Nikolay Baskov and Victoria Lopyreva: wedding, latest news from personal life. Baskov marries Lopyreva. And it's not a joke

According to the wife of Pavel Mamaev, Fedor Smolov canceled the wedding with Victoria Lopyreva, convicting her of providing escort services

notice of intentsingerNikolai BASKOV to play a wedding in Grozny with TV presenter Victoria LOPYREVA, voiced by the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov at the summer celebrations in honor of the Akhmat football club, was perceived in the show party, to put it mildly, ambiguously.

After the sensational revelation by the producer Rashid Dairabaev homosexual inclinations of the “Golden Voice of Russia” and the ensuing scandalous divorce from him by the senator’s daughter Boris Shpigel who only Basque did not announce his brides - and a TV presenter Oksana Fedorova and an opera singer Maria Maksakova and a ballerina Anastasia Volochkova, and producer Sofia Kalcheva. At the same time, for some reason, he did not go down the aisle with any of them, and thus gave a reason evil tongues to conclude that Dairabaev apparently spoke the truth.

It would seem that one could only sympathize with the current bride of Nikolai, who hastened to accept a marriage proposal from him. However, she herself gained no less peculiar fame among her colleagues in show business and in this sense was Baskov a perfect match.

Victoria and Nikolai Photo:

mean act

Back in 2008 Victoria Lopyreva did not attract much media attention successful attempts to fool an NHL hockey player Alexandra Ovechkina. And she became widely known for her romance with the former lead singer of the Smash !! group that began three years later. Vlad Topalov- the son of a big businessman Mikhail Topalov.

Unfortunately, at that moment she had a public fight on the Internet with the producer Yana Rudkovskaya, and streams of mud poured into her address. Topalov at first passionately stood up for his beloved and even threatened to break Philip Kirkorov, who supported Rudkovskaya and called Lopyreva a "whore". But his love for Victoria immediately faded when it turned out that she was simultaneously dating a middle-aged and married billionaire from the Forbes list - co-owner of the RESO-Garantia insurance company Nikolai Sarkisov.

Vika Lopyreva spread a lot about me negative information, which does not correspond to reality, - then Rudkovskaya complained. - And not only about me. She poured mud all over our show business. According to her, all the artists have PR novels, and only she and Vladik Topalov had everything for real.

Vlad and Vika

In fact, Lopyreva was only hiding behind the unfortunate Topalov. At the same time, she simultaneously met with three or four men. Well, how is it possible?! She acted very meanly with our common friend - the mother of three children (meaning Yulia Lyubichanskaya, at that time the wife of Nikolai Sarkisov. - M.F.). Sat at the table at her birthday party. She said: “I love you so much! You're almost like a sister to me." And when a friend had a quarrel with her husband, Lopyreva literally a few days later flew away with him on a private board to rest on the islands.

I have witnessed this. And she knows it very well. We are with Dima Bilan and my spouse Zhenya Plushenko flew to the "reserve" and sat in the same terminal waiting for departure. Lopyreva swam past us without even saying hello. Although before that she had seen me at the birthday party of that very friend. This is actually arrogance. With her attacks against me, she only put herself in a stupid position. But now she is probably happy. Thanks to this story, at least someone found out who Vika Lopyreva is. And then everyone was lost in conjecture - who is it?

With the football player SMOLOV, our heroine lived for about three years. Photo:

Quick end

In 2013, Lopyreva announced her engagement and imminent wedding with the striker of the Anji football club. Fedor Smolov. But at the last moment, when the invited guests were already arriving at the registry office, the bride and groom unexpectedly canceled the wedding. And after a while they reported that they allegedly secretly got married while on vacation in the Maldives. Although the wedding ceremony performed there clearly had no legal force.

Only two years later, when Smolov broke up with Lopyreva and began dating a "socialite" Miranda Shelia nicknamed Mimi, her close girlfriend Alana Khubetsova, footballer's wife Pavel Mamaev, revealed to the public why Fedor and Victoria's family life did not work out.

