Hair chemistry medium curls. What carving looks like on large, medium and small curlers - photo. About carving technique

Playful curls secretly want to have almost all straight-haired ladies. This desire is quite achievable with the help of perm hair. There are several variations of this procedure.

You should figure out which option to choose for yourself and how to make chemistry yourself at home.

Owners of short hair do not need to give up at all; on such strands, she looks no less stylish. So, it was decided to make a perm, it remains to decide on the type of perm.

Type Result
Root perm Designed for maximum volume. The flaws of this type of curling include damage to the health of the hair. When the hair grows back, it does not look so impressive.
End curl For short hair, this procedure is recommended if the girl has an oval face type. Very effective for weakened hair, they take on a flowering appearance.
biological waving Contains gentle ingredients. Therefore, this type is very popular among girls.
Acid perm Great for short hair. She is quite persistent and is able to please the eyes of others for six months.

It is better for owners of naturally thin hair to refuse chemistry, as problems associated with brittle strands may arise. Before perming the hair, it is necessary to insure and carry out restorative procedures (cutting dry ends or a hot haircut).


Carving is a new gentle procedure for curling curls, often called light chemistry. It harms the health of the hair to a lesser extent. It is used to achieve the maximum effect on giving volume from the hair root. It is used as a long-term styling, as such it is for 2 months.

Large curls look equally attractive on strands of different lengths, and short haircuts are no exception. Such a hairstyle suits all, without exception, a charming lady, which every woman considers herself to be. Fancy curls are able to revive the image, giving it femininity. Unfortunately, not all women are given to have wavy hair by nature. This is easily corrected by perm.

Among the owners of short haircuts, large chemistry is especially popular, as it looks more natural. In the procedure of large chemistry, there is an important nuance - the selected diameter of the curler. Larger curlers should be used, small ones will give a “lamb” result. It is recommended to use plastic curlers. The result is fashionable curls.

The procedure for conducting a spiral perm is distinguished by the technique of winding and curlers. Knitting needles, spiral curlers, papilettes and boomerangs are used here, the result directly depends on this. This variant of chemistry provides for obtaining curls of different elasticity and sizes. At the moment, African curls are especially popular. Spiral chemistry is a rather laborious procedure and requires a lot of time. To get a visible volume, it is necessary to form a large number of spiral curls. The strand wound on curlers should be as thin as possible. Many ladies with short hair are hesitant to do spiral chemo. There is a misconception that spiral curls are not for short hair. Short spirals on such strands look no less impressive than on long ones.

Spiral chemistry for short strands requires special home care. Hair needs to be treated with oil. Drying with a hair dryer

use a diffuser attachment and set a wide stream of hot air. Otherwise, the curls will fluff.

How to make chemistry for short hair at home yourself

Despite the complexity of the procedure, strictly following the recommendations, perm can be done independently and at home.

Tool and all necessary components

  • Special fixing composition. You can cook it yourself or buy it ready-made in a professional store.
  • A sachet of citric acid or vinegar;
  • Shampoo or shower gel;
  • A remedy that restores the hair structure, Londovital is often used for this purpose;
  • Castor oil;
  • Plastic curlers, their diameter depends on the size of the desired curls;
  • Comb in one row with a long handle;
  • Sponge;
  • Gloves;
  • Containers for the mixture, it is advisable to use plastic or ceramic products.

Carrying out the procedure

  1. Before curling, you need to put your hair in order, you can make a haircut, taking into account the visual reduction in length.
  2. Conduct a response analysis. To do this, just apply a little chemical composition to the skin.
  3. Wet strands are easier to wind, their width should be 2 cm narrower than the width of the curler.
  4. As with hair coloring, the entire density is divided into zones. Each strand is lubricated with a chemical composition using a sponge. Winding should begin with the occipital, then the parietal and then process the temporal zones. After winding each of the zones, it is necessary to additionally process the mixture.
  5. After winding is completed, the skin along the hairline should be lubricated with a greasy cream or cosmetic petroleum jelly. Put a shower cap on your head and wrap it with a heated towel.
  6. The holding time of the chemical mixture is about 20 minutes. It is important to check the quality of the chemistry, 15 minutes after winding, you can dissolve one strand.
  7. Unwind all the strands and rinse them with vinegar or a solution of water and citric acid, dry and apply Londovital.
  8. The perm is over, you can start styling your hair.

