Nothing helps to bring down the temperature of the child. Safety above all! temperature increase mechanism. High fever - is it scary

Already quite mature thermoregulation and formed immunity. Therefore, if there are no chronic diseases and special health problems, all scheduled vaccinations were done in advance, colds should flow fairly easily. And enough experienced parents they already know well how and how to bring down the temperature is no longer quite a baby, but almost a teenager.

But this does not mean that a sick child at the age of 9 can be given less attention than a preschooler.

How to bring down the temperature at 9 years old?

To chill in as soon as possible ended with recovery, and did not continue with more serious complications, you need to remember and follow the precepts of Dr. Komarovsky.

When a child has a fever and signs of a cold, and especially when there is a fever without respiratory symptoms, be sure to call a doctor.

If the temperature is 37℃

From the very beginning of the malaise, while the temperature is still subfebrile from 37 to 37.9, intensively give the child juices, fruit drinks, compotes with dried apricots, raisins, prunes and figs in order to avoid dehydration and electrolyte imbalance in the future.

The use of a large amount of fluid is also necessary so that the heat can be easily knocked down after it rises.

Immediately check the temperature and humidity in the teenager's room. In order for the temperature not to rise due to external conditions, it should be 18-22℃ and 50-70% humidity in the room.

At 38℃

With a febrile fever from 38 ℃ to 38.9, you should not rush to bring down the temperature with antipyretics. Febrile convulsions, at the risk of which knock down from 38, after 6 years in children are extremely rare.

Taking medication for fever costs from 38.5. Be sure to do this when the temperature rises at night and if the child does not feel well. From 38.1 knock down in chronic heart disease and nervous system if there are special instructions from the supervising physician.

If above 39℃

High fever from 39 and above requires the mandatory intake of antipyretics - paracetamol and. If it does not go astray at least half a degree in half an hour, then you need to call an ambulance.

No response to paracetamol is a sign bacterial infection, which can be much more dangerous than a viral one and requires antibiotics.

When do you need a doctor or emergency room?

The pediatrician Komarovsky also likes to list cases in which calling a doctor or an ambulance is mandatory. This must be done when:

  • the temperature does not decrease on the 3rd day of illness;
  • fever lasts longer than 7 days;
  • the child feels very unwell or has:
    • rash, especially meningococcal, which does not disappear with pressure,
    • cold feet and hands at a temperature above 38,
    • vomiting, diarrhea, nausea,
    • cyanosis, yellowness or pallor of the skin,
    • pain in the head, back, chest, belly,
    • unusual drowsiness and weakness,
    • choking or shortness of breath.

What antipyretics are used for children at 9 years old?

What is impossible?

A child at this age, as before, without special instructions from a doctor, should not use the following antipyretics to combat temperature:

  • analgin (metamisole sodium) - possible serious damage to the hematopoietic system,
  • aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) - Reye's syndrome with liver damage may develop,
  • nimesulide - prohibited up to 12 years, but in low dosages with the permission of the doctor is sometimes used.

What is possible?


Paracetamol-based preparations - Panadol, Efferalgan, Kalpol - can be given not only in the form of suspensions, but also tablets. But if you want the temperature to go down faster, then syrups are better suited for this, because the active substance from liquid dosage forms enters the bloodstream much faster. In addition, the tablet, when swallowed, may fall into Airways and induce aspiration. But the pills also have the advantage of fewer additives to which a child can develop an allergy.

Paracetamol for a child of 9 years old should not be used for:

  • allergic intolerance;
  • diseases of the liver and kidneys;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • diabetes.


Ibuprofen-based medicines, such as Ibufen or Nurofen, can also be given to children at 9 years of age in tablets, but preferably in syrup, if there is no allergy to numerous additives. This antipyretic has more side effects than paracetamol, so it is considered a second choice antipyretic, which is used when paracetamol does not bring down the temperature.

Ibuprofen is contraindicated in:

  • allergic reactions to drug components;
  • hepatic and kidney failure;
  • diseases accompanied by hearing impairment;
  • gastritis and stomach ulcer;
  • hematological diseases (associated with impaired hematopoiesis).

More about drugs

There is also a combination drug Ibuklin Junior. Many pediatricians recommend it if the child normally tolerates both paracetamol and ibuprofen. The antipyretic effect is higher, and sparing doses of ibuprofen also have an anti-inflammatory effect.

With antipyretics for children at the age of 9 are no longer recommended. They are not only uncomfortable, but in most cases useless. The temperature below 38 should not be knocked down, but above 38 ℃, and even more so 39, there is a spasm in the vessels of the rectum, and medicinal substances are almost not absorbed rectally. In some cases, candles can help out when needed. long-term effect to reduce fever at night or when an allergic reaction is severe when taken orally.

Do not use an antipyretic for more than 3 days in a row. If the temperature in a 9-year-old child has not dropped to a level that does not require antipyretics in 3 days, then a doctor and a change in the treatment regimen are urgently required.

When taking antipyretics, it is very important to observe the daily and single dosage, which is calculated by the weight of the child, and the time intervals between the use of single doses. For paracetamol it is 6 hours, for ibuprofen it is 8 hours.

