Composition on the topic: “An old friend is better than two new ones. The meaning of the proverb "An old friend is better than two new ones. One old friend is better than two new ones" proverb

Everyone for himself can characterize its meaning in different ways, but the meaning always remains the same - this is complete mutual understanding and support in any situation. When we feel bad, we turn to our friend for help, when it’s good, too, we notify the very first friend about the joyful events of a friend. In a word, without a real friend, as without water - and neither there nor here. Wherever you are, you must constantly feel him mentally next to you.

A friend is an ambulance under any circumstances. Only he has the right to understand our state of mind, give sensible advice and simply help get out of life's impasse. True, a true friend is very hard to find. Most likely, this is not just a find, but a gift of fate. According to ancient Chinese prescriptions, it is given by heaven in behavior, and if a person does not know how to behave, then he will not have a devoted comrade.

In our world, true friendship is when you constantly feel the support of an old friend next to you. It is an old friend who is a reliable support. This is a proven friend who, despite the time, still stays with you, bringing joy and good advice. Of course, getting such a friend is quite problematic. You can't buy it with money and you won't get it as a birthday present. However, many of us have an old friend whom we are certainly very happy about. With it, you can move mountains, knowing that behind your back is a loyal and proven friend for years.

It says: "An old friend is better than two new ones." And this is not just a statement, it is a fact, approved by life. Consider the following situation. One girl named Tatyana lived only with illusions about true friendship, not knowing her real signs. Even from the school bench next to her was a girl of ordinary appearance, whose name was Olya. She was always ready to come to the rescue of her girlfriend: she gave cheats, did her homework, and wrote beautiful love notes. School years are over. The girls entered different universities. Nevertheless, our “gray mouse” never forgot about her beautiful friend, who, unlike her, had long ago thrown her school assistant out of her head. Tatyana was looking for and picked up her friends in a purse and a love affair. She believed that such women of fashion, with whom her views on life completely coincide, are her friends. Several years have passed. Her old friend Olya called Tatyana every month. Tanya did not like this, she believed that with the end of school, the friendship with Olga came to an end. Olya was a shy girl, so she tried not to make acquaintances with her peers. For her, Tanya still remained an idol and a true friend. But soon disaster struck. Tatyana became ill, she was admitted to the hospital. One kidney transplant was required. But who will be the donor? Time accelerated its pace, Tanya faded every day. None of her friends came to the hospital. Only Olya, having learned that Tanya was in trouble, immediately flew to her room. Tatyana burst into tears, but Olga comforted her as best she could. In addition, Olga, as an old friend of Tanya, donated her kidney for her friend. Operation was successfully completed. Soon Tatyana returned to the university. After such an incident, she realized that her old friend Olga is a gift of fate itself, which is simply a sin to refuse. How many insults Olga experienced from Tanya, but all the same, she proved her devotion not in words, but in deeds.

As you can see, an old friend is a person who will sacrifice a lot for you. There may be many friends, but an old friend is better than new ones, and this is certainly true. Remember, it is better to have one old friend than many new ones. You don't know them, and they don't know you either.

An old friend is better than two new ones - Russian proverb, meaning: An old, proven, friend is more reliable than newly acquired ones.

The proverb is indicated in the book "Proverbs and sayings of the Russian people" by V.I. Dahl (1853) (section - "Friend - Foe").

"Last Victim"- the young man found out that the girl he wanted to marry because of money (Irina) does not have a dowry. Then he decided to return to the woman he left (Julia):

"Dulchin. I'm even glad that it ended like that, I'm more comfortable on my conscience. And according to the Russian proverb: an old friend is better than two new ones". Although she says that she has no more money, it’s somehow hard to believe: if you look, you will find it. It's true, I asked for the last sacrifice, but that's just what they say. There may be many of the latter, and even a few very recent ones.


