Cool scenario for the 20th wedding anniversary. Porcelain wedding script (20 years)

Even after 20 years of marriage, a woman should remain a mystery to her husband, an unread book! A piece of mystery must be kept! After all 20th anniversary no wonder they call porcelain wedding- the secret of real Chinese porcelain cannot be discovered until now!
What to gift?
The size of the gift and its price is not the most important thing! What matters is the meaning that you can put into it. The language of gifts is extremely expressive, full of unexpected metaphors and strong images.
On porcelain wedding it is customary to give porcelain or something from furniture: a wardrobe, a soft corner, or a chair. You can also look at the so-called "flea markets" for porcelain figurines - Chinese blanks. These wonderful figurines know how to shake their heads in a funny way, as if in time with the thoughts of the donor. Has an amazing effect when presented!

How to decorate a room?
Chinese style: lanterns, dragon images, mats, Chinese fans, sticks.
Dragon Tail game
Participants stand in a row one after another and hold on to the belt of the player standing in front. The goal of the first player in the chain is to catch the last player. In this case, the chain should not break.
Competition "Smart Eater"
You need to eat rice with Chinese chopsticks. Who is faster?
Competition "Super Gourmet"
The contestants are blindfolded and asked to taste and smell various foods and spices: sugar, salt, pepper, vanillin, basil, nutmeg, etc.

  • Chinese lanterns
  • Silk handkerchiefs
  • Porcelain cups, mortars
  • porcelain figurines

Porcelain wedding toasts

Once upon a time, the inhabitants of Ancient China invented the technology of making porcelain. And despite the fact that centuries later, porcelain has spread throughout the world, Chinese porcelain remains the most expensive and unique and is valued above any other. So let's drink to ensure that the "porcelain" of your life is not inferior in quality to Chinese!

At Chinese porcelain
There is a mystery, which is not new.
You lived together for a long time
The secret was never revealed.
So that there is something to strive for,
To gain wisdom.
It always happens in life
The secret has been studied for a long time.
Experiencing love and passion
Knowing how not to get lost with her.
On your solid anniversary,
20 years is like 20 days
They flew by very quickly
That you didn't see them.
If everything goes smoothly
That life is very sweet
After all, you know, friends,
Porcelain is fragile, like family.
But it doesn't threaten you
Your union love keeps.
Learned to let go and
Insults you forgive.
If you continue like this,
Then we'll celebrate
Your wedding in silver
We have never seen this before anywhere.

Here are two decades
Along the common road
You passed without knowing the troubles,
Light and loaded.
Not grown old hopes
Young strength
Deep look, fresh voice
And fate is beautiful.
May love always keep
You and henceforth, relatives.
And a lucky star
Shines like the first time!

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Scenario #10108

Wedding scenario
as of 20.07.2012
Love and Valery

Vedas: Dear friends, today we are celebrating the porcelain wedding of Natasha and Andryushenka Tkachenko, which means that our young people have lived together for 20 years. We ask you anniversaries to open the celebration with the first dance. "Weather in the house"
Porcelain you are ours, open the secret, what feeling tied you together?

With love, our porcelain anniversaries walk through life, and I will ask the guests to fill their glasses with a drink “Happy Holidays!”.
Toast: Dear guests! I propose a toast to the happiness and love of the newlyweds!
From bowls filled to the brim
Drink the drink of happiness to the bottom.
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts, dear ones,
May it be sweeter than honey and wine!

Vedas: Tell me, young people, is 20 years old a lot or a little?
To make the next years of their lives even happier, you need to break a porcelain cup for good luck.
Test "Cup": two cups are drawn, one of them is cut into pieces. The subjects are asked to assemble the cup and glue it, after which the glued cup is compared with the original.

Toast: If a man is persistent, he will definitely achieve what a woman wants. So let's drink to ensure that the desire of men and the desire of women always coincide! For a strong and harmonious union of two hearts!
"May you live happily ever after"
The guests sing the song “We wish you happiness” all together.
Vedas: Dear friends! Today is a solemn day not only for the young couple, but also for their parents, who have been observing the union of their children for 20 years now. I give them the floor.
Congratulations from parents.
Young people give porcelain souvenirs to their parents.
"We're Together"
Vedas: Natashenka and Andryushenka did not waste their time for 20 years and gave the world the flowers of life. The word for congratulations is given to your children.
Children's performance.
Toast: Beautiful youth, when all the time you want
Laugh and dream!
Feeling in love all the time
Soar in the clouds and look at the world
Through rose-colored glasses.
Has this time for our young people passed?
Let's disagree with this!
Let us wish them to remain in the state of youth
For the rest of my life. Bitterly!!!
Vedas: Dear friends! Our young people are in the prime of their lives, their love also blooms and smells sweet. And what gives love a dizzying aroma? These are words spoken with tenderness and love - affectionate.
Test "Tender words" (apples studded with matches).

