What is the best perm to do. About the horizontal curling method. Perm technology

Everything in the fashion world is relative and obeys Murphy's law. The bulk of the owners curly hair seeks to straighten them, but happy women with straight hair they are constantly trying to make them curvier and more pompous.

Types of perms

The types of hair curling do not have to be listed for a long time. There are only two main ways:

  1. Temporary perm;

Hair does not like the intervention of temperature or chemicals, so many consider a temporary perm to be the most acceptable option. Moreover, curling hair at home is the most budgetary and gentle way to become the owner of beautiful curls.

Perm is much more difficult and dangerous for the condition of your hair, so there are restrictions on its use. It is not recommended to resort to chemistry in the following situations:

  • Taking hormonal drugs;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Lactation;
  • Recently dyed hair.

Consider chemical method curling hair in more detail. There are several types of it:

Curl type Description What kind of hair suits
acid base Curls curled by this method retain their shape for a long time, however, drugs greatly affect their structure. Suitable for any type
Alkaline base In this case, the hair is less affected by the composition, the perm lasts a maximum of three months. Only suitable for some hair types
Amino acid perm During the curling process, amino acids penetrate the hair and accelerate its recovery. Suitable for all types
neutral way Very gentle on hair Suitable for all hair types, regardless of their condition
Acid base + thioglucolic acid Preserves the structure of the hair due to the absence of the effect of swelling. This curl doesn't last long. Not suitable for straight, smooth hair

There are also different types of chemical perms:

Perm type Description
"Spiral" Great option for long hair. A light wave is forming
"On the pigtail" Also suitable for hair at shoulder level and below. Hair is braided in tight braids and twisted into bobbins
"On papillots" Curling hair in this way creates large curls that look natural and airy
"On a hairpin" Suitable for medium length hair. Strands are wound on a non-metallic hairpin
"Twin" Double way of curling long and medium length hair. It consists in the fact that half of the twisted strand is curled with vertical curls, and the other half with horizontal curls.
Curl "with twist" This method differs in that at first the strand is wound onto the bobbin in the usual way, but from about the middle they “twist” another one. Curls of different diameters are obtained
"Basic" It is performed only on the root part of the strand. Used for overgrown chemistry or creating volume at the roots
"Children's" The head is covered with a special polyethylene cap with holes, the strands are pulled through them and wound in the usual way with the application of a composition for chemistry. This method is considered the most gentle
  • Do not wash or style your hair with high-temperature appliances for two to three days after a perm, otherwise the curl may loosen.
  • Wash your hair exclusively with special products with medicinal properties. They will nourish the hair, moisturize them and the scalp.
  • Make it a habit to regularly go to the master and cut off the split ends of your hair. After the procedure, do not forget to apply a special cream on them.


In addition to these long-standing methods, there is another one that is considered much more enjoyable and useful. This method is . The tool for it does not contain chemical components, so the hair after its application remains healthy and does not lose its shine. And the process itself is absolutely no different from the usual "chemistry". Since 1999, when the biowave was invented, more and more more women resort to this method. You can read more about this type of curl.

other methods

In addition to the listed methods of curling on bobbins and curlers, temporary and long-term, there are a couple of other methods. They are much simpler, so fashionistas use them in almost every self-styling.

  1. - one of the most common types of styling modern woman. It is even used to give a neat look to your natural curly hair. The curling iron makes it possible to quickly and easily curl luxurious curls.
  2. Tongs today have become just a "must-have" for any fashionista. In addition to their direct purpose (), with their help you can create curls of any shape and size.

Curls - perfect option for owners of thin and devoid of volume, hair. This hairstyle creates the impression of density and strength of curls, gives the appearance of romanticism and femininity. For creating certain curls, specialists use different types chemical perm.

Acid and amino acid perms

Initially, thioglycolic or mercaptoacetic acid was used to create this styling. These are universal substances, which, depending on additional components, contribute to hair coloring, curling, and even are part of some depilatory creams. The principle of operation of the technology is based on the ability of acids to penetrate deeply into the structure of the strands.

Hairdressers use acid perm only in exceptional cases. For example, if the hair is heavy and thick. It's just that no other method here will be effective enough. When working with soft formulations, curls will last no longer than 1.5 months.

This strand structuring technology has many disadvantages. The technique is characterized pungent odor and hard effect. Because of a large number side effects and contraindications, now it is carried out using balanced acid mixtures. Unlike the vast majority of perm methods, it does not have a detrimental effect on curls.