Quotes: Friendship | Russian proverbs | People

  • The light is not sweet when there is no friend.
  • An orphan without a friend, but a family man with a friend.
  • A good horse is not without a rider, and an honest man is not without a friend.
  • Make new friends, but don't lose old ones.
  • Don't leave your friend in misfortune.
  • A thing is good while it is new, and a friend is good when it is old.
  • And a lot of friends, but no friend.
  • The battle is red with courage, and pleasant with friendship.
  • A good friend is better than a hundred relatives.
  • Three friends: father, mother and faithful wife.
  • A friend of money is more valuable.
  • Look for a diligent friend, but if you find it, take care of it.
  • Choose a friend according to your liking.
  • Whoever is a direct friend is a brother.
  • An old friend is better than two new ones.
  • Be a friend, but not suddenly.
  • Rye and wheat will be born in a year, and a true friend will always come in handy.
  • The enemy agrees, and the friend argues.
  • Money can't buy a friend.
  • There is no other way to lose.
  • Direct friends are like brothers.
  • Not known - friend, but known - two.
  • A friend for the time being is the same enemy.
  • If a friend becomes friends, it is worse than an enemy.
  • Make friends with the good ones, and stay away from the bad ones.
  • Feels the heart of both friend and foe.
  • A friend is known in misfortune.
  • Do not recognize a friend in three days, recognize in three years.
  • Suddenly you won't be a friend.
  • A humble friend is unreliable.
  • You will not get to know your friend without trouble.
  • And you are my friend, and I am your friend, but not both suddenly.
  • You recognize a horse in rati, but a friend in trouble.
  • An untested friend is not reliable.
  • Don't be afraid of a smart enemy, be afraid of a stupid friend.
  • You don’t recognize a friend on dates, just as you don’t go into business with him.
  • An untested friend - that a nut is not split.
  • A planted horse, a broken bow, and a reconciled friend are equally unreliable.
  • For the sake of a dear friend and an earring from an ear.
  • Help each other.
  • For a good friend, it is not a pity to lose much.
  • If there was a friend, there would be leisure.
  • There is no circle for a friend.
  • Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.
  • Feel sorry for the bag, not to see a friend.
  • Your reluctant friend.
  • Don't trust every friend.
  • A friend in need is a friend indeed.
  • For a friend in fire and water.
  • For a friend and an earring from an ear.
  • Friendship is friendship, and service is service.
  • Friendship is friendship, but tobacco is apart.
  • Be friends with crooks, but keep a stone in your bosom.
  • Die yourself, but save a comrade.
  • Friends in a tavern are not chosen.
  • Show me your friend and I'll tell you who you are.
  • Friendly - not heavy, but at least drop it apart.
  • A ram is friends with a wolf - there will be no sense.
  • Better to have a clever thief as a friend than an honest fool.
  • Don't dig a hole for another, you'll fall in yourself.
  • With whom you lead, from that you will gain.
  • You will fly with a bee, you will be in honey, you will fly with a beetle, you will be in shit.
  • Be friends with your girlfriend, but don't tell her everything.
  • The best friend is a pillow.
  • A goose is not a friend of a pig.
  • Not the friend who smears flatteringly, but the one who tells the truth.
  • You need to look for a friend, but the enemy will be found.
  • Honor your friends, don't piss off your enemies.
  • Friends by dress are not chosen.
  • Not in service, but in friendship.
  • The best friend will take the friend away.
  • True friendship does not need many vows.
  • Together they ate a pood of salt.
  • Did a disservice to a friend.
  • As they became friends, so they became friends.
  • Where is the enemy, where is the friend, you will not suddenly know.
  • The battle is red with courage, and a friend with friendship.
  • A true friend loves to death.
  • A faithful friend is better than hundreds of servants.
  • Blood is not native, but one soul.
  • Better a faithful friend than a precious stone.
