Perm hair on boomerang curlers. Chemical perm in a vertical winding method. Pros and cons of curling

Perm hair is the perfect way to radically change the appearance and give your hair an unimaginable volume.

Preparation for the procedure

To make your hair curl safe, prepare your strands for the upcoming procedure. Preparation consists of six important steps.

Stage 1. Assessment of the structure of the hair (elasticity, strength, type, density). It is carried out in order to choose the type of curl.

  • For thick hair, you will need the strongest fixation agent, since it is very difficult to curl them;
  • Thin rare strands curl easily - for them you need to choose a weaker drug;
  • Hair with low elasticity can be very stretched and will not be able to return to its original appearance. Chemistry is contraindicated for them;
  • Too dry hair should also not be twisted - it will tear and break.

Stage 2. Analysis of the scalp. For wounds, injuries and diseases associated with the scalp, it is better to forget about waving.

Stage 3. Sensitivity test. To carry it out, soak a cotton swab with a curling compound and lubricate the area behind the ear with it. Wait 10 minutes. If there is no redness, rashes, irritation, proceed to the perm. If problems arise, quickly wipe the skin with hydrogen peroxide. "Chemistry" is contraindicated for you.

Stage 4. Checking the hair for fixative. This is necessary in order to determine the dose and concentration of the drug. Take a small strand, moisten it with the preparation and leave for 5 minutes. Check the hair for breaks. If it remains strong, the strands can be curled. If it looks like tow and breaks easily, make the solution weaker.

Stage 5. Shampooing. The shampoo will loosen the scales and improve the result.

Stage 6. Haircut. It can be done before curling or after to freshen up the ends and give the hairstyle shape.

Important! Before the procedure, do not forget to remove gold jewelry and glasses, and also protect the skin from chemicals.

Types of "chemistry" of hair

Modern perm can be divided into types according to the chemical agent applied to the strands.


This gentle perm is considered universal, as it is suitable for everyone. The curl is strong and elastic, the result lasts from 3 to 6 months and directly depends on the structure of the hair.


A special fixative based on thioglycolic acid penetrates into the hair, but does not spoil their structure, as it is considered gentle. As a result, we get a fairly hard curl - it lasts one month. For thin and soft strands, this method is not suitable - they will lose their shape and stretch at the roots. The same applies to girls with sensitive skin types and dry hair.


With an alkaline type of curl, the fixative penetrates inside and opens the scales. The result is more resistant - it will last on the hair for about 90 days. Gives elastic curls, looks natural, acts much softer than the previous version. But on heavy hard strands, the result will not be stable - after about a month, the perm will lose its shape. The cost is cheaper than acid perm.

Amino acid

The composition of the fixing agent includes amino acids and proteins that treat and nourish the hair. Amino acid "chemistry" does not harm the health of the strands. Curls look natural, but, alas, short-lived. This "chemistry" is not suitable for hard and long strands - under such a heavy weight, curls will quickly develop.


In the composition you will not find aggressive components. They are replaced by another agent similar to the hair molecule. Biowave gives a beautiful natural shine and a very lasting result.


This is the perfect way to add volume to your hair, fixing the volume for several weeks or even months at once (it all depends on the fixative). Root chemistry is also suitable for those whose hair has previously been permed, but has managed to grow back.


The composition of this drug included silk proteins. They take care of the hair and improve its structure. Even damaged hair becomes healthier. The curl comes out very soft and lasts up to six months. The price is much more expensive than other options.


It is in great demand among modern fashionistas. Allows you to get an elastic and large curl. With this type of curling, especially large curlers are needed - this is Olivia Garden. They are attached to each other with sharp teeth. Curlers of this type do not leave creases and give lush curls.

Small or African

Recommended for women with thin and sparse hair. It is often performed on medium length hair. But for especially brave ladies, we advise you to take a chance - African chemistry for short hair will definitely help you with this. The silhouette will be spherical, and the volume will be incredible! The only drawback is that it will be very difficult to take care of your hair, and it will be almost impossible to make a new styling. For "chemistry" in the Afro style, you need either papillots or small spirals. This process will take about 5 hours, you can only do it in the cabin.


It is also called lipid-protein (LC2). Compared to the previous one, the Japanese one lasts longer and gives great benefits. It is completely safe due to the neutral ph and normalizes the humidity of too dry hair. With the help of such a perm, you can get elastic and voluminous curls that will last from 2 to 6 months.


Perm for medium, short (no more than 20 cm) and sparse strands. Makes hair fuller, curl - soft and natural. Visually raises the hair at the roots, and also refreshes the image. Carving works only with the surface of the hair, without harming it, as with the classic type. If your hair is thick, take large bobbins - large curls will help create a great look.


Spiral or vertical chemistry is the best option for a long and thick braid that cannot be wound horizontally. In this case, the bobbins are placed vertically (from the root to the ends), and the strand is twisted in a spiral. A few words about curlers! For the procedure, you need long cone-shaped bobbins with holes through which the strands are pulled. Ideally, they should be made of plastic or wood. This shape allows you to evenly curl the curl.

On a vertical wave, the effect of wet hair looks great. It is also convenient in that the growing roots can be easily twisted. The composition can be anything - it depends on how long you want to walk with your new hairstyle. In addition, the health of the strands also depends on the drug. After the procedure, they will be either weak and dull, or shiny and vibrant.


It can only be used on healthy hair and only in proven salons. First, the strands are moistened, then twisted onto bobbins and connected to the apparatus (exposure time and temperature are adjustable). The result of the procedure will be beautiful light curls.

Who can't do chemo?

Perm is prohibited in the following cases:

  • Pregnancy;
  • Lactation;
  • Very dry, thin and damaged hair;
  • Tendency to allergies (first you need to do an allergic test);
  • Pre-staining with basma or henna;
  • The disease is in acute form;
  • Taking medication.