Types of methods:

  • Endothermic. To carry out the reaction, the head is heated by external heat sources. It can be a hair dryer or a special rack. This method was very common in the 70s and 80s in the Soviet Union.
  • exothermic. Here, heating is carried out due to the course of the reaction itself. The method refers to new technologies. It is more gentle and can be used to curl colored or highlighted hair.

Acid perm is carried out according to the standard scheme. First, a softening composition is applied to the curls, which somewhat “dissolves” the upper stratum corneum of the hair. After that, an aggressive acid is smeared on the strand, fixing the curl in a certain position. Neat plastic curlers are used to wrap hair. Rarely - elastic bands on which curls are wound.

Alkaline perm

This technique was first proposed in the second half of the 20th century by scientists and part-time hair stylists Ralph Evans and Everett McDonahue. A rather aggressive mixture of ammonium and glycolic acid is used as an activator and fixative for curls.

How to make an alkaline perm with a video:

  • For her, not ordinary papillots with a solid base are used, but peculiar tampons. They are impregnated with an alkaline composition, after which strands of hair are wound around them.
  • This mixture is aged for up to 40 minutes and washed off with plain water without shampoo. Unlike modern techniques, there is no need to re-apply the fixer.
  • The resulting curls are slightly straightened and the styling is considered complete.

It's extremely effective, but dangerous procedure. After it, the curls become brittle, dull. Alkali has an unpleasant property to destroy the hair shaft, which also leads to an increase in the fragility of the follicles. A little later, in the 1980s, it was proposed to use balanced acid formulations. Now alkali is used extremely rarely, because it is considered dangerous.

Neutral perm

Almost all types of perms that are available are used as permanent formulations aggressive acids. They corrode the top layer of hair. As a result, the strands become lifeless and brittle. In contrast, neutral perm is carried out with substances with a low pH.

As additional components, the composition of the means for such styling includes allantoin. It is a urea oxidation product obtained by processing carbamide. Its main property is the softening of the stratum corneum and the acceleration of tissue regeneration. The substance helps to restore strands after acid and normalize work sebaceous glands.

Chemical biowave

Reviews claim that this is an alternative to the listed acid options. This is the most soft way of all types of perm, how can you make long-lasting curls for medium hair. Often, a biowave consists of only two components - a fixative and reducing agents. As a component for modeling, cysteamine and glycolic acid are used. It's completely natural ingredients that are present in the human body.

As auxiliary products, as part of the fixatives, you can find a keratin or marine complex, vitamins, amino acids and even oils. The main advantage of the technique over all the others is the ability to reconstruct the hair, while not having a negative impact on them.


A delicate version of hair curling using ammonia-free preparations. It is suitable for owners of long and medium thin hair. A feature of the technique is the presence of natural silk proteins in the active composition. To enrich the hair, collagen and raffinose are additionally used. Raffinose is a type of reserve carbohydrate, it is able to retain moisture and strengthen the core of the curl.

The most famous tool for this styling is the CHI complex. It does not contain any substances that injure the structure of the hair. For this complex perm, a quintessence is used, consisting of waving lotions, an activator and a neutralizer. Unlike other similar products, after using a silk perm, there is no bad smell.

hair carving

This light chemistry. It is not like any other types of perm hair, because, in fact, it is styling. There are different products for carving: Wella, Londa, Schwarzkof and Cutrin. The listed kits do not contain aggressive glycolic acid, instead they are enriched with carnitine and vitamin complexes.

Methodology long-term styling has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of the technique include versatility (it is done on short, long and medium hair), durability, the ability to change the hairstyle. By cons: the curls are very dry, become brittle, they cannot be dried without a diffuser and styling products.

Japanese perm

Alkaline-free perm, done on highlights, ombre and bleached hair. As active ingredients it uses cysteine, matrix and betaine. All these are natural substances that are part of the keratinized particles. human body, including hair.

  • Cysteine. An amino acid with a high sulfur content. It is considered a powerful antioxidant, protects the body from the effects of radiation;
  • Betaine. Trimethylaminoacetic acid. It is characterized by numerous positive effects on body tissues. It has a moisturizing, protective, softening and firming effect.
  • Matrix. The component of the hair that is responsible for the growth and development of follicles. In cosmetics, it is used as a molecular component. Gives strands smoothness and strength, has a beneficial effect on the bulbs.

