What should be done so that the husband earns well, how to make the husband earn money? What to do if your husband earns less than you

girls, do not throw slippers, I know that the topic is already a button accordion, but for me the question is very acute ....
I've been married for 5 years, I have a child for 3 years, my husband is 27, I'm 28, I can't say that we barely make ends meet, but we live modestly, from paycheck to paycheck.
When I married him, things were a little better, I didn’t earn badly, not mountains of gold, of course, but not a penny either, he earned almost 2 times less, but he worked for a wealthy uncle and at that time it seemed to me that such an uncle he won’t let me die of hunger, especially since then we just graduated from the institute.
When I got pregnant the question about his z.p. he got up sharply, but nothing was shining with his uncle, he quit, went to another field of activity, for a salary of 30 sput. They promised that this is just the start, then there will be 2-3 times more. And now the child is already 3 years old, and things are still there, now he earns 35, with a higher education, he is very good at computers, works as a logistician for international transportation ... as it always seemed to me, they should not receive such a penny.
While I was on maternity leave, the company where I worked went bankrupt, upon exiting the decree, it turned out that not so many employers were ready to accept a young mother, I was looking for a job for a long time, as a result I got a job for 30 tr, with the proviso that they calmly give me sit on sick leave, I leave an hour earlier to pick up the child from the garden on time, they don’t scold me for being late, in general they treat me with understanding, but z.p. appropriate.
This is how we live, from a past good life there are 2 not bad cars left, for me and for him, I feel that we will sell one soon. We do not have enough funds to maintain 2 vehicles.
My husband is 27, he goes with the flow. I raised the issue of his salary a billion times, he agrees with me, it is very little, but time passes, and he does nothing to change the situation. Once we had a big quarrel, he said that he was ready to sit at home with a child, and since I’m so far-sighted, let me go to earn money. It’s hard for me to understand this, I always had a different family model in front of my eyes and I’m glad that I now have time for a child, for classes with him, that I’m a mother not only on weekends. I look at my friends, more or less husbands provide for everyone, they tear F, but they provide and I feel flawed, but a man-housewife is such a pitiful sight for me. Don’t think that I’m a star and I need a Bentley and a house on Rublyovka, I just want to be provided with the baby, take care that I remain a woman, have the opportunity to take care of the house, the child, I saw how he grows and took part in this, and not plow for everyone and for everyone.
We can save money only if we shrink a lot, I have been walking for 3 years in a washed down jacket, we are trying to buy the best for the child, we somehow manage to survive, but if it’s OK for my husband, then for me it’s terrible (((I say that I he needs a down jacket, and he is sincerely surprised - what happened to your old one? did it break? did the lightning fly out? for him, wearing things to holes is the norm and he does not understand how you can want a new down jacket when the stroma is only 3 years old?
Friends on NG rented a cottage in Finland, offered us to go together, my husband was right there - no, we have no money. The thought of somehow earning extra money and giving the family a trip does not even cross the mind.
But the sea went to Croatia to my aunt's apartments, I saved up money, put it off with my salary, we squeezed very hard in everything.
The husband helps around the house, does not drink, does not smoke, loves the child.
Does this problem have a solution? Maybe I'm ignorant?

Question to the psychologist:

Hello, we have been married for almost 4 years. I have a 2 year old son who is now expecting my second child. Children are welcome. The fact is that initially my husband drank heavily, but we solved this problem. We have a loan for which he pays, and therefore there is very little money left. Today I received a salary of 10,000 for 2 weeks, with a loan he had 1,500 left, I asked him to transfer 500 rubles for food, and he transferred 500 rubles, when I went berserk, and said that this was a mockery, he transferred another 1000. I can’t say that he lazy, but at his job (electrician) people earn up to 100,000. I always tried to support him morally, saying that it's okay, everything will work out, but I'm tired. And today he gave out, you need you and earn. Fortunately, his parents help us, for which I am extremely grateful to them. If it wasn't for them, I don't know what they would have done. We live separately in their apartment, I know many will say leave him, why give birth to a second one, etc., but I want to solve this problem. I'm not stupid, I'm just always trying to get into the position of a person. There is no more strength to understand, to calm down.

I don’t want to complain about him to his parents, (it’s a pity to upset them), but mine are gone. I don't even have anyone to talk to. I myself try to work through the Internet, but the earnings are small. How to get started right. I try to talk to him, but he often closes.

