Congratulations on a porcelain wedding (20 years). Gift for husband for porcelain anniversary (20th wedding anniversary)

Twenty years with you
We've lived, dear.
We were above each other
Destined by fate.
My life with you is a reward.
One soul for two.
I only need in life -
Know that you need me.

love and prosperity
I wish, dear, to us.
Let's share like before
Everything in life in half.

Beloved, happy holiday to you,
I will tell you love.
We've been married for 20 years
And this is not an easy date.

Caring, gentle, patient
I wish you strength,
Health, warmth and light,
In the soul always lived so that summer.

We got married a long time ago
Twenty years have passed since
Dear beloved husband,
I'm getting porcelain for us!

Happy anniversary my dear
Happiness will be with us
And luck and dream
May they be our reward.

Twenty years with you!
Is it possible to dream of such a thing?
To me today, as a bride,
I want to tell you.

We've been together for 20 years now.
The person has no relatives.
Thank you dear
For the warmth of nights and days.

Happy porcelain wedding day, beloved,
We will celebrate 20 years together,
Our anniversary year will be wonderful,
And we'll save the porcelain, we won't beat it.
20 years, so much happiness and passion,
Difficult, but powerful love,
Never shy of warm feelings
And so they lived in happiness.

Porcelain knocks and as if endlessly
Ready to live in the hearts of my love,
She froze, turned into eternity,
The blood boils with passion in the veins.
And 20 years is such a distance,
Which not everyone would pass.
But we celebrate a porcelain wedding,
And my husband is in love with me, as he was then.

I am 20 years old to you, my beloved,
I dedicate myself to the ground,
And always happy with you
And every moment I glorify you.
I want to wish you today
So that we are happy forever
Come here, I want to hug you
May our love last forever!

You've been with me for twenty years
For happiness - you need only you,
My husband is the reward of my fate,
Realization of a dream.
I love and respect you
I want to wish you health
More, my love, I wish
Love and respect me!

Congratulations to my husband today
On your wedding day, I wish you -
So that, like 20 years ago,
He didn't take his eyes off me.
To always be happy
And you loved me so much.
Today is our holiday with you,
Let me tell you, long live love!

Our wedding anniversary
We will celebrate with you.
My only man,
Be always, everywhere with me!

Porcelain union we celebrate with you,
My most best husband, beloved and native!
We've been together for twenty years
Learned the value of feelings, trust, family.

Let harmony reign in our house,
And the Angel always favors us,
Let there be feelings of mutual ocean,
And the bright volcano of Happiness wakes up!

Happy Porcelain wedding, my dear husband!
Porcelain is very fragile, but that does not matter.
After all, you are my favorite and my best friend.
We appreciate each other in any year.

Let happiness for us only bloom stronger,
We will not know the slightest discord,
From sadness, sadness will save us
And beautiful porcelain will bring joy!

I take porcelain out of the closet,
I set the table
My beloved, congratulations
Wedding anniversary has come!

Dear husband, today again
I am the bride, you are the groom.
Years rush, but we are with you
Younger than young.

porcelain wedding
We manage, husband, with you.
We meet in life
Ordered by fate.

So that in love and understanding
We have always lived with you.
And she was generous with affection
An unfortunate fate is upon us.

How much joy and sorrow
We split in half.
Sea of ​​happiness and prosperity
I wish us from the bottom of my heart.

May life be full of warmth
And strong hands, a smile so bright,
As on our wedding day, what we keep in our hearts.
Luck smiled on us both
When we became a common family.
It's been twenty years now,
And I know for sure - there is no better in the world,
I am your joy, and you are my happiness!

You've been with me for two decades
In troubles and hardships, in joys, in labors,
We love each other unconditionally
Keeping the devotion in our hearts.
Congratulations on the anniversary of porcelain,
I will make a solemn speech
Where I still promise you
Respect, support, protect.

