Blue onyx stone properties. Properties of onyx stone. Field and production

Onyx- a semi-precious stone known since ancient times. According to one version, Solomon's temple was built from it. It has great magical and healing power. Its properties, types and features will be discussed in the article.

Onyx - what is this stone?

Onyx is a type of quartz. It differs in that it has different shades and thicknesses of stripes of white, red, brown and black.

In ancient Egypt, it was used for wall cladding. Then other nations began to pay attention to him. So the Assyrians believed in the healing properties of the stone, in China and Mesopotamia it was a bad symbol and was avoided.

In some African countries it has been used, like a currency. The value of each piece was determined by the beauty, saturation of the lines, their uniqueness.

Later, they began to make various objects from it. So, for example, onyx dishes had different properties. It was believed that if you eat from it, you can be cured of various diseases.

It is mined in large quantities only in some countries.

These include:

  • Mexico;
  • Türkiye;
  • Pakistan;
  • Egypt;
  • Afghanistan;
  • Iran.

Types of onyxes

Onyx is often confused with, which is also a variety of quartz. But unlike agate, the drawings and lines on it are not vague, but clear and parallel to each other.

Depending on the color and pattern, it is divided into several main types:

  • (Arab) has a rich, deep black color and visible, clear or barely noticeable, thin blotches, white lines. From the side, this stone is a little associated with a zebra pattern.
  • white onyx has not a pure white color, but different shades (pinkish, milky, light aquamarine). But outwardly it strongly resembles marble.
  • onyx agate bright, beautiful with light (gray or milky) stripes. They can be bright or dim.
  • carneolonics- has a rather saturated color, perhaps even brighter than other species due to the fact that red lines are adjacent to white in it.
  • Three-layer onyx incredibly beautiful stone, in great demand. It combines lines of three colors: gray-blue, white and red. We present to your attention an article about another red stone - here.
  • Chalcedonyx(onyx chalcedony) is a bit like onyx agate, but this species has only light, delicate tones.
  • Sardonyx stone with brown and white stripes.
  • has brown stripes that alternate with white patterns.

In addition to the fact that the stone has many varieties, there is a practice of imitation of onyx.

This can be done in two ways:

  1. The easiest way to craft cheap agate is to make it look like onyx. For this, various chemical manipulations are used. But such a fake quickly fades and loses the clarity of the lines.
  2. The second imitation option is to make a polymer material with the same color and pattern.

You can distinguish a fake from the original at a low price and too saturated or unnatural color.

Onyx jewelry in silver

Onyx is not a precious stone, so it is very rarely inserted into expensive metals. Different types of gold (including), titanium, platinum rarely become its setting, but silver jewelry with it is very popular and carries great power.

It is silver that almost doubles the magical and healing power of the stone. It also enhances its strength with a rounded shape, which is most often attached to the mineral. Light onyx (blue, pink, white, gray), as well as black and tricolor, harmonizes best with silver.

Onyx jewelry in silver:

  • Silver ring protects a person from other people's encroachments. Allows you to protect property, hide all valuables from evil looks. And if it is a tricolor onyx that is inserted into the ring, then those who put it on will have interesting love adventures. It will increase tone, increase attractiveness. The red shades of the stone will bring pleasant surprises to life. We present to your attention an article about, here.
  • Silver necklace or necklace with black onyx inlays must be worn by strong women. The decoration will be able to absorb the positive surrounding energy, endowing the owner with great strength.
  • Ring will increase self-confidence, make a person less suggestible and enhance intuition, allowing you to make the right decision.
  • Silver earrings made of pink, white and blue onyx creative people will love it.

Other uses of onyx

This beautiful semi-precious stone is used not only in jewelry.