Alana, the wife of Mamaev, who is slammed for the Monaco Party, has a boneless tongue, one of the Moscow party girls testified in her blog “Without Photoshop”. - And she was constantly trolling Lopyreva in Periscope. Like, b ... rare, everyone knows about it. And that the wedding with Smolov did not take place, they say, because on “day X” Fedya opened Lopyreva’s WhatsApp and found out that during their honeymoon Vikusya had to escort with some rich horseradish. Smolov went crazy, Vikusya could not say anything, her mother came running, began to lament that, they say, you will get married, then you will figure out what people will say. In short, Alana broadcast all this in public. Lopyreva freaked out, tried through Smolov, with whom she fled, to plug this fountain. And in general, she was jealous. She begged flowers from Smolov, saying that she was so lonely. He sent, and she immediately put them on Instagram with transparent hints. Mimi is a detective. The srach began. In short, the couple ran away, hanging out for about a year. And judging by the insiders - because of Lopyrikha's habalka. Like, she did everything to drive a stake between the doves. Shelia is in a frenzy, says that Vikusya is not a man, a reptile.

The model enjoyed spending time in the company of football star Henrikh Mkhitaryan. Photo:

Nikolay Baskov and Victoria Lopyreva. This couple, so bright, stylish and suitable friend friend, a year ago, she publicly announced that she wanted to create official family and tie the knot in marriage. Already in the fall of 2017, the wedding of a friend of lovers was to take place. Despite this, the wedding ceremony, which everyone was waiting for, was long in coming. And to wait a long time - so much so that it did not take place until now!

Time after time, the young with strange persistence postponed the wedding, shifting the dates further and further. Finally, it all ended with the fact that already this year Nikolai Baskov made a sensational statement: nothing more connects him with Victoria Lopyreva. Well, the feelings are gone. And although it would seem: what can stop them? Alas, you cannot command fate and heart. The official reason says that the reason for the gap between the artist and his chosen one was the busy schedule of both. They spent too little time together, the relationship became colder, until it completely disappeared.

Already in January 2018, Baskov and Lopyreva met, discussed everything and decided to disperse, remaining friends. It's just that Nikolai and Victoria did not consider it necessary to notify everyone about this. What happened was kept secret, which further fueled rumors, gossip, speculation and various kinds of insinuations. When gossip got to both artists, they decided to officially talk about their breakup. So, friends, we part: there will be no wedding!

And recently in in social networks rumors began to circulate that Victoria Lopyreva was pregnant! Fans noted that in the new pictures posted on Instagram, the 35-year-old star is dressed in loose-fitting dresses to hide her round belly. Subsequently, Victoria deleted these photos from the network. The pregnancy rumors were eventually confirmed. Everyone thought that the father of the child was Nikolai Baskov, but he denied all the "accusations": Victoria was pregnant from another man. Baskov himself did not even know about this, but when he found out, he immediately stated that this was out of the question and that he had nothing to do with such things.

Today, artists periodically call each other by phone and rarely see each other. Former lovers do not climb into each other's personal lives. Everyone has their own worries and their own affairs. And according to the latest information, Lopyreva is dating a successful businessman who constantly gives her expensive gifts.

Insiders close to the model say that now Victoria spends almost all her time in Dubai. There she lives in a villa near a luxury hotel. The cost of living in such a villa is several thousand euros per day. The woman hides from the attention of journalists, does not go to social events and is expected to officially announce her position and relationship soon.



Victoria. Yes





















Victoria. And me too.







What did you do when you returned from vacation?

Fedor. I started training, Vika has a job in Moscow. We'll be apart for a while again. And we are starting to get bored.

- You've been married for a year. Are you thinking about children?

Fedor. We do not plan anything specifically, but if it happens, we will be very, very happy with the baby!


A year ago, Victoria Lopyreva and Fedor Smolov got married in the Maldives. And recently we again went to the "island of love" to once again relive the exciting moments wedding ceremony on the coast of the Indian Ocean. They say in family life there are several turning points - a year, three and seven years together. Victoria and Fedor successfully overcame the first frontier. And now there is no doubt about the correctness decision. About why Victoria was afraid to get married, what Fedor will never be able to forgive her for, and how the spouses rested on the island with Leonardo DiCaprio - in an interview with HELLO!