Thanks to such a painstaking, but quite doable procedure, every woman can afford gorgeous curls. This hairstyle is in perfect harmony with any face shape and looks beautiful on haircuts of different lengths.

What emotions does the combination “perm” evoke in you? Certainly not the most positive. There is nothing surprising in this, since this procedure damages the hair, which our mothers and grandmothers were well aware of, who repeatedly applied to her. But all this was a long time ago, since then chemical science and cosmetology have gone far ahead. About ten years ago, scientists developed special preparations for a more delicate and safe perm, so now a gentle perm has become a reality.

Amino acid perm - almost safe beauty

Today, we have the opportunity to curl our hair not with such sacrifices that representatives of previous generations agreed to. Gentle perm - this is a reality, which, however, should not be overestimated. But you can’t underestimate it either, because it can change the image for the better and make life much easier.

Amino acid curl or, as it is also called, biowave is based on innovative gentle technology. The product for this type of waving contains the active substance cysteamine, which acts as an amino acid in the human hair. Cysteamine promotes the formation of disulfide bonds within the hair structure. In addition, the composition of the preparation for a gentle perm includes special proteins that have a restorative effect.

With biowave, hair can be wound on curlers of different sizes, depending on the desired steepness and diameter of the curl. Thanks to this, curls look more natural and attractive.

Benefits of amino acid curling

Disadvantages of biowave

  • The technology of amino acid curling is more complex than conventional chemistry. In this case, it is very important to choose the right accessories for winding the strands, correctly select the composition of the active agent and determine the exposure period.
  • With biowave, curls are more demanding for subsequent care and styling. Styling products should be selected more carefully and scrupulously, avoiding the use of heavy gel textures.
  • The amino acid perm procedure is accompanied by a very specific smell, which can be felt on the hair for up to a couple of weeks.
  • If the hair has been dyed with henna or basma, it is impossible to predict the duration of the effect of biowave.
  • Amino acid waving products are more expensive than conventional ones.

Soft curls enveloping the face in waves are the dream of many girls. Therefore, they tirelessly use a variety of devices - curling irons, curlers, hairpins - in order to achieve a similar effect. However, often the result that can be achieved by such means does not linger for a long time. What to do? Perform a perm, which will adversely affect the hair and after it will require mesotherapy for the hair? In fact, you can get by with a more gentle method called hair carving. And although this procedure is performed in the salon by a professional and costs a lot of money, the result will pleasantly surprise you. Moreover, this procedure is gentle on the hair, without having a destructive effect on it.

If you do hair carving, then for a long time you will forget about what styling with curling irons and curlers is. Light and elastic curls will last for a long time, creating the effect of a perm. Sometimes hair carving is called “light chemistry”, although in fact these two procedures are different.

So, a perm is a deep effect on the hair structure with special chemicals. After such a procedure, the curls will last for a long time, but over time, the hairstyle will lose its splendor. Hair will begin to fall out and you will have to resort to special remedies for hair loss, you may need mesotherapy for hair.

The effect of carving on the hairstyle is different. Yes, during its implementation, a special composition is also used, which allows for a long time (2-3 months) to create elastic curls. But at the same time, the substances will not penetrate into the hair, but will settle on its surface. Also, this composition does not include glycolic acid, which allows you to repeat this procedure after 3-4 months. This also distinguishes carving from "chemistry", which is recommended to be done no more than 1 time per year.

Carving should be carried out by an experienced hairdresser using branded products specially designed for this.

