Wishing you a speedy recovery. Well wishes for your loved one

I wish you recovery! Get well soon! I want to wish you a speedy recovery. Accept my sincere wishes for a speedy recovery, because they must find an opportunity for their implementation. If a loved one or friend falls ill, catches a cold, or something else, send him a cool message with a wish for a speedy recovery. And in connection with your illness, I really want to wish you more health and a speedy recovery.

I wish you a speedy victory in the fight for your health. Although it is not very good to get sick, it is an opportunity to feel how everyone needs you! The sun is sad without you and every morning, looking into your room, wishes you a speedy recovery. I miss you too, because my favorite sun is you! Get well! Health is the most important thing in life. I wish you a speedy recovery and return to the active implementation of your plans.

I wish you recovery and energy, the opportunity to see the bright colors of life, to take a step towards your goals.

Get well soon and become vigorous and strong again! You drink more tea with raspberries, eat honey, wrap yourself in a blanket and surround yourself with positive, and you will see that it will not be easy for you to feel better, and recovery will come instantly!

I wish you the best of health, Get well soon ... Do not get sick, dear, let your world be illuminated with happiness again! My door is always open - Know that I am with you! Get well soon, be the same as always. Get well, my beautiful friend, Get well soon, dear, After all, without the look of your diamond eyes, Everything on earth seems to me gloomier.

Pour it all down your throat, Lie down in bed under the covers, So that seven sweats escape from you And a miracle awaits you in the morning - Wake up and sing: goodbye, cold! After all, next to you is always All relatives and friends. Dear person, you must be active, so make every effort for your recovery. Despite the fact that attacks pain and weakness, you need to make every effort for active recovery.

Have patience, diligently follow the advice of doctors, and the disease will quickly pass. Let your immunity not allow any diseases into the body, and a healthy lifestyle will help you always be in good shape. I wish you to forget about medicines and doctors, but always remember about proper nutrition and sports!

And let's call the neighbor's boy for a walk with us. Only ... my dear baby, Get well, dear

Please, get better soon, Listen to the doctors' advice, And come back to us as soon as possible, Successfully overcome the disease. I wish you good health, so that for many, many more years you won’t go to the doctors, you won’t even get sick with a cold. I can imagine how bad you feel, chills, fever and your whole body aches. Of course, illness is not a very pleasant thing, especially in this weather. Stop hurting, let's get better, we are waiting for you with a huge number of adventures and new emotions.

The most important thing for a person in life is his health. Even if you are sick, it does not matter! The main thing is not to fall into despondency and the disease will pass by itself. After all, the main cure for all diseases is a smile and a good mood! Let there be more fun moments in our lives!

When you are sick, everything makes you sad, And your nose is stuffed up, your head hurts. I want to wish you, don't be sad. And I would collect honey from all the flowers. Then get well, strive to recover! I will help you as much as I can, and I will support you. Only you do not be discouraged, And start to be treated! I miss. And I suffer with you. Like a doctor, I prescribe us to be always and everywhere together.

Everything in the world can be successfully corrected, but you must first recover and take care of strengthening immunity

Happy day beyond the threshold Waiting for you for a long time. You will be well soon! You will remember me, suddenly, with longing And you will understand: I am better than doctors. And you want to see me like that! We will forbid you to get sick, Let's say together the sickness: - "No!" Don't let her into your house - It's brighter around without her! Do not be sad, all diseases are fleeting, And believe me, nothing lasts forever. Don't be discouraged and don't give up! Get well, baby, Get well, dear, We read books together And run with you. Let's scatter all the pillows, After we go to the store, We'll buy books and toys, And a huge orange.

What happened, friend, with you, maybe scarlet fever?
Or mumps, diphtheria, a terrible sore throat?
Or maybe you caught this terrible AIDS?
Or an intestinal disorder, or does the liver suddenly hurt?
No, of course, all these passions passed you by,
But the disease still passes, we know this, fortunately.
Get well soon, we've been waiting for you,
Without you - believe! - today only once laughed ...