Two decades have gone by
Like two wonderful days!
I smile today
Because not alone.
Because I am loved
Like twenty years ago
Let our porcelain not beat,
Eyes glow with joy!

congratulations today,
Flowing like an elixir
In honor of the porcelain wedding,
This feast was arranged.
We want to congratulate together,
Kind and gentle father,
most excellent husband,
May happiness never end!

Dear dad, husband,
We are talking today
For a twenty year old family
Thank you all together.
You are our protector and friend,
Advisor and idol
In honor of your anniversary
We made a feast.

Want to congratulate,
beloved person,
We lived together
Fifth of a century.
Didn't quarrel, didn't fight
And always lived in affection,
Tried to save the family
I love only you!

Today is a special day
Today is the anniversary
We lived for twenty years.
Come to me quickly.
I want to congratulate you
I want to hug you,
To you my dear husband,
Wish the best!

My husband is the best
The strongest and most intelligent
Success is with him everywhere
He is handsome, rich and humble.
For twenty years we have been with him,
Walked this land
I don't need other men
I gave my heart to you!

My beloved man
My close person
We've been together for twenty years
I want to have a century.
It's sweet for me to live with you
Like behind a steel wall
Everything went smoothly for us.
And it will always be so with you.

Honey, you're in your 20s
Shared our lives
Showed me a different light
Handsome and happy.

There is no dearer soul to me in the world,
I will thank you
For understanding, patience,
Know that I love you more.

I want to always strive
And he won, my dear.
Glowing with happiness and joy,
Of course you were healthy.

Twenty happy years
We live with you.
me this anniversary
I wish, dear, that

You stayed kind
An honest man
The owner of the house
The head of the wise, the brave.

I love you very much
And this is unchanged.
Be happy, be patient
Yes, bring victory.

For warmth and understanding,
Support, affection and love
Thank you, my love.
I wish you this celebration

So that love burns in you
Youth and passion woke up.
May there be many victories
That your soul will be embellished.

I wish you wisdom and strength
So that you stay in everything
Kind, honest, patient,
Loving husband and leader.

Dreams come true I believe
After all, we have been living with you for twenty years.
You have shown patience
And settled peace, joy in the house.

You are a wonderful man,
Kind and gentle father
Loving and strong man
I'm proud of you. Let now

We won't have quarrels, let's go
Let's keep calm, save the hearth.
I love you very much, you know
And I keep my promise.

My loving husband
Today we celebrate
We're an anniversary, let
Shines in the heart again

Youth tenderness,
Stormy, romantic.
Let carelessness now
Into the days of life penetrate.

My dear, I want
For you to achieve
All heights, from feelings
The tall ones glowed.

Today again dear
We are the bride and groom.
Come to this celebration
Let's add tenderness to everyday life.

I promise to always be
With you, dear, next to you.
We will not break the thread
that tied hearts.

Let's look for something new
And make wishes come true
Believe and only win
Bring only happiness to the family.

Although porcelain is quite fragile,
But don't be afraid, my love
There are strong feelings between us.
The best, relatives in the world

You have become for me over the years
I don't want to be without you
Spend minutes. Quarreling
Let them go forever.

I believe in you, I admire
Your strength and success.
Honey, stay yourself
Hello, happiness, light.

Dear, today is a happy anniversary
I want to congratulate you.
You helped me spread my wings
Always keep me out of harm's way.

I treasure your love
And I give my heart in return.
How good it is to be with you
The world is beautiful, there is a bright light in it.

Twenty years wedding day
Filled with loud laughter!
Let health give
you way to success,

Happiness blooms
Like an orchid
Butterfly flutters
For the wedding anniversary!

I wish you much happiness
Well, let everything go
Let thunderstorms pass by, bad weather,
Life will be full of light, warmth!

Both comprehended him in full,
You are an example to all of us!
We wish you to continue to keep it up -
And admire us with your family!

Let's celebrate in the family circle
20th wedding, her anniversary,
The hostess is in your house,
And the husband is the standard of a family man!

