Completed documents on the appointment of a pension. Application for an old-age pension: structure and general guidelines for filling out

An application for a pension is an official appeal by several persons or one citizen to an official, a state body, the administration of an institution or a local government body in relation to the production. The application, unlike the complaint, is not related to the violation of his legitimate interests and rights and does not contain a request to eliminate such a violation, but is aimed solely at realizing the interests and rights of the applicant or eliminating any shortcomings in the work of enterprises, organizations, institutions. Applications can be submitted both orally and in writing. The procedure for their consideration is similar to how complaints are considered.

Sample application for a pension

An application for a pension is a document that contains a citizen's request to apply for a pension.

The application for dismissal by agreement of the parties has the following details:

The heading of the document indicates to whom the application is addressed: position, name of the organization, surname and initials of the head (in the dative case), and also from whom the application comes: position, surname and initials of the originator (in the genitive case).

Next comes the main text of the application for a pension. It must contain a request for a pension, the size and continuity of the length of service, the availability of a work book and inserts to it, copies of labor contracts concluded during the life, a certificate of compulsory pension insurance

Below is the date of the application, as well as the signature of the originator.

Application for a pension

To apply for a labor pension, it is necessary to perform certain actions and confirm the existence of conditions that determine the right to receive it.

There are two procedures for applying for a labor pension:

The first concerns those citizens who, by the time they apply for a labor pension, continue to work.

The second - all other citizens who have stopped working for one reason or another.

Workers and employees submit an application for the appointment of a labor pension to the administration of the employer, where they work, who left their jobs - directly to the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (PFR) at their place of residence.

An application for the appointment of a labor pension is submitted in writing. It indicates, in particular, from whom the application was received, what kind of pension the applicant asks for and what documents he attaches to the application.

The form of the Application for the appointment of a pension (transfer from one pension to another) is approved by Appendix No. 4 of the Administrative Regulations for the provision by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation of the state service for receiving and registering citizens' applications for the establishment of pensions in accordance with federal laws of 17.12. 2001 No. 173-FZ On labor pensions in the Russian Federation and No. 166-FZ dated December 15, 2001 “On state pension provision in the Russian Federation”.

A sample (form) of the application is posted on the official website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the section "Application Forms and Application Forms". The text of the application, drawn up in a certain form, explains to the future pensioner his rights and obligations: he can receive only one labor pension of his choice and is obliged to notify the territorial body of the fund of all circumstances leading to a reduction in the size of the labor pension or suspension of its payment, etc.

In order to prepare documents in advance for the appointment of an old-age labor pension (the insurance part of an old-age labor pension), verify their reliability and correct execution, 4 months before the entitlement to a labor pension, a notice is sent to the insured person at the place of residence (or through the policyholder) with a reminder of assignment of a pension.

To do this, you must independently or through a representative of the organization's personnel service submit the following documents to the territorial body of the PFR:


Passport (original and copy of pages with passport data, photo and residence permit)

Insurance certificate (plastic card)

Certificate of registration with the tax authority as an individual entrepreneur

Employment book (original and copies of all pages)

Certificate of insurance experience

Military ID (original and copy)

Marriage certificate (original and copy)

Salary certificate for 60 months (in the case when the salary ratio for 2000-2001 is less than 1.2)

Other documents about the experience (if necessary)

Birth certificate of all children regardless of age (for women).

In addition, if necessary, the following documents are attached:

About disabled family members

Confirming that disabled family members are dependent

About the place of stay or actual residence on the territory of the Russian Federation

Confirming the place of permanent residence of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation

About changing the surname, name, patronymic

On the establishment of disability.


1. Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated December 12, 2011 No. 1521n “On approval of the Administrative Regulations for the provision by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation of the state service for receiving and registering citizens' applications for the establishment of pensions in accordance with federal laws on labor pensions in the Russian Federation and On State Pension Provision.

2. Administrative regulations for the provision by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation of the state service for receiving and registering citizens' applications for the establishment of pensions in accordance with federal laws of 17.12. 2001 No. 173-FZ On labor pensions in the Russian Federation and 15.12.2001 No. 166-FZ On state pension provision in the Russian Federation.

3. Official website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, section "Application Forms and Application Forms"

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old age pension. Appointment of a pension by age, by old age

How is a pension determined, what is needed for this. What is the retirement age in order to receive an old-age pension. Before asking questions, let's get acquainted with the key concepts and requirements for assigning a pension.

Retirement age

It is advisable to start calculating the pension a few months before the retirement age. According to Art. 26 of the Law of Ukraine “On Compulsory State Pension Insurance”, men over 60 years old, women - 55 years old (now, taking into account the transition period, this period has been increased to 60 years) have the right to receive an old-age pension. Insurance experience, according to Art. 24 of this law is taken into account according to the personalized accounting system, and for periods before the introduction of this system - according to the legislation in force earlier. The insurance period is calculated in months, and its coefficient is calculated by dividing the specified number of months by 12 and by 100.