The instructions indicate the approximate number of measuring spoons, caps or tablets for each age, but this is suitable if the child has a typical weight for 9 years, namely 25-32 kg. If your baby weighs noticeably less or more than his average peers, then it is better to ask the local pediatrician to calculate the dosage for you by weight.

Any parent periodically asks himself: how to bring down the temperature of his child? You can hardly find a child who has never had a similar symptom. Thoughtful loving mother begins to worry, barely seeing a red mark on the thermometer at +37. However, pediatricians around the world recommend not to bring down this temperature. After all, the child's body must independently overcome the attacking disease.

However, if the thermometer mark is rapidly creeping up and shows a disappointing result of +38.5 degrees, urgent action must be taken. This is where a lot of questions arise. How to bring down the temperature in a child? What methods should be preferred? Give the baby medication antipyretic drugs or turn to folk remedies?

High fever in a newborn

If we are talking about the baby this symptom does not always characterize an infectious disease. Be very careful. Babies are born with an unformed thermoregulation system. Therefore, during the first months it is very difficult for them to maintain normal temperature body. In pediatrics, there is such a thing - transient fever. It is characterized by an increase in temperature (+38-39 o C). As a rule, such a condition occurs as a result of the baby leaving the mother's womb - the environment familiar to the child. Therefore, before deciding how to bring down the temperature, consult your doctor. Perhaps this is not necessary. Often, transient fever lasts no more than one week.

Possible reasons

As a rule, a high temperature really indicates the presence in the body infectious disease. The disease, it must be said, seriously progresses if the baby has a fever. However, before you bring down the temperature in a child, you should exclude external factors, which sometimes provoke the onset of a symptom.

If you notice even the slightest deviation of the mark on the thermometer from the cherished +36.6 ° C, be sure to exclude the following factors:

  • Baby is too warm. This can interfere with thermoregulation. Remove all warm clothes from the child. He will not be cold in light clothes.
  • Heat in the room. If the temperature environment exceeds +22 ° C, then the mechanism of thermoregulation can provoke a sharp jump in the indicator.
  • Overexcitation. An excessively played child, as a rule, does not feel unwell. But the thermometer can stubbornly creep up. When the baby calms down this indicator will return to normal. Sometimes similar symptoms can be observed in a child who has undergone a stressful situation.
  • Teething. No one will ever be able to say exactly how this process the baby will pass. Some children do not even feel the appearance of teeth in their mouths. But for others, it becomes a real test with the advent of high temperatures.

In the latter case, if the thermometer indicator exceeds +38.5 ° C, measures must also be taken.

How to measure the temperature correctly?

It is very important to determine the exact indicator. And only after making sure that it is high, ask yourself: how to bring down the child's high temperature?

Remember that the thermometer is laid only in a dry armpit. If you find sweat there, be sure to wipe it off. After all, it can underestimate the readings of the thermometer. In infants and newborns, pediatricians are advised to measure the temperature in the inguinal fold. Be sure to inspect the place where the thermometer will be placed. Any redness or swelling indicates an inflammatory process. And this, as a rule, overestimates the readings of the thermometer.

It is very important to take the temperature of breastfeeding mothers correctly. The thermometer is recommended to be placed in the cubital fossa. Indeed, next to the armpit is a lactating gland, which will certainly overestimate the indicator.

If the child's body temperature is measured, it is better to prefer electronic thermometer. The baby at this time should sit quietly or lie down for ten minutes.

The choice of antipyretic

Pediatricians recommend the use of candles in case of high temperature. They are efficient and different. quick action and does not irritate the stomach at all. Yes, and the baby does not need to be persuaded to drink medicine. That is why it is better to use candles than to bring down the temperature with pills.

However, older children are quite negative about this method. Therefore, sweet syrups specially developed by pharmacists are perfect for them. Today there is a wide variety of antipyretics. Sometimes it is quite difficult to understand the best way to bring down the temperature of a child. Almost all medicines contain paracetamol. This is the main active ingredient. Moreover, each drug, regardless of the similarity of the composition, affects the body in different ways.

For some children, some drugs may not work at all, while drugs similar in composition can easily lower the temperature. Therefore, if the chosen remedy did not bring positive results, it should be replaced by another.

The most effective antipyretic drugs are recognized:

  • "Ibufen" - this suspension effectively reduces the temperature, has an analgesic effect;
  • "Panadol";
  • "Paracetamol";
  • "Efferalgan" - the suspension is recommended for older children, and candles are allowed to be used from the age of three months;
  • "NICE" - this suspension perfectly brings down the temperature, but has a bad effect on the functioning of the liver;
  • "Tsefekon" (candles are allowed for use from 3 months).

Remember: before bringing down the high temperature, be sure to consult your doctor about the use of the selected drug. If consultation is needed immediately, pediatricians from the ambulance station will always help by telephone.

High temperature during pregnancy

Of course, no one is immune from the heat. But it is precisely children and pregnant women whose thermometer shows high performance are of the greatest concern. At the same time, the presence of +37.8 o C is already quite dangerous for the latter. And if the thermometer shows +38 o C, then given temperature can negatively affect the unborn baby, and even affect his mental abilities. Therefore, such an increase should not be allowed in any case.

