How to learn clairvoyance: a wonderful gift for the benefit of people

Since a person with this gift clearly sees the cause of the disease, its localization and the way to eliminate it.

What is clairvoyance?

So what is this gift, and why are some people so eager to have it? In general terms, we can say that clairvoyance is the ability to receive any information not in a generally accepted way, but through extrasensory perception. Information can come from anywhere in the universe, which can be in the future, past and present. Maybe from another planet altogether (there are people who claim to hear other worlds).

The gift of clairvoyance manifests itself in different ways. For some, it may be highly developed feelings that give signals in the form of intuition, various premonitions. So, when meeting a new person, you can immediately understand what to expect from him. Or a vague, unsettling premonition appears when entering a job. These are all signs of clairsentience.

Other people are simply aware of thoughts in themselves, a clear knowledge that just arises. There may also be clairaudience, when voices sound in the head of a person and convey some information, transmit peculiar messages. A person can also perceive environmental information through smells, for example, through the nose to feel hatred or love.

Pictures may also appear in the mind of the clairvoyant. The clarity of the images and the length of the plots depend on the personal strength of the person. It also depends on whether he will see only the present or the past with the future too. In addition to pictures, you can see the aura of both people and plants with animals.

Existing Clairvoyance Techniques

To train this gift, there are various techniques, some of which have been used in the science of parapsychology. They tried to prove clairvoyance from a scientific point of view, but many conservative scientists did not recognize either science itself or its research. They believed (and still believe) that parapsychology is a pseudoscience.

Now consider some techniques that will allow you to go beyond the limits of the possible with due perseverance and ability to work.

In order to learn to see the aura, you need to close your eyelids and relax. Look at the various lines and shapes that appear on the back of your eyelids. Do this exercise for ten minutes for nine days. After the specified period, continue training, but with a different exercise. Examine with ajar eyes one object in the room. So you train the ability to see the aura of objects and people.
It is useful to do exercises for the eyes. To do this, you need to take a comfortable position, then close your eyes. Raise your eyeballs up and then down (twenty times). Do the same to the right and left. Press lightly with three fingers on the eyes, but so that you see colored sparks. Hold for twenty seconds. Let go. Repeat ten times. As a result, it seems to you that you are looking inside your head.
Concentration, which should be at the highest level, is very important in this matter. It can be achieved with the help of various meditation techniques, as well as using yogic exercises.

Of course, there are a fairly large number of exercises themselves, but it is advisable to develop your gift under the supervision of an experienced psychicwho can help you in case of danger. Clairvoyance for an inexperienced and unprepared person can be an overwhelming and heavy burden.

How do you know if a person has clairvoyant abilities?

There are also a large number of tests to determine the underlying clairvoyant abilities in a person. However, many experts who have extensive experience in this do not recommend developing them before the age of thirty, since before this age the human psyche is quite vulnerable. Therefore, even if you feel this gift in yourself, then be patient, do not force its development. Next, we will look at some of the signs that may indicate the presence of a gift.

Many abilities are interconnected (clairvoyance, healing, intuition, etc.) and the basis of their use, as mentioned above, is concentration. If you possess it, then with some degree of probability we can talk about the presence of your abilities. It can also be evidenced by luck in difficult matters and events in life.
The presence of a gift can also be indicated by a special energy that animals strongly feel. They freak out in your presence. You can also understand how the person with whom you are communicating at the moment feels. These are the unconscious rudiments of clairvoyance.
Those who have this gift in an undeveloped form can alleviate the pain of the body with their hands, simply by applying them. Your words always come true, and dreams are prophetic. This is also evidence of a gift.
Some of your thoughts and desires will materialize. Remember if this happens to you? If yes, then you have certain abilities.

More about human capabilities, as well as other information, you can find out on our website .

If danger from this gift?

Like all human abilities that go beyond the limits of the possible and are inaccessible to the general public, clairvoyance also has its negative sides. If you have found this gift in yourself, then you should be careful. This will allow you to see what others cannot, and these visions are not always pleasant. If you decide to go further in your studies, improving your abilities, then at the same time you need to improve your stress tolerance and, most importantly, the desire to talk a lot about it.

