Happy birthday greetings named Galina. Beautiful congratulations to Galina happy birthday

Congratulations in verse for Galina on her birthday

Happy birthday Galina
I hasten to congratulate!
And now about Galina,
I'll say a little:
You are a great colleague
You serve as a great example to all
You know a lot at work
You are a pro in every way!
You help us in everything
And so it goes, day after day,
In general, nice we live!
You are a wonderful friend
And when things get tough
You're in a hurry to save
And pay attention!
You are good
Outwardly attracted many!
And everything is fine in the economy,
Prepare everything well
You will always invite guests
Together we have more fun!
Even if you are strict
You are right, smart!
Reading a lot of new
Let us know later!
Next to be with you, Galina,
Interesting and prestigious!
You go to everything with your soul,
Our golden man!
In general, I wish you
So that everything you dream of
It would come true sooner
Glorious intertwined in happiness!

Congratulations to Galina in verse

May this clear day, so beautiful,
All the birds sing about love,
And you accept from us, Galina, happiness,
Good luck, take a lot of joy.
May the sun shine on this day
And flowers fall at the feet of a carpet,
We wish you youth, joy and happiness,
All that is called good.

Happy birthday to Galina

Galina - you are irresistible,
Like a swan graceful and slender,
And on your birthday happy
We hasten to congratulate you.
We do not know what to wish you
But just stay like this
As we always know you
Beautiful, cute and simple.

Congratulations to Galina in verse beautiful

Galina, you really are like raspberries,
So pretty!
Be Galina, you are happy
And let the eyes shine!
The star illuminates your path
Giving joy to loved ones!
May all dreams win
After all, you are not trying in vain!
And we wish prosperity
So that you live without hassle!
And problems, so you don't know
And let luck go!

Congratulations to Galina 50 years old

Here are 50 of our Galya,
And hardly believe it.
And there's nothing to hide,
If the hero of the day is young!
Slim, beautiful, and lucky!
Like a May rose blooming!
We only wish her
Celebrate another anniversary
With the same smile on your lips
And with the same joy in his eyes.

Congratulations to Galina in verse from friends

Hanna, let sensitivity
Tenderness, affection and attention!
Give happiness and charm!
Let life go without sorrowful troubles,
And luck awaits you every day!
May there be peace in the house, great prosperity,
And at work, glory and order!
May all your days be bright
You live in great happiness and love!

Happy birthday greetings to Galina

We repeat the sweet name "Galina" today!
We will sing the name of the beloved Galochka for a long time!
Happy birthday, Galina!
Happiness, joy, health!
Oh, to fly quickly into space,
Get a star from the sky!

Happy birthday greetings for Galina

Galina - red viburnum!
Today is a holiday - name day!
You are like a graceful plain!
Light as day! How irresistible the night!

Congratulations to Galina beautiful

You are calm and quiet, like the sea after a storm, you are the safe harbor of my refuge. And how grateful I am to you for your help in moments of despair and despondency. I want to wish you good luck in all your affairs and, of course, love and happiness, so that it will always be in your life.

The article in this blog will pleasantly surprise you with beautiful and unbanal congratulations presented in a beautiful poetic form for Gali in honor of her birthday.

The name Galina is of Greek origin. According to one version, this name comes from the mythical creature Galene (written as γαλήνη), somewhat reminiscent of a mermaid. Based on ancient Greek myths, Galena was responsible for the excitement at sea, and to be more precise, for its absence. It turns out that the name Galina means "calm" or "serenity.

Diminutive names:
Galinka, Galinushka, Galushka, Pebbles, Galyunya, Galyusya, Galyusha,Check mark, check mark

Horoscope named after Galina

  • Planet - Sun
  • Zodiac sign - Aries
  • totem animal - Jackdaw
  • name color - Crimson
  • Tree - Pine
  • Plant - Sweet pea
  • Stone - Pomegranate

Happy Birthday Galka!

Galya, Galochka, Galinka!
Higher spout, straight back
And a smile on your lips
Plus a perky sparkle in the eyes!

Well, what are your years?
You are a natural beauty
You are good - you know!
Accept congratulations!