My sweet girlfriend caught a cold somewhere in her ear?
Or did you catch a runny nose, or did you get a cold in your legs?
Maybe got into a puddle? Or even worse -
Got the nasty flu? Her voice is hoarse
Maybe then angina? All in all, good reason
You have to lie down - no need to run anywhere!
You wallow, rest, gain more strength,
Don't worry about me, I can handle everything myself
And in a cafe, on a date I will run without delay,
I'll buy my own sweatshirt. Rest! Love you!

What are you up to, my friend?
You say you're sick, but I don't believe it!
Stop wallowing, and life will pass,
And the groom will suddenly leave the ailment for another?
Well, another day, and let's get up,
Conquer all your illnesses quickly
Throw away the pills, lock the syringes
Let's all be healthy - well done!

The most important thing is health
I want to fix it with love.
I will collect all my love to the crumbs
And I will give my dear girlfriend in the palm of my hand.
Take it and get well, get well soon
Forget about hospitals, doctors and ambulances.
Get back to a healthy life soon
I believe you will be like a new ruble!

Have you heard, my friend, that vodka
Does it cure any disease?
And beauty love
All medicines are more useful for us.
So, you hear, do not get lost,
And take into account all my advice,
Get well soon my friend
And to hurt - you forget about it!

Do you drink tea with raspberries and honey?
Microbes swirl around
You outside and inside
I know it's hard, whatever you say!
But everything is not eternal, and the disease will pass,
Not only honey will help you,
After all, my wishes are so sincere:
Let all your illnesses go away!

Good Doctor Aibolit
He sits in a paid clinic.
Come to him for treatment
Give an injection in the buttock.
If suddenly the stomach hurts,
He gives compote from pears.
Treats stars and oligarchs
Presidents and Monarchs.
Zhanna Friske came to him,
He made her huge friskis.
Kolenka Baskov came to him,
And for only 100 bucks
With his buttocks cellulite
Dr. Aibolit cut.
Sophia Rotaru came
He made a guitar out of it.
prostatitis, appendicitis
Heals quickly Aibolit.
Well, don't worry
Keep your tail merry
And get well soon.

Get well soon, please!
How long can you lie in that room.
After all, it's time to go to the disco together,
Under the arm, you and I quickly run.
I bought a dress for you from the window,
Of course red, like an old scooter.
Dress it up and you'll be like in a painting
It's good to get sick, it's time to go for a walk!

I wish you to get on your feet as soon as possible,
Drink beer with friends and have fun
After all, the beer is quietly waiting and the fish on the table,
And he really wants to be all this in his stomach.
That's enough, that's it, it's time to run away from the hospital,
Walk the streets, guard the entire area.
After all, the girls are sad and sit at home,
And they are waiting for you to gather the guys again.

Why, pray tell, are you sick?
After all, you are tired of a soft bed,
The disease will pass, you will overcome it,
Drive sickness and end sickness!
Being sick is certainly not practical,
I wish you health wagon,
To feel great
The evil microbes did no damage.

My dear girlfriend, you are lying in bed,
You hide with your nose in the pillow and mumble barely.
I wanted to come to you, but you won't open the door,
In a state of sadness, you do not want to see anyone.
Therefore, instead of pills, jars instead of jam
I will send you with greetings only my poem.
Let it raise the tone and bring down the temperature,
Let the voice become more cheerful, and then the whole figure!

But it's only for a moment, believe me
Health will come, open the door for him.

On a flat meadow, to the blue river
We will run with you on the green grass...

When you do not grow old in soul,
And you know, with her we are on the way,
Then sickness is our body,
Don't touch, no matter what!

Then smile and health,
Will never leave us
They are a very strong union for us,
For the mortal, for being!

And if only any illness,
Suddenly I knew to give, then there is a way out,
You smile and know, of course,
Health will be here soon! ©

Nothing could be more beautiful in the world
Than to feel that everyone is given,
Why are children so casually and frankly happy,
About what, it happens, books are written, and films are made for us ...