We wish you good luck in business
Health and personal happiness!
May the future be blessed
And pleases everything in the present!

You will understand it yourself:
Weaved with knots of veins,
Your union and Heaven
Illuminated, blessed!

Be wife and husband
And live without fuss.
You don't need someone else
God bless you at least five children!

A 20 year wedding anniversary is a long time for any marriage, especially considering modern mores and the fact that the number of divorces is approximately equal to the number of marriages.

20 years have flown by!
Your feelings are already twenty years old!
Together they lived, as they sang!
Keeping your sacred vow!
And the porcelain of love with a brilliant sheen
Colors your happiness for two!
And the bride is good blush!
And the groom is still in love!

Already twenty years ago
You have forever sealed your hearts.

which has been raised for many years.

This is what we will focus on.

We heartily congratulate you! Twenty years is quite a long time!
And today, on this holiday, we raise our glasses:
So that china bonds never break
So that in life your hands will never part.
So that you love with your soul, every year, more tenderly,
So that love is great, and health is stronger!

20 years of life together,
20 years in grief and in love,
20 years old groom to his bride
Gives tender feelings.
And the bride also does not regret
Caresses and cares for him,
So, believe me, your happiness is ripening
The best and fastest.

And the son has grown up for a long time,
But love is quick to joy.
From donated porcelain
Let the park of a living miracle
Rising now.
Your miracle is a beautiful house,
Smiling and clear eyes
Yes hope always
There will be good years.

Already twenty years ago
You have forever sealed your hearts.
Joint life laid the garden,
which has been raised for many years.
We give you, of course, porcelain.
May your relationship be also tender,
This is what we will focus on.
Among the wishes for the wedding are endless!

Turned twenty years today
How heaven crowned us with you,
As we met the wedding dawn,
And how they dreamed of a big future

We send our greetings to our friends,
Please live without drama and quarrels!
Killed in twenty years
Wedding china in the house!
In this house they argue, they love,
Together they fight adversity.
Years of feelings will not cool them,
And they beat the dishes - for good luck!

Twenty years ago, I would have known
Could you take another wife?
With the happiness of a "porcelain" wedding
We congratulate you, son-in-law!
Let there be marshmallows in chocolate
Champagne, dishes with caviar.
Live in love, happiness, fret
Until the wedding of his "golden"!

Already twenty years ago
You have forever sealed your hearts.
Joint life laid the garden,
which has been raised for many years.
We give you, of course, porcelain.
May your relationship be also tender,
This is what we will focus on.
Among the wishes for the wedding are endless!

Twenty years is a decent amount of time.
And the son has grown up for a long time,
But love is quick to joy.
From donated porcelain
Let the park of a living miracle
Rising now.
Your miracle is a beautiful house,
Smiling and clear eyes
Yes hope always
There will be good years.

My friends and I were arguing
What to give you?
They took - porcelainized,
So be it!
So that in the future, as you wish,
You were light.
And love won't end
If lucky
Live in deep tenderness
In a dear family
In the sunny expanse
On native land.

Here are two decades
Along the common road
You passed without knowing the troubles,
Light and loaded.
Not grown old hopes
Young strength
Deep look, fresh voice
And fate is beautiful.
May love always keep
You and henceforth, relatives.
And a lucky star
Shines like the first time!

Beautiful porcelain service!
And behind - a great life.
But ahead - roads, meetings,
Friends and good luck.
Live, happiness does not interfere,
And if the burden falls on the shoulders,
Let him be human
Quite capable, as always.

How great is that
If a friendly family!
We are with a porcelain wedding
Congratulations friends!
Let the scarlet roses shine
Only joy gives life!
20 years is a long time.
For your anniversary - a service.