In time, this procedure can take about two hours. The scheme of conduct is quite simple. First, a special composition is applied to you, then the strands are twisted on the curlers of your chosen size and left for the required time to fix. After the recommended soak time, the hair will be washed and styled.

Having decided to perform carving, you should find yourself a good hairdresser. Otherwise, you may find yourself in an unpleasant situation when, after the procedure, it turns out that your strands are damaged due to overexposure of the drug or the use of substances that are created for chemistry. In this case, you will either have to do hair biolamination or restore their health for a long time. You may not like this result.

If you find a real professional who understands the intricacies of this procedure, then you can get soft and obedient curls for several months. If you get bored, then there is no need for Brazilian hair straightening, as is the case with natural curls. You just need to wait until the curls bloom naturally.

Benefits of the procedure

The first thing you should pay attention to is the gentle composition of the drug for fixing curls. Its impact will not damage the strands so much, so you do not have to treat them or cut off what is left after the lush “chemistry”. The curls that have blossomed themselves will leave you with a healthy and well-groomed hairstyle. If you want to add some shine to them, then you can perform hair biolamination. Today it is available in different versions. A similar procedure will make both light brown hair and dark tones shine. The desire to maintain a beautiful color after dyeing can come true if you carry out a special hair biolamination that can protect your favorite tone from washing out.

Carving will look great on any hair, but most often it is done on a short or medium haircut.

You can choose the diameter of the curlers yourself or entrust it to a specialist. Usually, for short haircuts with dark or light brown hair, curlers with a smaller diameter are selected. But for medium length curlers of larger diameter are better suited. However, you are free to choose what you most want to create an individual image.

With the help of carving, you can add splendor to a thin and rare hairstyle. So the curls look especially good. In the first days after such a perm, they will be elastic, but in the future they will bloom slightly, creating soft waves that frame the face. This will also allow the growing roots to not stand out so much from the general background of the hairstyle.

Thanks to carving, you can get rid of such problems as oily hair and scalp. Special formulations that are applied during the procedure are able to dry and lighten curls. Therefore, this procedure is also perfect for those who have light brown hair and want to lighten it.

Carving will become a real lifesaver for those who do not have time for long styling, but want to look charming. Having done this procedure, you can easily and quickly perform styling and at the same time have an amazing hairstyle on your head. After carving, even very naughty strands become soft and manageable. And for all 8 weeks (on average) you will enjoy your reflection in the mirror, where a beauty with a luxurious hairstyle from Hollywood films will look at you.

Disadvantages of the procedure

In addition to all the charms and advantages of carving, we cannot but note its disadvantages. The first one is the cost of the procedure. It should be entrusted to an experienced master who uses branded preparations. And this is not cheap.

Despite the gentle formulations, this effect can still be detrimental, especially if there are some problems. If you have brittle, split ends or very dry hair, then it is best to refuse such a procedure. It will only aggravate the situation and you will have to treat them for a long time or even get rid of excessive hair loss with the help of a procedure such as hair mesotherapy. And although its effectiveness has been proven and gives a good result, it is still better to save your hair and not bring it to this. In this case, you should first treat them a little, restore them, and then move on to carving.

Another drawback is the short period of how long such a perm will last. On average, this is about two months, although on bleached and dyed hair it can last much longer - up to 6 months.

By the way, immediately after dyeing, such a procedure should not be carried out, since it will only aggravate the condition of the hair, and then you may need mesotherapy for hair. It is better to wait a while, and then please yourself with beautiful curls.

Carving is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation. Despite the fact that such a procedure is relatively safe, the condition of the female body during these periods can lead to unpredictable results. For example, a perm may simply not be taken.

Carving on thick and long strands, which are also heavy, does not give an effect. If you are the owner of such a hairstyle, then you should refuse this procedure.

Frequently Asked Questions About Carving

After you get tired of the image of a beauty with curly hair, you can resort to the reverse procedure - hair straightening.

