Congratulations to the sweet girl. Sweet birthday wishes for a beautiful girl. Poems and prose for a birthday girl from friends

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Accept my congratulations,
My girl is unique!
You gave me paradise,
For me you are like an angel, my love!

Darling, I congratulate you,
I kiss you warmly and hug you.
You are the unquenchable light of my soul
And the angel who calls me “beloved.”

So let fate fulfill what you wish,
And I am everything you expect!
You have sprouted in my heart like a rose,
I will prevent any thunderstorms for us!

* * *

I need you to breathe
I couldn't dream of something like this...
But you are with me, and I am with you.
Accept this verse as a gift!

My soulmate
I feel so good with you.
You are as beautiful as in the picture,
I want to be closer.

With love I congratulate you today,
Let everything be as you want.
Live beautifully, never lose heart,
And I will fulfill all your dreams.

Congratulations, bunny, I'll hurry up
Happy this wonderful day to you.
There is no one more beautiful and kinder than you,
You are as sincerely pure as the sky.

May the angel protect you everywhere,
Protecting from any adversity.
And success favors everything,
My happiness, congratulations!

My radiant, bright light,
My hope, life and strength.
Accept my kiss and my bouquet,
You look magical, sweet.

I will not desire beauty and grace,
After all, you are already, dear, the best.
And I wish you happiness and health to the oceans,
And may success await you everywhere.

Accept my dear, congratulations,
It contains notes of my joy and love.
After all, for me you are like an inspiration,
Warmth, joy for my soul.

Your smile, look or walk,
Everything is perfect, honey, in you.
I wish sincerely and meekly:
May all good things happen in fate.

I'm sorry, my love, that I'm not around,
And this is the only way I congratulate you now.
A little later, with the gentle fall of leaves,
I will surround you with an inflorescence of blessings.

Now I just want to wish,
So that the heart beats in happiness and peace.
My love for you will never cease,
You are the most precious of all treasures.

My goddess, joy, congratulations,
I am still madly in love.
I always dream about you alone,
Intoxicated by your smile, your gaze.

Let this look be beautiful,
Always sparkles with happiness and goodness.
And they are surrounded by respect, clarity,
And your father’s house is filled with light.

* * *

You are a guiding star and for me you are a miracle,
A thousand and a million words are not enough.
To talk about how my mind
Entangled among the tender, affectionate shackles.

My baby, congratulations quietly,
I love you to infinity, and I will say again:
That your every whim, every whim,
I will fulfill it instantly, because I value you.

Today is your holiday,
You were born into this world,
I wish you great joy,
The world was warmed with smiles.

You are beautiful girl
And that's why I wish you
Every day becomes more beautiful
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.

Let the hairstyle be new,
May your skin be healthy
Let your nails and breasts grow,
Always stay healthy. ©

You can't find a better girl in the world,
You are beautiful, what more can I say.
You are kind, funny, mischievous,
You are fantastic, and you are the only one.
I wish you happiness on your birthday,
So that the mood rises to the sky. ©

I wish you to remain a nice person,
And smile with a magical smile.
Glow with happiness and joy,
Enjoy a wonderful birthday.
So that your eyes shine clearly,
And life turned out great. ©

There is no more beautiful you in the world,
You are beautiful, no doubt
Happy Birthday,
I'll tell you a secret.

Good minutes of sunshine,
The most sincere friends,
May you be incredibly lucky
Only invited guests.

A sea of ​​sparkling joy,
Feelings of the most beautiful, purest,
May everything come true in fate,
Be beautiful in spring. ©

I want to congratulate the beautiful girl,
After all, today is her birthday.
Let all wishes be within her reach,
And let luck follow her.

Let them tell her a sea of ​​compliments on this day,
And let them only wish her the best.
Let her eyes sparkle with joy
Let them just understand at a glance.

And let your dreams come true as soon as possible,
So that you become happier every day.
I also wish you love and warmth,
And so that she never stops laughing. ©

I wish you real happiness,
So that you find an unearthly prince.
So that everything works out in your destiny,
So that there is a lot of happiness in life.

To be carried in their arms,
And to be adored with all my heart.
So that you soar in the clouds,
So that your whims are fulfilled.