As a result of this perm, ideal large curls are obtained. Due to the large amount of moisturizing ingredients, such curls are bright, shiny, elastic. But, unfortunately, a similar effect after curling lasts only 1 month. For its further reinforcement, the constant use of conditioners and balms is required.

spiral american

Modern stylists refer this type of perm to the disco style. It was in the 80s of the last century that the tendency to wind strands on hairpins arose. They were placed perpendicular to the central parting. Thanks to this system, the resulting curls looked as natural as possible.

Despite the stereotype, such unconventional curls are large, small, medium. The most fashionable and time-consuming is the Afro option. In it, the hair is wound on countless thin papillots. Biological compounds and light parchment are used as means for fixation.

Ways to wind strands

How the perm will look depends largely not only on the type chosen, but also on the method of winding the curlers, their diameter, overall structure strands. What are the types of perm bobbins:

  • Spiral. The naughty ones wind on them, coarse hair, which are poorly held on smooth bobbins;
  • Cylindrical. They are a cylinder without protrusions or obvious transitions. A strand is wound on them from the very end. With their help, beautiful straight curls are created. It is this type of curler that is used to work out Afro hairstyles.

The list below summarizes the main ways to wrap perm curlers, their photos and names:

  • Classical. All bobbins are wound exclusively against the face. The first strand from the forehead is taken as the reference point. It is wrapped perpendicular to the central parting;
  • Rectangular. It is also called block. Conventionally, the head is divided into several vertical rectangular blocks. After that, papillots are wound on each strand;
  • Chess. Most often used to process haircuts cascade. The first to wind the curlers along the parting. After them, lateral curls are laid in a checkerboard pattern;
  • Schemes taking into account the diameter of the bobbins. A great option for creating natural chemistry. Natural curls cannot be the same size. To get the effect of a soft transition, small and large bobbins are wound on the parting by alternating. Similarly, repeat with the temporal and lateral sections;
  • In three bobbins. The technique is used very rarely, exclusively for long hair. The strand is wound onto a papillot from the middle, after which the free area is divided in two. Both halves, in turn, are also wrapped in curlers.

There are also so-called, unconventional methods cheats. For example, triple or diagonal. These are very peculiar options that are suitable for creating spectacular evening hairstyles or curling very thick and long hair.

It facilitates the styling process for a long time. There is an opinion that chemistry for long hair is a risky undertaking, because it hopelessly spoils luxurious strands that have been grown for more than one year. big love. But it is not at all necessary to make curls along the entire length. You can always experiment with looks without much risk. From the article you will learn about the most appropriate ways winding long hair, as well as all the nuances of a perm in the salon and at home.

What's happened

Times change, but the essence of chemistry remains the same. It allows girls with straight hair to feel the way they dream: beauties with beautiful curls.

Throughout the history of the procedure, its method has remained virtually unchanged. The strands are wound on curlers and treated with a composition, changing the structure of the hair shafts. During this time, only the quality of chem. formulations have undergone significant modifications.

  • Twist only the ends. Optimal if you do not want to spoil the chem. drug the entire length of the curls.

  • Resort to a "childish" perm. The procedure is similar to the highlighting process. A cap with many holes is put on the head, through which individual strands are pulled. Due to this, the composition does not affect the skin.

Looks effective on long hair large perm. Curls can be twisted in any way.

Price in the salon and for home use

Depending on the cost, the quality of the composition and the length of the hair, the work of a professional hairdresser will cost an approximate amount of 6,000–8,000 rubles. For very long strands - even more expensive.

You can buy a product for home use at times cheaper. The price range is large: from 200 to 1600 rubles. This is how much one drug costs, and 2 of them are required (composition and fixative to fix the result).

You can purchase a set of both liquids. Wholesale is usually cheaper. Kits from different manufacturers are sold at prices ranging from 300 to 1200 rubles. Also, when planning expenses, consider the cost of related tools and fixtures that you will have to buy.

If the hair is quite long, you may need a double dose of drugs. Approximate dose for curling curls great length- from 150 milliliters.


  1. Exacerbation of chronic diseases, the presence of infections occurring with elevated temperature.
  2. Correction of the state of health with antibiotics and hormonal drugs.
  3. Menstruation, pregnancy, lactation.
  4. Stay in stressful condition, depression.
  5. Poor condition of the hair: hair breaks, weakened, falls out badly.
  6. Allergy to components of chemical compositions. This must be clarified before the start of the wave, if necessary, change the drug.
  7. The presence of wounds, abrasions, cuts, acne, dandruff on the head.
  8. Hair coloring less than 2-3 weeks before chemistry, including henna or basma.