  • A cowardly friend is more dangerous than an enemy: you fear the enemy, but you rely on your friend.
  • It is bad without a friend who is lost, but it is also bad with a friend who is not faithful.
  • A true friend is priceless.
  • Don't leave your friend in misfortune.
  • Not the friend who indulges, but the one who helps.
  • You won't know a friend in fidelity without trouble.
  • For a friend, it's not hard.
  • To love a friend is not to spare oneself.
  • Do not bow to the enemy, do not regret life for a friend.
  • In the enemy, the arrow is in the stump, in the friend, in me.
  • A bad friend's service is resilient.
  • With whom the world is in harmony, he is my friend and brother.
  • A friend is faithful in everything measured.
  • Hold on to each other - do not be afraid of anything.
  • Looking at each other, you smile; looking at yourself, you will only cry.
  • Friend for friend - all for Andryushka.
  • He is my friend, and he has his own mind.
  • A friend is known in rati and in trouble.
  • A friend of the heart is a baked cockroach.
  • A friend puts up a tower, but an enemy gets along well.
  • A friend is a valuable treasure, no one is happy with an enemy.
  • A friend to have no loss.
  • To have a friend is not to feel sorry for yourself.
  • To please a friend is to annoy yourself.
  • Without a friend in the heart of a blizzard.
  • Without a good friend, a person does not know his mistakes.
  • A tree is supported by roots, and a person by friends.
  • For a friend, seven miles is not a suburb.
  • A friend in need is a true friend.
  • Friend is known in trouble.
  • There are many friends, but not a single friend.
  • He who forgets old friends will not make new ones.
  • It's easier to lose a friend than to find one.
  • Not the friend who smears honey, but the one who tells the truth in the face.
  • Life is hard without a friend.
  • To live without a friend is to be shameful to oneself.
  • Friends are like geese near the chaff.
  • There are many friends, but no friend.
  • Friends - to the first bone.
  • Friends - until a rainy day.
  • Friends are recognized in need.
  • Friends and in the same grave is not crowded.
  • A friend in need is a doubly friend.
  • A friend is more valuable than money.
  • Helps each other in everything, and the enemy digs a hole for the enemy.
  • Each other puts the tower, and the enemy's foe's coffin gets along.
  • There is a friend - and the heart is warmed.
  • An old friend is better, and a new dress.
  • A friend will teach, and an enemy will teach a lesson.
  • An untested friend is like an unbroken nut.
  • A friend close by is better than two or three far away.
  • Keeping a friend is not unprofitable.
  • Look for a friend, and if you find - take care.
  • Love a friend - do not ruin yourself.
  • Do not lose a friend - do not lend.
  • Pity a friend - cry yourself.
  • To amuse a friend - to put yourself on the hook.
  • You recognize a friend in trouble, and a glutton in food.
  • Find out a friend - eat a pound of salt together.
  • Find out a friend - eat a sack of salt together.
  • A friend is recognized in adversity.
  • It is called a friend, but responds to an enemy.
  • Be friends with a friend, but do not be rude to another.
  • Befriend a friend, but do not destroy an enemy.
  • Be friends with a friend, but do not be rude to an enemy.
  • Befriend a friend, do not harm an enemy.
  • Help your friend as much as you can.
  • Skill a friend, but do not forget yourself.
  • Friendly help is more precious than gold.
  • For a good friend and an ox from a plow.
  • For a dear friend, the gates are wide open.
  • Nothing for a friend.
  • For a friend, the last piece is eaten.
  • I'll give you the last piece for a friend.
  • For a friend, fasting is allowed.
  • For a friend, seven miles is not a detour.
  • Pies for friends, fists for enemies.
  • For true friends, even water is sweet.
  • For a good friend, neither bread nor leisure is a pity.
  • A good friend is not at the end of the hand.
  • Stand up for each other and win the fight.
  • Friend and brother is a great thing: you won’t get it soon.
  • Friends are easy to find but hard to keep.
  • Easy to make friends, hard to part.
  • Better than a hundred rubles a hundred friends.