I give you a shawl out of affection
And a pareo of flowers.
Your life will be like in a fairy tale -
Better than any sweet dreams!

Let the sun shine on you
Smiling at the sky
All gifts at dawn
Throw the world at your feet!!!

Galina-Dusha Dorohova

I will say without flattery and deceit,
Not afraid for your authority,
What in the whole world, oddly enough,
Better Gal, probably, women - no!

They seek to brighten up my life,
Happiness, quiet joy give -
And when Galina is 18,
And when Galina is 50!

Vyacheslav Petrov

In the spring of the same you came into the world

In the spring of the same you came into the world,
You were the first with mom and dad,
Not a few years have passed since then,
And it was all as if recently ...

Until recently I was running barefoot
Ships launching in streams,
And braided her hair in a thick braid,
To be beautiful Mom,

Years fly like birds past us ...
Their course is not visible to everyone in this world,
Look back and see,
Years passed and you didn't notice them

Let's discard sadness, it has nothing to do with it,
Years go in that their purpose,
We are young, we do not care about the years!
And that is of great importance to us!

Happy Birthday, my dear man!
Health, happiness and good luck in everything!
I wish to live the whole twenty-first century,
Yes, to solve all your problems!

Be beautiful, beautiful as spring
And Vesela, like spring nature,
So that, as in youth, there was no time for sleep
And always, at any time of the year!

Makar Bee

Galchonok, dear, congratulations!

Galchonok, dear, congratulations!
All the wishes for you can not be counted.
Live in prosperity and love, dear,
May this help you get things done!

You have a whole "heap" of talents by nature,
You can list everything for a long time, "until the morning"!
And every moment of your life is dear to us!
Dream, love, create for many more years!

Vera Levchenko

Acrostics to Galina

L asks the skin
YU gentle wind,
B there is a wave
ABOUT boat board,
IN evening breeze careless
M I'm intoxicated without wine.
ABOUT than dreamed
I in a past life?
G did the eagle grieve more?
A May be,
L false love
I burned the last century

Yuri Kruchinin

G the Lord gave her a beautiful name,
A Lmaz on fate wrote: ... "Silence."
L askaya my soul with your words
AND she whispered softly in her ear...
H remembering how happily they lived in joy,
A we were embraced by the intoxicating spring!


G Alina is always waiting for success.
A how could it be otherwise?
L Bring your love to everyone!
AND does not hide his eyes from me.
H full of tender feelings for me.
A maybe in love!

Victor Samarsky

I am proud of my friendship with you, my beautiful Galina

On chessboard Huts
Her figure is that of the White Queen,
Which vicissitudes of fate
I managed to win like a king.

Modest, talented, gentle,
You can easily open your soul to her,
And the code of honor is not words,
Knows how to speak and listen...

I'm proud to be friends with you
My beautiful Galina,
Today is your birthday -
Let the wish list

Olga Taranyuk

You were born into this world
Galina, happy anniversary in the afternoon,
Congratulations to a wonderful woman
Joy and success in everything.
You are perfection, you are ideal
The most divine in the world,
Above all awards and accolades,
Celebrate the anniversary solemnly.
For relatives and friends to come,
To make your life better
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Meet your general.
Today is your big holiday
So let there be a mountain feast,
Galina, I congratulate you cordially
On your wonderful anniversary.

We are celebrating 20 years
Could there be something better?
This date is the brightest
I wish you strong health.
May there always be everything that is necessary in life,
Let joy flow over the edge
I wish you success as a reward
And let life be like paradise.

Galina, on your holiday magnificent,
On the day of the anniversary, when it turns 20 years old,
I want you to move forward in your career
May all wishes come true.

More recently, we learned

What is Gali's birthday;

And brought bouquets of roses

We love you all to tears.

You tenderly accepted the roses,

kissed, hugged

Galyuny, we will drink for you to the bottom,

Be your favorite - we will not regret wine!

Calmness and serenity you, Galina!

So in Ancient Greece named your image

I look, I admire you - you are my picture,

With you alone I want to find peace.

