FPS pension calculator: accurate calculation and comments. Pension in Ufsin for mixed length of service Preferential length of service in UIS

Article 38

1. The length of service (length of service) in the penitentiary system is calculated in the manner established by this Federal Law, other federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, in order to assign a pension for long service, a monthly allowance to the salary of the monthly allowance for the length of service (length of service) (hereinafter referred to as the bonus for length of service), the payment of a lump-sum allowance upon dismissal of an employee, the provision of additional leave for the length of service in the penitentiary system, the provision of other social guarantees, encouragement, presentation for rewarding state awards of the Russian Federation and departmental insignia.

2. The length of service (length of service) in the penitentiary system includes:

1) the period of replacement by an employee of positions in the penitentiary system;

2) the period of the employee's being at the disposal of an institution or body of the penitentiary system in cases provided for by this Federal Law;

4) the period of suspension by an employee of service in the penitentiary system in accordance with Part 1 of Article 37 of this Federal Law;

5) the period of a citizen's military service, service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, the federal fire service of the State Fire Service, the authorities for controlling the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, the troops of the national guard of the Russian Federation, the enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation;

6) the period of filling by a citizen of positions in the customs bodies of the Russian Federation, investigative bodies and institutions of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, for which the assignment of special ranks is provided;

7) the period of replacement by a citizen of public positions in the Russian Federation;

8) the period of filling by a citizen of positions in the bodies and organizations of the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation, for which the assignment of class ranks is envisaged;

9) period of work as a judge;

10) the time (not more than five years) of training an employee before entering the service in the penitentiary system in the main educational programs of secondary vocational education (with the exception of training programs for skilled workers, employees) or higher education (with the exception of training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel in postgraduate studies, residency programs, assistantship-internship programs) on a full-time basis, subject to the completion of the development of these educational programs and the receipt of the appropriate level of education, calculated at the rate of two months of study for one month of service;

11) the period of probation when a citizen enters the service in the penitentiary system;

12) other periods provided for by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Institutions and Bodies Executing Criminal Punishments in the Form of Deprivation of Liberty".

3. The length of service (length of service) in the penitentiary system in a preferential calculation includes periods of service by an employee:

1) in areas of the Far North, areas equated to them, other areas with unfavorable climatic or environmental conditions, including remote areas, high mountain areas, desert and waterless areas, in accordance with the lists of these areas and areas approved by the Government of the Russian Federation;

2) in harmful conditions in positions in the penitentiary system - according to the list of positions approved by the Government of the Russian Federation;

3) under special conditions stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

4) in other cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4. The length of service (length of service) in the penitentiary system includes:

1) for the appointment of a pension for long service - the periods specified in parts 2 and this article, as well as the periods determined in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 N 4468-I "On pension provision for persons who have completed military service, service in the internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, the bodies for the control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, the enforcement bodies of the Russian Federation, and their families "(in a calendar or preferential calculation );

2) for the appointment of an allowance for length of service - the periods determined by the Government of the Russian Federation (in a calendar or preferential calculation);

3) for the payment of a lump sum upon dismissal of an employee - the periods specified in part 2

4) for granting additional leave for length of service in the penitentiary system - the periods specified in paragraphs 1-8 of part 2 of this article (in calendar terms);

5) for the provision of other social guarantees - the periods determined by the Government of the Russian Federation (in calendar or preferential terms);

6) for submission for awarding state awards of the Russian Federation - the periods determined in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

7) for submission for awarding departmental insignia - the periods determined by the federal body of the penitentiary system (in calendar terms).

5. The procedure for calculating the length of service (length of service) in the penitentiary system for the appointment of a pension for length of service and allowances for length of service, for the payment of a lump sum upon dismissal of an employee, the provision of other social guarantees and credit for the length of service in the penitentiary system of periods specified in this article, and other periods established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

6. Periods of service in the penitentiary system are counted in calendar terms in the total length of service, work experience in the specialty, as well as in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, in the insurance experience, work experience in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, bodies and organizations of the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation, length of military service, service in the customs authorities of the Russian Federation, investigative authorities and institutions of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, the federal fire service of the State Fire Service, authorities for controlling the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, enforcement agencies Russian Federation and length of service (work) in other state bodies and organizations.

Pension benefits for employees of the federal penitentiary service (hereinafter referred to as the FSIN) are formed through law enforcement agencies and are classified as state payments.

