Congratulate your sister on her 50th birthday. great date sister

Half a century you exchanged, sister,
Who knows if it's a lot or a little
Everything was on the way: both storms and winds,
I want you to be happy
May cherished dreams come true
Let the family rejoice, grandchildren laugh,
For them, you will always be the main one,
Everyone appreciates your golden hands.
Be healthy, beloved and dear,
I love you, sister, with all my heart,
Don't rush to live, stop, stay,
And remember, we will always be with you!


My dear, forever young, best sister, I congratulate you on your 50th birthday! I wish you to fully enjoy life, be surprised and rejoice, get what you want and dream. Be healthy, loved, always surrounded by courtesy and delicate attention!


You, beloved sister,
I congratulate you on your anniversary -
After all, life is a new page
It opens before you.

I wish you to be happy
After all, fifty is just the beginning.
So that every new day
You gladly met!


Happy anniversary
dear little sister,
Here's fifty for you
Don't change your habits

Stay young
Cheerful and courageous,
I will always help you
If you only say!


You are fifty today
Big anniversary.
I want, dear, I say
That there is no sweeter sister.

And in this festive moment
I congratulate you.
Live for many, many years
Sister dear.

Let dreams come true
Luck accompanies
And to give all the flowers,
And a cottage appeared.

Health, happiness and love,
success, inspiration,
I wish mature beauty
On your bright birthday.

Congratulations to my sister on her 50th birthday


You are my dear sister,
Your anniversary is fifty.
And instead of getting drunk
I want to give you a treasure.

This treasure is not a treasure box
Not a set of shiny stones,
And my wishes are a walk,
A complex composition caresses the look.

I wish you only victory
Although no! A lot of victories.
They bypassed the side so that troubles
On the table for a hearty meal.

To visit you
Our ancient friends
So that there is love and health,
Every day was not spent in vain!


My sister, happy birthday. You have seen a lot of good things and not so much in your life. On the day of my fiftieth birthday, I wish that good things become more and more, and we meet new anniversaries with joy and delight. Happy birthday sister, happy birthday!


My dear sister, happy anniversary,
Don't forget to celebrate today!
Gathered at the family table
All your family and friends.

I hasten to congratulate you on your fiftieth,
The happiest day in the world!
I wish you wealth
And in the soul, and in the heart, and in your wallet!


I'll get stronger in spirit
And without unnecessary ardent phrases
I love my sister
I'll kiss you a hundred times.

You shine with the beauty of spring
And your eyes are shining
You are the same as before
Despite the fifty

And slender and light-eyed.
The years are coming
Dark deep old age
I won't give up my sister.


Let the fiftieth leaf be turned over,
From the book life is bright, like a fairy tale,
May every day be pure radiance,
Drive away all anxiety and publicity.

I wish, dear sister, on this day,
Good luck, tenderness, love to dizziness,
Let no evil shadow lie on the heart,
And happiness, fidelity will fill the relationship!

Congratulations on the anniversary of 50 years to the sister from the sister, from the brother


Sister, my beloved, I congratulate
Happy birthday, you are 50.
Health, success, warmth, I wish
And let the sparks of happiness fly around.

May you be loved, and in the life of luck,
And good people are leaving.
Great to make you feel good
It has always been, and everywhere you are waiting.


You have a sister, today is your birthday.
Smile you Dear, now you are faster.
Fifty is not so much, life is all ahead.
But a lot has been achieved, you see.

And today on your birthday, I wish you:
Love, tenderness, health. Congratulations sister!
Also happiness and good luck, and not to know sadness.
Let every house meet you with an open heart.


50 is a beautiful date, sister,
We congratulate you now in full,
Let your eyes shine, sister,
You smile, dear, and always have fun.
We wish you happiness, success and good luck,
We wish you to solve all the problems in life.
We congratulate you very much,
And we sing songs about you today!


You have become quite an adult -
The grandchildren are called grandmother.
But in your heart you don't age
Year after year you get younger.

And in your eyes, sister,
Again I see two fires.
The fires are burning fervently -
You are young, no doubt.


You are for me, as before:
Baby and princess!
Just got older
But the same you Gulvisa!

