How to make beautiful curls at home with a curling iron, hairdryer, curlers. The original way of curling hair with an elastic band. How to make curls on medium hair

Curls look voluminous, romantic, create the effect of thick hair, participate in a variety of hairstyles and styling. Therefore, it would be useful to learn how to make them yourself, especially since there are an incredible number of ways to create curls. You can use irons, curling irons, curlers and other devices. At home, it is easy to make a variety of curls: from mischievous and small curls to luxurious waves. It remains only to choose the appropriate option.


General principles and rules of curling

Curls are beautiful, but sometimes very harmful. This applies to the improper use of heating devices: hair dryer, ironing, curling irons. Be sure to use thermal protection, as well as adhere to the temperature regimes indicated by the manufacturer in the instructions.

Basic curling rules:

  1. Hair must be clean. If the head is not washed for 2-3 days, the roots are greasy, then the styling will look ugly, it will not work to make the volume, the durability of the hairstyle will decrease.
  2. When winding strands, it is important to pay attention to the tips, straighten them and carefully style them. Otherwise, creases will appear at the end of the curl, or it will simply stick out.
  3. With long and thick hair, you do not need to choose a small diameter tongs or thin curlers. Winding strands will take too much time, and the result in any case will not last more than two days.
  4. You should always use means for fixing, especially in the cold season and in windy weather. It can be mousse, cream, foam. Lacquer is applied to the finished installation.
  5. It is undesirable to immediately straighten warm and fresh curls, let alone comb them. It is necessary to give them time to get stronger, it is advisable to leave them alone for 30-40 minutes.

Curls can be made using different devices, but a lot depends on the length of the hair. On a short haircut, you will not be able to use an iron, and very long hair can get tangled in small and thin curlers. Therefore, from the whole variety, they choose their own method, which will give the desired result with minimal time and effort.

curling iron

A curling iron, also known as a curling iron, is considered one of the most convenient devices for creating curls. The working shaft has a different thickness, length, shape. There are ordinary tongs, as well as in the form of a cone, with a corrugated nozzle. In any case, small strands are used for curling, the process is alternate and takes a lot of time with long hair. But on the other hand, you can make regular or spiral curls with a curling iron, it is suitable for bangs or quick winding of the ends already in the hair.

How to curl your hair with a curling iron:

  1. Wash, dry your hair, it is advisable to use a balm, apply thermal protection.
  2. Heat up the iron. Usually the temperature ranges from 160 to 200 degrees, depending on the thickness and characteristics of the hair, the device itself.
  3. Separate a small strand, carefully comb.
  4. Grab the hair at the base, wrap it around the curling iron towards the end if you want to get a spiral curl. Or just wind the strand into a roller, for an ordinary curl.
  5. Warm up the strand, carefully remove it from the curling iron. Curl the remaining hair, put in a hairstyle, fix with varnish.

Advice! It is the curling iron that will correct the mistakes in the hairstyle. If some strand sticks out ugly or just does not twist on the curlers, you can quickly heat the tongs and curl it. In the total mass of hair, the difference will not be very noticeable.

Using an iron (straightener)

An important condition for using an iron is dry and clean hair. If moisture remains, it is very easy to burn them. As a result, instead of beautiful and flowing curls, hard, dry, damaged strands will turn out. It is important to dry your hair not only after washing, but also after applying thermal protection.

Step by step technique:

  1. Carefully comb the hair, separate the upper part, stab at the crown.
  2. Heat the iron to about 180 degrees.
  3. Separate the front strand, pinch at the roots, run once to the ends to straighten and warm.
  4. Pinch again at the base, scroll the tongs around its axis along with the hair and stretch the entire strand to the end, release it from the iron.

As soon as the lower hair ends, wind the previously pinned top in this way.

Using a foil iron

Another way to wind curls at home with an iron. It is good in that it allows you to use a straightener even for a short length. In addition to ironing, you will need pieces of ordinary food foil. It is advisable to do them in advance so that the process of creating a hairstyle does not drag on for a long time.

How to curl your hair with foil:

  1. Separate a thin strand. Wrap around your finger, pencil, or other suitable object, but not tight.
  2. Carefully remove the hair wrapped in a ring, wrap it in a piece of foil, press it so that nothing unwinds. You can immediately twist all the remaining hair.
  3. Heat the iron to 180-200 degrees. Alternately warm all the twisted hair through the foil. Cool down.
  4. Carefully remove the foil, straighten the curls with your fingers.

The same method can be used to get fashionable broken curls. In this embodiment, the strand is not wound on a finger, but folded in a zigzag, then also packed in pieces of foil, heated with an iron.

Important! Regardless of the curling method, you need to comb the curls with your fingers or a comb with rare teeth. If you use a regular brush, the hairstyle will quickly lose its attractiveness, the curls will fall apart, stick out in different directions.

Video: Creating large curls with ironing

Curlers: rules of use and types

One of the oldest ways to make curls, it is also considered the most careful and safe. An exception is hot curlers (thermo, electric). Their action is similar to the work of tongs and ironing. Ordinary curlers are wound in a cold way. Most often they are made of plastic, woven fabric with Velcro or wood. Also now on sale you can find foam rubber papillots, sometimes with a flexible rod inside.