How to bring down the temperature during pregnancy? It is necessary to immediately exclude drugs that cannot be used. It's aspirin. It is completely contraindicated in pregnant women. On early dates the drug can provoke a threat of miscarriage, and in later cases - cause heavy bleeding and complicate childbirth. In the course of research, it was confirmed that aspirin can be a source of development of the most dangerous defects in the fetus.

Excluding harmful drugs, consider how to bring down the temperature during pregnancy. If necessary, you can take a drug based on paracetamol.

  • "Panadol";
  • "Efferalgan";
  • "Paracet";
  • "Tylenol";
  • "Indomethacin";
  • "Metindol";
  • "Vramed".

Most importantly, remember that you need to resort to antipyretic drugs only in last resort, and pregnant women are advised to consume half the dose.

Already today there are reliable facts that excessive use of paracetamol can cause serious dysfunction of the liver and kidneys. That is why it is desirable to limit yourself to a single dose of half the dose. And of course, contact your doctor to clarify the treatment regimen.

Some pregnant women, thinking about the best way to bring down the temperature, generally refuse to use drugs. They use folk remedies. It should be noted that in this case doctors themselves advocate the use of ancient effective methods combat high temperatures.

Providing coolness

Simple home remedies for dealing with fever have long been handed down. Grandmothers also knew how to bring down the temperature of a child and an adult. So why not use such simple and effective methods?

It should be remembered that warming a patient with a high temperature is not at all safe. You should not wrap either the baby or the adult with warm blankets, turn on the heaters. These measures can cause heatstroke in a patient if the temperature heated by "caring hands" reaches a critical value.

Instead, undress your child if possible. In this case, excess heat will freely leave. The temperature in the room should not exceed 21 ° C. You can achieve the required indicator with a fan or air conditioner. Just do not direct cold air masses at the patient.

Plentiful drink

In pursuit of an answer to the question "How to bring down the temperature of +39 ° C?" It is important not to forget about the need for fluid intake. After all, the body is very dehydrated from the heat. Maintaining a normal water balance is extremely important. Therefore, the patient should drink a large number of ordinary water. Avoid liquids containing sugar. Simple or mineral water excellent protection against dehydration. In addition, it is such a liquid that compensates for electrolytes in the body.

Cooling bath

What can bring down the heat? Cool bath. Dip the patient waist-deep in lukewarm water. It is important that initially the water is pleasant for the body. This procedure can cause chills, which provokes an increase in body temperature. While bathing, carefully massage the patient with a washcloth. This will improve blood circulation and cause an increase in heat transfer. 20 minutes later this method will lower the temperature by two degrees.

After the bath, lightly pat your skin dry with a towel, leaving some moisture to continue cooling. If after an hour the thermometer starts to rise again, the procedure should be repeated.

This method is recognized as quite effective for angina. It is only important to remember that temperatures up to +38 ° C should not be brought down. After all, it characterizes the struggle of the body with the disease. But if the indicator is much higher, then the above method will help. As a rule, doctors give a lot of recommendations than to bring down the temperature with angina. And the main one with such an ailment is gargling. After all, the temperature lasts until the time when there is pus in the tonsils.

Rubbing with vinegar

Mix vinegar with warm water. The proportion of the composition is as follows - 1:5. Wet the sponge liberally and gently wipe the skin of a child or adult. You should start from the back, smoothly moving to the stomach. Then wipe your hands and feet. After that, take care of your palms and feet. This procedure is quite effective. But it should be repeated every two, sometimes three hours.

Cool wraps

Sometimes the temperature can reach very high numbers. In such a situation, it is quite easy to get confused. Therefore, you should remember what helps bring down the temperature. These are cooling wraps.

To do this, take a cotton towel or piece of fabric. Soak it in plain water or a specially prepared yarrow decoction. Wrap them around the patient.

Preparing a decoction will not cause great difficulties. Pour a couple of spoons of grass with water in a glass or porcelain bowl. Put the mixture in a water bath. The solution should warm up for about 15 minutes. It must be constantly stirred. After cooling the liquid a little, do not forget to strain it. The decoction for wrapping is ready.

Cool compresses

cook mint decoction. Soak a washcloth in it. Be sure to squeeze thoroughly. The wipes should be slightly damp. These compresses should be applied to the forehead, temples, inguinal folds, wrist area. Change napkins every ten minutes. Enough effective method to lower the temperature at home.

last resort

If none of the above methods helped, and the question "How to bring down the temperature?" remains open, do not despair. Now you need to give the child an injection. Only initially consult with a pediatrician about the required dose. Remember that this is an extreme measure, but quite effective. An intramuscular injection will work in five to ten minutes.

The so-called lytic mixture is introduced. It is very important to correctly calculate necessary components. That is why, if you do not have a medical education, it is better to leave this procedure to professional doctors. The composition of the mixture is in full proportion to the age of the patient. For each full year the life of the child is taken 0.1 ml of drugs.

Be sure to test your baby if this procedure applied for the first time. After all, you cannot know for sure that the lytic mixture will not provoke an allergy. Only after making sure that there are no unpleasant reactions, go directly to the injection.

Components of the lytic mixture:

  • papaverine;
  • analgin;
  • dimedrol.

