Questions for the wedding to the groom for the rite of ransom of the bride. Interesting questions about newlyweds for guests: list, features and options

When two loving hearts decided to legitimize their relationship and get married, the material of this article will help them. It is necessary that guests do not just sit, get bored, eat and drink. It is important that the wedding was not only memorable, but fun and interesting. To do this, there are all kinds of competitions that will cheer up guests and leave a pleasant impression. Even if there is no toastmaster at the wedding, you can organize a holiday on your own and do it efficiently.

Funny questions for the bride

It is worth considering issues for the wedding of the bride. This test will help to understand whether the young wife knows everything about the groom. To do this, you must first ask these questions to your spouse in order to further compare the answers and thus entertain the guests. The host of the celebration passes the microphone to his wife, and friends listen with curiosity to the answers. After the answer is called, the presenter calls the groom's answer. This competition will help young people to become even closer, perhaps even learn something new about the second half.

Sample questions might be as follows.

  1. What was your spouse wearing when you first met?
  2. What was the first movie you saw together?
  3. What is your sweetheart's favorite musical composition?
  4. What is his favorite pet?
  5. What kind of car does your chosen one dream of?
  6. What is the groom's least favorite dish?
  7. What does a husband like most about a bride?
  8. What must be in the fridge for a loved one?
  9. What color car does he want?
  10. What can always please your dear?
  11. What does the groom most often buy for beer?
  12. What household chores does your chosen one especially dislike doing?
  13. How many children do you want?
  14. If there is a fire, what thing will he take out of the apartment first?
  15. What part of the bride's body does he like the most?
  16. What is the groom's shoe size?
  17. What color of underpants does he have the most?

The bride should answer quickly and, preferably, funny. Unforgettable months spent, or maybe years with a sweetheart, should help answer correctly. Here it is important not to overdo it with questions, so as not to create an awkward situation for the bride.

Checking the groom for knowledge of his chosen one

It will be fair if the groom also tells what he knows about the bride.

To do this, the toastmaster hands the microphone to the spouse and can ask the following questions:

What will your sweetheart choose: a trip to the club or dinner at home by candlelight?

- What kind of vacation does the bride like - on the sea beach or in the forest by the river among the pines?

What car does your sweetheart want to buy?

- What is your favorite animal?

What will she choose - ice cream or cake?

What kind of music does the bride like?

How many children do you want?

What animal can your beloved compare you to?

Let the questions be simple so that the groom does not spend a lot of time and effort answering them.

Interesting questions for both heroes of the occasion

It turns out very funny if two young people perform the task at once. The competition is called "Question and Answer". The bride and groom are asked to come to the center of the hall. They stand back to back so as not to see each other. Each is given one flag of a certain color and questions are asked. If the participant of the game believes that the question is about him, then he raises his flag. It will be funny when both raise their flag. The audience should applaud enthusiastically in support of the participants.

Sample questions:

- Who was the first to ask you out?

Which member was the first to decide that it was time for the first kiss?

- Who was the first to decide that it was time to play a wedding?

- Who will cook breakfast?

- Who will decide what movie you will watch in the evening?

Who will manage the family budget?

Who will see off the guests who stay up late at night?

Who will always forgive everything?

Who will receive more salary?

- Who will get up to the child at night?

Who is the most in love person on earth?

Another interesting contest that uses cool questions. It's called Responsibilities. The toastmaster prepares in advance leaflets with answers for the spouses, which they take turns pulling and reading aloud, saying “I will ...” and then an extended answer. Answer options may be as follows:

- to play football;

- vacuuming;

- wash the dishes;

- watch TV;

- prepare;

- to go shopping;

- lying on the sofa;

- drink cold beer;

- teach a child to write;

- clean the floor;

- knit a scarf;

- to make repairs in the house;

- bake pies;

- darn socks;

- barbecue;

- spend money;

- showing off at the mirror.
A wedding is an important moment in the life of every person, so let it be bright and unforgettable. Use pre-designed contests. Let the mood on this day be only excellent, and everything will go well. Fate brought two people together, so let's help her make the holiday of two lovers the beginning of a truly happy family life.

You will need

  • - drawing paper;
  • - colored markers;
  • - scotch;
  • - Balloons;
  • - threads;
  • - 3 Keys;
  • - photos;
  • - colored paper;
  • - scissors;
  • - a tray;
  • - plastic bag.


