Colorless urine in a child. clear urine like water

Urine is the biological fluid of the body, through which the products of metabolic processes are removed from it. Color is the main indicator of urine that can indicate the state of human health. Urine is made up of various pigments and substances that affect its color. Hue change can correspond to the following parameters:

  • volume;
  • density.

Healthy urine is straw yellow in color. Moreover, in an adult, it has a more intense color than in a child. Colorless urine is a reason to think about health. However, the absence of color is not always a pathology.

Provoking factors

To understand why urine is colorless, you should refer to the reasons for this phenomenon:

natural factors:

  1. Excessive consumption of water. Excess fluid causes frequent urination, resulting in clear urine. This fact is due to the rapid filling of the bladder, and the rapid removal of urine from it, which does not have time to be enriched with pigment. The mentioned factor is by no means harmless, since with a prolonged absence of a light yellow tint of urine, salts and others are excreted from the body. useful components.
  2. Large consumption of tea or coffee. These drinks are known to have a diuretic effect. And their excessive consumption provokes frequent urination, as a result of which the urine loses its color.


There are also a number of diseases for which the loss of urine color is characteristic:

  • advanced kidney disease;
  • diabetes mellitus, except for the colorlessness of urine, characterized by its sweet smell.
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • pathology of the urinary tract;
  • hepatitis;
  • liver dysfunction.

Individual causes in men and women

The causes of colorless urine may lie in the characteristics of gender:

  1. In women, discoloration of the urine may be due to kidney failure. However, the most common reason is pregnancy, during which the female body undergoes significant changes associated with the hormonal background. The direct factor provoking the absence of color in the urine is toxicosis, when there is dehydration of the body, which requires replenishment of fluid by consuming it in large quantities. Upon completion of toxicosis, the color indicator of urine normalizes.
  2. In men, the causes of clear urine may be related to semen entering the urinary canal. With this phenomenon, the restoration of the color of urine occurs in an independent way. In the absence of color restoration, an examination is necessary, since the cause is probably based on a pathological component.

What to do?

Despite the fact that colorless urine is not always a sign of disease, it is important to eliminate this factor. To do this, it is important to establish the cause of this phenomenon:

  • with excessive drinking or consumption of juicy fruits, it is necessary to reduce their amount. Then the color of the urine will return to normal after a few days;
  • in the case of a prolonged lack of saturation with urine pigment, a medical consultation is advisable.

In order to conduct a superficial analysis, the color of the urine should be monitored regularly. If you want to undergo a full diagnosis, it makes sense to consult annually with doctors whose competence includes the following activities:

  • examination of urine tests;
  • establishing diagnosis;
  • treatment in case of a confirmed diagnosis;
  • preventive procedures.

The disease can be easily eliminated if you follow the treatment course. If left untreated, serious complications are possible.

Causes of colorless urine in a child

Children are a particularly sensitive category of the population, whose body immediately reacts to any changes. If a child has colorless urine, then this may indicate:

  1. The child's intake of excess fluids and water-rich foods.
  2. Diabetes insipidus, the main symptom of which is the constant thirst of the child. As a result of frequent drinking, there is an almost constant urge to urinate, in which the urine does not have time to be saturated with pigment.
  3. diabetes mellitus. It is also characterized by uncontrolled thirst, when the child's kidneys try to cope with the excretion of glucose from the body, as a result of which they begin to work more actively.
  4. Renal failure, which provokes a violation of the child's kidney function. As a result - the impossibility of absorption of liquid by the kidneys, which is fraught with dehydration.
  5. Taking medications that have a diuretic effect.

If a child has pale and clear urine, it makes sense to show it to a specialist. However, such urine is quite characteristic of newborns of the first days of life, in which renal functions are just being formed.

The urine of any person contains pigments that give it a certain color. In adults it is darker, in children it is lighter. The normal color of urine is light yellow. Clear urine resembling water is not normal. It can occur due to natural physiological or pathological causes.

The main reason for clarification of urine is the use of a large volume of liquid. To ensure its excretion, the body works at an accelerated pace. Because of this, the pigment does not enter the urine, and it remains transparent. After the normalization of the drinking regimen, the color acquires its former color.

