Famous lesbians, gays and bisexuals. The most famous bisexual stars

Some celebrities have dated both men and women. It is curious that actresses do not hide these facts in their biography, but famous men prefer to keep quiet about their sex experiments ...


Amber Heard

She dated girls and even came out five years ago. But then she met Depp - and Amber forgot about her confessions. By the way, in front of Johnny, her constant friend was the artist Tasia Van Ree.

Now she is a free lady, spending days and nights in London. Let's see with whom she starts a relationship - with a man or with a woman. Rumor has it that she has a tender relationship with bisexual Cara Delevingne, but the girls have not yet recognized themselves as a couple.

Amber Heard called Johnny Depp's actions mean

Kristen Stewart

Recently there was a message that Kristen was going to change her social status. Allegedly, the actress intended to marry her friend Alicia Cargile.

However, the rumors were interrupted by Chris herself. She suddenly left her girlfriend and began dating singer Annie Clark. But even with that beauty she was not in place for a long time. Now the star of the Vampire Saga is having an affair with model Stella Maxwell. How long?


Recall that in the spring of last year, Stewart suddenly admitted that she was attracted to women. At the same time, she said that only in the arms of her friends does she feel real.

Denise Richards

The ex-wife of the scandalous Charlie Sheen surprised everyone by saying that she had a deep and rather long romance with a woman. However, she did not name her friend ...
In her book The Real Girl Next Door, which was released in 2011, Denise spoke in detail about her own experience.


Keanu Reeves

Rumors about the bisexual nature of the artist have been around for a long time. However, the oriental handsome man himself does not confirm or refute them. What is true, talk about his orientation went after the movie "My Own Private Idaho", where the actor played a gay man.


Once Reeves said: “Being gay - you know, there is nothing shameful about it. So if someone thinks I'm gay, what do I care?". After that, many decided that Keanu simply did not want to talk about his personal life and he was gay. Besides, they talked. that the artist had an affair with director Gus Van Sant.

Kristen Stewart starred in a provocative photo shoot

Angelina Jolie

It is now that Angie has become a role model: Pitt's faithful wife, tender mother of six children. And earlier she had affairs with ladies, which she somehow admitted in an interview.
“I have had affairs with women in the past. I am convinced that if you are in love with a representative of your gender, then you definitely know how to make this relationship bright and rich ...


Gavin Rossdale

Now, few people remember that in the 80s, rockman Rossdale had an affair with a guy. With musician Peter Robinson, known under the pseudonym Marilyn, he was together for more than 5 years.

In 2003, Robinson released a song dedicated to Rossdale, in some publications their joint photos appeared. But then the guys broke up, and the energetic beauty Gwen Stefani fell in love with Gavin. They, too, were together for 5 years, then converged, then said goodbye. Then they got married and became parents. Now, as you know, Gavin and Gwen are divorced. But he still communicates with Robinson.


Cara Delevingne

She is too wayward and freedom-loving to live according to someone else's laws. Kara once dated men, but then she was drawn to women.
This winter, she proposed to her mistress, singer Annie Klar. Recall that the young ladies have been dating since last year, however, there has not yet been official confirmation, as well as the date of the wedding.


Anna Paquin

A spectacular young artist admitted several years ago that she had relationships with women. Recall: Anna is married to actor Stephen Moyer, the couple has two children.

Cynthia Nixon

She discouraged everyone when she confessed her true nature, because Cynthia was married twice, had two children from her second marriage. And then she went to her friend Christine Marinoni. They are raising a son, whom Christine gave birth to, and a few years ago they got married at all.


Angelina Jolie starred in a promotional film
Cara Delevingne admitted that she admires Angelina Jolie
March 8: a holiday of spring or a relic of the past?

Although homosexuality has existed in all human societies, the use of the term "bisexual", and even more so "gay" and "lesbian" to personalities of different historical periods, is largely arbitrary, although common.

The list should include significant personalities who have made a significant contribution to art, culture, sports, science and history.

A bisexual is a person who is sexually attracted to both his own sex and the opposite.

Angelina Jolie

Actress, fashion model, winner of an Oscar, three Golden Globes and two US Screen Actors Guild awards, UN Goodwill Ambassador. Bisexual.
In an interview with Esquire magazine, Brad Pitt promised that he would "not marry until same-sex marriage is legalized in the United States."
Angelina supports her beloved in everything, because she knows firsthand about same-sex feelings: 5 years ago, the actress met with the sultry beauty Jenny Shimizu.
“Slender women are not my type,” Angie admitted in an interview with Vanity Fair in 2005. “Ever since I started dating women, I know how unpleasant it is to hug a stick. Thinness is the last thing you dream about, turning off light in the bedroom.

Dusty Springfield

An English singer whose career spanned four decades, reaching her greatest popularity in the 1960s and late 1980s.

Janis Joplin

Rock singer, considered the best white blues singer and one of the greatest vocalists in the history of rock music. Bisexual

Tom Hardy

The hero of the film "Inception" is engaged to British actress Charlotte Riley. However, when asked by Now Magazine, "Has he had sexual relations with men?", the actor easily answers: "Yes, of course!" “At one time I flirted with everything that moves,” he admits. “I love to feel the body, but now that I am 30 years old, these experiments had to be completed. I can only assure you that a relationship with a man has a lot to offer. .."

Anna Paquin

Actress best known for the X-Men trilogy and the TV series True Blood. Bisexual.
The 27-year-old True Blood star, who married co-star Stephen Moyer a week ago, confessed her sexual preferences during a charity event in support of equal rights for people of all orientations. "I'm Anna Paquin. I'm bisexual," she rapped out in the 30-second clip. “I don’t care what people think about me now,” she explained her act. “I always knew about my bisexuality. I guess I was just lucky: I grew up in a liberal family and my parents understood and accepted my choice.”

