Everything about weddings in churches is the sacrament of the Orthodox ceremony. Chastity and Style: Exploring Church Wedding Dresses

If you were invited as a guest to a wedding, it's nice. Only relatives and the closest, time-tested friends who are able to sincerely rejoice and pray for the young are usually offered to attend the church sacrament. But for a person who is not churched, who has not yet seen how a marriage is performed, such an invitation will certainly raise a lot of questions. How should one behave in the temple? What to wear? Should I prepare a gift? You don’t want to lose face in front of the newlyweds who have trusted you!

Choose an outfit

Most likely, you have already guessed that a dress with an erotic thigh-high cutout and fashionable jeans with holes at the knees in the church will be out of place. On the other hand, you still have to participate in the celebration, which will last even after visiting the temple. Therefore, you need to look accordingly. What to wear to wedding guests so as not to violate strict canons and remain captured in all their glory in wedding photographs?

First of all, take care of the headdress, as women are not supposed to be in church with their heads uncovered. Fortunately, there is no need to crush the hairstyle made on the occasion of the solemn day with a bulky and heavy scarf. A light scarf or a romantic lace scarf will be enough. Even for a flirtatious, but in moderation, hat, you will hardly be reprimanded.

Men, on the contrary, should remove their headgear before entering the temple. And for guys with long hair, which is not uncommon in our time, at least for the duration of the service, intercept the hair in a ponytail.

Miniskirts, cleavage and bare shoulders will be a blatant disrespect for church traditions, and therefore for the young people who invited you to the sacrament. Try to choose a modest dress that is just below the knee length.. If you really want to show off at the upcoming holiday with an open back or bare arms, stock up on a nice blouse and put it on before entering the temple grounds. But it is better to completely refuse trouser suits. Of course, you can cover them with a wide scarf tied around your waist or even pull on a skirt that you brought with you especially for this occasion. But why stand wrapped up like cabbages during the service? A long elegant dress with three-quarter sleeves will look very feminine and cute and at the same time will not cause any complaints.
Men are not allowed to wear shorts, jeans heavily studded with jingling chains and studs, and tracksuits.
It is advisable to do without flashy shades in clothes. Soft pastel colors will be more appropriate for the situation.

Both the strong and the weaker sex should not appear at the wedding in sandals. Let elegant shoes be on your feet in summer, and boots in winter, and low heels for women. Don't forget that you will have to stand for 40-60 minutes!

The rules for wedding guests in the Orthodox Church require everyone in the church to have pectoral crosses. However, most priests do not object to the presence of unbaptized guests or, say, Muslims at the sacrament - as long as they behave with dignity and wish happiness to the bride and groom.

We remember the rules of conduct

…And the rules are simple. All the time the sacrament lasts, guests should stand decorously along the walls or in a place specially indicated by the priest, sometimes with lighted candles in their hands. You can not talk, laugh or move around the temple for no reason. Remember that you did not come to stare at a curious performance, but to be present at the conclusion of a sacred union blessed by God! At such a moment, believing guests need to pray together with the priest for giving future spouses love and patience for building a happy family, non-believers - patiently wait for the end of the sacrament and mentally wish the bride and groom happiness.

After the newlyweds venerate the icons and the Holy Cross, relatives and friends can come up, congratulate the newlyweds, present flowers and gifts.

Choosing a gift

What do the guests give to the newlyweds for the wedding? Since you have to be present at the ceremony, which has a deep spiritual meaning, the usual wedding gifts will not work here. Household appliances, a certificate for visiting a beauty salon, a ticket to Hawaii - all these things are useful and pleasant, but mundane. Present them during civil registration at the registry office. What should not embarrass young people?

  • Gifts with playful hints. For example, cheerful kitchen aprons imitating a naked body or an expensive nightgown for the bride.
  • All kinds of talismans. Moreover, both the Chinese “money toad” with a coin in its mouth, and the original Slavic charms fall under the ban. Even the now popular panels with Domov "for prosperity in the house" are not the best choice.
  • Dangerous and aggressive presentations. Knives, guns and other "deadly" symbols have no place in the church.

And yet, what do wedding guests give to a couple of young (or not so) spouses?