Hair care after chemo

After a perm, hair needs care. To do this, follow a few simple rules.

  • Rule 1. To wash your hair, you will need a special shampoo for curled hair.
  • Rule 2. Moisturize your hair with special masks. They should contain panthenol, collagen, silk proteins or keratins.
  • Rule 3. As a home remedy, you can safely use an infusion of rye bread crusts (1 liter of boiling water, pour 300 grams of bread and insist in a thermos for 5 hours), nettle or hops. A variety of oils (almond, peach, burdock) can also be useful. They need to be warmed up a bit.
  • Rule 4: Take fish oil.
  • Rule 5. Cut the ends regularly and lubricate them with a special cream.
  • Rule 6. Comb with a comb with wide teeth - it does not injure the strands.
  • Rule 7. Do not wash your hair for several days after curling and subject the strands to heat treatment.
  • Rule 8. Protect your hair from hot sunlight.
  • Rule 9. Do not twist the washed hair, but lightly blot it.
  • Rule 10. Do not sleep with a wet head.

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Due to the fact that on February 2, 2016, the Rules for the implementation of electronic commerce, approved by the Order of the acting Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 720 dated November 25, 2015, all prices for goods, works and services must be set exclusively in the national currency - tenge.

Sent on 04/16/2012, 04:26:05 PM


Cost from 5 500 tenge.

Sent on 04/16/2012, 04:34:24 PM


Perm methods

Root waving hair

Curl at the ends

American chemistry

Spinning on 2 bobbins

Chemistry "twin"

We will be glad to see you!

Sent on 16.04.2012, 16:41:22


Post has been edited by Gloss: 04/16/2012, 04:46:44 PM

Sent on 17.04.2012, 09:34:38


Bio-perm hair - what is it?

Soft, flowing curls are the dream of many girls. Therefore, owners of straight hair are storming beauty salons to acquire luxurious curls.

Unlike the classic perm, which is performed using products containing aggressive components: thioglycolic acid, ammonia and hydrogen sulfide, biowave is carried out with delicate products. The composition of biowave products includes cystine, a biological protein similar in composition to the protein in our hair. Therefore, biowave does not damage the hair structure, and the curls are strong and natural.

Biowave can be performed using the same curlers and bobbins as conventional chemistry. This allows you to get a wide variety of curls, but at the same time your hair will remain healthy. The biowave lasts from 3 to 9 months, and then the hair simply straightens and returns to its previous state. Therefore, with a biowave, you should not be afraid that regrown curls will have to be cut.

This curling method is suitable for different types of hair. Today, there are three types of compositions for biowave: for normal hair, for difficult to curl and for dyed, highlighted and weakened hair. Increasingly, fashionable women's haircuts are made on hair after biowave - this gives them volume and naturalness.

Biowave is a great alternative to perm, which allows you to get beautiful curls without harming your hair. But still, this procedure is not completely harmless and represents a little stress for the hair. Therefore, after the procedure, you must provide your hair with proper care and restoration.

Cost from 5 500 tenge.

Pre-registration by phone 392 33 01, 392 32 16.

Sent on 18.04.2012, 10:00:29


Bio-perm hair - what is it?

Soft, flowing curls are the dream of many girls. Therefore, owners of straight hair are storming beauty salons to acquire luxurious curls.

Unlike the classic perm, which is performed using products containing aggressive components: thioglycolic acid, ammonia and hydrogen sulfide, biowave is carried out with delicate products. The composition of biowave products includes cystine, a biological protein similar in composition to the protein in our hair. Therefore, biowave does not damage the hair structure, and the curls are strong and natural.

Biowave can be performed using the same curlers and bobbins as conventional chemistry. This allows you to get a wide variety of curls, but at the same time your hair will remain healthy. The biowave lasts from 3 to 9 months, and then the hair simply straightens and returns to its previous state. Therefore, with a biowave, you should not be afraid that regrown curls will have to be cut.

This curling method is suitable for different types of hair. Today, there are three types of compositions for biowave: for normal hair, for difficult to curl and for dyed, highlighted and weakened hair. Increasingly, fashionable women's haircuts are made on hair after biowave - this gives them volume and naturalness.

Biowave is a great alternative to perm, which allows you to get beautiful curls without harming your hair. But still, this procedure is not completely harmless and represents a little stress for the hair. Therefore, after the procedure, you must provide your hair with proper care and restoration.

Cost from 5 500 tenge.

Pre-registration by phone 392 33 01, 392 32 16.

Sent on 18.04.2012, 16:45:20


Perm methods

More recently, in Soviet hairdressing salons, all women were curled in the same manner, like a lamb. The chemistry of that time mercilessly spoiled the hair and did not look natural. Today, this hairdressing procedure has improved significantly, new safer preparations and methods for creating a perm have appeared.

There are many ways to perm, and they all differ in the way the hair is curled.

Classic horizontal perm- hair is divided by horizontal partings and wound on curlers according to the classical scheme. In this case, bobbins or curlers of various diameters can be used, which allows you to create various curls, from small curls to large curls.

Vertical perm- This is a vertical way of winding hair on special curlers. This method of curling is also called "wet" chemistry. It is suitable for long hair, which are wound on special bobbins perpendicular to the head from the roots to the tips. The result is a uniform elastic and hard curl in all the valley of the hair.

Spiral perm- This is a kind of vertical chemistry, which is performed using spiral curlers. At the same time, during winding, the hair can twist into a tourniquet, which makes the curl even more beautiful. Spiral perm is especially loved by young girls, because the result is a stylish youth hairstyle.

Perm on a pigtail- performed with the help of braids and bobbins. This method is suitable for medium and long hair. First, the hair is braided into small tight pigtails to the middle of the hair. And then the unbraided ends of the braids are wound onto bobbins. The result is very natural wavy hair.