Freddie Mercury

Pop-rock singer, composer, vocalist of the legendary rock band Queen. Bisexual. (The information was never confirmed by the singer himself).

Duncan James

Singer, actor and TV presenter, member of the British band Blue. Bisexual

Brian Molko

Frontman of the English band Placebo.
"I'm not heterosexual and not homosexual. I'm sex myself," - equally attractive to both men and women, the leader of the Placebo group does not get tired of throwing new revelations to the tabloids. "Lesbian in a male body", as Brian himself likes to call himself, does not hesitate to kiss his guitarist Stefan Olsdal during a performance and flirts with fans. “If every time you enter a room, think: “Everyone here wants me,” the musician shares his advice. “Then, in fact, everyone will want you. It all depends on our thoughts.”

Tila Tequila

American singer, model, television personality and actress. Known for appearances in Stuff, Maxim, Time, Penthouse magazines, hosting Fuse TV's Pants-Off Dance-Off, and popularity on MySpace.
The popularity of this girl's blog, registered on MySpace, is growing every day: now it is already read by 1.5 million people. By the way, there, in the blog, Tila confessed that she was bisexual.


In an interview with a glossy publication, he said: "Yes, I'm gay." Rumors that Mika is a homosexual have been circulating for a very long time. However, they have not been previously confirmed.
“I never labeled myself,” Mika told Gay & Night magazine. - But if we are talking about this, then I have never limited myself in anything, I have never limited myself with the people with whom I sleep. Call me whatever you want. Call me bisexual if you need some definition for that.”
A little later, in a story about his new album, 28-year-old Mika openly declared his sexual orientation.
“If you ask me if I am gay, I will say yes. In these songs I sing about relationships with a man. Yes, it's only through my music that I found the strength to talk about my sexuality.

Fiona Shaw

Irish actress. Bisexual, had a relationship with English actress Saffron Burrows.[

Sinead O'Connor

The Irish singer and composer is known not only for her work, but also for the numerous scandals associated with her name. Bisexual.

Evan Rachel Wood

Actress and singer. Bisexual.
She stated that she is bisexual. According to the actress, she is not averse to dating girls. “I am open to everything. Meeting a nice guy or a nice girl... I've always liked androgynous stuff. I'm generally androgynous."
Evan assures that when she meets a girl, she takes a masculine position in the relationship. “I act like a guy, I dominate. I open doors for a girl, I pay for dinner. Yes, I am such a romantic!”

Megan Fox

Actress and fashion model. She is best known for her role as Michaela in Transformers and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. Bisexual
"I'm bisexual," the Transformers star, who got married in Hawaii to Brian Austin Green, openly declares. women, but also with men. And I am very squeamish in this regard and do not want to pick up other people's leftovers. In my bed I will invite only a real lesbian "

Lady Gaga

Singer, winner of five Grammy awards, performing dance-pop music, activist of the LGBT movement. Bisexual
In an interview with Rolling Stone, she openly spoke about the fact that she is attracted not only to men, but also to women.
“I love sex, and it doesn’t matter what gender my partner is,” she assures. “But my boyfriends don’t understand this. They are scared that I like women. , whine that we are well together and the third in our relationship is not needed.

Lindsey Lohan

Film actress, singer, songwriter, model and fashion designer. Bisexual
After a high-profile affair with DJ Samantha Ronson (who was followed by the whole world and which almost ended in a wedding), the bisexuality of "Hollywood's worst girl" is not in doubt. "I feel equally good with a man and a woman," Lindsey does not hide, who was previously credited with romances with actor Aeron Carter and model Calum Best. "I'm not a lesbian. I love people, and it doesn't matter to me what gender they are. If I sleep today with a woman doesn't mean I won't choose a man tomorrow."

David Bowie

“Yes, I am bisexual,” the rock legend was one of the first to admit his sexual orientation on the pages of Playboy, in the dashing 70s. “I can’t deny that I benefited from this a lot. I guess this is the best thing that happened me in life." Now the husband of supermodel Iman recalls those times with a smile: “I don’t consider my confession a mistake. But for America it turned out to be a little reckless. I had no desire to hold posters or be a representative of any group of people. what I dreamed of."

Kristanna Loken

Actress and fashion model, who gained wide popularity thanks to her participation in the film "Terminator 3".
It was rumored that she had an affair with actress Michelle Rodriguez.

Pete Wentz

Musician, bassist of the rock band Fall Out Boy. Bisexual.
Pete Wentz married Ashlee Simpson on May 17, 2008. And on November 20 of the same year, they had a boy, who was named Bronx Mowgli Wentz. On February 9, 2011, Ashlee Simpson filed for divorce.

Drew Barrymore

Actress, producer and film director. Bisexual.
"I understand when women fall in love with each other. In the deepest female friendship, there is always a physical crush." “And if you ask if I like women, I will answer yes. - Do they excite me sexually? Yes, I personally put more than one of them into my bed. But I couldn’t build a serious relationship with a girl. Maybe because a man is more suitable for this?


Lead singer of the Black Eyed Peas, actress. Bisexual
The lead singer of the Black Eyed Peas who is happy in
married to actor Josh Duhamel, likes to recall in an interview how she once had affairs with beauties of her own sex. "I won't hide it, I had sexual relations with women," she says. "But I never had a long-term relationship with them." “I admire the female body,” Fergie continues to confess. “But now I have a completely different story in my life, I am a faithful wife and belong to my family.