Attention! Do not perm on an empty stomach or in a cold room. Unfavorable factors may affect the quality of the result.

Curling features for long hair

Both body waves and small spiral curls look very nice on long strands. True, the first ones unwind faster, therefore, on a long head of hair, curls from the roots are not always possible. Only an experienced hairdresser can make such curls.

He will use curlers of different diameters and skillfully smooth out the transitions between curls of different sizes, make neat chemistry with or without bangs. In addition, aggressive formulations are often used for this purpose. They greatly spoil the curls, but provide a lasting effect.

Partial perm of long hair from the middle of the strands or chemistry at the ends - good decision for the first experiment. Appearance will change, but not drastically. If you don't like the result or if the hair is badly damaged, the tips can be cut off.

When choosing a curling method and determining the size of the curls, you need to take into account the following nuances:

  1. Short long-haired girls are unlikely to fit too curvaceous, voluminous hairstyle with small curls. This styling looks much better on tall beauties.
  2. Owners of square or rectangular can make large horizontal curls.
  3. To obtain natural effect light waves, it is worth using curlers of various diameters, and the preparation on curls should be kept for only 10-15 minutes. For tight curls, you will have to detect maximum time recommended by the manufacturer, but not longer.

Before curling, make a cascade haircut or slightly graduate long hair. So you add splendor to your hair. Growing strands will not spoil general form styling.


First of all, test the skin and strands with chemicals. Even if you have selected preparations taking into account the type and structure of the hair, allergic reaction on the components is not excluded. For this:

  • apply a little composition to the area behind the ear, soak for 10-15 minutes;
  • in the absence of itching, swelling, rash or other manifestations, moisten a thin strand on the back of the head with a small amount of solution;
  • if after 2-3 minutes the hairs become brittle, gray or begin to tear, buy a new drug, or even completely abandon the curl.

If the curl, like the skin, passed the test, proceed to the very procedure of perming long hair:

Attention! If the hair falls below the shoulders, special curlers-wellformers are suitable. These are latex bags that form a curl, pulling the strand together. But the roots will remain straight.

Having wound the whole head, take care to protect the skin, eyes and clothing from exposure to chemicals:

After that, continue the curling process:

  1. Pour the chemical composition into a plastic, ceramic or glass bowl. Metal containers cannot be used. The same applies to other devices: combs, hairpins.
  2. Spread the solution over curled curls with an applicator or sponge. It is more convenient to start from the back of the head, then move to the crown and sides.
  3. When finished, put on a special warming cap or plastic cap, and then a terry towel.
  4. After 15 minutes, check the readiness of the curls. To do this, with gloved hands, unwind 4 curlers: on the back of the head, on the forehead, on the sides. If the curls did not turn out the way you want, twist the rollers again, wrap your head. Check the condition of the curls without exceeding the maximum exposure time of the drug on the head.
  5. After achieving the desired result, rinse the solution warm water without removing the curlers.
  6. Lightly blot your head with a towel.
  7. Apply half of the total amount of fixative. If it is not foamy, wet your hair directly from the bottle. Foam should be whipped in a bowl. To do this, you need a second set of non-metallic containers and a sponge (applicator). To process curls, you will need foam.
  8. Remove the rollers after 7-10 minutes.
  9. Gently apply the second half of the fixative to the curls.
  10. Wash it off with running water after 5 minutes.
  11. Rinse your head with vinegar solution. On long curls you will need 4 liters of warm water and 130 milliliters of essence.
  12. Slightly remember the curls with your fingers and dry with a towel.
  13. Treat your head with a caring balm.

How long does the effect last

Unfortunately, on long hair - the least, because the curls unwind faster under their own weight. Also, the result depends on the type and structure of the hair, the preparation used and the size of the curls. To prolong the effect, owners of long strands can choose an acid perm, which will last from 3-4 months to six months.

The use of an alkaline composition on thick and heavy hair is not so effective. Beautiful curls in this case are stored for 1.5-3 months. One more nuance: big curls On long hair, they will unwind faster than small ones.

Advice. Will help prolong the effect proper care, including - the use of shampoos, balms, styling products designed for curly hair.

