December 20th holiday. December in the folk calendar. Police Day of Ukraine

Police Day of Ukraine

In 1990, the Law of Ukraine "On the Police" was adopted, two years later the official state professional police holiday was approved. Today, all police units (criminal police, state automobile inspection, public security police, security police, transport police, special police) single out the best employees, reward those who have distinguished themselves, and honor everyone who makes a feasible contribution to ensuring the safety of citizens and preventing crime. In addition, the duties of the police include the disclosure of the crime and the search for criminals, the suppression of offenses, ensuring road safety and more.

Yule is an Anglo-Saxon holiday.

A sacred and powerful holiday brings together trolls, elves, gods and goddesses, living and dead from the Underworlds. It is believed that those who have the gift to communicate with other worlds leave their bodies on this day. During Yule, the members of the clan would gather together for a great feast. The tradition of decorating an evergreen tree in Christian Christmas originates precisely from Yule. Eki, pines, firs are seen as a symbol of life during winter frosts. The duration of Yule is 13 nights, between sunset and dawn. This is the distance between years, a stop between the borders of the worlds. At this time, the spindle of fate rotates, oaths are given. The superstition that the new year is celebrated the way it is celebrated also originates in this holiday.

Day of National Security Organs in Russia

National security is closely related to such concepts as the development of the individual and society. The state security of the country is in the hands of the employees of the state security agencies, who protect the vital interests of citizens from external and internal threats. The history of the holiday begins in 1917, when the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission was first formed. The name of the organization has changed several times, and today this day is dedicated to the employees of the Security Agencies Russian Federation».

International Day of Human Solidarity

International Solidarity Day is a day of unity and mutual assistance of people, support in social groups responsibility to each other. The UN General Assembly, in its resolution, notes that a whole decade of the fight against poverty has already passed. It is expected that the 21st millennium will reconsider the fundamental values ​​of humanity and the main one will be the solidarity of people. Facilities mass media on this day, feature articles and transfer notes are posted on blogs and Internet resources. The Emblem of the Day is the emblem of the United Nations, representing all the continents where people live. Olive branches symbolize peace on the planet.

Day of Remembrance for the Victims of the Intervention in Panama

The events of 1989 are memorable and tragic for the country. American troops attacked Panama, the death toll as a result of the intervention of the strongest army in the world, according to various sources, reached 3-7 thousand. The head of government, Noriega, was removed. The American army tried to present this operation to the world community as liberation from the drug mafia and the dictatorship of the general, but a large number of civilians suffered during its implementation. On December 20, events are held in memory of the dead.

December 20 - Chicken Christmas in Serbia (Day of St. Ignatius the God-bearer)

Serbian housewives collect chicken eggs and perform several rituals on this cheerful holiday. They are waiting for a guest, the first person who enters the house is declared a “chicken anointed”. He is obliged to sit on the pillow and "carry" the eggs. Then he breaks the pumpkin. Scattered seeds symbolize the birth of a large number of chickens. The quietly seated guest is treated to a snack and Serbian vodka. If the guest does his job well, the hens lay well and many chicks hatch. On Chicken Christmas, members of the whole family threw a log and a tree branch into the oven for good luck and good luck. Branches are stored under the roof of the house until the chickens begin to lay. They also watch the weather. good harvest predict snow or rain.

Folk calendar December 20

Commemoration of Saint Ambrose of Milan

In the IV century in Italy there lived a preacher and poet Ambrose, who became famous for being able to add hymns. He had the great authority of one of the great teachers of the church, influenced the politics of the country, received the post of perfect of Northern Italy. At the end of his life, he donated all his fortune to the needs of the church. He could work miracles with his prayer. From that day on, Rus' the Great was preparing for the main holiday - the Nativity of Christ. The girls rejoiced at the imminent Christmas time and looked forward to festivities with the guys. During this period, no other holidays are expected, so the girls gave all their strength to the preparation of the dowry - they sewed, knitted, embroidered. The dowry was exhibited for a wide review in order to appreciate their skill.

Significant historical events December 20

It was on this day that Peter I signed the famous decree on the transition to a new countdown, and ordered to celebrate New Year according to the European example on January 1. The decree ordered everyone to place decorated fir branches and as a sign of fun, congratulate each other. The new 18th century began under rifle salutes and fireworks. Muscovites were obliged to launch rockets from muskets near houses. On the Jordan River, the procession continued on January 6. The great king himself remained this time in military uniform together with their regiments (Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky), in caftans with gold buttons. The boyars and service people were required to wear unusual European costumes - Hungarian caftans. Women also dressed in foreign fashion.

The vast territory between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains belonged to France for several centuries. For these lands, the American government laid out 15 million dollars. The area of ​​the United States almost doubled immediately. For the population, the transition to US citizenship was a real tragedy, as the languages ​​spoken by immigrants from France and Spain were forced out. This led to racial strife, the spread of the Ku Klux Klan, the apartheid regime, and Jim Crow laws. The state was dominated by people of color until 1900.

The monument to the creator of the Cheka stood on the square for 33 years. Then a stone was placed in this place in memory of the victims of Stalin's repressions. The sculpture of Dzerzhinsky was transferred to the Krymsky Val. The Moscow City Duma believes that the restoration of the monument to its original place could cause a split in society.

Only 92 people were against, 212 were in favor. It is understood that embryonic cells will be used only for medical and scientific purposes - to find a cure for cancer, treat Parkinson's disease and leukemia. Patience and caution versus the desire to help sick people: opposition to the adoption of the law was very active. The heads of religious denominations, the head of the Anglican Church and the Tibetan monks were categorically "against", but the decision was made.

December 20 were born:

Peter De Hooch(1629 - 1685), painter, portrait painter

In the paintings of de Hooch, interiors are carefully worked out, sunlight is experimentally depicted. Most often, they depict people in the process of action. They could be commoners or high people, they all did some work. In addition, he is known as a family portrait painter.

Alexey Alexandrovich Balandin(1898-1967), founder of a school in the field of catalysis in Russia

Alexei Balandin was a talented scientist with an excellent education, but this did not save him from prison during the Stalinist repressions. However, the scientist was released, and he became the head of the technical laboratory. He developed the multiplex theory of catalysis and received the Stalin Prize. But this did not save him from repeated repressions. The scientist was again arrested and sent to Norillag. The state decided to use his knowledge. Sitting in the camp, he worked in a laboratory for obtaining nickel powder. In 1953 he was rehabilitated, and again awarded the Order Labor Red Banner.

Kim Ki-duk(1960), South Korean director and screenwriter

The Korean artist had several educations, served in marines However, the passion for painting led him to study in Paris. Here he felt artistic and literary inclinations, began to write scripts and make films. In the films: "Tight Bowstring", "Real Fiction", "Wild Animals", almost no words were spoken for all the time. These are bright parables, slowly told in the language of images, where there is a lot of silence, but the words seem superfluous. Also in Europe there are exhibitions of paintings by Kim Ki-duk.

Maria Yurievna Skobtsova(1891-1945), Russian writer, nun

Maria Skobtsova lived a short life, and devoted many years to serving God. In her youth, she wrote books, was married twice, had two children. After becoming a nun, she was the head of the student Christian movement, founded a hostel for women and a charitable organization to help emigrants in Paris. Skobtsova is known for the fact that during World War II, the headquarters of the Resistance movement in France was located in her house. for this she was thrown into a concentration camp, where she soon died. In 2004, Maria Yurievna Skobtsova was canonized.

David Joseph Bohm(1917-1992), talented physicist

David Bohm's research on plasma theory, the synchrotron, and the synchrocyclotron were used to create the atomic bomb in the United States. Collaborating with Einstein, he wrote his main work "Quantum Theory". Another significant discovery of Bohm is the Aharon-Bohm effect of quantum interconnectedness.