Cathy Najimy

Actress best known for her roles as Sister Mary Patrick in Go Sister and its sequel, and Beverly Pier in The Rat Race. Bisexual.

Denise Richards

She was married to actor Charlie Sheen from 2002-2006. They have two daughters: Sam and Lola Rose. In 2011, Denise Richards adopted a newborn girl named Eloise Joni Richards.
In 2006-2007, Denise had a close relationship with Bon Jovi guitarist Richie Sambora.

Ann Heche

Actress. Bisexual.
Was in a relationship with Ellen DiGeneres.

Anna Nicole Smith

Supermodel, actress, TV presenter, sex symbol of the 1990s. Bisexual

Bai Ling

American actress of Chinese descent. Bisexual.
At the end of 2008, Bai Ling was spotted arm in arm with singer Mark Terenzi, who announced a month earlier that he was in the process of divorcing singer Sarah Connor.

Billie Joe Armstrong

Musician, songwriter, singer and guitarist for the band Green Day.
In 1990, Armstrong met Adrienne Nasser at a Green Day show in Mankato and married her on July 2, 1994. The couple have two children, Joseph Marciano Armstrong and Jacob Danger Armstrong. Adrienne co-owns Adeline Records with Armstrong. Today, Billy Joe Armstrong's family lives in Berkeley, California.
In 1995, Billy Joe confessed his bisexuality.

Greta Garbo

Swedish and American actress. In 1954 she received an honorary Oscar for her outstanding contribution to the development of cinema.
There was an affair with the popular actor of those years, John Gilbert. They were going to get married, but Garbo changed her mind at the last moment and canceled the wedding.
In addition, there were rumors about the actress's romantic relationships with women - the list of her alleged mistresses included actress Louise Brooks and writer Mercedes de Acosta. She also had an on-and-off relationship with British gay photographer Cecil Beaton, according to his published diaries.

Cynthia Nixon

Actress best known for her role as Miranda Hobbs in the television series Sex and the City. Bisexual.
From 1988 to 2003 she was in a civil marriage with an English professor Danny Moses and gave birth to two children, a daughter Samantha in 1996 and a son Charles in 2002. From 2004 to the present, he has been a homosexual couple with educational activist Christine Marinoni. In 2009, the couple announced their engagement. In February 2011, Christine gave birth to their son, Max Ellington Nixon-Marinoni.

Marlon Brando

American actor. Twice winner of the Oscar, for which he was nominated a total of eight times.
Beginning in 1976, many of Brando's biographers claimed he was bisexual. In 2006, a book was even published with speculation that Brando had an affair with another legend of American cinema, Cary Grant. There is also a legend that Brando had a relationship with Bernardo Bertolucci, who filmed the actor in the film Last Tango in Paris. Allegedly, Bertolucci was upset that the film was not working, and he decided to sleep with the actors who play the main characters in order to rectify the situation and add expressiveness to the film.

Cary Grant

Anglo-American actor who has become the epitome of invariable wit, equanimity and composure. Known for leading roles in burlesque comedies, especially pre-war ones, and in films by Alfred Hitchcock. The American Film Institute recognized him as the greatest film actor in Hollywood history after Humphrey Bogart.
Eri Grant was married five times. His spouses were actresses Virginia Cherrill, Betsy Drake, Dyan Cannon, socialite Barbara Hutton and Barbara Harris. Despite this, there was a rumor about his homosexual preferences, in particular about an affair with actor Randolph Scott.

Andy Dick

American actor, director, producer, screenwriter, composer. In January 2009, on a show, Andy Dick revealed his big secret: he declared his bisexuality. And, although this has long been known to the public by rumors, he once again managed to shock the audience.
“I've tried everything,” he said, “I've actually tried everything, well, except for animals. There can only be one animal in a room, and that's me. I am bisexual. My love has no gender."

Joan Crawford

Silent and sound film actress who rivaled Marlene Dietrich and Greta Garbo in popularity in the 1930s. Bisexual.

Giorgio Armani

Fashion designer who founded Giorgio Armani in 1975. Bisexual

Gay is an English adjective that originally meant "carefree", "cheerful", "bright, theatrical". However, in modern English, the word is usually used as a noun or adjective for a same-sex sexual orientation—homosexuality.

Elton John

Pop rock singer, composer, pianist, Knight Bachelor and MBE. Open homosexual. In 2005, he entered into a same-sex marriage with David Furnish.

Adam Lambert

American singer, songwriter and actor from San Diego, California. In May 2009, he was a finalist for the eighth season of the American Idol reality show. He is the first well-known pop artist to be openly gay early in his career, which started with a major label in America.

Ian McKellen

An actor who has received wide recognition as a master of the Shakespearean repertoire. Now he regularly starred in big-budget international film projects (X-Men, The Lord of the Rings). Homosexual

Graham Chapman

Actor, screenwriter, producer, composer, member of the Monty Python comedy group. Homosexual.

Stephen Fry

Comic actor, writer and playwright. She is best known for her roles in Oscar Wilde, Jeeves and Wooster, and The Fry and Laurie Show. Homosexual.. From 1995 to 2010 he lived with his friend Daniel Cohen. In 2010, Stephen began dating actor Stephen Webb.

Rupert Everett

Rupert Everett is notorious for being homosexual, which he openly stated in a 1997 interview with US Magazine.
Everett grew up in an aristocratic family. One of his grandfather was an admiral, the other was a collector of paintings, who was proud that in his private collection there is a painting by Michelangelo.