Persons holding positions such as:

  • controllers;
  • educators and teachers;
  • guards;
  • psychologists;
  • other professionals who are part of the staff of the institution.

Specialists hired by the Federal Penitentiary Service under an employment contract and having an individual personal account in the pension insurance system cannot qualify for state benefits. The pension for this category of workers is formed through the PFR.

The procedures governing the payment procedure for the personnel of the institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service are prescribed in the legislative framework of the Russian Federation.

Normative base

The procedures for calculating and paying pension benefits for employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service are regulated both by general civil laws (FZ No. 400 “On labor payments”) and by special Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation.

The latter include:

  • PP RF No. 941 "On the procedure for calculating the length of service, the appointment and payment of pensions to persons who have served in the military";
  • Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 4468 “On pension provision for persons who served in state bodies”.

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In addition to the listed documents, the regulatory framework includes regulations governing payments for each of the pension categories:


For employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service, 3 types of pensions are provided: for seniority, for disability, and also for the loss of a breadwinner. To qualify for any of these benefits, you must meet a number of criteria.

The general condition for all types of support is dismissal to the reserve for good reasons (reaching retirement age, receiving a work injury resulting in disability). Let's consider each of the cases in more detail.

In order to qualify for a survivor's pension, the applicant must be in one of the dependency categories. An application for the appointment of payments is submitted within a year from the date of death / loss of the guardian.

By seniority

A superannuation pension is a monthly cash allowance paid to employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service upon reaching the established length of service:

  • net special experience, in which the length of service is 20 years;
  • mixed length of service, where the minimum length of service is 12.5 years, and the total length of service is 25 years.

What changes will undergo the pension of employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service in 2020 in Russia is already known. These payments are equated to military pensions, in accordance with and equated to them categories of benefit recipients, so they will be indexed.

The procedure for calculating the pension of employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service in 2020

The pension for employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service in 2020 is calculated based on a combination of indicators and features of being in the service.

Main calculation criteria:

  1. length of service in executive bodies niya punishments - not less than 20 years. However, if an employee was fired early, he may qualify for monthly payments. But in the event that his total work experience is at least 25 years, of which at least 12.5 years have passed in the service of the Federal Penitentiary Service;
  2. calculation components: salary received in the position held + salary for the rank + possible allowances for the entire period of service.

At the moment, discussions are underway on the issue of increasing the length of service to 25. But the pension reform of employees has not been touched. Tightening the terms of service is only a matter of time. At the same time, in state structures it is necessary to expect a reduction of employees by about 10%. This will keep the calculation conditions at the same level.

The amount of payments to employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service

At the beginning of the year, they promise indexation of 6.3%, which will bring cash payments to a decent level.

The total percentage of indexation should be 6.6%. Even earlier, it was planned to index payments to military pensioners, including employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service, by 6.3%.

Despite the fact that the employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service in 2020 will be insignificant, but a slight increase in prices is also expected, so the increase will be quite noticeable.

In what cases is an increase in pension due?

Under certain conditions, employees of the penitentiary bodies are entitled to a supplement to regular payments.

This may take into account:

  • 20 years of service in the authorities (+50%): the possibility of extending this period to 25 years is being actively considered;
  • mixed work experience (+1%);
  • if during the performance of the service an incident occurred that led to disability or serious illness (+75%);
  • if during the execution of the service a person was injured, which led to disability (+ 85%).

Thus, some financial incentives were retained for government employees.

Working employees

Pensions for working employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service will not be indexed.

Many military and law enforcement officers, even having reached retirement age, continue their professional activities. It's worth noting that . This condition will not change in 2019.

The procedure for the retirement of employees in the Federal Penitentiary Service in the new year

The UFSIN pension in 2020 can be of several types. In accordance with the law, persons who worked in correctional institutions after their service life, with the necessary contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and reaching the age, are entitled to two types of monthly allowance.

Insurance payments

Upon reaching the retirement age, employees of the bodies have the right to receive insurance coverage in the general manner.

In order to receive financial support from the state, employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service must reach the age of:

  • 61 years - men;
  • 56 years - women.

However, every year these figures will increase.

The necessary conditions for obtaining insurance coverage of a person must have at least 9 years of service and 14.2 accumulated pension points. This type of financial security is assigned to employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service if they decide to continue working in the bodies as civilians.

Seniority pension

According to the length of service, persons working in the bodies of the penal system are supposed to go on vacation after 25 years of continuous work and when they reach the age of 45.