If an adult has colorless urine for a long time, valuable substances and salts are washed out of the body. It is highly desirable to be examined by a urologist to identify the possible cause of the violations. A change in the shade of urine may indicate the development of serious diseases.

Why does urine become light as water? One of the provoking factors is the use of foods that contain a lot of liquid. These include:

  • cucumbers;
  • watermelons;
  • coffee;
  • tea, etc.

To solve the problem, it is enough to exclude these products from your menu. As a result, urination will become less frequent, and urine will become the usual yellow color. Thus, the treatment is reduced to the correction of the daily diet.

Many people are interested in the question, is light urine good or bad? When discoloration occurs while eating certain foods or a large amount of liquid, there is no health hazard. But if the urine becomes clear as water due to illness, such a factor cannot be called harmless. Most often, the symptom appears in the presence of the following pathologies:

  • advanced kidney disease;
  • diabetes;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • hepatitis and other liver damage;
  • pathological processes affecting the urinary organs.

To determine the specific reason why the urine turned white as water, you need to consult a doctor and, if necessary, undergo an examination. According to his results, he will prescribe an adequate treatment.

The first day after birth, the urine in the baby does not have any color, since the genitourinary system has not yet been formed. This is quite normal. In addition, colorless urine occurs in a child who eats only breast milk or formula. In older children, it can change under the influence of drugs, after eating certain dishes, as well as against the background of pathological conditions.

As the child's body develops, in the absence of serious diseases, urine becomes normal. One of the reasons a child has very light urine is diabetes and kidney disease. In adolescents during a hormonal surge, clear urine is considered the norm, but only if it lasts no more than five days.

In the fairer sex, urine can become discolored with kidney failure, a deficiency of pigments. Quite often, the provoking factor is diabetes, in which the patient is tormented by constant thirst.

Another reason why urine in women becomes colorless is the onset of pregnancy. In this case, the color changes as a result of hormonal changes. Often, a violation occurs with toxicosis - it leads to dehydration of the body, and the girl begins to drink a lot of water. Over time, the shade of urine normalizes.

Gynecological diseases can also change the color of urine. If it is too light, there are white impurities, we are talking about inflammation of the vagina and uterus. These pathologies are accompanied by pain in the abdomen, high temperature and general weakness. Burning, itching and discharge indicate candidiasis.

Why is urine a clear color like water in men

In the representatives of the stronger sex, urine clarification occurs for the following reasons:

  1. Diabetes, which is characterized by constant thirst.
  2. Sperm entering the urethra - the color returns to normal in a few hours.

Intensive fluid intake during sports activities and physical activity causes urine to become lighter. There is no cause for concern in this case. Increased water intake may be associated with hypertension and being overweight. When urine remains light for a long time, it is necessary to determine the cause of the violations. This issue is dealt with by a urologist.

Normally, urine in elderly men and women is quite dark and even with heavy drinking remains slightly yellowish. If the urine is light, it may be a sign of kidney problems.

One of the serious diseases is renal failure, which requires complex therapy under the supervision of a specialist.

Not in all cases, colorless urine indicates the development of a serious pathology. But if this phenomenon is observed for a long time and does not depend on the drinking regimen, it is necessary to visit a doctor. A possible cause of the disturbances may be diabetes, in which urine acquires a sweetish flavor. Clear urine in the morning requires special attention - this symptom speaks of.

All of the above cases require mandatory medical intervention. But first, you should evaluate the physiological factors by which urine becomes colorless. Urine is an important indicator of our health, reflecting the ongoing changes in the body. Therefore, it is important to know what the color of urine means and go to the hospital for any alarming symptoms. A timely appeal to a urologist will help to avoid many problems and their negative consequences.

If light urine is in no way connected with the use of foods and liquids, you need to go to the doctor and undergo an examination.

Therapy is prescribed taking into account the identified ailment. The following medicines are prescribed for kidney diseases:

  • antispasmodic drugs;
  • antiseptics;
  • analgesics;
  • diuretic drugs.

Any medication should be taken only on the recommendation of a doctor, self-medication is dangerous to health.

If you have diabetes, you need to take medicines containing insulin. A strict diet is also recommended. Fatty, spicy and smoked foods, spices, cocoa and chocolate, alcohol should be excluded from the diet. The menu should contain vegetables, cereals, fruits, sour-milk dishes, juices and herbal teas.

