Root hair curling. Root chemistry for hair

Every girl dreams of a beautiful and voluminous volume of hair that will make her... the image is light and irresistible. Girls who have naturally thin hair especially need this. Root for volume, The best decision for those with short hair, photos before and after the procedure are visual confirmation of this. If before the girls If you carried out this procedure at your own peril and risk, now, thanks to the advent of new hair care products, you can go to the hairdresser without any doubt.

Root chemistry has won the sympathy of many generations and is now in great demand. It is difficult to meet a woman who would speak negatively about the procedure root curl. This is a truly unique discovery that has allowed many women to abandon the everyday styling that took a large number of time.

All the beauty of root chemicals for hair volume can be seen on the hair short length(see article for before and after photos). Owners short haircuts are faced with such a problem as lack of volume and in order to emphasize the beauty of the haircut, they have to use additional funds, for example, a hair dryer or corrugation. From frequent use Such products can ruin your hair by subjecting it to heat treatment and drying, and it is for such cases that root chemicals exist.

Root perm has its pros and cons, which we will tell you about.

The root volume procedure is an excellent replacement for everyday styling. The effect of this procedure lasts for six months and has a number of advantages:

Root hair volume: before and after photos

  • appearance decreases sebum, thanks to which the hated oily sheen disappears;
  • due to the drying effect, the number of hair washing procedures is reduced;
  • resistance to heat treatment and moisture increases;
  • time for hair styling is reduced;
  • increasing the volume of hair itself, with the help of which the hairstyle always looks stylish;
  • even wearing a hat, the hairstyle itself does not deteriorate; you just have to comb your hair and you will have a ready-made styling.

After the root curling procedure, clients receive not only gorgeous volume, but also well-groomed, shiny hair through the use of a two-phase agent, the basis of which is cystiamine.

Boost up on hair

Root chemistry is recommended for girls who have thin hair and even the use of corrugation does not always give desired effect. In order not to torment your hair with everyday blow-drying or crimping, which will soon ruin your hair, this procedure will be an excellent option.

Girls who naturally have beautiful curls also use the procedure of root chemistry, because most often it is at the roots that the strands have less curl and need to create additional volume.

Disadvantages of root chemistry

Like any other procedure, perm at the roots, in addition to its advantages, also has its disadvantages. In addition to the fact that the procedure is not the cheapest, prices vary from 2 to 6 thousand on average, it has several more important conditions:

  • It is not recommended to carry out the root perm procedure for people who have problems with the scalp (dandruff, flaking, dryness, sores);
  • if the strands have undergone a lightening procedure;
  • weak hair that tends to fall out;
  • The procedure should not be carried out for girls who often dye their hair, since any dyeing products expose the hair to weakening;
  • You should also avoid this procedure immediately after dyeing your hair;
  • You can’t perm the roots if your hair has been exposed to it for a long time sun rays. Before the procedure, it is worth restoring and moisturizing the strands.

What does hair look like after root chemical treatment?

Root chemistry cannot be carried out when:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • the presence of skin diseases;
  • changes in blood pressure;
  • reception medicines and hormonal drugs;
  • allergic reaction to the drug;
  • elevated temperature bodies;
  • menstruation.

The effect of root curling may be unpredictable if the strands were dyed with henna. Some curls may be perfect shape, and some will remain straight.

Therefore, you should avoid dyeing with henna if you are planning to carry out this procedure. Well, if you have already been dyed with henna, then it is better to wait until it is washed off, so as not to spoil the desired result.

Hair care after the procedure

In the photo before and after root chemical treatment for hair volume short hair you can see that the hair has become more shiny and has acquired healthy looking, But this procedure may cause dry hair. To avoid this, you should carefully choose hair care products after root perm.

How the procedure is performed

Tips for hair care after root chemo:

  1. When choosing shampoos, you need to pay attention to the composition; they should not contain silicone and sodium lauryl sulfate.
  2. In order for the strands to always be moisturized, it is necessary to make masks twice a week to restore the hair structure.
  3. You should wash your hair warm water and as pollution occurs, i.e. once or maximum twice a week.
  4. After washing your hair, you need to rinse it with herbal decoctions, for example, adding chamomile or sage.
  5. When going out into the hot sun, you must use a special spray that contains filters that do not allow ultraviolet rays to pass through.
  6. Use special balms for curly hair.