Name day December 20

Ivan, Ignat, Lev, Mikhail, Alexei, Anton, Pavel, Peter, Grigory, Nikifor, Sergei, Julia.

Today, December 20, professional holiday- The Day of the Security Bodies Worker - is celebrated by people who daily solve tasks related to ensuring state security. However, only with this scope of duties of employees ...

On December 22, 2005, the UN General Assembly declared that International Solidarity Day would be celebrated annually on December 20. Solidarity - the unity of beliefs and actions, mutual assistance and support ...

Name day December 20


Name origin. There are several options for the origin of the name Anton. Some researchers associate it with the Greek word "anthos", which translates as "flower". The most common version is derived from the Roman generic name Antonius, derived from the ancient Greek "antao", which means "to meet, to collide", "to fight", "compete", "opposing", "adversary".

Short form of the name. Antokha, Antosha, Tony, Ante, Tosha, Antonka, Antonya, Antosya, Tosya, Antya, Tonya, Anto, Antush, Antos, Titoan, Tonio, Tituan.


Name origin. The name Basil originated from the ancient Greek "Basileios", which means "royal, regal." Sometimes its origin is associated with the Persian wars. At the same time, the meaning of the name Vasily is interpreted as "king", "prince" or "ruler". In Great Britain it has the form of Basil, in France - Basil, in Spain - Basilio, in Portugal - Basiliou.

Short form of the name. Vasya, Vasilyok, Vasyuta, Syuta, Vasyonya, Vasyunya, Vasyura, Vasyukha, Vasyusha, Vasilyushka, Cornflower, Vasilko, Vasyanya, Vasyakha, Vasyasha


Name origin. Gregory is a strong male name. It appeared at the time of the formation of Christianity in Rus'. Its origin is associated with the ancient Greek word "grigoreo", which means "to be awake", "to be vigilant", "not sleeping". Currently enjoys moderate popularity, newborns are called them quite rarely.

Short form of the name. Grisha, Grinya, Grishanya, Grishunya, Grishuta, Grishukha, Grinyukha, Grinyusha, Grigoryushka, Grigorya, Grika, Grief, Gora.


Name origin. The name Ivan (John, Jochanan) has a biblical origin and Hebrew roots. Translated from Hebrew, it means "God's favor", "God's mercy". In Russia, until 1917, among the peasants, almost every fourth man bore the name Ivan. It has also become widespread among other peoples of the world.

Short form of the name. Vanya, Vanyukha, Vanyusha, Vanyushka, Ivanko, Vanyura, Vanyusya, Vanyuta, Vanyutka, Vanyata, Vanyatka, Ivanya, Ivanyukha, Ivanyusha, Ivasya, Ivasik, Ivakha, Ivasha, Isha, Isha.


Name origin. The name Ignat is of Latin origin. It is believed that this is a short form from Ignatius. It was formed from the Roman generic name Egnatius, which in turn came from the Latin word "ignis" and translates as "fire." Therefore, the meaning of the name Ignat is interpreted as "fiery."

Short form of the name. Ignatka, Ignakha, Ignash, Igonya, Igosh.

a lion

Name origin. The name was derived from the Latin word "leo" - "lion". Translated from Greek, it also means "lion", "king of beasts".

Short form of the name. Lyova, Lyovushka, Levunya, Levusya, Lenya, Lesya, Lyoka, Levko, Levus, Levchik, Lyonya, Leonek, Lyulik.


Name origin. Michael - good, kind and beautiful name, originating from the Hebrew Michael, which means "equal, like God", "asked from God." Popular in Russia and other countries in different variations.

Short form of the name. Misha, Mishanya, Mishunya, Mishuta, Mishutka, Mikhasya, Michal, Miki, Mikhanya, Minya, Minyasha, Minyusha, Mika, Mikhailushka, Mikha, Mikhaylushka, Mishulya.


Name origin. The name has Latin roots and means "small", "younger", "insignificant", "baby", "modest". The origin of the name is due to the fact that in Latin families both the father and the son were called the same. In order to distinguish between them, they began to apply the prefix "Paulus" to the child. According to another version, the boys who were born later than all were called so.

Short form of the name. Pasha, Pavlik, Pavlunya, Pavlukha, Pavlusha, Pavlyunya, Pavlusya, Pavlusya.


Name origin. Male name Peter comes from the ancient Greek Petros and means "stone", "solid", "unshakable", "reliable". The surname Petrov was formed from him, which is considered one of the most popular in Russia, the nickname of the Russian jester is Petrushka.

Short form of the name. Petya, Petka, Petyunya, Petruha, Petranya, Petrya, Petrusha, Petyusha, Petyan, Petyay, Peter, Petran, Petrus, Per, Peiro, Pete, Perin, Petruts, Feather, Peya.


Name origin. Sergey is a traditional, reliable, popular name. It is one of the ten most common male names in Russia. Its origin is associated with the Roman generic Sergius, which in Latin means "high", "noble".

Short form of the name. Seryozha, Seryozhka, Serge, Seryozhenka, Sergeyka, Sergulya, Sergusya, Sergush, Sergunya.

Signs for December 20

  • If a gusty east wind blows - to prolonged cold weather.
  • The cat reaches for water, drinks a lot of it - to the cold.
  • Winter is cold - summer is hot, winter warmth- summer cold.
  • Snow is dense and wet - to a wet summer, dry and light - to a dry one.
  • The sun sets in the clouds - to the snowfall.
  • The sun is surrounded by fog - there will be a blizzard.
  • If a person was born on December 20, then he will be a jack of all trades, and if we are talking about a woman, then she will be an excellent needlewoman.
  • In December, when the month is born upside down (south), the winter will be warm, the summer hot; up (to the north) - cold winter, windy summer; the horns are up, but the lower one is steep, and the upper one is sloping - the first half of the winter will be cold, the summer will be windy; if the upper horn is steeper, the lower one is delayed, then the same sign for the second half of the summer.

Orthodox holidays December 20

  • the memory of St. Ambrose, Bishop of Milan (397);
  • the memory of the Monk Nil of Stolobensky (1554);
  • the memory of St. Anthony of Siya, hieromonk (1556);
  • the memory of St. John, the faster of the Caves, in the Near Caves (XII century);
  • the memory of the venerable martyr Athenodorus of Mesopotamia (c. 304);
  • the memory of the Monk Paul the Obedient (Sacred);
  • the memory of the martyr Philothea of ​​Romania (1060);
  • the memory of the Monks Martyrs Sergius (Galkovsky), Hieromonk, Andronik (Barsukov), Hierodeacon (1917);
  • the memory of Hieromartyr Anthony Popov, presbyter (1918);
  • the memory of Hieromartyrs Sergius Goloshchapov, Mikhail Uspensky, Sergius Uspensky, presbyters, Nikifor Litvinov, deacon, martyrs Galaktion (Urbanovich-Novikov) and Guriy (Samoilov), hieromonks, martyr John Demidov (1937);
  • the memory of the Hieromartyrs Peter Krestov and Vasily Mirozhin, presbyters (1941);
  • celebration in honor of the Seliger (Vladimir) Icon of the Mother of God.

Who was born on December 20

Horoscope for those born on December 20

If you were born on December 20th, what is your zodiac sign? Sagittarius. Look at your

Each of us is familiar with such holidays as March 8, Christmas, February 23, May 9. These days, many companies and museums are closed, only large stores are open, and those on a special schedule. But let's figure out which ones are celebrated in Russia. On February 10, it is customary to congratulate diplomatic workers, on April 27 - notaries, submariners walk on March 19, and FSB Day on December 20.

Holidays and dates

December 20 in Russia and other countries celebrate the day of solidarity of people. On this date, congratulations are also received by employees of the Federal Security Service. In 2005, on December 22, the UN General Assembly proclaimed the official date international day solidarity of people (December 20). Let's see what this concept means. Solidarity is like-mindedness, mutual assistance and groups of the population, which are based on common interests and the need to achieve a common goal.