Toast: The sage was asked: when are good
relationship between husband and wife?
- When the husband does not hear what the wife says, and the wife
does not see what the husband is doing, the sage answered.
So let's drink to a good relationship between husband and wife!
Congratulations from friends
Reportage (Stegs)
The game "Ring" (matches and a ring)
Toast: Not complicated, even very simple. Half-forgotten old toast:
May you be with you again and again - Hope, Faith and Love!
(Tanya) Lecture
Test "Girl of my dreams"
competition "Sex - shop Madame Gritsatsuyeva"
All participants are blindfolded and placed opposite each other. 6 clothespins cling to each. The task is to find clothespins on your partner and take them off (music sounds for 2 minutes). Whoever has the most clothespins removed wins.

Toast: Someone rightly noticed
Life is Beautiful and amazing,
If ... drank beforehand
To feel how beautiful our life is
I invite everyone to have a drink!
"Love lives on earth"
The game "Chinese Opera" ("Song of Good Mood", "Song of Bears")

Papa Carlo's reproductive organ? (Chisel)
An apple cut into pieces? (dismemberment)
Who is the husband of the sow? (Pigpapa)
Grandma's husband, but not grandfather? (Philip Kirkorov)
People who live only on labor income? (Shooters)
Grain that has passed fire, water and copper pipes? (Moonshine)
Sex shop in the desert? (Sexy)
What could be better than a glass of good wine? (Bottle)
A man interested in older women, grandmothers? (Womanizer)
Who was the first nudist? (Adam)
The person who laughs both first and last? (toastmaster)
Sexual promiscuity of a southerner? (Mustache)
Polovtsian dances? (Striptease)
Lover taster? (Don Juan)
What is the most common mode of transmission? (Kiss)
Vedas: Let's ask our newlyweds to infect us all with Love - BITTER!!!

Wedding scenario
- Porcelain wedding
- 20 years

A married couple, who have lived a long and difficult life in love and harmony, invariably evokes a feeling of respect and admiration. It has long been a custom among the people to celebrate wedding anniversaries.

A porcelain wedding celebrates twenty years together.

The name of this wedding is due to the quality characteristics of porcelain. Firstly, after 15 years of married life, the glass day is celebrated.
wedding. And porcelain, as you know, is a more valuable material than glass, but no less fragile. Twenty years of living together is called a porcelain jubilee, implying that living together for twenty years is a great merit, but marriage in this case is fragile, so it, like porcelain, must be treated with extreme care.

The main tradition followed when celebrating a porcelain wedding is table setting with porcelain dishes. It is customary to serve treats to guests on
new porcelain, as it is believed that there is no trace of the old services left.

Usually this celebration is celebrated at home, as a family holiday, in which relatives and closest friends of the anniversaries take part. But this is not a dogma, so do as you wish.

As for gifts, there are no restrictions. However, most of the guests
opt for porcelain products.

When making a gift, those who came to the celebration can simultaneously say their congratulations.

If you decide to give your friends (or relatives) a china bowl, you can say: “I join in all the congratulations and I want to give you this bowl. Let it be a symbol of the cup of life, full of happiness and joy!”

And you can accompany your present with the following words:

To make it even fuller and deeper
Your life would be filled
Symbol of love and friendship
Let this cup serve!

If you want to present a porcelain vase to your loved ones, then in congratulations we advise you to express the hope that the spouse of the hero of the occasion will not let this vase be empty: “May it always be filled with flowers given as a token of eternal love!”

When giving a porcelain service, you can say the following words: “We make this gift with the hope that it will decorate your table on your golden wedding day!”

If your gift is any porcelain figurine, then, congratulating your dear people, you can say:

“I congratulate you on this wonderful event and suggest that in moments when one of you falls into anger, the other would not get excited, but be like this immovable figure!”

In the event that you decide to donate not a porcelain product, but any other thing, we also advise you to accompany the donation ceremony with some original statement.

By the way, wedding sayings and jokes accompanying the gift ceremony are a long tradition. From time immemorial, it has been customary to say phrases like the following:

“I give you a couple of rubles so that you live like a pair of pigeons!”;

“I give you a bowl so that you don’t sit close to strangers!”;

“I give a penny so that the peasant is good!”;

“I give copper pennies so that you will never be poor!”