  • Spiritual books, prayer book, the Bible in expensive binding.
  • Icons. Moreover, it is worth considering that the images of the Virgin and Christ are handed over to the young by their parents, and the images of the patron saints of the marriage of Peter and Fevronia are witnesses. It is preferable for guests to purchase an icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker or Seraphim of Sarov.
  • Icon lamp, oil or souvenirs brought from travels to Holy places.
  • Paintings and embroidery on biblical themes. Perhaps even handmade.
  • Coins made of precious metals with faces of saints.
  • A photo album with a cover designed appropriately for the occasion.
  • Bouquet of flowers. Just make sure that there are no roses, orchids and chrysanthemums in it: the former have thorns, the latter indulge passions with their strong fragrance, and the third often act as a symbol of sorrow.

And finally, let's mention one more thing. It is good if the guests agree in advance who and what souvenir will prepare, so that on a solemn day the young people do not have to receive half a dozen gift editions of the Bible and an unthinkable number of icons. Then your gift will bring joy to your spouses, and you yourself will feel satisfaction from the fact that you managed to please your friends.

Many couples get married sooner or later: some go to church immediately after marriage is registered, while others decide to get married years after the wedding. In any case, the wedding is an important step that requires a serious, balanced approach.

It is necessary to prepare for the wedding: take communion, confess, sign up for the wedding in the church. You need to make a list of items that will be needed for the wedding: this is a marriage certificate, wedding icons, towels, etc. You should also consider your appearance.
When signing up for a wedding ceremony, the bride and groom need to talk with the priest and discuss with him, and not with the grandmothers in the church or with the sellers in the church kiosk, all household and organizational issues. It is also advisable to ask about how to dress for a wedding.
Perhaps a particular parish has its own requirements regarding the appearance of those who are getting married. It may turn out that there are no special requirements, and then only you will decide how you look at your own wedding. However, there are traditional wedding rules in the orthodox church concerning, among other things, appearance. Let's talk about these rules.

Wedding wear: bride's wedding dress
Wedding dress: color.
A white wedding dress is a tradition that came to us from Europe. In Rus', they got married in dresses of any color. There was only one condition - church wedding dress it should be light enough, not too bright or colorful. You should not wear a very dark, gloomy dress of dark purple, dark brown or black. All other colors are appropriate.
Wedding dress: length.
The wedding dress should be no longer than the knee. Wedding dresses with a long train are a Catholic tradition. Our brides did not sew dresses with trains. It is unlikely that the ministers of the church will condemn the modern bride, who appeared at the wedding in a dress with a long train, but if you want to observe Orthodox traditions, give preference to an outfit without a train.
Wedding dress: style.
The style can be any, but the dress is preferably closed. Ideally, these are long sleeves, a shallow neckline on the chest, and a closed back. Although the sleeve may be short, the most important thing is to cover the shoulders and not enter the church with a very deep neckline and bare back.

If the wedding is planned on the same day as the wedding in the registry office, the bride faces a dilemma: either sign, get married and be at the wedding banquet in a closed dress, or purchase two dresses - one open, for the registry office and a banquet, and the other - for the church.

Of course, wedding dresses with bodice, sleeveless and open back are beautiful. But for the church, such an outfit is not very suitable. The option with two dresses may be overhead.
There is always a solution. First, you can buy the so-called open-closed dress- for example, like the newly-made wife of Prince William Kate Middleton. The bustier dress looks modest and solid thanks to the lace that covers the shoulders and arms.

At Kate, lace is an integral part of the dress, but you can also cover your arms and shoulders lace bolero.

Instead of a bolero, you can order or purchase a beautiful shawl, wedding cape (possibly with a hood) or stole.

Having covered her shoulders and arms, the bride will not lose her beauty, but on the contrary, she will look unusually gentle, modest and touching.
You can do without capes if the bride has a long, fluffy veil on her head. The veil will cover exposed areas of the body, and to hide the bare hands, you can wear long gloves.
On a note. It is not customary to sell or give away wedding dresses after the wedding. They, like baptismal shirts, are kept together with wedding icons and candles.