There are many other industries where he managed to prove himself well, for example:

  • Construction. Since ancient times, different peoples of the world have used it as a building material. Even today, it is often used for lining, for example, baths or pools.
  • Decorations. They decorated and decorate the clothes, outfits of the clergy to this day. Craftsmen make from it not only typical jewelry that is worn every day. Onyx is part of many royal regalia, including crowns.
  • Houseware. Various onyx household items are very popular today: candlesticks, photo frames, figurines, ashtrays, coasters, cups, glasses, caskets, wine glasses, flowerpots and the like. Some such gizmos, for example, an onyx pyramid whose magical properties are known to all lovers of magic, are sold everywhere in any store of magical gizmos.
  • Previously, they were often inlaid with furniture. Today you can order something similar.
  • Interior. In addition to inlay, onyx is used to make various interior items. They cost a lot, but they look amazing! Among them: countertops, lampshades, fireplace counters, mosaics, wall panels, lamps and so on.
  • Cups and goblets are made from carneolonyx. They are rarely used for everyday meals, but often for magical rites and in folk medicine. Many people buy them simply as home decoration.

The magical properties of onyx

The attitude of people to this stone has been contradictory since ancient times. Some were afraid and wary of him, others revered him in every possible way.

Ancient people believed in the following magical properties of onyx:

  • In Mesopotamia for example, onyx was a symbol of sadness. It was used to decorate the tombs of dignitaries.
  • In ancient China was considered a symbol of troubles and misfortunes. If a person found white onyx, then this foreshadowed the imminent death of him or his relative.
  • In Yemen people were just afraid. They associated it with the eyes of the deceased.
  • In India he has always been revered. It was believed that he brings good luck, instills joy and comfort in the house. Jewelry made of white onyx was desired by everyone, because they helped to avoid quarrels and contradictions with loved ones.
  • In America the Indians called him "tears of the mountain spirit" and in every possible way bypassed the places where he met.

Since ancient times, people have seen something alive, mysterious in this stone, because of the saturation and depth of colors. Alchemists and magicians of antiquity and the Middle Ages tried to solve its mystery, to find out new, special properties.

Of course, black onyx aroused the greatest interest, the magical properties of which seemed to be limitless.

The magical properties of black onyx:

  • Black magicians believed that a person's soul could be imprisoned in black onyx. It was the soul that “painted” whitish lines and specks on the black stone.
  • It was believed that black onyx allows you to read people's minds.
  • Medieval pregnant women, who had the opportunity to purchase a stone, placed it at the head of their bed so that childbirth was easy and successful.
  • White was used in rituals of communication with spirits, to call the dead.

Today, many of the old magical properties are forgotten, but here are some that still exist among the people, among clairvoyants, astrologers and magicians.

Nowadays, people still believe in the following magical properties of the stone:

  • White onyx can protect a person from unwanted encounters. This applies to people whom the owner of the stone does not like, or those who can harm him. To do this, you need to carry a piece of stone in your pocket or sewn into your clothes. Adversaries may meet on the road, but they will not notice the owner of the talisman and will pass by.
  • Modern magicians, clairvoyants and seers who love and respect their craft must have an onyx ball and a pyramid. Usually, green onyx is used to make them; its magical properties collect energy into itself, and then it is concentrated.
  • The stone is able to reveal the inner potential of the owner, let him look further than people are allowed, find out the future or predict some action.
  • Any of the species with gray stripes can protect against the weak and powerful evil eye.
  • Sardonyx allows you to find peace, calm the nerves, raging feelings, feel peace and harmony, make the right decision.
  • Different types of onyx are used as amulets and, as protection from evil people, the evil eye, to protect yourself from accidents and death.

The healing properties of onyx

The mineral has unique healing properties that everyone who likes to wear it should know about.

In ancient times, crushed stone was used to treat diseases of the teeth and gums, wounds, and also fought against obesity. Modern medicine has proven that it really can help in these cases. But, in addition, it has other important properties. In lithotherapy, it is very popular. For treatment, several pebbles are applied to a certain place.