The psychologist Metelev Maxim Viktorovich answers the question.

Hello Kira. Let's figure out what exactly you want and what you actually get. You want your husband to earn normal money, especially since there is an example, the same employees, having the same position as their husband, earn many times more. And you get a non-drinking hard-working husband with his small salary. Although if the issue with alcohol is resolved, why raise it at all?! Another thing is when you are afraid to return to those days, and the question was what to do and how you can cope with it psychologically. But the question is not worth it, and God forbid it does not arise. To understand why the husband does this, and not otherwise, I can only superficially. In general terms only. How is your family in general? All on you? You decide what is necessary and what is not necessary? What you want is right. Well, apparently you got what you wanted, the husband does not drink, he works, the child is desired, you are waiting for replenishment, and most importantly, the housing problem. But where is the peace? Where is happiness when everyone says happiness is not in money. And now the question of money has become the main thing. Men, in principle, will sincerely be surprised at the claims and not understand what they want from them when they essentially perform their function. Especially if there is a parachute in the form of help from parents and their apartment. Yes, you are a happy woman. You are not poked, but rather supported. I don’t think that having complained to their parents about their husband, they will be surprised, most likely everyone knows everything, otherwise what’s the point in helping ?! And everything suits everyone, both parents and husband. Alone, you start to shake the boat. But the course is already given to the boat. And in order to bring in something new, you need to return to land. Apparently, for some time you will have to swim in the direction given at the very beginning. Of course, you need to start with yourself. Decide exactly what you want. And what solutions do you see. Then put yourself in the place of your husband, and what would you like to hear from your wife in order to take action? Then ask your husband what he sees the future? And the husband is happy with everything, and he will have to fight, bring it to his head, but he is an adult, and he has his own thoughts on this matter. In general, the spouses build the future and the present together, so look for a common path of life. How do you feel about this? So far, your understanding of the future has only just formed and it differs from the present. The husband and apparently the parents have the same present and future, without changes. Please do not think that someone can say, leave him, why give birth to a second one, etc. You live by trial and error, life doesn't always have to be smooth. Try to understand yourself and your loved ones. Everything will work out for you. Yes, and stop trying to get what you want by shouting, as you did when your husband did not transfer enough money. This can be done in an emergency, should not become a habit. It is better to hang the responsibility for the products on the husband. Here is the list, here is what we need for food. It’s hard to wear, pregnancy, you need to rest more, and you are my protector, head of the family, breadwinner. And what kind of head is he when he is pointed out. He will only be shrugging off. Usually parents of teenagers face this. Methods for resolving issues are different. Since parents help, it was once missed in raising a child to take responsibility for the family and their future. But it is possible to catch up and solve the problem. Only without screams and tantrums, but with the right behavior.

1. The first thing to start with is pumping up female energy.

Moreover, this occupation is forbidden to postpone indefinitely. No energy - no money. Dot. A woman who generates female energy in herself not only becomes contented and happy, she becomes even richer! And all because for a man our energy is gasoline for a car.

Only if I want to travel on the road called "Money", I won't get far without fuel. Right now, take a sheet of paper, a pen and urgently make a list of "What Gives Me Pleasure, What Fills and Pleases Me."
And go fill up!

2. The second important condition is Faith in a man.

It is important to remember that phrases such as “He has a bad job”, “he has no money”, “he has no opportunities now…”, “he will not succeed…”, “he does not earn much…”, “the position is not very and no salary ... "and something like that - flatly closes the cash flow!

I am ready to repeat again and again, like a mantra: "Where Energy goes, Attention goes there, it Grows."

Thus, if I say that my man is "Loser = no Money, Bad Position, etc.", I literally put energy into it. I invest my words, thoughts, emotions, feelings. And it's increasing! Getting bigger!

Conclusion? We change thought forms and attitudes. We only see what we want to enlarge. We only speak good words about a man!

3. now all the fun begins, the girls are starting to rejoice!

Yes! His success, his salary, his ideas, his projects and deeds.
So what if now there is not as much money as you want! Thus, if you do not know how to rejoice at his 30,000, or 150, or 500 rubles, then why will the universe believe that you will be happy with cash flows of hundreds of thousands and millions?