Bride wedding shoes
The bride is not recommended to come to church in dress shoes with high heels. The point here is not in Orthodox traditions, but in banal convenience. The wedding ceremony takes a long time.– sometimes several hours pass. To endure so much time in heels is a real feat. And if you consider that the bride will already have time to get tired after the wedding in the registry office and that a banquet awaits her in the future, it is all the more worth making a choice in favor of comfortable ballet flats or sandals with solid soles.

Headdress, hairstyle of the bride at the wedding
Everyone knows that a woman must enter the Orthodox Church with her head covered. When deciding on a wedding hairstyle and its decoration, this church rule must be taken into account. High intricate designs on the head, creative Greek wedding hairstyles or hairstyles with curls can be ruined under a scarf worn at a wedding. To avoid this, it is better to immediately plan a hairstyle with a veil.

If the bride's hairstyle is complemented by a veil, it is not necessary to cover her head before entering the church (provided that the veil covers the top of her head). Suitable option - wedding veil with veil.
If you do not plan to wear a veil, choose a wedding hairstyle that will not suffer under mantilla, shawl or handkerchief. With the chosen headgear, if it is large enough, you can not only cover your head, but also cover open areas of the body: shoulders, neckline, arms. Ideally, the bedspread should not be completely transparent.
Make sure that the headdress does not fall off during the ceremony. This will interfere with you. If necessary, pin the shawl invisible to the hair.
Check with the priest in advance whether the crowns will be worn on the head or whether they will be held by witnesses (godparents). If the crown will be worn on the head, it is better to refuse a silk scarf because of its slipperiness.

Makeup for the wedding
Can I go to a wedding with makeup on my face? This cannot be avoided if the wedding takes place on the same day as the marriage registration in the registry office. It is rare for a bride to forego makeup on her wedding day. In principle, there are no strict rules regarding the makeup of a woman who comes to church.
True, a woman with painted lips is forbidden to kiss a cross, an icon, a crown. Therefore, before the wedding ceremony, it will be enough for the bride to remove lipstick from her lips. Of course, makeup should not be too bright - however, most brides nowadays prefer natural wedding makeup.
Some parishes have their own opinions about makeup, so you should definitely clarify this issue with the priest.

Appearance of the groom at the wedding
What to wear to a wedding for a man? Any clothing that covers the body is suitable: trousers, long-sleeved shirt, two-piece suit. Sportswear and jeans are not exactly the kind of clothes you should wear to church on your wedding day. As for the bride, the groom prefers light-colored wedding clothes. However, there are no strict rules in this regard.
Men do not cover their heads when entering a church. If the groom has long hair, it is advisable to collect them in a ponytail.

Appearance of witnesses and guests at the wedding
When inviting relatives and friends to the wedding, remind them of the rule that says that you must come to the Orthodox Church in closed clothes. Women should take their hats with them and cover their heads before entering the church. All guests are required to bring their own crosses. This is especially true for witnesses.
Of course, the bride and groom should also have crosses.

What to wear to a wedding if the ceremony does not take place on the wedding day
Not everyone gets married on the day of the wedding in the registry office. Many come to this decision a few years after the conclusion of a legal marriage, and someone gets married a couple of days after receiving a marriage certificate.
The bride can wear her wedding dress to the wedding, picking up a bolero, shawl, stole, etc. to cover her head and bare body parts. However, you can come to the wedding in any other clothes.
Can be ordered beautiful wedding dress light color - white, cream, beige, pink or light blue: long, closed, with sleeves.

Or you can wear a simple long-sleeved blouse and a comfortable skirt, but not shorter than knee-length. You can cover your head with a scarf, a flirty hat or even a beret.

What is the best wedding dress? Tips for choosing wedding dresses for different types of women. What to do with the wedding dress after the wedding? What else should be on a woman at a wedding ceremony?

The choice of a wedding dress is quite reverent, but at the same time, quite an exciting experience for brides. The problem of choosing a dress for a wedding is especially stuporous for future wives.

This article will help you decide what a wedding dress should be, what styles of wedding dresses are allowed for a church wedding, what else a bride needs to equip for such an important ceremony, and what to do with a wedding dress after the wedding.

What should be an Orthodox wedding dress?

What should be the dress for an Orthodox wedding?