In addition, onyx has the following medicinal properties:

  • It is used for liver problems.
  • It can relieve fever, increase immunity and allow you to fight viruses faster.
  • Relieves depression, insomnia, stress.
  • Helps fight laziness, impotence, returns interest in life, increases concentration, improves memory.
  • Improves potency, therefore it is recommended for all men.
  • Relieves pain in rheumatism.
  • Able to help cure diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Treats brain diseases.
  • Relieves headaches, migraines, dizziness.

Who is onyx suitable for?

It can be worn by people of different classes, nationalities, ages, professions. But it does not immediately bring good luck. The new owner must earn the location of the stone. At first, it scans the mood of a person, his thoughts, energy, desires, and only therefore brings changes to life. As for astrology, the situation is similar. There are those to whom onyx suits the sign, and those who should avoid it.

So, the properties of onyx for the signs of the zodiac:

  • Fiery-colored species will suit all signs of the elements of fire - Leo, Aries, Sagittarius. It allows them to better concentrate energy, achieve goals and set new ones.
  • It will not be superfluous to wear onyx jewelry for Taurus and Capricorn, Libra. He teaches them independence and the fight against laziness. Gives a push forward so that they do not stand still, but develop every day.
  • Virgo, Aquarius it will give determination, allow you to fully open up.
  • At the same time, Gemini should not wear a stone. They love variety and rarely focus on one thing. The stone will suppress their natural desire.
  • The stone will not harm the fish, but it will not bring any benefit either. due to the immunity of the sign. You can wear it simply as an ornament, without the purpose of attracting good luck or curing diseases.
  • Cancer and Scorpio it is worth wearing jewelry with black stone inserts.

The amazing properties of onyx have made it very popular all over the world.

Since ancient times, it has been used for various purposes, and today it has not lost its appeal. He cures diseases, helps to make life better, to achieve what seemed unattainable. And it can be worn by almost all people without exception.

Onyx is one of the most mysterious and controversial stones. Esotericists call it the talisman of leaders and leaders, and the Arabs call it a stone of sadness and sorrow. From the Greek word "onyx" means "nail". And this is no coincidence, since the striped gem looks like a layered nail plate.

According to legend, when Eros accidentally cut off Aphrodite's nails, Zeus turned them into onyx. That is why outwardly the gem resembles white holes on the nails.

The first samples of stone were found by archaeologists in Egypt, Greece and Babylon and date back to the 5th-4th centuries BC. In ancient times, onyx provided a special value - they were decorated with castles and tombs of rulers. It was also used as a material for making jewelry, furniture, bowls, vessels and vases.

Onyx is mentioned in the Bible: the throne of King Solomon was decorated with it.

Currently, the stone is mined in Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, Egypt, Mexico, Afghanistan. In Russia, onyx reserves are insignificant and are represented by two deposits - in Yakutia and the Irkutsk region.

magical properties

Among the ancient Greeks and Hindus, onyx was a symbol of leadership, success and wisdom. It is believed that this stone takes away negative energy, fears, phobias and insecurity, giving its owner determination, fortitude and calmness. The mineral brings good luck only to kind, positive and honest people. Who else is this stone suitable for?

  • Businessmen and leaders helps to make decisions and manage people. Protects from dangers and risks, gives physical strength and increases activity.
  • Creative people the gem bestows eloquence, promotes the development of talents and creative thinking.
  • family people gives calmness, confidence, reliability and strengthens the spiritual connection between spouses.
  • Interested in magic and esotericism onyx will endow with intuition and clairvoyance.
  • Great for seniors and people with experience. It is believed that this stone brings good luck to those who have experienced a lot on their way.

Medicinal properties

Ancient healers used onyx to cleanse the soul and body of a person. They believed that the stone is able to pass energy through itself and direct it to the patient's body.

Today, onyx is actively used in lithotherapy for the treatment of many diseases. Consider its healing properties:

  • Relieves pain;
  • Reduces fever and inflammation;
  • Treats insomnia and depression;
  • Helps with disorders of the nervous system;
  • Improves hearing and memory;
  • Contributes to the normalization of the work of the heart and blood vessels;
  • Extends life.