It is limitless for a prince to love,
To give you warmth and affection.
To find time for you,
May your eyes always sparkle. ©

Today is sunny days
Accept congratulations,
May there be endless happiness
And the sun also shines forever,
I would like to congratulate you today
Happy birthday to everyone. ©

The most beautiful girl
Congratulations on your name day,
May all guests be welcome
The gifts will be nice
May you be surprised today
And enjoy the holiday. ©

I want to congratulate you heartily
And wish you happiness forever,
Nice cool girl
On the birthday of the world.

Let the sun shine clear
And you will be beautiful
May success smile on you
Let laughter cover your head,

A little madness in the eyes
And let the sparks glow on your lips,
And the main thing is that you are happy
So carefree and sweet. ©

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday,
And I wish you endless happiness.
Attention, harmony and affection,
So that your eyes glow with happiness.
So that the world around is joyful and bright,
And you were the happiest in the world. ©

If you are a man and, moreover, in love, then all kinds of thoughts come into your head, but not competent and original words of congratulations. We took care of this for you: in this article you will find elegant options on how you can congratulate a girl on her birthday. Grab a gift, a chic bouquet and a poem, or better yet, express yourself in your own words - we have also provided such options.

Happy birthday greetings to a girl in verse

Happy birthday
And I wish you all that
What do you need
To be loved
May you be good
So that the soul is full
Light, joy, goodness,
So that your home is cozy.
To be admired
May your dreams come true.

I wish you on your birthday
It's always fun to be like this
Hold luck in your hands,
Lie on the southern beach.

I wish you a lot of attention
After all, you are charm itself.
Be beautiful and dear to everyone,
You can't be different...

I wish you bright moments,
More pleasant compliments,
Good luck, creative ideas
And become wiser.

I wish you to be loved by everyone,
And for some - the sweetest.
And never lose heart,
Don't forget happy days!

Let there be happiness in your eyes,
Close people are always nearby
So that everything works out for you,
Good things happened often.

Always be beautiful, cheerful,
Perky, successful, healthy,
May life only give you joy
And generously bestow good luck.

I wish not to know sorrows,
More pleasant moments
Prosperity, love and luck
I wish you on your birthday.

You are beautiful and slim
Charming, sweet.
You have a super gait.
Happy birthday pretty!
You admire everyone with yourself,
Never know grief
Smile and joke
Don't be sad, don't be sad.
Let it live in your soul
Only happiness all year round.

You have become a year older.
Both more beautiful and wiser.
On this day I congratulate
And with all my heart I wish,

So that your dreams come true,
And you yourself remained
The most tender and beloved,
Sincere, unique.

So that your eyes always shine,
Blizzards walked around the house,
Happiness without end and edge.
Happy birthday, dear!

Let life be a beautiful fairy tale,
With princes, a castle, a horse,
May everything that happens not be in vain,
Let joy flow throughout your life!
Happy birthday to you
All the relatives and friends came,
Today we want to glorify
In these brave poems you!
Believe us, you are very beautiful
Good in face and soul,
We wish you a lot of happiness,
So that the soul sings joyfully!

You are beautiful and smart
Charming, slim.
What, what do you wish for?
Never lose heart?
Let it rhyme, of course,
But why do you need advice?
We wish better
Only what I could dream of.
Let all the sales last
Until payday... even longer!
Let your size remain
Or you can find it in the bins.
Depilation - no pain,
Diets require willpower.
Let your colleagues not be boring,
And the work - let it not be difficult.
Guys, let everything be in stacks,
Serenades at night,
Let there be armfuls of flowers.
You deserve this.
And of course, baby
Let, like a sweet candy,
Your life will continue
I hug you, love!

Happy birthday
And we all wish together:
Let it be thick in your pockets,
May the cabbage always rustle
So that I can buy what I need,
And from Dolce and from Prado,
On vacation in the heat of the moment
To the Maldives and Canaries
You could always go
Fun for your soul,
So that all your dreams come true,
May you be happy!

Happy birthday, light of my dreams,
O most beautiful lotus flower.
O reason for the madness of the poets.
Congratulations, oh goddess!
Come down from Olympus today
And accept a humble gift from me.
I wish you to be the happiest
Live in paradise and be loved by everyone.
You are a princess, a gorgeous diva,
I love you with all my soul.
If you tell me to jump off a cliff,
I’ll jump, as if hiding behind a pine tree.

Today is your birthday.
I wish you great joy,
Luck, happiness, songs, laughter,
Good luck and always success.
Prosperity in the family
And for peace of mind.
Much health and love,
And always live in harmony with yourself.
Today is a special day.
After all, it's your holiday.
With very kind words
We congratulate you lovingly.
We won't wish for much.
After all, only the main thing is the point.
Health, happiness, vigor.
Love, be loved!