The Orthodox Church, as such, has no special requirements for a wedding dress; there are also no prohibitions on certain elements and styles of the dress. However, there is a concept of the rules of decency and Orthodox canons:

  • As for the length, the best option would be a dress below the knees - it is advisable to abandon the newfangled trends in short wedding dresses. This length indicates the chastity of the girl
  • Shoulders, back and neckline of the dress should also be closed - dresses with corsets and open tops will be inappropriate in the church. If the bride really liked such a dress, then it is better to throw a special wedding cape, tippet over her shoulders or close with a dense and long veil for the time of the wedding. The wife of the British prince, Kate Middleton, introduced the fashion for wedding dresses, the top of which is hidden by lace, but at the same time, the outlines of the female body are guessed through the lace.
  • It is advisable to hide the bride's hands under long gloves, and her face under a veil
  • In the Catholic Church, it has long been customary to wear a wedding dress with a long train, although today even European brides are deviating from this tradition. In the Orthodox Church, a train is not a mandatory attribute of a wedding dress, but its presence is not condemned either.

wedding dresses long

Thanks to the ever-evolving global fashion industry, brides today face a rather difficult task when choosing a wedding dress. Whether it was before - one style, one length - there was not much to choose from.

Today, designers of fashion houses offer their clients hundreds and thousands of models of dresses - long, short, medium length, with a train, with a mermaid tail, with a cascade, with flowers, with stones and pearls, lace, etc.

Even if you know that you need a long wedding dress, you still face the difficult task of deciding on the model and style of the dress.

Let's deal with the silhouettes of long dresses and with whom which silhouettes suit:

A-line - a dress with a not very fluffy skirt and a fitted slimming corset. This dress model is suitable for girls with any type of figure - apple, pear, hourglass, triangle and square. A-silhouette will hide the flaws of all these types of figures. However, such a dress would be ideal only for a little bride, whose groom is also not too tall.

Empire - dress with a high waist, raised breasts and a free bottom. This silhouette of the dress is suitable for girls with large breasts and a softly defined waist. The type of figure that will be comfortable in an Empire dress is a triangle, square, apple

Little Mermaid or Trumper - a dress with a tight-fitting silhouette and a hem diverging to the sides (like a mermaid). This dress silhouette will suit girls with ideal parameters, but not too big hips. Trumper is considered a good option for women with a pear and hourglass body type.

ball gown - the best option for brides with a magnificent bust, wasp waist and wide hips. However, women with such a type of figure as a pear, triangle, hourglass and square will also feel good in it.

Straight dress - the best option for tall, slender ladies. In such a dress, it will be most comfortable for girls with ideal parameters and an hourglass figure type.

A-line low waist "V" - a dress with a low waist, raised breasts and a flowing bottom. This silhouette is suitable for girls with apple, pear and triangle body types.

A-line low waist wedding dress

Short wedding dresses

It should be noted right away that it is unlikely that the clergy will appreciate and approve the bride in a short dress at the wedding ceremony. If a girl really wants to get married in a short dress, then it is best to purchase an ordinary long dress without any frills for the wedding ceremony, and already come to the registry office in your favorite mini-dress.

Lace wedding dresses

Lace is a savior for those brides who would like to be in an open dress at the wedding ceremony. It is it that is able to simultaneously cover and at the same time emphasize the presence of a naked body. A bride in a lace wedding dress with an open back is the peak of femininity, sexuality and modesty at the same time. This combination will excite men's hearts and at the same time frame the bride with a haze of innocence.

In addition to the back, lace can also slightly cover bare shoulders, arms and décolleté, which, according to church canons, it is also desirable to hide from prying eyes.

Lace hems of dresses and trains look very beautiful.

Made of lace, in addition to the dress, there may be another important element of the bride's outfit - a veil.

When choosing a lace dress, the bride needs to be extremely careful, as there is a possibility of busting in the outfit. If the top of the dress is completely decorated with lace, then the bottom should be unobtrusively light and calm.

If the hem of the dress is made entirely of lace, then it is desirable that the bodice or corset be concise - without any ruffles, flowers, stones, rhinestones and pearls. The same applies to gloves - plain tight gloves are ideal for a lace dress, but it is best to decorate the bride's hands with lace gloves in a simple dress not overloaded with decorations.