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For two decades we have been walking with you,
Always hand in hand, and thoughts of one.
We understand each other perfectly,
How did we manage to achieve this?
You are just my protector, my main adviser,
You take the heaviest on your shoulders.
I kiss you tenderly in honor of the wedding anniversary
And I want you to hug me tight as soon as possible.

porcelain wedding we have come with you
We have lived twenty years - a little and a lot!
Porcelain no longer beats, it is stronger every day,
That you and I live side by side together.
Let our love union grow stronger year by year,
And I'm not afraid of anything with you.
I congratulate you, kiss you warmly,
You are my most reliable shoulder!

May life be full of warmth
And strong hands, a smile so bright,
As on our wedding day, what we keep in our hearts.
Luck smiled on us both
When we became a common family.
It's been twenty years now,
And I know for sure - there is no better in the world,
I am your joy, and you are my happiness!

You've been with me for two decades
In troubles and hardships, in joys, in labors,
We love each other unconditionally
Keeping the devotion in our hearts.
Congratulations on the anniversary of porcelain,
I will make a solemn speech
Where I still promise you
Respect, support, protect.

My husband, my man, my reliable friend!
Twenty years since the wedding - I suddenly realized -
Fulfilled today. What happiness is this
Live with the most wonderful man in the world!
All twenty years I just adore you,
Happy porcelain wedding, my love, congratulations!
And let the sun shine brighter for us every day,
We go through life side by side with you!

Two decades have gone by
Like two wonderful days!
I smile today
Because not alone.
Because I am loved
Like twenty years ago
Let our porcelain not beat,
Eyes glow with joy!

congratulations today,
Flowing like an elixir
In honor of the porcelain wedding,
This feast was arranged.
We want to congratulate together,
Kind and gentle father,
most excellent husband,
May happiness never end!

Dear dad, husband,
We are talking today
For a twenty year old family
Thank you all together.
You are our protector and friend,
Advisor and idol
In honor of your anniversary
We made a feast.

Want to congratulate,
beloved person,
We lived together
Fifth of a century.
Didn't quarrel, didn't fight
And always lived in affection,
Tried to save the family
I love only you!

Today is a special day
Today is the anniversary
We lived for twenty years.
Come to me quickly.
I want to congratulate you
I want to hug you,
To you my dear husband,
Wish the best!

My husband is the best
The strongest and most intelligent
Success is with him everywhere
He is handsome, rich and humble.
For twenty years we have been with him,
Walked this land
I don't need other men
I gave my heart to you!

My beloved man
My close person
We've been together for twenty years
I want to have a century.
It's sweet for me to live with you
Like behind a steel wall
Everything went smoothly for us.
And it will always be so with you.

20th anniversary family lifesignificant date which cannot be ignored. Some five years separate you from silver jubilee. And on the eve of such a wonderful occasion, you are most likely thinking about what to give your husband for 20 years. life together? Consider the most worthy options for presents that your missus will certainly like.

Gifts are different, so everyone who is looking for the perfect little thing opens up a whole kaleidoscope of possibilities. However, it is worth considering the peculiarity of this festive moment. Despite the solid experience of family life, you still want to please your beloved spouse, and not just to bestow, but to impress with the gift presented. Moreover, for 20 common years, a lot has already been given to each other, and if it happens again, it means not to see even a hint of admiration in the eyes of a loved one.

The first thing I want to recommend is gift awards. Thinking about what to give your husband for 20 years of marriage, pay attention to the Award figurine * Beloved husband for faith and fidelity *. The figurine will become the personification of your gratitude and appreciation to your spouse. However, you can also choose an award with an individual design. For so many years lived together, there will definitely be something to reward the one who shares life with you. It could be something more personal and soulful, personalized congratulations or, for example, a comic congratulations.

Thinking about what to give your husband for 20 years of marriage, look at presents with a retro prefix. Such gizmos, as a rule, are quite a valuable acquisition and pride for the owner with taste and sense of style. Moreover, in last years objects created "antique" are returning to fashion again. If you are looking for a present for a person who "already has everything", we recommend purchasing a retro music center. The functionality of a modern musical device is successfully combined with an extraordinary design, which makes such a present a bright, unforgettable one. At the same time, a metal plate with engraving can be attached to the music center, so your spouse will receive a personal gift for a long memory.

