20 years of wedding contests. How to celebrate a porcelain anniversary (20 years of marriage)

It is customary to celebrate the twenty-year anniversary of the marriage (porcelain wedding) with relatives and friends. You can go all together to a restaurant or cafe, arrange a holiday at home, and warm time year - spend it in nature.

To make the celebration memorable, it is worth considering the scenario of the event. porcelain wedding. Usually the holiday begins with the fact that the anniversaries who appear in the hall are greeted by guests.

How to celebrate your 20th wedding anniversary?

According to the scenario of the wedding anniversary of 20 years, the host congratulates the heroes of the occasion:

Dear friends! For twenty years life together you were able to keep the warm light of your love, and your happy home is full of this love. This anniversary is called porcelain, and for good reason, because this material is famous for its elegance and beauty.

- It does not immediately take on its shape: it needs time and skillful hands of craftsmen who turn a shapeless piece into a real creation. This is how you created long years your wonderful family.

- Porcelain is fragile, but feelings are unshakable.
Twenty years of marriage is an art!
Tenderness and fidelity are fellow travelers to you,
Don't split your union in half.
Congratulations on the porcelain date,
We wish to be together twice in twenty!
Let the wind of problems carry by,
In family life, you are always lucky.

- Live just as well and amicably, so that no misfortune and bad weather can destroy your well-being! I ask the "newlyweds" and guests to take places for festive table.

The host then raises a toast:
- From cups filled to the brim,
Drink the drink of happiness to the bottom.
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts, dear ones,
For him to be sweeter than honey and wine!

20th wedding anniversary celebration continues old rite: A married couple needs to break a china cup so that the next years of their lives will be even happier.

“Now everything is legal.
Marriage is sealed with china ringing.

- And now I will issue an important document to our anniversaries - "Certificate of a porcelain wedding." It is awarded to a couple who have lived together for 20 years. During this period, the spouses showed respect and care for each other, and also acquired such useful skills as patience and the ability to make concessions in right time. We believe porcelain marriage officially registered!

The newlyweds and witnesses put their signatures in this document.

The host addresses those invited to the celebration on the occasion of the 20th wedding anniversary:
– Dear guests, I suggest you congratulate the anniversaries! Each of you will have for them nice words and gifts.

According to the established tradition, spouses celebrating this date are presented with porcelain items: caskets, souvenirs, figurines, vases, sets, as well as jewelry with porcelain inserts - brooches, cameos, etc.

After that, the host will turn to the heroes of the occasion:
- Porcelain you are ours, open the secret, what feeling bound you together.

Spouses must answer questions. You can ask your husband:

  • Name your wife's favorite flowers.
  • How many guests were at your wedding?
  • How old is your father in law?

Wife questions:

  • Where and when did you meet your spouse?
  • What dish does he like to eat for dinner?
  • For what sports team he's sick?
  • And so on.

Then a toast will be given at the porcelain wedding:
You have been married for twenty years.
Peace, happiness to you, friends!
With this long awaited date
I want to congratulate you!
Twenty years! What happiness -
Understand everything and forgive everything
On a sunny day, in bad weather -
Love the same!
Do not bow down from blows
Do not become pessimists.
Stay young
Twenty years later again.
Let porcelain pattern
Your life will shine!
We need, as before,
"Bitterly" shout in unison!

Competitions at the celebration on the occasion of the 20th wedding anniversary

Conducting a porcelain wedding according to the scenario will continue competitions for guests. They will be asked to name the most famous couples of the past, whose loyalty and love can be envied: Romeo and Juliet, Orpheus and Eurydice, Ruslan and Lyudmila, etc. The most active participant can be given a memorable gift.

Guests will then be given a set of photographs of small children. Among them, you will need to find pictures of the heroes of the occasion. Those who cope with the task faster than others will be photographed together with the heroes of the day.

Several couples will take part in the next competition. They will be given an apple each and will be blindfolded. A man and a woman in each pair stand opposite each other and treat their partner with an apple.

Another option is for couples to eat apples hanging on strings without using their hands to the music. The pair that completes the task faster wins.

For the next competition, the names are pre-written on the sheets different parts body. Competitors will need to touch the parts that the facilitator will name (for example, leg, head, arm, elbow, ear, thumb legs, belly).