That feeling, the touch of nature,
And the feelings that filled the soul with joy,
And the health that we wish to those who are sick now,
Not just like that, with diligence from the heart !!!

Let recovery come soon
To live the main thing, about which he spoke,
And all desires, goals and worries,
To conquer, there was certainly enough strength !!! ©

Well wishes for a friend

I'm sad that you're sick
I want to hug you harder
To make you softer and warmer
And of course you don't get sick afterwards...

I believe sacredly in this healing,
That it will become easier for a friend just about,
And this is such a longed-for moment
Very soon you will come to us! ©

Shackled the disease, weakened the body,
And the muscles are weak and the movements are timid,
But it's only for a moment, trust me.
Health will come, open the door for him,
And you are without shackles, prejudices and rules,
Discard plexus diseases, leave,
On a flat meadow, to the blue river
We will run with you on the green grass,
And the wind plays with us in gusts,
And we are like children, and happiness beckons us,
We need for joy, only one thing,
Get well soon, that's all! ©

SMS with wishes for recovery

I don't want to get sick!
Come on, my friend, sickness of surrender!
Get more sleep
And good luck with your nurse! ©

You get well soon
And we will sing songs together!
Getting sick is such an idea!
Come on, don't get sick! ©

Away all the snot, away all the drops.
You want to get well, don't you?
So let's push it
Surprise us with your health! ©

Well wishes for a friend

Get well girlfriend
I'm very hard without you
Bored, sad and trouble
No hot borscht! ©

Girlfriend got sick, bad!
Well get well soon
You are my beloved baby
I'm waiting for that, you believe me! ©

Honey, let the blush play
And your smile on your cheeks!
Be very healthy to you
With a pure heart, I always wish!

I wish a speedy recovery,
and stop lying in bed!
It's bad to be sick for a long time,
you must not be shy in life,
and fight for health
will be much more powerful
and things will go faster
and you will get it all!

Quietly, quietly, I'll take a nap,
I give my care and strength,
Get well! I'm sad without you
Only you call me love.

Get well soon!
It's so sad without you...
You are like a bright ray of sunshine!
Everything is empty without you!

Life is full of happiness
And grief is not a problem
Please don't be sick
Be in good health always!

Well wishes for a child

Get well soon baby
Get well soon, dear
Let's read books together
And we'll run with you.
Throw all the pillows
After we go to the store
Buying books and toys
And a huge orange.
Mom gets very angry
For pillows. How to be?
We'll have to apologize
Give her an orange.
Mom scolds a little
And forgive. And then we
Along the asphalt path
Let's go to the park together.
And the neighbor boy
Let's invite you for a walk.
Only ... my dear baby,
Get well soon, dear.

Wishes for wife to get well

Wife, dear, do not be sick.
Don't get sick, stay strong
Don't give your soul to God
You'll see soon it will be better!

We'll put you on your feet
And there will be life, yes,
You are in the center, we all need you,
Such will be the case! ©

Well wishes for your loved one

My soul is on fire and I'm confused
I can't find my place
My Beloved Beloved,
His illness is eating today...

But it's temporary I know
And all the strength and thoughts with that,
For the beloved to recover
A hilarious meme was resurrected…

So that our happiness and fun,
Came to us again and again
And in the evenings along the alley,
We could walk again with a sweetheart! ©

Get well soon, beloved person!
I will squeeze your hand and touch your lips,
You sleep, let your father's shore dream,
Where the blizzard roars and wraps itself in snow.
I lull you like a baby
Warmer with a blanket
I touch my forehead - hot, breathing a little,
Again you say: I love you.
Lips tremble - I run faster
To be with you in the morning
Look - what a wonderful day!
Get well! I will be very glad.

And day is not day and night is not night,
And life seems to be torn to shreds,
When a loved one falls ill
When evil rock crept up to us ...

Network diseases surrounded
But the good things are not forgotten
We believe, we know it will be so
You'll get well - a sure sign!