  • Don't be afraid of a smart enemy, but be afraid of a stupid friend.
  • Don't be for a cous, be for a friend.
  • Do not be a reserve for a friend, be glad to a friend.
  • Do not be full of cous, but be full of a friend.
  • Do not love the friend of the indulgence, love the counter.
  • Not the one who is strong is strong, but the one who is friends.
  • Not that friend to you who flatters in the eye, but that friend to you who does good in absentia.
  • Don't recognize a friend in three days, find out in three years.
  • An unfaithful friend is a dangerous enemy.
  • The enemy is greeted with salty words, and the friend with puff pies.
  • An unknown friend is not good for services.
  • There is no friend, so look for it, but you found it, so take care.
  • Desire a new friend, but do not get rid of an old one.
  • A new friend that is not a charter plow.
  • Make new friends, but don't lose old ones.
  • A friend becomes friends - worse than a foe.
  • With whom you lead, from that you will pick up: from a bee to honey, from a bug to dung.
  • With whom you behave, you will be known.
  • With whom you get to know, from that you will pick up.
  • Make your friends, but don't lose your father's.
  • Tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are.
  • Two friends gathered: an arc and a cinch.
  • Old friendships don't rust.
  • Such friends that grab, you can’t turn around with a stake.
  • If you want friendship, be a friend.
  • A man without friends is like a tree without roots.
  • A true friend is a rare bird.
  • A faithful friend is better than a hundred servants.
  • Spring ice is deceptive, and a new friend is unreliable.
  • A thing is good while it is new, and a friend is good when it is old.
  • There are many bad people in the world, but there is no worse enemy than a bad friend. (calm)
  • An unfaithful friend is like a fur coat with holes. (Tatars)
  • A true friend and in a century will be a friend. (Azerbaijani, Tatar)
  • A man without friends is like a bird without wings. (Tatars)
  • A good friend is a fortress. (osset)
  • A reliable friend is the backbone of life. (Chuvash)
  • An old friend will not become an enemy, and an old enemy will not become a friend. (kabard)
  • A good horse will find many owners, a good man - many friends. (Tuva)
  • A friend is a great treasure. (est)
  • A good friend is stronger than a wall. (Yakut)
  • Value a true friend more than a brother. (Tatars)
  • A friend is recognized in a difficult moment. (azerb)
  • A true friend will help a friend, he is not afraid of trouble. (cargo)
  • A true friend is known in great sorrow. (kirg)
  • Look for friends, and the enemy is always at the door. (azerb)
  • Do not make a friend who gives us a mouth, but an enemy with a heart. (Avarsk)
  • Don't let a friend cry and an enemy laugh. (azerb)
  • He who does not seek friends for himself is his own enemy. (cargo)
  • Love your friend as you love yourself. (Mariysk)
  • Losing a friend is his own enemy. (azerb)
  • When you yourself are exhausted, remember that a friend had it even worse. (azerb)
  • For what a friend will scold, for that the enemy will praise. (uzb)
  • He is not a friend who brings pain to the heart. (uzb)
  • The enemy will steal your secret, the friend will correct your mistake. (uzb)
  • Who does not care about a friend - gets to the enemy. (kirg)
  • For a friend and swallow poison. (uzb)
  • A friend will say in the eye, the enemy mutters behind his back. (head)
  • If you want to defeat your enemies, don't lose your friends. (taj)
  • Help a friend in need. (shorsk)
  • For the sake of a friend endure both blizzard and snow. (azerb)
  • A friend looks into the eyes, and the enemy lowers his eyes. (Lezg)
  • The enemies of your enemy are your friends. (Azerbaijan, Balkarsk)
  • Have a friend to your liking - then nothing is scary. (azerb)
  • Slapping a friend is easier than slapping an enemy. (Tatars)
  • You can always count eight enemies per friend. (kirg)
  • A false friend is worse than an open enemy. (alto)
  • He who does not have a firm word will not have a friend. (abaz)
  • And many friends - few, and few enemies - many. (uzb)
  • The tree is firmly rooted, and man is his friend. (Abkhaz)
  • We have friends on earth - like the rays of the sun. (belor)