Happy birsday, my dear,
The superwoman is dashing.
Lady, miss, madam - you are a miracle!
And worthy of emeralds!
It's a pity we are poor friends
Congratulations only with love.
We won't give you diamonds,
We'll shower you with compliments.
We wish you from a pure heart
Shine and please yourself.
We also wish you health,
And be in harmony with the soul.

For the tenth day now I've been racking my brains,
How can I congratulate you, I’m so clueless.
If giving flowers is boring and ordinary,
You can’t come without flowers, it’s harmful to your health.
I'll bring you a basket of freshly cut grass,
This, you know, is very stylish and useful for the chapter.
You shouldn't have been upset, my dear, and you've fallen down early.
Take a better look at the present, catch the joke quickly.
Along with these flowers I wish you kindness,
Be ready for surprises, be beautiful without grass.
All the poems, my beautiful one, with congratulations!

I want to wish you joy
So that life is like a beautiful stream,
I didn’t encounter any grief or envy
And it was full of bright days.
I wish you more health
And loved ones nearby,
And a whole lot of luck,
And success in your destiny.
I wish you radiant happiness,
Boundless success, good luck!
So that bad weather does not touch you!
And great love to boot!
I want my health to play
Like a blush on your cheeks in winter!
And so that life becomes beneficial,
May you always fly in the clouds!

Happy Birthday,
I wish you to smell and bloom.
Have fun every day
Put things in order in your soul.
Shine like Lopez, sing like Madonna,
How Uma Thurman be dashing.
Be young like a prima donna.
And how Jolie sparkles with beauty.
You are a girl, just a darling.
I wish you happiness without boundaries.
You are the best, my friend
More expensive than hundreds of film stars.

Happy birthday, honey!
There is no person dearer to us,
And let's say frankly and directly:
That we will love you until the end of time!
And from ourselves we wish you more:
Only happy paths in life.
A sea of ​​good luck and happiness trailer.
May it be filled to the brim with happiness
Bottomless shore for souls!
And among all possible worlds
Luckily, you have been entrusted with the key!

Happy birthday greetings to a girl in prose

My dear, happy birthday to you! Let there be only happy moments, incredible meetings and unique emotions in your life. May you walk along your life path only with people close and loyal to you, without meeting envious people and enemies. Know that we will always be there and will always come to your aid, although it is best to come to you just for a cup of coffee! Don't know troubles and worries, just be happy. Happy holiday!

I am incredibly glad that I had the opportunity to congratulate such a girl! The most feminine, the most elegant, the most graceful, the most tender and the most beautiful. Continue to shine the same way, enjoy life and be always loved. Happy holiday!

Such a beautiful, smart, talented, kind and charming girl simply must celebrate her birthday enchantingly! I also want to emphasize that you are a very enviable bride, which means that a real prince should appear in your life as quickly as possible. Perhaps this prince will not live in a huge family castle on the ocean shore and his horse will not be a breeding one. But he will have a pure soul and a truly kind heart. He will also be distinguished by generosity, loyalty and care for you. And may this fairy tale last forever!

And my wish is very banal and very feminine: get married successfully! This must be a man with a capital M. Let him shower you with flowers and gifts. And let him cook perfectly, like a true chef, help you clean the house, put the kids to bed... And at this time you will do a manicure, chatting with me on the phone. It would also be nice if he could iron your evening dresses. And all this for one single favor - your great and pure love! Happy holiday, dear!

May every day you live bring you only joy. I really want to wish you to master one truly unique skill - to be able to appreciate what you already have. At the same time, never stop striving for something, so may you always have a cherished goal. Every dream will definitely come true, and the road of life will not turn into the wilds along an incomprehensible path. It will always be a wide, well-lit avenue. So walk along this avenue as beautifully as possible!

On this happy day, I want to wish you never to feel lonely! Life is black and white, its stripes change very quickly. So, even on the darkest and longest lines, your phone does not stop ringing, but at home people close to you and devoted friends are waiting for you. Know that you can share with us not only happiness, but also grief, pain, and resentment. We will always support you and make you laugh in the face of all misfortunes! Remain such a cheerful, kind and sweet friend to us. Be less sad and laugh more often. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday greetings to a girl in your own words

A girl must be loved! Let the feelings that arise in your heart be truly sincere and exciting. May your creative personality be fully revealed and your career only grow upward. Be so stunningly beautiful not only today, but every day. And remember, envious people and grumblers should just stand aside. Be true to your character and your principles and remember that it is impossible to please everyone. Be happy!

