Peeling of the skin around the eyes. Gentle chemical peeling of the skin from wrinkles around the eyes

Chemical peeling of the face involves the application of various acid-based formulations to the skin. Their action is aimed at active exfoliation of skin cells of various depths. As a result, intensive cleansing of pores from sebaceous plugs and other contaminants occurs. Also, the procedure starts recovery processes, which leads to the disappearance of many cosmetic defects.

  1. First of all, chemical peeling of the face is prescribed to combat the signs of skin aging. But it also helps to eliminate a number of cosmetic defects and is recommended as a preventive measure.
  2. Peeling the skin around the eyes must be done with extreme caution.
  3. Chemical peeling has permanent and temporary contraindications.
  4. Types of peeling are distinguished depending on the preparation used and its concentration. At home, only superficial peeling can be done.
  5. The procedure is divided into three stages. In order for a chemical peel to be successful, it is necessary to pay attention to the preparation and subsequent restoration of the skin.

The purpose of the procedure and its action

The main goal of chemical peeling is skin rejuvenation, that is, the elimination of wrinkles, increasing elasticity and improving complexion. But from a correctly performed procedure, you can also expect the following effects:

  • elimination of age spots of various origins;
  • the gradual disappearance of scars, scars and traces of post-acne;
  • regulation of sebum production, as a result of which excessive oiliness of the skin will disappear;
  • prevention of premature skin aging.

The classic technology of peeling does not involve the application of an acidic composition to the skin around the eyes, as it is characterized by increased thinness and sensitivity. But modern cosmetology has adapted the procedure and now it can be done on this site.

Such peeling will help to solve the following problems:

  • bags under the eyes, swelling;
  • wrinkles;
  • decrease in skin elasticity;
  • pigmentation;
  • eyelid hernia;
  • dark circles under the eyes.

Since the skin around the eyes is one of the most vulnerable areas of the face, peeling this area on your own is categorically not recommended.

Various types of acids and their combinations are used for chemical peels. The most popular formulations based on trichloroacetic, glycolic, salicylic, pyruvic and retinoic acid.

Getting on the skin, these acids injure it, provoking a superficial burn. However, this damage causes positive processes: active regeneration starts and old cells are replaced by new ones, while many skin defects disappear. The depth of exposure and effectiveness of peeling depends on what types and concentrations of acids were used.


In what cases is it contraindicated to do any kind of chemical peels?

  1. Allergy to acid preparations.
  2. Fresh tan.
  3. Taking medications that can increase the sensitivity of the skin to the sun (tetracycline antibiotics, antipsychotics, oral contraceptives, sulfonamides, retinoids and drugs based on furocoumarin). It is necessary to refuse their use one month before the procedure.
  4. Pregnancy and lactation period.
  5. Exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  6. Skin diseases of an infectious and viral nature.
  7. Diabetes.
  8. Ischemic disease and hypertension.
  9. Oncological diseases.

Types of chemical peels

Depending on the intensity of exposure to the compositions used, all peels can be divided into the following types:

  1. Superficial chemical peel effective for correcting minor skin imperfections. For example, mimic wrinkles, recently appeared and shallow age spots. It can also be used as a prevention of their occurrence. With prolonged use, procedures with the use of mandelic, pyruvic, retinoic and glycolic acids help get rid of stretch marks. In order for the peeling result to be more obvious, cosmetologists often combine it with periodic massage sessions or ultrasonic cleaning.
  2. performed using trichloroacetic acid or combined formulations (the so-called Jessner peels). In this case, the effect occurs on the epidermal layer of the skin, which allows you to successfully fight scars and deep wrinkles. Despite the fact that the procedure is quite intensive, it can be done even at a young age. In particular, it is often used to eliminate traces of post-acne. This type of chemical peel is the most popular. It is often used as a preparation before laser and photorejuvenation, as well as in combination with massage, microdermabrasion and mesotherapy.
  3. Deep chemical peel represents a radical measure for a complete transformation of the skin. Affecting the entire epidermis, it provides a pronounced and lasting result, which can be assessed after the skin has completely healed. Among all types of chemical peels, phenol is the most potent.

The procedure of chemical peeling should be carried out by a professional in a cosmetology room. At home, only periodic superficial peeling is allowed, preparations for which are available commercially. If you decide to conduct a full course of procedures yourself, carefully read all the information provided and be sure to watch the training video.

How is a chemical facial peel performed? The procedure includes three stages: preparation, actual peeling and skin restoration. The first and last stages are carried out independently.