My smile and warmth
All for you, the most important thing
To know how much you are loved and needed,
And let you have a little cold

But a couple of days and everything is as before,
Leave the disease without hope
For her manifestation
And I'm with you - we're good! ©

Well wishes to grandmother

I remember the weekend
When my grandmother and I
We went to the cinema and to the skating rink,
But there is a barrier to us now ...

Her illness is our punishment,
But it won't be long, I know
After all, there is a great desire
And I'm on the mend!

I wish you more
To recover - do not get sick,
So that the rest of this winter
We could be everywhere! ©

Your grandson and granddaughters are all bored
When we are together again
Let's walk in the park with you
Not knowing the word get tired!

Ice cream, carousels,
Merry laughter, merry day,
He will know it again
The disease will recede, just believe!

You better get well
my beloved grandmother,
Well, now for execution,
Get some rest soon! ©

Grandfather poems - a wish to get well

My grandfather is a healthy man
But somehow it turned out
That he fell ill, fell ill,
Such an accident happened...

And powders are now pills
In addition to the diet are not rare,
He drinks them by the clock with us,
But he will recover - God will give us!

And grandfather will be again as it should,
And dad and mom will be happy
And the grandson wants the same very much,
So that our grandfather recovers urgently! ©

congratulations on your recovery

Very happy with the whole family
that passed all the way,
All diseases are gone
You are healthy in fact
The fire burns in the eyes
And blush on the cheeks!
Wave your hand to the hospital
Where did you have to be treated?
And of course never
You don't go there! ©

Even the strongest and healthiest person cannot be one hundred percent sure that the disease will not break him. After all, we are all human, and therefore weak in the face of uncertainty. Much more important is that in such moments a person needs support and care. Anyone can provide them, expressing wishes for a speedy recovery. And it doesn't matter if they are in writing, delivered over the phone or said at the hospital bed.

The magic power of the word

Let it be the 21st century and mysticism is not in fashion now, but you should not assume that there is no magical power in words. After all, it is not in vain that our ancestors chose expressions so carefully and taught their children the same. As you know, a good word heals a wound, but an evil word can destroy.

Therefore, the wishes of recovery are so important in the treatment. And even if they do not have a direct effect on the wound, they are still able to cheer up the patient. And this, believe me, is worth a lot.

Wishes for recovery: how to choose the right words?

Oratory skills are not given to everyone, so do not be surprised that some find the right words with ease, while others cannot even put two sentences together. But, making up such a wish, one must be guided not by the beauty of the whole presentation, but by its sincerity.

Indeed, in such cases, the emotional component is extremely important. Otherwise, the patient may feel affected and think that this speech is just a way to dismiss him. Therefore, it is better not to send such wishes for recovery at all - there will be more harm from them than good.

It is much better to come up with just a few lines, but so that they are saturated with positive emotions. To do this, you need to imagine a sick person and scroll through the list of his positive qualities in your head. Be sure to mention them in your wish: this will not only please the patient, but also make it clear that he is always remembered.

In what form is it better to present wishes for recovery?

What is the best way to tell someone how you feel? Well, it all depends on who you are. After all, it is one thing - relatives and friends, quite another - colleagues at work. So, you can express your wishes for recovery as follows:

  1. Orally, being nearby. This method is best suited to relatives, since the norms of decency oblige at least once to visit a sick person. In addition, in a personal conversation, it is easier to convey all the feelings experienced.
  2. By phone. Friends and distant relatives can express their wishes for recovery by mobile. This is due to the fact that not everyone can break out of their usual circle of duties in order to personally visit the patient. Especially if he lives in another city.
  3. In writing. This option is ideal for work colleagues, because it allows you to convey the opinion of each of them. And at the same time, you do not need to go to the hospital with the whole team.

You should also immediately decide in what style the wishes of recovery will be framed. In prose, for example, it is much easier to write them, but poetry can surprise.