Hair perm on a hairpin- This method is ideal for medium length hair, which allows you to get corrugated curls. Strands of hair are wound on non-metallic hairpins according to the principle of eight.

Root waving hair- performed only on the roots of the hair. This method can be used to add volume and volume to the hair, for short haircuts, as well as for regrown hair roots after a perm, if the ends of the hair have not yet developed. Root perm allows you to lift the hair at the roots, but its effect does not last long, as the hair grows back quickly.

Curl at the ends- this method allows you to curl only the ends of the hair, gives the hair splendor, volume and corrects the triangular shape of the face. The method is suitable for thin and sparse hair, stepped haircuts and cascade haircuts.

Perm on boomerangs- hair is wound on boomerangs in a checkerboard pattern. In this case, a fairly voluminous curl is obtained.

American chemistry- This is a popular method of perm, which allows you to create large curls. You can perform such chemistry with the help of special Olivia Garden curlers of different diameters. The result is a very beautiful feminine hairstyle with large curls.

Spinning on 2 bobbins- part of the strand is wound onto one bobbin, and then the second is twisted. Curls of different sizes are obtained.

Chemistry "twin"- part of the hair is wound horizontally, and part vertically. This method is suitable for long and medium hair.

Pre-registration by phone 392 33 01, 392 32 16

We will be glad to see you!

Sent on 19.04.2012, 13:30:26



Women are amazing creatures. We always strive to possess what nature has not endowed us with. Women with curly hair stubbornly straighten their curls, trying to make their hair smooth, and girls with straight hair envy their chic curls and try different ways of curling. If you like to change and try new ways of curling all the time, then every day you can do a new styling. But if you are tired of constantly curling your hair, then you can try perming your hair.

Perm and bio-perm are stressful for the hair. Therefore, before performing a permanent waving, it is necessary to prepare the hair for this procedure.

It is better to start preparing hair for a perm in advance. The key to successful chemistry is healthy hair, so a couple of weeks before curling, start using nourishing and moisturizing products. Masks and conditioners will restore the structure of the hair, smooth out scales and irregularities along the entire length, so the curl will be more uniform.

If you have damaged porous hair, then it needs a deep repair, as the damaged parts of the hair absorb chemicals more strongly, which can lead to negative consequences. Pay attention to the products you use, it is better not to use shampoos and conditioners with silicones, as well as 2 in 1 shampoos, as silicone can interfere with the penetration of the chemical.

Do not dye your hair right before a perm, between these procedures should take at least 2-3 weeks. Also, do not highlight or color before curling, because the hair structure will become heterogeneous, and the curls may turn out different.

It is highly not recommended to lighten hair or dye it with henna before chemistry. Henna tends to penetrate deeply into the hair structure, so it will interfere with the penetration of the chemical composition. Hair after henna simply does not curl, and low-quality henna under the influence of the drug can even give the hair a green tint.

It is also recommended to cut your hair before a perm, but it is worth considering that the hair after chemistry will become shorter. And the smaller the curl, the more the hair “bounces”. Therefore, the haircut should be a few centimeters longer than desired.

Before you start curling, you need to check the reaction of hair and skin to a chemical preparation. Apply a little on the strand and on the wrist. Hair should not be torn, and skin should not become irritated. Before curling, you need to carefully examine the hair, their structure can be affected by pregnancy, antibiotics, chemotherapy, menstruation, stress. All this is reflected in the condition of the hair and is a contraindication to perm.

Before curling, wash your hair with a clarifying shampoo to remove any styling residue that may interfere with the penetration of the product. Before the procedure, do not comb your hair too vigorously so as not to damage the skin.

Pre-registration by phone 392 33 01, 392 32 16

Sent on 19.04.2012, 15:12:23


Perm methods

More recently, in Soviet hairdressing salons, all women were curled in the same manner, like a lamb. The chemistry of that time mercilessly spoiled the hair and did not look natural. Today, this hairdressing procedure has improved significantly, new safer preparations and methods for creating a perm have appeared.

There are many ways to perm, and they all differ in the way the hair is curled.

Classic horizontal perm- hair is divided by horizontal partings and wound on curlers according to the classical scheme. In this case, bobbins or curlers of various diameters can be used, which allows you to create various curls, from small curls to large curls.

Vertical perm- This is a vertical way of winding hair on special curlers. This method of curling is also called "wet" chemistry. It is suitable for long hair, which are wound on special bobbins perpendicular to the head from the roots to the tips. The result is a uniform elastic and hard curl in all the valley of the hair.

Spiral perm- This is a kind of vertical chemistry, which is performed using spiral curlers. At the same time, during winding, the hair can twist into a tourniquet, which makes the curl even more beautiful. Spiral perm is especially loved by young girls, because the result is a stylish youth hairstyle.

Perm on a pigtail- performed with the help of braids and bobbins. This method is suitable for medium and long hair. First, the hair is braided into small tight pigtails to the middle of the hair. And then the unbraided ends of the braids are wound onto bobbins. The result is very natural wavy hair.

Hair perm on a hairpin- This method is ideal for medium length hair, which allows you to get corrugated curls. Strands of hair are wound on non-metallic hairpins according to the principle of eight.

Root waving hair- performed only on the roots of the hair. This method can be used to add volume and volume to the hair, for short haircuts, as well as for regrown hair roots after a perm, if the ends of the hair have not yet developed. Root perm allows you to lift the hair at the roots, but its effect does not last long, as the hair grows back quickly.

Curl at the ends- this method allows you to curl only the ends of the hair, gives the hair splendor, volume and corrects the triangular shape of the face. The method is suitable for thin and sparse hair, stepped haircuts and cascade haircuts.

Perm on boomerangs- hair is wound on boomerangs in a checkerboard pattern. In this case, a fairly voluminous curl is obtained.