According to the Law of Ukraine "On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2008 ..." from 01.01.2008, the assessment of one year of insurance experience increased to 1.2% from 01.10.2008 - up to 1.35%. According to Art. 40 of the Law of Ukraine “On Compulsory State Pension Insurance”, for calculating a pension, the salary (income) for any 60 consecutive calendar months of insurance experience in a row until July 1, 2000, regardless of breaks, and for the entire period of insurance experience, starting from July 1, 2000, is taken into account.

At the choice of the applicant for a pension, from the period for which the salary (income) is taken into account for calculating the pension, a period of up to 60 calendar months in a row is excluded, provided that this period does not exceed 10% of the duration of the insurance period.

average salary

Salary (income) for the period of insurance service until July 1, 2000 is taken into account for calculating a pension on the basis of documents on the accrued salary (income), and from July 1, 2000 - according to the personalized accounting system.

The basic pension is calculated by multiplying three components:

The average salary for the calendar year preceding the year of applying for a pension (according to the new law, from 01/01/2012, the average salary in Ukraine for the three calendar years preceding the date of applying for a pension is taken into account. The rule has been retained according to which a future pensioner can exclude earnings for "bad" periods. Additionally, periods of caring for a child under 3 years old, a disabled person of the 1st group, an elderly family member, a disabled child, as well as periods of military service)

The average value of the salary (income) coefficient (now, for calculating the pension, the salary for the entire period of the insurance period from 07/01/2000, including for scientific workers, is taken into account. Salary before 07/01/2000 is taken into account in 2 cases: if the insurance period is from 01.07 .2000 is less than 60 months or at the request of the pensioner, subject to confirmation of the salary certificate by primary documents.This right is granted until 01/01/2016)

experience coefficient.

Pension \u003d 3s x K z.p. х To the length of service The bonus for excess length of service is added to the basic amount of the pension, i.e. for each year over 35 years for men and 30 years for women, the pension increases by 1% of the amount calculated according to Art. 27, but not more than 1% of the subsistence minimum, plus allowances and increases to which the pensioner is entitled.

It should be noted that the definition of “salary” includes your salary with all accruals (bonuses, etc.) without deductions (taxes).

So where do you start calculating your pension? Somewhere six months before this sad deadline, go with a box of chocolates or a cake to the pension fund at your place of work and ask for a certificate of your income for the entire period starting from July 2000. These will be the most accurate numbers. By the way, you can safely submit this document to the pension fund, they will even be grateful to you, because in this case you are doing their job and speeding up the procedure for processing your pension.

Next, collect information about your income in the accounting departments of your previous jobs (or jobs) until July 2000. Now go to the "Example of calculating pension", where we determine the values ​​​​of the salary coefficients (light brown fields), obtained by dividing your salary (income) by the average salary in the country for the corresponding month. The same must be done with the period up to the year 2000 (table below). As a result, you will get average K z.p. for two periods. Further, the arithmetic mean value K z.p. these two components is multiplied by the average salary in the country (for example, in 2011 it is necessary to determine 3 s. for 2010, these data can be taken on the website of the pension fund), and by the length of service coefficient.

It should also be noted that during the periods of your stay in the employment center (you are unemployed), the salary coefficients will be equal to zero (now the minimum wage is taken into account for the periods of unemployment assistance).

Thus, the resulting value (basic amount) of the pension will correspond to the minimum amount below which you should not fall if the calculations are correctly performed.

What documents are needed for the appointment of a pension

And one more "dreary" procedure - to apply for a pension, you need to collect a lot of documents, namely:

  • - passport of a citizen of Ukraine or other identity document of the applicant (original + copy 1,2,11 pages)
  • - certificate of assignment of an identification number (for persons who refused it
  • - a copy of the page of the passport with the corresponding mark)
  • - Diploma (original + copy of certificate, certificate) of education (full-time form)
  • - marriage certificate (original + copy)
  • - divorce certificate (original + copy)
  • - birth certificate of children (original + copy)
  • - 4 color photos 4x6
  • - documents on experience - a work book in the absence of entries in it or inaccuracies in them - a certificate issued at the place of work (extracts from orders, personal accounts, payroll statements, employment contracts, etc. can also be used). If the enterprise (organization) where the applicant worked is liquidated, the documents are issued by successors in their absence - archival institutions
  • - salary statement. According to Article 40 of Law No. 1058-IV, it must contain information about the salary for 60 months of work until 07/01/2000. Amounts must be entered in hryvnia (amounts for the period up to 01.09.1995 are converted into hryvnia by dividing by 100,000).
  • - a certificate from the tax inspectorate (for persons who are not working at the time of applying for a pension) on whether the person is registered as a business entity and on sources of income from 07/01/2000 to the present (as of the date of application with all required documents).
  • When applying for a preferential old-age pension (with a reduction in age), documents confirming the special status of the applicant are also submitted.