A habit is formed from a small!
So get used to enjoying his plans, projects, salary, bonuses, etc. today.
Most importantly, it will inspire a man!
The Universe will rejoice and open new streams. A man will see new perspectives. I'm telling you more boldly!
This is where your courage is really needed - the courage to rejoice!

4. I want to ask you some questions. Think before answering.
Question: "Do you always gladly accept all the gifts that your man opens for you, other people, other men, women, the universe?
Do you refuse pleasant surprises?
They give you money, do you gladly take it?
Don't you refuse help "to give a lift, open the door, give, pay, etc.? Remember! This is so important!

Most often, a man is able, and most importantly, ready to earn more! Give more, pamper, care! But is the woman ready?

In the event that a man is greedy, if, in your opinion, he does not give you money, earns little, etc., it is necessary to observe "Can I Accept".

Girls who come to trainings and consultations, who complain that a man does not earn money and does not give, do not know how to receive!
90% of 100% do not know how to receive!
Either they save, or they feel sorry for themselves, or they feel sorry for the man, or something else.

I offer you a wonderful practice: "YES".
Say "YES" to your dear one all week long!
And see how this affects his initiative, gifts, etc.
Say "YES" to all surprises, offers to spend, pay, give, accept!
Let men pay bills in a restaurant, in transport, taxis, trips, your joint leisure time, etc.
Learn to accept and rejoice, thank and accept again. And so in a circle.

5. work on your money program.

The money program is a radio wave that is either tuned in to wealth and abundance, or to lack of money and debt.
It is important to figure out what you have set it to and start setting it up for wealth, abundance and prosperity. After all, you deserve it and your loved ones!

Why should you, and not him, work on your money program?

3 most important reasons "Why me and not him":

* The mental strength of a woman is 6, and sometimes 9 times more powerful than a man, that is, what a woman thinks about comes true in the blink of an eye many times faster than a man.
A man needs to go and earn money, but a woman sat, dreamed and got it.
I'm sure you've experienced this more than once!
Working on your money program, together with you we will get the fastest and most effective result without unnecessary heavy stress!

* When I change, the world around changes.
I will share my personal experience. As soon as I began to change my money settings, to clear the blockages in the body and head, the man's flow changed! I notice how his actions and words are saturated with my thinking, my new way of life. My man seems to pick up everything on the fly and change with me. And this again proves the truth: "I am changing myself - the world around is changing."

* Since so far in my life, in the life of our family, there is not enough abundance, it means that something interferes with this and does not allow it to be. More often than not, it is negative money programs that block the flow of abundance.
I was convinced of this in the practice of working in a group and personal coaching. A hundred times Moreover, we are more flexible than men. A man is a vector directed from point a to point b. we are water that is able to gently and femininely seep through all obstacles, gently and magically get what you want) today you have as many as 5 steps = steps to wealth, I wish you prosperity! Elizabeth Gurianova.

And this answer, pronounced in different words, has a single essence - a woman is not ready to go on maternity leave, since the money that her husband earns will not be enough to support the family. Women, evaluating their contribution to the family budget, are in no hurry to stop this funding for the sake of family values. And this despite the fact that the age is rapidly approaching the mark of 30 years, and three years or more have passed since the wedding day.

I thought. Can the material component really influence the opportunity to have a full-fledged family with children and the joy of motherhood? Moreover, I began to think not only in the context of an already formed family, when a man and a woman got married, but also took a relationship when a man and a woman just meet and look at each other.

I honestly admitted to myself that the money a man brings to his family is indeed one of the most important criteria for a modern woman. Of course, each person has his own living wage, his own consumer basket and his own spending limit. Each defines in a different way the line where necessity ends and whim begins. Someone can spend a certain amount of money on a family trip to Egypt, and someone will buy shoes with this money. Therefore, we will not get hung up on specific figures, but simply denote the sum of women's need for money as X, and the sum of male opportunities we denote as Y.

Let's consider a situation where a woman fell in love with a man for an incredible amount of his pluses, turning a blind eye to low earnings. The relationship is good and stable, there is love, the desire to give birth to children from each other too. We also note that before this man appeared in her life, a woman earned good money, possessed all the material values ​​\u200b\u200bthat exist in modern reality - a car, an apartment, a summer house, a vacation abroad twice a year. In other words, she reached a certain level of material comfort. We all know that progress is the development and improvement of what is already there. If we are thrown back, it is degradation. So the level of material comfort of the woman in question with such a man drops sharply.