Wedding dresses for wedding closed

Closed wedding dresses for wedding

If the bride is a deeply religious person, then for the wedding ceremony it is best for her to choose a closed dress. This option will emphasize the chastity and respect of the bride for the church.

However, a closed dress does not always mean the complete concealment of all feminine charms. As a material for the area of ​​the shoulders, back and neckline, today designers have got used to using light lace, tulle embroidered or decorated with stones or pearls. This type of dress will also be considered closed, although it will be possible to guess some features of female beauty in it.

Wedding dresses for full weddings

It is especially difficult for women in the body to choose wedding dresses. In addition to the fact that the future bride should like the dress, he still needs to sit on it successfully. Not all models of wedding dresses will look good on full girls.

However, sometimes, contrary to the existing rules for choosing the style of a dress, based on the type of female figure, completely unexpected options for wedding dresses are suitable for magnificent ladies. Therefore, dear ladies, one piece of advice for you - measure everything that you like, regardless of the rules and foundations that exist today.

For example, it is believed that the mermaid dress is absolutely contraindicated for women with magnificent forms. Despite this, some young ladies with wide hips look very decent and even look great in such models of dresses.

If you listen to the opinion of experts, then for overweight women it is best to choose dresses with an A-line and Empire style for a wedding.

Wedding dresses for pregnant women

For pregnant girls, it is best to choose the following styles of dresses for a wedding:

  • A-line with a high waist will emphasize the bride's full breasts with the help of a high corset and will not give out the presence of a tummy due to the lush bottom. However, this style should be chosen by girls who are not at the very last stage of pregnancy.
  • The Empire style also does not focus on the waist, skillfully hiding the bride's bulging tummy, focusing all attention on the top of the girl. Such a silhouette is suitable even for those future mothers who are expecting the appearance of their baby just about

Wedding dress for an older woman

  • For older women, it is perhaps the hardest thing to choose a wedding dress. The fact is that the choice of such women should be both elegant, restrained and solemn.
  • As for the color of the dress for the wedding of a woman after 40, the best option would be beige, olive or cold blue. A white dress also has a place to be in this situation.
  • It is better for ladies of age to choose a style based on the characteristics of the figure - the dress should hide its flaws and emphasize its merits
  • Often, women after 40 do not wear a veil for a wedding ceremony - they simply cover their heads with a scarf, shawl or hat

Simple, modest wedding dresses

A simple and modest dress for the wedding of the bride would be appreciated by the clergy. It is advisable to wear such a dress for a ceremony in a church, but for a party or at the registry office you can already change into a more open or outrageous outfit.

What to wear to a wedding besides a wedding dress?


  • There is a belief that girls for a wedding, and even more so for a wedding, need to wear only closed shoes. Because sandals are unlikely to be suitable for such an event - the best option would be shoes, boots or ankle boots (in the cold season)
  • The color of the wedding shoes should be in harmony with the color of the dress.
  • Buying stilettos is undesirable - the bride will have to stay on her feet all day, so such shoes will be an extremely uncomfortable option. It is best to buy shoes with a small and comfortable heel or wedge


  • If the bride's veil implies the presence of a veil, then she no longer needs any other headdress.
  • If there is no veil in the wedding dress or it is attached quite low in the hair, then the bride should worry about the presence of a beautiful shawl or scarf for the wedding ceremony
  • In some ceremonies, it is customary to hold crowns over the heads of the bride and groom, and in some, they are simply placed on the heads of the newlyweds. This fact also needs to be taken into account - the bride's hairstyle should be thought out in such a way that the crown can easily hold on to her and not spoil her.


  • Gentle, almost neutral makeup is considered the best option for a wedding. He should only emphasize the natural beauty of the girl and not overload her face with makeup.
  • It is undesirable to paint lips for a wedding ceremony. During the wedding ceremony, the bride and groom will repeatedly have to fall with their lips to the cross and icons - traces of bright lipstick on sacred things will be inappropriate

What should be the color of the wedding dress?

  • As for the color of the wedding dress, there are no common truths in this matter either. The preferred color is, of course, white. He, as it were, emphasizes the purity and integrity of the bride before God and people.
  • However, fashionable today, colors - cream, champagne, pale green, pale blue and pale pink - also have not been canceled.
  • The choice of the color of the dress will entirely depend on the preferences of the bride.

