Wet chemistry with bangs. Which wet hair treatment should you choose? Long-term styling - what is it

If you dream of cute little curls, but do not want to spend a lot of time winding and styling every day, the so-called wet chemistry is what you need. The procedure is not too expensive, even in salons, some one and a half to two hours - and charming curls will be at your disposal quite for a long time. Need to say, perm requires some caution. For example, you need to think three times before doing chemistry on colored and even more bleached hair. And of course, consult with the master. As a rule, they give reasonable advice that helps not to be left without hair.

Even if you want to do wet chemistry at home, it’s better not to “take on the head” on your own, but still invite the master to the house. Because it's quite easy to ruin your hair this way.

But if you are determined to cope with the task without helpers, you will need equipment, chemicals and detailed instructions.

Safety first
Two weeks before a perm and two weeks after, you do not need to dye your hair. They may not survive the "double whammy". When choosing a curling product, be sure to make sure that it is of high quality and matches your hair type. To exclude allergies, do a test of the product - apply a little on the wrist. If the skin turns red, it is better to choose another remedy. A few days before curling, make strengthening hair masks. And look in the mirror: when the chemo is done, the length of the hair will be half as long. Make sure it looks good.
All that is needed

To make wet chemistry at home, you need to prepare. You will need quite a few:

  • Tapered bobbins, not bad if you know how to use them.
  • Curling tool.
  • Curling fixer.
  • Gloves.
  • Foam sponge.
  • Cape, so as not to spoil the clothes.
  • Comb.
  • Towels.
  • Polyethylene film.
  • Bowl for curling agent (it should not be metal, this is important!).
Now that you are well equipped, you can start.

Wash your hair thoroughly, maybe even twice. The cleaner the hair is, the better the chemistry will “take”. Lightly dry and divide into equal strands. It's not so easy, but try to ensure that the curls "under the curl" are really the same, otherwise it will turn out uneven.

We twist each curl with a “flagellum” and begin to wind it on bobbins. The technology is radically different from winding on curlers: you need to wind it from top to bottom, from the roots, and not vice versa.

Ready? You can proceed to the next step.

Curling at home
To save yourself from unpleasant surprises, carefully read the instructions for the curling agent and prepare the mixture strictly in accordance with it (in the same non-metallic bowl).

The next step is to quickly apply the mixture to the hair with a sponge. Then wrap them with foil and “insulate” with a towel. Now it remains only to wait. The waiting time depends on the product and the type of hair - in no case do not violate the instructions.

We complete the procedure
When the minutes indicated in the instructions expire, the product must be carefully washed off, so that the hair does not unwind: it is too early to remove the bobbins.

Then apply a fixative - it must first be foamed. Wait 5-10 minutes and remove the bobbins. Wait another five minutes and you can wash off the composition. After washing, rinse your hair with a mild solution of vinegar or citric acid and then apply a conditioner balm. Ready!

In order not to expose your hair to additional influences (they already got it), try not to wash them or use a hair dryer for the next three days.

The idea of ​​doing wet chemistry on medium hair can be a great option for a modern busy woman: the hairstyle will turn out to be voluminous, the hair will become fluffy and look great for a long time. And what is important, styling your hair in the morning will become much easier: a lot of time will be freed up for more useful activities. In the article, we will consider the features of wet chemistry for medium hair, find out who will go for this hair treatment option, how to care for the resulting hairstyle, how much this procedure costs today. But how is chemistry done for short large curls, you can see


Wet chemistry is a special kind of long-term styling, which is performed using special fixing compounds. After treatment, the hair takes on the appearance as if a woman had just jumped out of the rain or stepped out of the shower.

The hair receives not only additional volume, but also a beautiful shine, tenderness and silkiness. In general, the hair after the procedure looks much healthier and well-groomed. And most importantly, completely natural.

Special reagents used for wet chemistry have a direct effect on the hair molecules. The solution has a destructive effect on the hair protein, opening the keratin scales. It is this effect that provides the ability to permanently fix the strands in a certain curled position. The composition of the solution includes, among other things, hydrogen peroxide, so the concentration of the latter component should be weak. Otherwise, wet chemicals can dry out your hair. Here's how to take care of dry porous hair and what means should be used. will help to understand this

On the video - how wet chemistry is done on medium hair:

After the chemical solution is washed off, the keratin scales take their previous position, but the strands are already fixed in a new way.