Consequences and hair care

Small or major chemistry for long hair - this is your personal choice, because regardless of the size and shape of the curls, the hair will still be harmed by chemicals. Any such intervention in the structure of the hair shafts is fraught with dryness, brittleness of the strands, their increased loss. Hair becomes less shiny, weakened. The tips are especially noticeably affected, so immediately after the procedure it is better to cut them off.

The harm from chemistry will be more or less pronounced - it depends on the quality of the composition and the duration of its exposure. Handle it responsibly. In addition, you are quite capable of helping your hair overcome the stress of chemical exposure as quickly as possible.

It's easy to do if you get the hang of it the main rules for caring for curls after chem. curls:

  1. Do not wash your hair for the first 3-4 days after the procedure.
  2. Choose shampoos, balms, conditioners for curly hair.
  3. Make sure that the products for curls contain collagen, silk proteins, panthenol.
  4. Treat the ends with serums and sprays that prevent split ends.
  5. Rinse curls with decoctions of nettle, chamomile or hops.
  6. Dry your head more often in a natural way, after blotting it with a towel.
  7. Don't go to bed with wet hair.
  8. When using a hair dryer, use a diffuser nozzle and a cold blow.
  9. Comb exceptionally dry curls with wide-toothed combs.
  10. Don't braid your hair too tight, let it loose more often.
  11. Include fish or fish oil capsules in your diet. This will help strengthen the hair.
  12. After perming your hair, be less likely to be in the sun, protect your head with a hat or scarf. Avoid solarium.
  13. Do not model your hair with metal combs and hairpins.
  14. Make a nourishing moisturizing mask at least once a week. It could be finished product or a composition made by one's own hands.
  15. Use essential oils. Burdock, almond, peach are especially useful after perming hair. Add esters to your curl care products.

You can find more tips on hair care after a perm on our website.

Advice. An alternative to perming long hair is carving ( long-term styling waves with an effect of up to 4 weeks) or biowave, during which sparing nutritional formulations are used.

Not all representatives of the weaker sex can boast of chic curls, and curls add shape female face more elegance and softness. This proof will be chemistry for medium-length hair, the photo of which flashes on all the covers of magazines. Curly effect will last for several months. In a perm, everything will depend on the quality of the used chemical agent and from structure female hair. To date, the process of creating chemistry on the hair has changed a lot. Modern beauty salons use a variety of effective means, which will help solve any type of problem: create small or large curls. It is safe to say that today only the name and the very essence of the creation of a perm, which is based on the internal correction of the hair, remains from that distant perm. Methods and techniques are improving every day, and therefore now hair with chemistry may not even be injured.

Perm has become popular since 1908, when the German hairdresser Carl Ludwig Nessler tried to create permanent curls, while fixing the result with the help of special reagents. The master's wife, who was the first client, approved of the experience own husband. In the process of searching for the right reagent, the woman burned herself more than once, but her patience did not disappear, because she wanted to thank Karl for the research. The procedure for creating chemistry on the hair was tough. Brass bobbins were heated with steam or current, after which they were impregnated with a chemical preparation. The device at that time was bulky, with a lot of incomprehensible wiring. But, despite this, women of fashion were not afraid to burn their curls with a strange device.

The news of the incredible procedure quickly spread among the fairer sex. New method allowed to maintain the elasticity of curls for up to 6 months, but it severely damaged the hair. The strange method of creating curls did not stop women who were ready for any sacrifice for the sake of beauty. Soon, chemistry became a common procedure, and since 1935, a “cold” version of the curl appeared, which was more gentle on the hair.

To date, the creation of curls and curls also remains relevant, but the chemistry itself does not cause significant harm to the hair. Doing a perm, a woman has a chance to gain wavy curls, small curled curls or large curls.

Light chemistry on the hair is a rather time-consuming and complex procedure that will help turn straight and sparse hair into luxurious, thick and voluminous hair.

What types of chemistry on medium hair length are being done today?

To date, perm has many varieties. It is important to say that every year both the chemical means for such a procedure and the shape of the curls are improved. Each girl will be happy with the chemistry done on the average length of her hair, but first she will have to opt for one type of such styling. Today there are many of them, and each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Girls should choose a perm based on individual characteristics your hair.