Guests who mix up body parts will be out of the game, and the most attentive will become the winners and receive small gifts.

How to celebrate 20 years of marriage?

Then the presenter takes out a bottle of champagne with a beautiful silver label and turns to married couple:

Porcelain Anniversary- a big date, and ahead of our anniversaries - a silver one. And we really want them to invite us to the next anniversary. Let them promise us this by swearing on a bottle of "silver" champagne.

According to the tradition of the 20th wedding anniversary, the spouses write on the label: “We promise to invite everyone present to the silver wedding and uncork this bottle” and sign.

The host puts a “seal” on the mural with a drop of hot chocolate, and then addresses the heroes of the occasion:
Dear anniversaries! You will keep this bottle for five years. Do you undertake not to open it before the Silver Jubilee?

- We commit!

How to complete a porcelain wedding?

According to the script, a beautiful ceremony can end the celebration of the wedding anniversary of 20 years: the guests stand in two rows, thus forming a “living corridor”, and pick up candles.

- Dear heroes of the occasion! You have lived together for twenty happy years, and we hope that in time you will invite us to a golden wedding.

- To make this wish come true, we light golden candles today. The same number of friendly lights will flash every evening in the windows of your relatives, friends and acquaintances! And may the road along which you walk be just as bright, festive and bright.

The married couple says goodbye to the guests and, passing along the luminous corridor, leaves the hall.

The facilitator reads the verses:
- Porcelain wedding...
You have been together for twenty years.
You are in love and, right,
There is no better couple!

Each other only joy
Give again and again
Love, hope, pride,
Just a good mood!

Happy family union 20 years after the wedding, it is beautiful and harmonious, like genuine Chinese porcelain, the secret of which has not been solved to this day.

Porcelain is expensive and very beautiful material but may break if not handled carefully. So spouses who have lived together for twenty years should rejoice at such a long, wonderful union, while not forgetting that happiness is very fragile, it must be protected, taking care of each other at all costs.

On the day of a porcelain wedding, you need to think about the past years and understand what needs to be changed, and what just be happy for.

On the anniversary of the wedding, the spouses call all relatives and friends to remember happy years marriage and enjoy such a long union in the circle dear to my heart of people. Treats should be served to guests on porcelain dishes, Chinese porcelain is especially good, in fact, from where it came to us. Since porcelain is associated with the east, oriental cuisine can be offered to guests for 20 years of the wedding. Spouses wish for a porcelain wedding to live happily ever after for many more years and keep love.

Porcelain Wedding Gifts

Porcelain products are presented as a gift for 20 wedding years. It can be anything. For example, you can give a tea or coffee set, or two porcelain cups. The festive table is served with a porcelain service. It can also be a service presented by one of the guests for the anniversary.

Congratulations on your 20th wedding anniversary

Excitement and delight in the hearts
And even tears in my eyes
So before, twenty years ago,
Congratulations again.
We have come a long way in life,
The family comprehended the meaning and essence
And on its twentieth anniversary
Appreciate each other more.
Porcelain graceful on the table
As a symbol of purity in the family.
You wisely for twenty years
Love kept yes advice.
Yes, everything in your family is in order:
The house is rich in children and happiness,
Work, tenderness, warmth -
And your merit is in that.
And we are pleased to congratulate
Family, where peace and grace,
Where the union of hearts is saved
And fidelity, the strength of marriage bonds.
We heartily congratulate you!
We wish you endless love!
Let the children gladden the hearts
And happiness will be endless!

You've been married for twenty years.
Peace, happiness to you, friends!
With this long awaited date
I want to congratulate you!
Twenty years! What happiness -
Understand everything and forgive everything
On a sunny day, in bad weather -
Love the same!
Do not bow down from blows!
Do not become pessimists.
Stay young
Twenty years later again!
Let the silver pattern
Your life will sparkle!
We need, as before,
"BITTERLY!" shout together!

How great is that
If a friendly family!
We are with a porcelain wedding
Congratulations, friends!
Let the scarlet roses shine
Only joy gives life!
20 years is a long time.
For your anniversary - a service.