So, question. Y There are three obvious scenarios.

First. A woman changes her material level and adapts to the level of income that a man is able to provide. What is stronger in this situation - a feeling of love for a man or natural female flexibility and opportunism - is not clear. Probably, if there is love, then there is also flexibility. Yes, the woman is already in a different material status, and even if the needs are the same, then, alas, there are no opportunities.

Does it happen? Yes, sure! Moreover, there are many significant cases when a woman provides a man with comprehensive moral support, being a muse and inspiration for him, which stimulates her husband to achieve high results, and as a result, he achieves those heights that a woman did not even dare to dream of.

Yes, of course, such a turn of events is the place to be. BUT! A man may never reach a new level, and years of waiting and hopes placed on him may be wasted.

Second. After a certain amount of time in a relationship or marriage, a woman realizes that the level of wealth and the ability to earn money are fundamental criteria for her to evaluate her life with a man. She does not lower the bar of her comfort, and she fails to adjust her needs to the capabilities of a man. In general, a paradise in a hut ceases to be a paradise.

The question is possible - what about love? Doesn't love overcome all obstacles, including material ones? The answer is that at the time the woman makes this decision, there is almost no love left, since the absence of the status of a breadwinner for a man reduces his reputation and his significance in the eyes of a woman. A man is no longer a hero who can be relied upon, which means that feelings are weakening. As a result, the relationship ends in parting. There are also no guarantees that later a man will appear in a woman’s life who can arouse love in her and earn money. Perhaps there will be options when there is love and there is money, but it is not a fact that it will be possible to combine it. And there are frequent cases when a woman regrets that she abandoned her beloved, albeit not well-to-do man.

Third. The woman continues to contribute to the family budget, goes to work on a par with her husband and receives a salary. In our reality, this is the most common option for solving material problems in the family. And often a woman leaves for work earlier than her husband, comes later and, accordingly, the level of income brought in also differs. It is worth noting that the work of a woman is not reduced to receiving money “for lipstick boots”, but to the formation of a fairly large part of the family budget.

Yes, we observe such a development of events quite often, and that is why women are in no hurry to acquire offspring, postponing the birth of children for later. Like, do you need love? Yes please! Here he is, a beloved and dear man. Need money? Go and work. And when to give birth? I don’t know ... When will my husband earn as much as we now earn together.

So, we considered options for the development of events in a situation where a man's earnings are not enough for the needs of the family. Of course, each woman determines for herself the ways to solve this problem, because she has the unconditional right to strive to ensure that X = Y.

And every woman decides for herself that for her happiness is prosperity in the family or a favorite face on the next pillow.

When people are blinded by love, when passion boils in their veins, in fact, who earns more seems to them petty and completely unimportant. The main thing is that they are together, that they love each other! But over time, when all the ardor subsides, it will play a huge role. First of all, for a man, and then for a woman.

A man realizes his "I" by performing men's duties. To protect, to provide everything necessary for his family, to solve all problems, taking responsibility for himself - this is his task. And if a man earns less than his woman, whom he is called upon by fate to protect and provide, he begins to feel his uselessness and inferiority. On an energy level, a woman who earns more than her man seems to say to him: "I can manage without you, I will overcome all life's difficulties." In addition, she also fulfills her, women's duties, which no one has canceled. And it turns out that the man feels completely meaningless in her life. Useless.

To say that now is a different time, that no matter who gets how much, you can do a lot. But the problem will still remain and will slowly destroy their family.

What can happen if a man starts earning significantly less?

  1. A man will doubt his masculine strength, the ability to support a family;
  2. A man who does not respect himself cannot respect the woman he is with;
  3. A man cannot love a woman he does not respect;
  4. And then quarrels, disagreements, scandals begin in the family;
  5. The man starts drinking;
  6. Or find a lover. Betrayals begin;
  7. Otherwise, a divorce follows.

Here is a standard scheme that happens in those families that do not consider it important who earns how much.

You can ask me a question: “What if a man earns less?”. The answer is obvious: "Start earning less." If it means changing jobs, change. If you moderate your ardor, moderate. In any case, if you want to be happy in family life. For a man, the most important thing is to be loved, to feel cared for and to know that without him a woman simply cannot. Then he feels like a hero, and loves his wife and is ready to carry her in his arms. Because by giving these sensations, she awakens in him confidence in his courage, masculine strength, will. And without this feeling, men do not know how to love. Alas.