The medicine is made in the following proportion - 1:1:1. For example, if the temperature should be brought down at five year old, draw 0.5 ml of each ingredient into the syringe. A total of 1.5 ml of lytic mixture will be obtained.

Remember, if you can’t cope with a high temperature on your own, and at this time the child’s condition is rapidly deteriorating, immediately call “ ambulance"! Do not try to find a more effective remedy, trust the professionals.


A sick baby is the most serious reason for excitement. However, even before the doctor's visit, you should know how to bring down the temperature of your child. Remember, fear and excitement are not your best allies. So, you should get together, calm down and start acting. Your child should feel that he is safe. mother's hands. After all, the baby trusts her unconditionally. This is probably why the warmth and love of the mother enhances the effect of any chosen treatment methods.

Without exception, all parents from time to time face a high temperature in their child. Someone immediately rushes to the duty pharmacy for an antipyretic, while others, on the contrary, “until the last” hope for “proven and safe” methods traditional medicine. Meanwhile, there is a golden mean in the treatment of high temperature! There are reasonable and adequate reasons for both using drugs and not taking them. What?

To bring down any elevated temperature in a child (up to 39 ° C) is theoretically possible both with the use of drugs and without them. The main thing is that your methods and techniques are adequate to the situation and the condition of the baby.

Scenario #1: How to bring down a high temperature in a child without the help of drugs

In the body of any person in general, and in the body of any child in particular, two physiological processes constantly and continuously proceed - heat production and heat transfer. Sometimes, in the case of, for example, some infectious disease, heat production increases - and then we do not have our usual indicators of 36.6 ° C, but higher and sometimes significantly.

To lower the body temperature to the physiological norm, it is possible to influence both of these processes - both to reduce heat production and to increase heat transfer.

Actions that help reduce heat production:

  • Bed rest. (It is clear that when a child jumps and jumps, his body produces much more heat than when he lies quietly);
  • Reduction in diet. (When a child actively digests a hearty dinner, his heat production rises sharply, and vice versa - with a minimum load on the digestive system, body temperature also naturally goes down);
  • Cool drink (or food) instead of hot. (Hot food or hot drinks add warmth to the body, cool ones, on the contrary, help to lose excess heat);

Actions that help enhance heat transfer:

  • Cool and humid indoor air. (The fact is that a person can inhale any air, but we always exhale the air of exactly the temperature that corresponds to the temperature of our body. And in order to heat the air inside the body, we have to give it our heat. Accordingly, if the child breathes relatively cool and humid air, then it physiologically spends part of its heat on heating it, thus dropping its own temperature).

The optimal air in the room where the temperature of the child should be +18 ° C and have approximately 60-70% humidity. At the same time, there is absolutely no need to frankly freeze the baby! Dress him warmly, cover him with a cozy fluffy blanket - the child should be comfortable, but the air should remain cool.

  • Active sweating. (Actually, it is due to the release of sweat human body for the most part, and sheds heat. To increase sweating in a child, a regimen of heavy drinking helps).

All of the above techniques (plus a couple more that will be mentioned later) are very effective and sometimes the most reasonable alternative. drug therapy with a high temperature in a child.

Sweat properly: first - water, then - raspberries!

Regarding the drinking regimen of a child with a high temperature, it is worth paying special attention to what exactly you give the baby as a liquid. The standard mistake of many parents is that they do not really understand what kind of drinks should be given to the child in order for him to actively sweat, helping himself to relieve the fever. For example: one of the most popular parental recipes for children's drinking at a temperature is raspberry tea.

However, are you giving such a drink to a child correctly? Let's analyze the drink "by the bones": on the one hand - tea, which belongs to diuretic products. On the other hand - raspberry, which is rightfully considered a "champion" in diaphoretic properties. What happens to the child after such a tea party? Under the influence of tea and raspberries, he pisses and actively pushes the remnants of fluid from his body through the pores of the skin. And as a result, a miracle drink literally dehydrates your baby before our eyes! In this scenario, a child with a high temperature from drinking raspberry tea may become even worse than before.

In order for the child to have something to sweat, it is first necessary to provide his body with a sufficient amount of liquid. Water, dried fruit compote with sugar, herbal (not diuretic!) teas, etc. are ideal for this. And only then, after a lot of fluid has entered the child's body, can you give those drinks that are traditionally considered diaphoretic. For example, the already mentioned "magic" raspberry tea.

Why you shouldn't throw cold water on a hot baby

People who remember well a physics course from school days, reading a paragraph about how useful it is for a “hot” child to breathe cool air, probably thought: why not dip a child with a high temperature into a container of cold water? (By the way, many residents of rural areas often do just that!). After all, as the laws of physics say, the body with the highest temperature will “willingly” and quickly give up heat to the body (or in this case, the substance) with the lowest temperature.

This maneuver would be good, if not for one significant "but"! The fact is that if children's skin comes into contact with something cold (with an object, or in our case with water), then a spasm of skin vessels inevitably occurs. This means that by dipping a child in cold water, or by attaching a frozen ham to his back, you will certainly lower the temperature of his skin - just due to the fact that a spasm of the skin vessels will occur (they will “close up” and will not give off heat) . But here's the scary thing: this maneuver will reduce the temperature only and exclusively on the surface of the child's skin, while inside his body, on the contrary, the temperature will rise. After all, for some time the heat will not be able to go through the skin. Finally around internal organs the baby will be a real hell!