This holiday was proclaimed in a resolution dedicated to the fight for the eradication of poverty. The UN decision refers to the Millennium Declaration, which says that in the 21st century one of the main values ​​for a person will be solidarity.

Do you know what holiday December 20 is celebrated in Ukraine? Every year on this day Ukrainians celebrate Police Day. This date was approved by the President of the country in November 1992.

December 20 - professional holiday of state security workers: the history of occurrence

Since 1995, this date has a modern name. But in the days of the Soviet Union, December 20 was celebrated as the Day of the Chekist. Back in 1917, the Cheka was formed. Since its inception, the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission has changed more than one name and composition, based on professional day employees of the state security bodies adopted the Day of the Chekist.

Currently, December 20 is not considered a non-working day. Of course, sometimes there are exceptions, but this is only due to the fact that the date of the celebration falls on the official weekend.

Who is considered an FSB officer

It is unambiguously impossible to characterize the image of a special service worker. However, in history, cinema and literature, the intelligence officer is described as a person who selflessly defends the interests of the Motherland, destroying enemy plans. Today, the Federal Service is engaged in solving many problems related to the security of the state. Its main forces are aimed at protecting the country from terrorism and crime, eradicating economic crimes on the borders of the Russian Federation, as well as intelligence and counterintelligence. The employees of this state body perform a valuable role, protecting their state from various threats. What should be a security officer? Obviously, these are principled, courageous and self-possessed people, real pros in their field. They celebrate their professional holiday on December 20.

Official part

December 20 is the professional holiday of FSB workers. On this date, congratulations are heard, the best employees are thanked for their hard work, some are even awarded bonuses. In large cities of Russia, flowers are laid on this day at this man. This person was able to improve the work of state security agencies to the maximum. A concert is shown on the central channel, where many people take part famous stars stage, on the evening of December 20. The professional holiday has come a long way in 100 years. From the day of the Chekist, having turned into the day of the FSB, December 20 is celebrated annually in Russia.

Corporate gifts

Let's see what they give on December 20. What holiday is celebrated on this day, we have already learned, now let's talk about gifts. Usually, FSB officers are given various office supplies at corporate parties. After all, they always work with documents. A pretty good present is a leather folder with the coat of arms of the FSB on it. Stationery sets, pens, notebooks, business card holders and notebooks. Such gifts look more solid if they have the appropriate symbolism. If you could not find such a little thing in the store, just decorate it with an inscription, drawing or engraving. But the boss needs to pick up something more original, for example, it could be a bust of F. E. Dzerzhinsky or his portrait.

Souvenirs for FSB employees

What is unusual to give by December 20 (what holiday is this day, we have already found out with you)? Enough interesting option- a figurine of James Bond or a special forces soldier, which will dilute the atmosphere of harsh working days. To make the rest of your friend working in the FSB more enjoyable, give him a pillow with the original embroidered inscription "I serve Russia". Any little thing donated can be pleasant, pay attention to key chains made in the form of a weapon or the coat of arms of the organization. An unusual flash drive will be a wonderful souvenir. Well, the most common option is a mug or with the image of the organization's symbols. After all, even such a serious employee wants to drink a cup of fragrant tea.

Celebrities in the service of the FSB

For the 90th anniversary of the special services, prizes were awarded to people of art who participated in the formation of a positive image of state security officers.

In this competition, Alexander Dedyushko became one of the winners. His life tragically ended in November of the same year. Dedyushko played the main roles in the films Alias ​​Albanian, Sarmat, Operational Alias. It was he who was awarded the first prize for acting. The posthumous award was given to the daughter of a famous actor.

The award for television programs was received by the author and presenter of the documentary, Sergei Medvedev. In the nomination "Literature and Journalism" the work of Roy Medvedev - the book "Andropov" was singled out.

The release of the feature film "Code of the Apocalypse" brought victory to several nominees at the same time: Vadim Shmelev (Cinema and Television Films category) and Anastasia Zavorotnyuk (Acting Work).

The sculptors Stanislav and Vadim Kirillov became the laureate of the award in the Fine Arts nomination. They worked on the creation of a monument to the Hero of Russia who died in Beslan.

Even security personnel have some mishaps at work. In confirmation of these words, I would like to tell one interesting and funny story-project that took place in the 60s.

We are talking about Operation Acoustic Cat, its budget was 20 million US dollars. The project started in 1960 and ended in disgrace in 1967. Task veterinarian consisted of turning a fluffy cat into an elite spy. To do this, he implanted a microphone in her ear canal, and a mini-radio transmitter in her, in addition, a thin wire antenna was sewn into the fur of the animal. The main goal of this operation was to create a living machine for observation. The feline spy was supposed to record the conversation of men in the park, where he was taken by the CIA. Instead, the cat decided to just wander down the street, and then suddenly rushed onto a busy road, where she was hit by a taxi.

World calendar of memorable dates

What holiday is celebrated on December 20 in other countries? Earlier we already mentioned that they celebrate this day in Ukraine. December 20 is a professional holiday for security officials not only in Russia, but also in Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia.

In addition, this date is associated pagan holiday- Yule. This powerful winter celebration is associated with the meeting of the Sun, which has risen from darkness, and the review of the revived world. Some elements of the holiday are preserved in the Christian Christmas. It's about about an evergreen tree - a symbol of life that continues even after the harsh winter cold. This pagan holiday lasts 13 nights, they even have their own name - "Nights of Spirits".

In Panama, December 20 is declared a day of mourning. Local residents do not forget about the events that took place in 1989. This date is associated with the US attack on the country's capital. On this day, the memory of all those who died in the tragedy is honored.

In 2014, on December 20, Russians also celebrated Realtor's Day. This profession appeared several decades ago, but during this time it has acquired many myths. Some of the legends relate to the specifics of the work of specialists in this field, while others speak of the image of the profession as a whole.

Now you know that on December 20 in Russia they celebrate the professional holiday of the face, decisive questions ensuring the security of the country. But these are far from all the duties of employees in this sphere, because the state is also interested in satisfying the possibilities for the progressive development of not only the whole society, but also each individual.

Today it is a professional holiday for employees of the FSB, FSO, SVR. In the days of the Soviet Union, all these special services were part of the State Security Committee or, as we are all more familiar with, the KGB.

What holiday is celebrated on December 20 in Russia? Perhaps not everyone will be able to answer this question right away. But those who are directly related to him celebrate this holiday every year. What is it about?

When is FSB Day celebrated in Russia?

Employees of the federal security agencies daily expose their lives to risk and danger, because it is not so easy to protect the whole state.

In 1995, then-President Yeltsin decided to reward FSB workers by giving them their own holiday. The date was approved - December 20. And this is not accidental, because it was on this day in 1917 that the first and only commission in Russia was formed to restore order and prevent unrest in the country.

Previously, this holiday was also called the Day of the Chekist. But now this name has lost its relevance and the official name has taken root - the Day of the worker of the Security Bodies of the Russian Federation, or simply the Day of the FSB.

history of the holiday

100 years ago, in 1917 (December 20), the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission was organized. The time was turbulent, so the formation of an organization to combat and control sabotage and unrest was of paramount importance. Dzerzhinsky F.E. was at the head of the commission.

The organization has been working long time, and after the end of the Great Patriotic War and after the death of Stalin, the State Security Committee was formed, which operated under the control of the Council of Ministers of the USSR.

But until 1995, no one could answer the question of what holiday December 20 is in Russia, since such a celebration did not exist. Only in the 95th, by decree of President B.N. Yeltsin Day of the FSB officers acquired the status of a public holiday.

What holiday is December 20th? This is not only FSB Day. The holiday applies not only to security workers, but also to foreign intelligence professionals, to the Security Service of the Russian Federation and the Main Directorate of Special Programs of the President of Russia. By the way, all of these structures once formed a single organization - the State Security Committee (KGB).