The modern world brings up strong and self-confident personalities from women. We are used to taking responsibility for our own destiny. However, a woman cannot always be a leader and a breadwinner, there comes a moment when a baby is born. It is nature that sets the right accents in those families where a man does not want to be a full-fledged and reliable leader, as well as for the material support of the family.

This is where problems and problems arise. The surprised woman realizes that the husband is not able to take on at least part of the responsibility for the family, since the wife is now busy at home. It seems that he continues to go to work, but the increased needs and the loss of part of the income (if the wife worked) lead to disastrous consequences.
The husband earns little, and you can no longer buy the face cream you like. Yes, there is cream! Sometimes the situation is heating up more globally.
When a conversation about the lack of funds is brewing, the spouse suddenly refuses to make more efforts to obtain them. He just shrugs his shoulders and recommends that you reduce your "chic" requests, live within your means. However, he does not take into account the fact that you are already significantly limiting yourself, looking for potential where there is none.
The situation can be even more aggravated if two or more offspring grow up in your unit of society. The husband earns little - it means that both are to blame for this.

You, as a wise woman and mother, must first calm down and understand that your husband is dear to you not only because he knows how or not how to make money. And not even because he knows how or does not know how to take responsibility. He is dear to you, you love him. And further - you need to clearly decide for yourself whether you agree to be with him in any life situation or are not ready to endure certain shortcomings.
If you are not ready, it is better to leave immediately, but if there is love in your family, then you need to work hard, but we will tell you how.
Getting to the machine
If the husband earns little, you can earn faster and more than your husband. If the child is small, it is worth attaching him to his grandmother or to a kindergarten. If this is not possible, look for work at home. Now there are many ways to find yourself without leaving home. You will be able to earn decently if you do not limit yourself in the choice.
To ease your situation a little, you can invite a nanny. The advantages are obvious - the child will not be deprived of attention, and the mother will have a couple of hours free. There is no need to say that there is no money for a nanny, because the husband earns little. A nanny can be hourly, that is, you will have to pay for her services only a couple of hours a day.

And if it helps you earn at least 50, 100 dollars over the salary of an assistant, you should not refuse such an opportunity.
After all, you can do nothing - do not start working, do not invite a nanny, do not seek to pay for her services and even your whims. Then you will stay where you are, and progress is necessary.

We are on the warpath.
If you choose a thorny path and want to force / teach your husband to earn money - you are here. If the husband earns little or not enough, it will not always be right to take on his responsibilities. This option has obvious and hidden disadvantages.
What is in plain sight: you will be tired, taking on a load of housework and work for hire.
Something that does not immediately catch your eye: your husband will relax and feel confident on your neck. Therefore, we will not give him such an opportunity.

We will work on his earnings.
Talk to the breadwinner. Explain to your husband that he earns little. Your conversation should be built according to a certain scenario. It is important to describe the need (specific) and set a task for the husband - to fulfill it. Think and choose what you need to purchase. For example, a vacuum cleaner - because the child is allergic to dust mites. Or a blender - you need to prepare mashed potatoes for the baby (the doctor said - only with a blender). Or repair. Set a bounding box explaining why it is important to purchase on time. Do not doubt that your husband can do it, speak confidently. Attention: the goal should be realistic, that is, exceed its capabilities by no more than 25-50 percent. In a day, ask him when it will be possible to start repairs / choose a vacuum cleaner. It is important to bring him out of a relaxed, calm state. He must worry about the goal and feel its necessity. Get an answer, speak as if the purchase is a done deal, and there is already money for it. And do not even remember that the husband earns little. Banal advice: praise him. Praise even the rudiments of the qualities you need. Thus, you will instill in him the confidence that he is a significant person, worthy of respect and a solid salary. For example, admire his ability to rationally build a workflow (a manager needs to be able to do this), or praise a creative streak (again, don’t be shy about showing your creativity at work). If your husband has a prospect in the service, your task is to make him took advantage. Help your husband see her. Only the man whose wife is too lazy to be an “engine” earns little. Guide it wisely, quietly, without drawing attention to yourself. Talk to him about what can be done to increase his salary. Let him figure out a way to increase it. For example, ask for a position with a manager or start a business. And then you need to push it in this direction, noticeable to you, without being distracted and very carefully.
Do not forget that the earnings and social position of a man depends on his woman. Only you can instill confidence in him, teach him to strive for the very top, if his mother did not do this.
And believe me, having convinced himself of his merits, he will also appreciate you, the woman who made him!