Dipping a child with a high temperature in water is one way to effectively lower the fever (as well as breathing cool air). But the water must not be cold! And about 33-35 ° C. In this case, you will allow the hot child to give up part of the heat to cooler water, but you will not provoke a spasm of the skin vessels.

Why You Shouldn't Rub Children With Vinegar And Alcohol

Perhaps, by rubbing with vodka or vinegar an adult who has “picked up” a cold, you will help him to partially bring down the high temperature. (From the point of view of physics, the meaning of this procedure is that with a pair of vinegar or alcohol, sweat from the skin evaporates faster, “taking” with it, respectively, part of the heat).

But in relation to a child, such manipulation is associated with a gigantic risk! Because through children's skin, acetic acid (from vinegar), as well as alcohol (from vodka, whiskey, moonshine and other strong spirits) actively penetrate into the child's blood. Moreover, than younger child- the stronger the poisoning is in the end. And the drier the child's skin (in case of heat, with fever) - the faster the poison is absorbed into the blood. You will rub the baby from a high temperature, but it is likely that an ambulance will pick him up with serious poisoning with acetic acid or alcohol. Is it worth the risk?

According to the WHO recommendations, you can rub the child only with water, and no other liquid. Since the thermal conductivity of water is much higher than that of air, you can actually increase the heat output of a child by wiping his skin with moisture. But not alcohol, and not vinegar! And only - ordinary water, and the temperature is about 32-34 ° C (as in the case of anti-temperature bathing).

Step towards drug therapy

All of the above methods of dealing with high fever in a child are very effective! They are really and quickly able to reduce the child's body temperature by 1-1.5 ° C. In most cases, this is already enough for the body to begin to fight the infection on its own and “recover”. And only if all the non-drug methods listed above to reduce the temperature of your child did not help, and the temperature continues to rise - only now, but not earlier, it makes sense to seek the help of pharmaceutical preparations.

The main criterion (in addition to medical indications, which will be discussed below), the use of antipyretic drugs is the well-being of the child at a high temperature. If the baby feels more or less tolerable, actively drinks and sweats, “stoically” enduring the disease, it is quite possible that there is no need for medicines at all. But if the child is frankly ill, his condition is close to fainting or, conversely, to hysteria - then you should not hesitate, but you need to give medicine to bring down the fever.

Scenario #2: Which medications are effective and safe in bringing down a child's fever

It is indeed possible to bring down the elevated body temperature without medication. And in most cases, this is adequate assistance to the child. However, there are situations when the use of drug therapy is justified and necessary.

First, a few words about dosage forms which are commonly used in the treatment of children. So, antipyretics are in the form of:

  • Rectal suppositories;
  • Tablets, syrups, potions, etc.;
  • Drugs administered by injection.

It will not be superfluous to know that most antipyretic drugs affect not only body temperature, but also have some other "associated" qualities:

  • Anesthetize;
  • Have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Thin the blood;
  • Regulate perspiration.

In what cases it is necessary to bring down the temperature in a child with the help of drugs

There are specific indications for the use of antipyretic drugs to lower the temperature in a child:

  • 1 Difficulty breathing, signs of choking or respiratory failure;

Medical fact: an increase in body temperature by only 1 ° C increases the body's need for oxygen by an average of 15%. For many children, especially small ones, it is very difficult to make up for such a sharp oxygen deficiency, given that the children's respiratory muscles are still poorly developed. Therefore, if you notice that your baby is suffocating at an elevated temperature, forget about non-drug help and give antipyretic drug.

  • 2 If the child is losing fluids other than sweating and urinating (eg vomiting, diarrhea);
  • 3 If the child categorically refuses to drink and it is simply impossible to implement a regimen of abundant drinking;
  • 4 If the baby does not tolerate high temperatures (there are many children who, even at a temperature of 37 ° C, already feel extremely unimportant - they lie in a “layer”, refuse to drink, show anxiety, etc.);
  • 5 Inadequate state of the child (delusions, tantrums, screams, fear, etc.);
  • 6 Availability serious illnesses nervous system (for example, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, meningitis, etc.);
  • 7 If the child has previously experienced convulsions against the background of fever;
  • 8 Temperature increase beyond the border of 39 ° C.

Effective and safe antipyretics for children

There are two drugs that are approved by doctors around the world as a means of independent parental treatment in case of fever in children. They can be sold under different brands and commercial names (there are dozens of them!), but their international (generally accepted) names sound like this:

  • Paracetamol
  • ibuprofen

And in pharmacies, both medicines are widely available both in the form of tablets, syrups and mixtures, and in the form rectal suppositories.

These drugs - both paracetamol and ibuprofen - are in the vast majority of cases equally effective and safe (of course, subject to the dosage and regimen), they are quite compatible with each other and are interchangeable. In addition, these drugs can be bought anywhere in the world without a prescription.

The interval between two doses of the same antipyretic should be at least 4 hours. In total, no more than 4 doses can be given per day.

An iron rule: if 30-40 minutes after the administration of the antipyretic, the temperature of the child does not begin to fall, this is not a reason to give another dose of the drug, but an indisputable reason to seek medical help.