Examples of well wishes

You can come up with the wish yourself, but no one forbids using ready-made sketches as templates. Here are some good examples of how they should be composed:

  • The name of the patient, followed by the text: "Get well soon, otherwise we will have to come to your room and take you out of there by force. After all, our company will soon fall apart without such a smart and resourceful programmer."
  • "Dear mother, I really want you to quickly overcome this illness. I remember how you sat on my bed when I was sick myself, and how many nights you missed sleep because of me. Now it's my turn to take care of you, so gain strength and don't worry about anything."
  • My love, nothing saddens me more than your illness. If it were my will, I would take all your suffering for myself and with humility would endure it to the end. In the meantime, all that remains for me is to wish you a speedy recovery with all my heart, because you are my heart, and I love you.

Illness is not only unpleasant, but also very unexpected. And if sometimes the disease progresses slowly, making it possible to somehow fight it, then often it falls on our head like a bolt from the blue. And, interestingly, much more negative is caused not even by our own illness, but by the illness of a person close to us. At these moments, at moments when you can’t do anything, you just want to scream, and even write poetry.

With the first two points, you, perhaps, can handle it on your own, if you still haven’t done it. But with poetry you need outside help. And, you know what, the Vlio website is ready to provide you with such assistance. And not help with some kind of advice, but the most direct, direct and most useful help. What exactly are we talking about? Of course, about poetry.

The excellent and get well soon poems that you can find here are perfect for expressing your feelings to a loved one. Just 10 minutes of time that you spend searching now will result in a sea of ​​positive in the future. This is exactly the case when the game is really worth the candle. Consider this and make the right choice. However, we think that you have already done it!

The day is a little gloomy today
It won't be long, you know
Just don't be sad, for God's sake
And get better soon!

Let the sickness go away
Restore strength soon
Someone is looking forward to seeing you...
Get well soon... No more pain!

I'll get the moon from the sky for you
The sun will light up brightly,
I'll get up early in the morning for you
I can do everything, I can do everything!

Eat fresh bread and a spoonful of honey
All this will give a lot of strength,
All troubles and hardships will recede,
I asked God for health!

I'll say it again, I'm choosing the words,
Gently very, sincerely, loving,
Come on! Get well soon, dear!
All flowers today for you!

Congratulations on mobile

Get well soon,
After all, a healthy person
Even walks more fun
Alternating step and run

Be healthy, rich and cheerful
I wish from the bottom of my heart
What did the snotty nose hang?
Get well soon!

Let health in the early morning
The dawn will bring you.
May every minute
Heal you quickly.

Get well anyway
And don't you dare get sick again!
Let love help you
To overcome all diseases.

Do not be sick, dear, let the world be yours
Happiness shines again!
My door is always open
Know that I am with you!

Get well soon,
Be the same as always.
And so that from your illness
There was no trace left.

To burn with a blush
Your cheeks, and the disease,
Somewhere far away
Not to return in the future!

Get well soon!
The day will be warmer
There will be joy, there will be laughter
And the mood is the best!

We won't hurt you
Let's say amicably ill: - "No!"
Don't let her into your house
It's brighter without her!

I beg you, do not be sick!
You get well soon.
Let all diseases go away
You are not invited along.

You get out of bed running
Let the disease go around your house.
Let health not fail
Sadness won't knock on the door.

That sores are all from nerves,
Everyone has known for a long time
Only mental reserves
Not enough anyway.

So you should seriously
Raise your optimism
Have fun virtuoso
Connect adventurism.

Be more in nature
Relax and sunbathe
Do not sit in your swamp -
Move more, breathe more.

All diseases will be dissolved
Sadness will subside from your eyes -
This is the best tool of all!
Get well soon!

Don't be discouraged, the trouble will go away
Your illness will pass quickly.
Sickness, how fleeting time is,
And it doesn't last forever.

You follow the diet
And do your best
To be healthy soon.
Well, get well soon!

Don't worry, please don't!
It's hard for me, very hard.
I wish you health
Let the sickness go away.

May my love warm you
And heal your sickness.
Our feelings will overcome everything
Any ailment will immediately fly away!