2 weeks before the start of the peeling course, it is necessary to prepare the skin. This is necessary so that she adequately responds to stress and recovers quickly. Preparation is about making changes to your daily routine. It must include any acid preparations having a low concentration (2-5%). Suitable wash, tonic or cream. Use the product once a day before bed. If the area around the eyes is affected during peeling, be sure to treat it.

If the procedure is carried out during a period of significant solar activity (for the Russian Federation this is April-October), it is necessary to start using sunscreen already at the preparation stage. You can apply sunscreen or a special powder containing UV filters.

Description of the procedure

The session begins with the removal of decorative cosmetics from the face and eyes. Then the deep cleansing and degreasing of the skin is carried out. In this case, products that have a neutral pH are used, since a shift in the balance of the skin significantly reduces the effectiveness of the procedure. For this reason, alkaline soap should not be used.

Selected chemicals are evenly distributed over the skin with a cotton swab or brush. The exposure time of the composition on the face depends on factors such as the degree of skin sensitivity and the number of procedures. It varies from 2-3 minutes with the first glycol peeling procedure to 6-8 hours with repeated application of the retinoic composition. For hypersensitive facial skin, modern preparations containing blockers are used. They reduce the pain of the procedure and reduce the appearance of inflammation to a minimum.

The area around the eyes is often cleaned of peeling earlier than the rest of the face. Removal of the drug occurs with the help of a special post-peeling agent and water. If the skin is irritated or painful to the touch, a soothing mask is applied to it. If necessary, the skin around the eyes is also subjected to additional care. If there is no visible damage, the procedure ends with a nourishing cream.

On the day of peeling, it is advisable to refrain from applying makeup. If after the procedure a long stay on the street is planned, it is permissible to use mineral powder with sunscreen.

The duration of the course of chemical peels is individual and is selected based on the characteristics of the skin. Often 2-5 visits spaced 10-14 days apart are recommended. As a maintenance therapy, it is enough to do peeling only once every few months.

Further skin care

Almost any chemical peel provokes peeling and inflammation of the skin. Edema is also a normal reaction. If there is a tendency to severe and prolonged swelling, experts advise peeling with fruit acids, while not affecting the delicate skin around the eyes. On average, full recovery after superficial peels occurs in 2-5 days, after median peels - after 10-14, and after deep peels it drags on from a month to six months.

In the first week after peeling, it is necessary to abandon aggressive cleansers, preferring cosmetics designed for sensitive skin. In addition, it is advisable to do a soothing or intensive moisturizing mask for the face and around the eyes once every 2-3 days.

One of the current popular anti-aging procedures is peeling around the eyes. A certain part of girls and women resort to self-care of the skin around the eyes with the help of massage or advertised creams, gels, capsules, serums, etc. That's just the massage must be performed correctly, and all cosmetics must be selected in accordance with age, skin type, and the nature of aging. With such questions, it is better to contact a specialist.

Age is read by others from a person's face. And that it is subjected to a variety of cosmetic procedures. First of all, the most delicate skin around the eyes falls under the blow of age. In the period from 20 to 25 years, the first wrinkles appear, which are referred to as “mimic”. They are almost invisible in a relaxed state of facial muscles. At 30 they become deeper. And at 35-40 they are clearly visible even with relaxed muscles. At 50 and older, wrinkles become especially deep, lowered “bags” appear under the eyes. There is no getting away from this, but it is quite possible to delay it in time.

Types of peeling around the eyes

Exfoliating procedures, or peeling, will have a noticeable desired effect of improving the condition of the skin. Cosmetologists use a huge number of types of peels. All of them are classified:

  • by the depth of impact on the skin;
  • by active substance;
  • by way of influence.

Deep and medium peeling is not applied to the skin around the eyes. All procedures of this kind thin the stratum corneum of the skin, and since the skin around the eyes is inherently thin, it is permissible to apply only superficial exfoliation.

One of the types of peeling, which is often used for the area around the eyes, is chemical. It can be based on retinoic or glycolic acid. Retinoic peeling around the skin of the eyes and eyelids is especially recommended by cosmetologists for anyone who wants to rejuvenate the epidermis in these areas of the face.

Regarding this type of cosmetic procedures, the same question very often arises: “Is it possible to do chemical peeling of the skin that is around the eyes?”. The answer is unequivocal - yes! It is recommended to influence the skin around the eyes with chemical solutions only under the supervision of a cosmetologist-dermatologist.

At home, using a chemical peel for the eye area on your own can be hazardous to your health. In fact, this procedure is applied not only to the area around the eyes, but to the entire face and neck. It helps to prevent the effect of "glasses" or "masks", and a superficial procedure can be used as a preparatory step.