Existing traditions

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Considering what holiday December 20 is, the leadership of the FSB department organizes a gathering of employees in the assembly hall for solemn congratulations. The congratulations are followed by an award ceremony and a gala concert.

Awarding with diplomas, prizes and awards is carried out for those who have positively distinguished themselves in the course of their service. In 1994, the country's government approved a new badge of distinction - "For service in counterintelligence." But such an award was not given to all those who distinguished themselves, but only to those whose experience exceeded 15 years of service.

This distinction gave its owner good benefits in the field of health care, when buying a home, while being on sanatorium treatment. In addition to benefits, there was an increase in salary. And the FSB officer had the right to wear an official uniform even after retirement or dismissal.

On the Day of the Worker of the Security Bodies of the Russian Federation, veterans of the service and those who died while performing a layer of professional duty are not forgotten. Give as an example, express honor and respect the best workers to be compared to.

Conducting a corporate evening is optional, but a possible continuation festive evening. Colleagues congratulate each other and accept congratulations from relatives and friends.

attitude towards the holiday

What a holiday in Russia on December 20 is now clear. But the attitude towards this day on the part of the citizens of the Russian Federation can be described as twofold.

Of course, the FSB officers honor this holiday, because this is an occasion to remember the departed employees, to thank and reward the acting officers, to congratulate each other. The holiday is significant for many, because several structures provide federal security.

However, some are skeptical about this holiday and question the necessity of its existence. The thing is that at the beginning of the 20th century, the employees of the Cheka-NKVD carried out a huge number of repressions, summary executions. The exact number of victims who died at the hands of the Chekists is still unknown. In the second half of the 20th century, the KGB persecuted all Western-minded people, such people were called dissidents, they were imprisoned for a very long time.

But it is simply impossible to bypass such a department as the Federal Security Service. And those who have a negative attitude to this day are becoming less and less.


The day of the employee of the Federal Security Bodies of Russia is not a day off for employees in this area, although this Public Holiday. But solemn part no one canceled, so congratulatory events are always held on this day, awards are presented to officers.

So do not forget to congratulate your relatives or acquaintances who are in the service of the FSB on this significant day, because this is another reason to thank them for their hard work.

Holidays and dates

Who is considered an FSB officer

Official part

Corporate gifts

Souvenirs for FSB employees

Celebrities in the service of the FSB

We are talking about Operation Acoustic Cat, its budget was 20 million US dollars. The project started in 1960 and ended in disgrace in 1967. The task of the veterinarian was to turn a fluffy cat into an elite spy. To do this, he implanted a microphone in her ear canal, and a mini-radio transmitter in the base of her skull, in addition to this, a thin wire antenna was sewn into the fur of the animal. The main goal of this operation was to create a living machine for observation. The feline spy was supposed to record the conversation of men in the park, where he was taken by the CIA. Instead, the cat decided to just wander down the street, and then suddenly rushed onto a busy road, where she was hit by a taxi.

In addition, a pagan holiday, Yule, is associated with this date. This powerful winter celebration is associated with the meeting of the Sun, which has risen from darkness, and the review of the revived world. Some elements of the holiday are preserved in the Christian Christmas. We are talking about an evergreen tree - a symbol of life that continues after the harsh winter cold. This pagan holiday lasts 13 nights, they even have their own name - "Nights of Spirits".

The professional holiday "December 20 Holiday - Day of Security Service Workers" unites all Russian employees FSB, SVR, FSO and other special services. It is celebrated annually on December 20th. It should be noted that this holiday is not a day off.

The day of an employee of state and national security bodies was approved by decree of the Russian president of December 20, 1995. Employees of the security agencies of our country on this solemn day receive numerous congratulations from officials of various ranks and the Russian president himself.

The date of December 20 was chosen for celebration by the president himself, and this did not happen by chance. On this day in 1917, the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR issued a document on the creation of the Cheka. This commission was created to combat the opponents of the revolution and sabotage in Soviet Russia. Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky, who later bore the nickname Iron Felix, was elected its first chairman.

History of Russian security agencies

The history of our country's security agencies is rather ambiguous.. This service has gone through difficult times, but managed to survive. It is impossible not to note its great importance for our country, because it is it that ensures the security of our state. Its employees serve for the benefit of their homeland and their people. Today there is a lot of criticism of the security officers who ensured the state security of the Soviet Union. Their mistakes continue to be widely discussed by historians. But modern security agencies are certainly very different from their predecessors. Over the past decades, cardinal changes have taken place in them, as in the whole country as a whole. We can say that the work of these special services has gained new meaning. IN Soviet times the main, but unspoken task of these services was the suppression of the freedoms and rights of Soviet citizens. Today, their activities are aimed at protecting the constitutional rights of citizens of our country.

Democracy has brought a new understanding of state security. It cannot be denied that these services wield great power. It is for this reason that it is so important that all its employees be honest and law-abiding people and perform their work with perfect legal and professional standards. They cannot make a single mistake in their activities. Otherwise, they lose the trust of society.

Tasks of the state security service

The employees of the state security services have a very big responsibility for the whole country.. These people almost daily have to decide difficult tasks related to national security. But they have more than just these responsibilities. They are also responsible for national security.

The concept of national security implies the protection of the citizens of our country and their way of life from various external and internal threats.

A similar professional holiday existed in Soviet times. Then it was called the Day of the Chekist and was established on December 20 (December 7, according to the old style), 1917. It was then that the Cheka was formed. Later it was renamed several times. From the first days of its existence, the Cheka stood up for the defense of the territorial integrity of our state, as well as its sovereignty. She waged an active struggle against foreign interventionists and anti-Soviet conspiracies within the country. The measures taken were quite severe. Many people were innocently convicted and suffered undeserved punishment. It should be noted that this service was endowed with emergency rights and powers.

When the country was completed Civil War, then the need for such a special body simply disappeared. Therefore, the government of the country decided to abolish this body.

State Security

The concept of state security is quite capacious and includes a whole range of economic, military, political, legal and social measures. All of them are aimed at protecting the existing social and state system. They ensure the inviolability of the territories and the independence of our state from external and internal enemies and ill-wishers.

Without a doubt, national security is the main component of national security. Without national security, it would be impossible to ensure the sustainable development of the country.

Modern state security services are engaged not only in such traditional views activities such as intelligence and counterintelligence. They are also fighting against such social hazards like terrorism, organized and economic crime, as well as corruption and drug trafficking.

State policy aimed at ensuring security is part of the domestic and foreign policy of our state. Its main directions are determined by the President of the country.

Our state must cooperate with other countries, but these relations must be peaceful. It is very important for the country to avoid armed conflicts and wars. At the same time, our state gives preference to peaceful diplomatic ways of resolving various problems arising in relations in the international arena.

Many problems can also arise within the country. After all, we must not forget the fact that the Russian Federation is one of the largest states in the world. In addition, it is also a multinational state, on the territory of which more than a hundred nationalities coexist. Each of them has unique features of material and spiritual culture. It is extremely important that exclusively peaceful and benevolent relations exist between these peoples. Unfortunately, some difficulties still arise. And this problem also belongs to the competence of security agencies.

The holiday "Day of an employee of state and national security bodies" exists not only in modern Russia, but also in some other former Soviet republics.

Currently, the holiday of Russian security officers is a professional holiday for employees of the Federal Security Service (FSB), the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), the Federal Security Service (FSO) and the Main Directorate of Special Programs of the President of the Russian Federation. In the Soviet period, all these special services, as main departments, were part of the structure of the State Security Committee (KGB) of the USSR.

It is difficult to overestimate the role of the special services of the Russian Federation in observing the constitutional order and territorial integrity of the country, in modern conditions fight against terrorism.

The fight against crime and terrorism today remains one of the most actual problems states. Employees of state security bodies with honor and dignity perform operational and combat missions in conditions involving a risk to life and health, while demonstrating high professionalism, courage and courage.