An old friend is better than two new ones.

Proverbs of the Russian people. - M.: Fiction. V. I. Dal. 1989

See what "An old friend is better than two new ones." in other dictionaries:

    Wed An old friend is better than two new ones, said (the owner) when Baklanov passed by him. Pisemsky. The churning sea. 4, 6. Cf. Tried friends for new ones to forget There are color to the fruit to prefer. Zhukovsky. Epigrams. Wed Quam veterrumu st tam… … Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    An old friend is better than two new ones. Wed An old friend is better than two new ones, said (the owner) when Baklanov passed by him. Pisemsky. The churning sea. 4, 6. Cf. Tried friends for new ones to forget There is a color to prefer the fruit. Zhukovsky … Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    An old friend is better than two new ones. Old love is remembered. See LOVE NOT LOVE…

    OLD, perennial (multi-day and centuries-old), opposed to. new. An old house, built a long time ago, standing for a long time. An old friend is better than two new ones. Novgorod old city, ancient. Old Man, Opp. young and middle, advanced years, ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    And another, ·in·value. the same, equal, different me, different you; neighbor, every man to another. Do not wish for a friend what you do not wish for yourself. Love each other, condescend to each other or to each other, one to the other or to the other. Each other, and God… Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    1. FRIEND, a; pl. friends, zey; m. 1. A person associated with whom l. friendship relations. Sincere e. Close, sincere e. Tested e. Friends are friends, friends are comrades. D. childhood. Friends to the grave (until the end, until the hour of death). Friends in arms... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Old, old; old, old, old. 1. Reached old age; opposite young. An old man. "The old horse will not spoil the furrow." Proverb. “Old, sir, I am today: at court, what should I do?” Pushkin. 2. Starikovsky, senile; opposite young … Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    BETTER. 1. comp. to adj. good and adv. Fine. Life has become better, comrades. "Life has become more fun." Stalin. Your room is better than ours. "An old friend is better than two new ones." (last) He is better now. As best as possible. He speaks better than he writes. 2.… … Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    The account of friendship does not spoil. The account of friendship is not a hindrance. More often the account, longer (stronger) friendship. I would feed the wolf if I ate grass. The enemy wants to take off his head, but God does not give even a hair. Each other puts the tower, and the enemy's foe's coffin gets along. Loved him like... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people


  • An old friend is better than two new ones, Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky. Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky is to this day the most popular Russian playwright. He is filmed, performances are staged based on his plays. It seems that just having been born, plays ...
  • An old friend is better than two new ones, Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky. Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky is to this day the most popular Russian playwright. He is filmed, performances are staged based on his plays. It seems that just having been born, plays ...

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Every person has many things without which his life would be empty and meaningless. These are spiritual and moral values, and family, and love, and, of course, friendship. “An old friend is better than two new ones” is a well-known Russian proverb. Moreover, such a friend, and preferably not even one, is needed by a child, and a schoolboy, and an endlessly busy businessman, and a rich man, and an old man who has retired.

True friendship is always based on the common interests of people, on mutual support, trust and understanding in all life situations. If people do not have common interests and they have practically nothing to talk about, they will never become real friends, but, at best, will be just friends.

A true friend will not constantly talk about his problems - he will definitely listen to you first. And it is not necessary to discuss any problems with him. It is always good to spend time with a true friend, relax and have fun. Communication with a friend will not be annoying and you can spend hours with him without worrying that he is tired of you. True friends are known not only in trouble, but also in joy.

Unfortunately, many of us don't value our friends and think we can get by with friends. Such people remember real friends only in the hours of their misfortunes and troubles. Of course, their friends most often respond to requests for help, advice and support, but they have every right to refuse this. It is safe to say that someday in the life of such people there will come a moment when they feel that they are missing something, something very dear and close, as if a part of the soul is a true friend. The main thing is that it is not too late.

You cannot buy a friend or just find it on the street. Friendship is not born immediately, and these complex relationships do not develop in one day. They do not arise like love at first sight - immediately and out of nothing. Friendship needs to be built over time, laying out each of its bricks, each of its steps. This is a very hard work - to win the trust of a person and make friends with him, strengthen it and then keep it for a long time and not lose it.
The ability to be a true friend is also not given to everyone. For example, vain, selfish and materialistic people are hardly capable of true friendship. This is understandable, because they love only themselves and in friendship they try to find only their own benefit.

For me, friendship is very important. I hope that it is also important for my best friend, whom I respect and appreciate very much. My old friend is one of the dearest people in my life, and I do not want to lose him under any pretext. I spent a lot of time with him, I know him well, I am sure that he will never let me down. But in any other person with whom I communicate and consider my friend, I am so unsure. Therefore, you should never forget old friends, you should find at least a few minutes of free time to call your friend on the phone, to ask how he is doing.