    So, in order to assign an old-age pension in accordance with paragraph 3 of the Final Provisions of Law No. 1058-IV, it is necessary:

  • - for participants in hostilities - a certificate of a participant in hostilities and a certificate from the military registration and enlistment office on the period of participation in hostilities
  • - for disabled war veterans and persons equated to them - a certificate from the MSEK on recognition as a disabled person due to a wound at the front, performance of military service duties, or a disease associated with this
  • - for members of the family of dead servicemen - the conclusion of the MSEC on the causal relationship of the death of a serviceman with being at the front, performing military duties, or a disease related to this
  • - for the visually impaired of the 1st group (blind) - MSEC certificate
  • - for liquidators and victims of the Chernobyl disaster - a certificate of the liquidator (victim), a certificate of periods of participation in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident (or other primary documents containing an indication of the period and place of work) - for liquidators, a certificate of the period of residence in contaminated territories - for victims
  • - for parents who raised five or more children - birth certificates (passports) of children, or death certificate (for deceased children).
  • - for parents who have raised a disabled child - a birth certificate (passport) of the child, an extract from the MSEC inspection report or a medical report confirming the child's disability.

    Popular sign - do not start drawing up a pension in advance (not earlier than six months), otherwise your post-retirement period of life may go according to an accelerated schedule :)

    Pension reform in Ukraine

    Today, there is an active discussion in society about pension reform. The introduction of the new law on pensions not only radically changed the procedure for calculating pensions for future pensioners, but in fact became a turning point in the relationship of citizens with their state.

    July 08, 2011 The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted in the second reading and as a whole the draft law "On Measures for Legislative Support for Reforming the Pension System" (No. 7455 of December 13, 2010), developed by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on June 16. The deputies adopted as a basis the draft Law No. 7455 “On Measures for Legislative Support of Reforming the Pension System”. The corresponding decision was supported by 245 deputies. And on September 10, President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych signed the Law on Pension Reform in Ukraine, adopted earlier by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Thus, the pension reform in Ukraine came into force on October 1, 2011. So the law has been passed. What now awaits future pensioners?

    What's new after the pension reform

    The most resonant point of the new law is about raising the retirement age. The Law on Pensions stipulates that both women and men will retire at the same time - at the age of 60. A transitional period has been established for women: each year the retirement age will increase by six months.

    At 55, women who were born before 09/30/56 inclusive can retire. at 55 years and 6 months - born from 01.10.56 to 31.03.57 at 56 years old - born from 01.04.57 to 30.09.57 at 56 years and 6 months - born from 01.10.57 to 03/31/58 at 57 years old - born from 04/01/58 to 09/30/58 at 57 years and 6 months old - born from 10/01/58 to 03/31/59 at 58 years old - born with 04/01/59 to 09/30/59 at 58 years and 6 months old - born from 10/01/59 to 03/31/60 at 59 years old - born from 04/01/60 to 09/30/60 at 59 years and 6 months - born from 01.10.60 to 31.03.61 at 60 years old - born from 01.04.61 to 31.12.61

  • at the age of 60 - born on 01.01.62

    At the same time, the law provides for the payment of supplements to people who voluntarily decide to retire later. Moreover, the longer a person stays at work, the higher the pension allowance is due to him (see table).

    An increase in the size of the pension payment is made only for the full year during which a person refuses to go on a well-deserved rest. Women born from February 1, 1956 to July 31, 1960 (that is, those who will feel the hardships of the transition period) are provided with a 2.5% increase for every 6 months of later retirement - starting at age 55 and up to the age of 60.

    All women have a 3-year transition period (until January 1, 2015) during which they can choose whether to retire under the new or the old law. In the first case, the pension will be paid in full, but later by 6 months for each year after 2011. And in the second case, you can retire earlier, but with a smaller amount of payments, losing 0.5% of your pension for each month of early retirement.

    It was decided not to increase the retirement age for men. The exception is those who rely on a special pension (civil servant, people's deputy, judge, or the so-called scientific pension). They raised their retirement age to 62. Until that time, they will receive a regular insurance pension.

    And another spoonful of honey in a barrel of tar. Only employees with at least 15 years of insurance experience will receive a pension in Ukraine. As part of the pension reform, the minimum required length of service for receiving a pension in Ukraine is proposed to be increased from 5 to 15 years.

    To be eligible for a pension not lower than the minimum, a woman must have at least 30 years of insurance experience, a man - at least 35 years. The length of service includes the period when a person works and receives a salary for which insurance premiums are calculated.

    According to officials of the Pension Fund, these changes are due to the fact that citizens with a significantly different length of service receive approximately the same pension.

    Citizens with less than 15 years of service will only receive benefits, which will be 30-40% of the minimum pension.

    All these changes related to the pension reform will not apply to people who have already retired. In addition, the term of service for military personnel will be extended - they will retire after 25 years of service, and not after 20.

    Now about the disabled. If now a disability pension is prescribed with a minimum length of service of 2 to 5 years (depending on age), now a new age scale is proposed - from 5 to 15 years.

    That is, a disabled person aged 55 and older must have at least 15 years of insurance experience, a disabled person aged 53-54 must have at least 14 years of insurance experience, and so on.

    And for disabled people of II and III groups, who previously had sufficient experience and the right to choose between a disability pension and an old-age pension, the authorities prepared a separate New Year's gift: an increase in the standard length of service to 30-35 years.

    For working pensioners, the recalculation of pensions with an increase in the subsistence minimum will not be made, and only after dismissal from work, the pension will be recalculated taking into account the subsistence minimum.

    With regard to scientific and scientific-pedagogical workers, the allowance for the excess length of scientific work is abolished for them. Also, the authors of the bill propose not to pay a working scientific and pedagogical worker an early assigned Chernobyl or veteran's pension.