Restraint is especially important for those who see the future or past of people, because such visions are not always pleasant. If visions can be controlled, then the gift should not be used unnecessarily. If this is not possible, then rather the person himself is impulsive and not restrained by emotions. You should learn self-control. It is also recommended to follow some rules (especially for young clairvoyants) - this is modesty and simplicity in life. This is sobering and does not allow you to commit rash acts.

Why is it so necessary? For the most part, people do not accept those who are not like them in any way. It is this dissimilarity that distinguishes clairvoyants. If you want to live an ordinary life, communicate with people, then you should talk about this gift less often. After all, it is no coincidence that all the great elders hid their abilities as much as they could and never put them on display. And all real healers and bioenergetics are quite modest in their lives.


As you can see, a person can learn almost everything, one has only to wish. But everything is desirable to learn under the guidance of an experienced mentor, who has great knowledge in this area, as well as in others affecting the gift of clairvoyance. He will be able to help you develop it and not lose yourself, but keep your psyche in a normal state.

The gift of clairvoyance is able to reveal the secrets of the universe! He is very versatile! What are the types of superpowers? Find out here!

Clairvoyance¹ is a person's extrasensory ability to receive information from the information field of the Universe and the depths of the subconscious, which is associated with the "sixth" sense,.

This ability is inherent in every person! In this article, you can find out that the gift of clairvoyance is very extensive. Knowing the types and manifestations of this superpower will allow you to find the inner meaning, why and for what purpose to develop this in yourself.

It must be said right away that this ability will radically change your life! This can bring you fame and wealth, become a master of your craft and open up new opportunities for your development!

The gift of clairvoyance: what are its types?

1. Conscious clairvoyance

It is this kind of clairvoyance that every person striving for knowledge can develop. This is due to the use of altered states of consciousness, the development of intention and will.

It's just that some use the chance and work on their development, while others do not. Now you have the opportunity to discover it in yourself!

2. Unconscious clairvoyance

It happens spontaneously and without human effort. The consciousness of a person during the day constantly changes its states, at the moments of awakening and transition to sleep and in the dreams themselves.

Many people have prophetic dreams. It can also happen when a person artificially introduces himself into an altered state: hallucinations and strange visions at the peak of alcohol or drug intoxication.

This type of clairvoyance is characteristic of people who have some innate ability to miraculous visions. These people include Vanga, blind from birth, or Nostradamus, the famous psychic of the 16th century.

3. Energy vision

They call it the ability to see the aura (biofield) of a person, to carry out energy diagnostics of diseases, to see cosmic energy with ordinary eyes.

4. Through vision

Through vision is like an x-ray. A person with such a vision is able to see what is happening in the next room or in the body of another person. He can look through thick walls and identify the contents of safes.

5. Chakra vision

This is the unique ability to see directly through the energy centers (chakras²) located in the human body.

An example is the “third eye”, located between the eyebrows, physically located in the pituitary gland of the human brain. It allows you to see through space and time, connect to the information field of the Universe.

6. Skin vision

The human skin, nerve endings on the skin, has its own fantastic "visual" abilities.

There are certain points on the body that can literally see, sometimes it manifests itself in people who are blind. For example, there are three such sensitive points on the palms of a person and his neck.

7. Seeing the Past: Retrocognition

It allows you to look into other people's past lives. This ability also allows you to find out the past of a completely stranger or an unfamiliar object, area, building.

This is useful for determining the causes of a person’s behavior, helping to understand his karmic features.

8. Seeing the Present: Cognition

Seeing the present implies the ability to see in space, regardless of distance, with the help of the "third eye".

With this vision, you can look into another country or into an apartment in a neighboring house and see what is happening there at the moment.

9. Vision of the future - precognition

Vision of the future is the psychic ability to look into the timelines of future events, predict them with accuracy.

This was owned by the prophets and soothsayers of the past. Many ancient texts were written by such people, and modern people are surprised to see how there are coincidences between what was written a long time ago and real events.

Now you know what the concept of "clairvoyance" includes, and you can determine what you need to develop and why.

On our site you can find many techniques that will help you master this ability, as well as skills development techniques to develop the gift of clairvoyance.

Remember one thing - it is real and achievable now!

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Clairvoyance is a type of extrasensory perception, the ability of a person to receive information in addition to the channels of perception known to science and determined by modern scientific means, including information about past and future events (Wikipedia).