In addition, onyx is used during diets. If you need to lose weight, then this talisman will help reduce your appetite.

Meanings of the signs of the zodiac

In astrology, onyx is considered the talisman of Capricorn, Aquarius, Virgo and Cancer. How does it affect the representatives of these constellations?

  • Capricorn the stone will help you find the right solutions to difficult and confusing situations. In addition, he will help him defend his point of view in conflicts and discussions, and will also give strength to achieve his goals.
  • Virgo onyx is necessary to maintain the balance of the material and spiritual. With this stone, she will feel the joy of life and see many opportunities for the realization of her ideas.
  • Aquarius this gem will help keep emotions under control, as well as give spiritual harmony and direct his energy in the right direction.
  • Raku will help develop self-confidence. The representative of the sign, who owns such a talisman, will be able to break out of the shackles of his complexes, doubts and fears.

Proper care

This is a fairly fragile stone, so it needs special care. If you often wear onyx jewelry, then soon scratches may appear on its surface.

  1. It is impossible to allow a stone to rub against another stone, so it is better to avoid wearing an onyx ring on one finger along with another piece of jewelry;
  2. Onyx should be periodically cleaned with a toothbrush and soapy water;
  3. In order for it to serve for a long time, it is recommended to polish it with a special impregnation for stones.
  4. To make onyx shine, use a special polish.

Varieties of onyx

There are several types of onyx. You can find stones of green, brown, yellow, pink and beige shades:

  • orange-red and brown stone is sardonyx;
  • white-red - carneonyx;
  • white and black - Arabic onyx;
  • gray-white - chalcedonyx.

There are also solid stones. In jewelry stores, you can often find a green stone. In fact, it is a marble rock, which is not natural onyx. Despite the inexpensive cost, this stone is often faked. You can distinguish an original from a copy by several criteria:

  1. Color saturation. A fake can quickly fade and fade.
  2. Transparency. The veins of the original gem are visible at a depth of up to 3 cm. The structure of the fake is much denser.
  3. Weight. Onyx is a rather heavy stone, a fake is much lighter in weight.
  4. Color. Black onyx is not natural. If you see a piece of jewelry with this black stone in a jewelry store, then most likely it is a painted agate.

Talismans and amulets

It is believed that jewelry with onyx fills with vitality and removes misfortune, damage and the evil eye. Esotericists and magicians recommend purchasing this gem as a talisman on the 19th lunar day, and putting on jewelry 4-5 days after purchase.

Usually onyx is carried with them as a decoration - rings, pendants, earrings or a bracelet. The amulet, constantly located next to its owner, helps to avoid trouble and attracts good luck.

Often onyx is purchased for the home. It is known that it has a positive effect on the atmosphere of space, protects against uninvited guests and damage. And also the gem is able to purify the energy of the house.

How to wear

It is best to choose silver jewelry with onyx, as other metals will weaken its magical and healing effects. The stone is also "not friendly" with gold.

  • If you wear earrings with this gem, you can get rid of deafness and ear diseases.
  • Onyx beads are recommended to be worn by unsociable and burry people. Such decoration will instill confidence and develop eloquence.
  • A ring with a stone will strengthen physical and emotional strength.
  • To protect against dark forces, energy vampires and enemies, onyx is recommended to be worn on the chest as an amulet.
  • An onyx bracelet will help get rid of fears and indecision, and direct the energy of its owner in the right direction.

Chemical properties

This mineral is a variety of agate. It is believed that the thinner its strips, the more valuable the stone. Onyx is formed as a result of carbonate deposits in hot mineral springs.

The chemical composition of the stone is silicon dioxide. The pattern and color of onyx depends on the composition of impurities in it. If it contains a lot of magnesium and copper, then it acquires a dark green hue. The high content of iron with copper gives it a light green color. If there is a lot of iron oxide in the composition of onyx, then it becomes brown or yellow.

An interesting shade, composition and methods of application make this stone attractive to many people. Products from onyx from ancient times to this day are popular due to its unusual magical and healing properties.