Boy George

British singer and composer, one of the pioneers of the New Romantic movement. Formerly a member of Culture Club and Jesus Loves You. gay

Richard Chamberlain

American actor. From 1961 to 1966 he starred in the television series Dr. Kildare, for which he received a Golden Globe Award in 1963. He also starred in such well-known television films as "Shogun", "The Thorn Birds", "Casanova" as adventurer Giacomo Casanova, "The Secret of the Bourne Identity", and also played in several feature films.
Chamberlain resided in Hawaii with his partner Martin Rabbett from the mid-1970s until 2010.
In 2003, he wrote a biographical book, Shattered Love, in which he spoke about his many years of experiences associated with a homosexual orientation. The book describes the stages of his spiritual development. The main idea of ​​the book is love and happiness that exist inside a person who lives with an open heart. In recent years, Richard Chamberlain has resumed his painting pursuits. In his paintings "Age and Wisdom" ("Age and Wisdom"), "Somewhere Within" ("Somewhere Within Us") and others, he reflected his philosophical views.

George Michael

Alan Cumming

Scottish theater, television and film actor, writer, director and producer. Homosexual. In 2007, he entered into a same-sex marriage with illustrator Grant Schaeffer.[

James Dean

Actor. He was posthumously awarded the Golden Globe Award (1956). He was twice nominated for an Oscar (1955, 1956), both times posthumously. gay

Andy Warhole

Artist, designer, writer, collector, magazine publisher and film director, a cult figure in the history of the pop art movement and contemporary art in general. Gay.

Rock Hudson

From 1955 to 1958, Rock Hudson was married to Phyllis Gates, actress and former secretary of Henry Wilson, but even then he was aware of his homosexuality. In his own words, even during military service, he felt attracted to men. However, the orientation of the actor was carefully hidden from the press and fans. Even before his marriage, the studio regularly supplied the actor with companions (for example, the then popular actresses Marilyn Maxwell and Laurie Anderson) to maintain the image.
Died of AIDS.

Truman Capote

Novelist and novelist. Gay.
Truman Capote said: "I'm not a saint, I'm an alcoholic, drug addict, gay, and a genius." To this we can add - a transvestite, an intellectual, a scandalous lover, and, of course, a wonderful writer.

Tennessee Williams

Prose writer and playwright. Gay.
Towards the end of his life, Tennessee Williams became one of America's first openly gay men, and his Memoirs (1975) deals with gay issues with discouraging frankness and openness.

Pedro Almodovar

Film director, film producer, screenwriter, writer and singer.
Openly gay, Pedro Almodóvar devoted almost all of his work to women. Few male directors are as good at revealing the soul and secrets of women as he is. On the occasion of the release of the master's new film "Broken Embraces", we recall his previous films with the most vivid female images.

Gianni Versace

Fashion designer who founded Versace in 1978. Versace did not hide his homosexual orientation, having lived 11 years with his life partner Antonio D'Amico

Stefano Gabbana and Dominic Dolce

Fashion designers, founders of Dolce & Gabbana. Living together since 1985

Franco Zeffirelli

Actor, director, producer, screenwriter, twice Oscar-nominated, BAFTA winner, five-time David di Donatello winner, twice Emmy Award. open gay

Francois Ozon

Screenwriter and film director, considered one of the most notable young directors of the "new wave" in France. open gay

Jean Paul Gaultier

The fashion designer who largely determined the look of high fashion in the 1980s and 1990s. Open gay.

Yves Saint Laurent

Fashion designer who reigned in the world of high fashion in the 1960s and 1970s. Homosexual. Shortly before his death, Yves Saint Laurent entered into a same-sex marriage with his longtime companion, fashion designer Pierre Bergé.

Jean Marais

Actor, director, writer, artist, sculptor, stuntman. Homosexual, lived with Jean Cocteau for about 25 years

Darren Hayes

Singer, poet and composer, one of the founders of the duo Savage Garden. Gay. June 19, 2006 married in London with his boyfriend Richard Cullen

Karl Lagerfeld

Karl Lagerfeld is not only the most famous, but also the most tireless designer in the world. Recognized as a renaissance man in the fashion industry, he oversees the creative direction of the Houses of Chanel and Fendi, in addition, he owns the 7L bookstore in Paris, runs a publishing house and works as a fashion photographer.
Gay. Since the death of his partner Jacques de Bascher in 1989 from HIV, he lives alone.

Alexander McQueen

English fashion designer. Known for his defiant displays. Commander of the Order of the British Empire, four times recognized as the best British fashion designer of the year.
Alexander McQueen was openly gay. In 2000, he entered into a civil marriage with British documentary filmmaker George Forsyth.

Jay Manuel

Canadian stylist, photographer and presenter. He is best known for his participation in the television project America's Next Top Model, where he acts as the director of all photography.
Jay Manuel is gay and he doesn't hide it.

Chris Colfer

Actor and singer, best known for his role as Kurt Hummel on Glee. Gay.

Jonathan Groff

American singer and actor, Tony Award and Drama Desk Award nominee. He is best known for his participation in Broadway productions of the musicals Spring Awakening, The Sound of Music, Hair and others. He also works in film and television: his roles include Michael Lang in The Taking of Woodstock and Jesse St. James in the popular TV series Glee (2010). Open gay.

Lance Bass

Singer and actor who gained fame as one of the members of the pop group "N Sync. Gay

Pepper Hilton

Blogger. His website, Perezhilton.com, is known for publishing news concerning the personal lives of musicians, actors and celebrities. gay

Dustin Lance Black

Screenwriter, director, producer and LGBT activist. Oscar winner in the Best Original Screenplay category for Harvey Milk. gay

Neil Patrick Harris

He is best known for his role as Barney Stinson on the television series How I Met Your Mother.
Harris is openly gay and came out in November 2006. His partner - actor David Bartka, in particular, played a cameo role in the TV series How I Met Your Mother. In the summer of 2010, the couple announced they were expecting twins by a surrogate mother. On October 12, 2010, twins, a girl and a boy, were born.