If a patient has a violation of the water balance, a lot of water accumulates in his body, which is why urine is observed without color and odor. Treatment in this case is as follows:

  • correction of the drinking regime;
  • refusal of diuretic products;
  • limiting the amount of salt consumed;
  • taking vitamin complexes;
  • treatment of existing diseases.

Physical exercises are very useful - they improve metabolic processes and normalize the functioning of the body. To prevent a change in the shade of urine, it is necessary to observe hygiene, treat all diseases in time, regularly undergo medical examinations, eat right and follow the daily routine.

Colorless urine is not only a sign of pathological processes in the human body, but often becomes the result of harmless provoking factors. It is possible to confirm or refute the danger that this symptom hides only after laboratory and instrumental studies.

Why is urine colorless?

The reasons for the appearance of colorless urine in an adult are a decrease in the pigment, which gives the urine a characteristic yellowish tint. If the provoking factor does not pose a threat to health, then the normal color returns after a few days or weeks. When a decrease in the concentration of the urobilin pigment occurs due to a pathological process, the discharge remains colorless for a long time.


Pathologies that can be symptom provocateurs:

  1. Renal failure. It can occur against the background of other diseases: acute glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, etc. In this case, the urine becomes clear as water.
  2. Hepatitis. A change in the shade of urine is often the result of liver failure, which occurs with a long course of hepatitis.
  3. Diabetes. In this case, output a large number of fluid from the body, for this reason the pigment does not have time to accumulate, the urine becomes colorless. As a result of diabetes, the latter changes not only the shade, but also the consistency.
  4. Cystitis. The inflammatory process provokes an increase in diuresis, which contributes to the appearance of a similar symptom.
  5. Urolithiasis disease. The presence of stones is not always the cause of this sign, but can cause it in the presence of complications. An additional symptom is back pain.


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Drugs that can provoke the release of colorless urine:

  • phosphorus and calcium containing medicines;
  • diuretics;
  • anti-tuberculosis tablets;
  • antibiotics;
  • psychotropic medicines.


If the normal color of the urine has changed to transparent, then this may be the result of nutritional errors. Violation of water-salt metabolism provokes colorless discharge. This happens when large volumes of fluid enter the body. This removes some salt, which contributes to the discoloration of urine that occurs with frequent urination.

Such a symptom can be provoked not only by drinking a large amount of water and other drinks, but also by some fruits and vegetables: watermelon, melon, cucumbers, peaches, etc.

Features of manifestation

The excretion of colorless urine often occurs odorless, which is a favorable sign, indicating the absence of any dangerous pathology.

The long-term presence of a symptom (more than 2 weeks) without errors in diet and medication should be alarming.

Colorless urine in men

The appearance of this symptom in men can be triggered by the ingress of sperm into the urethra. It happens randomly and does not require any treatment. If the urine has become colorless, then such a sign can indicate the initial stage of the pathological process in the kidneys, especially if clear urine is excreted in the morning.

Colorless urine in women

The appearance of a symptom in women may be due to vulvovaginitis. In this case, light vaginal discharge is mixed with urine, which is clarified as a result. After the disease is eliminated, the shade becomes normal.

An additional cause of a colorless liquid is a fungal infection that changes the acid-base balance in the excretory organs.

Clear urine during pregnancy

The appearance of such a sign during pregnancy becomes the result of a severe course of toxicosis. At the same time, the body loses a lot of fluid, a woman makes up for her lack by drinking large amounts of water.

An additional provoking factor can be hormonal changes that occur in the first trimester.

The child has

In infants, the appearance of colorless urine is not considered a sign of pathology, since immediately after birth, adaptation of all organs and systems occurs. In a 3-month-old child, the excreted fluid acquires a straw color. In babies at the age of 2, the cause of such changes can be diseases of the excretory organs, as well as an increase in body temperature. Intoxication often provokes the appearance of this symptom.

What to do about urine discoloration

If a lot of urine is excreted and it becomes colorless, but there are no other symptoms, then you should reconsider your diet. It is necessary to reduce the amount of fluid consumed to 1.5 liters per day. Additionally, for the duration of treatment, you should reduce the amount of vegetables and fruits that contain a lot of water. You should consult a doctor if additional symptoms are present or a dietary change has not brought results.