In which minor impurities create plane-parallel colored layers. The striped-coloured variety of marble is often referred to as Mexican onyx or Algerian onyx. The color of the mineral varies from dark green to light green. A distinctive feature of onyx are stripes of red, white, brown, black colors. It is believed that the thinner the stripes, the greater the value of the stone.

See also:


The crystal structure of onyx, as well as other polymorphic modifications, is characterized by the feature that the Si 4+ ion is always in a quadruple environment of O 2- ions located at the vertices of the tetrahedron. Each vertex of such a tetrahedron simultaneously serves as a vertex of another adjacent tetrahedron. Thus, the crystal lattices of these minerals consist, as it were, of frameworks of tetrahedra linked to each other. The method of linkage in all modifications is the same (through the vertices of the tetrahedra), but the orientation and general symmetry in their arrangement are different. In general, the packing of oxygen ions is not dense: there are “voids” between the tetrahedra in the frameworks. In low-temperature modifications, they are small in size, and in high-temperature, more "loose" modifications, they are larger.

Onyxes (siliceous geodes) have a concentric-zonal structure, due to the intermittency of differently colored layers of chalcedony, sometimes quartz. The central parts of the geodes are often composed of crystalline-grained quartz, sometimes in the form of brushes of crystals.


Hardness 6.5-7. The brilliance at the break is dull greasy or matte, at the polished surface it is glassy. In terms of chemical composition, like quartz, it is silica, but of a heterogeneous structure and with a large amount of impurities. Resistant to acids, etchable only in HF. Durable and tough. Opaque, translucent at the edges. In most onyxes, layers of chalcedony proper and its structural variety - quartzine (lutecin), differ from chalcedony in the direction of fiber elongation; in chalcedony, it is perpendicular to the “C” axis (the direction of elongation of quartz crystals), and in quartzine, it is parallel to it or with a deviation of 30 ° (lutecin). Visually, the layers of quartz are usually distinguished by a milky white color.

Color - brown with white and black patterns, red-brown, brown-yellow, honey, white with yellowish or pinkish layers. Onyx is especially characterized by plane-parallel layers of different colors.


Onyxes, on the one hand, differ from chalcedony - monomineral non-zonal accumulations of this mineral, including its colored varieties, and on the other hand, from hydrothermal jaspers, sometimes in close association with agates, genetically related to basic and intermediate volcanic rocks, which are dense chalcedony formations containing quartz, quartzine and various mechanical impurities - goethite, hematite, celadonite, chlorite and others, the content of which reaches 20-30%, and which are opaque even in thin fragments. Such jaspers can compose separate parts of agate geodes or form interlayers in them.


Onyx is found in various mineral associations, formed mainly in the late stages of volcanic processes associated with the outpouring of lava flows, including underwater ones, ash deposits. They are known in smaller quantities in low-temperature hydrothermal veins and associations that occur in surface conditions (in weathering crusts, sedimentary rocks, especially carbonate and clay). All this leads to a variety of geological and geochemical conditions in which agate is observed and causes difficulties in clarifying the general and particular conditions for its formation and in a systematic description of the mineralogical features of agates.

At the same time, the bulk of commercial deposits of onyx is associated with volcanogenic complexes: to a greater extent with basalts, and to a lesser extent with andesites. Numerous large agate occurrences in rhyolite covers are also known abroad; on the territory of Russia, they are less significant, although they are found in many areas.

The best chalcedonic onyx comes from the Arabian Peninsula, from India, Brazil, Uruguay, the USA; in Russia, it is mined in small quantities in Chukotka, Kolyma, and Primorsky Krai.