Hair Styling

For girls with short hair, root chemicals for volume perfect option creating a stunning image and after it to create beautiful styling you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. To style your hair with root chemicals, you should avoid using a round comb. To give shape suits the hairstyle an ordinary wooden comb.
  2. You should not comb your hair too hard at the roots; you can comb it gently.
  3. To obtain additional volume, you need to tilt your head and fluff the strands with your fingers.
  4. It’s worth giving up the hair dryer for a while and letting your hair dry naturally, this will reduce dryness in the first weeks.

Root chemistry on hair

If you decide to carry out root chemistry, you should approach this procedure very thoroughly. You need to pay attention to whether there are any contraindications for you that were mentioned above.

Many people do perm at the roots at home, but it is better to trust the professionals, and here the choice of the specialist plays a significant role. If the root curling technology is performed incorrectly, the hair structure can be damaged by subjecting it to improper processing.

Curling hair at the roots

A clear confirmation of root chemicals for hair volume are photos before and after the procedure on short hair. A hairstyle with such volume makes the image more attractive and expressive.

Root volume has more advantages than disadvantages and therefore it is gaining more and more popularity. Root chemistry is the best solution for creating a lush and airy volume. If you still struggle with creating volume every day, then curling your hair at the roots is the surest solution to your problem.

Hairstyle is one of the main components of the image of any representative of the fair sex. And dissatisfaction with it is a completely natural phenomenon. Most ladies are upset because of insufficient hair volume at the roots. AND special procedure Root chemistry is designed to solve this problem. This is one of the varieties of traditional chemical. Of course, professionals will do root chemistry much better and faster, but if you really want to, you can master the procedure at home.

Who is suitable for root hair chemistry?

Root chemistry is an excellent alternative to daily styling. At proper care After the procedure, the curling effect will last for several months.

The main nuance is that curling curls at the roots of the hair is considered quite difficult. Due to the fact that it must be carried out using special potent agents, not everyone can resort to root chemicals. Perming is mainly recommended in the following cases:

  1. Root chemistry is necessary for those women whose hair has managed to grow decently after perm. This procedure will be a kind of correction. After it, all hair will be equally lush, and there will be no harm chemicals will be applied to a minimum.
  2. Curling can be done on curls of absolutely any length. And yet, as practice has shown, root chemicals look best on straight lines. Those with healthy and strong curls can do this type of perm regularly. Chemically treated hair is safely cut during mandatory shape-correcting haircuts. And accordingly, all subsequent procedures are done on absolutely healthy hair.
  3. Sometimes those with curly hair have to do root chemicals for volume. Usually curly hair retain volume. But it also happens that due to its own gravity, the hair looks flat. A light root curl in this case will look very natural. The main condition is that it must be done by a professional. Otherwise, the result can greatly spoil the overall appearance.

From all of the above it follows that root chemistry can be considered both as an independent and as a corrective procedure. The main advantage of this type of perm is that it is done at the roots of the hair - in the place where the curls are stronger. Thanks to this, root chemicals are much easier to tolerate than any other perm.

An exception to the rule is hair that is frequently dyed. For them, root chemicals on hairpins can become a critical procedure. Even the softest dyes weaken the hair. The chemicals used for curling, once on damaged hair, can easily destroy their structure. That is why experts categorically do not recommend doing root chemicals immediately after painting.

Root chemistry at home

It’s worth warning right away that this will be a complex procedure, and the result may differ significantly from the salon one. Although in general, curls curled at home look good.

For root chemistry you will need bobbins, special means, foil, polyethylene, towels:

  1. Wash your hair without massaging your scalp too much.
  2. Twist the curls into bobbins, leaving the ends of the hair hanging freely.
  3. Treat the twisted strands with special solutions.
  4. Cover your head with plastic and wrap it up.
  5. After about half an hour, apply the fixing compound.
  6. After ten minutes, rinse your hair thoroughly.