² Learn how to activate the chakras with your imagination,

Clairvoyance is a gift endowed with chosen people. As experience shows, there are two varieties of this phenomenon: conscious clairvoyance and discrete.

Conscious clairvoyance is extremely rare, only dedicated masters are endowed with it. This is a superpower of human consciousness, in which a person clearly sees, feels or receives information in the form of a thought about a specific situation in time. This happens when a person consciously sends his astral phantom on a journey not only over a distance, but at a specific time. This technique is mastered only by the initiates, it is very complicated - when the astral phantom is separated from the body, there is a danger of not returning to its physical shell, and the person may fall into a coma or get a mental disorder. This cannot be learned, this ability is exclusively innate and is passed down from generation to generation from the master.

Discrete clairvoyance is common. This happens when a person accidentally reveals some information, sometimes in the form of dreams or images, but he cannot cause this state of his own free will. In this case, one's abilities can be developed using various techniques, only under the supervision of a specialist.


Due to the fact that clairvoyance is a supersensory ability, there are many dangers that a person can be exposed to using this gift. First of all, it is the danger of changes in the psyche. As a rule, people who unconsciously plunge into an altered state of consciousness replace reality with images from the future or the past, which leads to isolation, depression, psychosis, and complete disidentification with the outside world.


Each person can develop a supersensory channel for making right decisions and doing right things. When a person is in a borderline and difficult situation of an important choice, he, as a rule, resorts to the help of specialists to get a hint. But the ability to feel is inherent in each of us, you just need to open an intuitive channel and receive information. Intuitive vision, unlike the innate gift of clairvoyance, can be discovered and developed by anyone. A well-developed intuition makes it possible to make the right decision and get a successful result in any situation, avoiding problems and troubles. Use a system that is convenient for you, your psychotype, to obtain the necessary information. For example, those people who have developed imaginative thinking are well suited for Tarot cards, a symbolic system, and for people with an analytical warehouse, it will be more comfortable to use numerology or runic practice.

One way or another, cards, runes, numerology, astrology are just tools for obtaining information. The information field is a kind of space, akin to the Internet. You ask a question using the chosen tool - and get the right answer. Predictive practices can be used by anyone to achieve personal and social goals. Since learning to open the intuitive channel has become available in recent years*, everyone can improve this ability in themselves.

Many successful business people use these skills. Intuitive abilities can be used in any situation. When a person has an intuitive channel open, he can clearly determine whether it is worth going to an important meeting, whether the money invested will bring income, whether the relationship with a partner will be promising**.


To find out what channel opening techniques a person can apply on their own to develop clairvoyant abilities, I turned to Galina Bekhtereva, a clairvoyant, hereditary healer, energy therapist, developer of unique psychotechniques for influencing a person’s consciousness.

She talked about safe technology that is available to everyone.

1. You need to enter an altered state of consciousness, which is distinguished by the following features:
. uniform slow breathing;
. even pulse;
. lack of emotions;
. complete peace and relaxation.

2. When you have reached this state, mentally ask yourself the question that is bothering you, and listen to the reaction of your body. If you feel warmth, tingling, or a wave of energy, and the sensation is pleasant, then the answer is yes. If you feel cold, goosebumps, an unpleasant chill - the answer is no.

Remember that the mind must be turned off - only the sensations of your own body are involved. We always receive signs of Fate, we just need to pay attention to them, listen. For example, if you are going to an important meeting and something happens before you leave the house, this may be a signal that the meeting will not bring a good result.

Beginners can use pendulums, tarot cards, runic symbols to get answers. In preparation for practice, first of all, you need to develop your volitional abilities. When your will controls feelings, mind and emotions, the intuitive channel opens.


As Galina Bekhtereva notes, the simplest exercise that develops concentration of attention and strong-willed abilities is daily disciplined work with the third eye. You need to choose a convenient time, the same every day, enter a calm and relaxed state, close your eyes, imagine a dark pulsating hot spot in the third eye area and keep your attention on it for 10-15 minutes. If you have performed the exercise correctly, you will first experience pain in this area, then a pleasant tingling and warm relaxation. This exercise will teach you how to manage your intuitive energy and make the right decisions at the right time.