Agate and carnelian onyx ("sardonyx", "sard") has been used by people since prehistoric times for the manufacture of small carved artistic items (glyptics), as well as carved cylinder seals. This is one of the most valuable ornamental stones. Calcite (marble, etc.) types of onyx are widespread and are among the most accessible and inexpensive decorative and ornamental materials. Both before and now they are widely used in mass-produced household and large items: these are all kinds of small and medium-sized plastic, onyx vases, caskets, candlesticks, tabletops. It is also used in mosaics and cladding. Relatively inexpensive ornamental stone. A variety of jewelry is often cut from onyx, and cameos are made from the rarest and highest quality varieties of sardonyx, in which the higher part of the dark image contrasts with the light background.

Onyx (English Onyx) - SiO 2


Strunz (8th edition) 4/D.01-10
Nickel-Strunz (10th edition) 4.DA.05
Dana (7th edition)
Dana (8th edition)
Hey's CIM Ref. 7.8.1

Onyx is a stone that is attractive in appearance and very strong energetically. One of the common varieties of this stone is a green mineral. About what is remarkable green onyx, stone properties for human health and energy - in this article.

The name "onyx" is a variety of chalcedony, which has a striped color. There are several types of onyx, differing in color. However, it is the green mineral that is rightly considered one of the most powerful in terms of energy.

What surprises green onyx - today in the "Magic of the Stone"

Green onyx: properties and nature of the stone.

Green onyx is not just a beautiful decoration or decorative element. It is known for its healing properties: onyx is useful for almost everyone, as it is able to expel diseases from the body of its owner and prolong his life. The stone effectively fights any inflammatory processes in the body, relieves pain, improves hearing and vision. Those who work at the computer for a long time and suffer from eye fatigue are advised to always have this mineral on hand. Onyx is applied to the eyelids for 10 minutes each time eye fatigue is felt.

If set in silver, onyx will protect its owner from heart disease and eliminate insomnia, and in combination with gold, this mineral gives a tremendous boost of energy.

Onyx copes well with depression and stress, therefore properties of green onyx stone found wide application in jewelry and amulets. They are especially useful for those who work a lot and hard.

Green onyx: the magical properties of the stone

All types of onyx have a very powerful energy and have a strong magical effect on their owner. But green onyx is distinguished by a special connection with the person who has chosen it as his talisman. A green mineral is able to bring inspiration to its owner, give vitality and creativity, and help in spiritual development. A green onyx talisman brings good luck in love and family relationships. And finding himself in difficult life situations, a person protected by green onyx quickly makes decisions, getting rid of the influence of emotions.

At the same time, it is worth remembering that by bringing green onyx as a gift to a woman, a man helps her to gain a greater role in the family, which is not always acceptable for the stronger sex.

Green onyx will be an ideal companion for all creative people: the stone distracts from the unnecessary and helps to attract the muse. This variety of onyx will also be useful for those who strive to conquer the career ladder: onyx is able to give its owner leadership ambitions.

Properties of green onyx: who is the stone suitable for?

Of all the signs of the Virgo zodiac, green onyx will be most appreciated, the properties of such a stone will help representatives of this sign to gain good luck and attract positive energy.

Green onyx also works well on other representatives of the elements of the Earth - Capricorn and Taurus. These difficult signs of the zodiac can be softened under the influence of onyx, which also helps to build relationships with others. In particular, Capricorn, who is often prone to bouts of anger and experiencing difficulties in relations with other people, finds harmony with himself and others, learns to seek compromises and be tolerant of others. As for Taurus, representatives of this sign are often withdrawn and passive, the same stone allows them to reveal their potential, gain determination and look at life more optimistically.

In general, green onyx is characterized by a special protective and creative energy, which allows this stone to become a good amulet and a faithful assistant to its owner in any life situations.

Especially for the site "Magic of the Stone"

Ancient tales, myths, legends and Biblical writings are not complete without mention of onyx. This mineral has long been associated with power, holiness, witchcraft. A striped nugget adorned the images of priests and rulers, and a black mineral accompanied magicians and shamans.

Today, the gem is used in the same areas as in antiquity. Only the modern world allows everyone to feel the power of the mineral, and not just the elect.