Well, today you accept congratulations,

After all, this day is only once a year,

And from me to you a prize
nanie, admiration

I sincerely, unremembered love you!

We met a year ago - on your birthday,

A year has passed - and again you are with me,

I congratulate you sincerely and with pleasure

You remember, Galya - I'm yours forever!

Congratulations, Galya, in the world
May you always be happy
Dear man,
It will never quit.
I wish you many earthly feelings,
From the heart - sincere love,
Galya, charm, I hug,
Live with full breasts.

Congratulations for Gali
Galenka, today, on my birthday,

Would like to wish you

More happiness in life and fun,

And friends to help in trouble.

So that if vacation, then at sea,

To distant overseas lands.

And in the photo from the sea - so that two,

Well, of the two then - a family.

The family has a house, and it was cozy in it:

The children are chirping, and the dog fell asleep at the feet,

So that health never fails

I had the strength to go through at least a thousand roads.

For Gali our congratulations

Fly-fly from all sides.

I will read them without delay

It's as loud as a microphone.

Want quick tits

It's easy to fly around the city,

And snow-white doves

Coo gently with your beloved.

Wishes the rabbit fast legs,

To escape from various troubles,

We can't find a chameleon...

“Change is his advice.

Galina has a name day,

We gathered at Galina,

And folded into a rhyme

Warm words are a big stream.
You are always happy to help everyone

Not angry or rude.

Many people would need

Learn from you!

We wish Galina

Long and happy life

And you accept gifts -

From friends and family!

I want this verse

Gave spring bloom.

You are a ray, an island of happiness.

Galina, happy birthday!

Beautiful, serene

How calm the weather is.

Your face is so tender

Like heaven and nature
May it always be fun

And happiness shines.

Galina, happy birthday

I congratulate you!

Listen, Galina, you are my rhyme,

It was whispered to me by the sea breeze,

When I secretly admired you

And I was afraid to miss my happiness.

Happy birthday Galina

I hasten to congratulate!

And now about Galina,

I'll say a little:

You are a great colleague

You serve as a great example to all

You know a lot at work

You are a pro in every way!

You help us in everything

And so it goes, day after day,

In general, nice we live!

You are a wonderful friend

And when things get tough

You're in a hurry to save

And pay attention!

You are good

Outwardly attracted many!

And everything is fine in the economy,

Prepare everything well

You will always invite guests

Together we have more fun!

Even if you are strict

You are right, smart!

Reading a lot of new

Let us know later!

Next to be with you, Galina,

Interesting and prestigious!

You go to everything with your soul,

Our golden man!

At your workplace -
Lad and discipline.
Accept congratulations,
Dear Galina.
You are an employee - just super,
Nice colleague.
Do not find us better in business
Masters, strategist.
We wish you success
In your personal life
Will also be at work
Everything is great.

We, Galina, congratulate
On this holiday together you!

We sincerely wish you
More sparkle in your eyes!

Let them sparkle with light
From bewitching love!

And let the troubles pass
And the victories are all yours!

Although the name means "serenity,
Calmness and calmness, and tenderness,
Everywhere Galina has time,
And women are ahead of everyone.
Galya is smart and charming,
beautiful, attractive,
Galya is prudent, practical,
Galya is bold and energetic.
Galya, on your birthday
I wish you well from the bottom of my heart,
Let love come to you
What a beautiful reflection of paradise!

Let your life go
Carefree and calm
Brings only joy -
You deserve good!

I wish, Galina, good luck and happiness,
May your life be as beautiful as in a fairy tale,
Let your eyes shine clean and clear
Let the days pass not in vain,
Be only cheerful, smiling, sweet,
Then the trouble will pass by!

Even stand, even dance!

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!

sweet, beautiful,

always hardworking,

Strict at times

But very fair!

All things to succeed!

Troubles, so as not to overshadow!

Always be a muse for us

Eye inspiration!

Be for us you are the center of the world,

Our glorious Galina!

Well, our main order:

"Be yourself!

You are just awesome!