The modern beauty industry offers women many methods to improve their appearance and achieve their ideal. Beautiful hair Root chemistry helps. Thanks to it, your hair will gain volume from the very roots. Surely many women are interested in the question: is this procedure harmful? If we're talking about about the use of chemical reagents, how much will the hair deteriorate because of this, will it become lifeless or is root chemistry a gentle method? Of course, a lot of questions arise. First, it’s worth understanding what root chemistry is.

Root chemistry procedure for hair

The procedure for root chemistry is easy and at the same time complex. To carry out any action, you need experience. Of course, it is better to entrust your hair to a professional rather than a novice hairdresser.


If the hairdresser is experienced, he will create a masterpiece on the head; the damage caused to the curls will be minimal, and the effect will last for a long time.

The procedure can be performed independently at home. Many women decide to take this step. The following actions must be taken:

  • the hair should be washed;
  • curls near the roots are wound with curlers or bobbins, while the ends of the hair hang freely;
  • the twisted strands are treated with a special chemical composition;
  • after that the hair is covered plastic bag and wrap them in a towel;
  • after thirty minutes, a fixing composition is applied to the strands;
  • after this you need to wait about 10 minutes and you can wash it off.

To make daily styling less hassle, root chemicals for hair volume will help; reviews about it are mostly positive. As a rule, those who remain dissatisfied with the result are those who turned to inexperienced craftsmen and something did not work out for them.

Advantages and disadvantages

Root chemistry allows a woman to get the long-awaited volume simply and easily. Chemical reagents do not allow hair to straighten. Without special effort You will have a stunning hairstyle on your head every day. The procedure has its disadvantages and advantages. The last option includes:

Photo reviews will help you decide whether root chemicals are needed for hair volume. The disadvantages of the procedure include:

  • the result cannot be changed, if it is not satisfactory, then you will have to put up with it for a long time;
  • the procedure is long - about 3 hours;
  • The procedure is expensive and is best handled by an experienced specialist, whose services cost a tidy sum.

The experienced eye of the master evaluates the condition of the hair, its structure, and only then the specialist begins work. The composition can be selected individually. For getting lasting results Chemical reagents are used, they can weaken the hair and thin it. Therefore, you should not do chemicals if you have recently dyed or apply coloring agents immediately after root chemistry. You need to take care of your hair carefully. You will need a special shampoo, conditioner, balm, masks, and products for split ends. The use of such products will have a beneficial effect on curls weakened by chemicals. Root chemicals for hair look great; the photo of the procedure is worth appreciating.


Root chemistry is required for those women who have had a perm, but their hair has already grown and now they need to achieve the previous effect. Root chemistry for hair volume is suitable for many women. The video will allow you to verify this.


26 years old, lawyer,

Krasnodar city

I have always been careful about my appearance. My hair is not particularly thick and has dark shade from nature. I decided radically changed her image and dyed her hair blonde. A little time passed after dyeing and I got a perm. After a while the hair industry. Root chemistry was done so that the hair was again curled along its entire length from the very roots. What can I say? Hair looks thick. Every day I spend almost no time doing beautiful hairstyle. But the hair doesn't feel very good to the touch. They are hard and lifeless. It's like they're artificial and not real. I also paint them often. There is no natural shine. But I’m glad that I don’t have to work on styling every day. I'm basically satisfied with the result.


27 years old, teacher,


My hair is black. I did chemistry, but I didn’t like the result. The fact is that I wanted large curls that look luxurious and voluminous. When the master was doing root chemistry for me, I was immediately alarmed by the fact that he uses small thin curlers. The result turned out to be as if I had screwed myself up. small braids. Thus, perm was done in the times of our mothers. Since then, I realized that you shouldn’t skimp on a hairdresser and you shouldn’t go to that hairdresser who charges a little for his services.