Call your old friends, ask about their plans, problems, health, invite them to visit and spend as much time with them as possible. And most importantly - never betray your friends and always remember that an old friend is better than two new ones.

An old friend is better than two new ones - Russian proverb, meaning: An old, proven, friend is more reliable than newly acquired ones.

The proverb is indicated in the book "Proverbs and sayings of the Russian people" by V.I. Dahl (1853) (section - "Friend - Foe").

"Last Victim"- the young man found out that the girl he wanted to marry because of money (Irina) does not have a dowry. Then he decided to return to the woman he left (Julia):

"Dulchin. I'm even glad that it ended like that, I'm more comfortable on my conscience. And according to the Russian proverb: an old friend is better than two new ones". Although she says that she has no more money, it’s somehow hard to believe: if you look, you will find it. It's true, I asked for the last sacrifice, but that's just what they say. There may be many of the latter, and even a few very recent ones.


Quotes: Friendship | Russian proverbs | People

© Book Club "Family Leisure Club", Russian edition, 2015

© Book Club "Family Leisure Club", artwork, 2015

© OOO Book Club Family Leisure Club, Belgorod, 2015


Option. Do not keep a hundred rubles, but keep a hundred friends.

Similar in meaning. Do not live with money, but with good people.

Friendship and brotherhood are more precious than any wealth.

Friendship is more valuable than wealth and money. Money will be spent quickly, but friends will remain forever. It's good to have many reliable friends. The proverb is used when friends or acquaintances help, help out in trouble.


Option. An old friend is better than seven young ones.

Similar in meaning. Clothes are good new, and a friend is old.

A thing is good when it's new, and a friend is good when it's old.

Old trusted friends will never betray, and how faithful new friends will be is not yet known. So say those who value true friends or regret that they are not.


Option. All for one, one for all.

Everyone should support his neighbor, everyone should help each other. This proverb reflects an ancient form of solidarity. It is known, for example, that at a veche (people's assembly), the inhabitants of ancient Novgorod, kissing the cross, swore "become all for one, love your stomach, love death for the truth of Novgorod."


Similar in meaning. To love a friend is not to spare oneself.

You need to help a friend, even at the risk of getting into an unpleasant, dangerous situation. Used either as an endorsement of caring for others to the detriment of oneself, or as an example to follow.


Option. One in the field is not a warrior.

Similar in meaning. You can't tie a knot with one hand.

One and porridge is undeniable.

One is grieving at home, and two are fighting in the field.

This proverb is used to emphasize that we must act together, that it is difficult to do anything alone. True, in the Russian language there is also an opposite proverb: “And there is one warrior in the field”, since there are situations when a lot depends on one person. However, the first option is more common, since collectivism is characteristic of Russian people.

Proverbs of the peoples of the world

Poor is he who has no friends English).

In solitude to a person and paradise is not paradise ( Greek).

You can't make a friend out of an old enemy Turkish).

Time will pass, and a friend will become an enemy, and an enemy will become a friend ( indian).

A good friend without a call comes ( Estonian).


Option. According to the herd, the wolf is not terrible.

Similar in meaning. A friendly herd of wolves is not afraid.

Friendly magpies and goose will be eaten, friendly gulls and hawks will be killed.

The proverb says that people who live together and amicably, no enemies are dangerous.


Option. For a sweet friend and an earring from an ear.

For a loved one, one does not feel sorry for the most precious, valuable. In ancient times, women gave an “earring from an ear” to their husbands and loved ones when they went on long trips.


Option. For a dear friend, even seven miles is not a suburb.

For friends, distance is not a barrier. They will always find a way to meet. When you go to a close, dear person, and the long way seems short. The outskirts here means a detour that lies away from the direct direction.


It is not difficult to work together, in concert, it is possible to solve complex problems, to cope with any business, to do it separately is much more difficult.


There are more of us, there are more people like us. The proverb is used if a person of the same views, inclinations, etc. appears in any team.


Option. A friend is known in misfortune.

Similar in meaning. A friend is known in rati and in trouble.