Starting to prepare a ransom script, find out the character of the groom. Someone will be able to joyfully and carelessly dance on the basin, sing to the guitar and shout to the whole entrance about love for the bride, but for some such tasks may seem too extreme. It is sad if the ransom is overshadowed by a sense of embarrassment and the groom's refusal to complete the tasks. Check with your future wife questions for redemption.

invent questions on ingenuity, try to keep them with humor. You can, for example, ask about the location of a mole on the bride's face, which actually does not exist. Do not ask too simple or too complex questions. Remember that the groom will not arrive alone, so try to ensure that the entire “retinue” of the newlywed is involved in your scenario. Remind friends to help groom when passing tests.

If the future husband knows how to play any musical instrument, use this skill in . Offer, for example, to serenade a newlywed. Prepare the tool in advance. Also, take care of the musical accompaniment for the dance competition in the ransom scenario ahead of time. For example, ask the groom and his friends to perform.

Offer to find out how well the groom knows his future wife. To do this, prepare a poster with numbers that are significant for the bride. These can be dates, acquaintances, numbers indicating the size of clothes, shoes, rings, house numbers, apartments, vehicles, etc. Design a poster, for example, in the form of a flower, on each petal of which a number is written.

Use the stairs in the entrance, along which the future husband will climb to the apartment. Cut out hearts from paper, glue them on the steps of the stairs and offer groom stepping on the hearts, affectionately call the bride. As an option - to call different diminutive forms of her name. It is not so easy to come up with so many names for your beloved. Or ask the newlywed to tell you how he will help his future wife with household chores. Each step is one thing. You can also offer to name the reasons why the future husband marries, stepping on each step.

Beat the entrance to the bride's apartment. Hide the key to the apartment in balloons - let the groom guess in which balloon the key is hidden. If he makes a mistake, he must pay a fine, the amount of which is written in advance on the balls with a marker. You can also hide the key in one of the three glasses with opaque drinks, such as juice of different colors. Ask the newlywed's friends to help you drink a drink to see if the key is there. Or invite your future husband to ring the doorbell with your heel. Of course, friends will help in this task.

In the apartment, stick several children's photographs on the wall, one of which depicts the bride. Ask the groom which one. In case of a mistake, ask the future husband to pay the fine and try again. As a fine, you can use not only money, but also sweets for the bridesmaids. Or ask to perform any penalty task.

If you have a good memory, ask questions V . They are easy to find or compose on your own, and such a ransom will look much more festive and interesting. Joke, smile, smooth out awkwardness. Remember that the groom is worried, and be indulgent. Do not demand an answer to the question at all costs, it is better to assign a penalty task or let him pay off.

Anna Lyubimova June 28, 2018, 11:20

Any wedding is a whole complex of traditions and rituals that alternate in succession and denote the union of a man and a woman both on a spiritual and material level. The last one is redemption. This is a very ancient custom, which among our ancestors had a very definite meaning and was significant, and today it has turned into fun. Therefore, the organizers of the wedding prepare questions for the groom in advance for the ransom of the bride, as well as tests for him. Without this, the newlywed is not supposed to go out to the groom.

What is a bride price?

In ancient times, the departure of a daughter from her parental home to her husband's family was extremely practical. Parents lost an additional "working unit", so they reasonably reasoned that the groom was supposed to pay for such a loss. From here came the custom of redemption of the bride, which is still preserved among some peoples.

The wedding ransom from our distant ancestors was expressed in any material values

For the bride they could give money either some real goods, household items. Furs, cattle, fabrics, etc. were used as such payment.

Over time, this rule has grown into a tradition - often fun and optional. Now the groom was required not to pay for the chosen one with money or things, but to show dexterity or ingenuity. Therefore, the tasks for the groom to ransom the bride were prepared by girlfriends and her relatives. All this was accompanied by laughter and jokes. Moreover, often such tasks looked rather tough, intricate.

Perhaps this was done in order to test the character of the chosen one, to make him demonstrate patience along with ingenuity.

Today, many wedding planners oppose foreclosures. This tradition is called archaic and incomprehensible to modern young people. However, despite such criticism, the custom is still included in most wedding scenarios. Therefore, the groom needs to be prepared for the fact that he will be asked tricky questions about the bride or come up with unexpected tests. Is it worth refusing the ransom if it is still considered a natural stage of a bright wedding day?