Today, you can use something like these words, depending on what you are giving:

Fridge: "So that there is somewhere to cool off in moments of fervor and so that delicious food always waits for the arrival of a spouse from a business trip."

Vacuum cleaner: "To carefully and timely collect rubbish after quarrels."

Gold items:“An advance gift, just in case I suddenly miss your golden wedding, which will definitely take place.”

Dishes: "So that there is no reason to leave her husband hungry."

Telephone set:
"To save each other's nerves: to warn when you are late and when you return earlier than usual."

Bedding set:
“Let this gift mark a new, yet
a more beautiful era in your intimate life."

Vouchers for the sea, camp site, etc.:“For you to tell each other once again that life is really beautiful.”

. You can congratulate the anniversaries like this:
You've been married for twenty years.
Peace, happiness to you, friends!
With this holiday
I want to congratulate you!
Twenty years! What happiness -
Understand everything and forgive everything
On a sunny day, in bad weather -
Love the same!
Do not bow down from blows!
Do not become pessimists.
stay young
Twenty years later again!
Let the silver pattern
Your life will sparkle!
We need, as once; then,
"Bitterly!" shout together!
Congratulations on your porcelain wedding,
With the fact that you lived for years without a quarrel!
Though it happened, probably, everything,
But if you are together - it's nothing!
Porcelain is very fragile
You take care of him!
And together, like a dove with a dove
You are long; live long!

As you know, not a single anniversary passes without toasts. The porcelain wedding is no exception.

I know what helped these people to live 20 years in an atmosphere of complete mutual understanding: let's drink to Faith, Hope, Love!

To live together together for twenty years, you will have to show patience more than once. Therefore, a toast to patience is traditional at a porcelain wedding.

Often we, deciding to marry,
We can't find out:
The temper of a mouse or a tigress
The one we choose to marry.
The Taming of the Shrew -
Oh no easy task!
But, believe me, patient
Luck is sure to come!
Let's drink to patience!

Many, celebrating the twentieth anniversary of their life together, sigh, regretting that so much is already behind, that the years have flown by.

In refutation of these sad thoughts, guests can make such toasts:

No need to be afraid of your years
Although you live together twenty.
If you are friends with each other,
That means they didn't live in vain!

Let's drink and bless all the beautiful things that you had during these years spent together!

The twentieth wedding anniversary is called porcelain. Not because the relationship of the spouses can again become fragile, like material-symbol, but because a new turning point is coming in their life. Surely, there are children in the family who have reached the age when you can already live your own life. Spouses in this case, it's time to again take care of their own lives. For example, start traveling, get involved in new hobbies.

20 years of marriage is a great time to diversify relationships with romantic notes again. And, of course, in the hustle and bustle of business, we must not forget about the celebration of such a wonderful date.

Idea 1: Celebrating 20 years of marriage

Many couples are wondering how to celebrate 20 years of marriage, and not without reason, since this is already a solid anniversary. According to the traditions, it is customary to celebrate a porcelain wedding in a wide circle of friends who were once at the wedding. For example, you can:

  • Celebrate the holiday in a restaurant or a cozy cafe. For such a place to hold a celebration, it is recommended to agree a month in advance and send an invitation to relatives at least 14 days in advance.
  • Celebrate in nature. It can be a classic picnic or order a summer terrace.
  • Spend a holiday at home - cozy and family-like.

In any case, it is recommended to serve dishes in porcelain dishes and decorate the room accordingly. Alternatively, you can hold a tea ceremony using a porcelain service. This will be an original addition to the holiday.

Helpful hints:another option would be to celebrate the anniversary in a themed style. For example, you can introduce a dress code, announcing to your friends the desire to see more white clothes on them, such a snow-white color as porcelain. When decorating the room, you can use white balls.

Idea 2: Gifts for 20th wedding anniversary

Another important issue that worries many is considered: for 20 years of the wedding, what to give:

- Spouses:

- Wife:

  • Jewelry box.
  • Porcelain piggy bank.
  • Jewelry.
  • Kitchen utensils.

Helpful hints: the spouse will certainly be pleased with another gift, not necessarily related to the theme of the anniversary. She, probably, really wants new elite cosmetics, spend time with her husband in a chic restaurant, visit a spa center.

- Husband:

  • Author's cup made of porcelain.
  • An ashtray made of material-symbol.
  • Figurine on the desktop.
  • Silhouette portrait.