    The same will be true for working Chernobyl victims and labor veterans who are entitled to a special pension. Until they reach the new retirement age, no special pension will be paid to them.

    Popular samples and document templates

    The procedure for applying for pensions

    What are the benefits for retirees? How to get them?

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    To assign a pension, a citizen must apply to the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence (registration), and in his absence - at the place of his stay or actual residence.

    As a general rule, this can be done at any time after the right to a pension arises, that is, the period of application is unlimited. An application to the pension authorities is submitted directly by a citizen - a future pensioner or his representative.

    To apply for a pension, the following documents are provided (it is also advisable to have photocopies of them with you):

    Application for a pension (an application form and a sample of filling out are in the Pension Fund)

    Identity document (passport, military ID for military personnel, birth certificate for children under 14)

    Certificate of temporary registration at the place of residence, if you want to receive a pension not at the place of permanent registration for children under 14 years old - an extract from the house book

    A document confirming your insurance experience (employment record)

    Certificate of average monthly earnings for 60 consecutive months for any period of employment

    A document confirming the right to preferential pension provision (usually a work book)

    Insurance pension certificate (SNILS)

    In some cases, additional documents may be required (for example, a certificate of family ties, documents on the establishment of disability and the degree of limitation of the ability to work, etc.).

    An application for an old-age labor pension (for women from 55 years old, for men from 60 years old if they have at least 5 years of insurance experience) is submitted no earlier than a month before the retirement age.

    If the application was submitted after retirement age, the pension is calculated based on the date of application (not retirement age). The day the Pension Fund receives an application with all the necessary documents is considered the day of applying for a labor pension. If the application and documents are sent by mail, that day will be the date indicated on the postmark of the federal postal organization at the place of departure.

    A labor pension is assigned from the date of application, but not earlier than from the day the right to it arises.

    If not all the necessary documents are attached to the application, the Pension Fund department recommends that you submit the missing documents no later than three months from the date of submission of the application for the appointment of a pension. If the documents are submitted within this period, then the day of applying for a pension will be considered the day of receipt of the application for the appointment of a pension, if not, the pension will be assigned at a later date. However, in this case, with the consent of the citizen, the labor pension can be established on the basis of the information available in the FIU, without taking into account the missing documents. And after they receive the amount of pension for all the elapsed time can be paid extra.

    Marriage certificate and its copy.

    Birth certificate of the child and a copy to confirm the period of parental leave.

    Certificate of study of the child, if he is a student and is studying full-time.

    Insurance certificate and its copy for the child.

    Please note: the accrual of any pension (labor, seniority, old age, etc.) starts from the day the application is submitted (ideally, from the date of birth, from which the employee has the right to a pension). Such a statement can be issued by the future pensioner himself, but it will be better and faster if this is done by a representative of the personnel or accounting department. You can also apply in advance, but not earlier than 30 days before your birthday.

    Contact the PFR office (at the place of registration of the retired employee) and submit the following documents:

    Original and certified copy of the passport

    The original work book (if necessary, a certified copy of its last sheet containing a record of employment in your institution)

    A copy and original of a military ID (if the future pensioner served in the army)

    Originals and certified copies of birth certificates of children (in case they are dependent on this person)

    Certified copies of passports of other dependents

    Original documents confirming the right to benefits

    Originals and certified copies of diplomas (required if the study was not carried out in parallel with work).

    All documents are submitted together with the application, the form of which you can get from the FIU officer. In the application, indicate all the individual information about the pensioner and sign.

  • An application for the appointment of a pension is filled out on the form established by law. This form of the form can be obtained at any branch of the Pension Fund, as well as on the official website.

    Download a sample application to the FIU for the appointment of an old-age pension in 2019

    The faster assignment of the old-age pension depends on the correctness of the completed application. If errors or corrections are found in this document, the PFR employees have the right to refuse to accept documents until the application is rewritten.

    Therefore, it is important to fill out the application correctly. In many branches of the Pension Fund, a completed sample hangs so that older people can fill it out correctly and not distract fund employees with questions about how to fill out this document.

    The main filling rules are the standard requirements for any official documents:

    • all required items must be filled in it;
    • the application must be written in clear handwriting;
    • there should be no strikethroughs, corrections and significant blots;
    • the document must be filled out personally by the pensioner himself, must be signed by him, or by an official representative with a power of attorney.

    The application form itself has an established format in which the following mandatory information must be indicated:

    1. The name of the branch of the Pension Fund to which the application is submitted.
    2. The name of the document has already been printed, you only need to verify the correctness of the form that is being filled out.
    3. Next, the surname, name, patronymic of the person who asks for the establishment of a pension is indicated.
    4. It is necessary to indicate the SNILS number, registration and place of residence, contact details and passport information.
    5. Further, data are indicated on whether the citizen is currently working or not.
    6. If you have dependents, please indicate the number of dependents.
    7. The second paragraph fills in the representative's data in a similar way if the application is not submitted in person.
    8. The third paragraph must indicate what type of pension provision the citizen is applying for. To receive a full-fledged pension, you need to put 2 checkmarks, where it is written about the appointment of the insurance and funded parts of the old-age pension.
    9. It will also be necessary to make a note about the fact of receiving or not receiving pension benefits earlier.
    10. This is followed by a list of attached documents.
    11. At the end of the document is the date of filing, the signature of the applicant and a transcript.

