Thin, pleasant even on a naked body, does not run small, due to elasticity it sits well on the figure.

“Very high-quality thermal underwear, I advise everyone, especially those who are allergic to synthetics. And if you get a discount, then the price is acceptable.

3 Norfin Nord
best fleece thermal underwear for fishing and hunting

Photo: arealhunt.ru

Average price in Russia: 3500 r.

All-purpose underwear is designed for very cold weather and moderate physical activity and, according to reviews, is well suited for winter fishing and hunting. Material - 100% microfleece (NORfeece Micro) allows you to quickly remove moisture and retains heat during sedentary activities. Norfin Nord can also be successfully used during high physical activity, simply by putting on additional thin thermal underwear under it.


  • warm and soft;
  • Washes well and dries quickly.
  • elastic cuffs and waistband.

Minuses: narrow range.

Typical thermal underwear reviewsnorfinnord:

“I have been using it for four years on winter fishing and have never regretted the purchase. The size as they sewed me, very comfortable, dry, warm.

“My personal conclusion is that Norfin Nord thermal underwear is worthy of attention and perfectly justifies its purpose!”

4. Joha cotton/wool
best thermal underwear for kids

Photo: brandkids.ru

Average price in Russia: 3200 r.

Joch underwear is especially respected by knowledgeable parents. It not only really works, retaining heat and removing moisture, but also provides maximum comfort for little whims. Joha does not prick, does not press, very soft, hypoallergenic, and a wide range allows you to choose "outfits" for children of any age, starting from birth.


  • high quality;
  • a wide range of;
  • varied colors.

Minus: low wear resistance.

Typical thermal underwear reviewsJoha:

“The linen is very soft, pleasant and well-tailored, with flat seams. After many washes, the appearance remained the same - everything is white, not deformed and without spools.

“We have been wearing Joha thermal underwear since birth and are satisfied, the price is lower than many other brands, and the quality is on par. The only upsetting thing is that over time, puffs appear on the fabric, but this does not affect the protective properties.

5. Norway
most popular thermal underwear

Photo: www.merinos24.ru

Average price in Russia: 5600 r.

Very popular and varied thermal underwear made in Germany, designed for men, women, children, babies and pregnant women! All Norwegian models are thin, light, completely imperceptible on the body and not visible under clothing. At the same time, this thermal underwear performs the heat-saving function “excellently”. The main materials are thermolight synthetics, merino wool, cotton, there are also models with the addition of silk.


  • light quality material;
  • flat seams;
  • anatomical shape
  • Sold as singles or as sets - easy to pick up the size.


  • price;
  • few color choices.

Typical reviews about:

“We were very satisfied! It never got wet, it was always warm and pleasant to the touch. Most importantly, it is thin and does not carry additional load on the body. You can say you don’t feel it on yourself!

“The best thermal underwear is very soft, thin, completely unlike wool and very warm. I wash it in the machine, it does not roll up. Flat seams!

6. Brubeck Webster Termo
the best sports thermal underwear at the price of everyday

Photo: static12.insales.ru

Average price in Russia: 2900 r.

Thermal underwear Brubeck Webster Termo consists of polyamide, polyester and elastane. It is all-weather and can be used in cool weather down to -10 for skiing, hockey and other winter sports, as well as in warm weather up to +20 for running, climbing, cycling and motorcycle riding. The main purpose is to release sweat and maintain the microclimate of the body.


  • durable;
  • seamless;
  • there are areas of enhanced ventilation;
  • perfect fit;
  • bacteriostatic.

Minuses: does not retain heat (but it is not intended for this).

Typical reviews of Brubeck thermal underwearwebsterThermo:

“For this money, it’s quite a working tool, zoned synthetics, designed for active loads. Application experience has shown that this linen works for its own money.

“I would never have believed that synthetics could be better than natural fabrics if I hadn’t bought a set of Brubeck thermal underwear. It is not felt on the body, light, while skiing very quickly removes moisture from clothes.

7.ODLO Warm Trend
The best women's thermal underwear for sports and leisure

Photo: www.snowinn.com

Average price per set in Russia: 5500 r.