What beauticians say

Cosmetologists speak quite positively about this procedure, since it helps to increase the level of skin moisture, eliminates fine wrinkles and the so-called "crow's feet". An excellent result is noticeable if, after peeling, a tonic mask or cream is applied to the face.

With its help, dead cells of the upper layer of the skin are removed. There is a process of opening and cleansing the pores, into which useful vitamins and minerals, which are part of the cosmetics used after the procedure, penetrate. Age spots disappear, but after such a procedure, you should especially monitor your face, protect it from direct sunlight, and use sunscreen daily.

The procedure can be applied at any age. Not recommended for children only. While wrinkles do not get along on the face, peeling is used as a preventive measure. Later - for a restorative effect.

This procedure also differs in seasonality of application. It is best if this is the period from autumn to spring, when there is no active influence of sunlight. The effect is noticeable after the first time, but for maximum results, you should go through and then repeat the course of procedures. The length of the course is set by the cosmetologist individually for each client.

Eye peeling process

Before peeling around the eyes, the skin is cleaned with the use of cosmetics. The fatty layer is removed, the level of acidity is normalized. Then the remedy for dark circles is applied, and left for a while.

First, with light movements, the product is applied to the upper eyelid of the eye, approaching the upper edge. During this procedure, the eyes must be closed. After that, with semicircular movements, moving towards the inner edge of the eyelid, you need to smoothly move to the lower part. In no case should you touch the lacrimal gland.

After the whole process, a mask or moisturizer is applied to the treated areas. This is necessary in order to avoid irritability and enhance the effect of the procedure.

Wrinkles under the eyes after peeling will become hardly noticeable, skin color will improve, it will become more toned and young. But there are times when the chemical option cannot cope with its task, no matter how many procedures a person has undergone. The reason for this is already significantly sagging skin of the eyelids, since there has been a shift or thinner fatty tissue under the eyes. Such problems can be eliminated only if surgical intervention is applied.

Contraindications for peeling

The procedure is contraindicated:

  • during the period of bearing a child;
  • during lactation;
  • when there is an exacerbation of herpes;
  • when wounds or other skin lesions are present;
  • there is an increase in body temperature.

Peeling can be safely attributed to one of the highest quality procedures that help slow down skin aging. After undergoing this procedure, you will get a positive result and be completely satisfied with your refreshed skin.

But, this does not mean that they did the procedure and then forgot about their face for a long period. The result must be maintained regularly, this can be easily done even at home. An excellent option would be home-made natural masks, which are very easy to prepare, fast and also quite affordable. And then you will retain your beauty, youth and attractiveness for many years.

Indications for use

The main indications for the procedure include:

  • pigmentation on the face that has spread under the eyes and created dark circles;
  • small wrinkles due to age-related changes;
  • blue circles under the eyes;
  • puffiness of the eyelids and bags under the eyes;
  • preparation of the face for contouring or surgery.

After the procedure, the level of skin hydration will increase, due to the cleansing of the upper layers of the epidermis. Thus, creams and masks will penetrate much deeper than before cleansing. Removes age spots. But with skin pigmentation, you need to be very careful, as it tends to return and increase. The complex of peeling, masks, creams and massages will practically remove all puffiness and blueness under the eyes.

But all the same, there are situations when peeling can no longer change anything. Peeling is powerless when there is sagging of the eyelid, both upper and lower, as well as thinning or shifting of fatty tissue under the eyes. This problem can only be solved with the help of a surgeon, but even in this case, glycol peeling is taken as the basis of the procedure.

The following procedures are prohibited

  1. Facial cleansing with gommage. The technique itself includes enhanced rubbing of the skin. This contributes to the appearance of new wrinkles much faster than when using scrubs.
  2. Scrubbing. Mechanical intensive friction enhances existing wrinkles and actively influences the appearance of new ones. Abrasive particles, when rubbed against the skin, no matter what size they are, will irritate the upper layers of the skin and cause irritation.
  3. Peeling, which includes highly concentrated acids. Products with this composition cause burns on the skin, after which it will never recover.

Features of peeling at home

If you plan to use ready-made peeling at home, you must strictly adhere to the instructions and in no case engage in arbitrariness. Failure to follow the precautions, as well as instructions for use, can lead to irreversible consequences and create new problems on the skin around the eyes. This area of ​​the face is so delicate that with a little more effort and friction, you can permanently create problems for yourself.

The process itself must be carried out with very gentle, slightly touching movements and follow the recommendations of the cosmetic manufacturer.