Ricky Martin

Puerto Rican singer, one of the best-selling Latin American artists, who has been awarded numerous Grammy and Grammy Latin Music awards.
On March 29, 2010, Ricky Martin published a letter in Spanish and English on his official website, in which he officially admitted his homosexuality.
In November 2010, in several television interviews, Ricky Martin expressed his desire to marry his boyfriend in his homeland of Puerto Rico.

David LaChapelle

Photographer, filmmaker and director of commercials, distinguished by his particular ironic style of "surreal glamour". He has been shooting many popular video clips for such stars as Britney Spears, Avril Lavigne, Elton John, Christina Aguilera, Jennifer Lopez and many others. Gay.

Marc Jacobs

American chief designer of his brand Marc Jacobs. Jacobs is also currently Creative Director of the prestigious French fashion house Louis Vuitton. Since January 22, 2010 - Chevalier of the French Order of Arts and Letters.
Mark is openly gay.
He married Lorenzo Martone in March 2009, a year after the engagement. In the spring of 2010, the couple broke up.
In 2009, Mark released T-shirts supporting gay rights to marry freely in the US.
He stated that he would change his orientation only for the sake of Kate Moss.

Chuck Palahniuk

Writer and journalist, best known as the author of the book Fight Club, which was made into a film of the same name in 1999. Gay.

Tom Ford

American designer and filmmaker. Gained wide popularity while working in the fashion house Gucci.
Tom Ford is openly gay. His companion and partner is journalist Richard Buckley; they have been together for over 20 years. Previously, Richard headed the men's version of Vogue magazine - Vogue Hommes International. They intend to adopt a child

Gus Van Sant

Film director, screenwriter, photographer. gay
Gus Van Sant was born in 1953. He is gay and does not hide it. He makes his films about young drug addicts, about street prostitutes, about male love. He is engaged in photography and painting, his favorite genre is a landscape with cows or a sombrero floating through the air in the foreground.

Joel Schumacher

Film director, screenwriter and producer who has directed films such as Phone Booth, Batman Forever, Batman & Robin. Gay.

Zachary Quinto

American actor best known for his role as serial killer Sylar in the TV series Heroes and as Commander Spock in the 2009 film Star Trek.
Quinto is openly gay and came out on October 17, 2011

Craig Parker

New Zealand actor Craig Parker, best known for his roles as Haldir ("The Lord of the Rings"), Darken Rahl ("Legend of the Seeker"), Glabr ("Spartacus: Blood and Sand") admitted that he is gay in an interview with the Sunday Herald newspaper in 2008. Since then, he has been considered openly gay. He takes part in the movement against the ban on same-sex marriages, does charity work: he transfers funds for gay people with AIDS.

Matt Bomer

American actor Matt Bomer, best known for his role in the TV series White Collar. He came out as gay while accepting the award at the 18th Annual Steve Chase Awards held on February 11, 2012 in Palm Springs, California, the actor thanked his longtime publicist partner Simon Halls and their three children.

Jim Parsons

Jim Parsons, best known for playing Sheldon on The Big Bang Theory, came out in 2012 about his ten-year relationship with his boyfriend.

Lesbianism is female homosexuality. Homosexual women are called lesbians. The term comes from the name of the Greek island of Lesbos, where the ancient Greek poetess Sappho was born and lived, whose poems were later often perceived as a glorification of same-sex love between women.

Samantha Ronson

English singer and DJ. Gained fame thanks to musical creativity and a love affair with Hollywood actress Lindsay Lohan. lesbian

Jodie Foster

American actress and director, two-time winner of the Academy Award for Best Actress - in the films The Accused and The Silence of the Lambs.
Jodie Foster has two sons, Charles and Christopher.
In December 2007, Jodie announced that she had been living with a lesbian partner, producer Sidney Bernard, for 14 years. Six months after this recognition, the couple broke up. Jodie's new lover is 51-year-old screenwriter and producer Cindy Mort

Rosie O'Donnell

TV presenter, comedian, producer, singer, blogger, LGBT activist and media personality. lesbian

Jane Lynch

American actress, singer, screenwriter and comedian. Winner of US Screen Actors Guild, Emmy and Golden Globe awards for the role of Sue Sylvester in the television series Glee.
Jane Lynch is an open lesbian. She has been married to Dr. Lara Embry since May 31, 2010.

Ellen DeGeneres and Portia Rossi

Actress, comedian and TV presenter, winner of 11 Emmy awards for The Ellen DeGeneres Show. lesbian
From 1997 to 2000, Ellen DeGeneres was in a relationship with the star of the series "Underworld" Anne Heche, who later married the cameraman Coley Laffoon.
Ellen was in a relationship with actress and photographer Alexandra Hadison from 2001 to 2004. They appeared on the cover of The Advocate after their breakup had already been publicized in the media.
Ellen has been in a relationship with McBeal and Arrested Development star Portia De Rossi since 2004. After California's gay marriage ban was lifted in May 2008, Ellen announced that she and Portia were engaged and presented her with a three-carat pink diamond ring. On August 16, 2008, they got married at their home, inviting 19 guests, including their mothers.
The passage of the 8th Amendment called into question the legal status of their marriage, but in a subsequent decision, the Supreme Court confirmed this status, since the marriage was concluded before November 4, 2008.
They live in Beverly Hills with 3 dogs and four cats, and both are vegetarians.