    The application must be accompanied by the established set of documents in the original, as well as their duplicates:

    • the applicant's passport with a mark of Russian citizenship and registration in the region;
    • SNILS policy;
    • a work book confirming the insurance and work experience, as well as any other employment contracts in the absence of an entry in the work book;
    • certificate of work experience;
    • marriage certificate, if any;
    • certificates of children, if they are dependent;
    • military ID of men and participants who served in the army;
    • salary statement for the last year.
    You can also provide any other evidence of your work experience if there is no record of it in the work book.

    How to apply

    The legislation provides for several options for filing an application. The future pensioner can use any method convenient for him:

    1. Personal visit to the Pension Fund.
    2. Personal visit to the multifunctional center.
    3. Through a representative who has been issued a notarized power of attorney for the right to represent interests in the Pension Fund.
    4. Send a registered letter by mail with an inventory and delivery notification.
    5. Through the employer who currently employs the future pensioner.

    It is necessary to submit documents immediately after the pensioner decided to receive a pension, since the moment when pension payments begin is the day the application is submitted. Compensation for lost time is not charged.

    When sending by mail, the date of sending the documents is the date on the postal stamp, which was affixed by the postal employee upon receipt of the letter from the applicant.

    After receiving the documents, the FIU or MFC specialist must issue a receipt-notification that he received the documents indicating the date of their receipt.

    From this moment, within 10 days, a decision must be made on the appointment of a pension payment.

    In the event of an error or incomplete set of documents, the FIU officer must notify the citizen about this. 3 months are given to correct the deficiencies.

    Who has the right

    Russian legislation establishes certain requirements for future pensioners. To receive this type of pension, a citizen must meet the following established requirements:

    • retirement age;
    • the required number of years of insurance experience;
    • accumulated pension points.

    As long as this is a new reform, Russian citizens who worked half their time under the Soviet Union are being given a smooth transition to the new pension reform.

    Thus, the requirements for the number of experience and points increase every year until they reach the planned maximums. In terms of seniority, the maximum will be 15 years, in terms of points - 30. But today in 2019, pensioners need to have 7 years of insurance experience and 11.4 points.

    The established retirement age is 60 and 55 for men and women, respectively.

    If a citizen has reached the required age, but the experience is not enough or there are not enough points, he can continue to work until the required indicators are reached or apply for a social pension.

    Insurance experience

    This period includes the entire period of labor activity, as well as periods of interruption in work for certain reasons established by law. These include the following reasons:

    • time for caring for a baby up to one and a half years, 4.5 years - the maximum allowable cumulative period;
    • periods of temporary disability;
    • periods of unemployment of a citizen, when he was registered with the Employment Center and received unemployment benefits;
    • military wives, when they were forced to live with their spouse in military camps, for a period not exceeding 5 years;
    • spouses of diplomats accompanying them in other countries who cannot find a job there, no more than 5 years;
    • when a citizen is imprisoned, if he was subsequently acquitted;
    • periods of military service;
    • any periods of paid work under an employment contract or other public works;
    • the period of time when a person cared for an elderly pensioner over 80 years old;
    • periods of time when a person with a disability group 1 or a child with a disability was cared for.

    All these periods are included in the length of service and are taken into account when calculating the pension payment.

    Each person of pre-retirement age should know the procedure for applying for an old-age pension and the procedure for calculating it. And also be sure to know the established requirements for future pensioners.


    1. Section 1 indicates information about the citizen to whom a pension is assigned, a transfer is made from one pension to another.

    In the case of filing an application for the appointment of a pension (transfer from one pension to another), the representative additionally fills out section 2 of the application.

    1.1. The surname, name, patronymic of a citizen are indicated in full in the nominative case in accordance with the document proving his identity.

    1.2. In the line "Insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance No.", the number of the insurance certificate of a citizen's compulsory pension insurance is indicated.

    1.3. In the line “Belonging to citizenship”, the word is written: “citizen” or “citizen”, depending on who this line is filled in for, and the state of which the person is a citizen (subject) is indicated. If a person has dual citizenship, information about belonging to citizenship is indicated separated by a comma. If a person is not a citizen of the Russian Federation and does not have evidence of citizenship of a foreign state, then this line shall indicate: “stateless person”.

    1.4. Information about residence in the Russian Federation is filled in if the citizen lives in the territory of the Russian Federation.

    In the line "address of residence" the full address of the place of residence of the citizen is indicated, in case of its absence, the word "no" is indicated.

    The line "address of place of residence" is filled in if the citizen has a place of residence confirmed by registration, including if there is a place of residence confirmed by registration.

    In the line "address of the place of residence" the full address of the place of residence of the citizen is indicated, in case of its absence, the word "no" is indicated.

    The line "address of the place of actual residence" is filled in if the address of the place of actual residence of the citizen does not match the place of residence or place of stay, or the citizen does not have a place of residence and place of stay confirmed by registration.

    The line "phone number" indicates the citizen's phone number.