American chemistry- This is a popular method of perm, which allows you to create large curls. You can perform such chemistry with the help of special Olivia Garden curlers of different diameters. The result is a very beautiful feminine hairstyle with large curls.

Spinning on 2 bobbins- part of the strand is wound onto one bobbin, and then the second is twisted. Curls of different sizes are obtained.

Chemistry "twin"- part of the hair is wound horizontally, and part vertically. This method is suitable for long and medium hair.

Pre-registration by phone 392 33 01, 392 32 16

We will be glad to see you!

Sent on 19.04.2012, 17:14:43



Women are amazing creatures. We always strive to possess what nature has not endowed us with. Women with curly hair stubbornly straighten their curls, trying to make their hair smooth, and girls with straight hair envy their chic curls and try different ways of curling. If you like to change and try new ways of curling all the time, then every day you can do a new styling. But if you are tired of constantly curling your hair, then you can try perming your hair.

Perm and bio-perm are stressful for the hair. Therefore, before performing a permanent waving, it is necessary to prepare the hair for this procedure.

It is better to start preparing hair for a perm in advance. The key to successful chemistry is healthy hair, so a couple of weeks before curling, start using nourishing and moisturizing products. Masks and conditioners will restore the structure of the hair, smooth out scales and irregularities along the entire length, so the curl will be more uniform.

If you have damaged porous hair, then it needs a deep repair, as the damaged parts of the hair absorb chemicals more strongly, which can lead to negative consequences. Pay attention to the products you use, it is better not to use shampoos and conditioners with silicones, as well as 2 in 1 shampoos, as silicone can interfere with the penetration of the chemical.

Do not dye your hair right before a perm, between these procedures should take at least 2-3 weeks. Also, do not highlight or color before curling, because the hair structure will become heterogeneous, and the curls may turn out different.

It is highly not recommended to lighten hair or dye it with henna before chemistry. Henna tends to penetrate deeply into the hair structure, so it will interfere with the penetration of the chemical composition. Hair after henna simply does not curl, and low-quality henna under the influence of the drug can even give the hair a green tint.

It is also recommended to cut your hair before a perm, but it is worth considering that the hair after chemistry will become shorter. And the smaller the curl, the more the hair “bounces”. Therefore, the haircut should be a few centimeters longer than desired.

Before you start curling, you need to check the reaction of hair and skin to a chemical preparation. Apply a little on the strand and on the wrist. Hair should not be torn, and skin should not become irritated. Before curling, you need to carefully examine the hair, their structure can be affected by pregnancy, antibiotics, chemotherapy, menstruation, stress. All this is reflected in the condition of the hair and is a contraindication to perm.

Before curling, wash your hair with a clarifying shampoo to remove any styling residue that may interfere with the penetration of the product. Before the procedure, do not comb your hair too vigorously so as not to damage the skin.

Pre-registration by phone 392 33 01, 392 32 16

Sent on 20.04.2012, 10:11:36


Bio-perm hair - what is it?

Soft, flowing curls are the dream of many girls. Therefore, owners of straight hair are storming beauty salons to acquire luxurious curls.

Unlike the classic perm, which is performed using products containing aggressive components: thioglycolic acid, ammonia and hydrogen sulfide, biowave is carried out with delicate products. The composition of biowave products includes cystine, a biological protein similar in composition to the protein in our hair. Therefore, biowave does not damage the hair structure, and the curls are strong and natural.

Biowave can be performed using the same curlers and bobbins as conventional chemistry. This allows you to get a wide variety of curls, but at the same time your hair will remain healthy. The biowave lasts from 3 to 9 months, and then the hair simply straightens and returns to its previous state. Therefore, with a biowave, you should not be afraid that regrown curls will have to be cut.

This curling method is suitable for different types of hair. Today, there are three types of compositions for biowave: for normal hair, for difficult to curl and for dyed, highlighted and weakened hair. Increasingly, fashionable women's haircuts are made on hair after biowave - this gives them volume and naturalness.

Biowave is a great alternative to perm, which allows you to get beautiful curls without harming your hair. But still, this procedure is not completely harmless and represents a little stress for the hair. Therefore, after the procedure, you must provide your hair with proper care and restoration.

Cost from 5 500 tenge.

Pre-registration by phone 392 33 01, 392 32 16.

Sent on 20.04.2012, 12:35:15


Perm methods

More recently, in Soviet hairdressing salons, all women were curled in the same manner, like a lamb. The chemistry of that time mercilessly spoiled the hair and did not look natural. Today, this hairdressing procedure has improved significantly, new safer preparations and methods for creating a perm have appeared.

There are many ways to perm, and they all differ in the way the hair is curled.

Classic horizontal perm- hair is divided by horizontal partings and wound on curlers according to the classical scheme. In this case, bobbins or curlers of various diameters can be used, which allows you to create various curls, from small curls to large curls.

Vertical perm- This is a vertical way of winding hair on special curlers. This method of curling is also called "wet" chemistry. It is suitable for long hair, which are wound on special bobbins perpendicular to the head from the roots to the tips. The result is a uniform elastic and hard curl in all the valley of the hair.

Spiral perm- This is a kind of vertical chemistry, which is performed using spiral curlers. At the same time, during winding, the hair can twist into a tourniquet, which makes the curl even more beautiful. Spiral perm is especially loved by young girls, because the result is a stylish youth hairstyle.

Perm on a pigtail- performed with the help of braids and bobbins. This method is suitable for medium and long hair. First, the hair is braided into small tight pigtails to the middle of the hair. And then the unbraided ends of the braids are wound onto bobbins. The result is very natural wavy hair.

Hair perm on a hairpin- This method is ideal for medium length hair, which allows you to get corrugated curls. Strands of hair are wound on non-metallic hairpins according to the principle of eight.