Is it possible to wear a wedding dress after the wedding or sell it?

  • There is a belief that a veil, shoes and dress from a wedding cannot be worn, allowed to be measured or sold. All these are ordinary superstitions
  • Church canons do not regulate the further fate of the wedding dress.
  • In other words, the woman herself must decide what to do with her wedding goods.

How to choose a wedding dress: Video

A wedding is a sacred church rite, a blessing to a wife and husband for family life and the birth of children. Many couples decide to hold this ceremony, some even on the day of registration at the registry office.

But still, a wedding is much more than just a beautiful ceremony. It should be a serious deliberate step, and not a tribute to fashion.

Therefore, you should carefully weigh everything, find out the features and seriously prepare.

Who can get married?

The church can marry couples with a marriage certificate.

Both spouses must be Orthodox Christians, but in some cases marriage with non-Orthodox is allowed if the children born in this marriage are baptized as Orthodox.

There are also requirements for the age of the spouses. The bride must be 16 years old, the groom must be 18.

The sacrament of marriage cannot be performed between unbaptized, atheists, between blood or spiritual relatives (godfather and godson).

When can you get married?

Often newlyweds get married on the day of marriage registration. But still, a wedding is an Orthodox sacrament, a serious and responsible step.

Therefore, you should not rush with it and can be postponed for several years or postponed until the birth of a child.

The wedding ceremony is not held every day.

Weddings are held on Sundays, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. It should also be borne in mind that during the year there are 4 posts during which marriages are not concluded:

  • Christmas (28.11 - 6.01)
  • Great (7 weeks before Easter)
  • Petrov (depends on the date of Easter)
  • Uspensky - (14.09 - 27.08)

There are also significant church days when weddings are not held:

  • 11.09 - Beheading of John the Baptist
  • 27.09 - Exaltation of the Holy Cross
  • 7.01 — 19.01 - Christmas time
  • Maslenitsa
  • week after Easter

It is undesirable for the bride to have critical days on the wedding day. This is a rather outdated custom, but it is believed that a woman should not appear in church on such days.

To be 100% sure, go to church and ask if your wedding date is right.

How to prepare for the wedding?

For the wedding, you need to seriously prepare spiritually.

The bride and groom must endure a 3-day fast, confess and take communion.

Choosing a church for a wedding

It is important to choose the church where you feel most calm and comfortable. Responsibly approach the choice of a priest, because he is the most important part of the ceremony.

For a wedding, you need to make an appointment a few weeks in advance. It is worth discussing organizational issues with the priest: how long the wedding will last, what you need to bring with you, whether photography is allowed in the temple.

Specify how much the ceremony will cost, in some temples a fixed cost is set, in others the payment is a voluntary donation.

Choice of Witnesses

Witnesses must be people close to you, necessarily baptized. They will be like the "godparents" of your family, so the position is quite responsible.

It is not allowed to take divorced spouses or a couple living in a civil marriage as witnesses.

Sometimes it is allowed to hold a wedding without witnesses.

What is needed for the ceremony?

For the wedding you will need:

  • rings that must be handed over to the priest for consecration in advance,
  • wedding candles,
  • wedding icons,
  • towel,
  • two handkerchiefs to hold the candles.

The handbrake symbolizes a long journey of life, so it must be kept for life and not given to anyone. Wedding candles also need to be stored and lit during difficult childbirth, illnesses of children and in other difficult situations.

What can you wear to a wedding?

bride's outfit

The bride's dress should be no higher than the knees, without a deep neckline and be sure to cover the shoulders. You can use a cape, bolero, shawl, tippet, gloves.

The color of the dress should be light. Trouser suits and sundresses will not work.

The bride's head must be covered with a veil or scarf. When choosing a hairstyle, keep in mind that your head will be covered with a crown. Do not paint your lips - with painted lips it is not allowed to kiss the cross, crown and icons.

Choose comfortable shoes, because you will have to stand in one position for quite a long time.

groom's outfit

There are no strict requirements for the groom's outfit.

A tailored suit is best. Do not wear denim or sportswear. Headwear is not allowed.

Guest clothes

Guests invited to the wedding must dress like parishioners of the church.