Eyes burn like in childhood
You are beautiful, young.
And in our kingdom
Only you alone

This is so beautiful
Gorgeous girl!
Cheerful and passionate
With the smile of a child.

May this birthday
All friends are coming...
Sister, put aside your doubts:
I love you!

Happy birthday wishes to sister - happy 50th birthday


And on this day - especially beautiful,
You are so charming, gentle,
And, as always, you are friendly, playful.
Today I want to congratulate you
On your simply unreal anniversary:
Half a mark is great. native,
Live with happiness and your love.


What is the ataman sister,
50 is not the limit.
Life - with cream cream,
I will give it to you.

Fountains full of happiness
I wish from the bottom of my heart
Euros, dollars in your pocket,
Put them on your account.

Do not be sad that the years are fast
They just fly by.
You are for everyone any bright spark,
Happy Birthday to You!


Oh well, I don't believe it
That you are already 50.
You, sister, wench,
The eyes are on fire!
Happy anniversary
And of course I wish
Smooth skin without wrinkles
And hairstyles without sivinok,
Diamonds on the ears
There are cakes without calories,
Dance like you were 20.
For a man to cook dinner
gave red roses,
Loved, loved!


Funny date, sister, you have -
Feasts today, 50 years later!
And you are still the same luxurious lady,
A sister and a wonderful mother!

All of our family loves you
After all, there is no you, the sun, dearer and more beautiful.
You are a ray in the window, you are our diamond,
You are our treasure, miracle, talent!

Be the happiest forever, dear.
Live, smile, not knowing sadness.
May all relatives and children appreciate you,
You are the best in the world!


My beloved sister
You are celebrating your anniversary.
So accept congratulations
From your loved ones as soon as possible!

Such a number is not simple -
You are fifty today.
So be so young
To turn back time!

All the best to you, love and happiness
And many, many bright days.
And always be so beautiful
May it be a great anniversary!

Anniversary - 50 years old sister


Happy birthday sister!
50 suits you very well.
You have certainly become wiser,
And the soul, as in 20, sings.

You are full of purity and mysteries,
Many different minutes lived,
May your age be long and sweet
People close love and wait.

And I wish you health and happiness,
Many joyful sunny years,
Laugh sincerely, laugh more often
Let the head spin from victories.


Let the years go forward
Don't you ever be sad
Don't count numbers
Age is always inside.

50 is just a date
Often do not look at the passport,
After all, you're only 20,
Feel free to look in the mirror.

I wish you, sister
Always be a young beauty
To be loved, to be unique.
Of course, be happy.


50! So what! So what?
What is life in store now?
Who will help you be happy?
Only the nearest ones are us!

I wish you wrinkles
Blossomed with laughter and happiness,
And in the eyes of mischievous giggles
They took the bad weather away from the house.

Just be you, sister, healthy,
I will never get tired of repeating.
We will turn mountains with you.
50 is just the beginning.


Really 50?
Many or few?
I wish grandchildren
Whole bunch.

And health is like steel
Such a durable
So that your loved ones
Were close at home.

Let there be enough money for everything:
For an apartment, cottage,
On diamond earrings
And a bracelet to boot!

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart
Happy this anniversary!
There is no better sister in the world
More beautiful, wiser!


My dear sister, I congratulate you on your 50th birthday. From the bottom of my heart, I wish you good and happiness in your soul, prosperity and well-being in your home, respect and honor in your environment, peace and love in your family, good luck and luck in any activity.


Happy anniversary, dear sister,
I heartily congratulate you!
Be cheerful, gentle, happy,
In a word, the one that I know you.

At fifty, life is just beginning,
So much joy lies ahead!
And let everything that you dream about
With you, dear, it will happen!


I want to congratulate you on your anniversary
And wish you a lot of happiness
We don't regret what happened.
There is a time to perform feats!

Sister, you are beautiful as always.
There is experience, a spark in the eyes.
I wish you a lot of colors in life
Let there be everything that is in dreams.


How good it is in the circle of your friends
Celebrate another anniversary.
After all, fifty happens only once,
Let life please you now.