History and origins

The legends of several peoples who professed different faiths tell about onyx. The mineral acted as an obligatory ritual attribute, adorned the walls of sanctuaries, and was used to make dishes and handicrafts.

  1. The ancient Greeks in their myths identified the gem with the petrified nails of the goddess of love, Aphrodite. According to legend, the divine son Eros cut off his mother's nails during sleep. The word "onyx" itself is translated from ancient Greek as "nail". In fact, nugget stones are shaped like nails.
  2. Islamists highly revered the black mineral. The main shrine of Muslims, the Kaab, is decorated with a rare gem.
  3. The Aztecs erected entire buildings from onyx, for religious and secular purposes. Temples were decorated with a striped nugget, and vessels for sacrifices were created from it. This people more than others revered the green mineral of pale shades with orange-brown layers.
  4. Biblical stories on the first pages mention onyx as a stone from the Garden of Eden. The Paradise gem adorned the breastplate of the Jewish High Priest, being one of the 12 gems. The rich robes of ancient Jewish priests were decorated with a nugget. And according to the Old Testament of the Bible, Solomon's temple was built from onyx.
  5. The most extraordinary story tells about sardonyx - one of the varieties of onyx. A legend is connected with the name of the famous artist Benvenuto Cellini. Having once disappeared for a long time from the Vatican, along with an armful of gold and precious stones, the master aroused the wrath and indignation of His Holiness.
  6. In response to abusive reproaches, Cellini presented the Pope with a gem carved from multi-colored sardonyx. The gospel canonical plot showed the Last Supper, where each multi-colored layer of the mineral characterized the characters. Christ was depicted in white, the apostle John was dressed in a blue robe. Peter got a red vestment, and a gloomy tunic of dark brown color was intended for Judas.

This work struck the Pope not only with its skill, but also with the way that an ordinary cobblestone turned into a masterpiece, although for many years it lay needlessly underfoot. So Cellini received forgiveness and the title of the beloved son of the church, and the work of the master to this day adorns the altar of the Cathedral of the Apostle Peter.

Modern architects, following the example of the ancients, use onyx for cladding. Only today such decor is used not in temples, but at metro stations, restaurants, private residences of high-ranking persons.

Place of Birth

Onyx refers to minerals that are widely distributed throughout the globe. The most rare and exotic specimens have deposits:

  • Brazil.
  • Uruguay.
  • Arabian Peninsula.
  • India.

Turkmenistan is famous for its cave deposits, where nature has created whole galleries from onyx, decorated with stalagmites and stalactites.

Industrial onyx raw materials have:

  • Pakistan.
  • Türkiye.
  • Afghanistan.
  • Iran.
  • Mexico.
  • Egypt.

Russia is also rich in onyx deposits. The mineral is mined in Kolyma, Chukotka and Primorye.

Physical properties

Onyx is a silicon dioxide, it acts as a variety, in which minor impurities form parallel multi-colored layers.

Onyx is hard, frost-resistant, endowed with the ability to absorb water. These properties exceed those of Granite and.

Color varieties

Jewelry with a mineral

Natural stone is not only beautiful, but also easy to process due to its physical properties. Therefore, jewelers do not miss the opportunity to create a variety of jewelry with onyx.

The cost of such jewelry depends more on the setting and the accompanying gemstone inserts than on the onyx itself. However, rare black and white gems are valued more than ordinary gems. Such specimens are sent in gold or silver. Therefore, the price of these jewelry is several times higher. For example:

  • Gold earrings with black onyx start at 10,000 rubles.
  • A pendant in gold can be purchased for 4,000 rubles and more.
  • The average price for silver rings is 1000 rubles, for gold rings - 15 thousand.
  • Silver cufflinks cost 4,000–5,000 rubles, while gold cufflinks cost about 30,000 rubles.
  • Bracelets start from 1000 rubles.

Beads made of multi-colored onyx range in price from 1000–2500 rubles, given that handmade ones are more expensive.