Annie Leibovitz

renowned American photographer. Specializes in celebrity portraits. Today it is the most popular among women photographers.

Lily Tomlin

Comedy actress, screenwriter and producer, winner of the Emmy, Tony, Grammy awards, as well as an Oscar nominee. lesbian
In January 2001, Lily announced that she was a lesbian and had an affair with Jane Wagner, an American screenwriter, director and producer, for the past 30 years. In 2008-2009, Lily Tomlin was the performer of the role of Roberta, Mrs. McCluskey's sister, in the TV series Desperate Housewives.

Amber Heard

American actress, best known for her role as Greta Matthews in the television series Palm Springs and for her role as the titular character All the Boys Love Mandy Lane from the film screened at the Toronto International Film Festival in 2006 and released in 2008. Also she played the girlfriend of Seth Rogen's character on Pineapple Express and appeared on the cover of Maxim's men's magazine.
Since 2008, Amber has been dating photographer Tasya Van Ree.
In December 2010, at a GLAAD party, Amber came out as a lesbian. According to Hurd, she had the strength to confess her orientation largely due to the activities of this alliance. “I think GLAAD is one of the reasons why I, a 24-year-old girl, can speak openly. I hate labels like everyone else, but I am who I am,” said the actress. “In my personal opinion, if you deny or hide something, you unwittingly admit that it is wrong. And I don't feel like I'm wrong. I do not feel that millions of people are wrong because they love those they love, ”she is sure.

Sarah Paulson

American actress.
Paulson is an open lesbian. She had a long relationship with actress Cherry Jones. They broke up in 2009

Cherry Jones

- American actress. She is best known for her role as US President Allison Taylor on the television series 24, for which she received an Emmy Award in 2009.

Tammy Lynn Michaels

American actress, best known for her role as Nicole Julian in the TV series The Best. Tammy Lynn also played small roles in the series It's 80s, Sex and Another City, etc.
Tammy Lynn Michaels is an open lesbian. For 9 years, her partner was the famous rock singer Melissa Etheridge. They got married in a symbolic ceremony on September 20, 2003, and in 2005 officially registered a civil partnership. On October 17, 2006, Tammy gave birth to a daughter, Johnny Rose, and a son, Steven Miller (the children were conceived from an anonymous sperm donor). The couple also raised two children born to the former partner of Etheridge - daughter Bailey and son Beckett. In April 2010, Tammy and Melissa announced their separation.

Melissa Etheridge

American rock singer, winner of Oscar and Grammy awards, fighter for the rights of sexual minorities. The components of its success are uncompromising confession of lyrics, melodic folk-rock and hoarse vocals.
Journalists constantly pestered the singer with questions about her sexual orientation, so she decided to come out, calling her next album “Yes I Am” (“Yes, it really is”). Within the first year after its release (September 1993), the disc sold six million copies in the US and earned her a Grammy for Best Rock Vocalist. Released as a standalone single, "I'm the Only One" became the biggest hit of her career.

Leisha Hailey

American singer, actress.
Leisha Hailey is an open lesbian. For five years, until 2001, she dated singer Katherine Don Lang (k.d. lang). Since 2006, she began dating Nina Gardino, the owner of Free City Supershop in Malibu, California. In 2011, it became known about her relationship with Camila Grey.
in 2003, she landed a starring role in the hit television series Sex and the City (The L Word). In it, she played one of the main characters - Alice Piezaki

Sarah Gilbert

Actress best known for The Big Bang Theory.

Sheli Wright

Country singer.

Gia Karanji

American model, one of the first supermodels in the world.
In her personal life, Karanji was known for her lesbian inclinations, which she never hid. Gia's relatives recall that Gia began to show interest in girls at the age of 14. And she was never interested in men.
Gilbert is an open lesbian who came out in 2010

Everyone has a different attitude to same-sex love, because someone believes that bisexuality is a terrible vicious sin that only a stupid person takes on, and someone thinks that bisexuality helps to open up and feel all the charm of both sexes. No matter how we feel about bisexuality, it is impossible to deny its prevalence around the world, because even many celebrities realized that the words of the famous film director Woody Allen that

"Bisexuality Doubles the Chances of Dating on a Saturday Night"

- the purest truth.

Many stars have admitted to being bisexual, but it’s up to you to believe them or not ...

Megan Fox

The sexy and daring star of the two parts of "Transformers" has never hidden that she likes both men and women.

“I am bisexual, but at the same time I am very selfish - I would never date a bisexual, as this means that she sleeps not only with women, but also with men. And in this regard, I am very squeamish and do not want to pick up other people's leftovers. In my bed I will invite only a real lesbian.

To be honest, Megan is hard to believe, since she has been dating Brian Austin Green since the age of 18, who is now her husband, and I think that he would not have tolerated this. Megan's bisexuality is nothing more than a good PR stunt.

Angelina Jolie

The unique beauty Angelina Jolie is also bisexual. Angelina's same-sex feelings became public when her ex-partner Jenny Shimizu told everyone what an amazing love she had with a Hollywood actress. Here's what Jenny said when asked about her relationship with Angelina:

“Sometimes we went to strip clubs, and in the third week of filming, we kissed for the first time. Angie was beautiful, her lips were delicious ... I have never been so tender with anyone as with her. I was 24, and by that time I already knew many women. It was the peak of my career, I was bold and self-confident. But I felt that Angelina was not one of those girls with whom you spend the night, and the next morning you expel from your life. We had a wonderful relationship. We became very close, experienced very violent emotions. Since then, an invisible thread has firmly connected us, and whenever she called, I always hurried to the call. Our meetings did not always end in sex. Sometimes we went to Cambodia and climbed the jungle. Our relationship is certainly much more than just friendship. Angie is the person I will always take care of and to whom I will always come to the rescue.