  1. Root waving. This method allows you to make a woman's hair luxurious and thick. This procedure is suitable for the fair sex, whose hair is weakened or regrown after the previous wave. Also, this method should be chosen when creating a styling with a basal volume of curls, because under it only the basal part of the hair is twisted.
  2. Vertical curl. This method is considered the oldest compared to other types of curls. Curlers will allow you to transform your hairstyle into light curls.
  3. Spiral curl. This procedure performed with the help of certain bobbins having the shape of a spiral. In this case, a special technique is used: the hair is first twisted into a tourniquet, after which it is wound onto a bobbin in a spiral.
  4. Japanese technology. This type of perm involves the use of a special lipid-protein complex. It should be done by women who have diseased hair. This type of perm is durable. This complex will add female curls natural shine and elasticity. At the same time, the scalp will be protected from contact with chemicals, and therefore this type of perm is suitable for any lady.
  5. Wet curl. This perm will create the effect of elastic, extremely small curls, but there will be no vile "fluffiness". A woman's hair will take on a well-groomed and luxurious look. After such a procedure, it is worth using varnish, foam or gel with the effect as styling. wet hair. will last wet chemistry for medium hair, the photo of which is in beauty magazines, about 3 months.

  6. Light chemistry or carving. This method involves less damage to the curls, while making the hair voluminous at the very roots. The term of firmness of such a perm can reach 8 weeks. Such chemistry is made only in the salon by a highly qualified master.
  7. Large perm. Today, large curls are especially in demand among the fair sex. The stiffness of curls of this type is well controlled by monitoring the time of interaction of the chemical agent with the curl. To do this, you will have to reduce the exposure time. To make the hair elastic, chemistry is done on medium hair, photos of large curls on which amaze the eyes of women look gorgeous.

Chemistry is classified according to the type of chemical agent used and the technology of curling curls.

Who should not do chemistry on medium hair?

Chemistry should not be done by women with thick and coarse hair of medium length, because there will be practically no effect from such a procedure, and it will take a lot of time and effort to create it. Money. This type of procedure is intended for those representatives of the weaker sex who have oily hair of medium length. After creating chemistry, the hair will be slightly dried and will acquire the necessary volume. If a woman's curls break and do not hold their shape well, then light chemistry will help solve this problem. It is important to remember that the result of any procedure will depend only on the skills and professionalism of the master.

If we talk about the length, then the hair that will be subjected to a light curl should reach at least the shoulders, because in a different situation a woman risks finding a “ball” hairstyle. After a perm, the average length of curls is greatly reduced.

Chemistry technology on medium hair length

The perm technology itself is complex. Hair normally has a closed and dense keratin, but at the time of exposure to a chemical preparation, the protein begins to be damaged, and the bonds between the molecules break up. In this case, hair scales may open. After that, the hair acquires the necessary shape and is fixed.

Most often, light chemistry on medium hair, the photo of which is fascinating, is done using hydrogen peroxide. This remedy must be weak so that it does not burn the hair. After that, the protein begins to recover, the scales close, and the hair takes on a new look. At the same time, the masters confirm that special attention should be paid to fixing, because if it is inaccurate, then the curl will not last long.

The degree of elasticity of curls of medium length in the process of creating chemistry will depend on some more nuances:

  • the quality and type of chemical agent used;
  • exposure time;
  • individual characteristics of hair;
  • temperature in the room where the perm is carried out.

Even in the process of perm, it is important to take into account the fact that when you repeat this procedure, the hair will not be as beautiful and elastic as the first time. This is due to the fact that each exposure to chemicals on the hair destroys keratin and creates a new substance that is less susceptible to such agents.

A woman should be prepared for the fact that, by doing a perm often, her hair may refuse to do so.

Medium hair curling methods: their features

  1. Acid perm. Fashionistas of the 1970s-1990s of the previous century actively did this type of curling. Today, the industry has moved up a notch, and now this type of perm no longer burns the hair, but acts on it much softer. In the process of such a procedure, the same reagent is used - glyceryl monothioglycolate. Modern acid chemistry will make it possible to make curls of any shape that will not fall apart and will be able to hold the wrap well. The reagent penetrates deep into the curl and fixes the shape there, partially destroying the core of the hair, but leaving it shiny and smooth on the outside. This type of perm is not recommended for ladies with weak thin hair, but girls with a rigid structure can safely experiment on themselves.