30 years old, HR inspector,


I was advised to do root chemicals at the hairdresser when I came to trim the ends a little. After reading reviews on the Internet and getting to know the procedure itself in more detail, I decided to visit the hairdresser for this purpose. I was pleased with the result. The thing is that my hair is oily. Because of this, I washed them every other day, although I could have done this every day. That is, on the second day after washing, they were shiny with grease. I was surprised by the effect obtained after the chemo. The hair became noticeably drier at the roots. I started washing them once every three days. In addition to this, the volume I needed also appeared.


40 years old, logistician,


I have heard about root chemistry for a long time. Some girlfriends used it and were satisfied. I also decided to try it. My hair is thin, undyed and oily. I liked the result. Thanks to chemistry, I began to wash my hair less often. My thin ones rare hair began to look noticeably thicker. I would advise girls who have the same situation as me to do root chemistry. But it is better to carefully search for a professional before doing so.

Root chemistry or boost up is a new hairdressing procedure for creating spectacular volume. The technique appeared recently and quickly gained popularity.

Perm at the roots increases the volume by 4 times and maintains the shape of the hairstyle. After the procedure, your hairstyle will be as luxurious as that of models from the covers of glossy magazines. Find out how to create stunning root volume without backcombing every day.

The essence of the innovative method

A unique technique was developed by Russian stylists. Photos before and after the boost up hair procedure confirm the fantastic effect of the procedure.

The main difference from other types of perm is that the hair remains straight, but receives maximum additional volume. No one will guess that the pleasant fullness of the hair is not “native”, but was obtained after visiting the salon.

The secret is in innovative technology:

  • clean hair is distributed into several zones, separated top part(it won't be needed);
  • The master also does not touch the lower strands (they are needed to maintain the effect);
  • curling is carried out on smooth pins, the created curls are secured with foil;
  • A gentle composition for bio-curling is applied. The client spends a certain amount of time with a cap on his head;
  • After removing the hairpins, a fixative balm is applied, after a while the hair is washed and the strands are dried.

Note! After the procedure, a noticeable volume appears, which lasts up to six months. Hats, wind, rain do not reduce the effect.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any hairdressing procedure, root chemistry for maximum volume has positive and negative sides. There are almost no negativity, but there are nuances that you need to know about before going to a beauty salon.


  • gentle effect on hair shafts and skin, maintaining shine and elasticity of strands;
  • noticeable splendor at the roots;
  • the opportunity for six months to abandon backcombing, which injures delicate hairs, and the use of curling irons, which burn strands;
  • volume is not scary weather, hats;
  • the areas at the roots become a little drier, you can wash your hair less often;
  • lush strands look natural, the hairstyle takes on a well-groomed, aesthetic appearance;
  • root volume lasts up to 6 months;
  • the composition for bio-curling is washed out gradually, there is no sudden transition, as with conventional, “strong” chemicals;
  • after the session, the hair does not become heavier, lies flat, and the “dandelion effect” does not appear;
  • is spent on styling minimal amount time, styling compounds.


  • The procedure has no objective disadvantages: to create luxurious volume, the master will use gentle compositions without aggressive components;
  • high price innovation procedure. Depending on the amount of composition used, the length of the strands, and the prestige of the beauty salon, the price of a spectacular volume ranges from 2500–6500 rubles;
  • the session lasts until three hours and more: accuracy, strict adherence to technology, processing of thin strands is required;
  • a bad result is a consequence of the hairdresser’s incorrect actions. A low-skilled specialist may not assess the condition of the hair and may make a mistake with concentration.

Conclusion: contact a salon where professionals who know their business work. Not all stylists have yet studied perfectly new technique. Advice from friends or acquaintances about good master will help you avoid disappointment: after the procedure, the result cannot be corrected; you will have to wait six months.

Indications for the procedure

Experience the action new technology perms in the following cases:

  • Every day you spend a lot of time on styling, unsuccessfully trying to lift the hairs at the roots;
  • you have thin, sparse strands up to shoulder length and below;
  • you have thick, heavy curls, and you want to give your hair more volume at the roots.