Pros of the procedure

Let's find out what advantages wet chemistry has on medium hair.

First, the strands acquire a long-term lasting effect volume and splendor without acquiring such an unpleasant side effect like fluffiness.

By doing wet chemistry, a woman saves a lot of time on more important things. You don’t have to waste precious minutes in the morning on styling: even after a simple combing, the hairstyle looks flawless.

Since wet chemicals have a drying effect on the scalp and hair, this is a chance to get rid of excess fat hair.

Strands treated with a chemical composition look quite natural, natural. The procedure can be done not only on medium hair, but also on any other length. Modern chemical compositions have a gentle effect, and quite gently affect the hair.

But what are the most effective means for restoring hair after a perm, this will help to understand


The procedure also has its drawbacks - we will consider them further.

Although, on average, the effect of the procedure lasts for six months, there are times when wet chemicals disappear from the hair after a few weeks or a couple of months. This fact is associated with individual characteristics organism, insufficiently aggressive chemical composition, non-compliance with processing technology.

Probably mechanical injury to the strands during the procedure.

If a woman's hair has a coarse, thick structure, hard and naughty, wet chemistry in this case contraindicated because it will only last for a short time. There are hairs that are completely immune to the composition.

After a recent hair dye, wet chemistry should not be done: you must wait at least two weeks before doing a perm. Otherwise, the damage to the hair will be much greater than all the theoretically possible beauty and attractiveness of the hairstyle.

Before the procedure, it is necessary to cut the ends, so you need to be prepared for this. If you are categorically against shortening your hair (even a slight one), the effect of wet chemistry will be far from being so beautiful and impressive.

The qualification of the master is very important for the success of this procedure. You should not go for wet chemicals to the first hairdresser you come across. It is important to make inquiries and go to the salon where there is an experienced and recommended by many master. When carrying out this procedure, careful adherence to technology, accuracy and absolute knowledge of the process is very important - otherwise your hair may suffer.

Wet chemistry is undesirable overweight women, as well as owners of too oily hair. In the first case, the hairstyle simply will not suit the appearance and figure, and in the latter it will emphasize the negligence of the hair.

But how dry curly hair is cared for and what products should be used first of all, this article will help you understand.


Today, beauty salons can offer the following wet chemistry options:

  • vertical;
  • Japanese.

vertical chemistry

This option is suitable for medium and long hair, but is not intended for short hair. The procedure forms long beautiful elastic curls hanging down, giving a chic volume to the hairstyle. The procedure is performed using cone-shaped curlers, on which spiral-shaped strands are wound. It happens and

Looks great on dark hair


This option is also suitable for medium hair, including those with a problematic brittle structure. The procedure is carried out using a special plastic cap with holes. AND chemical composition It affects only those strands that are stretched through the holes of the cap. Thus, the effect is as gentle as possible, and the scalp does not suffer at all.

This hairstyle is suitable for young girls

In this case, a special protein-lipid complex is added to the solution, which increases the elasticity and elasticity of the strands, gives the curls a beautiful shine.

Note that the vertical version, although more aggressive, lasts longer, and the volume of the hair is more magnificent. Japanese wet chemistry has a gentle effect, but lasts less.

But what kind of chemistry for bleached hair is the most popular and how to choose and make it, this will help to understand

What compounds are used

To make wet chemistry, you can use a variety of formulations with chemical reagents. Next, we consider the features of such compositions.


Wet chemistry in an acid solution will have the most long-term effect of all possible. It is for this reason that she is most in demand in hairdressing salons. However, such a composition cannot be called sparing, therefore acidic reagents are not suitable for owners of rare, weak and thin strands. You may also be interested in information about what it looks like

A beautiful acid hairstyle is very easy to do at home


They have a more gentle effect. After chemistry using an alkaline solution, the curls will last for about 4.5 months. The reagent is suitable for hair of any type and structure. You may also be interested in information about

Very pretty haircut that can be done every day


Very gentle, but rather short-lived effect. The result will remain only for three months.

Hairstyle in this format can be done almost every day.


These solutions are considered safe, give the hair a healthy and shiny look. The composition contains natural ingredients, and ammonia is absent. But due to the fact that there is no peroxide, the result lasts only 8 weeks.

One of the most simple ways do your hair

How do they do

Let's go through all the steps of the wet chemistry procedure step by step.