  2. Alkaline curl. This type perm is created in various variations: in its pure form - when creating elastic curls, in a diluted form - when modeling a light wave and to compensate for the harm from the use of a chemical preparation. In any case, the active substance is used - ammonium thioglycolate. Alkaline chemistry is less aggressive and not so much capable of damaging the hair, because it does not need to fix the effect of temperature exposure. Before you do such a perm, you should make sure that the master has already done this, because improperly following the instructions will be fraught with a burn of the scalp and damaged curls. The price of such a perm is slightly lower than other varieties, but it is not suitable for every girl. Well she'll hold on thin hair, but with hard curls she "does not make friends."

  3. Neutral curl. This method of creating a perm is suitable for those who want to see a lasting effect, but until now they have not decided on full-fledged chemistry. A complex with a neutral pH will allow you to curl your hair into curls or a wave without damaging them, but on the contrary, slightly restoring their structure with keratin. Gradually, the effect of such a perm may decrease, and after 4-6 months the hair will not completely straighten. It is important not to forget that after a neutral perm, it is recommended to use only special preparations for hair with a neutral pH.

  4. Bio perm. When creating such a perm, the usual alkalis and acids, hydrogen peroxide and ammonia are not used. The active ingredient in this case will be the protein cysteine, which is a "relative" of the natural hair protein. After such a procedure, the hair will become alive and shiny. The main disadvantage of this procedure is that manufacturers have not yet been able to find a way to get rid of the unpleasant odor that eats into the hair during such a curl. Almost all manufacturers advise, after the bio-perm is done, not to comb or wash your hair for 3 days, because after washing off the composition, it will still continue to be gentle on the hair, while achieving the final result only on the 3rd day. .

  5. Amino acid curl. Manufacturers confirm that the constant use of the composition not only does not damage, but also restores thin, brittle and dull hair with the help of proteins and amino acids that are contained in a chemical preparation. Such chemistry may not be taken on hard and heavy hair, because the product is designed only for weak and thin curls. This is confirmed by many photos. Chemistry on medium hair of this type will last up to 2 months.
  6. Carving. This perm is a new type in the beauty industry. This is a long-term modern styling that will not damage the hair and lasts up to 2 months. At the same time, the composition was developed in such a way that the curls under its influence acquired additional brilliance and strength. The main disadvantage of this type of chemistry is the amount that will have to be paid for its creation.

Depending on the master used chemical composition for curling curls, chemistry is divided into several types, which can affect the hair in different ways, while giving a varied effect.

Hairstyle plays one of the main roles in creating a stylish and whole image. Representatives of the weaker sex are trying by any means to improve their appearance, make a variety cosmetic procedures. Modern industry beauty offers new methods of transformation, and the emphasis is primarily on safety, minimizing negative consequences and ease of use. Improved and permed hair.

History and theory

The procedure for hardware perm was first carried out in 1908 by Carl Ludwig Nessler. It was this enterprising German who invented the permanent and false eyelashes. The hairdresser made his wife's dream of luxurious curls come true, she became his first client. There was no need to talk about the good condition of the curls after such a procedure. However, numerous fans of this method did not complain and turned to him more than once.

Now having curls and curls is still relevant, but the chemistry itself does not significantly harm the hair.

Perm is a very time-consuming and complex procedure for transforming straight, sparse hair into luxurious, voluminous and thick hair. Having made a perm, you can get wavy curls, large curls or small curly curls.

Important Points

Each procedure carried out with hair should begin with a diagnosis. It is required to assess the health of curls, Special attention take damage. For different types hair, special formulations are used that are suitable for them. An experienced master will definitely tell you whether it is possible to perm your hair or whether you need to treat it first.

Features and types of curls

The technique of carrying out this procedure has undergone many changes. Now salons offer a choice of several methods of curling. They differ in the resulting size of curls, their frequency, winding method, and chemical composition.


This is a rather aggressive method, in which the drug penetrates into the structure of each hair without opening its outer cuticle. The result of such chemistry will be hard beautiful curls.

  • This option is not suitable for women with thin and soft hair. Curls will quickly lose their shape, straighten at the base. Hairstyle will look ugly and not well-groomed.
  • Also, it is better to refuse such chemistry for girls with dry, damaged curls and sensitive skin heads.
  • The most sparing is the acid perm with thioglycolic acid. The hair will hold the curl for about three to four weeks. This method can be used even on freshly dyed strands.


This type of transformation will please you for no more than 12 weeks. Curls are natural and elastic. In this case, a special preparation opens the cuticle and enters the middle of the hair.

  • The alkaline composition acts more gently. On thick, stiff strands, chemistry will last only four weeks.
  • This method has a lower cost than described above.