Photo of the groom at the bride price

Questions for the groom at the ransom

The ransom procedure at the bride's house begins. If she lives in a high-rise building, and even on one of the upper floors, then the fun expands to unimaginable limits. Indeed, according to the scenario, the newlywed must make his way to his chosen one, overcoming many obstacles. They are satisfied with the bride's girlfriends. The witness and friends act as assistants to the groom. The task of the “defenders” is to ask cool questions to the groom at the bride price and for each correct answer they are allowed to move forward. Here it all depends on the imagination of girlfriends and from the length of the path along which the newlywed must pass.

If a guy with the help of friends successfully copes with the next task, he can take the next step. If in response, an error crept in - pays a fine. When preparing the script, you need to think about how the groom will be paid. Perhaps it will be coins, sweets or some small souvenirs.

Meeting the groom at the bride price

What questions the groom is asked at the ransom are decided by the ransom organizers themselves. As a rule, there are quite a lot of such questions, because everyone wants to have fun as long as possible. Most often, the dialogue between the bridesmaids and the groom, one way or another, concerns the newlywed.

Here is an example groom's to-do list:

  1. Name the happy day of the first meeting with the chosen one.
  2. Name the hour at which the first date of the couple was scheduled.
  3. What flowers does the bride prefer?
  4. Her favorite season of the year?
  5. What is the size of the bride's waist?
  6. What dish makes her really disgusted?
  7. What is the name of her favorite perfume?
  8. Name the words that the groom first explained to the bride in love.
  9. How many friends does the bride have?
  10. What cartoon did she like to watch the most as a child?
  11. Her favorite alcoholic drink?
  12. What size shoes does the bride wear?
  13. What is the best vacation for her?
  14. With what grades did the bride finish school?
  15. What subject did she excel in at school?
  16. What did her relatives call her in childhood (home nickname)?
  17. Which country would she choose to live in?
  18. Does she have a cherished dream, and if so, which one?
  19. What are the three qualities she values ​​most in men?
  20. How many children does she want to have in marriage?

As you can see, many questions about the bride are tricky, so far from all the groom will be able to answer on the fly. But on the same list sometimes there are questions about mother-in-law. For example:

  1. What words did the future mother-in-law meet the groom for the first time?
  2. When is her birthday?
  3. Does she love to dance?
  4. With what will the mother-in-law serve pancakes to the future son-in-law?
  5. Does she believe in horoscopes?
  6. Does mother-in-law read newspapers?
  7. What is the color of her eyes?
  8. What are the hobbies of the future father-in-law (fishing, summer cottage, etc.)?

Such wedding riddles at the ransom with answers must be thought out in advance. They are compiled together with the bride - because otherwise it will be impossible to check whether the groom is telling the truth or coming up with excuses.

The groom answers the questions of the guests during the ransom of the bride

Grooms, get ready for the ransom!

In addition to funny and not so funny questions, wedding scenarios often contain funny tests for the groom. Often it can be stymied by a trick with a wet towel. A wetted towel is handed to the groom and offered to tie as tightly as his feelings for the chosen one. When the knot turns out to be conscientiously tightened, it is proposed to untie it as quickly as domestic disputes quickly disappear. It is clear that in one second it is tight tied a wet knot on a towel not untie, so it will most likely need the help of friends.

Photo of the bride and groom at the wedding

There are separate tasks for the witness on the stairs. He may be asked to jump up a flight of stairs on one leg, or to carry a witness there. By the way, the witness in the old days called himself a friend and was quite an impressive figure at the wedding. He was the manager, performed the function of the main support of the groom. So the witness participates in the ransom ceremony on a par with the groom. Often it is he who pays the ransom instead of the groom, who does not need to stuff the pockets of his wedding suit with every little thing.

In fact, arrange a bride price at your wedding or not is everyone's business. You can pay tribute to traditions, or you can come up with something of your own. Perhaps in the future your ideas will also become traditional and popular among other newlyweds.

The ransom of the bride is one of those traditions where the groom must prove his worth. After all, close girls want to be sure that the young man will be able to feed his family and, in general, is quite determined.

And according to custom, money is given to the woman's parents to compensate them for the loss of labor. It used to be like this, but now the ransom is more fun, so the girlfriends are trying to create an interesting scenario. The organizers include in it one of the contests showing how well a man knows his beloved, so it is important to prepare questions for the groom for ransom.