What is your man's relationship with money? What mechanisms govern the financial well-being of the family?

Let's look at the main points.

From time to time I receive emails like this:

"My husband works a lot, but he doesn't do very well (low income). He gets upset about this. What should I do?"

This is the most general idea. There can be quite a few subspecies of this situation when different factors are combined:

The husband is employed;
- Husband develops his business;
- The husband is very tired and feels miserable from a huge amount of work;
- The husband is very tired, but he feels inspired, he works with pleasure, despite the fatigue.

Plus, we can't forget about you. You, as a wife, can:

work for hire;
- Do business;
- Do not work in principle.

Add here also the attitude to what is happening:

You are generally satisfied with the family income;
- The income of the family as a whole does not suit you.

Now it becomes clear how many variables are involved in this issue.

Obviously, it is very, very difficult to give some kind of universal recipe in such a situation, so you need to approach the issue taking into account your particular situation.

First, pay attention to how a man relates to what he does. It's no secret that one part of women complains that you can't force a man to work with a stick, and the other part complains that a man works too much and this harms relationships.

At the same time, working a lot, a man can earn both a lot and a little. We will not consider the first option now in order to stay within the stated topic, so we will consider the case when a lot of effort and time are invested, but the results are far from desired.

So, first of all, you should pay attention to what feelings his work (or business) evokes in a man.

Yes, he works very hard, yes he tries his best... But what is his real attitude towards what he does?

In most cases, this is visible to the naked eye. It's one thing when a man, although he gets tired, works with burning eyes and enthusiasm, and quite another - when he perceives his work in a different way - he feels unhappy and unfairly crushed by fate.

In the first situation, a man is happy to work hard because he sees the meaning in what he does. He feels that something significant is in his hands, he depends on him, he somehow transforms this world and positively affects the lives of other people.

In a situation where overwork is perceived as a punishment, a man rarely sees a certain meta-goal, a certain mission “at work”. He does not see deep meaning in the work he does or in the business he is trying to develop. Those. here we are talking, as a rule, about simply making money - no more, no less.

Now let's change the angle of view and look at the situation through the eyes of a woman.

Let's say that your husband doesn't earn as much as he would like, and somehow gets upset about it.

The situation is quite typical. A man wants the best, i.e. bring more money to the family, but when it doesn’t work out, he feels hurt and defeated, which is why he gets upset.

And here a woman needs to ask herself: “What, in fact, do I want? What suits me and what does not?

Those. just ask yourself how comfortable you are when your husband spends so much time at work. Perhaps you will understand that for you this is not such a traumatic factor.

In addition, if you see that a man is investing in business with pleasure and enthusiasm, you should even support him. Support gently so that he appreciates your support, but does not work even harder (you don’t want a disabled husband because he works 18 hours a day?)

In other words, you approve of his efforts, but mention that you would be much happier if he could devote a little more time to you.

Another option is when you suffer from the fact that your husband is constantly busy and working. In this case, you should talk to him and explain that your relationship with him is suffering because of his overwork and suggest that you think about what can be done to improve the situation.

And on what, in principle, does the financial well-being of an individual family depend?

Within the framework of Vedic culture, it is believed that each family has its own predetermined level of wealth, above which it is very difficult to jump.

This level is determined by the piety of the spouses, and often drawn from past lives.

Why is there such a "ceiling"?

It exists for one simple reason. Money is a huge challenge. Money is a big danger for self-development.

The energy of money and the power that can be obtained through it is very difficult for a person. That is why not everyone can be not only rich, but even simply “wealthy”.

And you must always remember that the situation in which your family and personally you are now is the situation that is most favorable for your personal and spiritual development.

The level of wealth that you have is a reflection of how ready you are for the challenges that come with increasing income.

This is an indicator of how you are able to use the money that comes to you for the benefit of not only the family, but also other people. In other words, we are talking about charity in the broadest sense of the word.

How willing are you not to focus on money, but to use it to improve the lives of other people - even those you don’t know at all.

To put it simply, money comes only when you and your family do not radiate the energy of greed, when you stop focusing only on yourself and your family, but look wider and strive to bring benefit to many other people.