As experience shows, clairvoyance can bring both harm and benefit, it all depends on each person individually. If you consciously want to develop these abilities, it is better to seek the help of specialists. In fact, this work involves disciplined, regular brain training that requires a lot of energy and time. So the decision is up to you whether you need to develop this ability in yourself or not.

Yulia Mechnikova, doctor, parapsychologist, master of occult sciences, finalist of the Ukrainian "Battle of Psychics"

* From the editor. If you have an intention to learn how to open an intuitive channel, we ask you to be careful when choosing a seminar or a specialist and remember that skills are developed by you personally and it takes quite a long time.

** Editorial. Remember at the same time that there is a so-called prediction error coefficient, even Wang was wrong in 10% of cases.

Clairvoyance is the ability of individuals to see what is inaccessible to the perception of an ordinary person, i.e. special, extrasensory perception, in which astral vision is used. People who have developed clairvoyance are able to capture their own aura and the so-called astral light rays. Everything that is hidden from the eyes of an ordinary person catches the eye of a clairvoyant.

Parapsychology: clairvoyance

There are different types of clairvoyance, each of which is somewhat different. For example, in its simplest form, clairvoyance means the ability to receive astral impressions only at close range. Such people are able to read texts without opening the envelope, to see the work of the internal organs of other people, to distinguish the shades of the aura. A stronger type of clairvoyance - the astral tube - allows you to see things and people at a great distance, as through a telescope or other similar device. It is convenient for such people to use a crystal ball, a glass of water or a crystal as their eyepiece during a session.

The development of psychic abilities and clairvoyance

The question of how to develop clairvoyance in oneself has been of interest to people for a long time and still does not have one single answer. Some believe that this requires innate clairvoyant abilities, others believe that the principle “patience and work will grind everything” applies here.

When deciding how to develop the gift of clairvoyance, you can try different techniques. Consider those that are suitable for beginners.

How to open the gift of clairvoyance: an ability test

Take 10 sheets of red and 10 of blue, and pack them in identical thick white envelopes. Seal and mix them. Without looking inside, separate the envelopes with blue sheets from the envelopes with red ones - put the red ones to your right, the blue ones to the left. Open envelopes. If you correctly identified 8-9 out of 10, you are a born clairvoyant; if 6-7 - then your abilities are good and will be easily developed; if 4-5 - you have mediocre talents that require long work. If you correctly identified 3 or less envelopes, perhaps clairvoyance is not at all for you.

Magic and clairvoyance: a lesson with water

In order to learn how to use the "astral tube" technique, you need to lay a plain white tablecloth on the table, put a glass of clean water on it and peer into the surface with concentration for 10 minutes. You need to do it twice a day at any time. As a rule, after a few weeks, images, events, faces appear on the surface of the water. Over time, you will be able to direct your eyepiece exactly at those events that are of interest to you.

How to open clairvoyance: learning to see the aura

Any clairvoyant sees the aura of people and himself. This can also be learned with the help of special exercises. For To do this, take a comfortable position, relax, close your eyes and try not to think about anything. For 10 minutes, look at the outlines on your eyelids (without opening your eyes). You need to repeat the exercise in the morning, immediately after sleep, for 9-10 days.

After that, you can proceed to the second stage of the exercises: in the twilight, look closely at an object or person, slightly lowering your eyelids. Soon you will notice a glow around him - this is the aura. In the future, you will see it in different colors and in any light if you train every day.

The question of how to learn clairvoyance still does not have a clear answer. Believe that human possibilities are endless, and you will succeed even in such a difficult and extraordinary business.

Mankind has long suspected the existence of several worlds. But only a few manage to see them and even more so to communicate with those who live there. In our world, they become known as "magician", "genius", "clairvoyant". Of course, many of them received their gift from birth and put a lot of effort into its development. But if you have long dreamed of gaining superpowers and were looking for a way to develop clairvoyance, then know that your search is not in vain. After all, this ability is available to everyone.

There is a theory according to which our Universe is multi-layered, there are various dimensions in it. They are superimposed on each other and can exist in the same area of ​​space. The closest to us is the astral dimension, which we still sometimes call the Subtle World or the world of energies.