How to curl your hair with curlers:

  1. Separate the strand, sprinkle with water or apply styling foam, comb with a fine-toothed comb.
  2. Pull out the hair, attach curlers to the tip, wind it straight or in a spiral, fix it with a clip.
  3. Dry your hair naturally or with a hairdryer.
  4. Remove the curlers, let the curls get stronger.
  5. Put curls in your hair.

Rags, ribbons (homemade papillots)

An alternative to papillots is rags and ribbons. This is also an old way of getting small but strong and bouncy curls that can last for days. It is suitable for any length, you can change the thickness of the ribbons, wound strands. Hair is not damaged. For curling, ribbons or rags 15-20 cm long are needed, the thickness is arbitrary.

How to wind your hair into ribbons:

  1. Comb the strand, sprinkle with water.
  2. Attach a ribbon to the tip, gently twist the hair into a hank.
  3. Tie the ends together to secure the ribbon.
  4. Dry your hair, untie the ribbons.

The disadvantages of this method include a large investment of time. Twisted hair dries for a long time, you will have to perm it in the evening, leaving it all night.

Video: Large curls on socks

Hairdryer and brushing

A hair dryer can be used to speed up the drying of curlers, but it can also be used for curling. This method is used after washing your hair or you need to sprinkle your hair with water. Additionally, brushing is required. This is the name of a round brush with densely set teeth. It is thanks to the bristles that the entire strand is wound, individual hairs do not fall out and do not stick out. It is important to use brushing correctly, you do not need to wind strands around it, like on curlers, otherwise there is a high probability of confusing them.

How to curl your hair with a hairdryer:

  1. Dry the washed hair with a towel, divide into several sections.
  2. Raise one strand at the roots, slip the brushing, scrolling, pull down to the very end. Repeat one or two more times.
  3. While scrolling from above, direct a hot jet of air from a hair dryer.
  4. To consolidate the result, repeat the winding, dousing the hair with a cold stream of air.

The popularity of this method has forced manufacturers to release electric brushes. It can be a stand-alone device or just attachments for a standard hair dryer. Such a device simplifies the creation of curls, allows you to get a chic styling in a few minutes.

Ways to curl short, long and medium length hair. Key secrets and reviews.

Female beauty is magical, it fascinates and attracts, excites and delights. And every representative of the fair sex craves attention and admiration from men. To do this, she sometimes makes a titanic effort to look like an idol on a glossy cover.

We pay special attention to hair. Playful curls, large curls, soft waves on the female head make men turn around and make us feel like queens.

Frequent trips to the hairdresser, chemical or biowave are still a little expensive for the average woman. Yes, and the damage to the hair from frequent heating and curling with a curling iron, tongs, thermal curlers is significant. They lose their luster, split, break.

But there is a way out - these are ecological and the safest ways to get the desired curls and curls at home. And curlers with curlers are not needed at all.

How to quickly and beautifully wind and make wavy hair without curling irons and curlers?

Let's take a look at some of the most common ways to curl at home.

1. Using an elastic band for a Greek hairstyle

  • Wash your hair, dry with a towel, comb well
  • When they are almost dry, start winding
  • Put on an elastic band, carefully divide all the hair under it into small strands, twist them like spirals and twist around the elastic band
  • The ends of the strands can be fixed with small invisible ones if you can’t hide them under the elastic
  • If the hair is prone to curling, then it is enough to walk around with such a hairstyle for an hour or two and unwind
  • If the hair is straight, then you need to spend more time - from 5 hours to the whole night. By the way, sleeping with such a perm is convenient if you do not use invisibility
  • Remove the elastic band with a slight movement of the hand and gently straighten the curls
  • Don't use a comb, just run your fingers through your hair to straighten it.
  • Fix the result with varnish
  • Washed and well-dried hair, give the shape of a soft wave with your own hands
  • Apply the mousse all over your hair, except for the roots and scalp.
  • With gentle hand movements, remember them for 15-20 minutes
  • If time is short, use a hair dryer while styling with your hands

3. We use improvised means- kitchen towels made of cloth or paper, an old clean T-shirt, handkerchiefs or other fabrics. Important - they should not be synthetic, otherwise slipping and delamination of the fabric are provided, but beautiful curls are not.

  • Depending on the width of the curl that you want to get, we cut our material at hand into strips
  • For small curls, the width of a fabric or paper "helper" of 2.5-3 cm is suitable. For large curls - at least 5 cm. Cut the T-shirt from the neck down, do not use sleeves
  • Hair should be freshly washed and slightly damp
  • If they are clean, then you can spray them with a spray bottle.
  • Take a patch and place it on or under the curl, depending on the desired direction of curling the ends.
  • Start twisting the paper or fabric strip from the ends of the strand to the roots. If it is necessary to curl not the entire length, then to the level that is optimal
  • Tie a strip or fasten it with an invisibility
  • Go to bed with hair
  • In the morning, gently unfold each strand, lightly walk your hands at the roots, as if fluffing your hair.
  • If necessary, fix the result with varnish
  • Slightly damp clean hair comb well
  • We form small strands with our hands and twist them tightly in a spiral.
  • We collect at the roots of the hair in the form of a snail
  • We fix each hairpin
  • Leave for 5-8 hours
  • Gently unwind, beat with your hands and tousle your hair a little

5. We wind on a finger

  • Barely damp clean hair comb
  • Separate the strand and wind it around your finger from the tip to the roots of the hair
  • It will turn out a ring, which is carefully removed from the finger and fixed with a hairpin.
  • So we collect rings all over the head
  • After 5-7 hours they can be dissolved
  • The ideal result will be obtained if you twist your hair in this way at night.
  • Lightly spray curls with varnish

6. Weave pigtails for the night.

One of the initial methods for getting wavy hair is with braids.
Freshly washed, almost dry hair is divided into several strands - 2, 4, 6 or more.