Treatment directly depends on the provoking factor. In the presence of stones, drugs are prescribed that dissolve stones and remove them naturally. Cystitis is treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics. During therapy, urine is able to remain colorless, but after the end of the course, the symptom disappears and the state of health returns to normal.

Hepatitis cannot be fully cured, so measures must be taken to bring the disease into remission. At the same time, drugs are used for therapy that restore liver cells and improve digestion. In the presence of hepatitis, a diet with a minimum amount of fat plays an important role.

If diabetes mellitus became the cause of colorless urine, then it will not be possible to get rid of such a sign. The only thing that needs to be done is to control the level of glucose in the blood and take the drugs prescribed by the doctor in a timely manner.

When a provoking factor in the occurrence of colorless urine is a candidal infection, then antifungal medications are prescribed, which quickly relieve the disease. Sometimes just one tablet is enough for the symptoms to disappear.

Therefore, colorless urine is an occasion to think about your health. The color of this biological fluid depends on a number of factors, such as, for example, the presence of special substances (urobilin, hematoprofirin, and others). During the day, its color changes, depending on the density, volume, as well as the components that color urine in a different color. These components enter our body with food, medicines and vitamin complexes, for example, if you ate beets - in the morning you will have pinkish urine. When we go to the toilet in the morning, we usually notice that the urine is a bright yellow color - this is because it is very concentrated. During the night, the kidneys removed all unnecessary substances, which accumulated in the morning urine. Therefore, morning analyzes are the most accurate.

When does urine change color?

  • In the event that a person has liver or gallbladder diseases, urine becomes similar in color to strongly brewed tea;
  • With a disease such as glomerulonephritis, it becomes reddish, although if you ate carrots or beets in the evening, the urine will also have a pinkish tint;
  • Colorless urine appears after a person drank a lot of liquid during the day. Although if she is like that all the time - a reason to wonder if you have checked your kidneys for a long time;
  • Cloudy, flaky urine occurs when the urinary organs are inflamed, such as from an infection;
  • Foamy urine is only found in men, in principle, there is nothing to worry about, since this indicates that sperm has entered the urinary tract.

Colorless urine does not mean you are sick. Although these are pathologies such as diabetes and diabetes insipidus, nephritis, chlorosis, nephrosclerosis and others. We can say with confidence that it is not an indicator of illness. The doctor judges the presence of the disease after various studies of this biological fluid.

The structure of the child's body has its own characteristics, so what is the norm for an adult is not the norm at all. Colorless urine in a child is not always the norm. Children's kidneys in their anatomical structure differ significantly from the organs of an adult, because after a child is born, his kidneys will develop for several more years. Therefore, changes in the color of children's urine must be constantly monitored. In a newborn baby, the color of urine is very pale due to the fact that it is very little concentrated, since the baby does not yet consume any products other than breast milk. Over time, urine acquires a normal light straw color, and with a large amount of fluid consumed, it becomes lighter. First of all, parents should be alerted by the change in the color of the child's urine, if it suddenly becomes pale and almost colorless - the child must be taken to the doctor. This symptom indicates that the baby has a suspicion of diabetes mellitus or, even more unpleasantly, a violation of the kidneys.

When to see a doctor?

If you decide that the baby is sick or has other strange symptoms, such as colorless urine in a child, the first step is to consult a local pediatrician. In the future, the doctor, after assessing the child's condition and looking at the results of laboratory tests, will refer to a doctor of narrow specialization - a urologist, gynecologist, nephrologist, and so on. The main thing is to diagnose the disease in time - the attention of parents. If you take care of your health and that of your child, you won't have to wonder why your urine is colorless. Knowing that this is a dangerous symptom, you will immediately consult a doctor, and the negative consequences of the disease can be prevented in time. Therefore, in case of any deviations, go to a specialist urgently!

Urination is a natural process of cleansing the body, while the transparency of urine can determine the presence of possible pathologies in the kidneys and urinary system. If urine begins to change its color from natural to transparent, it is necessary to establish the reasons for this process in order to prevent serious complications. You can figure out what the discoloration of urine means with the help of the information provided.