I want to congratulate you on your day! Bloom like a fresh rose. Be as tender and affectionate as tulip petals. Let your life not just be in full swing, but rush like lava from the mouth of a huge volcano. At the same time, despite the fact that you are a lady, be strong and know how to fight life’s difficulties. Let your volcano be indifferent to hurricanes, storms and other natural disasters. And live for at least another thousand years, happy holiday!

I really want only the most positive stories to be written in the book of your destiny. Let the days begin with smiles, and the years bring not wrinkles, but valuable acquisitions in the form of children, love, and new friends. Walk through this life with dignity and courage, remaining sincere, honest and open to the world. Get only pleasure from life, happy birthday, dear!

Funny happy birthday greetings to a girl

I wish...
If it’s winter, then by the fireplace.
If it's summer, then by the pool.
If it's a club, then until the morning.
If you go for a walk, then with friends.
If you leave, then it’s beautiful.
If marriage, then - forever.
If it is love, then it is real.
If you cry, then it’s from happiness.
If you're in a good mood, then it's great.
If it is time of day, then it is night.
If it’s night, then it’s unforgettable.
If you live, then it’s bright!
I wish you this with all my heart!

Happy birthday my friend!
I wish the boss to smile when we meet.
I wish you the best plans for the evening.
I wish you resorts, luxury hotels,
Cafes, restaurants, awesome cocktails,
Cool outfits for the price and style,
Come and try on the Miss World crown!

Pleasant surprises and fulfillment of whims,
Comfort, warmth, so that the roof does not leak,
So that the champagne river brings the boy,
So that the French perfume will sound hee-hee,
Rubies, diamonds, golden toilets,
Sex on the beach, a million in a bag,
Tenderness, caresses, caviar and sausages.
To be carried in your arms, in Italian boots.
Sweet life without calories, great love and dumb mother-in-law!

Short birthday greetings to a girl

May there be pleasant surprises in your life every day. Let the one and only one be nearby, and let life be filled with gifts, romance and kindness. Happy holiday to you!

Beauty, happy birthday! Let luck literally follow you, and let life suit you one hundred percent. Never know what illness and grief are, and don’t doubt - all your dreams will come true.

Let life seem fantastic to you: beautiful flowers bloom around you, your head is spinning with happiness, and everyone around you endlessly showers you with compliments. Congratulations!

The sweetest and most beautiful, the kindest and nicest, congratulations to you! Be strong and inspired, have more joy and never need money!

I give you a bouquet of wishes,
I wish you good luck and many victories,
I wish you health, peace, love,
I wish you only happiness ahead.

Do you know beautiful birthday greetings for a girl? Share with our readers in the comments below the article!

Photo: upon request from Yandex and Google

By Name, Wife, Beloved, Happy Anniversary, Woman

The flowers bowed down,
From your tender beauty,
I give love with flowers,
So that it penetrates your soul.

On your holiday the birds chirp more beautifully,
And the sun gives more generous rays,
I wish you such great happiness,
So that it becomes warm, like from a hot oven,

May your every day bring success and good luck,
In the desert the water flowed for you,
Playfully to solve problems,
And may you always love me!

My beloved and tender princess! Happy birthday to you, with the blossoming of your femininity and attractiveness! For me you are more valuable than all the jewels in the world! My kisses and wishes for happy days and nights to you!

The flower of love grows in my soul,
Accept it on this day, dear,
And may there still be wonderful, wondrous days
Fate will give you endlessly generous gifts.

Wonderful holiday, your birthday -
My favorite special date.
You are as beautiful as a May lilac,
Like the songs of birds that I once dreamed of.

I wish you wonderful days and years,
May the sun shine brightly on you even in winter.
Kinder and more beautiful, you simply don’t exist in the world,
I wish you happiness, dear, with me!

My luxurious, beautiful girl! I want you to have colorful days: boutiques have sales, your wardrobe is oversized, you are showered with flowers at least once a week. A strong protector for you, I love you.

Congratulations, incomparable, on your birth,
May my love always protect you,
Let there be toasts and congratulations to your taste
And the gifts that friends prepared!