Angelina, in turn, admitted that she does not like slender women at all:

“Slender women are not my type. Ever since I started dating women, I know how unpleasant it is to hug a stick. Thinness is the last thing you dream about when you turn off the light in the bedroom.


The lead singer of the Black Eyed Peas and the happy wife of actor Josh Duhamel, Fergie, sometimes likes to remember the old days, touching on the topic of her bisexuality.

“I will not hide, I had sexual relations with women, but I never had a long-term relationship with them.” I admire the female body, but now I have a completely different story in my life, I am a faithful wife and belong to the one and only beloved man.

Lady Gaga

Not indifferent to women and Lady Gaga, who stunned everyone with her confession that she is a true bisexual and is not shy about it.

“I love sex, and I don’t care what gender my partner is, only my boyfriends don’t understand this. They are afraid that I like women. Having learned about this, they begin to feel out of place, they whine that we are good together and we don’t need a third in our relationship.

Tom Hardy

Even men are bisexual. This fact is confirmed by the actor Tom Hardy, who can always be seen surrounded by beautiful girls.

“At one time, I flirted with everything that moves. I loved to feel the body, whether male or female, but now that I'm in my 30s, these experiments had to be completed. I can only assure you that a relationship with a man has a lot to offer…”

Anna Paquin

The charming star of the True Blood series announced her sexual preferences relatively recently at a charity event in support of the equal rights of people of any orientation.

"I'm Anna Paquin. I am bisexual"

- Anna proudly said in a 30-second video.

“I don’t care what people think of me now. I have always been aware of my bisexuality. I guess I was just lucky: I grew up in a liberal family, and my parents understood and accepted my choice.”

David Bowie

The rock legend confessed his sexual orientation a long time ago - back in the dashing nineties. Then he said that sex with a man is perhaps the best thing that happened in his life, but today he recalls this statement with a slight irony and a smile:

“I do not consider my confession a mistake. But for America, it turned out to be a little reckless. I had no desire to hold banners or be representative of any group of people. I guess that prevented me from realizing a lot of the things I dreamed of."

Lindsey Lohan

Surely it's no secret to anyone that the scandalous Lindsey is bisexual. She met with DJ Samantha Ronson for a long time and was even going to enter into a same-sex marriage with her, but something went wrong between the girls and they broke up. About her orientation, Lindsey spoke quite frankly:

“I am equally good with a man and a woman. I am not a lesbian. I love people and I don't care what gender they are. If today I sleep with a woman, this does not mean that tomorrow I will not choose a man.

Drew Barrymore

The actress believes that if women are friends, then a certain spark of love slips between them, which can develop into something more.

“I understand when women fall in love with each other. In the deepest female friendship there is always a physical crush. And if you ask me if I like women, I will answer yes. Do they excite me sexually? Yes, I personally put to my bed not one of them. But I didn’t manage to build a serious relationship with a girl. Maybe because a man is more suitable for this?

Here is such a fickle Drew Barrymore. By the way, there were rumors that the actress had an intimacy with another Hollywood beauty - Cameron Diaz, but, apparently, this is ordinary gossip.

Brian Molko

Placebo frontman Brian Molko often calls himself a "lesbian in a man's body" due to the fact that he likes not only women, but also men. But Brian never said this directly, while speaking rather cryptically about the very essence of sex:

“I am neither heterosexual nor homosexual. I am sex. And if every time you enter a room, you think: Everyone here wants me, then in fact everyone will want you. Everything depends on our thoughts.”

Tila Tequila

The star of the reality show “Sex with Tequila” and a participant in various intimate videos on the Internet, Tila Tequila, has long admitted that she is completely bisexual. At one time, the singer, model, TV star and actress Tila met with a rich woman, not much older than herself, but the woman died and Tila again plunged into her familiar environment ...

There are still a lot of celebrities who do not admit their bisexuality, so as not to spoil their own reputation. They say that even the queen of pop music, Madonna, at the very beginning of her career, was seen more than once in women's arms ...

Same-sex love can be treated differently. But as Woody Allen once remarked, "Being bisexual doubles our chances of meeting on a Saturday night." Here are 10 heroes who see in their partner first of all a personality, and then a gender.

Megan Fox

The star of the two parts of "Transformers" has never hidden that she likes both men and women. " I am bisexual, but at the same time I am very selfish - I would never date a bisexual, as this means that she sleeps not only with women, but also with men. And in this regard, I am very squeamish and do not want to pick up other people's leftovers. In my bed I will only invite a real lesbian".

To be honest, Megan is hard to believe, since she has been dating Brian Austin Green since the age of 18, who is now her husband, and it is unlikely that he would tolerate something like this. Most likely, Megan's bisexuality is nothing more than a PR stunt.

Angelina Jolie

The unique beauty Angelina Jolie is also bisexual. Angelina's same-sex feelings became public when her ex-partner Jenny Shimizu told everyone what an amazing love she had with the Hollywood actress. Here's what Jenny said when asked about her relationship with Angelina: " Sometimes we went to strip clubs, and in the third week of filming, we kissed for the first time. I was 24, it was the peak of my career, I was brash and self-confident. But I felt that Angelina was not one of those girls with whom you spend the night, and the next morning you expel from your life. We had a wonderful relationship. We became very close, experienced very violent emotions. Since then, we have been firmly connected by an invisible thread, and whenever she called, I always hurried to the call. Angie is the person I will always take care of and who will always come to the rescue.".