    1.5. Information about residence outside the Russian Federation is filled in if a citizen lives outside the territory of the Russian Federation.

    In the line "full address of the place of residence on the territory of another state" in Russian and foreign (the language of the state of residence) languages, the full address of the place of residence of the citizen on the territory of the state of residence is indicated.

    In the line "address of residence before leaving the Russian Federation" in Russian, the full address of the citizen's place of residence on the territory of the Russian Federation before leaving it is indicated.

    1.6. The line "Name of the identity document" indicates the name of the submitted document proving the identity of the citizen (passport, residence permit, etc.). Further, on the relevant lines, the series, number, date of issue of the document, the name of the authority that issued it, as well as the date and place of birth of the citizen in accordance with the submitted document are indicated.

    1.7. In the line "Gender" a mark is made in the cell "husband." or "female", corresponding to the gender of the citizen.

    1.8. In the line “Currently working, not working”, a mark is made in one of two cells: “working” or “not working”.

    1.9. In the line “Dependent on ______ disabled family members”, the number of disabled family members dependent on the citizen is indicated in words, or the word “no” is indicated (in the absence of these persons).

    2. Section 2 of the application shall be completed in addition to Section 1 in the event of an application for the appointment of a pension (transfer from one pension to another) by a representative (legal representative of a minor or incapacitated person, an organization entrusted with the performance of the duties of a guardian or trustee, an authorized person).

    2.1. In the line "Representative (legal representative of a minor or incapacitated person, organization entrusted with the performance of the duties of a guardian or trustee, trustee)" by underlining one of the proposed answers, the nature (type) of representation is specified.

    2.2. The surname, name, patronymic of the representative are indicated in full in accordance with the document proving his identity.

    For an organization entrusted with the performance of the duties of a guardian or trustee, this line shall indicate the name of the organization in accordance with the constituent documents of the legal entity and the surname, name, patronymic of its representative.

    2.3. Information about the place of residence, place of stay, actual residence of the representative is filled in in the manner similar to filling in the specified data about the citizen.

    For an organization entrusted with the performance of the duties of a guardian or trustee, the legal address of the organization is indicated in the corresponding line. The lines "address of residence", "address of place of stay" and "address of actual residence" are not filled.

    The line "Phone Number" indicates the telephone number of the representative (the organization entrusted with the performance of the duties of a guardian or trustee).

    2.4. In the line “Name of the identity document of the representative”, the identity document of the representative (passport, residence permit, etc.) is indicated.

    2.5. The line “Name of the document confirming the authority of the representative” indicates the document on the basis of which the representative performs his functions on behalf and in the interests of the citizen (certificate of guardianship or guardianship, power of attorney, etc.).

    Further, on the relevant lines, the series, number of the document (if these details are provided for in the form of the document submitted to confirm the authority of the representative), the date of issue and the name of the authority that issued it are indicated.

    3. Section 3 contains information about the established pension.

    3.1. The type of pension, part of the labor pension that a citizen (or a representative in his interests) applies for, is indicated in the accusative case: for example, “old-age labor pension”, “long service pension”, “social disability pension”, “share the insurance part of the old-age labor pension”, etc.

    3.2. In the cells of the lines “I ask to appoint the insurance part of the old-age labor pension”, “I ask to appoint the insurance part of the old-age labor pension, with the exception of the fixed basic amount of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension”, “I ask to appoint the insurance part of the old-age labor pension, taking into account clause 21 Art. 14 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ, “I ask you to assign a funded part of the old-age labor pension”, “I ask you to assign a labor pension for disability”, “I ask you to assign a labor pension in case of loss of a breadwinner”, a note is made in case of a citizen ( or in his interests as a representative) for the appointment of a labor pension or part (parts) of an old-age labor pension.

    3.3. In the cell of the line “I ask to assign the insurance part of the old-age labor pension, with the exception of a fixed base amount”, a mark is made if a citizen (or a representative in his interests) applies for the assignment of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension, with the exception of a fixed basic amount.

    3.4. In the cell of the line “I ask to make a transfer from ___________ to a pension __________________”, a mark is made when a citizen (or in his interests by a representative) chooses the specified procedural action when transferring from one type of labor pension to another, as well as from another pension established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation , for a labor pension, or from one type of state pension provision to another.

    3.5. In the line “Previously a pension on a different basis or from another department”, a mark is made in one of the two cells: “assigned”, “not assigned”.

    3.6. A mark is made in the cell “refusal of a previously assigned pension” when a citizen who is a recipient of a labor pension or a state pension and is not entitled to receive two pensions at the same time, (or in his interests by a representative) applies for the appointment of another pension (another type of pension ).

    3.7. In the cell of the line "consent to recalculate the amount of the pension upwards upon establishing a higher disability group (establishing disability for the first time), reaching the age of 80, changing the cause of disability" a mark is made with the consent of the citizen (or in his interests of the representative) to recalculate the amount of the pension in direction of increase in the event of the subsequent occurrence of the specified circumstances.

    3.8. In the cell “I ask you to assign a federal social supplement to a pension”, a mark is made with the consent of the citizen (or in his interests of the representative) to assign a federal social supplement to the pension.