Sister, you deserve beauty
Gifts, compliments and love.
May everything in life be what you want,
And what is - appreciate and take care!


Your anniversary is an amazing picture,
A holiday in reality, not in a dream.
Fifty! And only half
Passed the road on the ground!

The best age! experience, knowledge,
Humor, intuition, flair,
Women's wisdom, soul understanding -
Everything is with you now, everything is yours.

And now all roads are open
And now it's time to live for yourself.
Believe in happiness and drive away worries.
Happy birthday, dear sister!


On your long-awaited anniversary,
We want to be even brighter
Even more beautiful than now
Many, many, many times!

To be everything you want
To make all dreams come true
Always to have children around
And a lot of roses are always in the bouquet!

Worries we wish not to know
And drown in compliments
Enjoy beautiful life
And also, cute, smile!


Years go by, hours fly by
But you won't notice it
And fifty is like five
We are like babies again
We laugh and sing with you
So enjoying every day.
And don't think how old
Has already passed. They don't have an account!
Soul just do not grow old
And every year younger!


50 years is the age of maturity, wealth, wisdom and experience, which makes you, dear sister, even more attractive. Therefore, I wish you to attract only joy, happiness, kindness, attention and good people to yourself, and let all the bad things pass by. Happy anniversary!


My sister is so beautiful
charming, playful,
Thank you for being so
My sister dear!

Don't you look that fifty
They quickly ran through life -
Let them run where they want
And you yourself do not know sadness.

I want to always be like this
With a beautiful young soul
Live in joy, be loved
Love and live so well!


Today we are gathered here, sister,
To celebrate your gorgeous anniversary!
After all, at fifty you are the same bright girl,
And I ask you to stay her!

Let the years rush, and you will flourish
And prettier, supposedly a rose in the garden!
I wish you to notice in every moment
Only joy, positive and beauty!


Happy anniversary
You, dear sister,
At 50 I ask fate
To add goodness.

May your dreams be colorful
Keep on dreaming
And through the window in the morning
Happiness is knocking again.

All day let the rainbow
Shines above you
And love at night
Kindly warms.

Happy anniversary
Years I wish
And let them not be
No end, no edge.


Happy anniversary, dear sister,
After all, today you are fifty.
Turned the page of life
Your house is filled with joy now.

I wish you, dear
Do not be afraid of problems and troubles.
Your life will be a fairy tale, I know
Only the best in the future awaits!


My sister, for fifty years you have been my dear soul,
You are for me, like a clear light, such a clockwork!
I heartily congratulate you on your birthday,
And on this glorious anniversary of love, I wish you!

Love yourself, any beloved, blossoming with your soul,
Do not forget success and joy, catching up with luck,
Let your soul sing, freeze with happiness,
Self-love calls you, and the heart answers!


Sister, happy birthday!
You are half a century old - 50.
Live with no regrets about the past
Let your eyes burn with joy!

And in the heart let love be great
And the caress of goodness live,
You, dear sister,
Let them not let you down!


Dear sister, you are 50 today. I sincerely congratulate you and want to wish you on your holiday to always look forward with hope, constantly feel the warmth of your native hearts, never succumb to a bad mood, confidently, with goodness in your soul and happiness on your palms, continue your life path.


Many wishes today
Sounds like you, look!
After all, the fiftieth anniversary
You, my dear sister.

I wish you not to know diseases,
Have good health.
With any bad weather and sadness
I wish to cope without losses.

And let among relatives and friends
There will be no place for the wicked.
Let only honor and frankness
It will belong to every person.


Anniversary, anniversary
Don't regret the years.
What is 50?
This is a sweet marmalade:

Your life, your days
The light of alluring lights,
And I congratulate you
Young, naughty.

Let, sister, for you
The world will always sparkle
Someone's eyes are playing
Protects from adversity.


Dear sister, dear,
I congratulate you on your anniversary!
Call your friends soon
We are celebrating an anniversary.
And do not look, please, back -
You're only fifty!
You have fun like a girl
And your laughter is heard loudly.
I wish you do not know grief
And like an asterisk shone for us!