Another worthy example of what to give your husband for 20 years of marriage is a gift-bound genealogy book. This is a wonderful gift that will not leave indifferent even the most pretentious hero of the occasion. By handing over the Genealogical book, you are presenting not only a beautifully designed elegant edition. You are presenting a valuable historical document, which over time will turn into a true family chronicle, will be filled over time by the head of the family of the next generations.

And wedding toasts

And trouble will never touch!

On the day of the twentieth anniversary
From the day of the wedding cake
Accept our congratulations,

And wishes of happiness to you.

Let Hymen shine
Looking at the rejuvenated
And happy faces!

20 years you are one family,
Excellent friendly couple
Today you are young again
The same beautiful, but already a little - a little gray.
Congratulations on your porcelain wedding,
Like in a fairy tale, doves, live,
We wish you prosperity, joy, kindness,
Comfort and family warmth.

Two dozen on your life path,
You managed to pass it with dignity,
Your love has grown stronger
Raised and raised wonderful children.
You take care of each other
Gently and mutually love,
Let your dreams come true
Be the masters of your destiny.

Porcelain wedding - a decent time,
A handsome son has grown up,
Daughter looks like a princess
Do not stop the life process.
Congratulations on your twentieth anniversary,
Long life - long sincerely wish
Let happiness come to your house
Let all bad weather fly by.

Side by side you are two dozen good years,
We lived in love, harmony, without troubles,
Your hearts are filled with warmth
The soul sings with a spring melody.
Congratulations on your porcelain wedding,
We wish you a beautiful mood
Let hope, faith and love do not leave you,
Let reliable friends always surround you.

Porcelain wedding has come to you,
Rather, put aside all things,
Rather, call you guests,
To make your home more fun!
I want to wish you health
Good luck, and do not know despondency
May only the best in life await you
And let happiness be with you!

Porcelain was invented in China.
We are not Chinese. But porcelain
We have also for a long time.
And we have a wedding.
Twenty year old family
We call it porcelain
And on a holiday, as we do,
I congratulate you, friends!
Passed the phase of family life
No small you but advice
Mine: imitate Chinese vases.
Their term is sometimes - thousands of years.
Chinese porcelain is famous,
And the older the younger
And the more beautiful it looks...
And I wish you the same!

Twenty years is a decent amount of time
And the son has grown up for a long time,
Daughter got married
And some wrinkles.
But love is quick to joy
From donated porcelain
Let the park of a living miracle
Rising everywhere.
Your miracle is a beautiful house,
Smiling and clear eyes
Yes hope always
There will be good years.

You've been married for twenty years.
Peace, happiness to you, friends!
With this long awaited date
I want to congratulate you!
I wish you endless love!
May the children delight you forever!
And happiness will be endless!
Connect your hearts!

20 years of life together,
20 years in grief and in love,
20 years old groom to his bride
Gives tender feelings.
And the bride also does not regret
Caresses and cares for him,
So, believe me, your happiness is ripening
The best and fastest.

My friends and I were arguing
What to give you?
They took - porcelainized,
So be it!
So that in the future, as you wish,
You were light.
And love won't end
If lucky
Live in deep tenderness
In a dear family
In the sunny expanse
On native land.

This day is a good sign for you,
He has no earthly price:
In life you are legally married
20 years engaged.
You will understand it yourself:
Weaved with knots of veins,
Your union and Heaven
Illuminated, blessed!
Be wife and husband
And live without fuss! ..
You don't need someone else
May God bless you with five more children!

Congratulations on your porcelain wedding,
We wish chic, brilliance in life,
Let the house be a full bowl
Let prosperity and happiness settle in it.
Live in harmony, live in love,
Take care of each other like the apple of your eye,
Let luck shower down on you like a waterfall,
Let there be everything that is necessary in life.