    4. Section 4 contains provisions about which the citizen (his representative) has been warned. If necessary, the line “(indicate otherwise)” indicates other provisions: for example, the need to immediately inform the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation about the performance of work in positions that give the right to a pension for long service to citizens from among the employees of the flight test personnel, during the period of performance of which the specified the pension is not paid (for citizens from among the employees of the flight test staff who applied for a pension for the length of service).

    5. Section 5 "Documents attached to the application" indicates the documents attached to the application.

    5.1. In the column "No. p / p" indicates the serial number of the record about the name of the document.

    5.2. The column "Name of the document" indicates the names of the documents attached to the application (certificate of earnings, military ID, birth certificate, etc.). If several documents with the same names are submitted, in addition to the name, details (information) clarifying the document are indicated: date of issue, number. For example, "certificate of earnings dated 11/09/1979 No. 365".

    6. In the line "Date of filling out the application" by the citizen (his representative), the date of filling out the application is indicated.

    In the line “Signature of a citizen (his representative)”, a citizen (his representative) puts a signature, which confirms:

    the accuracy of the information specified in the application;

    the fact of familiarization of the citizen (his representative) with the provisions specified in paragraph 4 of the application.

    from 31/12/2018

    Disagreements on the pension issue can be resolved in court, for which you need to draw up a statement of claim for the appointment of a pension. Pension legislation is very confusing. Since in different periods of the development of the country the law contained various methods of calculation. Different periods of work in a particular position were included. Therefore, protection by a fairly common phenomenon. Typical situations are analyzed in sufficient detail by the Decree of the Plenum of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of December 11, 2012 No. 30.

    When you independently draw up a statement of claim for the appointment of a pension, you can use the example given on the website. And additional questions can be asked to the duty lawyer of the site.

    An example of a statement of claim for the appointment of a pension

    To the Ivnyansky District Court

    Belgorod region

    p. Ivnya, st. Guards, 92

    tel. 137653878,

    in Ivnyansky district

    Belgorod region,

    address: 309110, Belgorod region, Ivnyansky district,

    p. Ivnya, st. Danchenko, d. 2

    On November 20, 2020, in accordance with the procedure established by law, I applied to the UPFR in the Ivnyansky district with an application for early appointment of an insurance company. The basis for the application was s. 2 pp 1 art. 30 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ "On insurance pensions" (work in difficult working conditions). To confirm the grounds for a pension, I provided a work book. Additionally - archival certificates from the state archive of the Belgorod region, the administration of the Ivnyansky district, an extract from an individual personal account.

    By decision of the UPFR No. 1342-16 of December 10, 2020, I was denied an old-age insurance pension. With reference to the lack of required special experience. Namely, not confirmation of the fact of employment in construction, reconstruction of buildings and structures of objects. Officials did not include the period from 10/10/1978 to 01/20/1988 as a foreman in the Mechanization Department No. 6 in the length of service.

    I disagree with this decision for the following reasons.

    During the period of work as a foreman of the Department of Mechanization in the USSR, List No. 2 dated 08.22.1956 No. 1173 was in force, in accordance with section XXIX of which the right to early retirement was granted to foremen and foremen. And the main document for assigning a pension was a work book. Mechanization Department No. 6, where I worked, was a structural subdivision of Spetsstroymekhanizatsiya of the USSR Ministry of Construction, as evidenced by the seal in the work book.

    Article 30 of the Federal Law "On Insurance Pensions" establishes the obligation of the state to provide a labor pension to a man in old age before reaching retirement age. For this, 3 conditions are required: reaching the age of 55, working with difficult working conditions for at least 12 years 6 months and having an insurance record of at least 25 years.

    List No. 2 of industries, works, professions, positions and indicators with harmful and difficult working conditions provides for the position of a master of construction and installation works (position 2290000b-23419). The order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of March 31, 2011 establishes that the periods of work giving the right to an early appointment of a pension before registering a citizen as an insured person are confirmed by documents issued by employers or relevant state (municipal) bodies. And only after the registration of a citizen as an insured person, the experience is calculated on the basis of information from an individual (personalized) record.

    Now, due to the liquidation of the organization, I am deprived of the opportunity to request a certificate that would clarify the special nature of the work during the controversial period, not included in the special length of service. From the name of the institution where I worked, its departmental subordination, it directly follows that the enterprise directly carried out construction activities.

    Based on the above, guided by art. 27 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation", art. 30 of the law "On insurance pensions", art. 131-132 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation,

    1. Recognize as illegal the decision of the UPFR in the Ivnyansky district of the Belgorod region No. 1342-16 of December 10, 2020 to refuse to grant a pension;
    2. To include periods of work from 10/10/1978 to 01/20/1988 as a foreman in the Mechanization Department No. 6 in a special length of service, giving the right to early appointment of an old-age labor pension;
    3. To oblige the UPFR in the Ivnyansky district of the Belgorod region to assign a labor pension to the plaintiff ahead of schedule from the date of application for its appointment on November 20, 2020.


    1. Copy of the claim
    2. Receipt for payment of state duty
    3. Decision of the UPFR in the Ivnyansky district of the Belgorod region No. 1342-16 of December 10, 2020;
    4. A copy of documents confirming the length of service;
    5. Employment history

    December 23, 2020 Tokoekov L.V.