Employees of the security agencies of the Russian Federation stand guard over the strategic interests of the Motherland, courageously and selflessly defend them in "hot spots" and Everyday life, in their own country and abroad.

At Russian authorities security is a lot of work. Russia, like any other state, at all stages of its development needed and now needs reliable protection their national interests. The most important of them is the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens. This is the key to understanding the very essence of state and public security and the trust of our citizens.

People who are loyal to their oath and duty, honest and decent, courageous and selfless go to work in the security agencies.

Employees of the Federal Security Service of Russia, acting in the most difficult conditions of the operational environment, are always at the forefront of the fight against crime, actively contribute to maintaining stability in the country, and ensure the security of the individual, society and the state.

Back to holiday calendar
Russian Federation Russia Day of an employee of state and national security agencies Day of an employee of state and national security agencies holiday Day of an employee of state and national security agencies

The Day of the Worker of the Security Bodies of the Russian Federation is a professional holiday for employees of the FSB, SVR, FSO and other Russian special services. Celebrated annually on December 20th. It is not a non-working day.

Russian Federation Russia International day of people's solidarity International day of people's solidarity holiday International day of people's solidarity

We celebrate another holiday established by the UN on December 20. This holiday was born in 2006, when it was celebrated for the first time.

Holidays December 20

Police Day of Ukraine

In 1990, the Law of Ukraine "On the Police" was adopted, two years later the official state professional police holiday was approved. Today, all police units (criminal police, state automobile inspection, public security police, security police, transport police, special police) single out the best employees, reward those who have distinguished themselves, and honor everyone who makes a feasible contribution to ensuring the safety of citizens and preventing crime. In addition, the duties of the police include the disclosure of the crime and the search for criminals, the suppression of offenses, ensuring road safety and more.

Yule is an Anglo-Saxon holiday.

A sacred and powerful holiday brings together trolls, elves, gods and goddesses, living and dead from the Underworlds. It is believed that those who have the gift to communicate with other worlds leave their bodies on this day. During Yule, the members of the clan would gather together for a great feast. The tradition of decorating an evergreen tree in Christian Christmas originates precisely from Yule. Eki, pines, firs are considered as a symbol of life during winter frosts. The duration of Yule is 13 nights, between sunset and dawn. This is the distance between years, a stop between the borders of the worlds. At this time, the spindle of fate rotates, oaths are given. The superstition that the new year is celebrated the way it is celebrated also originates in this holiday.

Day of National Security Organs in Russia

National security is closely related to such concepts as the development of the individual and society. The state security of the country is in the hands of the employees of the state security agencies, who protect the vital interests of citizens from external and internal threats. The history of the holiday begins in 1917, when the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission was first formed. The name of the organization has changed several times, and today this day is dedicated to the employees of the “Security Organs of the Russian Federation”.

International Day of Human Solidarity

International Solidarity Day is a day of unity and mutual assistance of people, support in social groups, responsibility to each other. The UN General Assembly, in its resolution, notes that a whole decade of the fight against poverty has already passed. It is expected that the 21st millennium will reconsider the fundamental values ​​of humanity and the main one will be the solidarity of people. The media on this day post feature articles and broadcast notes on blogs and online resources. The Emblem of the Day is the emblem of the United Nations, representing all the continents where people live. Olive branches symbolize peace on the planet.

Day of Remembrance for the Victims of the Intervention in Panama

The events of 1989 are memorable and tragic for the country. American troops attacked Panama, the death toll as a result of the intervention of the strongest army in the world, according to various sources, reached 3-7 thousand. The head of government, Noriega, was removed. The American army tried to present this operation to the world community as liberation from the drug mafia and the dictatorship of the general, but a large number of civilians suffered during its implementation. On December 20, events are held in memory of the dead.

December 20 - Chicken Christmas in Serbia (Day of St. Ignatius the God-bearer)

Serbian housewives collect chicken eggs and perform several rituals on this cheerful holiday. They are waiting for a guest, the first person who enters the house is declared a “chicken anointed”. He is obliged to sit on the pillow and "carry" the eggs. Then he breaks the pumpkin. Scattered seeds symbolize the birth of a large number of chickens. The quietly seated guest is treated to a snack and Serbian vodka. If the guest does his job well, the hens lay well and many chicks hatch. On Chicken Christmas, members of the whole family threw a log and a tree branch into the oven for good luck and good luck. Branches are stored under the roof of the house until the chickens begin to lay. They also watch the weather. A good harvest is predicted by snow or rain.

Folk calendar December 20

Commemoration of Saint Ambrose of Milan

In the IV century in Italy there lived a preacher and poet Ambrose, who became famous for being able to add hymns. He had the great authority of one of the great teachers of the church, influenced the politics of the country, received the post of perfect of Northern Italy. At the end of his life, he donated all his fortune to the needs of the church. He could work miracles with his prayer. From that day on, Rus' the Great was preparing for the main holiday - the Nativity of Christ. The girls rejoiced at the imminent Christmas time and looked forward to festivities with the guys. During this period, no other holidays are expected, so the girls gave all their strength to the preparation of the dowry - they sewed, knitted, embroidered. The dowry was exhibited for a wide review in order to appreciate their skill.

Significant historical events December 20

It was on this day that Peter I signed the famous decree on the transition to a new countdown, and ordered the New Year to be celebrated according to the European example on January 1. The decree ordered everyone to place decorated spruce branches in the house and, as a sign of fun, congratulate each other. The new 18th century began under rifle salutes and fireworks. Muscovites were obliged to launch rockets from muskets near houses. On the Jordan River, the procession continued on January 6. The great tsar himself remained this time in military uniform, along with his regiments (Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky), in caftans with gold buttons. The boyars and service people were required to wear unusual European costumes - Hungarian caftans. Women also dressed in foreign fashion.

The vast territory between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains belonged to France for several centuries. For these lands, the American government laid out 15 million dollars. The area of ​​the United States almost doubled immediately. For the population, the transition to US citizenship was a real tragedy, as the languages ​​spoken by immigrants from France and Spain were forced out. This led to racial strife, the spread of the Ku Klux Klan, the apartheid regime, and Jim Crow laws. The state was dominated by people of color until 1900.

The monument to the creator of the Cheka stood on the square for 33 years. Then a stone was placed in this place in memory of the victims of Stalin's repressions. The sculpture of Dzerzhinsky was transferred to the Krymsky Val. The Moscow City Duma believes that the restoration of the monument to its original place could cause a split in society.

Only 92 people were against, 212 were in favor. It is understood that embryonic cells will be used only for medical and scientific purposes - to find a cure for cancer, treat Parkinson's disease and leukemia. Patience and caution versus the desire to help sick people: opposition to the adoption of the law was very active. The heads of religious denominations, the head of the Anglican Church and the Tibetan monks were categorically "against", but the decision was made.

December 20 were born:

Peter De Hooch(1629 - 1685), painter, portrait painter

In the paintings of de Hooch, interiors are carefully worked out, sunlight is experimentally depicted. Most often, they depict people in the process of action. They could be commoners or high people, they all did some work. In addition, he is known as a family portrait painter.

Alexey Alexandrovich Balandin(1898-1967), founder of a school in the field of catalysis in Russia

Alexei Balandin was a talented scientist with an excellent education, but this did not save him from prison during the Stalinist repressions. However, the scientist was released, and he became the head of the technical laboratory. He developed the multiplex theory of catalysis and received the Stalin Prize. But this did not save him from repeated repressions. The scientist was again arrested and sent to Norillag. The state decided to use his knowledge. Sitting in the camp, he worked in a laboratory for obtaining nickel powder. In 1953 he was rehabilitated and again awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

Kim Ki-duk(1960), South Korean director and screenwriter

The Korean artist had several educations, served in the Marine Corps, but his passion for painting led him to study in Paris. Here he felt artistic and literary inclinations, began to write scripts and make films. In the films: "Tight Bowstring", "Real Fiction", "Wild Animals", almost no words were spoken for all the time. These are bright parables, slowly told in the language of images, where there is a lot of silence, but the words seem superfluous. Also in Europe there are exhibitions of paintings by Kim Ki-duk.