  • It all depends on the desired result - more curly and lush hair or a light wave. Remember that the fewer braids, the less splendor and curlyness
  • We braid the braid tightly and fix it with a silicone rubber band.
  • If there are a lot of braids, they can be intertwined with each other in this way until you get one
  • We go to bed
  • In the morning we undo the braids, break the strands with our hands
  • To give volume at the roots, you can walk with an iron.
  • We fix the result with varnish

7. Use a sock

  • We cut off the clean sock at the location of the fingers so that we get a pipe
  • We twist it to the state of a round donut
  • We collect clean, slightly damp hair in a bun and fix it high on the crown in a ponytail.
  • We take our blank from the sock, place it around the tips of the tail.
  • We wind the hair from the bottom up onto the sock so that it is evenly distributed along the circumference of the sock
  • At the top we get a beautiful bagel of hair
  • We fix it with hairpins or invisible
  • Unwind your hair after a while
  • With such a “donut” you can go all day, and in the evening show off in all its glory with loose wavy hair at a party or a romantic meeting

8. We twist the bundles

Instead of braids, you can twist your hair into bundles.

  • We comb clean, almost dry hair and divide it into two halves along the parting.
  • We twist each into a tight tourniquet in the direction away from the face, so that future curls emphasize the openness of your face.
  • We fix both tourniquets with silicone or any other rubber band in front of the chest or back on the back.
  • We go to sleep.
  • In the morning, remove the elastic band and tousle the hair with your hands.
  • You can fix the result with varnish.

How to wind your hair without a curling iron and curlers: photo

Below is an example of a photo-instruction for winding hair without a curling iron and curlers.

How to wind your hair at night without curlers?

All hair curling methods require a certain amount of time to achieve the desired effect. And optimally, if you have a night at your disposal, when, after the preparatory work, you can sleep with a haircut. And in the morning, just fix it slightly and enjoy the result.

How to wind your hair at night? Braiding methods, curling into bundles and winding on paper, cloth shreds and elastic are best suited. In this case, during sleep, nothing will prick and interfere with you. You can completely relax and not think that with any of your movements you will spoil the fixation of the hairstyle.

Wavy hair at home without curling irons and curlers

Beautiful waves on the hair can be obtained by twisting on an elastic band for a Greek hairstyle or on a sock. These options are especially interesting because they look like full-fledged hairstyles and up to the moment of unwinding the hair.

How to make light waves on your hair without a curling iron?

Light waves are well obtained with the use of soft curlers - papilettes. They are made of polymers, are almost weightless in mass, are affordable and are sold in any supermarket or specialty store.
There is a rough ball in the middle of the papilette for better holding of the ends of the strand. These curlers are easy to wind and fix their ends together.
Sleeping with them is comfortable, they are soft, without sharp and prickly corners.
In the morning, unwind your hair and lightly comb through with a wide-toothed comb. This will give the hair a light wave and even out the curls.

How to wind and make curls on short hair without a curling iron and curlers?

Short hair is not at all an obstacle to creating a variety of daily hairstyles, including curls and waves. Your imagination and desire will help create interesting images.
Consider several options for how to make curls on short hair.

1. Apply a special round comb-brush

  • On damp, clean hair, apply a little mousse for volume.
  • We take a brush and a hair dryer, dry our hair alternately with hot and cold air and at the same time twist the curls with a brush
  • For clearer waves, you need to wind the curl on the brush, then direct a stream of air from the hair dryer at it
  • Hold for a couple of seconds, remove the hair dryer and carefully remove the brush
  • Do the same for the entire head.
  • Run your hands lightly through your hair to style the curls.
  • Spray with hairspray for a longer lasting effect.

2. If there is no hair dryer at hand, then we create waves with our own hands

  • To do this, squeeze wet hair with your fingers.
  • So we sort out all the hair
  • Thanks to such movements, the hair will dry faster and acquire a romantic waviness.

3. Thanks to the elastic band for the Greek hairstyle
The process has been described above. Even if you cannot use all the hair due to different lengths, do not worry. A light curl will still work.

How to wind and make curls on medium length hair without a curling iron and curlers?

With medium length hair, there are many ways to curl at home. And the time taken to shape beautiful curls or waves is relatively small.

  • As a means for winding hair of medium length, elastic bands, hairpins, snail bundles, strips of fabric or paper, your own hands, a brush with a hairdryer are suitable.
  • The main thing is the flight of your imagination and creative inspiration
  • If you have a lot of small crabs, then fix the hair rings at the roots not with hairpins, but with crabs. It can save you time for curling

Hairstyles for medium hair without a curling iron

The Greek hairstyle, wound on a special elastic band, remains relevant. Hair can be chosen randomly under it, or you can separate each curl and twist it. As a result, light waves on the hair are provided.