When they want to ask the groom questions, they are not voiced directly, otherwise it will look like an exam. The future wife invites the bridesmaids, who come up with a story and choose one of the contests with questions, for example, name your favorite flowers, the color of your beloved, etc.

The essence of these questions is to understand, through the answers to the original, funny, tricky test tasks, how well the future groom knows his beloved and how much he wants to live together.

Wedding examples of contests:

  1. "Chamomile". The organizers create a paper flower with a question written on the back of the petals.
  2. "Pop the ball." For this competition, a piece of paper with a question is placed in the balls, after which it is inflated. And the groom is offered to destroy it in order to find out the question. At the same time, it is very good to create difficult situations - to burst the balloon without touching it (with the help of lemon juice), or to hit it with a darts dart.
  3. "Roulette". To create a competition, the organizers in the children's department of the store buy a toy roulette and a ball for it. Separately, a list of questions is prepared, which are distributed by color or number. If the list is numbered, then it is necessary to create 2-3 questions for each number. The groom bets money and spins the wheel. When the ball stops, the presenter voices the question, and if the man answers incorrectly, then the money is taken. If the answer is correct, then the contestant is given a token. The participant needs to collect 5-7 chips in order to pass to the next test.
  4. "Lottery". To create it, use a drum with balls. The groom twists the handle and pulls out a few balls. Well, if the spheres open, then you can put notes with questions in them. If not, then they additionally create a canvas with cells in which the same numbers are written as on the balls. They contain two colored cards: one yellow with a question, and the second red with a penalty task. Or, instead of a fine, the groom should put money in his pocket. If there is no desire or opportunity to buy a drum, then it can be replaced with a transparent vase filled with multi-colored squares folded from paper. In this case, the cards can be decorated with rhinestones or satin bows.
  5. "Poster with a schematic image." On a large sheet of drawing paper there are several images - these can be traces of lips, colored prints of palms or feet, or outlines of the waist. The groom must guess what mark his beloved left, for each mistake he must pay a fine or recite a poem about the beauty of his couple.
  6. "Posters with puzzles." This competition requires ingenuity to encrypt the desired meaning in pictures or numbers. You will also need minimal artistic ability or the ability to create a collage on a computer. At the same time, the collage must be large, and special equipment will be required to print it. It is best to choose an A1 or A2 sheet size, smaller or larger canvases will look too out of place.

If they use roulette or another competition with prizes given to the groom, then the props should have wishes that help in family life.

They can be serious or funny, but always in a positive way. All contests must fit the theme of the holiday, so the entire inventory is decorated with hearts, rings or doves.

It is also possible to place figurines or pictures symbolizing lovers on the surface. Sometimes posters or other flat items are decorated with photos of the bride and groom.

Often these are paired shots, but there can be single shots, then they create a love story from them.

Trick questions - list

It is believed that for a happy family life, a couple needs to know everything about each other. And so the groom is asked questions about the bride, but sometimes the bridesmaids decide to diversify the event.

To do this, they ask questions that are difficult to answer immediately, or those that have two answers: obvious and wrong, and correct, but unlikely. These questions need to be drafted in advance and figure out how to sound them correctly.. List of possible questions:

  1. What kind of flowers does your beloved prefer to receive as a gift?
  2. What kind of fragrance does she use in the summer and what kind in the winter?
  3. Favorite dish and drink of father-in-law and mother-in-law.
  4. What is the size of the beloved's feet according to European standards?
  5. Does the bride's favorite and best time of the year coincide?
  6. What was her favorite song at the start of the relationship?
  7. On what day of the lunar cycle was the marriage proposal made?
  8. How many minutes was the bride late for the first date?
  9. On what day of the week was the application submitted to the registry office?
  10. How many days have the bride and groom known each other, and how long have they been in a relationship?
  11. What was the bride's favorite toy as a child?
  12. What is the size of the waist of the bride (can I provide a belt for the groom to fasten it on the desired loop)?
  13. Mother-in-law's birthday.
  14. What are the bride's hobbies?
  15. What awards does the bride have?
  16. What flowers does the bride's grandmother like?
  17. What animal does the girl associate herself with (what totem)?

The list of questions can be continued indefinitely, the main thing is that they have a hidden meaning or a double meaning. But it is important to remember about moderation, and not to slip into banality. Questions must be selected carefully, and interspersed with simple ones, so that it does not seem that they are trying to discredit the groom on purpose.