Undoubtedly, a girl's beautiful hair always attracts attention. It's beautiful, feminine, sexy. However, different people have different ideas about beauty. Every owner of straight hair at least once wanted to add volume to her hairstyle. At home, this is easy to do using a tool such as curlers or a curling iron, but, you see, the effect will be unstable. Hair perm is used to achieve a longer lasting effect.

Perm hair is a reaction of the chemical interaction of keratin and cystine. For this reason, straight hair becomes softer and, accordingly, easier to curl into beautiful curls. Thanks to modern developments in this area, girls can use this procedure without the slightest harm to their hair, although some time ago this service was classified as harmful.

Although perm is a safe procedure, there are a number of precautions that must be taken into account in order to avoid negative side effects:

  1. Perm is not recommended for owners of thin, dry and brittle hair, as this procedure can adversely affect your hair.
  2. If you are allergic, be sure to warn the master about the need to check the body according to the reaction to the chemicals used in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.
  3. Pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding should not perm because the substances used during the perm procedure can harm your baby.
  4. Before curling hair that was previously dyed with henna or basma, consult a specialist, otherwise the consequences may be completely unexpected.
  5. If you've recently dyed your hair, don't rush to curl your hair. It is worth postponing the procedure for at least a few days.
  6. If you are sick or taking any medications, it is best to discontinue this service for a while.

The main requirement for a perm is that the hair structure should be minimally affected.

As a result of their activities, experienced specialists have created a classification of perms by type:

  1. Acid perm. Will last up to six months. This is the most popular way to perm, but not the safest! Not recommended for girls with thin hair and soft hair! The procedure will make such hair more brittle and sensitive. Curls are tight.
  2. Alkaline curl. Keeps for three months. Compared to acid perm, it is a softer way to create curls. Choose the right care products to keep your curls healthy.
  3. Neutral curl. It is a symbiosis of acid and alkaline methods of curling. However, this method, among other things, is distinguished by the use of a drug such as allantoin, which has softening properties. Neutral perm will give you amazing long-lasting curls! This procedure is suitable for different types of hair.
  4. Biowave. It is a tougher method when compared with previous options, since it has a stronger drying effect. In this case, absolutely used chemicals are replaced with neutral and natural ones, which makes this procedure suitable for thin or previously bleached hair. Also during the procedure, both moisturizing and regenerating components are used. The effect of biowave lasts up to six months, however, the frequent use of this procedure is not recommended in order to avoid brittle ends.
  5. Silk perm. The procedure got its name because preparations based on silk proteins are used during the procedure. It is this component that makes the procedure caring, and also improves the structure of the hair. Even if your curls have previously suffered from lightening, at the end of the procedure they will look healthier. But this type of perm is much more expensive than all the others.
  6. Japanese perm. Compared to silk perm, it is more resistant (2-6 months). This procedure is also more beneficial due to the fact that the moisture content of the hair is regulated through the use of CLP. This procedure is safe not only for the hair, but also for the roots. Curls are obtained as natural as possible.
  7. Electrowave. Recommended for intact hair only! When using this method, the curls are not damaged, but this method is very laborious. Therefore, it is better to entrust this procedure to a professional. The effect is not so noticeable: a strong volume appears, the curls curl slightly.

After studying the various types of perm, you can determine which hair perm will be optimal for you in the long run.

Let's look at the possible options for a perm for hair of different lengths.

Perm for short hair

  1. Add more volume with the rooting method and you won't have to bouffant every morning anymore.
  2. If you are the owner of thin and sparse strands, create an amazing look for yourself by curling the ends of your hair.
  3. Also, owners are suitable for biowave, which does not contain aggressive components.
  4. With caution, the procedure should be taken if your choice fell on an acid perm.

Perm for medium hair

  1. American perm. The most common type of long-term perm in the world. Thanks to the use of curlers in the style of "Olivia Garden", curls of stunning beauty are obtained.
  2. The ideal option for hair would be a perm, which was called "Silk Wave". After the procedure, the hair acquires a beautiful shine. This is the perfect option to get a perm for large curls on medium hair!
  3. For medium length hair prone to oiliness, a French bubble perm is an excellent option. Such a perm will allow you to create curls of flawless little curls.