  • Strands twisted with flagella or rings after unwinding will give pretty curls to their mistress
  • Papilettes or strips of fabric, spun at night, will also delight you with wavy hair in the morning.
  • Brush and hair dryer are a good pair for creating body waves. The secret is to first wind the length of the brush, and then gently lift the roots.
    We wind each strand onto the brush horizontally, dry it, hold the brush for a couple of seconds and remove the strand
  • You can wind the strands on the brush vertically and also unwind them after drying. So the waves will be less pronounced, but the tips are well twisted. This option will be of particular interest to owners of hair of different lengths.

How to wind long hair without a curling iron and curlers?

Girls with long hair can use the most curling methods at home. All of the above methods are effective for them.

  • Classic pigtails or "spikelet" will give beautiful waves to your hair
  • Spirals and bundles will slightly curl your hair
  • Small braids and curling on hairpins will help to achieve the effect of curly African hair.
  • Experiment with different ways of curling, choose your favorite and use it with pleasure

Large curls and waves for long hair without a curling iron

Large curls on long hair are easy to achieve when using:

  • hair dryer and large diameter brush
  • sock or rubber bands for Greek hairstyles
  • curls with plaits and "bun"
  • regular autumn shawls

Consider the technique of the last method:

  • Divide wet hair into two sections.
  • Form two high ponytails, secure them with silicone rubber bands
  • Take a handkerchief, fold it diagonally
  • Tie the scarves around the ponytails so that both ends are the same length.
  • Divide the tail into two parts and wind each of them tightly onto the hanging part of the scarf
  • Wind the hair in a spiral from the roots down so that the ends of the strands coincide with the end of the scarf.
  • Secure your hair with a silicone rubber band
  • We repeat similar actions with the second tail.
  • In total you will get 4 spirals
  • If you wind them up at night, then feel free to go to bed
  • If you wound it in the morning, then by gathering all 4 spirals together and fixing them at the back or on top with a crab, you will get a pretty decent homemade hairstyle
  • Unwind each strand carefully, untie the scarf
  • Rubber bands can be simply torn for convenience.
  • Straighten your hair with your hands, shake your head slightly so that it crumbles
  • Fix the result with varnish

How to quickly curl long hair without a curling iron

The fastest way to curl long hair without a curling iron is a large-diameter brush and a hair dryer. Technique as for medium length hair.

In second place is twisting the hair into a “bun” at the crown:

  • slightly damp clean hair is collected in a bun, pressed with one hand
  • with the other hand, twist tightly in a spiral in any convenient direction from roots to ends
  • in the process of twisting, the hair itself will lie down in a “bun”
  • fasten with hairpins or crabs
  • wait an hour and a half and unwind your hair
  • with your hands, slightly straighten your hair and sprinkle with varnish

A few tips for those who want to get beautiful curls at home:

  • before curling, the hair should be either freshly washed or slightly moistened, for example, from a spray
  • Wet hair works great with Tangle Teezers. Even too tangled strands, they can easily unravel without losing hairs.
  • start curling curls from the crown, gradually moving along the head to other sides
  • instead of mousse and gels, use water with lemon juice, gelatin or beer. They will make thin hair a little tougher and curls will last longer.
  • to fix the final curly hairstyle, use a weak or medium hold hairspray to avoid stickiness and stickiness of the curls

How beautifully and quickly to wind and curl your hair without curlers and curling irons: tips and reviews

Oksana, student
I have a very dynamic life. I always try to do a lot in my studies and spend my leisure time qualitatively. I wear a short haircut and love to experiment with hairstyles, especially during styling after washing my hair. Either with my own hands, or with a brush, I create cute waves on my hair and a good mood for myself!

Marina, young mother
Since the appearance of my beloved baby, I devote all the time to her and learn to manage to do household chores. Now only my beloved husband works in our family, which means that I always need to look attractive at home. I wear medium length hair and try to give it a pretty shape. I like to twist them into a Greek hairstyle or make a “donut” out of my hair. After a day of wearing them in this form, in the evening I like to flash beautiful waves and curls in front of my husband.

Elizabeth, sales manager.
I work in the office of a serious IT sales company. The schedule is busy, full of meetings, meetings, business trips. Often there is simply no opportunity to go to the hairdresser. And looking at 100% is my habit and necessity! Besides, I'm married and have children. I wear long hair and try to experiment with different hairstyles. My favorites are braids and scarves, which in the morning give a beautiful wave to my curls after nightly curls.

We examined in detail the methods of winding hair without a curling iron and curlers for different lengths of hair, got acquainted with the reviews of women who practice curling at home, drew attention to some tips.

Video: Curls without curlers and curling irons

Spiral beautiful curls can give any girl a romantic and mysterious look. Unfortunately, many simply do not know how to make such curls on their own. However, for starters, it’s enough just to buy spiral curlers.

Features and Benefits

Spiral curlers are significantly different from classic hair curlers, but this does not mean at all that they are worse. On the contrary, it is worth giving preference to the "spirals". However, they have a number of features and are not suitable for everyone:

  • To begin with, it should be noted that spiral papillots come in two varieties. Firm ones are suitable for everyone, while soft ones are suitable only for certain types of hair.