And only as a last resort health care for whatever reasons for a long time is not available, you can use the following tactic: give one drug, and if after 40 minutes it has not worked in any way (the temperature has not started to drop), you can give a second one (but not the same one!). For example: at night the child had a fever, at first you gave the baby a dose of paracetamol (it doesn’t matter if it was a pill, a spoonful of syrup or a candle), but after 40 minutes no temperature changes were found, and the doctor would not come earlier in the morning - in this case you can give dose of ibuprofen. Or vice versa: first they gave ibuprofen, it did not work - they gave paracetamol.

In an attempt to bring down the temperature, beware of dangerous drugs

In search of a reliable antipyretic for our baby, we can often "stumble" on dubious advice and risky drugs. The most dangerous among such means are two. Moreover, both are extremely well-known, widespread and widely used. First:

  • Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin)

For for long years aspirin was considered an acceptable and extremely common antipyretic drug, acceptable for use at any age. Indeed, the ability of aspirin to bring down the temperature is many times stronger than that of paracetamol and ibuprofen. However, to date, medicine has established that the use of aspirin in childhood associated with high risk the occurrence of the so-called Reye's syndrome - acute fatty degeneration of the liver. Reye's syndrome causes catastrophic, and sometimes incompatible with life, liver damage, and is fatal in 50% of cases. It is important to understand that aspirin is not dangerous in itself, but in childhood and only if it is used against the background of a viral infection. But it is most often the cause of fever in a child!

Taking acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) with a viral infection often leads to the death of a child. Moreover, the age at which it is extremely dangerous to take aspirin in the fight against high fever, in this case, extends up to 18 years.

Second drug:

  • Analgin

Analgin is often used as an antipyretic by ambulance and emergency care in those situations when other drugs are no longer clearly helping, and the temperature becomes critically high. However, for independent use, this drug is highly undesirable. First of all, because analgin has a number of negative side effects, especially dangerous for the health of the child. Analgin can cause the greatest damage to the hematopoietic system.

Parents should clearly understand that when trying to bring down their children's high temperature on their own, they have the right (including moral) to use only two medicines approved by doctors around the world - paracetamol and ibuprofen. Just forget about all other drugs! They certainly exist, but they are no longer introduced by parental will, but solely at the insistence of a doctor.

Antipyretics for children: regimen and dosage

Antipyretic drugs are never given to a child as planned (“take 1 spoonful three times a day”, etc.). These drugs are called emergency assistance, for the use of which there are specific indications (see above). And the main criterion among these indications is the well-being of the child. If even at a temperature of 38 ° C the baby drinks actively, breathes normally, sweats adequately and feels more or less tolerable, there is no need to use drugs to lower the temperature. It is enough just to provide the child with a “healthy” climate in the room (namely, cool and humidified air), drink plenty of water and rest.

And vice versa, if the baby even at a temperature of 37.5 ° C shows convulsions, refuses to drink, vomits, he obviously does not feel well - you should start to bring down the temperature with the help of the mentioned drugs.

Permissible doses of antipyretics for a child

  • Paracetamol. Single dose - 10-15mg/kg. The daily dose should not exceed 60 mg/kg.
  • Ibuprofen. Single dose - 5-10 mg/kg. Maximum daily dose 20 mg/kg.

Don't forget your child's weight! That is: if your baby weighs, say, 10 kg, this means that a single dose of paracetamol for him will be: 10x10 \u003d 100 mg

An important nuance: a medicinal substance administered using rectal suppositories is absorbed into the blood much more slowly than those drugs that enter the stomach (simply because the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe rectum in the place where it comes into contact with the suppository is itself much smaller than the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe stomach) . And not only slower, but also in a smaller volume. Therefore, all doses of the drugs listed above, when used medicinal product in the form of rectal suppositories, automatically double.

How do you know if an antipyretic is working or not?

Pretty simple - the effect should come in the next 30-45 minutes. If after the administration of the drug the temperature did not drop for 30-45 minutes (and in the case of using rectal suppositories - after 60-90 minutes), this is a clear indicator that the drug is not working. And this, of course, is a reason to seek medical help.

As a responsible, loving and sane parent, you must understand that the use of antipyretics does not cancel any of the points of non-drug help for fever. After all, even if you put an antipyretic candle for the baby at night, but the room will still be dry and hot, and his body will be dehydrated, the medicine will not have the desired effect. Any drugs designed to reduce the temperature in a child are effective only if adequate conditions are met - which, in fact, are methods of non-drug help.

With a febrile symptom in a child, it is important to first determine the reason for the increase in temperature. Many parents immediately, without consulting a pediatrician, begin to rid their child of fever on their own, using any medication with an antipyretic effect. But it must be understood that not all drugs are approved for use in childhood. For example, traditional aspirin or analgin is dangerous to take not only for children, but also for adults. In any case, before bringing down the high temperature of your child, find out the origin of the symptom, since it is not advisable to take antipyretic drugs for every pathology.