Seagulls are poured into porcelain cups,
And a huge cake on the table
Our newlyweds smile
We will not find a happier couple anywhere.
Accept congratulations from us,
And teach us to live so happily,
So that the two halves become whole forever,
So that the family is exemplary and strong.

Today "Bitterly" we shout to you again,
Congratulations on your porcelain wedding
To drink to your health, there are a hundred reasons
Your life impresses us.
We wish you simple happiness,
Good luck - real, big,
May all sorrows and bad weather
Your home is bypassed.

A solemn salute flies up,
Happy porcelain wedding day, congratulations,
Let congratulations fly to you today, go, swim,
Let the sun congratulate you with its warmth.
Like 20 years ago, carefully store,
Beautiful features in the soul
As before, sincerely love,
Let the everyday life of vanity become holidays.

You have a wonderful date today,
Around gifts, congratulations, laughter,
As before, 20 years ago,
There is no more beautiful couple in the world.
IN lovely anniversary, accept congratulations,
May fate give you wonderful moments
Let luck be your companion
May happiness give you for many years, in addition.

I raise this glass
For you, dear young ones,
Let life be like wonderful vocals,
Let gold rings be a talisman.
20 years you are together, congratulations,
Live a lot more - we wish a lot,
Let you be appreciated, loved, respected,
May everyone wish you health and happiness.

You are glowing with happiness today
And there's a special reason for that.
As a bride and groom, we congratulate you,
And again "Bitter!" we shout loudly.
May the porcelain wedding bring you good luck,
Let the family wealth improve in addition,
May fate be kind to you
Live in health for up to a hundred years.

On the day of the twentieth anniversary
From the day of the wedding cake
Accept our congratulations,
And a tribute to the intoxicating healthy cup,
And wishes of happiness to you.
May your marriage union grow stronger,
Love is beautiful - the reward of the soul,
And the duty of marriage, family ties
May you always have joy.
May your life always sparkle
Like the effulgence of past years,
Let Hymen shine
Looking at the rejuvenated
And happy faces!

Delicate porcelain wedding,
The happy family is exactly 20 years old!
You are inseparable, young, beautiful,
A beautiful light of love comes from you!
And your union is like expensive porcelain
It becomes more valuable day by day.
May every moment bring happiness to you
They shout to you "bitterly!" children and family!

Happy wedding day, everyone is happy to congratulate you,
Your family is an example for everyone
To live together so much laughter and troubles,
Not every family can do it.
We want to wish you good health
Smiles and happiness from the bottom of my heart,
Let life flow like a river
And love never gets tired of the heart.
20 years ago - there was a wedding,
merry celebration,
Today fireworks,
In honor of your family and all.

Beautiful porcelain wedding
Congratulations on this date!
Love each other like before
Let good luck and success spin a cool waltz!
Health, success to your family
Such a warm welcome!
And happiness will always come to your house,
It's so cozy and comfortable in it.
Raise your kids to be honest
Strong, brave right,
And your grandchildren will be cool on your way,
You will be proud of them!

Excitement and delight in the hearts:
Today is a wonderful, important day!
Tears sparkle in the eyes
So blessed is their wet shine!
As before, twenty years ago,
The love of the guests called to itself,
Again congratulations sound
Flowers are dazzling, the hall sparkles!
We have come a long way in life,
But there is a long road ahead!
The family comprehended the meaning and essence
May you be very good!

Your marriage is not only a commitment -
He is the strength of feeling proof!
And you are not prisoners in the family at all,
And true allies of the heart!
Your house is not just a private area -
The sanctuary of love is beautiful!
For twenty years, I will say without flattery,
You have grown together very tightly!