Maria Yurievna Skobtsova(1891-1945), Russian writer, nun

Maria Skobtsova lived a short life, and devoted many years to serving God. In her youth, she wrote books, was married twice, had two children. After becoming a nun, she was the head of the student Christian movement, founded a hostel for women and a charitable organization to help emigrants in Paris. Skobtsova is known for the fact that during World War II, the headquarters of the Resistance movement in France was located in her house. for this she was thrown into a concentration camp, where she soon died. In 2004, Maria Yurievna Skobtsova was canonized.

David Joseph Bohm(1917-1992), talented physicist

David Bohm's research on plasma theory, the synchrotron, and the synchrocyclotron were used to create the atomic bomb in the United States. Collaborating with Einstein, he wrote his main work "Quantum Theory". Another significant discovery of Bohm is the Aharon-Bohm effect of quantum interconnectedness.

Name day December 20

Ivan, Ignat, Lev, Mikhail, Alexei, Anton, Pavel, Peter, Grigory, Nikifor, Sergei, Julia.

Each of us is familiar with such holidays as March 8, Christmas, February 23, May 9. These days, many companies and museums are closed, only large stores are open, and those on a special schedule. But let's see what professional holidays are celebrated in Russia. On February 10, it is customary to congratulate diplomatic workers, on April 27 - notaries, submariners walk on March 19, and FSB Day on December 20.

Holidays and dates

December 20 in Russia and other countries celebrate the day of solidarity of people. On this date, congratulations are also received by employees of the Federal Security Service. In 2005, on December 22, the UN General Assembly proclaimed the official date of the International Day of Human Solidarity (December 20). Let's see what this concept means. Solidarity is the unanimity, mutual assistance and support of a social group of the population, which are based on common interests and the need to achieve a common goal.

This holiday was proclaimed in a resolution dedicated to the fight for the eradication of poverty. The UN decision refers to the Millennium Declaration, which says that in the 21st century one of the main values ​​for a person will be solidarity.

Do you know what holiday December 20 is celebrated in Ukraine? Every year on this day Ukrainians celebrate Police Day. This date was approved by the President of the country in November 1992.

December 20 - professional holiday of state security workers: the history of occurrence

Since 1995, this date has a modern name. But in the days of the Soviet Union, December 20 was celebrated as the Day of the Chekist. Back in 1917, the Cheka was formed. Since its inception, the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission has changed more than one name and composition; the Day of the Chekist has been taken as the basis for the professional day of employees of state security agencies.

Currently, December 20 is not considered a non-working day. Of course, sometimes there are exceptions, but this is only due to the fact that the date of the celebration falls on the official weekend.

Who is considered an FSB officer

It is unambiguously impossible to characterize the image of a special service worker. However, in history, cinema and literature, the intelligence officer is described as a person who selflessly defends the interests of the Motherland, destroying enemy plans. Today, the Federal Service is engaged in solving many problems related to the security of the state. Its main forces are aimed at protecting the country from terrorism and crime, eradicating economic crimes on the borders of the Russian Federation, as well as intelligence and counterintelligence. The employees of this state body perform a valuable role, protecting their state from various threats. What should be a security officer? Obviously, these are principled, courageous and self-possessed people, real pros in their field. They celebrate their professional holiday on December 20.

Official part

December 20 is the professional holiday of FSB workers. On this date, congratulations are heard, the best employees are thanked for their hard work, some are even awarded bonuses. In large cities of Russia, flowers are laid at the monument to Dzerzhinsky on this day. This person was able to improve the work of state security agencies to the maximum. A concert is shown on the central channel, where many famous pop stars take part, on the evening of December 20th. The professional holiday has come a long way in 100 years. From the day of the Chekist, having turned into the day of the FSB, December 20 is celebrated annually in Russia.

Corporate gifts

Let's see what they give on December 20. What holiday is celebrated on this day, we have already learned, now let's talk about gifts. Usually, FSB officers are given various office supplies at corporate parties. After all, they always work with documents. A pretty good present is a leather folder with the coat of arms of the FSB on it. Stationery sets, pens, notebooks, business card holders and notebooks will never be superfluous. Such gifts look more solid if they have the appropriate symbolism. If you could not find such a little thing in the store, just decorate it with an inscription, drawing or engraving. But the boss needs to pick up something more original, for example, it could be a bust of F. E. Dzerzhinsky or his portrait.

Souvenirs for FSB employees

What is unusual to give by December 20 (what holiday is this day, we have already found out with you)? A rather interesting option is a figurine of James Bond or a special forces soldier, which will dilute the atmosphere of harsh working days. To make the rest of your friend working in the FSB more enjoyable, give him a pillow with the original embroidered inscription "I serve Russia". Any little thing donated can be pleasant, pay attention to key chains made in the form of a weapon or the coat of arms of the organization. An unusual flash drive will be a wonderful souvenir. Well, the most common option is a mug or tea set with the image of the organization's symbols. After all, even employees of such a serious field of activity want to drink a cup of aromatic tea.

Celebrities in the service of the FSB

For the 90th anniversary of the special services, prizes were awarded to people of art who participated in the formation of a positive image of state security officers.

In this competition, Alexander Dedyushko became one of the winners. His life tragically ended in November of the same year. Dedyushko played the main roles in the films Alias ​​Albanian, Sarmat, Operational Alias. It was he who was awarded the first prize for acting. The posthumous award was given to the daughter of a famous actor.

The award for television programs was received by the author and presenter of the documentary, Sergei Medvedev. In the nomination "Literature and Journalism" the work of Roy Medvedev - the book "Andropov" was singled out.

The release of the feature film "Code of the Apocalypse" brought victory to several nominees at the same time: Vadim Shmelev (Cinema and Television Films category) and Anastasia Zavorotnyuk (Acting Work).

The sculptors Stanislav and Vadim Kirillov became the laureate of the award in the Fine Arts nomination. They worked on the creation of a monument to the Hero of Russia Dmitry Razumovsky, who died in Beslan.

Even security personnel have some mishaps at work. In confirmation of these words, I would like to tell one interesting and funny story-project that took place in the 60s.

We are talking about Operation Acoustic Cat, its budget was 20 million US dollars. The project started in 1960 and ended in disgrace in 1967. The task of the veterinarian was to turn a fluffy cat into an elite spy. To do this, he implanted a microphone in her ear canal, and a mini-radio transmitter in the base of her skull, in addition to this, a thin wire antenna was sewn into the fur of the animal. The main goal of this operation was to create a living machine for observation. The feline spy was supposed to record the conversation of men in the park, where he was taken by the CIA. Instead, the cat decided to just wander down the street, and then suddenly rushed onto a busy road, where she was hit by a taxi.

World calendar of memorable dates

What holiday is celebrated on December 20 in other countries? Earlier we already mentioned that they celebrate this day in Ukraine. December 20 is a professional holiday for security officials not only in Russia, but also in Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia.

In addition, a pagan holiday, Yule, is associated with this date. This powerful winter celebration is associated with the meeting of the Sun, which has risen from darkness, and the review of the revived world. Some elements of the holiday are preserved in the Christian Christmas. We are talking about an evergreen tree - a symbol of life that continues after the harsh winter cold. This pagan holiday lasts 13 nights, they even have their own name - "Nights of Spirits".

In Panama, December 20 is declared a day of mourning. Local residents do not forget about the events that took place in 1989. This date is associated with the US attack on the country's capital. On this day, the memory of all those who died in the tragedy is honored.

In 2014, on December 20, Russians also celebrated Realtor's Day. This profession appeared several decades ago, but during this time it has acquired many myths. Some of the legends relate to the specifics of the work of specialists in this field, while others speak of the image of the profession as a whole.