Having married, the spouses at first celebrate all wedding anniversaries without exception, but over time, for most couples, this tradition gradually becomes obsolete. In any case, after the 15th anniversary of marriage, few people celebrate the wedding day every year, limiting themselves to more or less round dates. And therefore, after a five-year break, the 20th wedding anniversary, which is called porcelain, almost never goes unnoticed.

Why is the 20th anniversary called that way? The fact is that after such a solid period of time, the relationship between husband and wife from the outside seems beautiful and light, like porcelain, but in fact they are just as fragile.

This is due to the fact that by this time the family life of the spouses is undergoing some changes associated with the growing up of children and the beginning of their independent life.

In order to restore the former romance and warmth to the relationship between husband and wife, it is recommended to celebrate a porcelain wedding. Good old traditions prescribed that twenty years family life should be celebrated surrounded by closest friends in a calm home environment.

However, times are changing, and with them, people's views on many things are changing.

Today it is considered correct to celebrate a porcelain wedding in such places:

  1. Cafe or restaurant. When a large number guests this option is ideal.
  2. park or big garden. By setting required amount gazebos, you can arrange a real banquet in the open air.
  3. Pleasure boat. A boat trip on board the ship will give the most unforgettable experience not only to spouses, but to all guests.

When choosing a venue for a holiday, married couples are most often guided by their financial capabilities.

However, do not dwell on the fact that porcelain anniversary should be marked as grand celebration. Can arrange a budget option holiday in an ordinary apartment so that it will remain in the memory of those present for a long time.

To give the holiday a thematic focus, you need to take care of decorating the room. To create a warm family atmosphere, the following decor options are suitable:

  • family photos accumulated over 20 years of marriage are placed on the walls; these can be memorable photographs of spouses taken during travel, images of children and other similar photos;
  • can be used to decorate the hall funny pictures drawn by children in kindergarten age;
  • an indispensable element of decor - fresh flowers; they can be placed in porcelain vases and placed on tables;
  • look good beautiful garlands and lanterns, especially if the holiday takes place outdoors.

Porcelain tableware and white tablecloths are always used for table setting.

Ideally White color should dominate the porcelain wedding. You can ask guests in advance to have white details in their outfit.

If a person came in clothes of other colors, you can give him a pre-prepared white ribbon at the entrance. Spouses are also recommended to prepare snow-white outfits for the celebration, in any case, if not completely white, then at least half.

To turn an anniversary into real holiday, it is necessary to think over the scenario in advance, which will allow not only to entertain the guests, but also to remember the day that was exactly 20 years ago. A great start to the holiday can be a demonstration of individual moments of a video of a couple’s wedding or viewing slides from wedding photos. This will create a warm atmosphere and set the guests on the right wavelength. It is impossible to imagine any wedding without fun contests and pranks, and 20 years of marriage are no exception.

You can arrange a comic test for the heroes of the occasion, asking them questions, answering which they must simultaneously raise a sign with the inscription "yes" or "no". Questions can be very different and relate to family dates, favorite foods, hobbies.

You can cheer up the guests with the help of a blitz survey of the spouses. They should take turns quickly answering questions related to the wedding day. An example list of questions looks like this:

  • what time was the painting in the registry office;
  • what color was the dress on the mother-in-law;
  • to what song did the young people dance their first dance;
  • who stole the bride's shoe;
  • who gave the biggest gift;
  • most fun competition at a wedding (by the way, it can be repeated);
  • bride price.

This list can be continued at the discretion of the person who organizes the survey. Questions can be both serious and funny - it depends on whether the spouses have a sense of humor.

The guests will love the pantomime performed by the spouses, who must portray the most significant event in their lives. They must do this in such a way that the guests understand what is at stake.

A variation of this game is a competition, when the guests, having broken into pairs, must reproduce various events from the life of the spouses.

These events are determined by phantoms and may relate to the first date, meeting the mother-in-law, the birth of a child, a joint vacation, etc. The couple with the highest acting skills wins. At a porcelain wedding, it is customary to break a plate “for good luck”, and the heroes of the occasion themselves must do this. So that the guests are not bored, it is advisable to invite the host to the celebration.