Happy porcelain wedding day, dear,
Today I congratulate you
So that in the future you will only be together
Years continued their
Live beautifully and happily together,
Spend every day having fun with a song,
You are so alone, my dears,
But so cool and so cool!
We wish you many sunny days
They loved each other like spring drops,
You will rock the cradle soon,
You will soon become a grandfather and grandmother!

Twenty years ago, I would have known
Could you take another wife?
With the happiness of a "porcelain" wedding
We congratulate you, son-in-law!
Let there be marshmallows in chocolate
Champagne, dishes with caviar.
Live in love, happiness, fret
Before the wedding of your "golden"!

Your smile is sweeter and more beautiful to me,
Than thousands of other men in the world!
I will never change our happiness
To the golden mountains in the palace!
I'm grateful for all my destiny
Because I could see you!
For what was decided in heaven
We should be together, do not offend each other!
Your laugh is sweeter than anything in the world!
You are my dearest person!
And let our children be proud of their dad!
I am forever grateful to fate!

When I see you dear!
I melt from love and happiness!
You are the kindest, most courageous!
We are not afraid of bad weather with you!
I love! I love! I really love!
You are my beloved man!
When you're not around, I miss you!
I greatly admire you!
We live with you soul to soul,
We've been together for 20 years!
I hear you beloved heart!
You give me a look like a bride!

Twenty years the family is big,
Celebrates with the whole crowd,
And there is very little left
You are golden before the wedding,
Congratulations are deserved
Your marriage is very good
They gave birth to glorious children,
Everyone looks like a father
Be happy folks
Make us happy every day
To love each other was
Every day is not lazy at all!

Fragile porcelain, but unshakable feelings,
20 years of marriage, this is art!
Tenderness and fidelity are fellow travelers to you,
Don't split your union in half.
Congratulations on the porcelain date,
We wish to be together twice in twenty.
Let the wind of problems carry by,
In family life, you are always lucky.

Twenty years is a long time!
Taught everyone a lesson
How to keep the fire going
In the family hearth
Live side by side day by day
Without getting on my nerves
And swear, and put up,
And raise children in love.
Gotta work every day
Twenty years to live together!

You are a wonderful wife for 20 years,
Your family is wonderful, I will not hide!
I wish you were in love
And to love with true love!
Girlfriend, I want to wish you
So that a lot of happiness awaits in life,
I want to congratulate you and say -
May many miracles await you in fate!

You have been next to each other for 20 years,
How long is this - 20 years!
And all eyes are on you
After all, there is simply no better couple!
We wish you much happiness
Do not stray from the right path
Your way alone, your way
Be able to pass with dignity!

Accept congratulations,
With a porcelain wedding, you
Despite all the hardships
You are in love like before
Learned not to get angry
Learned to understand
You can't sleep without each other
It's hard even for you to breathe
May your union be eternal
Relationships are endless
May you always be lucky in everything
The path of success to your home will find!

You've been through a lot together!
Happy long 20 years!
It's time to congratulate you
There is no reason to be silent about it!
Let the champagne sparkle
Let your glasses clink!
We want you to fall in love again
Like 20 years ago!

Behind festive table the guests gathered
After all, twenty years is a wonderful anniversary.
And wedding toasts
And "bitterly" is again heard from friends.
Kohl 20 years - a porcelain wedding,
May your marriage be strong forever.
All plans and desires will come true
And trouble will never touch!

The porcelain wedding happened
We will celebrate it together
Perhaps we dreamed of this date,
And time turned back quickly
You are just as young and cheerful in soul,
From loved ones you can not hide your interest,
The bride and groom are good-looking,
Gone misunderstanding, jealousy, arrogance,
Be always, dear, energetic,
Let your eyes burn with joy
Let everything in your life be practical,
And only tears of happiness drip!

This day is a good sign for you,
He has no earthly price:
In life you are legally married
20 years engaged.
You will understand it yourself:
Weaved with knots of veins,
Your union and Heaven
Illuminated, blessed!
Be wife and husband
And live without fuss! ..
You don't need someone else
God bless you at least five children!