    How to file a claim for a pension

    Before going to court, a citizen must apply to the Pension Fund, which decides on the appointment of a pension. Be sure to keep a copy of the application with a mark of acceptance by the specialist of the specified organization. The refusal of the Pension Fund to assign a pension and is appealed in court.

    In the statement of claim, the plaintiff must describe when he applied to the FIU. What documents did he apply for? And why the applicant believes that the state is obliged to assign a pension. And, of course, what decision and in connection with what the Pension Fund made.

    Each claim for the appointment of a pension is individual, which is associated with the personal nature of labor activity. To figure out whether there is a right to an early pension, to a larger size, an interested person can with the help of a lawyer. His services, both in the preparation of a claim and for representation in court, upon receipt of an appropriate petition, will be reimbursed if he wins as a defendant.

    To confirm the fact of labor activity, the plaintiff submits to the court, and attaches to the claim, copies of the work book. As well as information from the employer about the completion of training courses, certificates from organizations about the fact of work.

    Filing a claim for the appointment of a pension in court

    The claim and copies of the materials are filed with the district court at the location of the defendant (his branch) subject to payment of 300 rubles.

    Witnesses may be summoned to the court to confirm the circumstances referred to by the plaintiff. However, witness testimony cannot be used to confirm the specifics of the work (work under certain conditions).

    A claim for the appointment of a pension according to the general rules is being considered. The plaintiff, defendant and other persons are invited by court summons. The decision of the court will enter into force after the expiration of the period for.

    It is better to prepare for retirement in advance. How to do it right - write an application, prepare certificates and extracts, issue a work book to an employee for presentation to the FIU in 2017 - we will tell in the article.

    From the article you will learn:

    The old-age insurance pension is the most common type of pension provision in Russia. Upon reaching the minimum required age, which in 2017 was 60 years for men and 55 years for women, each insured employee has the right to submit an application for a pension to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence - a standard form with documents attached to it confirming insurance experience and the identity of the applicant.

    Download related documents:

    You can submit documents in 2017 both in person and by regular or e-mail, as well as through a legal representative or employer in whose staff the employee is listed. Many organizations prepare in advance and annually submit to the local offices of the FIU lists of employees retiring in the current year, along with all the necessary certificates, inventories and applications.

    Important: starting from January 1, 2017, the retirement age for state and municipal civil servants will gradually increase - by 6 months annually, until it reaches 65 years for men and 63 years for women.

    Application for the appointment of a pension-2017

    It is recommended to write an application for the appointment of an old-age pension in 2017 in advance, about a month before the retirement age. In other words, if an employee turns 60 in January, he can write an application to the personnel department in December of the previous year.

    Important: the right to insurance old-age pensions in the general order comes only if there is a minimum number of years of insurance experience and the required value of the individual pension coefficient is reached (Articles 8 and 35 of Federal Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013).

    A special unified application form for the appointment of an old-age pension (to be submitted to the employer) was not developed. You can create a document in free form. A sample application for an old-age pension in 2017 is as follows:

    Application for the appointment of an old-age insurance pension ahead of schedule

    The law provides for certain exceptions to the general procedure. In particular, a long work experience in special conditions gives the right to early registration of an old-age insurance pension. The procedure for confirming special experience was approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 258n dated March 31, 2011.

    How to understand if an employee can apply for a reduction in the retirement age? Up-to-date lists of jobs, industries, positions, professions and specialties that give such a right will help. Persons employed in 2017 can apply for a preferential pension:

    1. on underground, especially harmful and especially heavy works;
    2. on certain types of ships of the sea and river fleet;
    3. in logging and rafting as workers and foremen;
    4. pedagogical activity in children's institutions and so on.

    To receive benefits, you need to add to the application for the appointment of a pension, a sample of which is in our database of personnel documents, an additional item - on the right to early retirement benefits. The application is accompanied by a certificate of any form, issued by the employer, with the name of the position occupied by the employee (according to staffing), and data on the number of years of special experience.

    Download in.doc

    Download in.doc

    Application for the appointment of a disability pension (sample)

    For the disabled of the first three groups (I-III), a labor pension is assigned on the basis of the conclusion of a medical and social examination (MSE) and is paid up to reaching the retirement age, from which another type of benefit is accrued - old age. The procedure for its calculation is regulated by Article 15 of Federal Law No. 173-FZ of December 17, 2001. The amount of the pension benefit depends on the disability group assigned to the employee and the presence of disabled dependents. It is not affected by:

    the degree of restriction to labor activity (this norm was abolished);

    causes and time of onset of disability;

    length of insurance period.

    An exception to the general rule are disabled people who have no insurance record at all, as well as persons who have received disability as a result of intentional criminal acts to cause harm to their own health. They can only count on a social pension.

    Important: in order for a disability labor pension to be established from the moment the employee is recognized as disabled, it is necessary to apply to the FIU no later than 12 months from the date the ITU conclusion was issued. You can apply for an employment disability pension in person or through a representative.

    A standard disability pension application (sample) follows the same template as an application for an old-age pension. But disability is indicated as the reason why the employee applies for preferential pension provision.