- Victoria, Fedor, you again chose the Maldives to celebrate your wedding anniversary. Why?

Victoria. The players have a holiday in December. One of the best places on earth at this time of year - the Maldives. Last year, while on vacation at the One&Only Reethi Rah, Fedor, secretly from everyone, including me, organized our wedding ceremony on the island. I found out about this two hours before the start, I didn’t even have time to really worry. Fedya explained this mystery by the fact that twice our wedding was canceled and he did not want this to happen a third time. Only our parents were present at the celebration. The coast of the Indian Ocean, live music, sunset, flowers...

Why was the wedding canceled twice?

Fedor. The first time we decided to register three months before the wedding, which was scheduled for the fall. And they wanted to do it in Vika's hometown - Rostov. They filed an application with the registry office. But just a few days before the appointed date, I changed the team, I had to urgently fly to the training camp in Switzerland. New team, new coach. At that time, not everything worked out for me, I often sat on the bench ... The situation was difficult for Vika and me. What to sacrifice? Both the guests and our parents arrived in Rostov, everything was already scheduled, and suddenly - such a turn ... Vika was the first to say: "Let's reschedule. I don't want you to start working at the club by skipping training."

Victoria. Yes, I suggested rescheduling the registration, it was right, but I was very upset. I thought: "So it's not destiny ..."

Fedor. I myself suffered. As soon as the first weekend was given, he invited Vika to Paris to buy her the most luxurious Wedding Dress. Paris has always been my favorite city, but after this trip, it also became iconic - we hung our padlock on the Bridge of Lovers, and threw the key into the Seine.

- But the second attempt to reach the registry office was not successful. Fees again?

Fedor. We had an argument two hours before check-in. The guests were already waiting at the registry office, and we sorted things out in the kitchen.

Victoria. I was like a bare nerve: preparations for the wedding began, and Fedya was constantly at games, then at training camps ... I had to organize, make decisions, and I was always alone. She remembered the registration that had not taken place in the summer and thought: "Why do I need all this?" - and I lost my nerve. The day before the event, I was so tired that I fell asleep on a manicure. As a result, instead of registration - a scandal, guests in shock, parents in a panic. The next day I flew to Paris, where everything reminded me of Fedya, and Fedya went to Saratov. A couple of days later I received an SMS: "What have we done?" And in a few hours both were in Moscow.

Fedor. And three months later, they flew to the Maldives on my vacation. And they got married there.

- How was the celebration on the occasion of the first anniversary?

Fedor. I started all preparations long ago. I contacted the hotel administration and discussed the program of the evening in detail.

Victoria. Now I had time to get excited. After the ceremony and gala dinner a fire show began with friends - in complete darkness, the words Happy Anniversary suddenly lit up (from the English "Happy Anniversary." - Ed.). Every woman wants a holiday and pleasant surprises I got both. Thanks, love!

Wedding Anniversary in the Maldives
Did you exchange vows again?

Fedor. We exchanged vows in Paris, then during the wedding ceremony. This important words, to say them every day does not make sense.

Victoria. But still, you can’t forget about the words - it’s always nice to hear that you are the only and the best! Especially us Lionesses.

Leos are a tricky sign. They are loyal, generous, but often intolerant, like to insist on their own, and are also jealous. Is this about you, Victoria?

Yes, we are bright, cheerful and generous. But Lions are selfish, this is also true. All people are selfish, but not everyone admits it. I wouldn't call myself intolerant. But I always know exactly what I want, and I want everything to turn out exactly as planned. Leo, as a rule, is honest with himself and with others, he is not capable of meanness. As for jealousy, he is rarely jealous because he is confident in himself. Leo is not a traitor - he respects himself too much. And he respects his chosen partner. But if Leo is nevertheless betrayed, then he will not hesitate for a long time. Rip. But regaining his trust will be difficult. If Leo is a friend, then a real one. And the enemy too.

Victoria, before your marriage to Fedor, you were called a runaway bride in the press. And you yourself spoke more than once about the fear of a stamp in your passport. Why?