Greed, stinginess are the harbingers of poverty. Therefore, one of the ways to increase the prosperity of the family is charity, selfless service to other people.

It is not necessary to do good with money. There are a huge number of ways to help other people by “investing” your time, your positive emotions, etc. in them.

Financial assistance is just one of the facets of charity.

Another important idea that I want to convey in this article is that labor is just an austerity with which we can survive in this world.

Labor should not become overwhelming. We should not be overworked in the pursuit of money.

Maximum efforts should be invested in the development of oneself, in the development of one's best personal qualities and spiritual growth. Only as a consequence of this comes true prosperity and happiness.

By investing in yourself, in your growth, you become a more and more useful person, until one day you suddenly realize that you do not have to put in much effort in order to earn money.

Yes, they will not flow into your hands, but the process of earning them will become much easier and will give you more pleasant emotions.

You will no longer need excessive efforts, because now you really deserve them and you do not need to fight for them.

Therefore, the hardest currency is your continuous growth and self-improvement.

It is the ability to do charity even when it seems that there are no opportunities for this.

This is your understanding that activities that are meaningful and valuable to other people will inevitably bear fruit.

This is how you can break through the financial "ceiling" that was originally set for you and your family. This is how you can reach a new level - the level of prosperity and abundance.

Sincerely, Dmitry Naumenko,
Your guide to the world of relationships.

For many couples, a crisis comes to the family if the husband earns little. Now in winter this is especially true, since many people work at seasonal jobs.

How to relate to this, what to do and how to keep peace in the family?

The reasons why a husband earns little can be different:

Depending on the cause, appropriate measures must be taken.

If a man just does not want to earn? If he's just lazy?

Ask yourself the question - "Why are you like this?".

If just to not feel lonely, then you are deceiving yourself. The task of a man is to make you happy, and not to play the role of a sofa cushion and a piece of furniture that you must also contain.

We urgently need to take action to stir it up. And that he finally took responsibility. It's difficult, but possible.

If a man simply does not know how to earn!

The issue is quite controversial. After all, as a rule, most women perfectly see who they are marrying. If he was a “nerd” all the time, who loves his work, his profession very much and is not going to leave it, even if they pay a penny for it. It may be his life's work. You chose it yourself! And now it's like a suitcase without a handle. And it seems like you love, but you want to be taken care of.

It won't be possible to change it. But perhaps if you inspire him, he will be able to do something more profitable, and put his favorite job as a hobby. Since any activity that does not generate income is a hobby. Another option is you can produce it. If he is a good specialist in something, but simply cannot sell himself correctly, you can help him with this. But there are pitfalls here, which are also present where a woman simply earns a lot.

If a man is unlucky?

My best friend had this situation:

She began to build a relationship with a man, and he began to be completely unhappy. He either couldn’t find a job, then he found it, and a week later he quit for various reasons, they hung debts on him, he seemed to get a job, but they didn’t pay him there under various pretexts. This mess went on for several months. Her husband not only earned little, he was generally on her maintenance for some time.

What would you do in such a situation?

I myself was in a position where circumstances prevented my husband from working. And for many couples, this is a very serious test that not everyone can withstand. What to do? If you are sure that your chosen one is not lazy and you see that the circumstances are really not going well, you need to be patient. In such a situation, a man turns into a minefield, and if you step in the wrong place, he will instantly explode. Indeed, for a normal man, one of the basic needs is to provide for those he loves. If he cannot provide for you, he becomes depressed, and then he can start drinking. Which is better to avoid.

What to do? Support Do not nag, but inspire! Your support will help him find the strength to go through a difficult time and break down.

What to do if not that the husband earns little, but the wife's income is several times greater?

And therefore the contribution of a man to the family budget seems insignificant?

It all depends on how wisely the wife behaves. If you poke your husband in every way that your income is greater, you can do without him, since you can provide for yourself, it may happen that you really have to do without him later, since the horse will go to the one who will needed. This mistake should not be made by those wives who produce their husbands. After all, if he was told all the time that if it were not for you, then he would have remained so ...

Remain muses to your man so he can treat you like a goddess. May there always be love in your heart, and then your husband earns little or a lot, but your relationship will always be full of happiness.