On the day of curling, wash your hair laundry soap, which has a cleansing, antibacterial effect and does not contain silicone components harmful to the procedure. After washing, the hair must be dried.

An allergy test is required, which will show if the woman has sensitivity to the components of the chemical solution. After negative result test proceed to the main part of the work.

The hair is divided from the back of the head into approximately equal square sections, fixing each section separately. The strands are wound on special devices-papilots, fixed with clamps. The skin along the border of the hairline is lubricated fat cream so that the chemical solution does not damage the epidermis.

Sponge prepared reagent is applied to the head: the master must moisten all the hair evenly. After that, a special plastic cap is put on the head, which will help the solution act faster and more efficiently.

But how do chemistry for large curls middle length. very detailed in this

On the video - how wet chemistry is done:

After the set time, the cap is removed, the composition is washed off. A fixing reagent is applied for 10 minutes. After exposure to the fixative, the curlers are removed, but the hair is not touched for another 5 minutes. Then the head is washed with shampoo, rinsed with a special regenerating balm.

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The cost of this procedure largely depends on the amount of hair that will have to be processed. Accordingly, the longer the hair, the more expensive the price. As for the average length of hair, the approximate cost of wet chemistry today will be about 1800 rubles.

Note that even if you decide to save money and do the procedure yourself at home, you still have to fork out for quite expensive consumables. Especially high cost has a texturer, without which the procedure cannot be carried out. However, you can do without this expensive component if you replace it with technology using a hair dryer and mousse (foam)

Hair care after the procedure

In order for the hair to remain smooth and shiny after wet chemistry, a few simple recommendations must be followed.

It is important to choose for washing your hair quality shampoo: preferably with medicinal and natural ingredients. In addition, balm and mask are also important - these cosmetical tools should have a nourishing and regenerating effect, suit your hair, contain effective and useful components.

Since wet chemicals make the scalp and hair drier, dry your hair after washing your hair. naturally. It is undesirable to do this with a hair dryer, as this method will make the strands even drier.

Do not comb wet curls immediately after washing: this can easily damage the hair structure. Wait until the hair is dry, and then comb it.

Don't go to bed with your hair still wet. Thus, during sleep, ugly creases will form on the curls, and the hair itself will become tangled. The view in the morning will not be the most attractive.

So, we got acquainted with the advantages and disadvantages of wet chemistry on medium hair. As you can see, the procedure can be a real solution if the hair is thin, does not have natural volume, and if there is not enough time for permanent styling. Wet chemistry solves several problems at once, giving volume to the hair long term, provides excellent appearance a woman at any time of the day, frees her from wasting time on styling.

For those with straight hair who are wondering how to achieve maximum curly effect, the solution to the problem will certainly be popular perms for medium hair (photo), fashionable and beautiful looking in different versions and options. It's no secret that every girl with straight strands at least once in her life had to dream of strong, graceful curls that could delight others with their playfulness. Perms for strands of medium length are of particular relevance. They are able to give the hairstyle the desired volume, forming a new interesting, relaxed image of the owner.

A little about the procedure

Perm is used not only for long, but also for medium length hair (photo). Perm is the process of giving a curly effect to hair with the help of special potent chemicals that change their structure.

For the design of curls are used different types chemicals, according to which chemistry can be alkaline, amino acid (biowave), acidic and neutral. Alkaline perm has the strongest, but also traumatic effect. The least resistant is acid chemistry. Biowave is a relatively recent invention that can restore the hair structure.

Whatever composition is chosen for the procedure, there are such ways of applying it:

  • after winding on curlers;
  • before winding on curlers, followed by applying a highly concentrated product to the strands at the roots.

In a similar way, a perm of medium-length hair is performed to obtain medium curls (photo).

Light chemistry for medium hair: the basics of skill

Light perm (carving) is a type of chemistry that is most often used on medium hair (photo). light chemistry provides volume, waviness of strands of medium length. Also, carving contributes to the implementation of simple and unobtrusive styling without special costs time and effort. Carving is possible both in the salon and at home.

A light perm is a procedure that is often called a cross between classic chemistry and regular styling.

Unlike chemistry, it belongs to the category of sparing procedures. Produced using a special composition, which is much easier and safer for the hair. And compared to styling, its effect is too long. It lasts up to three to four months.