Immediately after the procedure, it is necessary to apply a regenerating mask or non-greasy cream. All of their constituent components are well absorbed into the skin, and the effect is maximum. If you plan to use peeling during the daytime, then you need to prepare a product with light filters in advance.

Even if the skin around the eyes looks good, and at the moment there are no visible problems, then preventive procedures should be carried out. You should not wait for an already irreparable skin condition before contacting a beautician. If you regularly take care of your face and the skin around the eyes in particular, you will be able to push back visible old age for several years. By stimulating the natural regeneration processes, the skin will be firmer and fresher for longer.

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Yes, at the very beginning of the article we talk about all the stages of registration and pitfalls. The promotional code has been valid for quite a long time, but if it suddenly loses its effect and relevance, it will be replaced.

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Money cannot be withdrawn until the conditions of the promotion are met. Before the withdrawal of all funds from the game balance, it is necessary to place bets on the entire first deposit, otherwise all bets will be canceled

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One of the methods aimed at rejuvenating the periorbital region is peeling. This intervention is more effective when performed by a cosmetologist, because the specialist uses special chemical compounds. At home, such care is also possible. Although it is not as effective after a single application, it can be used regularly and achieve a result close to a professional one.

Action taken

Gentle cleansing of thin and sensitive skin around the eyes helps:

  • remove the top layer of keratinized cells, which improves the flow of useful substances into the tissues from creams and other external agents;
  • improve color, reduce the severity of pigmentation and "";
  • smooth the surface of the dermis and reduce the depth of fine wrinkles;
  • activate the outflow of lymph from the eyelids, which leads to a decrease in their swelling;
  • prepare the epidermis for other cosmetic manipulations.


For the skin around the eyes, chemical peels are the most common. For this, agents are used that include enzymes and acids that dissolve the keratin of dead cells. Depending on the content of active components, the frequency of the procedure is different:

  • Preparations sold in cosmetic stores, salons, pharmacies, intended for self-use, contain up to 5% of active ingredients. They can be used daily or, for example, applied at night. Home remedies are also included in this group.
  • With sufficiently dense skin, after a preliminary consultation with a cosmetologist, you can purchase a preparation containing up to 8% of active substances in a specialized store or salon. With it, you can peel at home once a week.
  • The salons offer professional treatment with concentrated formulations, as well as some hardware peeling techniques. They are performed only by a specialist and require a certain recovery period. Such procedures can be carried out 1 time in 3 months.

Acid peeling

TCA peel


With the right agent and concentration of the active agent, this procedure is safe.

It should not be done only with very thin, atrophied skin or inflammatory diseases in the periorbital region.

Like other cosmetic manipulations, peeling is not necessary during a cold or exacerbation of a chronic pathology.

Is it possible to peel the area around the eyes during pregnancy?

The care measure does not harm the developing fetus. However, its results are unpredictable for the mother, since the skin at this time changes under the influence of hormones. Therefore, exposure to acids or enzymes can lead to irritation, redness, swelling of the eyelids, the appearance of pigmentation, peeling and other unpleasant symptoms.

Laser peeling

Possible side effects

As with any peel, treatment of the periorbital area can lead to the development of adverse effects. When using professional products by a cosmetologist, the likelihood of their development is minimal. Redness, swelling, peeling are natural signs of the process of dying of damaged cells.

Complications include:

  • an allergic reaction to the components of the drug, expressed in severe swelling, itching, skin rashes;
  • - skin inflammation of non-allergic origin, caused by too much irritation.

To reduce the likelihood of negative consequences, a tolerance test is performed before the procedure, during which a small amount of the drug is applied to the inside of the forearm. In addition, within a week after the procedure, carried out with a concentrated preparation in a cosmetology clinic or office, it is advisable to use sunscreens and creams with panthenol.

Varieties of peeling preparations

Glycolic acid

Carry out manipulation 1-2 times a year, preferably in autumn and winter. The recovery period lasts up to 10 days, during which time redness, swelling, and slight peeling are possible. All this time it is necessary to use healing agents with panthenol and a cream with a UV filter.

The most gentle methods

The degree of damage depends not only on the concentration of the active ingredient, but also on its structure.

The periorbital region is performed using mandelic acid. Its molecules are larger than those of glycolic, so they do not penetrate deep into the epidermis, providing the most gentle, superficial effect.

Based on the lytic action of lactic acid, specially formulated for sensitive skin. It brightens the surface well, eliminates pigmentation and the network of dilated vessels, moisturizes, smoothes fine wrinkles.