Gradually, the number of easy tasks decreases, and the number of difficult ones increases.

Examples of riddles, puzzles and crossword puzzles

In addition to direct questions, the groom can be asked tasks, riddles or puzzles. Most of the riddles are related to the newlyweds, but some show general erudition.

Examples of riddle contests:

  1. Crossword. To create it, you will need to spend energy on compiling a list of questions and then grouping the answers. In order to correctly compose a crossword puzzle, it is better to take one word as a basis, which will be the password for the next competition, and build everything else around it. The most interesting thing is that a man needs to perform some action in order to receive a question. If the groom and the witness cannot complete the task, or find the answer, then they pay a fine.
  2. A glass with ice in which the key to the door is embedded. The man needs to figure out how to get the key using the tools that are laid out on the table. In this case, the glass must not be damaged. And on the surface are a thread, a stick, a piece of cloth, a hammer, a bottle of water. A man must be smart and get the key in 5 minutes.

  1. What sits in a bowl, hanging legs on the sides (vermicelli).
  2. I am everywhere, I am always there, with me the food is delicious, but without me it is insipid (salt).
  3. Who speaks all languages, but knows none (echo).

A children's rebus with animals and objects looks very unusual and funny, the solution of which lies in a hobby or a funny story from the life of a bride.

In this video - ideas for a creative and fun organization of the bride price:

Bridesmaids tend to organize their part of the celebration in a fun and unusual way, so they will have to try to find interesting and ambiguous questions that will be asked to the groom. What contests do you know where you can ask questions?

September 11, 2013

The traditional ritual of ransoming the bride at a wedding is one of the most interesting. It is usually held by bridesmaids or close relatives at the bride's house. The questions at the ransom for the groom are prepared in advance, distributed among the ransom participants at different stages of this ceremony. Such a ritual should take place at a good pace and with humor. It is desirable to decorate the place of the ceremony with posters, balloons and ribbons. The groom must be warned that the ransom will take place without fail, so that he calculates the time. Many modern knights specifically try to avoid this procedure, justifying themselves with a fixed registration time. In such a case, he should simply pay the ransom without haggling.

Questions to the groom at the ransom

Bridesmaids can meet the groom on the threshold of the house and ask simple questions that relate to significant dates for the couple. For each correct answer, the groom is given the right to move on, and in case of an incorrect answer, he must pay a symbolic fine. Such a fee should be commensurate with the financial capabilities of the applicant for the hand and heart of the bride. Sample questions at the ransom for the groom:

  • When did the couple meet?
  • What day and where did the first date take place?
  • What outfit did the bride wear on the first date?
  • What date was the offer made?
  • What date was the application submitted to the registry office?

With gradual progress towards the goal, the questions at the ransom to the groom should be asked more difficult:

  • How many days have the couple known each other? How many hours?
  • What is the bride's favorite dish?
  • Does she sleep with a soft toy, which one?
  • What movies, books, songs does the bride like?
  • What was her grade in history in 5th grade?
  • What shoe size does the bride wear? Such a question can be accompanied by a competition for choosing a suitable insole, of course a new one.
  • What is the shape of the bride's lips? Offer the groom options for lip prints of several girls.
  • What pattern is on the bride's hand? This competition must also be accompanied by a choice of prints from several possible options.
  • What was the name of your classmate in 9th grade? and etc.

In the apartment itself, close relatives can ask the groom questions at the ransom. Sample list of questions:

  • What size is the girl's dress?
  • What day of the week was she born?
  • Where was the bride born?
  • What is the middle name of the girl's father?
  • When are the next of kin's birthdays?
  • What color are the eyes of mother-in-law, brother, sister?
  • Does the bride have diplomas for the study of individual subjects or for sports achievements?
  • Is the girl a member of any organizations or parties?

If the groom and his entourage are impatient, then this company can be punished. Escort to a false bride, such as a male relative dressed in a veil or other funny costume. Such a turn of events will show the groom that the relatives are determined and are not going to give up easily.

In the questions for the groom at the ransom, you can include any funny riddles, preferably for children. As well as simple logical questions taken from any collection, for example, about a kilogram of cotton wool and iron. The ransom process should be led by an experienced person who can make timely adjustments to the ransom script and monitor the mood of the groom. This manager must competently and tactfully extinguish the aggressive outbursts that arise in such cases, be able to compromise and defuse the situation. And then suddenly the groom changes his mind about marrying