See what stylish perms for medium hair photos are presented in our selection!

  1. An unusual solution is to create curls using a wellformer. Curls are created by squeezing latex curling bags.
  2. The original solution for the owners will be the curling method, which is called double winding.
  3. If the strands do not please you with density, a vertical perm, which you may know as "wet chemistry", will be an excellent solution.

The size of your curls is determined only by the diameter of the curlers used during the procedure. Therefore, perm hair large curls will not be an unattainable dream for you! All you need is your desire and the right curlers!

Remember that perm hair requires careful care. Consider the main recommendations for care:

  1. The most common method is the use of olive (burdock, sunflower or castor) oil to restore damaged hair.
  2. You should also purchase a "mild" shampoo designed to care for chemically damaged hair.
  3. So that combing does not cause trouble, take care of purchasing a comb with sparse teeth. At the same time, do not comb your wet hair, wait until the hair dries. And if possible, refrain from using a hair dryer!

Perm allows you to radically change! Look at the amazing change in the image that perm hair gives before and after photos. After curling, the hair acquires a fantastic volume, but because of this, the length is hidden. Therefore, if you have planned the creation of a fashionable haircut, then the best solution would be to postpone the trip to the hairdresser for a while after the procedure.

You don't want to pay extra money, but still want to create amazing curls yourself? Know it's real! After all, now fashionistas have access to perm hair at home.

Make sure you have access to all the tools you will need for the curling process:

  1. Curlers of the right size with clips;
  2. Not metal combs with rare teeth;
  3. Old clothes that you don't mind ruining;
  4. Warm cap;
  5. Two sponges for washing dishes;
  6. Measuring beakers;
  7. Two non-metal bowls;
  8. tourniquet;
  9. Several towels;
  10. Large bucket for water.

Be sure to read the instructions on the labels before you start curling your hair!

  1. Gently wash your hair with any shampoo or laundry soap, without affecting the scalp.
  2. Use a towel to get rid of excess moisture.
  3. Comb through using a wide-toothed comb.
  4. Take curlers of the selected diameter and carefully wind all the strands.
  5. Use a barrier cream to protect your face.
  6. Take the right amount of chemical solution and apply it very quickly to your hair.
  7. Put on a warm hat.
  8. Wait a while (according to the instructions).
  9. Rinse your hair gently, thoroughly rinsing it of the chemical composition.
  10. Use fixing agent as directed.
  11. Rinse your hair again.
  12. Style without using a hair dryer.

Be careful when perming, this is a very complex and time-consuming process! If you doubt your abilities, it is better to use the services of professionals.

A very important factor in the process of curling hair is the individual characteristics of the body. But you can always study the hair perm section, reviews and make the final decision on whether you need a hair perm procedure or not.

Was last modified: April 15th, 2016 by MaximB

If you have naturally straight curls, it is quite difficult to curl them with simple methods, and the effect of such a hairstyle will be very short (from 1-2 days).

An excellent solution to this issue is perm, which is performed on long and medium curls.

Types of perms

There are several types of perm. Let's consider each of them in more detail:

We can say with confidence that with the help of an acid perm you will achieve the most effective and long-lasting result. However, the hair after this will be very dry. You just can't do without nourishing masks! This type of perm is more suitable for thick and coarse hair. Soft and thin curls will quickly lose their shape and stretch out at the roots.

  1. alkaline

This is the most common and inexpensive type of perm. Compared to acid, alkaline is more gentle, but the effect will last no more than 3 months. Curls will look natural and gentle! Recommended for thin and light hair! Straight and coarse hair will straighten in just a month.

  1. Neutral

The neutral composition of the perm is suitable for any type of hair, even severely damaged. The result obtained does not depend on the quality of the hair. The neutral perm owes all its advantages to allotin (a special solution included in the composition). Curls become not very elastic, due to which they look as natural as possible. The result is stored for 3-4 months.