Varieties light chemistry for medium hair - a lot. The choice depends on the thickness, structure, volume and other natural characteristics of the strands. So, the most common are:

  • lush light chemistry;
  • carving with large curls;
  • light chemistry with the effect of waves;
  • careless carving.

Light curling is performed by performing successive steps after the preliminary preparation of the hair for the procedure. To do this, they must be washed with a special shampoo without a moisturizing effect. Then they should be wound on curlers symmetrically, avoiding creases.

A special tool for carving is applied quite abundantly. It is recommended to water the curlers completely with them, and remove excess liquid using a sponge. The mixture is aged exactly as long as indicated in the instructions or on the package. Any deviations can spoil the effect of light chemistry, as well as harm the hair itself.

After the required time has elapsed, the carving agent is washed off with cold running water. Curlers are not removed - before that, you should get your hair wet and apply a fixative on it. AND final stage creating an easy perm on medium hair is the removal of curlers and rinsing the resulting curls.

Advice! You can not use a hair dryer to dry after the carving procedure, so as not to spoil the newly formed "fresh" curls. To care for medium hair with a light perm, it is recommended to use a nourishing, moisturizing shampoo.

Vertical chemistry: what is the secret of "bouncy" curls?

Attractive interesting way Chemistry on medium hair is still considered a vertical perm (photo). Varieties of such chemistry are combined into two groups:

  • perm with classic large vertical curls;
  • spiral vertical curl.

For its implementation, special bobbins are used. They have a conical shape (for the first type of vertical chemistry) or the form of spirals (for the second type of this perm).

Specificity vertical waving in that the winding is done exactly the opposite, in comparison with the classical perm, i.e. from the root to the tip of the strand. In this case, the strands should be evenly distributed along the entire length of the bobbins.

For correct execution vertical chemistry and achieving it maximum effect it is also necessary to act in accordance with clearly built step-by-step instructions.

We propose to consider as an example the technology for performing vertical curling on medium hair using cone-shaped bobbins.

Hair is pre-prepared for curling: thoroughly washed, degreased. After that, with the help of a comb, they are divided into separate strands in squares. The diameter of the squares should correspond to the diameter of the base of the bobbins. So that the division of the strands is not disturbed, they should be fixed with clamps.

Then it's time to apply a special perm. This should be done in the direction from the tips of the strands to the roots. Then the strands are alternately threaded into the holes on the bobbins and wound. This procedure is performed first on the back of the head, then on the sides.

Each strand on the bobbin must be secured with gauze tape wound in the same direction. It must first be moistened in a chemical preparation. Next, a clip ring is put on the bobbin. And the strand is again wetted with a perm.

After all the strands are wound, they are processed with steam. Then the mixture is washed off, they are covered with a fixative. The effect of vertical chemistry - "bouncy" curls, curls.

The Art of Wet Curls

One of the popular varieties of vertical perm is considered to be "wet" chemistry. This type of curl creation does not lose its relevance. After all, what looks beautiful is certainly fashionable. And wet chemistry for medium strands has undeniable "pluses" that have not gone unnoticed by the owners of such a hairstyle.

"Wet" chemistry provides an excellent volume of medium hair from the very roots. Small curls look very attractive. The appearance of even thin, naturally non-volume hair changes qualitatively.

Having decided to try the effect of “wet strands” on yourself, you should first prepare your hair for the perm procedure. To do this, it is necessary to thoroughly degrease them during the washing process. Only in this way can small curls get high level elasticity and strength.

After a heavy application of strong chemical drug for curling, strands are wound on bobbins in a vertical way - from the roots to the tips. In this case, the bobbins must be distributed evenly over the entire head. If you ignore this requirement, "wet" chemistry will turn out to be asymmetric.

The "chip" of this type of curl:

  • the smaller the diameter of the bobbins, the more elastic the curl is;
  • bobbins are arranged in as large a number as possible in very dense rows.

At the final stage, "wet" chemistry is covered with a special spray, which gives it a glossy sheen. The effect of "wet" strands is ready.

Advice! Special attention should be given to the improvement of hair after this procedure. Due to the use of chemicals that are more saturated than for classic options curls, hair requires treatment and recovery: with the help of medicated shampoos, natural balms, masks.

Perms for medium hair: basal volume

Root chemistry is considered fast method receiving voluminous hair. It is used for strands different lengths, including the average. Most often, basal chemistry serves as a way to correct already regrown curls. by chemical means curls. But today this type of perm is becoming more widespread as independent way giving the hair the desired volume, elasticity, splendor.