Perhaps the attitude towards marriage was influenced by the fact that in childhood I experienced the divorce of my parents very hard. Mom and dad were ideal for me. I thought that such a wonderful family as ours is no more. And then all of a sudden everything started to fall apart. Both of them did everything to somehow smooth the situation, especially mom. They reassured me, they said that it was temporary, that they stopped living together, but did not stop loving me ... But it still hurt. I would not want my future children to experience what I experienced, so I was so careful about creating a family. I wanted to get married once and for all.

What do you think is the difference between marriage and marriage? civil marriage And free relationship? Many believe that if there are feelings, then the stamp in the passport does not matter.

Victoria. Recently, we were just discussing this topic with friends, and by a majority of votes (and men, oddly enough, outweighed) they came to the conclusion that a stamp is necessary for a family with children, although it entails a bunch of formalities. We had funny case in the registry office An employee, filling out forms, asked if I would change my last name. And then we simultaneously answered: I - no, but Fedya - yes! Seeing that we would not agree, she suggested that I take a double surname, but then Fedya had to do the same - become Smolov-Lopyrev. And he agreed that I should remain Lopyreva.

- And who leads in your marriage? In dance, it is the man who does it. And in life - more often a woman.

Victoria. We have a democracy in our family, although each side from time to time tries to arrange a revolutionary coup and establish a dictatorship. (Laughs.)

- Have you opened in a year life together new qualities in each other?

Fedor. We just got to know each other better. For example, I now know that Vika can wake up from any rustle.

Victoria. And I - that waking up Fedya is quite difficult.

Fedor. I also found out that my wife is a great cook.
Victoria. My husband is very good at sharpening knives. Especially when waiting for a juicy chop for lunch.

- Both of you are self-sufficient. This serious reason for conflict.

Victoria. We have italian family- with passions, quarrels and reconciliations. Some friends call us "Mr. and Mrs. Smith".

Fedor. Most of the time we fight from a distance. And when together, next to each other, there are almost no quarrels.

Victoria. I am a plan person by nature. And very mandatory. That is, if I promised something, I will die, but I will do it. I was brought up like this - either do not promise, or keep your word. Therefore, I cannot understand how you can decide something today and change your mind tomorrow. In the evening, Fedya and I make plans, and tomorrow it turns out that everything has changed overnight. Probably some kind of dream. (Laughs.)

Fedor. Maybe I'm more flexible? .. It seems to me that you are sometimes too categorical. Life is not always the way you imagine it to be.

Victoria. Fedya sometimes says to me: "Listen, I'm not a telepath ... If you want something, then tell me about it in advance!" And I want him to guess without words. But now, a year later, we are increasingly able to anticipate each other's desires.

- Who is the first to say "I'm sorry" if the quarrel did happen?

Fedor. It doesn't matter at all. It's important to reconcile. The most important thing that I understood last year- to achieve something from my wife can only be kind and affectionate, forcing and coercing her is completely useless. This applies to everything: from the choice of a movie that we will watch, or a place where we will spend our vacation, and ending with plans for life.

- Is there something that you will never forgive each other?

Fedor. I hope this situation never arises.

Victoria. And me too.

- Fedor, is it hard to be the husband of a beauty?

Victoria. You better ask me if it's easy being a footballer's wife. Moving, separation... Except for the vacation at the end of the year, it is impossible to plan anything, because it is not known how the team will play, namely, what will happen next depends on the results of the game. The wives of football players most often do not work, because someone has to take care of the house and family. Especially when there are children. And I work, and the work is connected with trips both around the country and abroad. Fedya and I are always in touch: phone and text messages are our everything.

- Victoria, your image is invariably associated with the personification of glamour. Does it bore you or flatter you?
- My so-called image is artificially formed by some media. Glamor as a phenomenon is far in the past, it is uninteresting to me and even annoying. But there is a certain inertia of thinking in society ... It's like jokes about blondes - already irrelevant and boring, but some still like it. Eat real life, but there are magazine covers, not to be confused. Me and my screen image do not always coincide.

Over time, beauty does not become a heavy burden? After all, one must constantly correspond to the title of the first beauty.