Due to the proteins that make up the product, this type of curl is gentle. Suitable exclusively for thin and light hair of short or medium length. The result will last no more than 1 month.

  1. silk

Ideal for medium or slightly below medium length hair. It is distinguished by the presence of silk proteins in the curling mixture, which will help soften the curls and restore the damaged structure. The disadvantages include the short duration of the effect - no more than 2 months.

Japanese perm can be done in one day along with dyeing, highlighting, toning. The perm mixture contains a lipid-protein complex, thanks to which the hair becomes strong and healthy. The effect of the Japanese perm is enough for 3-5 months, after which the hair returns to its original state.

Large perm technology

Perm in a certain way affects the structure of the hair, so the quality of the perm mixture plays a significant role. The fact is that during chemical exposure, the hair scales open, losing elasticity. It is this factor that allows the curl to become large, lush and beautiful. To fix the effect, it is necessary to apply a special solution that helps to close and restore the connection inside the hair.

Features of perm large curls

A large perm, unlike a small one, has a lot of advantages, the main of which is a natural effect! But before deciding on such a transformation, it is very important to know some of the nuances.

Rule #1

Never perm large curls on sparse hair! Curls, of course, turn out to be voluminous, but the bald patch at the parting site against the background of curls will be visible.

Rule #2

Large curls are suitable only for long and medium hair. Having made a perm on short hair, you will get only the effect of splendor.

Rule #3

Before proceeding with the procedure, make sure that you are not allergic to the curling composition chosen by you or the specialist.

Rule #4

Rule #5

You should wait at least 2 weeks from dyeing your hair to waving.

How to prepare your hair for a perm "Large curls"

The final result of the curling significantly depends on the correct assessment of the quality and condition of the hair, as well as individual characteristics. This plays a decisive role in the duration of the curling process and the choice of mixture. After all, dyed thin hair is more susceptible to chemical composition than thick and coarse.

The next important factor is shampooing. Before curling, it is recommended to use shampoos, which include natural oils. In no case should you massage or rub the scalp. The slightest scratch or redness will cause discomfort during the process.

Also pay attention to the length of your hair. The thinner the hair, the shorter it should be. Curling long and thin hair is almost impossible. In this case, you can immediately say that the perm will be ineffective. Thick and long hair will also be difficult to curl. Therefore, if you have decided to change your image by perming large curls, take care in advance of the length at which the best result will be obtained.

Chemical perm at home

At home, large curls can be permed using the old and traditional Curl chemical composition.

To do this, prepare:

  • bowl;
  • Brush;
  • Towels
  • Gloves;
  • comb;
  • Vinegar;
  • Cream;
  • Large bobbins;
  • Fixer.

The technique of perm at home is actually quite simple. First of all, lubricate the skin of the face and ears with any oily cream. Next, divide your hair into a front and two side sections. Wind the curls on large bobbins. Please note that the width of the strand should not exceed the width of the bobbin, otherwise the curls will take on an ugly shape.

Based on the length of your hair, choose the appropriate winding method:

  • Short hair is first moistened with a perm mixture, then twisted;
  • Hair of medium length is first twisted, then moistened abundantly;
  • Long hair is curled using a mixed method - initially the ends are wetted, then twisted, then the composition is applied to each bobbin.

Wrap your head with polyethylene and insulate with a towel. The duration of the process depends on the quality and condition of the hair (from 20-40 minutes). After standing for 20 minutes, you can deploy a pair of bobbins and evaluate the curl.

When the degree of curling satisfies you, without removing the bobbins, rinse your hair thoroughly. Dry with a towel and apply a fixer (comes with a curling kit). After holding for 5 minutes, remove the curlers and apply the fixative again, holding for another 5 minutes. Rinse your hair with warm water, adding a little vinegar. Dry your hair with a towel and let it dry naturally.