Specificity basal chemistry- winding the strands not along the entire length, but only at the roots.

The very procedure for performing root perm is quite complex and time-consuming.

To perform it, you should divide the hair into approximately straight strands, and then wind them on the bobbins in the basal region for a few centimeters. The tail is left behind the bobbin. After all the strands are wound at the roots, a chemical mixture should be applied to them. The drug is not applied to the remaining untwisted ponytails.

To perform it, you should divide the hair into approximately even strands, and then wind them on bobbins in the root region for several centimeters.

After the perm agent has been aged for the required amount of time, it is washed off, the curlers are removed, the curls are strengthened and fixed. After complete drying, an interesting volume effect is obtained from the very roots. It lasts quite a long time - up to four to six months. Looks absolutely natural. This saves time on daily blow-drying.

Advice!The owners of dry and damaged hair, regardless of their length, should refuse root perms in order to avoid excessive drying. Such chemistry at the roots dries the strands very much.

Thus, medium length hair is a wide field for experimentation and creativity in the process of creating curls by perm.

This is a universal hair length. Any chemistry looks harmonious on it. Large and medium curls, light perm-carving, small "wet curls", vertical spirals, root volume effect - this is an incomplete list of what is ideally combined with medium strands. The choice of the type of perm is a personal matter for each girl. When deciding on the type of curls, it is necessary to proceed from the natural characteristics of your hair.

The desire to change their appearance in women appears quite often. At the same time, the most the easy way is to change the hairstyle. There are such methods of working with hair that do not radically change the appearance, but at the same time make the appearance unrecognizable. One of these methods is to create the effect of wet chemistry on the hair. Thanks to him, smooth curls form on the hair, and the hair looks more shiny, beautiful and healthy.
Real wet chemistry is made in hairdressers and salons using various means for a perm, using small-format curlers for this. Such a perm retains its durability for three months. However, not every woman decides to make such a long-term styling. Therefore, at home, you can experiment and try to create a similar effect yourself.

To do this, you will need a comb with a tip and a hair styling product. Desired result especially pronounced on medium length hair with moderate density. Before styling, wash your hair, but do not dry it. Apply hair gel to still wet strands. You can also use a special mousse that creates the effect of wet hair. Then comb your hair with a comb that has large and rather rare teeth. As a result of this, curls separate from each other will be formed, which can be laid in any way you like. By this method it is possible to install curly hair. Short haircut allows you to style your hair in a minimum amount of time. Clean and still damp hair is treated with a styling agent.
The same tool should be applied to the hands. Then a medium-sized curl is separated on the hair and twisted along the entire length. All hair is curled in the same way. After that, the curls are compressed several times into a fist, and then released. The hair at the temples and bangs can also be twisted, or vice versa, you can smooth it out, which looks very stylish.

It is most difficult to do such styling on your own on long and straight hair. Such hair can be styled in several ways. Mousse or styling gel is applied to washed hair. In this case, the hair is divided into separate strands. After that, each strand is folded into a small bundle and fixed with an elastic band. You can form flagella from the strands and fix them too.
Then the hair should get used to this position within an hour. After that, all the fixing elements are removed, and the hair itself needs to be loosened and shaken with your hands. They also need to be dried with a hair dryer. Another way to style long hair is as follows. Wet hair slightly dried with a towel, and then liquid is applied to them styling agent. After that, you need to tilt your head down and start squeezing and unclenching individual strands of hair with your hand. This must be continued until the hair has acquired the desired volume. The easiest way to achieve the effect of wet chemistry is that wet hair is treated with gel and then dried with a hair dryer with a diffuser nozzle.

As the well-known joke says, for women with wishes about hairstyles, everything is simple: straight hair should be curled, curly hair should be straightened, long ones should be cut, and short ones should be extended. It is the eternal desire for new horizons of beauty that allows girls to look unique. And chemistry for hair, as perm is called in the common people, is one of the ways of transformation.

What is hair chemistry?

Depending on the composition that the masters use for curling curls, chemistry is divided into several types that affect the hair in different ways and give different effect. So, what is the chemistry for hair?