How to distinguish a fake

Onyx is available and inexpensive, but fakes still occur. Most often imitate a black gem. You can recognize a linden mineral as follows:

  • A natural nugget cannot be scratched with a blade.
  • The natural mineral is endowed with harmonious colors without sharp transitions. The unnatural brightness of the color also signals a fake.
  • The Linden Gem will be suspiciously cheap.
  • Natural stone is always cool and almost does not absorb the heat of the hands.

Usually, the cheapest agate, painted with all kinds of chemical dyes, acts as an imitation.

How to wear

Traditionally, we first choose an auspicious day to buy a talisman. Sardonyx and carnelian, prefer their days for acquisition. Sardonyx is recommended to be bought on the 24th lunar day, and worn from the 10th of the next cycle.

Carnelian is demanding by the 3rd day of purchase and the 17th lunar day to start using. As for the rest of onyxes, such stones are brought home on the 5th lunar day, starting to be used from the 19th lunar day.

When buying an amulet, you should try to establish a primary energy contact. Hold the gem for a few minutes in your hands. Pleasant sensations will signal friendliness, and discomfort will signal an undesirable union. Remember that you do not choose onyx, but he chooses you.

It is believed that it is useful to wear onyx all the time so that magical abilities manifest themselves continuously. However, there is one “zest” here - with prolonged contact, a stone that does not tolerate deception can push the owner to impure desires. For example, to improve the financial situation by any means. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the change in human behavior - if the owner of the stone has become rigid, it is necessary to remove the jewelry for a while.

Onyx is considered a cold mineral, so it is best to wear jewelry in late autumn, winter or early spring. The stone has the strongest effect on middle-aged and older people.

Onyx gives a person positive energy, but is able to accumulate negative energy. Therefore, periodically the stone must be energetically cleansed. Cold running water will do this best. After the mineral is charged under the moon.

How to care

Storage and care of onyx does not require a special approach. It is recommended to keep the jewelry in a spacious box to avoid rubbing the stones against each other.

For cleaning, a soapy solution and a brush with medium-hard bristles are suitable. A small amount of baking soda can be added if the decoration is complemented by other minerals. Another cleansing option is wiping with bread crumbs.

The gem is not afraid of high temperature, however, bright light leads to discoloration of the mineral.

Compatibility with names and zodiac signs

Onyx refers to the patrons of such names:

  • Zhanna. The mineral contributes to the concentration and proper direction of the energy flow. Also, the amulet protects Jeanne from trouble.
  • Makar. Onyx will bring joy, emotional balance to his life, drive away depression and bad thoughts, pacify passions and protect him from dangerous actions.
  • Pauline. The gem will help her to assert herself, give confidence, help defend her own interests, expelling gloomy thoughts.
  • Ruslan. Excessive raging passions will help overcome the onyx talisman. The stone will help Ruslan concentrate in the right direction, warning against rash decisions and actions.

As for the horoscope, onyx contradicts one single sign -. The mineral is dangerous for them only because the people of this sign are versatile individuals who are looking for themselves in many areas of activity. Onyx, on the other hand, will push Gemini to choose one side, which will create an unpleasant uncomfortable union that will bring a person to depression.

(“+++” - the stone fits perfectly, “+” - can be worn, “-” - is categorically contraindicated):

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion+
  • Aries. Perfect match. The temper and outbursts of anger of Aries will be able to cool the gem. The mineral will push the representatives of this family to the goal, helping to bring the things they have started to their logical end.
  • Onyx will help Capricorns cope with laziness, contributing to the personal growth of the owner. This sign will receive an incentive from the gem to develop itself, to move along the intended path. With such a talisman, there is every chance of making a successful career.
  • Virgo. The talisman will overcome natural shyness in Virgo, help develop the qualities of a speaker, give determination and confidence.

With the rest of the signs of the zodiacal circle, the mineral will be almost neutral.


Onyx is an amazing, magical gem. A rare mineral compared to its magical and healing powers. And the natural prevalence of the nugget makes it accessible to every person.

Onyx - magical and healing properties of the mineral

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