The periods of work in the Federal Penitentiary Service are counted by employees in the length of service on preferential terms:

  • 1 year = 1.5 years - as a general rule;
  • 1 year \u003d 2 years - service in special correctional institutions (where infected prisoners or those sentenced to life imprisonment are kept).

Seniority pension payments are financed by the Ministry of Defense from the federal budget.

Other payments

If, in the course of work, an employee of the Federal Penitentiary Service has partially or completely lost his ability to work, he is assigned monthly disability funding.

In the event of the death of a person engaged in labor activities in penitentiary institutions, the relatives of the deceased are entitled to receive funds for the loss of a breadwinner. For this, it is also necessary to submit an appropriate application to the Pension Fund.

Persons who are going to retire on a well-deserved rest and have worked in the authorities for at least 20 years also need to remember about a one-time financial allowance, which they are entitled to seven times their financial support.

Thus, the pension of the Federal Penitentiary Service in 2020 will also be indexed and slightly increase in size. However, the conditions for the retirement of penitentiary workers may change in the near future.

Employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN) are persons working in the bodies and institutions of the penitentiary services in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. This Federal Service also includes correctional facilities, inspections, and training centers.

In other words, employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service- these are all citizens engaged in work with persons who have committed unlawful acts (prisoners):

  • controllers for the execution of punishment;
  • guards;
  • educators;
  • social workers;
  • psychologists, etc.

Since service in the Federal Penitentiary Service is equated to, then if there is a certain length of service in a departmental organization, citizens have the right to establish retirement pensions. This type of payment is calculated in the same way as the pension provision of military personnel.

Since the labor activity of these citizens is connected with work with convicts, they have certain retirement benefits. Also, pensioners of this service, under certain circumstances, can apply for two types of pension provision. Since these types of pensions are funded from different sources, then when they are established, there are some nuances.

What pensions can employees receive?

Pension provision for employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service, as well as for military personnel, is regulated by Law of the Russian Federation No. 4468-1 of February 12, 1993 (hereinafter Law No. 4468-1). In accordance with this law, a pension may be established for this category of workers through the power departments(financed from the state budget):

In addition, if, after serving in the Federal Penitentiary Service, a citizen officially carried out labor activities and contributions for compulsory pension insurance were transferred for him, then upon reaching he has the right to issue and.

Seniority pensions for employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, seniority pensions are established and paid by the relevant law enforcement agency, in this case, the Federal Penitentiary Service. An employee of the Federal Penitentiary Service has the right to apply for the establishment of this pension if he has a total length of service at least 20 years.

At the same time, a citizen can apply for a payment without having 20 years of work experience in the Federal Penitentiary Service, if it simultaneously meets several conditions:

  • reaching the age of 45;
  • have at least 12 and a half years of service;
  • having a total work experience of at least 25 years.

The period of work in the Federal Penitentiary Service is counted in the length of service on preferential terms One year is equal to one and a half years. If the place of work is a special correctional institution (contention of infected prisoners, persons with a life sentence, etc.), then one year of service is equal to two years of service.

Also, in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 941 of September 22, 1993, in the length of service the following periods are counted:

  • military service (both by conscription and by contract);
  • passing military training;
  • work in the bodies of the Federal Penitentiary Service as an intern, etc.

It should be noted that the right to this type of payment has only personnel. Employees engaged in labor activities under civil contracts are not employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service and, accordingly, cannot apply for a state pension for years of service.

Appointment of insurance pension provision

Many citizens, after being retired from the Federal Penitentiary Service, continue their labor activity, but already as “civilian” workers. According to Russian law, their employers transfer cash contributions to the system. So the former employees of the power unit are formed insurance coverage.

A citizen can apply for the appointment of this security only if certain conditions established by Article 8 of Federal Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013. In this regard, a pensioner of the Federal Penitentiary Service can issue a second (insurance) payment in 2019 if he:

  • reached (women - 55.5 years, men - 60.5 years);
  • has a "civilian" minimum of 10 years;
  • has a minimum of 16.2.

Since the appointment of a pension is made on a general basis, the minimum number of years of insurance experience and pension points will increase annually in accordance with the transitional provisions. Unlike a superannuation pension, old-age insurance is established and paid Russian Pension Fund.

Calculation of the pension of an employee of the Federal Penitentiary Service

In accordance with Article 14 of Law No. 4468-1, the amount of state pension provision for an employee of the Federal Penitentiary Service for length of service, as well as, depends on the size allowance and years of service. The more seniority, the higher the pension.