The lead singer of the Black Eyed Peas and the happy wife of actor Josh Duhamel, Fergie sometimes likes to remember the old days, touching on the topic of her bisexuality.

"I will not hide, I had sexual relations with women, but I never had a long-term relationship with them. I admire the female body, but now I have a completely different story in my life, I am a faithful wife and belong to the one and only beloved man".

Tom Hardy

Even men are bisexual. This fact is confirmed by actor Tom Hardy, who can always be seen surrounded by beautiful girls. " At one time, I flirted with everything that moves. But now, when I am over 30, these experiments had to be completed. I can only assure you that a relationship with a man has a lot to offer..."

David Bowie

The rock legend confessed his sexual orientation a long time ago - back in the dashing nineties. Then he said that sex with a man is perhaps the best thing that happened in his life, but today he recalls this statement with a slight irony and a smile: " I do not consider my confession a mistake. But for America, it turned out to be a little reckless. I had no desire to hold banners or be representative of any group of people. I guess it prevented me from realizing a lot of what I dreamed of.".

Drew Barrymore

The actress believes that if women are friends, then a certain spark of love slips between them, which can develop into something more.

"I understand when women fall in love with each other. In the deepest female friendship there is always physical love. And if you ask me if I like women, I will answer yes. Do they excite me sexually? Yes, I personally laid not one of them in bed. But I couldn’t build a serious relationship with a girl. Maybe because a man is more suitable for this?"

Brian Molko

Placebo frontman Brian Molko often calls himself a "lesbian in a man's body" due to the fact that he likes not only women, but also men. But Brian never said this directly, while speaking rather cryptically about the very essence of sex:

"I am neither heterosexual nor homosexual. I am sex. And if every time you enter a room, you think: everyone here wants me, then in fact everyone will want you. Everything depends on our thoughts".

It seems that the world has slowly begun to come to terms with the orientation of people, however, bisexual stars will always attract the attention of not only journalists. Today we want to tell you about 10 such stars who have not hidden their true state of affairs and addictions for a long time.

1. Actor Tom Hardy is known for his roles in Hollywood blockbusters, and only then for his relationships with the opposite sex.

In fact, he was married, he has a son, Louis, and most recently he proposed to his new passion, actress Charlotte Riley. In an interview, Tom admitted that he had relationships with men.

I'm an actor. I adore the form, the material body, but now, when I am over 30, all this interests me little. I’m done with the experiments, but I’ll say for sure: there are so many things in relationships with men! You know, I have a bit of femininity in me, and there are so many real men among gays. the actor admits.

2. David Bowie. Despite his two marriages, in a 1976 interview, David admitted that he had bisexual inclinations.

The famous British rock singer was married to model Angela Barnett, whose marriage broke up after 10 years. The next wife of the singer was also a model - Iman Abdulmajid, who gave birth to his daughter.

This is true. I am bisexual. But I can't deny that I love it. Moreover, I think that this is the best thing that happened to me. When I was 14, sex became extremely important to me. And it did not matter where, when and with whom one could have sexual experience. There were some cute boys at my school that I brought home... My first thought was if I ever go to jail, I'll know how to stay happy the singer says.

3. Duncan James. A former member of the popular British boy band Blue admitted that he was bisexual. He has a daughter, and also had many novels with girl stars. However, in 2009, in an interview with one of the publishers, he admitted that he was bisexual and that he had a long-term relationship with a backup dancer.

4. Mika. There were various rumors about the famous English singer and musician, the public was always interested in his real orientation.

Before discussing my orientation and sex: listen to my songs. It's all over the place in them! Sexuality is kind of one of the main themes of my record, if that's all you're interested in. It's part of what the album was born from. I have never labeled myself. I would say that I have never limited myself in life... never limited myself in who I sleep with. Ask whatever you want. If you need a term to describe me, call me bisexual the singer says.

5. Michael Uri He also confessed to his bisexual tendencies.

6. Fiona Shaw The Irish actress best known for her role as Aunt Petunia in Harry Potter was married and has two children. After the divorce, Fiona had a relationship with the English actress Saffron Burroughs. They did not comment on their relationship.

7. Megan Fox The Transformers and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles star is currently married to actor Brian Austin Green, with whom she has two children. In an interview, Megan stated that she would like to have a relationship with a woman who has never had a relationship with men.

At one time, there were rumors about Fox's relationship with a certain stripper named Nikita, but Megan refused to comment on this information, saying only that she was only in love with her.

8. Evan Rachel Wood. Marilyn Manson's ex-girlfriend declared her bisexuality in 2011, confirming that she was dating both men and women. In the same interview, Evan joked that she would not mind marrying Kate Winslet, who starred with her in the TV series Mildred Pierce. The actress also reported that she was always attracted to gay men and men with androgynous appearance.

9. Amber Heard. It was she who stole Johnny Depp from Vanessa Paradis, and then left him for a while for French model Marie de Villepin. Together, the girls appeared in public as a couple at the Golden Globe Film Awards in January 2014. At the same time, information appeared in the media about the engagement of Amber and Marie.

10. Michelle Rodriguez. This actress has real passions in her personal life. At various times, she met with Vin Diesel, Olivier Martinez, and recently broke up with Zac Efron. In 2005, there was information that Michelle was dating actress Christian Loken, but the actress herself did not confirm this rumor. But in 2006, in an interview with Cosmopolitan magazine, Rodriguez admitted that she had experiments with both sexes.

Michelle finally declared her bisexual orientation in 2013. After her confession, Rodriguez began a relationship with top model Cara Delevingne, whom she later traded for Zac Efron.