And since any matter exists on the basis of energy, this layer permeates our entire world, being its inseparable part. In this dimension, a person exists in the form of a subtle (astral) body. And this hypostasis takes place regardless of whether a person believes in it or not. And the manifestation of such a superpower as clairvoyance allows you to create strong connections between the physical and subtle bodies, open an information channel.

A person with the gift of clairvoyance is able to see not only his past, but also the future. And he knows how to get answers to many important questions and gains confidence in his actions.

After all, the one who is able to clearly see the goal, knows the right way to achieve it. A person can receive this information through his supersensory perception, for the development of which various exercises are used. Anyone can master this ability, and work to open the “third eye” will help to strengthen it.

"Third eye" or the ability to see the invisible

This ability is sometimes called astral vision. It is provided for in the structure of the soul of any person and, if desired, can be developed. Thanks to it, a person is able not only to see the Subtle World and communicate with those who inhabit it, but also to receive all the necessary information about himself, other people, the Universe, and so on.

However, before discovering this ability in yourself, it is important to ask yourself: what is it for? If the matter is simple curiosity or the desire to impress others with your abilities, then it is better not to do this.

You can perform exercises with the “third eye” only for the purpose of self-development and comprehending the secrets of the universes in order to improve your karma. Moreover, the development of this ability will help self-healing, knowledge and correction of one's own and others' karma, and so on. But all this can be achieved only in the case of a serious and responsible attitude to their capabilities. Otherwise, at best, disappointment may await you, and at worst, a psychiatric hospital.

A person should discover such a gift in himself only when he is ready for it. After all, the boundaries of his worldview, thinking and existence will simply disappear, revealing the truth to him. And not everyone is ready to accept and understand it.

Clairvoyant powers can take several forms. The most common are the following:

Opening the "third eye". These abilities are concentrated in the energy center (chakra) Ajna, which is located at a point between the eyebrows. They allow a person to see the features of the structure of the Subtle World, its energy and the creatures that live in it, to observe their actions. It also makes it possible to see the human aura in real time.

Inner vision.

This ability is more complex and represents the ability of a person to receive information in “pictures”, which, as if on TV, are transmitted to his “internal screen”. According to people who have this skill, it is as if they are watching a movie while in a special "altered" state.


This gift helps to hear the sounds, music that exist in the Subtle World, as well as answers to questions that are asked to the Patrons.
Opening of the information channel. A person with this ability has a special connection with the Higher powers, their patronage. He is sent ready-made answers to many questions that in the form of thoughts arise from nowhere in his head. This is often referred to as an insight that visits gifted people.

Other abilities.

There is also clairvoyance (the ability to distinguish energies by smell, when kindness smells pleasant, and anger is repulsive), clairvoyance (different energies acquire a different taste), and so on.

People have been interested in the reality of the existence of the gift of clairvoyance for a long time. Someone believes in what he is and wonders

How to develop the gift of clairvoyance?

But there are those who doubt it. However, if you think about it, almost everyone can give an example of the manifestation of these abilities in their own lives.

For example, when you suddenly wake up at night, as if from a jolt, lie there for a couple of seconds with a lack of understanding of what woke you up, and then a loud sound is heard. This situation happens when you receive a message about a future event through information channels and are already ready for it to happen.

Also proof of clairvoyance is the existence of prophetic dreams. Surely it happened to every person that the “pictures” seen in a dream soon appeared in real life. Of course, not every dream is prophetic, but the ability to independently predict the future in such a state is the flip side of traveling through the Subtle World during sleep.

All existing accidents and coincidences in your life happen for a reason. All of them are the result of your desire to establish a connection with your subtle body and open, expand information channels.

Clairvoyance of great people

Many famous scientists and people of art used the gift of clairvoyance and made their most high-profile discoveries. They did not hesitate to admit that the impetus for the emergence of a new idea was some internal clues that came out of nowhere. And all because psychic abilities allow you to look at the world more broadly and see the truth that is hidden for those who do not want to know it.

This gift can manifest itself only in a special state of mind, when it is possible to open information channels and thus obtain special knowledge.

For example, the famous scientist René Descartes was able to make most of his discoveries under the influence of such a state. What, by the way, he was not afraid to admit. The main clues he received from his dreams, and they made him famous.