Helpful hints:and you can give your husband a gift that is not related to the theme of the anniversary. Maybe the husband dreams of receiving more practical items as a gift. For example, power tools, PC accessories, tools for his hobby.

Idea 3: Congratulations on your 20th wedding anniversary

There are many options for congratulations for every wedding anniversary. However, the porcelain anniversary is a very important holiday for spouses and therefore it should be carefully prepared for. By choosing for 20 years of wedding congratulations:


- in prose:

congratulations 1:

We congratulate you on another anniversary date of your wedding. Every anniversary is a big holiday, because on this day your family was born. On this day, the union of your hearts was solemnly sealed with signatures. We know you as a happy married couple who lived a long life in love and harmony, as wonderful people, rich in heart and soul, amazing people. Despite all the hardships that you had to endure in this life, you survived, kept love, youth and loyalty to each other, raised wonderful children!

congratulations 1:

Our precious anniversaries! In the age of family boats being especially precarious, you manage to overcome all the obstacles and other nonsense together decisively, undermining the life together of two loving people who once created a family. Let the secret of the strength of your relationship be inherited and lead to the creation of a powerful and happy dynasty. Let wedding anniversaries become the most beloved and frequent holidays where they know how to love and teach fidelity by their own example. We heartily congratulate you, wish you health and prosperity!

- in verse:

congratulations 1:

Porcelain graceful on the table
As a symbol of purity in the family.
You wisely for twenty years
Love kept yes advice.
Yes, everything in your family is in order:
The house is rich in children and happiness,
Care, tenderness, warmth -
And your merit is in that.
And we are pleased to congratulate
Family, where peace and grace,
Where the union of hearts is saved
And fidelity, the strength of marriage bonds.
We heartily congratulate you!
We wish you endless love!
Let the children gladden the hearts
And happiness will be endless!

Congratulation 2:

You've been married for twenty years.
Peace, happiness to you, friends!
With this long awaited date
I want to congratulate you!

Twenty years! What happiness -
Understand everything and forgive everything
On a sunny day, in bad weather -
Love the same!

Do not bow down from blows!
Do not become pessimists.
Stay young
Twenty years later again!

Let the silver pattern
Your life will sparkle!
We need, as before,
"Bitterly!" shout together!


congratulations 1:

I didn't think that I could
Be a faithful husband for 20 years
But I love you so much
There are no others, no!

And happy anniversary now
I want to congratulate my wife
And tell her once again -
That I love you alone!

Congratulation 2:

You are a wonderful wife for 20 years,
Your family is wonderful, I will not hide!
I wish you were in love
And to love with true love!

Girlfriend, I want to wish you
So that a lot of happiness awaits in life,
I want to congratulate you and say -
May many miracles await you in fate!


congratulations 1:

I am 20 years old to you, my beloved,
I dedicate myself to the ground,
And always happy with you
And every moment I glorify you.
I want to wish you today
So that we are happy forever
Come here, I want to hug you
May our love last forever!

Congratulation 2:

Happy porcelain wedding day, beloved,
We will celebrate 20 years together,
Our anniversary year will be wonderful,
And we'll save the porcelain, we won't beat it.
20 years, so much happiness and passion,
Difficult, but powerful love,
Never shy of warm feelings
And so they lived in happiness.

Helpful hints:it will also turn out very well if you choose congratulations in prose for 20 years of the wedding. You can also express your love for your spouse or wife in them, say “thank you» for years together.


You do not want a banal wedding anniversary, where the whole celebration takes place at a feast and toasts? We are in a hurry to rectify the situation, the wedding portal offers you a thematic scenario for your wedding anniversary. Of course, one cannot do without toasts to the heroes of the occasion, as well as funny contests and other entertainment for guests. Anniversary script with competitions in the style of "Operation Y or Shurik's other adventures" will be an excellent solution for celebrating absolutely any anniversary, because these films are widely known to both the young and the older generation.

The script for the wedding anniversary in the style of "Shurik's Adventures"

The scenario of the wedding day is already in the past, the first or next round anniversary is approaching. You probably already have a list of guests prepared, from which you need to choose three daredevils who, according to the scenario of the anniversary, will try on the images of the Coward, the Dunce and the Experienced. It is they who are the first to meet the "groom" and demand a ransom for their "bride". The wife is waiting for several competitions and only then will he be taken to his wife.

Contests for spouse

Women things

Props: bag, wife's cosmetics (mascara, lipstick, hair curlers, comb, tongs and other accessories), black blindfold handkerchief.