Speaking about the features of spiral curlers, it is worth noting the common features of hard and soft models. With these features, styling on such curlers differs from traditional curling methods:

  • Curling on spiral curlers is done using a different method. If ordinary papilots require the strand to be wound horizontally, then spiral ones - vertically.
  • In the case of using "spirals", the result is elastic curls-curls. When styling with traditional models, a hairstyle with soft romantic curls or waves is obtained.
  • As everyone knows, a curl on classic curlers lasts quite a long time. Spiral papillots are able to compete with their "sisters" in this matter. Girls write that the effect of using "spirals" lasts much longer.
  • From the name it is clear that spiral curlers are used to obtain spring curls. Curls are smaller and more even when comparing the result after applying conventional and spiral models.
  • Another important difference is the size.. If we talk about hard spiral curlers, they are mostly made quite thin, while soft curlers open up complete freedom of choice regarding the diameter of the future curl. Ordinary traditional curlers are made in different thicknesses, but it is rare that the length of these gizmos varies. With "spirals" this problem will not arise.

As you can see, curling with spiral curls has a number of advantages, and curling with “soft” curls is more preferable. In addition to the above characteristics, their advantages also include the following:

  • Safety for hair health. Due to the fact that the hair is not subjected to additional heat treatment, the use of such curlers is currently the most gentle form of curling. A gentle effect on the shape of the curl allows you to give the hair the necessary bend, while at the same time not affecting its structure. With "spirals" you can even sleep, while they do not interfere.
  • Spring curlers can be selected for both short and long hair (models up to 75 cm in length are available).
  • Due to the uniform impact on the curl, it will spin without creases.
  • The use of high-tech polymer fiber in the production of such curlers allows them to be used for a long time.


As mentioned above, spiral curlers are divided into hard and soft. Solid curlers look like thin tubes with a spiral cut in the center. They are supplemented with a special rubber or iron hair retainer. The use of solid curlers allows you to get an elastic curl-spring, and all curls in this case will be absolutely identical. However, often the tree is not processed well enough, as a result of which it is difficult to remove the papillots. Damaged and broken hair is very difficult to restore in the future. Solid papillots are wooden, metal and plastic:

  • Wooden curlers are more common and are often the legacy of our mothers and grandmothers. Spiral papilots are rarely used. Their plastic counterpart causes less confidence on the part of the fair sex, since, as a rule, the high quality of plastic curlers is by no means guaranteed.
  • plastic curlers less traumatic, but if they are of insufficient quality, it is impossible in principle to perform at least some kind of perm with their help.

  • Soft curlers are made of a material similar to fabric, which is twisted in the form of a spiral. When buying such a set, a plastic hook is additionally attached, which is assembled from two or three parts, depending on the length of the “spiral”. Although soft curlers are usually made from high quality polymer, the same cannot be said for the hook. Girls note that it breaks first of all, so be sure to pay attention to its quality when buying.

Due to the special properties of the material from which soft hairpins are made, they can be firmly fixed on the hair without the help of special clips or hairpins. At the same time, removing them is quite simple, just pull the end of the spiral. The polymer is absolutely harmless to hair. It is a soft cloth, due to which such a papillot will not get tangled in the hair, will not break it, and the hair will not be able to catch on bumps and be subjected to traumatic effects.


Hard, as well as soft curlers are distinguished by two criteria: by length and by size. Long curlers are designed for long hair. Models are shorter, respectively, for short ones.

The length of soft curlers varies from 15 to 75 cm, allowing you to choose them for any hair length. In order to make it easier for the buyer to decide on the choice of the required length of the papillot, you can create a list of the following recommendations:

  • For hair up to the chin, curlers from 15 cm are suitable.
  • If the hair length is up to the shoulders, you should stop at models 15-25 cm.
  • With a length slightly below shoulder level, curlers 25-35 cm are suitable.
  • If the hair reaches the shoulder blades, choose curlers 35-45 cm long.
  • For hair below the shoulder blades, focus on curlers 45-55 cm long.
  • If the length of your hair reaches the waist, then 55-65 cm options will suit you.
  • Finally, if your hair is below waist level, choose curlers with a maximum length of 75 cm.

The length of solid curlers also varies, but in the case of them, this will only affect how “springy” the curl will turn out in the end.

The diameter of the curler directly affects the final result, since it determines how the curl will turn out in the end. Spiral curlers allow you to create both small mischievous curls and glamorous large curls.

Spirals with a diameter of 1-3 cm are great for styling small curls. They will look like you've had a perm. When choosing "spirals" of this diameter, be careful: small "springs" are not for everyone. In addition, the perm in this case should start from the very roots, so for such styling it is better to choose solid curlers.

The effect of natural curls can be obtained by using spiral curlers with a diameter of 2.5 to 4 cm. Soft curlers will give a more natural effect in the end, while hard curlers will create a semblance of doll styling.

Helpful Tip: When using soft curlers, style your hair in different directions in a random order - towards and away from your face. So you will achieve a greater effect of negligence and naturalness.