On the thirtieth anniversary
I sincerely wish
To be everywhere
I want to have fun
I want to have fun
I wish the dream come true
And love with your soul
So sincere and bold
So soft and easy
What an angel's body
Hit the glass!

I will give GALINA
To have fun
Love and tenderness of the edge,
that turn the earth's axis,
I will give you one
Boat in the blue sea
On the anniversary I give peace
And not an ounce of grief.

I'll give you a bouquet of flowers
spiritual wealth,
Breaking free from shackles
And probably love!

Galya, happy birthday,
Joy, luck!

Let everything go smoothly
Cool and not shaky!

Let playful fate
Gives just for you
Kindness and kindness
Life is like in a fairy tale!

Galina, dear!

Today's birthday!

We will say, without hiding, that there is no better Galina!

There is no you more interesting and more beautiful,
You know what you always want.
You, Galina, are like our sun,
That from heaven we always shine!

Happy Birthday to You,
Wishing you happy days!

Collect grains of the moment
Those that are more valuable than others ...

When after the universal storm
Water receded from the shore
Blinding people with a beautiful figure,
She came, innocent and proud.
And her name is gentle, like a moth,
Galina flew away to the people,
And this name deceived many,
Behind meekness - a stream of passions rages.

Galina is calm and imperturbable,
By life goes, achieving everything.
Gift for colleagues, gift for loved ones -
Everything goes smoothly with Galina.
And on a wonderful holiday, we wish her
So that everything beautiful comes true in life,
And the days were filled with cascades of smiles,
And love settled in the house forever.

Galina - sensitive, beautiful,
Like the sun - bright and clear!
So sincere and kind!
A little cheeky and proud.
And definitely fair.
Sometimes a little stubborn...
Always true to your ideas
And the behavior is exemplary!
Always stay like this
Cheerful, beautiful and native!

She is calm, serene,
Kind, beautiful and slim.
Her soul is pure, sinless,
Like a green spring

Galina is a native sun,
Galina - bright man.
Let there be unearthly happiness
Your companion all the time!

There is in the name Galina
ocean tides
And the rustle of golden sand
And the taste of the salty wave,
And scorched by the sun
Crimson and violent sunset.
I wish Galina
So that the showers pass by,
And also bad luck and melancholy! Let's drink so that the winds don't break Galya.
And may she be happy!
Let it be the same and smart and kind,
And always so beautiful!

It has so much charm and screen
And so much taste and mind
That she can not be afraid of age:
Galina will win hearts all her life!

Created Adam from clay
As for Galina,
I say to all the people:
The material here is noble.

Galina, be always happy,
Bring light, goodness, warmth to everyone,
We want to always be loved
And let everything be fine.

Happy birthday to Galina

Galina, dear Galina,
Today is your birthday!
I want to paint with words
Like a painter paints with a brush!
I want to rhyme the dawn!
Galina, I strive for you with my thought.
The soul in you is a field bouquet,
And in the form there is absolutely no pose.
You will squeeze tears from the stone,
To give warmth and light.
With your perseverance so that they can,
Achieve success in every business!
May in your personal life,
Everything will be just "perfect"!


Galina has a holiday today!
Galina has a name day!
We will congratulate Galka,
Praise her name.
Galya is silence
But the interpretation is wrong.
Have you met quiet Gals?
Noisy like a highway
Both active and nimble,
Generous on fantasy.
And in deeds they are stubborn,
And in the company fervent,
If only in the mood...
No mood - no burning.
The picture will change abruptly
Kohl is not in the shower suddenly Galina.
But today is the birthday
Everything is fine with Galina!
Let's have fun walking
Your Angel's day to celebrate.
We will not leave without a gift -
Accept the gift, Galka!
Be cheerful, not otherwise
In life, the path will be successful!

Happy birthday to Galina

Happy birthday Galina
Congratulations to all men -
Let her eyes shine!
Let her soul sing!
Be loved! Be happy,
The cutest and most beautiful!
May everyone adore you!
Fortunately, let fate give!

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts
Dear, dear Galina.
We appreciate, love you, we all know
That for all of us you are unique.
You are ready to support and help,
Warming our hearts with kindness.
Be happy and healthy
We congratulate you, dear!