Acid perm. It was she who was made by fashionistas of the 1970-1990s of the last century. Today the industry has risen to new level, and now such a perm no longer burns hair, but acts much more gently, but the same reagent is used - glyceryl monothioglycolate (pH 6.9 - 7.2). Modern acid chemistry allows you to create curls of any shape that do not fall apart and hold the wrap well. The reagent penetrates deep into the hair and fixes the shape there, partially destroying the core of the hair, but leaving it smooth and shiny on the outside. Such a perm should not be done by owners of weak fine hair, but girls with a rigid structure can safely experiment!

Alkaline curl. This type of long-term styling is carried out in different options: pure for bouncy curls, diluted for modeling light wave and with the addition of plant extracts to compensate for the harm from chemical exposure. In all cases, the active ingredient is ammonium thioglycolate (pH 8 to 9.5). Alkaline chemistry is less aggressive and does not damage the hair as much, because it does not require temperature exposure to fix the effect. However, you should make sure that your hairstylist has dealt with this type of styling before, because improperly following the instructions is fraught with scalp burns and damaged hair. The price of this perm is an order of magnitude lower than other options, but it is not suitable for everyone: it keeps well on thin hair, but will not cope with coarse hair.

Neutral curl. This method is for those who want a long-term effect, but do not dare to do a full-fledged chemistry that lasts until you cut it off. A composition with a neutral pH will help curl curls into curls or a wave for several months without damaging, and even restoring the hair structure due to the keratin contained in it. Gradually, the effect will decrease until after about 4-6 months the hair is completely straightened. That's how it's done and basal perm for volume, which does not twist the curls, but only lifts the hair at the roots from the head, creating amazing volume. It is important to understand that after a neutral perm, you should use only by special means for hair with a neutral pH, otherwise the effect will not be enough for several weeks.

Bio perm. This prefix not only suggests the usefulness of the procedure, but literally determines the composition. There are no usual alkalis and acids, ammonia or hydrogen peroxide are not found. The active substance is cysteine ​​\u200b\u200bprotein related to natural hair proteins, which, thickening, fixes curls in desired form for 6-9 months. Hair after such a procedure is alive and shiny. The main disadvantage is that manufacturers have not found a way to get rid of bad smell, which eats into the hair and does not leave the owner of a new hairstyle for a couple of days. Almost all manufacturers recommend not washing or combing your hair for three days after biowave, because after washing off the composition, it still continues to be gentle on the hair and reaches the final result only on the third day.

Amino acid curl. The manufacturers claim that regular use composition will not only not damage, but restore thin, dull and brittle hair due to the amino acids and proteins contained in the composition. Such chemistry will not be taken on heavy and coarse hair, because it is designed exclusively for weakened hair. thin curls, and here it is used only for medium or short hair. Large long curls unwind within a few days under their own weight, and short and light will keep their shape for up to two months.

Carving- a new word in a perm. This is modern long-term styling, which does not damage the hair and lasts up to two months. At the same time, the composition is designed so that the hair under its influence acquires strength and extra shine. The main disadvantage of such chemistry is the amount that will have to be left in the cabin. On the other hand, you have to pay well for everything good, so the price is natural.

In addition to the differences in curling according to the principle of the main active substance, there are other signs.

Large chemistry on medium hair photo

A large perm is the dream of many girls. It is these curls that look as natural as possible, as if the hair is curly from nature. It is usually used for large curlers or three large bobbins at once, because the standard ones give too small curls.

At the same time, the hair “bounces”, creating a large volume and significantly decreasing in length (see photo).

Light chemicals for medium hair

A light curl looks even more natural and natural, which does not create curls, but only imitates light natural wave. On long hair they don’t do it, because such an unobtrusive hairstyle will simply fall apart under the weight of the hair, but on curls of medium length, the vertical wave looks elegant.

Wet chemistry for medium hair: before and after photos

Wet perm requires styling with effect products wet hair. Having become fashionable at the end of the last century, such women's hairstyles are still popular today. Curls after such chemistry are still wet treated with mousse or gel, applying the composition to the tips and distributing to the middle of the length. The roots dry out, creating volume, and the ends of the hair look like they were caught in a summer rain.

Perm spiral

In contrast to all the aspirations for naturalness that pursue previous types of curls, the spiral one focuses on artificiality. Elastic like puppet curls in nature can only be found among individual African peoples. The flawless geometric spiral is very popular, as the reviews say.

If you do not trust the salon masters, you can take the risk of doing a perm at home using the instructions on the video.