Urine discoloration

Colorless urine in women most often indicates that the patient is consuming a large amount of fluid. In this condition, with the normal functioning of the body, the patient must constantly register the urge to empty the bladder. Urine enters the bladder much faster, which makes it impossible to saturate it with a coloring pigment.

But still, the urine is transparent and light, like water, should alert the patient, if even in the morning the urine does not change its color to a darker one.

In the absence of a long emptying of the bladder for several hours, the urine should have time to be saturated with pigment. If this does not happen, then there are real problems in the body that require diagnosis.

Transparent urine, which does not turn yellow or light yellow after a night's sleep, indicates excessive leaching of beneficial trace elements and important salts from the body. In many patients, the cause of urine transparency can also be a large amount of tea or coffee drunk the day before.

In addition to the reasons listed above, light urine can be a signal of serious pathologies, including:

  • the development of diabetes mellitus, while urine will give off a sweet smell, in advanced stages, urine becomes similar in color to drinking water;
  • various kidney diseases, including cancer;
  • urolithiasis, in which stones can form in the kidneys, bladder and urethra, in this condition a woman may experience severe pain during urination;
  • liver damage and hepatitis.

You should also not exclude the possibility of pregnancy, when urine remains clear for a long time. This is especially true for women who are sexually active and have an irregular cycle. In this case, urine discoloration is associated with an increasing burden on the kidneys and liver, which leads to toxicosis. In this state, the patient will be tormented by morning sickness, possibly intestinal upset.

Urine white

Colorless urine can change color abruptly to white in a few cases. The most common of these is an insufficient amount of fluid, in which a large number of salts and toxins accumulate in urine. Correcting the state of health in this case is quite simple, it is necessary to replenish the water-salt balance. If within a few days the color of the fluid returns to normal, the patient is healthy.

If white urine remains in women even after the establishment of a drinking regimen, the reasons for this may be hidden in the following:

  • excessive physical activity;
  • severe stress, including depression;
  • white urine may appear after hypothermia, in which case the patient's condition should improve within 1-3 days;
  • frequent use of medicines based on calcium and phosphates can also provoke the release of a light precipitate;
  • white urine may be excreted due to excessive drinking, in which case the color of the urine may even change dramatically from light to dark.

In addition, white urine can appear with serious pathologies in the body, which most often include pyelonephritis, cystitis, and tuberculous kidney damage.

In such conditions, the patient is accompanied by pain in the lumbar region, pain in the bladder, urethra can be felt in the lower abdomen.

Gynecological factors of etiology

In some cases, white urine becomes a signal for the development of an inflammatory process on the mucous wall of the vagina and cervix. In this case, a white precipitate is associated with the release of a large amount of white mucus and pus that form on the affected walls.

Gradually, the disease can turn into vulvovaginitis, which is also characterized by a strong change in the microflora of the vagina, a large release of pus, pain in the lower abdomen. The inflammatory process will intensify and affect the uterus, appendages and ovaries.

Often, white urine appears due to the development of candidiasis. This disease, in addition to abundant secretions that can enter the urethra and urine, is accompanied by severe itching, redness of the external genitalia and vaginal mucosa. Eliminate candidiasis, otherwise it is also called thrush, you can literally take one tablet, but for better results it is better to use vaginal suppositories and douching with antifungal ointments.

Prevention measures

In order to prevent anxiety about the unnatural color of urine, it is enough to follow some lifestyle recommendations:

  • observe the drinking regime, drinking a sufficient amount of clean water, but at the same time it is not worth increasing the rate of 2.5 liters in the absence of a lot of weight and intense heat;
  • once every 6-12 months to take urine tests to identify possible violations;
  • be sure to visit a gynecologist every six months to take an analysis of the microflora;
  • adhere to proper nutrition to prevent stress on the kidneys and liver;
  • do not get carried away with excessively sweet foods and foods containing simple carbohydrates, especially this rule should be followed during pregnancy.

All this will help to significantly reduce the risk of developing pathologies and maintain the health of the patient.

If you are faced with the problem of urine discoloration or whitening, you should not wonder for a long time why the urine changed color, trying to find the cause of the violation yourself. It is better to immediately seek help from a specialist who can establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe, if necessary, competent treatment. With self-therapy, the risk of developing complications, including death, is high.