A lot of different wishes
Accept on your birthday.
You, Galina, without effort
Good luck lend a hand.
May peace and faith
The heart will light up.
Be the queen for everyone
Could be a queen.

Galina means serenity,
Silence, meekness and peace.
A little bit the stars guessed
But in general - not quite your character.
We have come to wish you a happy birthday.
Let's have some fun.
Let in the quiet harbor of the tsunami holiday
emotions bright flowers stir up!

Cool congratulations for Galina

If Galya walks by,
The men are worried.
Galya shrug
The men are mad!
You don't go around in circles
Don't worry about Gala's blood.
If you want, then look
And shut up about love!
Our dear Galya,
Keep peace in your soul.
Be happy and beautiful
Sing ditties to us more often!
About collective farm affairs,
Or about state farms,
About love or separation
Russian national!

Congratulations to Galina from Beloved

Galina, my meek,
I love you more and more
For this joy of silence
For amazing dreams
that bring me peace,
Pleasantly connected with you.
I, with gratitude to fate,
I wish you joy.

I wish you now, Galya,
Always succeed in everything!
So that the eyes shine with joy,
Love and pamper yourself!

I wish with all my heart, Galina,
Fly with happiness in the clouds!
Your beloved man
Always let him wear it on his hands!

Galya, Checkmark, Galinka,
You are like a picture today.
And not only on this day,
And always, whatever you put on!

Joyful moments for you
New, bright sensations,
Sunny happy days
And tempting ideas!

Dear Galina, I congratulate you. I wish you harmony and charm, romance and tenderness, joy and happiness, beauty and success. May this day give a lot kind words, good smiles, cheerful moments, may luck, prosperity, confidence and love always be with you!

We know the name Galina
Serenity means.
The one who knows you better
Notes many qualities.

You are sociable, vulnerable,
Impressive, kind
Dazzlingly beautiful
And gifted with a mind.

We wish you happiness
To bypass bad weather,
To be respected by colleagues
We were welcomed at home.

Serene Galina,
A bright light in life
Let it be sweet like raspberries
There will be life from a hundred roads.

So that the sun shines in the soul,
To make your head spin
To the stars every night
All shine for you.

Bright, sweet man,
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts.
You are young and beautiful.
Live, Galina, do not rush.

You can do everything, happiness is near.
Happiness is you.
Nearby relatives
There were so that all friends.

Galina, congratulations!
Be in a halo of boundless joy,
Blossom, enchant everyone, shine,
Be brighter than the stars, beautiful and tender!

Let the flowers bloom of happiness
And the sky shines only for you
Become the highlight of the day, Galya, you,
Let looking at you, everyone just melts!

Galina, you are beautiful, no doubt,
You are made of kindness and light,
Let congratulations joyful bouquet
Add bright colors to this holiday!

Let the soul sing, and in unison
Fortune herself let her sing along,
Let friends surround from all sides,
And let the sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness know no edges!

Galina, I wish you good luck
I wish you well.
To never become narrow
Your life path.

May there be much joy
And many bright days.
Let everything get better in life
And your heart will be warmer.

Let the tops be easy,
Let the mountains part.
Let the angel follow the orders
Dreams always come true!

I wish you, dear tick,
So that you smile very brightly!
May your life be more beautiful than paradise
May your cherished dreams come true!

I want good luck and success
You were always accompanied along the way,
So that all troubles and hindrances go away,
And the eyes so that they shone with joy!

And our Galina
Lips are sweet like raspberries
And it's definitely candy.
Shoots accurately with eyes.

We congratulate Galina.
Let's dance "Kalinka" for her,
Let's keep blooming
Live without envy and falsehood.

Enjoy every day
Let your eyes burn with fire
Life will be beautiful
Every day will be happy.

She is loved by friends and family
She, like air, we need,
She is calm and unshakable
She is our beautiful Galina!
Believe me, it's not for show at all
We sing the praises of our checkmark,
After all, our Galya deserved it,
May her life be warmed by happiness,
Let Galina embody all dreams,
May she be guarded by an angel!