I never considered myself the first beauty. Yes, I have the title "Miss Russia", but this does not mean that I walk around the house with a crown on my head. Every woman - if she real woman- should try to be attractive to her man. This is what I'm convinced of. All sorts of theories that it’s not the appearance that matters, but only the soul is an attempt to justify one’s laziness. Both are important. Getting fat, looking bad and being jealous of someone is much easier than eating right, going to the gym, taking care of yourself. This is work, daily and obligatory for all women, not only for crowned beauties.

- Fedor, your wife is not just a beauty, but also a celebrity. Are you jealous of her?

Much less now than at the beginning of the relationship. Yes, for the first time in my life I really fell in love - with a girl who knows half the country! (Smiles.) Of course, I was nervous because of every man who approached her. But the longer we are together, the more I get to know my wife, the less jealous - Vika does not give me any reason for this. By the nature of her activity, she must communicate with the most different people, and this should be treated with understanding. I'm not going to lock her up at home.

- What is the most long term your separation?

Victoria. About a month. We were both very bored.

Fedor. Last year, I moved to the Ural football club, so I had to move from Moscow to Yekaterinburg. Now Vika lives between two cities. We really liked Yekaterinburg. The people here are special. More open, understandable, or something. More benevolent.

Victoria. Yes it's true. I thought that I was going into exile, but it turned out that, despite the harsh climate, the city is warm and very hospitable. And with new friends we are also lucky. In a word, we both fell in love with Yekaterinburg.

- You travel a lot. Is it a lifestyle?

Fedor. Yes, you can say that. And we always try to make the route in such a way that we do not sit in one place. Last year we traveled to Southeast Asia. In this, after Dubai and the Maldives, they flew to the Caribbean. Meet New Year it was there that Vika's idea was, she was engaged in all organizational matters. It took a long time to fly, but it was worth it. We rented a villa with friends at the Eden Rock Hotel, rented a car and first of all went to explore the island.

Victoria. St. Barts is a special place. This is one of the most fashionable resorts, at the same time everything is very simply arranged there. For example, the coolest car on the island is the MINI Cooper. And amazing nature. I remember a night trip to a wild beach, which is one of the five most beautiful beaches peace. We drove for a long time, not knowing the way, in complete darkness, except for the bright light of the moon. We got lost, but in the end we found our way. And then they swam in the ocean. And the moonlight pierced clear water so that we could see the bottom. Our neighbor on the island was DiCaprio, during the day we met with him on the beach, and in the evening - on Nikki Beach, this is the place where they pass beach parties. I am not talking about this because he is a celebrity, we just like him madly as an actor, and such a neighborhood was nice.

For six months they have been exciting the public with their wedding. In July, the singer proposed to his beloved. The couple set the celebration for October 5. The big disappointment for the fans was the news about the postponement of the date. The reason for the sudden decision was explained by the mother of the Golden Voice of Russia. It turned out that in the Baskov family October 5 is the day of memory of the deceased grandfather Nikolai, so it would be strange to have fun on this day, to put it mildly. Then many thought that the wedding was just a PR move and the Basques and Lopyreva would soon disperse.

Despite speculation, Nikolai and Victoria continue to build relationships and assure that they are very comfortable with each other. Now the couple lives together in the model's apartment. According to the artist, the wedding will definitely take place in 2018, when both Baskov and Lopyreva finish their business.

“Vika and I have an extremely tight schedule for eight months in advance, so I don’t want to organize the celebration in a hurry. In addition, it would be nice to go to relax together after the wedding - to arrange Honeymoon. And Vika will be extremely busy before the start of the World Cup. This means that there will be no wedding before it ends, ”the artist explained.

The singer also noted that his mother did not want him to marry before the 41st birthday: “Well, she had such fear for me, superstition. But now I’m sure that in the future everything will turn out fine for me.”

Victoria shared that she was very happy to be with a person like Nikolai. According to her, she always feels his support and strong shoulder. “For some time now, I prefer not to talk much about personal things. You will know when the time will come, I promise! And now I will say that next to me is a person with beautiful soul and big heart. It is simply impossible not to love him. Talented, successful Everyday life easy, non-conflict, kind - a real man And true friend who you can always rely on. We are both extremely busy people, but when it turns out to be together, I invariably feel his love, support and strong shoulder. For some time now, I prefer not to talk much about personal things. You'll know when the time comes, I promise! And now I will say that next to me is a person with a beautiful soul and a big heart. It is simply impossible not to love him. Talented, successful, at the same time in everyday life easy, non-conflict, kind - a real man and a true friend who you can always rely on. We are both extremely busy people, but when it turns out to be together, I invariably feel his love, ”the future spouses said in an interview with Antenna.