"Spirals" of the largest diameter - 5 cm - will serve as an excellent alternative to curling and ironing when creating Hollywood curls. Hard curlers of this diameter are not produced, but soft ones can be easily found. Before using soft spirals, it is imperative to apply a smoothing agent to the hair so that the resulting waves look more bohemian.

Please note that hard curlers are suitable for styling any type of hair, while soft ones are suitable only for wavy and curly hair.

How to use?

In order to make beautiful styling, you need to be able to use spiral curlers properly. This will also save you from unpleasant consequences, for example, that the curls will start at different heights.

First of all, decide what hairstyle you want to end up with. Whether it will be small curls, natural waves or Hollywood curls, it's up to you. The preparation of hair for subsequent styling depends on what result you want to see.

Creating small curls

To create this hairstyle, it is better to choose solid spiral curlers of small diameter. You won’t be able to make this hairstyle on your own, so we advise you to arm yourself with the help of a patient friend:

  • First, wash your hair and dry your hair with a towel. It is best to leave it for 10-20 minutes so that the water is well absorbed. Next, treat your hair with a heat protectant and a strong hold styling product. Hairdressers advise choosing products with a smoothing effect for creating fine curls, as it will eventually give a neater look to your curls.
  • Comb your hair thoroughly. A soft-toothed brush is ideal for combing wet hair. Before twisting them, divide the entire head into zones (temporal, parietal, occipital and bangs).
  • It is best to start curling from the back of the head. Separate a strand of hair about 2 cm wide and twist it into a light bundle so that the hairs do not break out. Bring the spiral curler to the base of the curl and start winding the strand around the curler so that the curl is exactly in the grooves of the spiral cut. Secure with a special fastener.
  • Do the same with the rest of the hair. Please note that the winding should not be too tight, otherwise your hair will not dry out and you will not achieve the desired effect.
  • Dry your hair thoroughly with a hair dryer or naturally if time permits. Please note that it is better not to leave spiral curlers at night, since it is impossible to sleep in them.
  • Carefully free your hair from the curlers. You should not comb your hair, it is better to rub a couple of drops of texturizing hair product in your hands and “walk” a little through individual strands. This styling will delight you until the next wash.

Women at all times have striven for beauty, inventing ingenious ways to curl their hair. Beautiful curls make the image romantic, charming and feminine, such hairstyles never go out of style.

Today, a huge arsenal of tools and devices for curling hair makes it possible to get curls of a wide variety of shapes - soft body waves and mischievous flirtatious curls, spiral curls and elastic tight rings. Depending on the chosen image, you can curl small, medium or large curls, and style your hair in various ways.

Wavy, completely loose hair will give the image femininity and sexuality, emphasizing the charm and beauty of its owner in the New Year and on any holiday.

Spiral curls with using a cone

Even if by nature your hair is absolutely even and straight, you can, without spending a lot of time and effort, make a charming hairstyle with spiral curls that will look great both at an evening gala event and in everyday life.

To do this, you will need a conical curling iron, a thermal hair protection product, mousse or gel, an elastic varnish for fixing. To protect your hands from burns, you can use special protective gloves.

1. Curls are made on clean hair, so before you start styling, be sure to wash your hair and dry it with a hairdryer.

2. On damp hair, apply a little Garnier Fructis Smoothing Milk (optional) or a similar product from other brands. This will help your hair stay hydrated and shiny.

3. Before curling your hair, use a special heat protectant that will help avoid dryness, brittleness and damage to your hair when curling, in our case it is Chi Silk Infusion serum.

You can apply a mousse or gel (such as Deva Care Arc Angel Gel) to your hair immediately or during the curling process on each strand. Give volume to your hair at the roots with a blow dryer.

2. Now brush your bangs, turning them outward and directing a stream of hot air from a Revlon Ion Dryer onto the strands.

3. Curl the entire bangs with a conical curling iron from the face. Do not touch your hair until it has completely cooled down.

4. To make spiral curls, separate a strand of hair, and gently wind it onto the Conair Curling Wand, starting from the roots. Moreover, the longer the hair, the thinner the strand should be.

Tightly wind the strand on the curling iron with a movement from the face, hold for a few seconds, then gently, without unwinding, remove the curl from the curling iron. To give extra volume, you can make a light pile at the roots.

Repeat the curl with the rest of your hair.

Lightly comb the finished curls with your fingers, give the hairstyle the desired shape and fix it with an elastic hairspray. Try to varnish the curls throughout their mass and from all sides, then the hairstyle will last longer. Pay special attention to the ends of the hair - they should look neat.

Strands of hair above the ears can be fixed with hairpins or invisible. Spiral curls can be worn both loose and collected in a charming sloppy ponytail. In order to get the perfect result, carefully sort each curl into strands.

Curls for medium length hair

To curl long curls, pin the top layer of hair with a clip, and start twisting the curls from the bottom.

Curls for long hair

Spiral curls with flexible curlers

1. Wash your hair, comb it thoroughly. While your hair is slightly damp, apply a curling product, such as mousse, to your hair.

2. Divide your hair into small but equal parts, then wrap them around flexible curlers (temo or regular) in the form of sticks. Pre-twist the stick into an arc.

3. Turn the wand at the scalp in the opposite direction, this will ensure a good fixation of the curlers. Continue twisting the rest of your hair.