There are enough restrictions for the boost up procedure:

  • pregnancy, breastfeeding period;
  • taking potent drugs: hormonal pills, antibiotics;
  • high fever, acute stage infectious diseases, frequent changes in blood pressure;
  • allergic reactions on drug components. A sensitivity test will help you avoid problems. The master is obliged to check the effect of the composition on small area skin, for example, behind the ear;
  • damage to the scalp, ulcers, ulcers, irritation of the epidermis;
  • brittle, weakened, dry hair, bleached strands. Additional load disrupts the structure of the hair shafts, causes fragility, and weakens the hair follicles;
  • prolonged exposure to the sun (you have just returned from vacation, “from the seas”). Strands that are dry from the sun and water are more sensitive to bio-curling components;
  • short hair/very long strands. The best option for creating luxurious volume at the roots is shoulder length and below.

Note! Some masters carry out the procedure with a noticeable increase in the splendor of individual areas for not very long hair. Jewelry work requires high professionalism, otherwise, as a result of inept actions, your head will be decorated with a mop of short strands sticking up.

Is root chemicals safe?

The procedure is considered one of the most gentle among all types of perms. Compliance with technology and taking into account the quality of the client’s hair will ensure minimal impact on the strands. After the session, the client receives not only luxurious volume, but also shiny, well-groomed curls.

To process the strands, the master uses a high-quality two-phase composition. The main active component is cystiamine. This substance is used during biowave. Additional components composition restores the structure of the hair shafts and prevents negative reactions from the epidermis.

Stages of the procedure in the salon

Find a professional who has sufficient experience in performing root chemistry. Talk to a specialist and find out whether the hairdressing procedure is suitable for the current condition of your hair.

First treat weakened, thinning strands and normalize the structure of the rods. Remember: you cannot process damaged strands. Instead of lush, thick hair, you will get “burnt out”, dry strands that are difficult to style.

Important! Before treating strands with bio-curling compounds, avoid shampoos, styling products containing silicone. The substance reacts with the ingredients of the fixing solution, weakens the effect of the composition, and reduces the degree of fixation. When constantly using cosmetics with silicones, special treatment of the strands is required. It’s easier not to rinse, but 2-3 weeks before the boost up procedure, switch to natural or sulfate-free shampoos.

If you receive the go-ahead from the specialist for root chemicals, set aside half a day so as not to worry about delays. The work is painstaking, the session lasts 3 hours, sometimes longer, depending on the quality of the hair and the length of the curls.

Procedure steps:

  • It is mandatory to assess the hair texture, select the concentration of the composition for bio-curling, and consult the client about the results of hair treatment;
  • conducting a test for allergic reactions. If the drugs do not cause negative effects, a preparatory stage is carried out;
  • washing your hair with a special shampoo for deep cleaning. The product removes all impurities from the skin and strands, prepares the cuticle to accept active ingredients;
  • dividing hair into partings. Only the middle part will be needed: the upper strands after the session will cover the treated areas, the lower strands will support the created effect;
  • The perm itself is carried out using smooth hairpins. The master separates thin strands, twists them, secures them with foil;
  • The hairdresser moistens the treated areas with a special solution for bio-curling. To activate the composition, put on a cap;
  • after 20 minutes the master removes the hairpins and rinses the hair hot water, blot excess moisture with a towel;
  • the final stage is the application of a special balm with a fixing effect;
  • through certain time the balm is washed off with plenty of water, the strands are dried under a hairdryer;
  • the result is silky, shiny strands, noticeable volume in the root zone. The hair is smooth on top; inside there is an elastic “pillow” from the middle layer that maintains luxurious volume.

Technology at home

Is it possible to create fullness at the roots yourself? Are homemade root chemical compositions sold? How to do boost up at home? These questions are often asked by girls who are impressed by the results of a salon procedure.

Experts do not recommend processing strands yourself. The reason is not only the jewelry work, which cannot be done independently, but also accurate calculation concentrations of compounds, correct assessment hair textures Such subtleties are not known to the “ordinary” person who has a vague idea of ​​​​hairdressing.