He will surely have all sorts of ideas to keep guests from getting bored and inactive. If there is no host, friends who were witnesses at the wedding can take on his role. Since at the dawn of its appearance, a porcelain wedding was called a clay wedding, you can include clay molding in the holiday scenario, in which all guests are involved. Let them sculpt, for example, figures of swans. At the end of the work, you can choose the most beautiful figurine and reward the winner.

According to existing traditions, the celebration of a porcelain wedding should end with a tea party, which can be served with various sweets and a cake.

Gift Ideas for Husband and Wife

The choice of gifts for husband and wife depends on how valuable gifts are given to each other in this family. First of all, congratulating his wife on the 20th wedding anniversary, the husband can give her gorgeous bouquet colors, and they must be white.

Given the name of the wedding, as symbolic gift you can give personalized porcelain cups. If the spouses are used to expensive presents from their halves, then you can consider the following options:

  1. Wife can be presented with jewelry from precious metals, inlaid with porcelain. They are not widely used, but if desired, you can find such specimens in specialized stores.
  2. You can also give jewelry without porcelain, but put them in beautiful box from this material.
  3. A worthy gift for a husband will be a tourist trip to China, where, as you know, porcelain was invented.

Whatever the gift, it cannot replace careful attitude spouses to each other, respect and understanding.

We should not forget that if you present as a gift to your soul mate what is an old dream for her (for him), this will cause a whole storm of joy and delight, even if the gift is in no way connected with porcelain.

How to congratulate spouses to friends and relatives - tips

It just so happened that on any wedding anniversary, including porcelain, gifts are most often presented associated with the name of this anniversary. Firstly, such a gift is very symbolic, and secondly, it is much easier to make a choice among many options.


The first thing that comes to mind when the word "porcelain" is a tea, coffee or table service. It is worth noting that this is a wonderful gift that can always be used.

Among the others possible gifts the following options can be distinguished:

  • beautiful floor or ordinary vase from porcelain, with which you can give a bouquet of flowers;
  • a porcelain figurine depicting lovers or a pair of swans;
  • porcelain dish, decorated family photo spouses.

If the gift has nothing to do with porcelain, you can supplement it with some kind of porcelain trinket to fit it into the theme of the wedding, or you can leave everything as it is and not replenish the collection of figurines that no one needs.

Congratulations in prose, poetry

No matter how many guests there are at the wedding, it is necessary to give each of them the opportunity to express their wishes to the couple. In order not to compose your own congratulations, you can find suitable postcards and use them to congratulate the couple on their anniversary.

It is not necessary that congratulations be serious. Much more fun sound funny poems or even ditties. By the way, children can sing a song to their parents as a congratulation, if only they have the necessary data for this.

Original and practical gifts

20 years from the date of the wedding is a good reason to choose the most original gift and leave unforgettable impressions in the memory of the heroes of the occasion. If there is no desire to give a banal service or a vase, you can come up with something more unusual, namely:

  1. Can be donated collectible doll from porcelain. By the way, it can serve as an impetus to the fact that the spouses themselves want to collect a real collection of such dolls.
  2. An interesting gift is a massive mirror in a porcelain frame, besides, it will always find a practical application.
  3. For people who are not superstitious, watches in a porcelain case are suitable. They can be wrist, desktop or even floor.

Children can give their parents a vacation ticket for at least a few days. After spending them alone, the spouses will plunge into the world of communication and will be able to give each other maximum attention.

From this video you will learn what to give and how to celebrate the 20th wedding anniversary:

It is not the gift itself that plays a special role, but the feelings with which it is given, and this should not be forgotten under any circumstances.

Porcelain wedding is one of the milestones family life, the celebration of which must be approached with all seriousness and responsibility in order to receive maximum pleasure from the celebration and giving pleasure from the celebration to the invited guests. Have you ever been a guest at a porcelain wedding? Or maybe you celebrated the 20th anniversary of your own married life?