4. If you are using hot rollers, wait until they cool down and carefully unroll them, removing curls.

If you use regular flexible curlers, they are soft enough to sleep on. Remove them carefully in the morning.

5. Then run your fingers into curls to give them a natural look.

Treat the finished curls with hairspray, spraying a little more on the ends.

Curls on thicker curlers

Curls on thin sticks

Gorgeous curls. This type of styling for the occasion and without looks great with both jeans and an evening dress. Curls, waves, curls will never go out of fashion and will become a worthy decoration for any hair. Today, there are many devices for winding hair without the help of hairdressers. You need to be able to cope with your own hair, this will save time and money. In this article, we will tell you how to make voluminous curls at home using simple improvised means: ironing, hair dryer and foil. And also you will learn a lot of useful tricks that will allow you to carry your chic curly burden to everyone's envy.

photo of curly hair

Some facts about curly and wavy hair:

  • Curly hair or fluffy hair that is prone to frizz is dry and porous in texture. They have a flat, slightly compressed shape, due to which a spiral curl appears.
  • Curly hair is almost always dull. The scales covering the hair, due to the numerous spirals, rub against each other much more often. They acquire a matte surface, which is why they often break off and split.

  • Curly hair is very tangled, which makes it difficult to comb it. A comb with wide teeth or a massage comb will come in very handy here.
  • Due to the fact that the hair is dry, it does not require daily washing.
  • Due to its porous structure, such hair is able to eat any cosmetic product that you would not put on it. They are always “hungry” and need extra food. It is advisable to apply a caring mask before washing.

  • Any sharp movements with a towel through wet hair will injure them even more. If the curls are allowed to dry on their own, they will turn into a beautiful styling. The paradox is that the more you try to conjure over them, the worse the result.
  • After washing, apply oil to the hair. It moisturizes, nourishes and makes them shiny. But if the oil is too simple for you, and you are not looking for easy ways, then choose care or styling products that do not contain alcohols and non-volatile silicone substances.

  • Even curly hair needs to be curled when it loses its shape after washing. A conical curling iron with thermal protection will help here, which will make the curl as natural as possible.
  • At night, it is better to braid your hair not in a pigtail, but in bundles. This will help maintain the shape of the curl and not wring the curls.

How to make voluminous curls at home, you will see in our photos with step-by-step instructions and videos from famous bloggers and celebrities.

Photo instruction

We begin to create voluminous curls:

  • Before you start styling, you must thoroughly wash your hair. Foam will lie better on wet hair. If you want a cool volume, then without a special foam and - nowhere! We apply randomly, evenly distributing over all strands. The randomness and disorder of movements during styling will give the curls immediacy and naturalness.
  • It is also better to apply a heat protectant in advance so that the hot air of the hair dryer does not damage the structure of the strands and does not destroy them. Then we begin to dry the hair with a hairdryer, before these lightly massaging a comb with wooden teeth, so that the hair at the roots becomes more active and rises. The main thing is that the roots are completely dry.

  • When you dry the roots, the tips may still be slightly damp. It's time to structure them with a spray or hair salt. Now dry a second time, paying attention to the tips. In the process, you can slightly lift the roots with a hair brush.
  • When the volume has become noticeable, it's time to start creating wavy hair. From the face, it is necessary to wind one strand onto a hot curling iron. Be careful not to get burned.
  • Then you need to fix the shape of the curls with varnish, slightly distributing the strands with your hand to achieve a natural effect.

Photo by Maria Ivakova from the beauty blog

Turn on the video and repeat after Maria Ivakova. You can also try Maria's hair products and trust her expert opinion.

Curls without a curling iron

Most girls are very sensitive to their hair, so they try not to expose them to chemical or mechanical stress. Let's figure out how to make voluminous curls at home without curling irons, tongs and curlers. There are many methods on the net: using bandanas, paper, foil, hairpins, tying pigtails at night, etc. It's all too tedious and time consuming. But there is one easy way for long hair that only takes 5 minutes before bed:

  1. We wash our hair, dry it thoroughly and comb our hair. We apply foam or mousse to the ends of the hair so that the curls hold better.
  2. We divide the hair into two parts and create the desired parting. Then we divide each part into three more even strands so that our curls turn out to be the same in shape, and the hairstyle looks harmonious and beautiful.
  3. To prevent the strands from intertwining, they can be marked with an elastic band or a hairpin for convenience.
  4. We comb each strand up and begin to twist each in the direction from the face. From each strand you should get a twisted tourniquet.
  5. We try to raise the harnesses as high as possible so that during sleep they do not interfere.
  6. We wrap each tourniquet in kralk, securing it with an elastic band, and boldly go to bed.
  7. If during the night the bumps from the bundles fall a little, it's not scary. We unwind each and get beautiful curls. The waves should turn out elastic and clear. And now enjoy your reflection in the mirror!

To get more curls and volume, bumps can be made in larger quantities at your discretion.

There are many more tricks on how to make voluminous curls at home, the photo below shows step-by-step instructions for working with foil.