Another physicist, Niels Bohr, also told an interesting story. A person who has been in search of understanding the structure of the atom for a long time, was finally able to see it in his dreams. The scientist described a vision in which he was on the Sun, around which the planets circled, and the subtlest connections were observed between them. So Bohr was able to understand and imagine the structure of the atom, which became one of the greatest discoveries of that time.

The gift of clairvoyance can appear suddenly, under the influence of stress or a dangerous situation. Developing these abilities can change your life and improve the lives of loved ones. You just need to develop your abilities using special exercises. Think: if great people did this spontaneously, then is it really impossible for a person who sets a goal to achieve it?

Of course, your main obstacle will be the upbringing system and the patterns and rules imposed by society. But clairvoyance involves going beyond, and for this you need to prepare. The more you believe in yourself and your strengths, the easier the learning process will go.

But remember that you must be prepared for the consequences. After all, the possession of any gift is a responsibility that must be realized and which cannot be neglected. If you set out to discover your abilities, then be prepared for this. Otherwise, there may be consequences that adversely affect your health.

Remember that you need to move along this path gradually, step by step. A sharp jump - and you are no longer in control of the situation. Do not believe those who promise you a rapid development of clairvoyance. People who really practice such self-improvement know that it is not a quick result that matters, but confidence in each new step. First, begin to study the methods of developing the gift on your own. And only when you reach a level where you can not move on, you can resort to the help of a mentor.

Clairvoyant abilities are available to many saints, hermits living in seclusion, Indian yogis, Buddhist monks and other special people. What unites them? The desire to become better, to achieve a higher level of spiritual development and the ability to think outside the box. They all try to cleanse themselves of filth and learn to be in harmony with the world around them. And special exercises help them with this:

Regular meditation

It allows you to calm the mind of a person, clear thoughts from the "husk" and learn to concentrate on your inner vision. This is one of the most effective methods for developing clairvoyance, since it involves working with a variety of images that should appear on the "inner screen".

aura vision

To do this, you need to peer at some object for about 15 minutes, carefully studying its contours. The best effect will be if you do it at dusk. Over time, you will be able to see a small haze that will envelop the selected item. This will be the aura. Then you can move on to the study of parts of the human body, which will allow you to learn to distinguish the layers (colors) of the aura. When working with a person, learning will go much faster.

Working with the "inner screen"

You can observe images, landscapes, and pictures if you learn to peer into the inside of your eyelids. To do this, it is necessary to systematically try to see the images that arise there with your eyes closed. At first it may be dots, lines, but over time, clearer pictures will appear. The more often you can do the exercises to study the "inner screen", the faster you will be able to develop clairvoyance.

Crystal ball work

You are probably familiar with the traditional image of fortune-tellers and magicians who are able to read the past, present and future through a crystal ball. And these are not only fairy tales, but also a real opportunity to develop your gift. Any transparent surface can act as such a "ball". For example, a glass of water. It will serve as a lens in the so-called "astral tube". With its help you will be able to see the Subtle World, its inhabitants and everything that happens in it. It is enough to train systematically. To begin with, clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts, and then imagine how an information channel opens inside you. Look into the water column. Over time, you will be able to see events and people in it, piercing space and time.

Follow the exercises described regularly to get the desired effect. But in addition to practical skills, there is a list of necessary conditions that will make it easier for you to develop the gift of clairvoyance.

In order for your exercises that you intend to perform to develop your abilities to be more effective, you need to follow several requirements:

Understand purpose and motive

Before discovering a gift in yourself, you definitely need to know for what purpose you are doing this. Higher powers will ask you about it and it is better that your answers are precisely formulated. Remember that both Light and Dark forces can bestow you. In the second case, you can receive your gift very quickly, but then you may be required to pay for it (your health or your loved ones, and even their lives). Please think about this before asking them.

Required amount of energy

To work in this direction, you must be prepared for a large expenditure of energy. Therefore, you need, firstly, to think over the source of its replenishment (running, meditation), and secondly, to limit its inappropriate consumption (stresses, emotional breakdowns).

Healthy lifestyle

To open the channel, you need to cleanse yourself of bad habits (alcohol, smoking) and start eating right. After all, a healthy (strong) spirit lives in a healthy body!

Closing karmic debt

If in a past life you did a lot of deeds to the detriment of people, then until you redeem your debt, a ban on the discovery of these abilities has been imposed on you.