Women - in closed clothes, with a covered head and shoulders. The men are dressed in strict clothes, without hats. wedding ceremonies: the bride, groom, guarantors and guests must wear pectoral crosses.

All those present at the wedding must put on their pectoral crosses.

wedding ceremony

When preparing for the wedding, the priest will tell you in detail how the wedding ceremony takes place. We will cover the main points.

During the ceremony, the priest calls the young people the names given at baptism.

First comes the engagement. At the entrance to the church, the bride stands to the left of the groom. The priest blesses the newlyweds and hands them lit wedding candles. Then he changes the rings from the man's hand to the woman's hand three times, after which they become the bride and groom.

The bride and groom go to the center of the temple and stand on the handbrake. The priest reads prayers, and the witnesses hold crowns over the heads of the young.

Then the priest asks if the wedding is of good will and if there are any obstacles to this marriage. After that, the young become husband and wife before God.

A wedding is not just a beautiful holiday, but also a serious step. Church divorce is allowed only in serious circumstances, with the permission of the diocese.

Therefore, church marriage should be approached responsibly, with an understanding of established traditions and rules.

When two people who sincerely love each other desire to live their whole lives together, they bind their lives in the holy bonds of marriage. In the gospel, the wedding is compared with the mysterious union of Christ with the church. Marriage is a sacred rite of seven sacraments, the union of two loving souls in the face of the Lord. Previously, church marriage was not given much importance. The main thing was to sign in the registry office. But in recent years there have been an increasing number of young couples seeking to join their lives in sacred bonds.
. The wedding ceremony has certain canons. We will consider the rules of the wedding in the church.

Why get married in a church?
In the spiritual life of every person there is such a thing as Faith. Lovers believe that being married in a church, they will definitely meet and be together again in the kingdom of heaven. During the church ceremony, the bride and groom are united by sacred bonds. They make each other an oath, put all their love and faith into the most important words in life. Their love is blessed. Family life is protected by God.

Bride's wedding dress.
What should be the wedding dress? The concepts of wedding and wedding dress are different from each other. At the present time, in the appearance of the bride, they are not treated as strictly as before. But still, lovers adhere to the rules. When a bride gets married in a church, her dress should be modest. According to the rules of church traditions, the legs should be completely closed, but a neckline and a beautiful cutout on the back are allowed. The color of the wedding dress should be light colors, and preferably white. White color is a symbol of purity and innocence. It is forbidden for a bride to get married in dark and bright colors. The head must be covered with a veil or a light scarf. Hat. A beautiful beautiful hairstyle of the bride can be decorated with a delicate wreath. before entering the church, the shoulders and arms of the bride are covered with a cape. The bride's shoes must be closed. that getting married in sandals is a bad omen. It has long been believed that a wedding dress should have a long train. The longer the train, the happier family life will be.

Choice of choice of wedding day. In order to set a wedding date in a church, you must first familiarize yourself with the 2017 wedding calendar. In it, you will find out which days you can get married and which days you can’t. A favorable day for a wedding is Sunday. Since basically all couples tend to get married on this day, it is necessary to pre-set the time for the ritual. The wedding ceremony is also held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. On Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, usually the wedding is not performed. The ritual ritual lasts several hours. it is held in the daytime, but not in the late afternoon. The Orthodox Church has both favorable and "forbidden" days for weddings. What are these days? ;.
Eve of the Presentation of the Lord;.
Eve of the Annunciation;
Great post;
Ascension Day;
Day of the Holy Trinity;.
Petrov post;.
Assumption Post;
Day of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord;
Christmas Christmas post. necessary steps before marriage. the date of the ceremony, the young people will have to choose the church where the ritual will be held. Wedding wedding by appointment after a conversation with the priest is carried out. During the conversation, in addition to discussing the date of the wedding, important questions will be asked to the bride and groom.
What will the priest ask about? Do you;.
Have you decided to get married in a church voluntarily, out of love;
Do you plan to have children;
Whether or not you were previously married;
Will you sign. answer the priest's questions honestly. and the bride can also ask about everything that interests the priest. Discuss the nuances that are necessary during the wedding, specify how long the wedding will last approximately, whether photography is allowed in the church. To receive communion or not, you can decide for yourself. Thus, if the bride is pregnant, she must definitely say so. You need to make sure that it is possible for a pregnant woman to get married in a church. Some priests do not marry pregnant women, but many, on the contrary, are happy to perform this ritual.