Advice! A curling iron for root volume will help to lift the roots and add fullness to the hair. The secret is a special, corrugated shape heating plates. Step back a couple of centimeters from the roots, run a curling iron over the surface of the strands, and spray your hair with hairspray. The result will also impress you. Of course, the effective volume will only last until next wash hair, but all day long you will delight yourself and those around you with a fantastic hairstyle.

Features of hair care

Any “chemistry” requires increased attention to the hair. Even with minimal impact on the strands, additional protection is required.

Rules for hair care after chemistry:

  • buy medicated shampoo, mask, nourishing balm for curled hair. Use formulations without silicones, sodium lauryl sulfate;
  • twice a week make restorative masks from natural ingredients. Cosmetic and medicinal oils use to a minimum: the substances smooth out curls. After washing, be sure to rinse your strands with herbal infusions (chamomile + sage);
  • Wash your hair with non-hot water as it gets dirty. After original perm strands in the root zone become less oily, and hair stays clean longer.

How to proceed:

  • to shape your hair, use a regular comb and hair dryer (a round brush is not needed);
  • do not comb your strands: the pomp is preserved without manipulations that injure the hairs;
  • a good option is natural drying;
  • to give maximum pomp, tilt your head, beat the strands with your fingers, and dry with a hairdryer;
  • Regardless of the styling method, you will always get an excellent result. Gently comb your strands and enjoy the fantastic fullness of your hair.

Root chemistry – perfect way creating spectacular volume without aggressive effects on the skin and hair shafts. Amaze others with luxurious, voluminous hair, forget about the concepts of “combing” and “curling iron” for six months. boost procedure up is already available in showrooms in many cities.

Video review of the Boost Up procedure:

Curvy and voluminous hair- the dream of many girls and women. Thick hair They greatly transform the face and make female representatives more feminine and gentle.

In order to create root volume on their own, women are finding more and more new ways. Curling irons, curlers, curlers, round combs, and so on are used. And to make curls thicker, they use gels, mousses, foams and varnishes.

IN Lately The procedure for creating root volume is becoming increasingly popular: root hair curl. Let's look at how this procedure differs from conventional chemistry, all the pros and cons.

During root curling, the hair is processed only in the root area, and the entire length remains untouched. Correction of root perm is also carried out only at the roots.

Root perm, when and in what cases is done:

  • To correct a full-fledged perm, after which several months have passed and the roots have already grown;
  • When your hair is curly and voluminous along its entire length, but there is no volume at the roots;
  • To give thin hair splendor and volume in the root zone;
  • In cases where your hair is quite voluminous, but you want to achieve even more volume;
  • At high fat content hair so that the hair does not adhere to the roots and does not quickly become greasy.

Root hair curling when you should not do it:

  • Immediately after lightening or bleaching your hair;
  • With weakened immunity;
  • During critical days, pregnancy and lactation;
  • With severely low or high blood pressure;
  • If there are any allergic reactions to perm;
  • For any diseases of the scalp;
  • At elevated body temperature;
  • When taking medications such as hormonal drugs, antibiotics, painkillers.

Preparing for a perm

  • Before perming your hair at the roots, do not apply oils or silicone serums to your hair for a week. Since they will create an invisible film on the hair, which can prevent hair from curling.
  • A week before the procedure, do not use straightening irons or curling irons, which can weaken your hair.
  • It would be good to drink before getting a perm to strengthen your immune system. vitamin complex for hair and nails. You can buy it at the pharmacy.

How to do root perm?

Root perm is best done at experienced craftsman in a beauty salon! Because good perm Only an experienced professional can do this.

You should not save money and try to do it yourself, unless you have special skills in the field of hairdressing.

Root perm, process:

  • The hair is separated into strands and wound into special curling irons called bobbins.
  • The hair is curled precisely at the roots, that is, 3-4 centimeters of the root zone.
  • A special one is applied to the hair over the bobbins. chemical composition for curling, which is selected individually for each hair type and condition.
  • The composition is kept on the hair for some time, then washed off. Then another fixing composition is applied, left to sit and also washed off. The curl is ready!