The guests stand up, forming a corridor, the Wedding March of Mendelssohn sounds.
Spouses are invited to go to the table where the sign of the registry office is installed.
The host is at the table.
Vedas. Dear friends! Now recertification is in vogue. Probably time to put it in
event and the Family and Marriage Code! Conduct every 25 years
re-certification and re-registration of married couples!
Today spouses Olga and Alexander Ivanovs came for recertification.
They are worried, because now they are again the bride and groom!
- Alexander! Answer us! Have you managed to carry love through the years
- to your wife?
- Yes!
- Do you agree to the extension of family ties, with the right to be called a husband,
father, and later - father-in-law and grandfather?
Witnesses and guests congratulate the young! After that, everyone can take their places for
holiday table!

Vedas. Dear Alexander and Olga! For 25 years you have kept the flame of love alive
in your family home! No wonder they say: silver wedding- non-extinguishing
We look at you today - and admire!
As the ancient "Song of Hiawatha" says:
Husband and wife are like onions
A bow with a thin string!
Though she pulls him
But she is obedient to him.
Though she bends him
And she is inseparable from him.
Both are useless!

So let's drink to your harmonious family union!


There are no accidents in the world!
Fate brought you together at the disco
Where the blouse shone blue
And the music was beautiful.

Our Alexander noticed the signal of fate,
He went blue to the light.
And I met a special girl
Which is appointed by fate!

He struck Olya with his smile.
And she was only seventeen!
She was still in school then.
For the first time, light flared up in her soul!

When he walked her home
It was as if a thread was stretched between them,
It's like they've known each other for years...
Don't forget that first kiss!



May humor always be your support,
To dear life is not easy
You, constantly climbing the mountain,
We have reached the peak of the Golden Wedding!

Vedas. The Sultan of Turkey has arrived!
He wants to look at Olga himself!

The Sultan comes in and sings to the motive of a song from the film "Prisoner of the Caucasus":
girls in oriental costumes dancing around him.

I am Turkish sultan
I have a hundred wives!
I am always beauty
Women's surrounded!
But in other way,
In such cases,
Dirty, mess in the palace!
Allah confirm!

Not enough design!
On the one side!
And it got boring!
On the other side!

All my lawyers
Drunk in the morning!
And the laws of the country
It's time to change!
Your Olga is in business -
Real ace!
And she's alright
Bring us!

Lawyer with a diploma
On the one side!
house order,
On the other side!

I brought a rich dowry for the bride! Olga is ours last hope!

I propose to the groom for her:
- one thousand Turkish computers
- a thousand Turkish cars
- and a thousand Turkish concubines!
- I hope you agree?


Wedding quiz
Let's choose the most erudite guest!
The theme is still the same - a wedding, but not in life, but in the cinema.
1. In what fairy tale did you have to organize an attack on your future father-in-law in order to play a wedding? (" The Bremen Town Musicians")
2. Which films have the word "wedding" in their titles?
("Wedding", "Wedding with dowry", "Wedding in Malinovka" ...)
3. In which k / f is the word "marry"?
("The Marriage of Balzaminov", "The Habit of Marrying" ...)



Action one.
Stepmother comes out with her daughters. One daughter to wear a long nose,
the other is big ears.

Stepmother: You raise your daughters, and you don’t know
What awaits the poor on the path of life!
You girls should be married,
Where can you find decent men?

Charlotte: We did with my sister detailed list
Any one of them is an acceptable groom!

Stepmother is served a big roll.

Stepmother: Well, no! Their wealth is so low
What better way to do without them!

A courier drives in on a toy stick-horse, gallops past everyone
guests. Stops near the bride, kisses her hand.
He jumps up to his stepmother, bows.

Stepmother: Why are you raising clouds of dust,
Are you scaring us cattle and chickens?

Courier: Madam, you forgot to say hello!
I am the Royal Express Courier!

Our king - oh, and an inventor, a bastard! -
He gave me a spicy task -
Find a dozen or three beauties in the country
And invite them to a court ball!

Action two

Stepmother: Do not complex, stand in the corner!
Don't mix with the dancing crowd!
Charlotte: Will the prince see us?
Stepmother: She will see, daughters!
And shudder, if not blind!

Music sounds, the groom invites the bride to dance (WARN THEM)
Everyone is dancing, the music stops, the bride and groom stand aside,
are talking.

Charlotte: Wow, how close she was to him!
Louise: Don't drift, sister, the competition is ahead!
Charlotte: What a contest! You are a fool, Louise!
They're already kissing, look!