Now you know that on December 20, Russia celebrates the professional holiday of persons who decide the issues of ensuring the country's security. But these are far from all the duties of employees in this sphere, because the state is also interested in satisfying the possibilities for the progressive development of not only the whole society, but also each individual.

Today it is a professional holiday for employees of the FSB, FSO, SVR. In the days of the Soviet Union, all these special services were part of the State Security Committee or, as we are all more familiar with, the KGB.

Holidays December 20, 2018

People's Solidarity Day

In 2005, on December 22, the UN General Assembly decided to celebrate the International Day of Human Solidarity every year on December 20.
What is solidarity? This is a unity of actions and beliefs, this is mutual assistance and support of people based on joint responsibility, common interests and the need to achieve common goals. Solidarity in the 21st century has become one of the main values ​​of humanity.

The day of solidarity of people around the world is covered by all the media, at official events speeches are made in honor of the holiday. On this day, on documents related to the promotion of the Day of Solidarity, the UN emblem is placed in the form of a projection of the Earth, surrounded by olive branches that symbolize peace, centered on the North Pole and covering all continents except Antarctica. The International Day of Solidarity of People is not a day off, although it is celebrated all over the world.

Day of the security worker in the CIS countries

This professional holiday is celebrated by people who work to ensure state and national security, protecting the vital interests of the state, society and citizens from a wide range external and internal threats.

During the existence of the USSR, this holiday was known as Chekist Day, its history dates back to December 20, 1917, from the day the VChK was formed - the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission, which was later renamed the NKVD, OGPU, MGB, KGB.

Traditionally, this holiday is celebrated at the state level. Veterans are honored on this day, various solemn events and awards to distinguished employees.

Police Day in Ukraine

On December 20 every year Ukraine celebrates Police Day.
This date was timed to coincide with the adoption on this day in 1990 of the Law "On Militia" by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. The date of the celebration of the professional police holiday was approved by the Decree of the President on November 17, 1992.

"The police in Ukraine is government agency executive power, which protects the life, health, property, rights and freedoms of citizens of Ukraine. It protects the natural environment, the interests of the state and society from various illegal encroachments.

The main task of the police is to ensure the safety of citizens, protect their legitimate interests, rights and freedoms, suppress and prevent offenses, protect and ensure public order, solve crimes, enforce administrative penalties and criminal penalties, and provide social and legal assistance to citizens.
The Ukrainian militia consists of: criminal militia, public security militia, transport militia, state automobile inspection, security militia, special militia.

- pagan holiday

Yule - was the most sacred and most important winter holiday from our ancestors.
It was believed that on the night of the Yule holiday, all the worlds converge in Midgard, all the gods and goddesses descend to earth, trolls and elves talk to people, and the dead come out of the Lower Worlds.
People who communicate with the Otherworld leave their bodies and temporarily join the Wild Hunt riders or become werewolves or other spirits.
Yule is a few days of a holiday and a great feast, when everyone gathered together to meet the Sun, which has risen from darkness, and survey the resurgent world.
Elements of this holiday are preserved in the Christian Christmas. For example, an evergreen tree symbolizes life that continues after the winter cold.
The origin of the word Yule comes from the depths of centuries, it comes from the Indo-European root, which means wheel, rotate, spin. This word could also mean: the dark time, the turn of the year, the time of the turn, or the time of sacrifice.

Yule lasts 13 nights, during which there is no usual flow of time, no usual boundaries, this is the time when the spindle of the goddess of Fate rotates and the lot of the gods is decided, these nights were called "Nights of Spirits".
Among the Anglo-Saxon tribes, the Yule festival began the night before the day winter solstice. This night was called "mother's" and it was dedicated to various rituals. However, the most important point Yule holiday was the Yule bonfire, which was used to protect the house from evil spirits. Our ancestors believed that one should not be alone on this night, otherwise a person may be left alone with the dead and the spirits of the Other World. On this night, people made the most sincere promises and oaths.

Yule ended on the "Twelfth Night", according to our Christian chronology, this is January 6th. And the next day was already considered "the day of fate."
On this holiday, it was believed that everything that would be said and done before sunset would determine the events of the coming year, hence the superstition and saying were born: how you meet the New Year, so you will spend it. It was believed that the surest signs appear during the "Twelfth Night", the most powerful words are spoken on this night.

Religious holiday

Abrosimov day

On this day, Orthodox Christians honor the memory of St. Ambrose of Milan, who lived in Italy in the 4th century. He was a famous preacher and served as a bishop in a Christian church. Ambrose became famous for his talent to compose hymns, was considered the great Latin teacher of the church. Bishop Ambrose even influenced the policy of Emperor Theodosius the Great. This event became a precedent that determined the development of the relationship between religion and the state for centuries to come.
Ambrose was born into a noble Christian family in the German city of Trevir (now Trier). After the death of his father, Ambrose's family moved to Rome, where he studied and worked as a lawyer, later as an adviser to the prefect, and then as the prefect of Northern Italy.

Ambrose was baptized in 374 and a few days later became bishop of the city of Mediolan, giving the church all his fortune.
Ambrose was known as a fighter against the pagans, he led a strict and modest lifestyle and became famous for taking a vow of non-possession. Bishop Ambrose, thanks to the miracles performed by his prayer, enjoyed popular love.

In Rus', Christians from the day of Ambrose were preparing for the main holiday - the Nativity of Christ. In the old days, on the day of Avrosy, the girls sat down to sew, prepared a dowry for themselves “for the coming life.”

Name day December 20 with: Anton, Vasily, Galaktion, Gregory, Ivan, Ignatius, Leo, Mikhail, Nikifor, Pavel, Peter, Sergey

Unusual holidays

Day of pocket universes
- Can party day
- Snow Fortress Day
- Polar Bear Bathing Day
- Room decoration day for the New Year
- A day to say no
- Day of buying New Year's panties

world calendars

Gregorian calendar: December 20, 2013 - Friday, 51 weeks, 354 days of the year
Julian calendar: December 7, 2013
Jewish calendar: 17 Tevet 5774
Islamic calendar: 16 Safar 1435
Chinese calendar: 18th day of the 11th month of the 30th year of the 74th cycle (snake, black, water)
National calendar India: 29 Agrahayan 1935
Indian moon calendar: 18 Margashirsha 2070 Vikram era - Pushya constellation
Persian calendar: 29 Azar 1392
Baha'i calendar: 1 kull-i shay 9 wahid 18 year (Abha) 15 month (Masail) 9 day (Asma)
May calendar (Long count): 13 baktun 0 katun 1 tun 0 uinal 4 kin
Calendar "May" (Short account - Haab): 2nd day of the month "Kankin"
Calendar "May" (Short account - Tzolkin): 4th day of the month "Hish"
French calendar: 10 days (Decades) 3 decades 3 months (Frimera) 222 years

All holidays for today

International Human Solidarity Day (UN)
Police Day (Ukraine)
Day of employees of state and national security bodies (Russia)
Day of employees of state and national security bodies (Belarus)
Day of employees of state and national security bodies (Armenia)
Day of employees of state and national security bodies (Kyrgyzstan)
Establishment Day of the Special Administrative Region (Macau)
Commemoration of student Bo Aung Kyaw (Myanmar)
Day of National Mourning (Panama)
Slavery Abolition Day (Reunion)
Sultan's Day (Johor, Malaysia)
National Fried Shrimp Day (USA)
National Sangria Day (USA)
Caroling Day (USA)
Samuel Mudd Day (USA)
Postage Stamp Day (Italy)

Historical events December 20

1699 - Peter I, by his Decree, postponed the celebration of the New Year from September 1 to January 1.
1958 - A monument to Felix Dzerzhinsky was unveiled in Moscow.
2000 - Medical cloning is approved by the British Parliament.