Root waving hair- performed only on the roots of the hair. This method can be used to add volume and volume to the hair, for short haircuts, as well as for regrown hair roots after a perm, if the ends of the hair have not yet developed. Root perm allows you to lift the hair at the roots, but its effect does not last long, as the hair grows back quickly.

Curl at the ends- this method allows you to curl only the ends of the hair, gives the hair splendor, volume and corrects the triangular shape of the face. The method is suitable for thin and sparse hair, stepped haircuts and cascade haircuts.

Perm on boomerangs- hair is wound on boomerangs in a checkerboard pattern. In this case, a fairly voluminous curl is obtained.

American chemistry- This is a popular method of perm, which allows you to create large curls. You can perform such chemistry with the help of special Olivia Garden curlers of different diameters. The result is a very beautiful feminine hairstyle with large curls.

Spinning on 2 bobbins- part of the strand is wound onto one bobbin, and then the second is twisted. Curls of different sizes are obtained.

Chemistry "twin"- part of the hair is wound horizontally, and part vertically. This method is suitable for long and medium hair.

Pre-registration by phone 392 33 01, 392 32 16

We will be glad to see you!

Sent on 20.04.2012, 14:38:38


Bio-perm hair - what is it?

Soft, flowing curls are the dream of many girls. Therefore, owners of straight hair are storming beauty salons to acquire luxurious curls.

Unlike the classic perm, which is performed using products containing aggressive components: thioglycolic acid, ammonia and hydrogen sulfide, biowave is carried out with delicate products. The composition of biowave products includes cystine, a biological protein similar in composition to the protein in our hair. Therefore, biowave does not damage the hair structure, and the curls are strong and natural.

Biowave can be performed using the same curlers and bobbins as conventional chemistry. This allows you to get a wide variety of curls, but at the same time your hair will remain healthy. The biowave lasts from 3 to 9 months, and then the hair simply straightens and returns to its previous state. Therefore, with a biowave, you should not be afraid that regrown curls will have to be cut.

This curling method is suitable for different types of hair. Today, there are three types of compositions for biowave: for normal hair, for difficult to curl and for dyed, highlighted and weakened hair. Increasingly, fashionable women's haircuts are made on hair after biowave - this gives them volume and naturalness.

Biowave is a great alternative to perm, which allows you to get beautiful curls without harming your hair. But still, this procedure is not completely harmless and represents a little stress for the hair. Therefore, after the procedure, you must provide your hair with proper care and restoration.

Cost from 5 500 tenge.

Pre-registration by phone 392 33 01, 392 32 16.

Sent on 23.04.2012, 09:49:49


Bio-perm hair - what is it?

Soft, flowing curls are the dream of many girls. Therefore, owners of straight hair are storming beauty salons to acquire luxurious curls.

Unlike the classic perm, which is performed using products containing aggressive components: thioglycolic acid, ammonia and hydrogen sulfide, biowave is carried out with delicate products. The composition of biowave products includes cystine, a biological protein similar in composition to the protein in our hair. Therefore, biowave does not damage the hair structure, and the curls are strong and natural.

Biowave can be performed using the same curlers and bobbins as conventional chemistry. This allows you to get a wide variety of curls, but at the same time your hair will remain healthy. The biowave lasts from 3 to 9 months, and then the hair simply straightens and returns to its previous state. Therefore, with a biowave, you should not be afraid that regrown curls will have to be cut.

This curling method is suitable for different types of hair. Today, there are three types of compositions for biowave: for normal hair, for difficult to curl and for dyed, highlighted and weakened hair. Increasingly, fashionable women's haircuts are made on hair after biowave - this gives them volume and naturalness.

Biowave is a great alternative to perm, which allows you to get beautiful curls without harming your hair. But still, this procedure is not completely harmless and represents a little stress for the hair. Therefore, after the procedure, you must provide your hair with proper care and restoration.

Cost from 5 500 tenge.

Pre-registration by phone 392 33 01, 392 32 16.

More recently, in Soviet hairdressing salons, all women were curled in the same manner, like a lamb. The chemistry of that time mercilessly spoiled the hair and did not look natural. Today, this hairdressing procedure has improved significantly, new safer preparations and methods for creating a perm have appeared.

There are many ways to perm, and they all differ in the way the hair is curled.

Classic horizontal perm- hair is divided by horizontal partings and wound on curlers according to the classical scheme. In this case, bobbins or curlers of various diameters can be used, which allows you to create various curls, from small curls to large curls.

Vertical perm- This is a vertical way of winding hair on special curlers. This method of curling is also called "wet" chemistry. It is suitable for long hair, which are wound on special bobbins perpendicular to the head from the roots to the tips. The result is a uniform elastic and hard curl in all the valley of the hair.

Spiral perm- This is a kind of vertical chemistry, which is performed using spiral curlers. At the same time, during winding, the hair can twist into a tourniquet, which makes the curl even more beautiful. Spiral perm is especially loved by young girls, because the result is a stylish youth hairstyle.

Perm on a pigtail- performed with the help of braids and bobbins. This method is suitable for medium and long hair. First, the hair is braided into small tight pigtails to the middle of the hair. And then the unbraided ends of the braids are wound onto bobbins. The result is very natural wavy hair.

Hair perm on a hairpin- This method is ideal for medium length hair, which allows you to get corrugated curls. Strands of hair are wound on non-metallic hairpins according to the principle of eight.

Root waving hair- performed only on the roots of the hair. This method can be used to add volume and volume to the hair, for short haircuts, as well as for regrown hair roots after a perm, if the ends of the hair have not yet developed. Root perm allows you to lift the hair at the roots, but its effect does not last long, as the hair grows back quickly.

Curl at the ends- this method allows you to curl only the ends of the hair, gives the hair splendor, volume and corrects the triangular shape of the face. The method is suitable for thin and sparse hair, stepped haircuts and cascade haircuts.

Perm on boomerangs- hair is wound on boomerangs in a checkerboard pattern. In this case, a fairly voluminous curl is obtained.

American chemistry- This is a popular method of perm, which allows you to create large curls. You can perform such chemistry with the help of special Olivia Garden curlers of different diameters. The result is a very beautiful feminine hairstyle with large curls.

Perm and bio-perm are stressful for the hair. Therefore, before performing a permanent waving, it is necessary to prepare the hair for this procedure.

It is better to start preparing hair for a perm in advance. The key to successful chemistry is healthy hair, so a couple of weeks before curling, start using nourishing and moisturizing products. Masks and conditioners will restore the structure of the hair, smooth out scales and irregularities along the entire length, so the curl will be more uniform.

If you have damaged porous hair, then it needs a deep repair, as the damaged parts of the hair absorb chemicals more strongly, which can lead to negative consequences. Pay attention to the products you use, it is better not to use shampoos and conditioners with silicones, as well as 2 in 1 shampoos, as silicone can interfere with the penetration of the chemical.

Do not dye your hair right before a perm, between these procedures should take at least 2-3 weeks. Also, do not highlight or color before curling, because the hair structure will become heterogeneous, and the curls may turn out different.

It is highly not recommended to lighten hair or dye it with henna before chemistry. Henna tends to penetrate deeply into the hair structure, so it will interfere with the penetration of the chemical composition. Hair after henna simply does not curl, and low-quality henna under the influence of the drug can even give the hair a green tint.

It is also recommended to cut your hair before a perm, but it is worth considering that the hair after chemistry will become shorter. And the smaller the curl, the more the hair “bounces”. Therefore, the haircut should be a few centimeters longer than desired.

Before you start curling, you need to check the reaction of hair and skin to a chemical preparation. Apply a little on the strand and on the wrist. Hair should not be torn, and skin should not become irritated. Before curling, you need to carefully examine the hair, their structure can be affected by pregnancy, antibiotics, chemotherapy, menstruation, stress. All this is reflected in the condition of the hair and is a contraindication to perm.

Classic horizontal perm- hair is divided by horizontal partings and wound on curlers according to the classical scheme. In this case, bobbins or curlers of various diameters can be used, which allows you to create various curls, from small curls to large curls.

Vertical perm- This is a vertical way of winding hair on special curlers. This method of curling is also called "wet" chemistry. It is suitable for long hair, which are wound on special bobbins perpendicular to the head from the roots to the tips. The result is a uniform elastic and hard curl in all the valley of the hair.

Spiral perm- This is a kind of vertical chemistry, which is performed using spiral curlers. At the same time, during winding, the hair can twist into a tourniquet, which makes the curl even more beautiful. Spiral perm is especially loved by young girls, because the result is a stylish youth hairstyle.

Perm on a pigtail- performed with the help of braids and bobbins. This method is suitable for medium and long hair. First, the hair is braided into small tight pigtails to the middle of the hair. And then the unbraided ends of the braids are wound onto bobbins. The result is very natural wavy hair.

Hair perm on a hairpin- This method is ideal for medium length hair, which allows you to get corrugated curls. Strands of hair are wound on non-metallic hairpins according to the principle of eight.

Root waving hair- performed only on the roots of the hair. This method can be used to add volume and volume to the hair, for short haircuts, as well as for regrown hair roots after a perm, if the ends of the hair have not yet developed. Root perm allows you to lift the hair at the roots, but its effect does not last long, as the hair grows back quickly.

Curl at the ends- this method allows you to curl only the ends of the hair, gives the hair splendor, volume and corrects the triangular shape of the face. The method is suitable for thin and sparse hair, stepped haircuts and cascade haircuts.

Perm on boomerangs- hair is wound on boomerangs in a checkerboard pattern. In this case, a fairly voluminous curl is obtained.

American chemistry- This is a popular method of perm, which allows you to create large curls. You can perform such chemistry with the help of special Olivia Garden curlers of different diameters. The result is a very beautiful feminine hairstyle with large curls.

Spinning on 2 bobbins- part of the strand is wound onto one bobbin, and then the second is twisted. Curls of different sizes are obtained.

Chemistry "twin"- part of the hair is wound horizontally, and part vertically. This method is suitable for long and medium hair.

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Root perm hair

Root perm hair (Fig. 86). The root method of perm is used to create the impression of lush and thick hair, to facilitate their styling. This method is suitable for sparse or overgrown hair after a perm, as well as for hairstyles that need volume at the hair roots. Its essence lies in the fact that not all hair is curled, but only part of it, at the root, leaving the ends of the strands without a perm at all or keeping the previous perm on them.

Curling can be started at any point of the head, however, it must be borne in mind that if the hair has previously been permed, then the bobbin begins to be wound, capturing 2 cm from the overgrown part of the hair. For example, if the hair has grown by 8 cm, then the bobbin is set to 10 cm. The strand around it is wound around the floor in a figure-eight. In this case, the end of the strand is in the left hand, and with the right hand they hold that part of it that is located on the bobbin. Having made the required number of turns towards the roots of the hair, the bobbin is fixed with an elastic band. Having twisted all the strands in this way, proceed to the next stage: processing them with preparations. A chemical composition is applied to each bobbin, but so that it does not get to the ends of the hair. Holding time 10...25 min depending on the structure. All subsequent stages of perm are the same as in the classical.

Spiral perm(Fig. 87). There are two kinds. The perm of the first type begins with the lower occipital zone. A strand of hair is separated in the form of a square, twisted into a bundle and wound in a spiral onto a bobbin, placing the turns of the spiral close to each other. The direction of twisting the bundle and the direction of winding onto the bobbins must match.

Curling of the second type begins with the lower occipital area. A strand of hair is separated in the form of a square, not twisted into a bundle, but wound in a spiral onto a bobbin, placing the coils close to each other.

Then perform all the stages of perm.

Corrugated perm(Fig. 88). The perm starts from the lower occipital zone. A strand is selected in the form of a square and wound according to the figure-eight principle. The same curl gives a perm "on a pigtail".

Perm on boomerangs. This perm gives a voluminous curl. Bobbins are wound in a checkerboard pattern. All other stages are the same as in a classic perm. The width of the strand should not exceed the diameter of the bobbin (Fig. 89).

Rice. 88. Perm "corrugation"

Rice. 89. Perm on boomerangs

Rice. 90. Perm on ring curls

Perm on ring curls(Fig. 90). This perm is used to create volume on short hair. Hair is divided into squares, the size of which will depend on the desired effect. The larger the square, the more voluminous the curl. The tip of the strand is wrapped in paper, the strand is twisted into an annular curl and secured with non-metallic hairpins. The strands are separated in a checkerboard pattern. All other steps are exactly the same as in the classic perm.

Errors when performing a perm and their causes. Irritation of the scalp, too much compound used, when the unabsorbed compound flows onto the scalp.

Brittleness of the hair: the hair is very taut when winding, and tight elastic bands pull the hair roots.

Uncurled strands: The hair is divided into large strands and few bobbins are used.

Weak curl: the old composition was used, the fixation time was not maintained, too large bobbins were used.

Overexposed perm: the exposure time of the composition has been exceeded, the rules for applying the fixer have been violated (not thoroughly and quickly enough).

Discoloration of the hair: metal utensils or tools are used that can react with the composition and leave a metallic residue on the hair, causing discoloration.

Perm does not work well: a cold room, an empty stomach, low blood pressure, pregnancy.

Permed hair care. It is undesirable to comb your hair on the day of curling with a comb with frequent teeth. After a perm, the hair is too sensitive, and once again it is better not to injure them, so it is recommended to wash your hair no earlier than three days later. You should not overdry your hair. It is necessary to use special nourishing shampoos, rinses and balms for hair with a chemical wave for washing.

Lush, soft, large curls are the dream of any woman, because there are very few owners of natural curls, and everyone wants to be more feminine and gentle. You can deal with this situation large perm.

Such a perm will help to get beautiful large curls. The size of the curls will depend on the size of the bobbins (curlers) used and the methods of winding them. Perm large curls produced on large-diameter curlers, sometimes large-sized boomerangs are used.

Before you make a large one, you should carry out a perm without chemicals and make sure that the selected size of curls suits you.

At the same time, the choice of the size of the curler will depend on the type of your hair. Curlers of the largest diameter will not work for thin hair, only a light wave will turn out. Choose a smaller diameter, but not too small.

The American perm is currently very popular for large curls. A large perm is performed using Olivia Garden large-diameter curlers, while they are fixed on the head with teeth and create an interesting design on the head. Such curlers help to avoid creases and help to get large curls for medium and long hair.

To get large curls with a perm, you will need:

  • plastic comb,
  • special preparation for curling,
  • hair fixer,
  • special cap (plastic bag) for hair,
  • a bowl with a sponge for drugs,
  • preparation for stabilization and neutralization,
  • fixative for perms.

Performing a perm with large curls

  1. Wash hair with shampoo and dry.
  2. We wind the hair on bobbins or curlers of the desired size.
  3. Wet them with perm chemicals.
  4. Then we cover the head with a cap, or a plastic bag and wrap a towel around the head.
  5. We maintain the right time according to the instructions.
  6. Next, wash off the product without removing the bobbins from the hair. Rinse thoroughly with warm water for 5 minutes.
  7. Apply fixative and hold for 10 minutes.
  8. Now you can remove the bobbins.
  9. Again, apply the fixative for 5 minutes no more.
  10. Next, carefully rinse the fixative.
  11. Apply a compound to neutralize the fixative.
  12. We dry the hair.
  13. At the end of the procedure, we apply a therapeutic composition to the hair.

Not everyone is naturally given wavy hair, but every girl wants to give an image of playfulness. Boomerang curlers will help create elastic and beautiful curls at home.

What it is?

Easy and safe, and the method of curling hair has been of interest to women at all times. Once upon a time, beauties used small tubes made of wood or paper as improvised means, rag curlers were also popular. Progress does not stand still, and modern materials make it possible to improve the process of turning straight hair into curly hair. Today's designs make it more comfortable and productive.

Boomerang curlers have another name. flirtatious word "papillottes" known to many. They are called special soft sticks on which strands are wound. The upper part of the tubes is usually made of soft foam rubber. Sometimes flexible rubber is used for this. There is a wire inside. It is thanks to her that the curlers are easily twisted and fixed in any position. Both versions boomerangs perfectly fix the hair. Devices do not slip off and are securely kept on the head even with active movements. The only difference is that the foam rubber is softer. Such curlers allow you to do a perm at night. You can sleep peacefully without feeling any discomfort, and in the morning you can see cute elastic curls in the mirror.

Rubber sticks have a denser structure. You won't be able to sleep with them. However, they allow you to get more clear-cut curls compared to the result from foam analogs. "Boomerangs" come in different lengths and diameters, and this is no coincidence, because the resulting effect depends on their size. Thin tubes can give your hair graceful small curls. Large ones allow you to get spectacular voluminous curls. From a wide range, you can choose the option that suits you best.

The color range of products is also varied. Usually these are bright and juicy shades that uplift the mood.