Darling, you give the world a smile,
After all, the birthday celebration has arrived!
And your laughter is like a magic elixir
My heart has been so wonderfully revived!

I wish you harmony in your soul,
Confidence in your future,
Be happy, I beg you,
Better yet, we’ll be happy together...

Darling, there are no more beautiful eyes than yours - I read in them about self-love, no hands more tender - I have kissed each of your fingers thousands of times, and your faithful heart always beats to the beat of mine. I love you and want you to be the happiest with me.

I wish you, my love, sunny days,
To make the summer seem warmer and longer,
Let the fire burn in your eyes,
So that I can hug you every day!

Love you. There is no doubt about it
The light came to me like a wedge on you.
And therefore I wish you on your birthday
Your cherished dreams come true.

So that children, home, favorite job,
And a loving, reliable someone nearby.
And yet now I confess, without hiding:
I hope that someone will be me!

On your holiday, my tender creation, I want to throw all the flowers from all over the planet at your feet, dedicate the best songs to you and say the most important three words - I love you!

I can’t get a star, alas, from heaven,
But on your holiday I firmly promise
Give you care and love.
Be happy always, my dear!

I'll take you, my love, by the hand,
And I will touch your tender hair,
I will drive away all sorrows and boredom,
And I will always be there, I swear!

Well, today, on such a special day,
I will take on the responsibility
I’ll build a big ball out of relationships,
And I will lift you into the sky of joy.

I never told you that you were extraordinary, but I don’t need one. I love a simple, kind, faithful earthly girl with a childish smile and sly eyes. Always remain like this, my happiness. Happy holiday!

Alina Ogonyok

Heartiest congratulations
The most wonderful beloved,
I wish you bright joy and strength,
May you be unique.

So that everything is fine,
May you succeed every day
And may success come great,
I will try my best for you.

Let there be no illnesses, problems,
Let life be interesting,
I wish you happiness
May the weather be wonderful. ©

I wish you great happiness
To the most beautiful beloved,
I wish you peace always calm,
So that you are unique,

So that the sun shines from the sky,
So that everything is just perfect,
So that joy comes into your life
And the gifts should be personal.

I wish you miracles
So that you always smile cheerfully,
Happiness to you to heaven,
The brightest and most joyful songs. ©

I want to wish my beloved,
To a unique girl,
To be smart
Found a large diamond

Gave it to people
Found some new dishes
And set a cool table,
Feeling a pang in my heart...

That injection is my love,
Head is spinning
From warmth and fun,
From a funny mood! ©

Everything is ready for dinner
Warmth pours from the fireplace,
Surrounds us with love
I'm ready to carry it in my arms

It's very good with you
Always new and fresh
Always joyful, naive,
After all, our love is mutual!!! ©

Darling, you are the most beautiful in the world,
You are the best miracle in the world.
Your eyes are magical and clear,
They shine like stars from heaven.

I adore you with all my soul,
You won't find anything more beautiful in the world.
I wish you great happiness
Let there be no obstacles on the way.

Huge love and passion for you,
I always strived for my dreams.
So that there is simply unearthly happiness,
And you dissolved in him here and there. ©

My heartfelt congratulations to my beloved,
I wish you great luck and tenderness.
Care, warmth, love and affection,
So that the holiday adds magical color.

So that you always remain cheerful,
She achieved enormous achievements.
Accompanied by luck in everything,
And it was the best mood.

I wish you simply unearthly happiness,
So that there is a lot of money in your pockets.
May miracles happen to you,
And the happiness in life simply did not end. ©

From the bottom of my heart, beloved
Congratulations on your birth into the world,
I wish you a beautiful life,
So that the horizon is even wider.
May everything in life be wonderful
And fate will be varied. ©

Heartiest congratulations
A wonderful person
My beloved
Happy birth into this world,
I wish you goodness and prosperity,
Success and understanding. ©

With all my heart I congratulate my most beloved on the day of her birth into this world. I wish you happiness, kindness, joy, peace and prosperity. May everything in your life be good. I wish you to be the most beautiful, charming, sunny and sincere. May everything in your life be wonderful. ©

I congratulate from the bottom of my heart a wonderful girl, my most beloved in the world. I wish you goodness, warmth and peace! May your heart always be warmed with love and filled with joy. I wish you not to lose heart and be the happiest in the world. I wish you many smiles and the most amazing gifts on this day. ©