Louise: Tenth dance with her in a row dances,
And affectionate does not take her eyes off her!
Charlotte: So obviously, frankly flirting with her,
And at least once, the scoundrel, looked at us!

King: Yes, the girl is cute, and even very!
I like her too!
But the prince, you see, is preoccupied with something!
Where did she disappear to? I don't understand!

The groom approaches the jester and the King, holding one of the bride's shoes in his hands.

The jester announces: The fairest ladies of the kingdom!
You might be upset now!
The prince has made his choice! But where is the bride?
We have only one shoe in our hands!

King: Love will overcome all obstacles!
Now I will send my messengers on their way!
We all need to try on a shoe!
Someone has to come!

The jester takes a shoe box, goes to other women,
Takes a fin out of the box. Shows everyone.

Joke contests.

What to gift:

Porcelain does not immediately acquire its magnificent appearance. Initially, it is just a piece of clay, which is under skillful hands master becomes a real work of art. Also, the family during these 20 years is formed and strengthened, becoming ideal. How to celebrate this significant anniversary?

How to prepare for the 20th wedding anniversary?

Any event requires careful preparation. To unforgettably celebrate the 20th anniversary of living together, you need to organize everything in advance.

Where to celebrate a porcelain wedding?

Traditionally, it is customary to celebrate the 20th anniversary of marriage at home with a modest dinner. Most still prefer a fun and noisy feast. To invite friends and relatives, cheer them up and not get bored yourself. For such events, it is better to rent a hall in a restaurant or cafe. In summer, a picturesque park is suitable for organizing an anniversary. In order not to interfere with the sun, gazebos are installed for guests. If possible, you can rent a ship and celebrate the anniversary on the high seas. It all depends on the imagination of the organizers of the celebration.

Decor for organizing an anniversary

No matter where the anniversary celebration takes place, the interior should be decorated.

What can be used for decoration:

If there are many guests, you need to determine in advance a place at the table for everyone. Beautifully designed cards with the names and surnames of the invitees will help with this.

Porcelain wedding script

So that none of the guests get bored and do not want to leave ahead of time, you need to think over the scenario of a porcelain wedding. Its theme depends on the wishes of the spouses. There may be many options. Examples of topics for holiday scenarios in honor of 20 years of marriage:

  1. Play with the theme of porcelain. Arrange a quiz with questions about the production of tableware with small souvenirs as a reward for the winner. Organize a competition for original drawing for a picture on a porcelain teapot. Invite guests to mold something out of clay. To do this, you can invite a real potter to give a master class.
  2. "Excursion" to the past. During the celebration, remember significant events from the life of spouses that have occurred over these 20 years. This is where family photos and videos come in handy. Relatives and friends of the hosts of the holiday take part in the "excursion".
  3. Family concert. As a rule, the children of such couples are already adults and can organize a holiday on their own. Knowing the musical preferences of parents, this is not difficult to do.
  4. Set up a casino. Invite guests to dress in the style of the 20s. Prepare several tables for playing card games, roulette. You can invite professional croupiers. During the game, guests will not notice how time passes.

If there is no desire to organize entertainment on your own, invite a host. Any competitions and entertainment will help to cheer up the guests. Professional presenters know how to arrange an anniversary celebration so that no one gets bored.

What to give spouses for the 20th anniversary?

celebration wedding anniversary accompanied by the presentation of gifts from guests. Those invited can give them immediately, having come to the celebration, or lay them out in a certain place. At the end of the celebration on the occasion of 20 years of marriage, the spouses can defiantly consider all the gifts. What can be presented as a gift:

  • porcelain. This is the most good option for such a celebration. Dishes, pictures, figurines, tableware will do as a souvenir. original watch and etc.;
  • a ticket for two to where the spouses will be able to retire to be together. Perhaps, after so many years, they had few opportunities for this;
  • knowing what equipment the couple has already outdated, you can make the right gift;
  • for creative couples, works of art or tickets to the theater will be a great present;
  • jewelry in the form of earrings for women and cufflinks for men too good choice for an anniversary gift. Such things are always valuable, no matter how many years pass.

Regardless of the value of the present, the main thing is that it be presented from the heart.