What is needed for a wedding. for the wedding should take place in love, in a good mood. To perform the ritual, you must:
Two icons: Christ the Savior and Mother of God. With these icons, the bride and groom receive a blessing during the wedding. wedding rings. rings - a symbol of the inseparability of marriage bonds and eternal love.
White white towel and wedding candles. should be held in the hands of the bride and groom as a symbol of their love. White towels are designed for the newlyweds to stand on them during the ritual. This symbolizes the purity of marriage. how the ritual goes. Many couples don't get married right away. live together for a while, test their relationship. And if they come to a mutual decision to get married in a church, they set the date of the ceremony after the anniversary of their life together. But the bulk of the young decide to sign and get married on the day of painting. After registering the marriage at the registry office, they arrive at the church in order to legitimize their relationship before God. How is the wedding ceremony going in 2017? Arriving at the temple, accompanied by guests, the newlyweds are waiting for the start of the festive liturgy.
This rite includes two stages:
Wedding. wedding. the deacon comes out young, holding a tray with wedding rings in his hand. The priest, the priest, passes the lit wedding candles into the hands of the bride and groom. further, he invites the newlyweds to exchange wedding rings three times. the rings before this the priest must consecrate. once the bride and groom move the rings on the tray to each other. This ritual is performed as a sign of unity and reciprocity in marriage. the most interesting begins - the culminating moment in the sacraments of the wedding. The priest the priest crosswise marks the groom with the help of a crown. to him the image of Christ the Savior, stuck to his crown, so that he would kiss him. Then the priest puts a crown on the groom's head. The same is true for the bride. but the image of the Most Holy Theotokos is attached to her crown. a crown is not placed on the bride’s head with a magnificent hairstyle or diadem, so it is the honor of the witness to keep it. This ritual lasts about 20 minutes. The ritual with crowns is a symbol of the fact that they have forever become king and queen for each other. If one of the newlyweds gets married a second time, then the crown is not placed on the head, but is held over the shoulder. And if you get married for the third time, then the ceremony is generally carried out without crowns. After the ceremony of laying on crowns, the young are presented with a cup of wine. says a prayer and illuminates this cup with a cross and presents it to the spouses. They gradually, in three doses, drink this cup. This rite symbolizes a single destiny. then the newlyweds become one. the priest joins the right hands of the young and circles them three times around the lectern. This means that they will always go through life hand in hand. The young are brought to the royal doors, where the groom kisses the image of the savior. And the bride of the mother of God. then they should exchange places. the groom must kiss the image of the Mother of God, and the bride - the savior. Further on, after the ceremony in front of the royal doors, the stage of kissing the cross begins. At this stage, the groom is given the icon of the Savior, and the bride is given the Mother of God. Upon arrival at their home, they will have to hang them over the marriage bed.
At the end of the ceremony, many years are pronounced for the newlyweds and everyone congratulates the newlyweds. Guests guests can give gifts right in the church. After the completion of the sacrament of the wedding, the newlyweds, together with their relatives and friends, go for a wedding walk.

When is a wedding not possible? there are certain wedding rules. their violation, the wedding becomes impossible. In what cases does a wedding become impossible? if the wedding of one of the spouses before that was three times;
- If the newlyweds are relatives (up to the fourth step);
- If one of the young adheres to atheism; - if one of the spouses is not baptized and is not going to be baptized;
- If one of the spouses belongs to a different religion and is not going to conduct the rite of baptism;
- If one of the spouses is already married;
- If the newlyweds have not yet registered their relationship with the state.

How much does a wedding cost. wedding in the church depends on the temple in which the newlyweds decided to hold the ceremony. Temples temples at different prices appoint. churches, where the price is set indefinitely, that is, how much the newlyweds can contribute money to donate to the temple. In other cases, wedding prices range from 500 to 15,000 rubles. Tell us in the commentary about how your wedding ceremony went or how you would like it to go (well, and in general your attitude towards it) what emotions you experienced during this wonderful ritual. Did you follow all the wedding rules?