The thermal underwear of the Swiss brand ODLO is distinguished not only by its quality and durability, but also by its striking design. It is made from innovative synthetic materials of the company's own design. Different types of cut, spectacular colors and finishes, perfect fit make this thermal underwear especially attractive for the fair sex.


  • high quality;
  • a wide range of models and colors;
  • size range (XS-XL).

Minus: price.

Typical thermal underwear reviewsODLO:

“Very soft, bright, warm long sleeve, took L, sits tight, beautiful, the neck is pressed, but does not press, fleece inside, very light, I'm happy !!!”

“Cool, the best thermal underwear - stylish and perfectly fits the body. It's nice that you can choose from a variety of colors exactly what you like.

8. Guahoo
The best men's thermal underwear for everyday wear

Photo: rs01.idealprice.ru

Average price in Russia: 5000 r.

The Finnish brand Guahoo has been known in Russia for over 10 years. Under this name, classic thermal underwear is produced for every day and for sports. Viscose-acrylic synthetics (wormsoft) in combination with cotton or merino wool are the best solution for any weather from cool to very cold. The manufacturer offers 5 options for underwear for different temperature conditions and 3 options for different degrees of physical activity.


  • variety of models for different situations;
  • flat seams;
  • wide range of colors.

Minuses: the cut and seam quality are not perfect.

Typical thermal underwear reviewsGuahoo:

“The best thermal underwear for every day. It stretches well, fits tall and wide, it is erased without problems. The knees are extended, but this is not critical.

“Dry, warm, comfortable, thin knitwear, flat seams allow you to wear underwear under tight-fitting clothes and look presentable. Of the minuses: a weak elastic band and a little strange cut.

9. Comazo
good cheap thermal underwear

Photo: www.kolgotki-e.ru

Average price in Russia: 1500 r.

German underwear Komatso is inexpensive, but it works according to all the rules of thermal underwear: it removes sweat and retains heat. The assortment includes 3 types of linen for different temperature conditions from -10 to -35 degrees.


  • price;
  • acceptable quality.


  • over time, greatly stretches;
  • "big size".

Typical reviews aboutComazo:

“This thermal underwear is not for active sports (too warm), but to go to work and home calmly is the best option for the money.”

“The linen is very pleasant to the touch. It doesn't hang around, but it doesn't fit like underwear. Just need to take a size smaller - it is larger, and after washing it also stretches.

So what is the best thermal underwear to buy?

As you can see, thermal underwear is no longer exotic: there is a lot of it on the Russian market, and day by day it is becoming more popular, and the range is growing. Before buying, "Price Expert" advises to especially clearly determine the purpose for which thermal underwear is purchased, and then it will be really effective and give warmth and comfort. Happy shopping!

For convenience, comfort and warmth, people who prefer an active lifestyle use thermal underwear, but few know how to choose it correctly.

The main feature of thermal underwear is heat retention, due to the air in the fabric structure, which heats up upon contact with the body, working as a barrier from external sources of cold (wind, frost). An important factor is the ability to remove moisture, thereby reducing the time it comes into contact with the skin.
Feedback from thermal underwear buyers is mostly positive, as high-quality clothing can protect the body from heat loss even in the most extreme conditions. There are also criticisms, but it all depends on the quality, brand and production technologies. Hopes may not come true even if the wrong type of linen was chosen, designed for a different degree of physical activity and air temperature.

What is thermal underwear

Depending on the intensity of classes, their tension and duration, there are three types of thermal underwear with the corresponding characteristics:

  • for active loads:
    • thin linen;
    • well removes moisture;
    • dries quickly;
    • synthetic fabrics are used as raw materials for manufacturing;
  • for variable loads:
    • average thickness of linen;
    • well pushes out moisture;
    • saves heat (critical for low temperatures);
    • made of synthetic materials, using special fiber interlacing technologies;
  • for low loads:
    • made of cotton with the addition of synthetics;
    • absorb moisture well;
    • suitable for everyday wear.

How to choose thermal underwear

Most people think about purchasing thermal underwear in order to warm up and protect themselves from the effects of frost in cold weather. When choosing a suitable model, you need to consider that it should retain your body heat well and remove excess moisture. You also need to know at what loads, and for how long it will be used.