At length of service 20 years or more payout is calculated as follows:

P \u003d 50% DD + 3% DD × SV,

  • P- retirement pension;
  • DD- monetary allowance;
  • SW- the number of years in excess of the required length of service for establishing a pension.

If a citizen has total insurance experience of at least 25 years and length of service in the Federal Penitentiary Service for at least 12 and a half years, its provision is calculated a little differently:

P \u003d 50% DD + 1% DD × SV.

Since 2012, the amount of monetary allowance in the calculation is applied with a reduction factor. According to Federal Law No. 430-FZ of December 19, 2016, in 2019 the value of this coefficient is 72,23% (similar to 2017).

In addition, article 17 of Law 4468-1 provides for certain categories of citizens from former employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service surcharges for this security. These are:

  • disabled pensioners of the first group, or those who have reached the age of 80 years - 100% of the calculated pension;
  • non-working pensioners who have one disabled family member as a dependent - 32%, two - 64%, three or more - 100% of the calculated pension (provided that the dependents are not recipients of insurance or social pensions).

Increase (indexation) of pensions

Pensions for the length of service of an employee of the Federal Penitentiary Service are equated to the provision of military personnel, therefore their increase depends on the annual salary increase, which is used in the calculation of pension provision.

With regard to insurance payments, they are subject to annual in the previous year. The planned increase is made on February 1. A second indexation is also possible on April 1, if there are funds in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

In 2019 allowance will increase by 4.3%- Military pensions will also increase by the same percentage. The insurance pensions of military personnel who do not officially work either in law enforcement agencies or “in civilian life” have been increased by 7.05% since January 1.

Calculator for calculating the pension of employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service in 2019

Currently, there are many free programs on available Internet services that allow employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service independently calculate the size of its future security. These programs are called "Pension calculators".

Use this calculator not difficult.

  • To calculate the pension, you just need to enter the necessary data in the indicated fields.
  • The program will automatically calculate the citizen's future pension according to the entered parameters.

However, it should be noted that the information obtained as a result of the calculation may not always be true, since when assigning pensions, various nuances of the service can be taken into account.

The procedure for applying for the appointment and payment of a pension

In order to apply for a state pension for long service, citizens need to contact the pension authorities of the Federal Penitentiary Service. When for insurance coverage - to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia.

The pension authorities of the service consider the application with all documents within 10 days, since the appointment and payment of funds are administered by the Federal Penitentiary Service at the last place of work. With a positive decision, the security is established for the citizen from the day of dismissal from the service.

Cash and in one, and in the other case are paid monthly. The recipient can independently choose a convenient delivery method through:

  • Russian Post (at home or at the branch office);
  • delivery organization (at home or at the box office);
  • bank (on a card or at a bank cash desk).

Also, the pensioner has the right to change the method of delivery by submitting an appropriate application to the territorial body of the Pension Fund.

The presence of labor activity "in civilian life", including entrepreneurial activity, does not affect the pension provision for long service. However, if a pensioner gets a job in law enforcement agencies, then the payment of this pension suspended.

Required documents for registration

To establish state security by seniority Upon retirement, a citizen must submit the following documents to the pension authorities:

  1. relevant statement;
  2. passport;
  3. calculation of length of service, which must be prepared and agreed with the UPFR HR department;
  4. money certificate;
  5. the conclusion of the military medical commission (VVK);
  6. extract from the order of dismissal, etc.

To issue old age insurance, former employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service must submit to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, in addition to the application and passport:

  1. (SNILS);
  2. a certificate from the Federal Penitentiary Service, which confirms that the citizen is the recipient of a pension through this law enforcement agency;
  3. other documents that confirm the applicant (employment book, employment contract, etc.).

Benefits for pensioners of the Federal Penitentiary Service

In accordance with Federal Law No. 283-FZ of December 30, 2012, former employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service can use the following benefits:

  • purchase of a voucher for sanatorium treatment in a departmental organization in the amount of 25% of the cost of the voucher;
  • receiving monetary compensation for actually paid amounts of land and property taxes;
  • financial assistance in case of difficult life situation.

If pensioners of the Federal Penitentiary Service served in areas with severe climatic conditions (for example, in the Far North), then they are reimbursed moving expenses to the place of residence. The carriage of luggage weighing no more than 20 tons is also paid.