A fairly common situation when the baby is simply overheated from an excessive amount of clothing that the parents put on completely out of the weather or inconsistent with the air temperature in the room. Hence, a thermal effect arises, leading to an increase in body temperature. A child's body up to 7-8 years old is at the stage of formation of a balanced work of the thermoregulatory apparatus, so make sure that the child is not dressed in ten blouses while walking, especially if he is in a closed winter stroller.

With regard to early and preschool age, remember, during this period, children are very energetic and mobile, so the body warms up instantly. Physical activity on its own, even without additional clothing, may well cause a fever in a child. If hyperthermia of the body occurs after a walk or after sleeping under a blanket, undress the baby completely and let him lie down quietly for 30-45 minutes. Give him some water to drink. Usually one acceptance is enough to restore the temperature air baths. An important role in overheating of babies is played by a too heated room, optimum temperature for a children's room - from 18 to 22 degrees.

Most often, of course, children begin to have a temperature due to an infectious and inflammatory disease. , and its culprits are respiratory infections and viruses. If the child has a cold, do not rush to “stuff” him with antipyretic pills, they depress work immune system and prevent the body from creating a natural defense against the spread of pathogens. Pick the right one antiviral agent depending on the specific case the local pediatrician will help.

Extreme attention requires fever, which is accompanied by two symptoms - vomiting, headache . These signs are to a certain extent inherent in concussions. To lower the high temperature in these situations, it is better to use compresses dipped in acetic solution. In babies who hit their heads so often, usually even a slight blow can provoke a similar reaction in the body. There is no need to panic, but parents should also be vigilant top level, therefore, it is better to show the baby to the pediatrician after the injury for evaluation physiological state. If a child at an older age has received a head injury for any reason, and after a short time vomiting occurs and the temperature rises, an ambulance should be called immediately.

At any childhood, it is strictly forbidden to use any means of alcohol, both internal and external use . This is especially true of the antipyretic compresses popular with our people and rubbing with vodka or alcohol. And it doesn’t matter at all in what concentration alcohol was diluted with water, such procedures will lead to the development of alcohol intoxication in a child. And toxic alcohol poisoning, which very quickly penetrates through the warm skin of the child into the blood, will further increase the body temperature.

If the child is freezing, this is a frequent harbinger that the temperature has risen, so measure it immediately. Some parents do big mistake- measure it by touching the palm or lips to the forehead of the baby. Remember, this is not a way to determine the thermal index of a child's body! Very often it is in children that the strongest fever is noted, and the skin seems cool to the touch. This phenomenon There is a scientific name in medicine - "white" fever. It is characterized by the outflow of blood from the surface of the skin and spasm small vessels upper and lower limbs. To contribute to the normalization of blood circulation and rapid regulation of temperature, you should rub the skin of the baby's legs and arms to a slight reddening.

With a high temperature in an infant, it must be borne in mind that:

  • for babies, a temperature of 37-37.5 degrees is considered the norm, so if the baby is active and eats well, he has normal urination, the fontanel zone has not fallen, therefore, there is absolutely no reason for concern;
  • due to the imperfect work of heat transfer functions, babies very often overheat, this must be taken into account and do not wrap the baby, and do not walk under open sun and maintain a comfortable air temperature for babies in the children's room (18-22 degrees);
  • the use of drugs with antipyretic effect is allowed only in critical situations, it is preferable to influence the reduction of high temperature through air baths, water compresses and wiping the body with 35-degree water;
  • before you do something on your own if the baby feels unwell, it must be shown to the doctor, who will give competent recommendations for care and treatment during the period of illness.

What antipyretic drugs are prescribed for children?

Very convenient medicines for fever in terms of both effectiveness and use are children's suppositories for rectal administration. First, they have a faster effect on lowering the temperature. Secondly, they are easier to use, since many children completely refuse to take pills or syrups. In addition, very often fever causes nausea in the child and vomiting, so the medicine taken orally is quickly rejected by the stomach, and there will be no benefit from it. Thirdly, antipyretic suppositories do not have a negative irritating effect on the stomach and digestive organs. Fourthly, they do not contain flavors and dyes, so the appearance allergic reactions minimized. Suppositories are perfect option for infants.

In case of heat for a child, rectal suppositories with paracetamol and ibuprofen should be chosen. Reliable and relatively safe are homeopathic suppositories and suppositories, which include interferon. In addition to lowering the temperature, they will have an immunomodulatory and antiviral effect, so they are especially appropriate to use for SARS and influenza.

Children's suppositories against fever:

  • Paracetamol and Efferalgan (candles) - are available in therapeutic dosages by age, starting from 6 months of age, you can use Paracetamol suppositories, and from 3 months - Eferalgan suppositories;
  • Nurofen for children, suppositories- the main component is ibuprofen; the drug can be used by babies from 3 months of age;
  • Viferon (suppositories with interferon)- are prescribed only by a doctor, suppositories are produced in different therapeutic doses - with different concentrations of the active substance: for example, newborns and children under 7 years old are prescribed Viferon 150,000 IU, over 7 years old - 500,000 IU;
  • Genferon (candles with interferon)- the drug can be used purely on the recommendation of a pediatrician, children under 7 years of age are prescribed suppositories marked "Light";
  • Viburkol (homeopathic suppositories)- they include a natural phytocomplex, which lowers the temperature, relieves pain, has a sedative and anticonvulsant effect; homeopathic suppositories are allowed to use infants twice a day for 1 candle.