A blindfolded spouse needs to get one thing out of the bag and guess what it is. The more items are guessed, the more likely it is to see your beloved wife faster.

Art Gallery

Props: funny photos from the life of a couple (pictures).

The spouse is offered to walk along the counter with paintings and comment on the masterpieces he has seen. The funnier the photo, the more interesting it is for guests to listen to stories from the hero of the occasion.

Solemn meeting with his wife

Seeing each other, the spouses approach the wedding registrar, whose role any guest can try on. The marriage survey begins:

“Before exchanging rings, we must be sure that the couple is ready to continue their family life. I ask you to answer, groom, did you carry your love for your wife intact? Are you ready to continue to admire her talent, wisdom and extraordinary beauty? Will you be glad in the near future to be called father-in-law / father-in-law and beloved grandfather?

After the affirmative answer of the spouse, the registrar turns to the "bride":

“Bride, are you tired of carrying the burden of marriage? Are you disappointed in your choice? Are you ready for many more years to be called the happiest wife? Do you agree to be called mother-in-law / mother-in-law soon?

After the mutual consent of the spouses, the registrar offers to exchange rings as a sign of reverent love and unbreakable fidelity. There is a pause here, since the spouses do not have rings. The Dunce appears with a plastered hand (toilet paper can act as a plaster if the audience perceives such a joke, or just a bandage) and invites the spouses to find the rings, and then exchange them.

After that, according to the scenario of the anniversary, the feast is declared open, and guests are invited to the festive table.

Holiday table competitions

In order for the celebration of the anniversary not to turn into an evening of toasts, we suggest diluting the script with several original contests.

Movie session

Coward, Dunce and Experienced offer the whole cast to go to the cinema and announce the beginning of the film show. Everyone present needs to guess from which movie the following quotes sound:

  • Announce the entire list, please.
  • How do I get to the library?
  • What a disgusting thing this fish of yours is.
  • A toast without wine is like a wedding night without a bride.
  • Who will plant him? He's a monument!

The catchphrases will fill the script with a certain atmosphere, and the celebration of the wedding anniversary will become even more interesting. The person who guessed the largest number of quotes is entitled to a prize.

best toast

The couple fills a glass with wine and passes it to the first guest. Music sounds, and the glass is passed around. The one on whom the music has stopped must make a toast to the spouses. The best congratulations are chosen by the heroes of the occasion.

Remembering the alphabet

An alternative to the previous competition can be a simple competition for ingenuity. The host calls all the letters of the alphabet in turn. Guests also need to compose a mini-toast for the spouses on the spot, which will begin with a certain letter. Eg:

  • Oh, what a pleasure to attend this celebration!
  • Be always...
  • This is what we've been waiting for...
  • Dear guests...

Competitions for guests

In addition to drinking competitions, it is very interesting to participate in dance competitions.

twist lesson

Experienced "shoots" a cigarette and teaches everyone to dance the twist. Music for such contests can be chosen in the theme of the anniversary (from Soviet films). The best dancers receive funny gifts.

Everybody dance!

Coward, Dunce and Experienced appear on the dance floor and start an incendiary dance. After some time, the music stops, and the guys choose their partners from the audience. The dancing continues. After the next stop, couples are exchanged and new participants are involved in the dance. The competition continues until all the guests are on the dance floor. With each stop, you can change the music, the competition will become even more interesting.

Team competitions are a guarantee of good mood and friendly atmosphere. The most original of them are presented below.

We change places

Two teams participate in this competition - women's and men's. For the female audience, they offer to listen to the soundtracks of real male films, according to which the girls must guess the name of the film. Accordingly, for guys, the task is the opposite - to guess the most "female" films. For example, men's films and series: "Rocky", "Brigade", "Kill Bill", "The Godfather". Women's - "Balzac age or all men are theirs ...", "Santa Barbara", "Don't be born beautiful", "Titanic". The team with the most correct answers wins.

Contests for spouses

Not a single scenario of a marital anniversary is complete without competitions that can be held by both the toastmaster (leader) and one of the guests.

Get into the bag

In the midst of the celebration, Coward, Dunce and Experienced can kidnap his wife and return only when the missus packs himself in a sleeping bag, like Shurik from the “Prisoner of the Caucasus”. A lot of positive emotions from guests is guaranteed.

Recognize me, love!

The wife is blindfolded and offered to find her husband among other men by earlobe or nose shape.

As you can see, a rich competition program is suitable for celebrating any wedding anniversary. You can view other cool scripts for a wedding anniversary, a golden wedding script, as well as a silver wedding script on our website