The modern world brings up strong and self-confident personalities from women. We are used to taking responsibility for our own destiny. However, a woman cannot always be a leader and a breadwinner, there comes a moment when a baby is born. It is nature that sets the right accents in those families where a man does not want to be a full-fledged and reliable leader, as well as for the material support of the family.

This is where problems and problems arise. The surprised woman realizes that the husband is not able to take on at least part of the responsibility for the family, since the wife is now busy at home. It seems that he continues to go to work, but the increased needs and the loss of part of the income (if the wife worked) lead to disastrous consequences.
The husband earns little, and you can no longer buy the face cream you like. Yes, there is cream! Sometimes the situation is heating up more globally.
When a conversation about the lack of funds is brewing, the spouse suddenly refuses to make more efforts to obtain them. He just shrugs his shoulders and recommends that you reduce your "chic" requests, live within your means. However, he does not take into account the fact that you are already significantly limiting yourself, looking for potential where there is none.
The situation can be even more aggravated if two or more offspring grow up in your unit of society. The husband earns little - it means that both are to blame for this.

You, as a wise woman and mother, must first calm down and understand that your husband is dear to you not only because he knows how or not how to make money. And not even because he knows how or does not know how to take responsibility. He is dear to you, you love him. And further - you need to clearly decide for yourself whether you agree to be with him in any life situation or are not ready to endure certain shortcomings.
If you are not ready, it is better to leave immediately, but if there is love in your family, then you need to work hard, but we will tell you how.
Getting to the machine
If the husband earns little, you can earn faster and more than your husband. If the child is small, it is worth attaching him to his grandmother or to a kindergarten. If this is not possible, look for work at home. Now there are many ways to find yourself without leaving home. You will be able to earn decently if you do not limit yourself in the choice. To ease your situation a little, you can invite a nanny. The advantages are obvious - the child will not be deprived of attention, and the mother will have a couple of hours free. There is no need to say that there is no money for a nanny, because the husband earns little. A nanny can be hourly, that is, you will have to pay for her services only a couple of hours a day.
And if it helps you earn at least 50, 100 dollars over the salary of an assistant, you should not refuse such an opportunity.
After all, you can do nothing - do not start working, do not invite a nanny, do not seek to pay for her services and even your whims. Then you will stay where you are, and progress is necessary.

We are on the warpath.
If you choose a thorny path and want to force / teach your husband to earn money - you are here. If the husband earns little or not enough, it will not always be right to take on his responsibilities. This option has obvious and hidden disadvantages.
What is in plain sight: you will be tired, taking on a load of housework and work for hire.
Something that does not immediately catch your eye: your husband will relax and feel confident on your neck. Therefore, we will not give him such an opportunity.

We will work on his earnings.
Talk to the breadwinner. Explain to your husband that he earns little. Your conversation should be built according to a certain scenario. It is important to describe the need (specific) and set a task for the husband - to fulfill it. Think and choose what you need to purchase. For example, a vacuum cleaner - because the child is allergic to dust mites. Or a blender - you need to prepare mashed potatoes for the baby (the doctor said - only with a blender). Or repair. Set a bounding box explaining why it is important to purchase on time. Do not doubt that your husband can do it, speak confidently. Attention: the goal should be realistic, that is, exceed its capabilities by no more than 25-50 percent. In a day, ask him when it will be possible to start repairs / choose a vacuum cleaner. It is important to bring him out of a relaxed, calm state. He must worry about the goal and feel its necessity. Get an answer, speak as if the purchase is a done deal, and there is already money for it. And do not even remember that the husband earns little. Banal advice: praise him. Praise even the rudiments of the qualities you need. Thus, you will instill in him the confidence that he is a significant person, worthy of respect and a solid salary. For example, admire his ability to rationally build a workflow (a manager needs to be able to do this), or praise a creative streak (again, don’t be shy about showing your creativity at work). If your husband has a prospect in the service, your task is to make him took advantage. Help your husband see her. Only the man whose wife is too lazy to be an “engine” earns little. Guide it wisely, quietly, without drawing attention to yourself. Talk to him about what can be done to increase his salary. Let him figure out a way to increase it. For example, ask for a position with a manager or start a business. And then you need to push it in this direction, noticeable to you, without being distracted and very carefully.
Do not forget that the earnings and social position of a man depends on his woman. Only you can instill confidence in him, teach him to strive for the very top, if his mother did not do this.
And believe me, having convinced himself of his merits, he will also appreciate you, the woman who made him!