To a small child early age(1-3 years) you can use antipyretics in the form of sweet and pleasant syrups with berry flavor. Usually, children do not refuse to take tasty medicine. Pharmaceutical children's products from the antipyretic series today have a fairly diverse assortment, so there will be no problems with choosing a drug that is more suitable for your child. But just before buying, do not forget to consult with your doctor about the safety of this or that remedy specifically in your case. And fully find out how much and how to take an antipyretic drug. There are contraindications and age dosages for each medication, so read the instructions from A to Z to avoid the risk of side effects.

Antipyretics in various dosage forms (tablets, syrups, suspensions, suppositories) produced on the basis of one of two substances - paracetamol or ibuprofen - are most well tolerated by the child's body. Data active ingredients have both antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, there is a series of drugs that include nimesulide, but such drugs, although highly effective, can have a bad effect on the state of the liver.

Paracetamol products for children:

  • Children's Panadol;
  • Kalpol for children;
  • Paracetamol for children;
  • Efferalgan for children;
  • Cefekon D.

Ibuprofen products for children:

  • Nurofen for children;
  • Ibufen from the children's series;
  • Ibuprofen.

Children's preparations with nimesulide:

  • Suspension Nimesulide(dose calculated by body weight) ;
  • nise(not for children under 2 years of age).

It is not recommended to use any more medicines for high fever for children due to the fact that they all have toxic substances that are incompatible with the functionality of children's internal organs and systems.

Emergency help at a critically high temperature

What to do if neither physical methods nor medications from the heat, and the thermometer is rapidly moving forward and reached up to 39-40 degrees? This alarming figure requiring emergency assistance. There is one trouble-free way used by emergency doctors, a lytic mixture. This is an injection solution, which is prepared independently from 3 drugs in ampoules:

  • Analgin;
  • Dimedrol;
  • Papaverine.

The lytic mixture should be injected with a syringe into the child's gluteal muscle - in its extreme upper quarter. How to calculate the correct portion? The proportions of each drug are taken in accordance with the age of the child, namely: 1 year corresponds to a dosage of 0.1 ml of each active substance. For example, your child is 2 years old, therefore, you need to draw 0.2 ml of Analgin (metamisole sodium), 0.2 ml of Diphenhydramine solution and the same amount of Papaverine into the syringe. Thus, for children of 2 years old, the amount of lytic solution will be 0.6 ml.

Even if the baby's health has returned to normal, do not disregard the fact that the temperature just does not rise. To mitigate the symptoms does not mean to cure the disease. Therefore, be sure to show the child to the doctor to find out the cause that provoked the fever. The specialist will quickly make a diagnosis and draw up a scheme for the necessary treatment. Measures taken in time to combat not with fever, but specifically with pathogenic agent inflammatory focus in children's body will provide the child fast recovery, prevention of a recurrence of temperature and protection against the development of serious complications.

All new mothers need and it is very important to know how to bring down the temperature at home. to an infant ordinary folk remedies, if it exceeded 38 ºС.

general information

Application conservative methods temperature reduction is applied in the following cases:

  • Until reaching the age of three months with a mark on the thermometer of 38 ºС;
  • After three months - at a mark of 38.5 ºС;
  • If the temperature continues to rise;
  • If the child has a chronic illness;
  • If fever is accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting.

Of course, with a strong increase in temperature, a doctor must definitely come.

Moms take note!

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At the same time, all mothers need to know folk methods and ways to quickly bring down the temperature of a child at home with improvised means, if the doctor has not yet arrived.

  1. First of all, you should undress the child so that he does not heat up even more in his clothes. But everything is within reason. The baby may be shivering at this time, so a light T-shirt or T-shirt can still remain on him;
  2. Rub the baby with cool water. Here, too, one must treat without fanaticism - no cold water from the refrigerator or from the faucet. Water should be at room temperature. Avoid places on the body below the knees and elbows, so as not to overcool the baby, because in this case the temperature will rise even more;
  3. If the above methods are ineffective, then you can give the baby an antipyretic.

The drug that has the most effective effect on lowering the temperature in infants is called paracetamol . As a rule, it underlies all antipyretic drugs and is directly the active ingredient. And it does not matter in what form it is given to the child - in suspension, syrup, or use suppositories.

But any medications containing paracetamol should not be used more than once every 4 hours and 6-8 times a day. For children, there are children's preparations with a lower dose of the active substance. Do not give babies drugs containing analgin or aspirin.

Folk remedies at a temperature in an infant

With the help of folk remedies, it is very easy to bring down the temperature today. The child should be provided with a plentiful drink from the fruit drink and also given to drink infusions or decoctions from medicines. Quite effective means of temperature are:

  • Cranberry or lingonberry juice;
  • Infusion of burdock roots;
  • Red currant juice;
  • Infusion of elderberry flowers.

Drinking plenty of these infusions will help bring down the temperature of the baby. The child can drink a little, but often. But remember that fever- this is just a sign of a disease, the cause of which must be looked for.

It will also have a positive effect a cold compress placed on the forehead, wiping with cool (not cold!) water, an enema with boiled water (water temperature should be about 20 ºС).