This gentle perm can be carried out on any hair, the drug is applied to the entire length and roots. You will become the owner of flexible and resistant curls for 12-18 weeks.

Amino acid

In the composition for curling, manufacturers include protein and amino acids that nourish curls. It does not spoil the strands and almost does not harm the hair.

  • It turns out a beautiful natural curl, but it will only last a few days.
  • Amino acid perm is not done on long, heavy and coarse hair, curls will quickly unwind under their own weight.


The composition of the drug does not contain substances that can cause significant harm. Thioglycolic acid, peroxide and ammonia were replaced with other components that are similar to the molecules of the hair itself.

  • After such a procedure, the curl looks healthy, shiny and lasts about 10-12 weeks. Such a perm is best done on hair that has not been subjected to any chemical attack for six months.
  • Biowave should not be done if you have a dry hair type. After the session, the curls can become even more dry and porous, they will begin to get confused, poorly fit.

But the owners of oily hair type can afford it. Biowave normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, drying the strands a little.

silk wave

Suitable for girls with shoulder-length curls and below. The composition for chemistry includes silk proteins, which have caring properties, give the hair extra shine and silkiness.

According to the methods of wrapping, the perm is also different.

Curl for long hair

Large curls look best on long hair. This size of the curl is obtained when using bobbins large diameter. The master also regulates its rigidity and intensity by the time the composition is kept on the strands.

At the base, the curls are not so steep and lush, they unwind under their own weight. If you want uniform curls, then contact an experienced specialist. Only a highly qualified master will be able to make a perm using bobbins different size and avoid creases and noticeable transitions.

Experts recommend making a cascading haircut or light graduation before curling. Slightly shortened top strands will make the hairstyle more lush, add volume and help create the same curls on the roots and tips.

Curling for medium hair

Most often, perm is carried out on medium hair. The spiral turns out to be uniform, neat and does not unwind. A perm will provide more fast styling, beautiful and voluminous curls.

On hair of this length, you can use almost all winding methods. Root, vertical and other types of chemistry are used. Average length is universal, it gives the master stylist large field activities for experimentation.

Curl for short hair

Main advantage short hair in that they can easily be done with light biowave and traditional chemistry. Now in almost any beauty salon you will be offered the most suitable options. But the choice of a master should be approached responsibly, it is better if you study the reviews or you will be recommended a good specialist familiar.

Bob or bob looks great with large curls, spiral curls or small curls. Cute caret with short bangs will give the face freshness, and curls will add romance.

A square without bangs with a curl can also be worn with a parting, and a scythe will make the hairstyle more original. Avant-garde ladies will like the low-parting option, when almost all the curls lie on one side, this will add a touch of sensuality and mystery to the image.

A perm will perfectly emphasize the beauty of a graduated bob or bob. Even a small ladder will look great, the hairstyle will look beautiful and original.

A multi-stage haircut in combination with cool curls can give unruly strands elegance and sophistication. Hair will be easy to style and, with proper care, look healthy and shiny.

What you should know when deciding on a perm

If you want to become the owner of beautiful curls, you should be aware of the following disadvantages of chemistry:

Of course, there are undeniable advantages:

  1. Beautiful curls of any size look stylish and will always be in trend.
  2. A perm will add volume to your hair.
  3. With chemistry, hair is easier to style.
  4. Modern perm compositions do not cause such harm as their predecessors, and with proper care, the hairstyle will delight you and those around you for a long time.

Proper care and recovery

You can treat, moisturize and nourish the curls after the procedure as special by professional means, and folk methods. The first option is the most effective, but costly.

At home, trichologists recommend:

  1. For two days, it is not recommended to wash your hair, dry it with hot air, use curlers.
  2. Avoid tight hairstyles: tails, braids. Walk with your hair down more often.
  3. After washing your hair, do not twist it, gently blot with a towel.
  4. When combing, try to immediately form curls.
  5. Always dry your hair before bed.

To make your curls look beautiful, elastic and clear, they need to be laid in a certain way. A diffuser and the use of specially designed cosmetics will help you with this.

Most of the fair sex is sure that the perm procedure will completely ruin the curls and it will be impossible to restore them. But it's not like that at all.

Contact a highly qualified technologist-expert who will carry out the procedure professionally, choose the composition that is right for your hair and do everything with soul.

Give a little more strength hair care, and then styling will take much less time, and the hairstyle will look stunning.

How is perm done - video