Thermal underwear for winter

For winter sports with both active and variable loads, functional thermal underwear should be selected. Now you can buy the whole range of clothes:

  • socks;
  • underpants;
  • pants;
  • t-shirts;
  • women's and children's models and more.

Thermal underwear for skiing

Thermal underwear for skiing should be:

  • thin or have an average thickness;
  • made of synthetics with an admixture of cotton fibers;
  • do not restrict movement;
  • dry quickly;
  • retain heat and wick away moisture.

In such underwear, you can overcome many hours of stress and at the same time the body will remain almost dry, providing a comfortable pastime.

Thermal underwear for summer

For summer, sports thermal underwear with zones made of various synthetic fibers is suitable. A mandatory criterion is that clothing should remove moisture as much as possible. But in order not to freeze on cool nights and evenings, you should choose a model with a universal temperature range (for example, from polypropylene).

The choice of thermal underwear by size

To choose thermal underwear by size, you need such parameters as:

  • height;
  • chest girth;
  • waist circumference;
  • hip girth.

According to the available values, you can easily choose the appropriate option. So, for example, for men there is the following dimensional grid:

  • S - height 168-174 cm, bust 86-92 cm, waist 80-84 cm, hips 90-94 cm;
  • M - height 174-178 cm, OD 92-98 cm, FROM 84-88 cm, ABOUT 96-100 cm;
  • L - height 178-184 cm, OD 98-104 cm, FROM 88-92 cm, ABOUT 100-104 cm;
  • XL - height 184-190 cm, OG 104-110 cm, FROM 92-96 cm, ABOUT 104-108 cm.

The wrong size can be the answer to the question of why it is cold in thermal underwear. Another explanation could be the wrong model. For example, combined specimens made of natural and synthetic fabrics are better suited for winter fishing, but you should not be in such clothes for more than 6-8 hours in a row.

What materials are thermal underwear made from?

Let's take a closer look at what thermal underwear consists of. The following types of materials used for tailoring are distinguished:

  • natural:
    • from wool;
    • cotton
    • silks;
  • synthetic:
    • from polypropylene;
    • polyamide;
    • elastane;
    • polyester.

Often, in the composition of thermal underwear, you can find both natural components and various types of synthetic ones, due to the fact that this type of clothing has two, and sometimes three layers (the first synthetic, the second cotton, wool). For people with high allergic skin reactions, a special clothing option has been developed, with an additional hypoallergenic inner layer.
As you know, earlier they were insulated only with things knitted from wool, the first thermal underwear was also made from this material. The advantages of such clothes are:

  • increased warming properties;
  • the ability to warm even when wet;
  • good antibacterial performance;
  • protection from UV rays.

However, there are also negative points, these are:

  • high price;
  • long process of drying and weathering;
  • careful care is needed.

Products made from merino wool fibers are now widespread. Such models can be worn at low loads and low temperatures. Experts advise giving preference to woolen models when choosing a second warming layer.
Fleece thermal underwear is also an option for the second layer in equipment. Clothing made from this material has an excellent indicator of retaining body heat. A significant plus can be called the low weight of the product.

How to wear thermal underwear

An important point for the positive performance of thermal underwear is how to wear it. For extreme sports, low temperatures, intense loads, you need to follow the principle of three-layer clothing:

  • the first layer is thermal underwear (preferably thin with combined zones);
  • the second - fleece or woolen linen;
  • the third - products from membrane fabrics.

Proper wear will help extend both your comfortable outdoor time and ensure optimal performance and benefits from thermal underwear. Thermal accessories must be:

  • appropriate size;
  • adhere to the body;
  • do not restrict in movements;
  • not cause discomfort.

Caring for things

Do not forget that you cannot wash thermal underwear in the same way as ordinary things. The water temperature should not exceed 40°C, delicate or manual mode is preferable. Do not use rinse aids and other chemically active agents that can melt synthetic fabrics and clog fibers. It is advisable not to wring out the products, dry them in a well-ventilated area and do not iron. But there are exceptions, some models can be machine washed and even ironed, so you should read the care instructions.
Thermal underwear is used not only for sports, but also in everyday life, both on cool days and in hot weather. Watch the video about choosing thermal underwear: