The best place to celebrate your 50th birthday. Birthday script. Scenario for a man's anniversary (50 years)

A half-century anniversary is an excellent occasion to gather all your friends, acquaintances and relatives at one table. After all, turning 50 happens once in a lifetime, and you should definitely celebrate this event with all your favorite guests. Such an anniversary can be celebrated in a cafe or restaurant, rented a ship, or everyone can sail to the island. Or you can spend it at home, in a calm environment. We will tell you how to celebrate a woman’s 50th birthday without a toastmaster at home so that everyone remembers this holiday forever as the most fun and bright. Look at our ideas, bring them to life and then your anniversary will be a great success.

And so, at the beginning of the holiday, you need to meet the hero of the day.
To do this, all guests form a semicircle. Each guest must have firecrackers, paper fireworks and other items in their hands that can be used to harmlessly greet the hero of the day. The guests lined up and armed themselves with items for the meeting. The melody sounds - “Slavyanka’s farewell”, and someone in the role of presenter announces:
Dear friends! Today we are celebrating a wonderful event. Today, our dear (last name, first name, patronymic of the hero of the day) celebrates her 50th anniversary. And today she says goodbye to her first 50 years of wonderful life. Meet our hero of the day!
The doors open and the hero of the day comes out. The guests explode firecrackers and shout: hurray, congratulations, happy anniversary.
After the music stops, signs appear in the hands of the guests who are standing first, or sheets of paper are beautifully decorated with photographs of the hero of the day from different years. It is necessary to take photographs of the most memorable moments in the life of the hero of the day on sheets of paper: birth, bathing, steps, kindergarten, school, technical school, wedding, children, and so on. When the signs appear in the hands of the guests, we ask the hero of the day to approach each sign in turn. And tell something interesting and memorable about this stage of her life. This must also be done from birth to present age.
After the hero of the day has gone through all the memorable moments of her life, we escort her to the table to thunderous applause, and all the guests are also seated at the tables.

All guests are at the table, and the celebration can begin. Do not forget to say beautiful anniversary toasts before each feast. They will help you express your feelings and your joy for the holiday.

And we are starting an entertainment program.
To begin with, each guest will say his own short but original mini toast. If guests are sitting at the table on both sides, then the first person sitting to the right of the hero of the day stands up with a glass and makes his own toast like this: to the hero of the day!
Then he sits down. The second person sitting behind him gets up and makes his toast, which should also begin with the word FOR. But the next word should begin with the last letter of the previous toast - the letter U. This means the toast could be like this: to a native of our city Samara!
The third guest stands up and says: for the Atmosphere that the hero of the day gives us!
Fourth guest: for Artistry!
Fifth guest: for a sweet smile!
Sixth guest: for the Smile!
And so on until all the guests have said their toast. The main thing is not to forget that first the words FOR are said, and then the wish, which begins with the last letter of the previous wish.

If this version of congratulations is difficult for you, then look at our section - chants for the anniversary. It contains wonderful chants that will help you congratulate the hero of the day in an equally original way and involve all the guests in this.

Now let's dance a little.
To dance, we need to know in advance the names of all the guests at the party. And make a cut of melodies with the names of the guests. Then turn on these cuts one by one, and the guests who hear their name in the songs come out to their original dance. When all the guests are on the dance floor, you can determine who came out the best and give him a prize.
And immediately the next competition with music.
To do this, guests need to divide into several teams of 6 people. If there are few or many guests, then you can determine the number of people in the team yourself. For example, divide it like this: relatives into one team, everyone else into another.
When the teams are formed, they form a circle for a round dance. One team - one lap. The music starts playing, and the presenter says: the neighbor on the right has a good elbow! This means that each team member takes his neighbor on the right under the elbow and so they dance in a circle.
Then the presenter says: the neighbor on the left has a good ear! Team members take their neighbors on the left by the ear and dance in a round dance.
Then the presenter announces: your neighbors on the left and right have a good waist! Here all the guests hug each other around the waist. The melody for the cancan dance is turned on, and the guests dance happily to it.

Did you dance? Then we need to play.
We offer you a small comic block for guests and the hero of the day. The presenter announces that she has just received an urgent telegram. The telegram is presented to the hero of the day. She reads it out. There is approximately the following text:
- dear (last name, first name, patronymic of the hero of the day)! We are people of Africa. We found out that it is your anniversary, you are 50 years old. And since you are an active participant in the “Giving Life in Africa” charity foundation, we decided to give you a gift. We are sending you a whole parcel of dried apricots! Eat to your health!
P.S. A seed is hidden in one dried apricot. Whoever finds the bone will have good luck all year!

And here is the parcel with dried apricots! Well, shall we give all the guests one berry? Come on, take it. And remember, whoever finds a seed in his dried apricots will have good luck and a small gift!

Guests take one berry and eat. Whoever finds the bone (and it must be placed in one dried apricot before the holiday) comes up to get a gift.

And here is our lucky one! He had a bone! He gets a bag of apricots! Eat them quickly so they don't turn into dried apricots!

Let's move on and have another little game with all the guests. For this game you need to make cards with the following inscriptions: pipes, circle, raft, carrot, anniversary, snowball and others. Each guest chooses one card. Then the first guest shows his card and says the word that is written on it. After which, the presenter says what he must do.
The word PIPES - kiss the hero of the day on the lips!
The word CIRCLE - suddenly confess your love to the hero of the day!
The word RAFT - and you tell us a joke!
The word CARROT is a song about love!
The word ANNIVERSARY - pour yourself a drink and drink quickly!
The word SNOWBALL - dance for us, my friend!
And so on. Any words and cool tasks to rhyme with them. This is something like a game of forfeits, only with slightly different rules.

This is how you can celebrate an anniversary in an original way without a toastmaster yourself.
Also, look at the article - an entertainment program for a woman’s anniversary. From it you will also get many interesting ideas for your anniversary.

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The “Golden Jubilee” is a time for summing up results and setting new life goals. On the eve of a “round” birthday, many ladies think that they have not yet had time to fulfill some of their dreams. A woman can celebrate her 50th birthday taking into account these unfulfilled desires. If you intend to give the birthday girl a truly bright and heartfelt surprise, find out her preferences in advance and try to organize an appropriate festive event.

Where can a woman celebrate her 50th birthday?

There are more than enough options for celebrating a birthday. Those times when relatives, friends and colleagues gathered in the birthday girl’s apartment are long gone: practice shows that such events exhaust the hero of the occasion and almost never bring a feeling of satisfaction. An unusual way to celebrate a woman’s 50th birthday is:

  • On the roof of a multi-story building. Today, many studios offer assistance in organizing a holiday picnic in high-rise buildings. Specialists know cozy “secret” and absolutely safe places, so you have nothing to worry about. Romantic and sensual representatives of the fair sex will be delighted with this idea, because from the roof of the high-rise building there is a magnificent view of the city at night. Quite an interesting idea - an Italian-style dinner accompanied by talented musicians.
  • In a country club designed in the style of a medieval castle. At any age, women dream of feeling like princesses from their favorite fairy tales. Give your loved one a feeling of joy and happiness - organize an anniversary in a cottage in a romantic castle style. Tip: come up with an appropriate dress code for guests in advance. An interesting format for an event in such a place is a masquerade show or a royal ball.
  • With extreme and adrenaline. Not all ladies under 50 prefer a calm and measured holiday with family and friends. Many women discover a “second wind” in themselves and begin to play sports and become interested in active entertainment. You can go to a horse estate, order a paragliding flight, parachute, hot air balloon, or go kayaking.

When talking about where to celebrate a woman’s 50th birthday, we shouldn’t forget about universal options. With the right approach, even an event in your favorite restaurant will turn into real magic.

How to entertain guests at a woman’s 50th birthday party?

Having decided on the location of the event, you need to think about preparing a decent scenario. As a rule, not a single anniversary is complete without various competitions and quizzes. Perhaps some of the proposed ideas will suit your taste.

A fairly simple ABC competition can be held even at the table. The host invites guests to test their knowledge of the alphabet and at the same time compliment the hero of the day. Each of those present takes turns calling the next letter of the alphabet and saying a congratulation to the birthday girl that begins with that letter.

The funny competition “Nesmeyana” will certainly amuse the audience. The female half of the guests sits opposite the male half, and the ladies try to maintain as strict and serious an appearance as possible. The task of the stronger sex is to make girls smile and laugh by any means possible. The winner is the most “persistent” guest.

Speaking about how to celebrate a woman’s 50th birthday, you can think of a creative competition. Ask an artist you know to draw a portrait of the hero of the day with a pencil and invite the guests to complete the picture. The birthday girl will independently choose the most talented and diligent participant.
Using special computer programs, you can make a fascinating film from photographs of a woman in advance. Try to find photographs from different periods of the birthday girl’s life. An interesting addition to such a film would be a plot about how friends and relatives choose gifts for the hero of the day.

At the end of the evening you can arrange unusual entertainment. Stock up on sky lanterns or LED balloons in advance and invite guests to tie small leaves with heartfelt words for the birthday girl to them. The ceremony of launching wishes into the night sky will charm any lady.

Of course, these are not all the options for celebrating a “golden anniversary” for the fair sex. Oleg Berg, an experienced and inventive Moscow toastmaster, knows the secrets of the perfect festive event. He will be happy to offer you assistance in preparing an original script with full consideration of the interests and preferences of the hero of the day. Feel free to forget about cliches and stereotypes: the presenter with enormous creative potential offers exclusively original competitions, jokes, and quizzes. Oleg Berg's studio also employs talented singers and musicians, professional photographers and videographers, and specialists in the field of laser shows and fireworks.

The room in which the celebration will take place must be decorated. For this you can use balloons, flowers, bows, posters. Everything should reflect the round date and the hero of the occasion. While guests are gathering, pleasant background music is playing.

- The amazing age of fifty, it’s not much yet, but it’s not little either. As this wonderful music sounds, the time that passed was wonderful. But we all know that (name)’s most wonderful time is ahead.
Fill your glasses
Let the wine flow like a stream
Gifts, flowers, wishes
And the fiery thrill of speeches
The right of the first congratulations and the first presentation of a gift, we transfer to a very close and dear person.

(It can be a husband or one of the children, a toast is made and a gift is given. Guests raise their glasses.)

- Fifty is not an easy birthday,
Fifty - golden birthday
Many guests have gathered here
To celebrate (name) anniversary!
They handed me one very interesting scroll and asked me to read it out in front of everyone.

Presenter (unrolls a scroll, like an old message with a seal and signatures and reads):
His Majesty the Sovereign (the name of the boss where the birthday girl works) decides with this letter!

Reward the novice (name of the birthday girl) for her diligent efforts and valiant work with a personalized gift. And henceforth, do not get sick, do not grow old, and do not be sad, but remain the same beauty. This document is sealed and confirmed by witnesses. The entire retinue of the Tsarev in the amount of 10 people signed below:


- Gift from employees to the studio!

(Fanfare sounds, a gift is brought in, “From His Majesty” must be written on the box in advance.)

The floor is given to the boss (the name of the boss, or one of the employees).

(Guests raise their glasses.)

- And now, for our dear birthday girl, we will all sing a congratulation song together.

(The song plays: “Let them run clumsily...” You can use a soundtrack with words, you can take karaoke.)

- Dear, dear mother, your children, your now adult children, are in a hurry to congratulate you.

(Children congratulate and present gifts. Guests raise their glasses.)

- We love our children very much, but more than children, we love grandchildren. The smallest and most charming ones, we welcome them, they came to congratulate their beloved grandmother!

(Children can give balloons or flowers, or any nice little thing. You can read a poem for grandma.)

- Here flows the sounds of beautiful music
I want to call everyone now
Hurry up, come out
We will dance with you

(Incendiary music sounds, everyone comes out to dance, the birthday girl dances in the center.)

- Do not disperse, wait a minute, we have prepared a surprise for you, pull the forfeits, pull everything, at the end you will receive a wonderful prize.

(Guests take out colored pieces of paper from the box, only one letter is written on them. Everyone sits down.)

- We wish you on your birthday
Exorbitant fun
And to top it off
Happiness, joy and..... Guests stand up with green cards and add up your letters, what happened, say everything together in chorus.

Guests :
- Luck!

- That's right, well done, a toast to good luck.

(Guests raise their glasses.)

- Never be upset
Let the blood run through your veins
It might start at fifty

First again...... Guests stand up with red cards, what is your word, say it all together.

Guests :
- Love!

- A toast to love!

(Guests raise their glasses.)

- Friends, you wished so much
I won’t say many words here, I wish with all my heart
A hero to you..... Please stand up, whoever has the blue cards, what the word is, say it all together.

Guests :
- Health!

- Here is the next toast, to the health of our birthday girl.

(Guests raise their glasses. A short break, during which dance music may sound.)

- The most faithful friends came to congratulate you. It is with great pleasure that we give them the floor.

(Childhood friends or former classmates, or former neighbors, etc. Guests raise their glasses.)

- This is how it works in Rus'
If the soul asks
Play our harmonica
I want to sing a ditty.

(Any ditties can be remade for the birthday girl, it is advisable to attract more people so that everyone can participate.)

- Our dear guests, you danced with all your heart, look, the gifts here are also very good.
Who can get a gift for our birthday girl?

A competition “Get a Gift” is being held. A rope is stretched to a certain height, small gifts hang on the rope, a rose flower, napkins, an apple, etc. Participants must, with their eyes closed, cut off one gift with scissors and give it to the hero of the occasion.

The next number is called “Dance of the Little Swans”, the men are dressed in ballet tutus and asked to dance.

- And another wonderful number was prepared by the weaker sex.

(Women take children’s balls in the form of weights in their hands, there are also inflatable dumbbells, and with them they dance to the song “Heroic Strength.”)

Guests (raise hands):
- We!

- Who is in favor of pouring a glass?

Guests :
- We!

- Who is in favor of drinking to our birthday girl?

Guests :
- We!

- Let it be so!

(Table break, during which soft music plays in the background.)

- You’ve already stopped drinking
You have already stopped eating
Tired of sitting at the table?
Well then everyone quickly stood up
We will do exercises
repeat everything after me in order
Arms higher, legs wider
Waved three four

(The guests wave their hands above.)

Hands quickly forward
We'll make a turn

(Guests with outstretched arms rotate their hips.)

And now it's the other way around
Hands down and chest forward

(Guests with their hands down stick out their tummies.)

Well, all together three four
We put our feet wider

(Guests place their legs wide and arms to the sides.)

Let's wave together
One two three four five

(Guests wave their hands around.)

Now let's walk together
At the tables, we need to pour some food.

(The guests go to the table again. Table break.)

- Can everyone hear the microphone?
I announce a dance marathon.
Dance "Russian".

(Folk music plays, for example “Barynya”. The guests all dance.)

- Dance “Caucasian”.

(They turn on lezginka. The guests all dance.)

- Dance “Gypsy”.

(They put on “Gypsy Girl”, the guests all dance.)

- Dance “Eastern”.

(Any Eastern music will do.)

- Dance “Jewish”.

(A musical composition plays and the guests dance.)

- The winner of the dance marathon is (announces the person who danced all the dances). He is entitled to a prize, a personalized medal from the birthday girl.

(Takes out the medal he made and awards the dancer.)

- Golden anniversary, today is a beautiful day
(first name) honey, you should be
On this day all your wishes will come true
We wish you to continue to live happily!

(For greater effect, use large firecrackers with shiny tinsel or pop balloons filled with confetti.)

To prevent a woman’s fiftieth birthday from turning into just another banal feast, you need to think through all the stages of the holiday down to the smallest detail. The resource This holiday offers you to get acquainted with the main features of organizing a birthday party.

An anniversary is a celebration associated with the years lived by the birthday girl. On this day, it is customary to express positive emotions, to inform a person that he is dear to others. Relatives and good friends gather nearby. It is important to invite and gather people who care. They come with gifts as well as ideas, a program that turns a modest gathering into a fun time.

50 years is a celebration important for everyone

In order for the holiday to be remembered as bright and extraordinary, special preparation is necessary.

It is carried out in several ways:

  • hiring specialists;
  • by the forces of the birthday boy;
  • by the forces of those gathered.

Any representative of the listed categories needs to select material, that is, create a script. A celebration is held on it, and the components of the important day are listed in full or in an abbreviated version.

Knowing the importance of celebrating a woman’s 50th birthday, it’s better to figure out how to celebrate it in advance. A standard banquet is a win-win option, but it is perceived as quite boring. To avoid boring or negative memories, experts prepare celebrations using ready-made scripts.

They choose the right topic for the right date. Among them is the round figure itself, anniversaries. Certain scenarios are needed for different ages. A coming-of-age celebration is not suitable for those celebrating a “round” anniversary of an adult nature. Therefore, you should not dwell on youth and, especially, teenage and children’s versions of scenarios.

It is necessary to select suitable texts, take into account the cultural characteristics of the time, growth and development of the hero of the day. Picking them up, friends and relatives are guided by the taste of the congratulatory.

Our site offers a unique opportunity of its kind. Here, entertainment professionals find suitable materials, but our resources are open to everyone. You yourself select skits, contests, scenarios and the result that suits you. If necessary, they are supplemented, combined or left in the proposed form. It is very comfortable.

If the celebration under discussion is about to arrive, we must greet this day not just cheerfully, but with all our weapons. Our skits, competitions, and toasts will help you choose a program for your 50th anniversary: ​​we’ll tell literally everyone who wants to celebrate how to celebrate the anniversary. They are selected and grouped in such a way that they are easy to find on the site. Performances for various occasions are at your disposal. We have singled out a separate section, .

What is included in the 50th anniversary?

The holiday of the fiftieth anniversary is celebrated solemnly, seriously. This date is associated with personal and professional achievements that will be the envy of competitors.

Friends and good acquaintances do not consider it convenient to limit themselves to modest congratulations and toasts that are quite uninteresting even when presented sincerely. They are only part of a scenario consisting of:

  • information components (with stories about the hero of the day);
  • original toasts;
  • cool and solemn congratulations;
  • speeches from different groups of guests (colleagues, friends, relatives, childhood acquaintances);
  • entertainment part (in theatrical performance);
  • performances by artists.

It is necessary to prepare the official part of the celebration. At the age of 50, it is customary to express yourself in a moderate business style, without using teenage expressions, and with correct address. A humorous form is allowed, but within moderate limits. After the official ceremony, the entertainment part begins, with a feast and a creative section.

The gender characteristics of the celebration are especially prominent. When choosing a script for a woman, you need to express yourself more politely, without rude jokes. They are allowed if the script was drawn up by relatives who know well how to celebrate the 50th anniversary and what the hero of the day’s reaction will be.

Often professionals prepare for a celebration by collecting data from relatives and friends. A standard humorous manner is allowed, for example, with deliberately exaggerated compliments. In any case, they should not concern age.

The merits of the hero of the day must be listed. It doesn’t matter what sphere they find themselves in - family or business. Regardless of who prepares the celebration, what the birthday girl is proud of is always emphasized and specified.

Don't forget about filming and photo sessions. To do this, it is better to invite a professional to the holiday. But even if you don’t have one, try to take memorable and funny pictures that will add to the birthday girl’s family album and become a reason for pleasant memories.

Where can I get ready-made ideas?

Preparing the holiday yourself is a good solution; it is usually preferred by loved ones and relatives. They know quite well about the character traits of the hero of the day. It is easier for them to create not an impersonal, boring gathering, but a spiritual process of celebration and even a bright performance.

There are several offered on our website. They can be put into the program in voiced form or guided by the situation. We are ready to provide our resources to those who are going to congratulate a woman at 50 on her own.

Choose a modest script or play with poetry. Supplement it with toasts, congratulations, or implement a ready-made script. Decide on a theme if you decide to organize a popular theme evening.

Decorate the room appropriately, select serving options, and decide on the theme. It is possible that decorative elements will have to be replaced directly during the celebration. For example, in the first part, create the atmosphere of an assembly hall, and in the second - a five-star hotel by the sea.

An anniversary marked in this way will be remembered, giving positive emotions. Our materials will help with this.

March 13, 2017.

1. A path of stars is laid out on the floor in the hall.
Guests line up in rows on the sides of the hall with balloons in their hands
The hero of the day enters the hall and stops in front of the "star path".

Step aside, friends, step aside
Smile heartily at this moment
Skip ahead without a doubt
You are the one who has a birthday!

Dear Elena Vladimirovna!
Today all your guests
You shine brightly
After all, the reflections of your star
You direct at them,
So let your rays
And henceforth we are bestowed with affection,
And life seems to us
Great fairy tale!
(Applause from guests)

To extend this fairy tale to us
At least for a little bit
You must walk slowly
Star track.
Every star is just a mystery
You will only need one guess.
Feel free to take the star path
And guess something!
(The hero of the day stands on the star, the Presenter reads out the riddle, and so on with each star)

Each of us dreams about this,
I think that includes you:
Get it from a man's hands
Now beautiful... (flowers)
(The son gives the hero of the day a bouquet of flowers)

To remember your biography later,
We will do this now... (photo)

From now on, pamper your husband more often,
After all, he gives you his... (kiss)
(The husband kisses the birthday girl)

For all the heroes of the occasion
In moments like these
We are ready to give endlessly... (applause)
(Applause from guests)

We can’t avoid miracles today,
Let it fall from the sky now... (confetti)
(The birthday girl is showered with confetti)

To always be with friends,
We all need to perform... (song)
(Guests sing the song “Happybirthdaytoyou”)

And it's time to honor these minutes
Hear us here the anniversary... (fireworks)
(Guests pierce balloons and imitate fireworks)

The tests have passed, you, birthday girl, are amazing,
We want you to invite everyone to the table.
(The birthday girl invites everyone to the table. The guests are seated)

Presenter Dear guests!
So that the birthday girl can feel wonderful moments,
We will continue our congratulations at the table
Today is your anniversary,
Yes, not simple, but golden!
We could sooner believe
That he is your fortieth,
Beautiful in appearance, tender,
Well, how can you not fall in love with someone like that?
You are good at everything
And you can be proud of your life.
We achieved everything in it<пять>
And keep striving
Be an example, radiate light,
To be the first master in business,
It’s too early to draw conclusions
They are increasingly letting us down...
But you just need to live brightly!
You seem to be able to do this.
May you continue to be happy
In friends, work, longevity,
To wipe the nose of all enemies
And, as always, be a Lady in everything!

And now we're all waiting for the word
From dear, dear,
From someone who has been around for years
With whom adversity is not scary.
Behind him, like behind a stone wall,
This is Nikolai, your dear husband!

How much beauty is there in the world:
Sun, blue sky,
And spring flowers
They can't compare with you.
For many years we walked side by side,
It was all sadness and joy
Now the grandchildren have grown up,
Old age is already knocking on our door.
We won't let her into the house
Let him walk longer
When he comes again later,
Let him not find us at home.
You are my good one
I always feel at ease with you
I give you flowers
And a surprise with a lot of love.

The amber cup has been full for a long time,
Wine splashes with white foam.
Let's all drink to Lena.
May she be given a long life!
The guests have a drink and a snack. The song “Happy Birthday” plays. Irina Alegrova.

2. Presenter: Our anniversary is taking place today in an unusual atmosphere. We are with you on the ship "Jubilee". Numerous guests came up here to the upper deck. Our ship will travel across the seas and waves of our memory, sail into the “family” bay, and land at the “Big Table” island. We will certainly visit the island’s landmark - the endless river, whose name was given by Mikhailo Lomonosov himself - “Sorokogradusnaya”. To entertain the ship's guests, a special entertainer has been assigned - that's me.
The midwife is visiting and will tell us not by hearsay,
How Lenochka was born.
After all, this anniversary holiday is obliged to birth.
(Very Funny scene!!! We need a big diaper, a bib, a big nipple)
KNOCKING: Coming out to the music of "Gentlemen of Fortune"
Midwife: Good afternoon, honest people, I see a feast in your mountain.
And I'm a midwife. Where is my little hero?
I personally took delivery, I personally put on a cap,
And I’ll tell someone now, if I find out, I’ll show it.
Here he is, that marvelous child, I have known since the cradle.
Like spring heaven, these clear eyes.
Those chubby cheeks, those strong lobes...
Well, get up, don't be lazy, hug your old grandmother.
Gorgeous! What to hide. Well, let's try
Your first outfits, you stay next to me.
I will put diapers on you, as on a beloved child.
And I'll tie a bib... Well, don't laugh, I beg you.
Bow your head a little, I'll put on a cap deftly ...
Now - a baby just like you were born at night in the summer.
The hour has come and without a doubt we will raise a toast “To the birth!”
We’ll only share Lenochka with a glass,
We will give her a pacifier.
Lena, dear, don't be angry,
You smile at the guests
And sit at the head of the table, drink wine and have fun.
And it’s time for me to take my leave, even though I’m old, there are things to do.

(take a photo of the hero of the day with all the guests!!!)

Presenter: Dear Elena Vladimirovna!
Today, each of the guests, as a sign of respect and love for you, would like to say special words and give a special gift.
We would give you a miracle,
A wonderful moment of magic
Only a miracle was created before
The people who gave you life, birth.
The word for congratulations goes to my mother, Valentina Nikolaevna!
Please raise your glasses and drink to the hero of the day’s mother! (The song “Happy Birthday, My Daughter!” is played.) The guests drink and have a snack.

3. Presenter: Many years have passed since then,
When the miracle happened.
You came into the world
No one knows where.
Happens only once in a lifetime
Similar phenomena.
We sincerely want to congratulate you
Happy birthday today!

And now, dear guests, a brief historical background
This was in 1965. A girl was born, they named her Elena. And who knows the hero of the day better? We answer the questions together, a surprise awaits the winner of the survey
(Chips are given to those who name the correct answer)

1. Place of birth. (Terentyevsky maternity hospital)
2. What time of day was she born? (afternoon)
3. Favorite toy (doll)
4. What is your favorite flower (rose)
5. Favorite dish (Chicken with pineapple)
6. Favorite activity (floriculture)
7. Favorite drink (champagne)
8. Favorite color (blue, pink)
9. Favorite singer (singer) (Stas Mikhailov)
10. Favorite song (Bouquet of white roses)
According to the results of the survey, the winner was……. Your winnings are a kiss from the hero of the day!!!
And now, as a gift to the hero of the day, a song performed by us.
distribute the words to the guests and sing this song to everyone together. N. Baskov “Happy Birthday”

The word for congratulations goes to the godmother of our hero of the day, Galina Nikolaevna.
Toast: So that the birthday girl is always overwhelmed with feelings,
I want us to raise our glasses now

4. Awards for the hero of the day
Host: And we continue our voyage. I ask the personnel of the Yubileiny ship to prepare for the ceremony of awarding the hero of the day (fanfare music sounds)
Like in one wonderful kingdom,
In the Sokolov state
Today the holiday has been announced,
The working day is over!
Brother and matchmaker, merchants, boyars,
Sages from the sovereign
Dressed up, combed your hair,
The retinue gathered together
And they finally rushed
To this fairytale palace.
To maintain solemnity,
Please bring the throne here! (throne-chair)
(Husband brings in.)
The hero of the day passes and sits on the “throne”

Well, the beauty is a maiden,
This evening you are the queen!
We ask you to be our queen,
And we present a symbol of power!
After all, you are truly worthy of the throne.
So, the crown is awarded! (crown)

To consolidate the triumph of the moment,
All attributes of power should be handed over!
Sons-in-law, relatives, godfathers,
Well, in general, the whole huge family!
Help me dress the queen,
Quickly bring in the robe! (mantle)

To your beloved devoted friends,
With whom do you share joy and misfortune in half,
Who is easier to be with in this life?
It is entrusted to hand over this scepter! (bottle of cognac (wine)
(t. Olya)

Who is Elena's closest and dearest in the world?
Like rays of light - beloved children.
Until the great-grandchildren of the wedding, you must live!.
And drink a cup of wine at that wedding!
Give the queen a sovereign glass!
And let the audience applaud! (glass of wine)

And so that in this life forever
I only remember good moments
Today, here and only for you
This is the thunderous applause! (guests applaud, Kirkorov’s ringtone “Pair for the Queen” sounds)

Awarding medals:
1. You raised excellent children,
She dressed and fed them.
You are ready to give everything to them!
We award you the title - MOTHER! (Natalya Nikolaevna)
2. You take care of the family hearth,
And you live well with your husband.
You are for him at all times
Exemplary in everything - WIFE! (dad)
3. You are a faithful wife to your husband.
But we know for sure that you are still a great FRIEND! (Katya)
4. The house is orderly, comfortable, clean
It’s not in vain that you wear the title MISTRESS. (Kolya)
5. You know how to cook delicious food not out of boredom.
We must give the title again - GOLDEN HANDS! (Misha)
7. In the village......rumor is spreading,
That you are an excellent GARDENER! (Katya)
8. If you have grandchildren, darlings,
We present you with the title GRANDMOTHER! (Natasha)
9. You respect your elders and look after your younger ones.
Patient and kind, you are called the best SISTER! (Kolya)
10. Generous and rich, like spring,
She will give us a hundred smiles.
Meeting her will turn out to be good luck for us,
And a WOMAN - such a miracle is called! (Misha)
11. Let everyone remember it forever
Elena. – GOOD PERSON! (I)

For great services to the fatherland
And to the rest of humanity,
And also in connection with the holiday
I ORDER you to be rich!
From the President of the Russian Federation and all of us
Accept a small advance
In the form of a winner's ribbon,
From a domestic manufacturer.
Wear this ribbon without taking it off
Adding a percentage to it every day,
And only you will increase your wealth
You can give it to us using this ribbon.
So that everything is done exactly,
I order the reward to be washed urgently!

Toast: In Siberia they say: 1000 kilometers is not a distance, 100 deer is not a herd, 60 degrees is not frost, 50 years is not an age. This means that our birthday girl still has a lot ahead of her.

5. Presenter: And now - solemn silence, drumming of hearts!
Senior sailors Nikolai and Natalya, your way out.
Congratulations to children: poem by Natasha.

Nika: I really love my grandmother, my mother, and my mother.
She has a lot of wrinkles and a gray strand on her forehead
I just want to touch it and then kiss it.
Edik: Finally everyone fell asleep
They won't spy on my secret
Because for grandma
I'll draw a bouquet.
Roses, asters, daisies
They will flash brightly on the postcard.
I'll write to grandma
How I love her.
What are her pancakes
I always praise.
It's good that everyone fell asleep
It's already dawn outside the window.
I love you grandma
And I give you a bouquet!

Congratulations to children and grandchildren (Song to the melody of “Hope”)
Lights shine in mom's eyes
We came to visit you today
To congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
Wish you good luck and health
be as you always have been
Always be cheerful and beautiful
May your destiny always be yours
She brought happiness in her palms
Chorus: Mommy! Our earthly compass,
Your heart warms us all with warmth.
On this holiday - your big anniversary
No one regrets warm words!

Let the zucchini grow in the beds,
Apples and jam in jars.
Only weeds do not dare to grow,
So as not to spoil your mood!
May there be many bright days
And smiles on beloved faces.
Make a wish quickly
And believe me, it will come true!
Chorus: Mommy, we love you
And we wish you great happiness
And let there be family nearby
And may your health be strong
And it’s still impossible to forget
The years have flown by like birds
If you are young at heart
There will be many anniversaries in life
You are more precious to us every day,
There are no more beautiful people in the world than mother.
And now they’ll sing to you at the table
Our children are so beloved by you.
Chorus (performed by grandchildren):
Granny! We love you
For cottage cheese, pancakes and gifts.
On your holiday, making you happy,
Let us give you our bright gift.
Children and grandchildren give gifts.

Toast: Gifts, cards and congratulations -
It gives a wonderful feeling.
To prolong this joy for us,
The glasses need to be poured.
(Assol’s song “My Mom is the Best in the World”)

6. Presenter: And we continue our voyage and the floor for congratulations is given to the junior sailors of our ship - Ekaterina and Mikhail.
I know it by heart
There are more than a thousand songs,
And about the mother-in-law in none
You won't find any kind words.
There is more love in the songs,
Nightingales and groves,
And what kind of love
If there is no mother-in-law!
I'll tell you about mine
Let me say a little:
Our mother-in-law is in our house
With the rank of general.
If the mother-in-law sings
Everyone sings along to her
If she dances,
My heart stops.
If the mother-in-law is cheerful,
You breathe more joyfully.
Bake pies -
Real jam!
In general, what is there to judge,
I'll tell you more simply:
These are the pies
What a mother-in-law!

congratulations from daughter-in-law

Poems from my mother-in-law
I am always ready to devote.
After all, this is their immeasurable work,
What a troublemaker got married.

No need to worry anymore
And quarrel with my “little” son:
And where was he, and who was he with,
And where did he drink, and what did he drink...

A young woman will come to her mother-in-law -
The mother-in-law immediately melts with happiness.
Doesn't know where to sit,
Deciding what to treat?

You need to take care of your mother-in-law for this,
Give rewards for sons
And remember all their troubles,
Don't forget to visit them
The daughter-in-law sings the song “Don’t frown angrily, my dear mother-in-law”

Misha, son-in-law: toast.
One wise man was asked:
-Who was the happiest person?
The sage replied:
- Adam, because he didn’t have a mother-in-law.
And I think that if Adam had a mother-in-law like me, he would be even happier, and I want to raise this toast to my mother-in-law. For you, mom.
They drink and have a snack.

7. Presenter: It’s time to give the floor to the “Restless” sailors of the ship “Yubileiny”.
song to the tune of the song “A smile will make everyone warmer.”

Smile, friend, have fun!
We are happy to congratulate you on your birthday.
For your family and friends
Your cheerful laughter is the best reward!

We are not old ladies yet.
Attractive sides.
People look at me in shock.
We are girls no matter what!
All problems are nonsense!

We are girls no matter what!
All problems are nonsense!
Which year goes by is none of your business!

Smile, friend, have fun!
Don't let the days of separation upset you.
Every day it gets brighter
Every morning the sounds of the sun wake you up!

Smile, friend, have fun!
Without a smile, even songs cannot be sung.
The years are passing faster and faster.
Memorable dates remain with us.

Presenter: The floor is given to friends!
Toast: To a cheerful group
Not enough glass, give me a cup!
Pour me some wine quickly!
Let's raise a toast to our friends!
(Drink, have a snack)

9. Presenter: We want to continue the feast, friends,
Please take all seats at the table

Presenter: Our ship sailed across the seas and waves of our memory, we moored to the island “Big Table”, plunged into the “Sorokogradusnaya” river. Now let's greet each other...

Everyone raised their hands together,
They waved their right hand.

Well, the left hand drops for now
On the knee. Not your own, but your neighbor's.

Right hand is hot
We are the neighbor's shoulder
We hug indecently.
Did you like it? Great!

We swung left and right.
You're rocking great! Bravo!

Now let's stroke our belly.
Let's smile from ear to ear.

Let's push the neighbor on the right.
Let's wink at the neighbor on the left.

We take a glass in our hand, until
Let's pour it over the edges!

We continue the fun -
Let's clink glasses with the neighbor on the right!

So that the glass does not fog up -
Let's clink glasses with the neighbor on the left!

And with the opposite neighbor,
Support the team!

We get up from our seats together and say a toast in our thoughts...

Let's say together “Congratulations!”
And we drink everything to the bottom!
Don’t forget to have a bite and pour yourself another drink.
They drink and have a snack.

10. Presenter: Like any keeper of mass ventures, I think it’s time to play. (the rules are: cut the questions and answers into strips and each guest takes one question and one answer)

Host: Thank you everyone for your frankness.
A good housewife and a kind soul.
“Elena, happy anniversary,” we whisper, barely breathing!
Dear Glasses and Forks,
Let's have a drink to warm up,
To ease the heart
I need to pour a glass

Immediately JOKE TEST
(Guests must take the glasses in their hands.)
Host: Those who hold a glass in their right hand are absolutely correct people, but today, after the fifth glass, they can easily be led off course.
Those who hold a glass in their left hand - these people often walk to the left, but not today.
Those who have a full glass - these people are the most happy for the hero of the occasion, so they drink to the fullest, the main thing would be that.
Those who have a little or half in their glass - these people are light drinkers, no matter how much they drink, nothing is enough for them.
Those who have “little white” in their glasses - these people are modest and shy; when they drink, they always hold on to the wall.
Those who have “red” - these people are the soul of any company, they drink everything.

Those who hold a glass with two or three fingers are cautious people, they are afraid that instead of vodka they were poured mineral water.
And whoever holds all the “fives” - these people usually do not drink from small dishes - why get dirty, drink, drink like that...
But! No matter how you hold your glass today and no matter what is poured in it, the main thing is not to forget to drink to the hero of the day!
(They have a drink and a snack. Music plays.)

11. Presenter: In honor of the anniversary, our multi-colored banner ensemble dance “Yablochko”..., unfortunately, did not have time to prepare. But he managed to prepare the guests - without a naval uniform, but with ditties. Begin! (Sing ditties)

Toast. Wishes for a rich harvest
Guests have a large supply of them.
Congratulate the hero of the day on this date
We want it all now.
On the anniversary birthday
We understand everyone's aspirations
Congratulations say
And drink a glass for happiness.

12. Presenter: This concludes our anniversary evening.. continues.
Let's try together, all together
Say congratulations not in prose, not in song,
And with a simple creation put together in rhyme,
Such a funny little performance.

One day a gardener came to her garden,
Leaving your worries and affairs behind.
And suddenly she felt a slight breeze
From the flower bed came:
Guests: Happy Birthday!
Gardener, knowing her mission,
In response, she promised: I’ll pour it for everyone right now.
There is a tulip in the flowerbed, he is French by nature,
He shouted to the gardener: Everything will be fine!
Flowers and trees for her at this moment
They said it louder: Happy birthday!
She, straightening her hair,
She calmly answered: I’ll pour it for everyone right now!
Here is a rose, full of thick aromas,
She added her own word: Both-on!
The tulip, giving an important look to a modest figure,
He added impressively: Everything will be fine!
And in the morning the garden was filled with birdsong
And the buzz is loud and loud: Happy Birthday!
The gardener in this garden is like in heaven,
And again he answers: I’ll pour it for everyone right now!
Narcissus grew in a flowerbed, admiring himself,
He reacted to everything: It sucks!
And the rose, opening its bud, is pale,
Philosophical advertising only: Both-on!
Tulip, his temperament is close to the storm,
He proved loudly: Everything will be fine!
The flowers bloomed to everyone's surprise,
And the garden was thundering with all its might: Happy birthday!
He called the gardener as his friend.
She promised: I’ll pour it for everyone right now!
Colored daisies, cutie girlfriends,
They whispered to each other: Shall we grab a drink?
Narcissist, to maintain his image,
He just looked contemptuously: It sucks!
And the rose, having opened completely from the wine,
She shyly kept repeating: Both-on!
Tulip, suddenly thinking about Cupid,
I decided to repeat that everything will be fine!
And the garden was filled with wonderful blooms
And he never tired of congratulating: Happy birthday!
The gardener gives her smile
And she chirps sweetly: I’ll pour a drink for everyone right now!
Suddenly a bumblebee flew in, in everyday care.
I just looked at the garden: Well, damn it, you give it!
He began to pollinate everyone cheerfully and briskly
He also made sure that no one was sober.
He first directed his path to the daisies,
They were happy: Shall we grab a drink?
Narcissus' usual peace is disturbed,
And he was dissatisfied: It sucks!
The beautiful rose is in love with a bumblebee,
And she whispers playfully to him: Both-on!
Tulip, although French, is a man by nature,
He drank with the bumblebee: Everything will be fine!
Garden in admiration, garden in tenderness
They are chanting together now: Happy birthday!
The gardener remembers her date
And he will answer the garden: I’ll pour it for everyone right now!
Trees, bushes and flowers wish,
May life be of unspeakable beauty!
Success in the family, success in work,
Health and happiness! Well, damn it, you give it!

Leading:. It's high time we had a drink,
Friendship for the anniversary... HURRAY-a-a-a-a-a-a-a!!!
13. Presenter: They say that all birthday people remember all the past years and would gladly change their “gold” status to “silver”. But I think there’s no point in rushing. And now I will prove that 50 is the best, most fun age. (Cards 25 and 50 years.)
The hero of the day and her friend come to the center. They take turns reading the cards.
Presenter: The container is just empty,
I took a bite and poured it again:
For the health of the hero of the day,
Here's to a happy anniversary.

14. Presenter Dear guests! Dear hero of the day! Now greet guests from far abroad with friendly applause. The Italians have arrived. Nikolyanto - nachikhanto and Natalyan - translated.
(Disguised “guests” enter - an Italian woman and a translator. They have a bag with gifts: a package of spaghetti, ketchup, an onion, a bottle of Amaretto. Each has their own text. The Italian woman reads one sentence, the translator immediately “translates” it.)

Italian Brillianto, blooming, hero of the day.
Translator Dear hero of the day!
Italian And the sit is free, drunk and tight.
Translator Dear guests!
Italian Katite, with figato, quickly from here.
Translator We welcome everyone who is here.
Italian convict hard worker didn’t get a dollar.
Translator Representatives of the working class and commercial structures.
Italian Uchito, chito, scitato, paper marato and muzykato, and then kicked out.
Translator for Education and Culture Workers.
Italian And other lords of Lodirento.
Translator and other other workers.
Italian Slurp on anything.
Translator I arrived on a special flight.
Italian There is a stubborn light shining in Italy's eyes.
Translator From sunny Italy.
Italian Congratulations to Lenusyanto Borisyanto.
Translator Congratulate the hero of the day Lenochka.
Italian Tashchito devilishly boltato from Italiano in cechanto different brando.
Translator I brought greetings and congratulations from Italian and Czech friends.
Italian En is completely unnecessary.
Translator And small modest gifts.
Italian Spervanto handed to Italian belly grows, fat accumulated, ok rektiro.
Translator First of all, our Spaghetti straws.
The Italian is very tasty, saucento, as a reward.
Translator For color straws, sauce from America.
Italian Stinks a mile away, head cipollina from the mafioso structure
Translator For the smell especially from the Sicilian mafia - onions.
Italian Spilled, what was drained was not drunk.
Translator The famous Amaretto liqueur.
Italian Pomerento wished for good.
Translator In conclusion, I would like to wish.
Italian The back is not bolento, the nose is not chichanto, the catfish is cusanto, the legs are shaganto.
Translator of Health.
Italian Copanto in the garden, tidy in the house, tascanto bags, timeless everywhere.
Translator of Youth, long life.
Italian Don't swear, love always, respect your friends.
Translator Friends, happiness.
Italian Always pour for Lenusianto's anniversary!
Translator Let's drink to the hero of the day, Lenochka!

15. Presenter: And our ship has moored to a secret bay, let's try to discover all its secrets.
I'll tell you a secret...
The essence of the game is as follows: participants take turns pulling pieces of paper with text from a bag and reading them out loud. All texts begin with the words “I’ll tell you a secret...” and then various options, i.e., the participants in the game seem to reveal their little secrets to those present. Usually these “secrets” cause a lot of laughter among those around and the players themselves.

16. A gypsy woman comes out singing.
to the tune of the song “What can I say” (gypsy)

Fashion changes daily
And we can’t help but sing about it
Anniversaries are loved by the people
They will always be in Rus'.
Waiting for a sparkling date
Guests' hearts skip a beat
We're celebrating our anniversary today
May we all have more fun.

Well what can I say
Well what can I say
That's how people are built
They want to know, they want to know
They want to know what will happen.

There will be happiness and the house will be full
And love will overflow.
Our Lena is no more beautiful in the world.
And of course he will create paradise in the house.
And the kids will give love
And friends and family will come
Congratulations on your anniversary
And we sing and dance here.
He tells fortunes to the birthday girl: Give me your hand, golden one! I’ll tell you your fortune, my dear, and tell you the whole truth. What more could you want for such a beautiful woman?
You, my dear, should perform on stage. (To mom)

He tells fortunes to the guests: The essence of the problem is this, your head is drunk!

I’ll tell you this, my beauty,
Don't make eyes at your neighbor, otherwise I'll punish you!!! (Kovalyova)

It’s time for you to get married, but they won’t marry you...
Now I’ll tell you my fortune and they’ll take it tomorrow!
Tonight, late at night, go out into the garden,
And there is a man with flowers and a white, white horse! (Kostina)

For a good woman I don’t feel sorry for good things -
I’ll tell you something small or small... (Atroshchenko)

And you still believe in fairy tales, you want to be a princess,
And marry Ivashka the Tsarevich to yourself?
In general, I will cook up this case for you,
But I’ll have to give up half the kingdom! (Baba Valya)

Tomorrow morning, beauty, you will be a star, a berry, a pussy, a fish, and if you give me beer, you will become a wife again. (Kate)

You will have a fan
A real fucking colonel
Just don't flatter yourself,
Don't get too carried away with it. (Baba Galya)

You are an old man, but you still believe in fortune telling.
You probably write advertisements in the newspaper too.
To calm you down, I’ll tell you some magic now...
You will meet a young girl at a late hour!
And you will be satisfied and happy for five or six days,
As long as you have a lot of currency in your pocket. (Dr. Seryozha)

You, you are my killer whale, right from early morning
The wife will find you on the other side, that will be “Yes”! (Kovalev)

To you, my diamond, machine interest -
You will receive a shiny Mercedes as a gift. (Misha)

It became to me that you are a fisherman,
You're a fisherman for a reason...
By the river in winter and summer
The fishing rod is in your hands.
The frosts don't scare you,
You don't care about the heat
Only that fish, it seems,
Wasn't she a mermaid?
And you don’t even know it,
That he himself was hooked. (Kolya)

You, man, are so lucky in life -
You will advance in your career to spite envious people. (Dad)

And for this on your anniversary, don’t skimp and pour some. Pour a full glass so we can all get hot! Don't forget about yourself. Drink with us!
Let's drink to Lena. Dear Lena.
The world has never seen such a beautiful one.
Lena, Lena, drink to the bottom.
We'll pour some more wine.
(Svetikov’s song “What can I say”)

17. Presenter:. (A circle is formed, candles are distributed to everyone, the lights in the room go out, the cake is brought out with the words of the presenter)

Anniversary candles are lit -
Congratulations, hero of the day!
On this memorable, festive evening
We bring this cake to you as a gift.
Let it be in darkness and silence
Words will find their way to you...
Let me wish you on holiday -
Let happiness be only a help.
We wish you good luck, ardor, heat,
We wish you health again,
And again we will tell the hero of the day
All in unison - CONGRATULATIONS!
So that luck awaits you along the way,
And every evening was joyful,
And we will also ask you in addition -
Manage to blow out these candles!

(Happy birthday music plays right away and everyone sings along, then the candles are blown out, and at this time music plays (it’s your birthday today))

18. Presenter:
Well, friends,
The anniversary is over,
And outside the window the moon is already rising,
The wax of hot holiday candles is melted,

So our life passes quietly,
But we will not regret the past,
We look forward to the coming day,
No wonder the wise have one piece of advice,
Only those who walk can overcome a difficult road.

(Vaenga’s song “We wish everyone to be healthy”) Light the sparklers.

And now there are fireworks!!!

Game “Be Frank” Questions.
Do you allow yourself little pranks?

Is it true that you draw dollars at night?
Do you know how to do Thai massage?
Would you like to breed hamsters?
Don't you feel like fooling around sometimes?
They say that you are a CIA agent. This is true?
Are you ready to survive the end of the world?
Do you still drink cognac in the morning?
Do you like listening to Verka Serduchka?
Why don't you get drunk?
Could you become my sponsor?
Do you like jokes about hedgehogs?
Would you like to order phone sex?
Have you ever brewed moonshine?
Can you be trusted with an intimate secret?

Game "Be Frank" answers
Only on Tuesdays from three to five.
I'd rather take care of my health.
Yes, I would rather hang myself!
As they say in Odessa: “What will I get from this?”
Better contact my lawyer.
Yes. I have no complexes.
Nothing human is alien to me.
And in the morning, and at lunch, and in the evening.
If only for sale.
As Ellochka the cannibal said: “Ho-ho, boy!”
I'm not as rich as you think.
And you should drink from mine!
Let's meet the next end of the world with dignity!
If you have to, then only for foreign currency.
Do not offer intimacy or leisure.
There is also gunpowder in the flasks and berries in the buttocks


I fell in love with a Georgian
I was deeply deceived:
It turned out that it was big
He only has a cap.

I am laundry soap
Bought a wash for a man.
He yelled all over the block
But he did not become an economic one.

Our neighbor smeared himself
Fashionable ointment "Clerasil".
All pimples disappeared immediately.
Even the one you needed.

"Komet" cleans and erases,
And it kills germs.
I'll get up early in the morning
Mother-in-law "Comet" natra.

Who drinks vodka, not kvass,
He then lures:
They say in an intimate hour
The rating goes down.

I mixed a little
Pathogen in moonshine.
I was waiting for him to get excited
And he lay down and passed out.

The husband saw the drum
Under my wife's bed.
Barabashka was wearing a shirt
And he held his pants in his hand.

Odysseus, even though he is Greek,
And there was also a man.
He fell in love with Penelope
For her big butt.

My mother told me:
"Walk carefully
Don't lie under the car
You can have a driver."

I loved the falcon
Handsome, tall.
I stood on the bed
To kiss me.

I explained to the little one,
That she didn’t cheat on him.
This is, Lord, I'm sorry,
It's all about myopia!

Grandfather has seen enough porn,
Our grandfather began to fool around:
Village old ladies
They hide in closets.

I went for champagne
I got a cold in my throat.
I'll buy myself some vodka
I will treat the throat.

The guests gathered at the table,
Everyone is sitting happy.
And the owners are shaking:
“Will they really eat everything?”

With a young girl in Sochi
The old man was walking alone.
Instead of a heart on a dark night
I lost my jaw.

I'm happy today
The whole village is more fun.
I stomp my heels
And I wiggle my butt.

In the woods under a bush
Two foundlings are lying.
One is forty-eight years old,
The other is sixty.

Mother-in-law asked for ketchup.
I brought mustard.
Now I can't remember
How did you get to the hospital.

text options for the game “I’ll tell you a secret”:

I'll tell you a secret
What I value my health:
I'll take a pill in the morning
I will apply ointment at night.

I'll tell you a secret -
I go to the nude beach
And in general my nature
Very prone to negligence!

I'll tell you a secret -
I drink vodka without restraint!
Give me a bottle in my hands -
I'll drink and not eat!

I'll tell you a secret -
I take care of my appearance:
I'm at work for hours
I'm sitting in front of the mirror.

I'll tell you a secret -
I breed leeches.
These cute little guys
I keep it in a jar at home.

I'll tell you a secret
I'm watching my figure
At work instead of tea
I'm going to the gym!

I'll tell you a secret -
I have served in the FSB for a long time,
Because this service
I find it very important!
I'll tell you a secret -
I'm going crazy:
Either I smoke hookah at night, or I wear a burqa.

I'll tell you a secret -
I'm doing Wushu
And any scoundrel
I'll lay you on your shoulder blades.

I'll tell you a secret
That I don't wear underwear.
If anyone doubts -
I’ll prove it right now!

I'll tell you a secret -
I go to museums
Slowly exhibits
I take it out of museums.

I'll tell you a secret
I keep a garden.
I won't dig the beds
But I'll show you the place!

I'll tell you a secret -
I'm on a diet
I eat grain all day
Or I gnaw a bone.

Baskov's song lyrics

From smiles light around
And have no fun
It’s as if everyone suddenly agreed
Everyone wants to hug you
The soul is only full of happiness
And it doesn't matter what's in the yard
Summer autumn Winter Spring
This is your day on the calendar

your birthday
He is the best without a doubt
There is no better mood
On your birthday
your birthday
Regrets are a thing of the past
There is no better mood
On your birthday

Let another year pass
Don't be sad and don't be sad
Everything will be fine in life
So just go crazy
There are countless kind words on this day
After all, all your friends are around
It's good when there is
So much joy and love

your birthday
He is the best without a doubt
There is no better mood
On your birthday
your birthday
Regrets are a thing of the past
There is no better mood
On your birthday