Features and Benefits

"Boomerangs" won the hearts of beautiful ladies immediately after the appearance. And so far, interest in them has not decreased. This is due to the numerous advantages of this type of curling over other methods:

  • Safety."Boomerangs" do not require exposure to high temperatures to achieve the desired result, unlike thermal products, curling irons and other devices. They do not need to be “torn off” from the hair, like Velcro curlers, damaging the structure of the curls. Well, of course, they do not require the application of potent compounds to the strands, as with a salon perm. The result of the procedure lasts 1-2 days, but neither the scalp nor the hair itself is exposed to harmful or dangerous effects.
  • Ease of application. The principle of the arrangement of "boomerangs" on the hair is so simple that it does not require special skills. You can easily curl your hair at home the first time, you just need to follow the basic rules for the best result.

Flexible hairpins are easily attached to the strands, regardless of the direction of curling. It does not require any clips, elastic bands or other additional devices for fixing.

  • Convenience. Curlers hold securely on the hair, do not fall off, do not allow the strands to be disheveled or tangled. The light weight and softness of the products make it possible to practically not notice their presence on the head, unlike traditional curlers.

You can do any household chores or even go to bed (if the “boomerangs” are made of foam rubber), without worrying about the safety of the structure created on your head and without experiencing discomfort.

  • Excellent result. After removing the elastic tubes from the hair, you will see a stunning effect. Beautiful and natural waves will instantly transform your hair. The security of boomerangs allows you to use them as often as you like. You can experiment with images, change the intensity of the curl and the size of the curls. It is easy and pleasant to be different with such products.
  • Affordable cost. The low price of papillots allows you to give yourself the opportunity to quickly curl without compromising the budget. If you rarely curl your hair, then you will not be sorry to spend a small amount on curlers, which will be used only on occasion. And if you are a big fan of curls, then you can purchase several sets of "boomerangs" of different sizes for different effects.

Papillots have only one drawback. With frequent use in the fold areas, the foam coating may begin to crumble. It also happens that the wire sticks out. However, the low cost allows you to regularly update the kit without significant financial costs.


The size of "boomerangs" can be different. The smallest have a diameter of 14 mm and a length of 180 mm. The diameter of the largest is 22 mm, and the length of such products is 240 mm. The choice of the size of the curls should be based on the length of the hairstyle and the desired result. Owners of long and thick hair will find it easier to use products of large diameter and length. Girls with short hair will need thin and not too long foam tubes. The latter option is also useful for long-haired beauties if they want to create small curls.

How to use?

At first glance, it may seem that winding strands on curlers is an elementary task. However, not all so simple. So that instead of luxurious curls or perky curls, ugly and uneven “creases” do not turn out, it is important to follow a few simple rules:

  • Before you start creating a new hairstyle, you need to rinse hair thoroughly. Then they should be slightly dried. It is better to wind wet strands on curlers. Absolutely dry hair may not be curled. Wet strands will not be able to dry completely in a twisted state, even if you sit with curlers all day. As a result, curls can turn out to be slurred and quickly lose their shape.
  • Apply a styling product to wet hair. This will help the hairstyle last longer and provide more defined curls. The main thing is to observe the measure, otherwise you risk getting the look of stale hair. The best solution would be to apply styling mousse not to the entire length of the strands, but only to the area from the middle part of the hair to the tips. This secret will make the hairstyle lighter, lush and natural.

  • Decide what styling you need. For a neat hairstyle, a symmetrical mirror arrangement of “boomerangs” is necessary. For the effect of slight negligence, their chaotic fixing will be appropriate.
  • Comb the curls and divide them into parts according to the chosen concept. When doing this, consider the number of papillots available.
  • It is better to start curling from the crown, moving to the occipital zone. Then wind the hair at the temples. Lastly, the part from the crown to the face is processed.

Using boomerangs is easy:

  • Before wrapping, each strand must be folded into a kind of tourniquet. Then the hair is placed in the middle of the foam stick and twisted in one of two ways. The first involves the location of the curlers at the very root of the hair. The strand is "wound" on a "boomerang", which remains motionless. The second way is to place the papillotte at the end of the strand. In this case, the tube itself rotates, twisting the curl onto itself.

  • When the strand is completely wound on the "boomerang", its ends are bent towards the center. This will fix the curlers on the hair for the time you need.
  • Wait a few hours at least 3).
  • You can let your hair dry on their own or lightly dry them with a hairdryer without removing the curlers.
  • If the perm is done in the evening, you you can safely go to sleep. In this case, it is recommended to wear a headscarf. It will allow you to avoid the early fall of "boomerangs" and tangling of curls.
  • When the hair is dry and takes the form you want, curlers can be carefully removed. Start from the bottom of the hair.
  • If the intensity of curling suits you, It's best not to brush your hair. Just fix them with your hands and lightly varnish them. For better fixation, first tilt your head down and sprinkle the ends of the curls. Then return to the starting position and repeat the fixation over the styling. If the curls turned out too “cool”, go through the hair with a comb with large and rare teeth.

Hairstyle options

Vertical curls

For this hairstyle, two packs of "boomerangs" are needed, and if the hair is thick and long, then three. You need to wind the strands starting from the crown and towards the back of the head. In this case, each stick must be held vertically. Only in this way, when removing the "boomerangs", the curls will curl in the same direction. Having put on all the curlers, you can lightly sprinkle your hair with varnish. After a few hours, the papillots are removed. Combing is not recommended. You just need to straighten your hair with your hands and slightly stretch the curls to the bottom.

When using thin "boomerangs", curls are more expressive. However, it should be borne in mind that the length of the hair in this case seems much less.

big curls

Large “heavy” curls starting from the middle of the hairstyle are not difficult to get. To do this, you need tubes of large diameter. One package may be enough here, because the strands for winding are chosen wide enough. The lower part of the hairstyle is separated with a comb. The top hair is fixed with a hair clip. Each strand is wound, starting from the end of the hair and reaching the middle. With this method of curling, it is especially comfortable to sleep, because the curlers do not interfere at all.