Police Day of Ukraine

In 1990, the Law of Ukraine "On the Police" was adopted, two years later the official state professional police holiday was approved. Today, all police units (criminal police, state automobile inspection, public security police, security police, transport police, special police) single out the best employees, reward those who have distinguished themselves, and honor everyone who makes a feasible contribution to ensuring the safety of citizens and preventing crime. In addition, the duties of the police include the disclosure of the crime and the search for criminals, the suppression of offenses, ensuring road safety and more.

Yule is an Anglo-Saxon holiday.

A sacred and powerful holiday brings together trolls, elves, gods and goddesses, living and dead from the Underworlds. It is believed that those who have the gift to communicate with other worlds leave their bodies on this day. During Yule, the members of the clan would gather together for a great feast. The tradition of decorating an evergreen tree in Christian Christmas originates precisely from Yule. Eki, pines, firs are considered as a symbol of life during winter frosts. The duration of Yule is 13 nights, between sunset and dawn. This is the distance between years, a stop between the borders of the worlds. At this time, the spindle of fate rotates, oaths are given. The superstition that the new year is celebrated the way it is celebrated also originates in this holiday.

Day of National Security Organs in Russia

National security is closely related to such concepts as the development of the individual and society. The state security of the country is in the hands of the employees of the state security agencies, who protect the vital interests of citizens from external and internal threats. The history of the holiday begins in 1917, when the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission was first formed. The name of the organization has changed several times, and today this day is dedicated to the employees of the “Security Organs of the Russian Federation”.

International Day of Human Solidarity

International Solidarity Day is a day of unity and mutual assistance of people, support in social groups, responsibility to each other. The UN General Assembly, in its resolution, notes that a whole decade of the fight against poverty has already passed. It is expected that the 21st millennium will reconsider the fundamental values ​​of humanity and the main one will be the solidarity of people. The media on this day post feature articles and broadcast notes on blogs and online resources. The Emblem of the Day is the emblem of the United Nations, representing all the continents where people live. Olive branches symbolize peace on the planet.

Day of Remembrance for the Victims of the Intervention in Panama

The events of 1989 are memorable and tragic for the country. American troops attacked Panama, the death toll as a result of the intervention of the strongest army in the world, according to various sources, reached 3-7 thousand. The head of government, Noriega, was removed. The American army tried to present this operation to the world community as liberation from the drug mafia and the dictatorship of the general, but a large number of civilians suffered during its implementation. On December 20, events are held in memory of the dead.

December 20 - Chicken Christmas in Serbia (Day of St. Ignatius the God-bearer)

Serbian housewives collect chicken eggs and perform several rituals on this cheerful holiday. They are waiting for a guest, the first person who enters the house is declared a “chicken anointed”. He is obliged to sit on the pillow and "carry" the eggs. Then he breaks the pumpkin. Scattered seeds symbolize the birth of a large number of chickens. The quietly seated guest is treated to a snack and Serbian vodka. If the guest does his job well, the hens lay well and many chicks hatch. On Chicken Christmas, members of the whole family threw a log and a tree branch into the oven for good luck and good luck. Branches are stored under the roof of the house until the chickens begin to lay. They also watch the weather. A good harvest is predicted by snow or rain.

Folk calendar December 20

Commemoration of Saint Ambrose of Milan

In the IV century in Italy there lived a preacher and poet Ambrose, who became famous for being able to add hymns. He had the great authority of one of the great teachers of the church, influenced the politics of the country, received the post of perfect of Northern Italy. At the end of his life, he donated all his fortune to the needs of the church. He could work miracles with his prayer. From that day on, Rus' the Great was preparing for the main holiday - the Nativity of Christ. The girls rejoiced at the imminent Christmas time and looked forward to festivities with the guys. During this period, no other holidays are expected, so the girls gave all their strength to the preparation of the dowry - they sewed, knitted, embroidered. The dowry was exhibited for a wide review in order to appreciate their skill.

Significant historical events December 20

It was on this day that Peter I signed the famous decree on the transition to a new countdown, and ordered the New Year to be celebrated according to the European example on January 1. The decree ordered everyone to place decorated spruce branches in the house and, as a sign of fun, congratulate each other. The new 18th century began under rifle salutes and fireworks. Muscovites were obliged to launch rockets from muskets near houses. On the Jordan River, the procession continued on January 6. The great tsar himself remained this time in military uniform, along with his regiments (Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky), in caftans with gold buttons. The boyars and service people were required to wear unusual European costumes - Hungarian caftans. Women also dressed in foreign fashion.

The vast territory between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains belonged to France for several centuries. For these lands, the American government laid out 15 million dollars. The area of ​​the United States almost doubled immediately. For the population, the transition to US citizenship was a real tragedy, as the languages ​​spoken by immigrants from France and Spain were forced out. This led to racial strife, the spread of the Ku Klux Klan, the apartheid regime, and Jim Crow laws. The state was dominated by people of color until 1900.

The monument to the creator of the Cheka stood on the square for 33 years. Then a stone was placed in this place in memory of the victims of Stalin's repressions. The sculpture of Dzerzhinsky was transferred to the Krymsky Val. The Moscow City Duma believes that the restoration of the monument to its original place could cause a split in society.

Only 92 people were against, 212 were in favor. It is understood that embryonic cells will be used only for medical and scientific purposes - to find a cure for cancer, treat Parkinson's disease and leukemia. Patience and caution versus the desire to help sick people: opposition to the adoption of the law was very active. The heads of religious denominations, the head of the Anglican Church and the Tibetan monks were categorically "against", but the decision was made.

December 20 were born:

Peter De Hooch(1629 - 1685), painter, portrait painter

In the paintings of de Hooch, interiors are carefully worked out, sunlight is experimentally depicted. Most often, they depict people in the process of action. They could be commoners or high people, they all did some work. In addition, he is known as a family portrait painter.

Alexey Alexandrovich Balandin(1898-1967), founder of a school in the field of catalysis in Russia

Alexei Balandin was a talented scientist with an excellent education, but this did not save him from prison during the Stalinist repressions. However, the scientist was released, and he became the head of the technical laboratory. He developed the multiplex theory of catalysis and received the Stalin Prize. But this did not save him from repeated repressions. The scientist was again arrested and sent to Norillag. The state decided to use his knowledge. Sitting in the camp, he worked in a laboratory for obtaining nickel powder. In 1953 he was rehabilitated and again awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

Kim Ki-duk(1960), South Korean director and screenwriter

The Korean artist had several educations, served in the Marine Corps, but his passion for painting led him to study in Paris. Here he felt artistic and literary inclinations, began to write scripts and make films. In the films: "Tight Bowstring", "Real Fiction", "Wild Animals", almost no words were spoken for all the time. These are bright parables, slowly told in the language of images, where there is a lot of silence, but the words seem superfluous. Also in Europe there are exhibitions of paintings by Kim Ki-duk.

Maria Yurievna Skobtsova(1891-1945), Russian writer, nun

Maria Skobtsova lived a short life, and devoted many years to serving God. In her youth, she wrote books, was married twice, had two children. After becoming a nun, she was the head of the student Christian movement, founded a hostel for women and a charitable organization to help emigrants in Paris. Skobtsova is known for the fact that during World War II, the headquarters of the Resistance movement in France was located in her house. for this she was thrown into a concentration camp, where she soon died. In 2004, Maria Yurievna Skobtsova was canonized.

David Joseph Bohm(1917-1992), talented physicist

David Bohm's research on plasma theory, the synchrotron, and the synchrocyclotron were used to create the atomic bomb in the United States. Collaborating with Einstein, he wrote his main work "Quantum Theory". Another significant discovery of Bohm is the Aharon-Bohm effect of quantum interconnectedness.

Name day December 20

Ivan, Ignat, Lev, Mikhail, Alexei, Anton, Pavel, Peter, Grigory, Nikifor, Sergei, Julia.