Recall that on December 13, Nikolai Baskov and Victoria Lopyreva appeared together at the award ceremony for the winners of the Russian National Music Prize. Before the start of the event, journalists managed to talk with lovers. Nikolai and Victoria shared that they plan to celebrate the New Year at home, in a family way. “And I tell the whole country that I will make vinaigrette for Kolya, a herring under a fur coat,” the model said loudly. The artist believed the bride and noted that after the celebration she was in for a surprise.

Nikolai Baskov and Victoria Lopyreva

The event that surprised everyone happened at the residence of the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov. It all started, in general, routinely: Kadyrov invited celebrities to a gala dinner dedicated to the first match of the Akhmat football club in Grozny.

There, in front of his colleagues (there were Timati, Yana Rudkovskaya, Iosif Prigozhin, Valeria and other stars in the hall), Nikolai Baskov asked the TV presenter and Miss Russia 2003 Victoria Lopyreva for a hand.

I have known her for a long time and want to get married, - Nikolai Baskov stunned Kadyrov's guests.

Having received a blessing from the head of Chechnya, Nikolai put an engagement ring on Victoria's finger.

And Ramzan Kadyrov on his Instagram announced the details of the upcoming celebration:

"Very soon! In the city of Grozny! The wedding of the century! Intrigued you? So, on the fifth of October, on the Day of the city of Grozny, a grand event will take place in the capital of the Chechen Republic! People's Artist Russian Federation, the "golden voice" of our country Nikolai Baskov @nikolaibaskov and the charming TV presenter, "Miss Russia - 2003", the ambassador of the 2018 FIFA World Cup Victoria Lopyreva @lopyrevavika will play a wedding. Their hearts found each other in Grozny. At the reception that I gave in honor of the guests of the solemn presentation football club"Akhmat", Nikolai Baskov, in front of hundreds of people, made a marriage proposal to Victoria Lopyreva! Beauty Victoria could not reject the hand and heart of the blond Nikolai. And Timati @timatiofficial, Valeria @valeriya, Iosif Prigozhin @prigozhin_iosif, Igor Vernik @ivernik, Igor Krutoy @igor_krutoy, Yana Rudkovskaya @rudkovskayaofficial, Evgeny Plushenko @plushenkoofficial and I witnessed the appearance on ring finger Victoria's amazingly beautiful ring. Dear friends, buy tickets in advance, book hotel rooms, otherwise you will not be able to get to the wedding of the century! Nikolai and Victoria invite all friends and fans, everyone is welcome! And we say: "Welcome to Grozny!" Life is Beautiful!"

Knowing about the chic sense of humor of Nikolai Baskov, we decided to check this news.

Who knows, maybe it's a joke.

Yes, Kolya and I really broke up. Everything about their wedding with Victoria is true. I won’t comment on anything else, ”said the bride (now, apparently, the former) Basque singer Sophie in a sad voice.

Nicholas, is this a joke? - we asked the singer himself.

And on his Instagram, the singer posted a romantic photo with Lopyreva, signing it: "Life is beautiful!"

Recall: Nikolai Baskov was married to the daughter of his former producer Svetlana Shpigel. They were married for seven years, divorced in May 2008. From this marriage, Nikolai has an 11-year-old son, Bronislav.

Victoria Lopyreva also managed to be disappointed in marriage. The TV presenter and model was the wife of FC Krasnodar striker Fyodor Smolov. However, in May 2015, the couple broke up.


"There will be no wedding!": Victoria Lopyreva teases her followers on Instagram

The news of the marriage of the Rostov beauty and Nikolai Baskov overshadowed everything. So much so that the search engines next to the name Lopyreva give the first clue "and the Basques." Former lover Divas striker of the Russian national team Fedor Smolov was forgotten overnight. ()