He called himself a friend - help in trouble.

You won't know a friend in fidelity without trouble.

A friend not tested that the nut is not chipped.

It is in difficult times that you can find out who a true friend is. The proverb is used when someone helped or, conversely, left someone in trouble.


The expression is used when it comes to people of a different circle, adherents of other views, another class. People often talk with disdain about less fortunate people or with envy about more successful, rich people.


Option. You, thunderstorm, threaten, and we hold on to each other.

No threats are terrible if people act together, at the same time.


Similar in meaning. If you lose good, you will make money again, if you lose a friend, you will not return it.

You need to value and respect your friends, it is always much easier to quarrel than to make peace. Sometimes it is not possible to restore relationships at all.


Option.. With people and death is red.

In public, even death is red.

When a person is not alone, everything can be experienced, even death is not scary. It is said as a consolation to someone who, in a difficult moment for himself, is surrounded by other people who share his fate or support him. “In the world” means in a team, not alone. The world in pre-revolutionary Russia is a rural peasant community.


Among people who will always help, misfortune and misfortune are not so noticeable.


Option. The fisherman sees the fisherman far in the reach.

Similar in meaning. The mushroom picker sees the picker from afar.

People who have a similarity of characters or interests quickly recognize each other, find a common language, and begin joint activities. The expression often has a negative connotation.


If you take a little from several people, then in total you get something significant, sufficient for one person. It is said when they help someone together in what is beyond their means or beyond the strength of one person, and joint assistance is tangible.


Option. With whom you will lead, from that and you will be engaged.

Similar in meaning. To be with a bee - to be in a honey, and to contact a beetle - to be in manure.

So they say about those who have adopted the views and habits of the one with whom they are friends, communicate, live, etc.

This is interesting

It turns out that many well-known proverbs have half-forgotten continuations. Moreover, some full variants reveal the essence of the proverb more accurately, but there are also those in which the meaning changes to the opposite.

Two thirds are waiting and seven do not wait for one.

A mosquito will not knock down a horse, until the bear helps.

Whoever remembers the old - that eye out, and whoever forgets - both.

A raven will not peck out a crow's eye, and peck out, but not pull it out.

The old horse will not spoil the furrow, and it doesn't dig deep.

For the beaten they give two unbeaten, Yes, it doesn't hurt.

A new broom sweeps in a new way, and when it breaks, it lies under the bench.


Similar in meaning. The wolf is not a friend to the horse.

The foot horseman is not a friend.

It is about someone who is no match for anyone. The fact is that nothing can unite people of different nature, character or social status.


Similar in meaning. Friendship is friendship, but tobacco is apart.

Friendship is friendship, but don't go into your pocket.

Friendship is friendship, and money is an expense.

Friendly relations should not interfere with the performance of one's duties, etc. As a rule, it is said (often reproachfully) in cases where disagreements arise between people who consider themselves friends or united by a common activity due to a mismatch of interests, personal calculations.


Similar in meaning. The enemy agrees, and the friend argues.

A true friend is not the one who flatters and says words pleasant to the ear, but can point out the shortcomings and unworthy deeds of his friend. This is the kind of friendship that should be treasured.


Option.. There is no master for taste, for color.

For taste, there is no sample for color.

Similar in meaning. Tastes could not be discussed.

It is said when, when choosing or evaluating something, everyone remains in their own opinion, while they do not want to argue. To say that the taste of some people is more correct than others is wrong, incorrect.


The choice of friends characterizes a person, and his friends can give an impression of himself.


It is said when one is asked to render a service out of kindness, out of courtesy, and not out of duty.


(monologic statement according to the proverb)

Friend. Think about this word. A friend with whom you have spent a lot of time together, whom you know well, will not let you down. Are you sure about this. It is necessary to take care of it. And life will become easier.

Never forget friends you have known for a long time. Call them, be interested in their problems, health, plans, invite them to visit; spend as much time with them as possible. And most importantly, never betray your friend. Take a closer look at the new ones. Will they be as loyal as your old friend.

Composition-statement according to the proverb: AN OLD FRIEND IS BETTER TWO NEW

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