  1. To do this, we need additional tools: a massage comb, a pair of clips, varnish, an iron and food foil.
  2. We divide dry and clean hair into vertical partings from the highest point of the head. We fix the extra strands with clamps, we make partings either with a comb or with our fingers.
  3. We take a strand, twist it into a ring (lamb) and wrap it with foil. We do such actions with each strand throughout the head.
  4. We take an iron and press the foil for 5-7 seconds, no more.
  5. When the strands have cooled, remove the foil. The resulting curls can be broken with your fingers or combed with a massage comb. Next, we record the result.

If the hair is thick and very long, try to make the strands thinner. And if you want more volume, lift the lamb higher approximately along the line of the ear.

Curls in 10 minutes

To make voluminous curls at home without ironing and stylers, without harming the hair plate, it is not necessary to braid the bundles at night. Curls can be made quickly, armed with a hair dryer and a hairpin!

Let's get started:

  1. On clean and dry hair, we select sections of strands, even in a chaotic manner, and begin to wind. The main thing is that all strands should be twisted in the same direction: either on the face or away from the face.
  2. We create a tourniquet by twisting the strand around the base, and fix it with a hairpin or clip.
  3. We start heating the hair with a hair dryer for 5 minutes to give fixation. Then let them cool for 10 minutes and remove the clamps.
  4. Removing the clamps is the most important moment. Here we begin to shape the styling, creating voluminous curls.

So in just 10 minutes you will achieve luxurious voluminous curls.

Afro curls with an iron in 20 minutes

For many girls, it is not enough to wind curls or voluminous curls; they dream of an Afro-style hairstyle. This image can be used in everyday life, in photo shoots, at parties. You can be sure of one thing - it will radically change your appearance.

Stylish afro curls

For such ladies, there is a win-win way - creating afro curls with an iron and sushi sticks (or a pencil):

  1. We apply mousse to the hair, divide it into zones and wind each small strand on a stick or pencil.
  2. With a hot iron, we slowly go through the hair wound on a stick to warm it up and fix it.
  3. Do the same for the entire head. Hair should be placed as close to each other as possible.
  4. The thinner you take the strand, the smaller and clearer the curls will be. If you choose thick strands, then the effect will be like an ordinary curling iron.
  5. To make the hairstyle look natural, the hair must be distributed and fluffed a little with your hands.
  6. You can fix the result with mousse or varnish. The result will last about two days with proper care.

Curls from Gluck'ozs

Natalya Chistyakova-Ionova, known to everyone as Gluk'oZa, will tell us about creating curls for medium hair in her beauty blog. The girl became a video blogger in the field of beauty. In her short videos, Natalia tells her fans about the secrets of fashion styling, shares her experience, and gives useful tips on personal care products in a very relaxed atmosphere at home. In many editions, the star does not hesitate to appear to the audience in a hairnet, with funny hairstyles or not made up at all. Natalia also talks about how to properly apply makeup and recommends her favorite skin care products and cosmetics.

In this issue, Natalia shows herself how to quickly make chic voluminous curls on short hair. At the same time, everything looks very natural and professional.

  • Before styling, the hair must be washed and dried with a hair dryer, preferably upside down, so that the hair is already slightly raised at the roots.
  • You will need hairpins and crabs so that the hair does not get tangled. You can also powder your hair a little at the roots with a professional tool.
  • After powdering, we proceed to the pile. It is advisable to use a miniature hair brush and work through each strand carefully.
  • It is better to use curling irons of different sizes so that the curls look natural. You can also work out small strands with a small curling iron.
  • We wind with a curling iron one strand from the roots, without touching the tips.
  • Try to hold the curling iron vertically and wind your hair away from your face. Do not leave the curling iron on one strand for a long time, so as not to burn.
  • Especially carefully and carefully wind the upper strands, as they will always be in sight.
  • Then lightly fluff the hair with your hands on each side, tilting your head. We sort through each strand, giving the hairstyle the desired shape.
  • At the end, we fix the result with varnish also on each side of the head separately, covering the face.

Create curls with a curling iron on long hair

Let's start creating chic voluminous curls with a curling iron:

  1. Carefully comb the hair and separate the strands, each row parallel to each other.
  2. To begin with, you can use a corrugated curling iron to enhance the effect. It is necessary to corrugate as carefully as possible, creating a basal volume. We control the pressure on the curling iron so as not to burn the scalp.
  3. With the help of a styler, we comb the root zone of the hair along the entire length.
  4. Overhead strands can be attached to the base of the bouffant to create a greater effect or to obtain the desired shade of hair. It is desirable to use natural hair on hairpins.
  5. We wind the strands separately from each other flatly with a tape on a curling iron, and then cool.
  6. The main thing is to wind the hair away from the face. To do this, it is necessary to visually divide the head into 2 equal parts and wind it from the face to the left, and from the face to the right.
  7. After winding, we begin to disassemble the strand, using an aerosol dry or liquid varnish for fixing. The curl needs to be given volume by stretching up and to the sides.
  8. There is no need to use overhead strands at the top of the head. We wind the strands at the top to create volume in the upper occipital zone.
  9. We disassemble the strands in stages, moving from the bottom up. It is important to create a uniform volume without obvious gaps and gaps. Curls are ready!

In order not to burn yourself when working with a curling iron, you can use a heat-protective glove.

Be bold and confident, choose those curls or curls that are right for you. You can play not only with shape, but also with color without being afraid to express yourself!