A gentle smile on your lips
And the young look shines with enthusiasm,
Maybe some mistake
What are you, sister, 50?!

Accept, dear, congratulations,
Be loved, happy, young,
May good luck, joy and luck
Hand in hand go always with you!


Today, sister, you are fifty!
Let your eyes burn with a kind light,
The mood of the beautiful, new ideas,
Harmony, joy in your life!

Dear heart and true friend,
Don't let the winter blizzard scare you
In the soul will always be forever spring,
After all, life is given to us all for happiness!


A special half-century anniversary
But is the years important?
Good sincere of the highest standard
My sister is young.

I salute darling
With a wonderful date in that life.
Always so beautiful
You be both summer and winter.

Let fate reward
Health, happiness and comfort.
Let everyone in the world respect
Relatives appreciate, cherish.

Toast sister for 50 years. Let them wish to look into the future with optimism, not regret anything and enjoy the fruits of their life's labors. A wonderful husband, well-behaved children, a favorite job, an interesting hobby - after all, does your sister already have all this? Well, if something is missing in the “set”, you should not grieve about the unfulfilled, because everyone has their own happiness, and it is not always the same as that of friends and neighbors.

In verse

  • I can't believe you're fifty today.
  • Sis, you have the most tender sweet look.
  • You are kind, sympathetic and nice.
  • You are smart and very poetic.
  • I appreciate, sister, your advice,
  • I can keep your secrets.
  • I drink to keep you from getting sick
  • And overcome any difficulties!
  • How important it is to have a sister.
  • I hasten to congratulate you in the morning.
  • After all, you have a beautiful anniversary.
  • At 50, you became even prettier and kinder.
  • Please accept my sincere regards.
  • Live happily for another hundred years.
  • I want to raise a toast to you
  • "Congratulations!" - shout out loud!
  • Don't be ashamed of your fiftieth birthday
  • Tag and have fun.
  • Sister, I sincerely congratulate you.
  • I just adore you, sister.
  • You mean a lot to me in life.
  • Congratulations to you and all my family.
  • I drink for the fact that you do not know the disease.
  • I wish you never get bored!
  • I wish you peace and good
  • Congratulations on your fiftieth birthday.
  • Sister you give me happiness
  • You are the most beautiful sister on earth.
  • You are also a wonderful mother and wife.
  • I wish that trouble does not come to you.
  • I want to enjoy every day
  • Sister, I make a toast to you from the bottom of my heart!
  • My sister is as beautiful as the sun.
  • And even at 50, she is dangerous for men.
  • Flutter sister like a moth.
  • And let your heart be like a flame.
  • Sister, you could be an example for me.
  • I promise to love you until the end of my days.
  • Stay healthy and beautiful
  • And I always - always needed.
  • Don't forget your youth.
  • You conquer new peaks.
  • You don't have to be sad at 50.
  • Sister, I will always be there for you!
  • My Sister, you put on your best clothes.
  • You look younger at fifty.
  • Your advice is important to me.
  • And I really need them in my life.
  • You are kind, dear and beautiful.
  • Like the sun you are bright and clear.
  • Do not lose energy over the years.
  • And make all your plans come true.
  • It doesn't matter how old the passport is.
  • Sister, say no to aging.
  • Let youth not leave you.
  • May the smile never disappear from your face!
  • There is a new leaf in the book of life.
  • And let him be clean.
  • Don't rush to fill it out.
  • Leave only the good in history.
  • The fiftieth year of life has gone.
  • Sister, here is the anniversary and I found you.
  • So let him bring joy.
  • A lot of congratulations are waiting for you today.
  • All flowers are given to you.
  • Everyone loves you sister.
  • I sincerely love you
  • And in honor of you I will pour wine!

In prose in your own words

Two birds lived in the same tree. They were insanely beautiful in appearance. They sang wonderful trills and were inseparable all the time. They covered each other from snow and rain. Together they shared the food they got, and together they built nests. My dear sister, you and I remind me of these two beautiful birds. We also sing beautifully. We always help each other, we feel when one of us feels bad. On your fiftieth birthday, I am by your side. I want to drink so that life does not separate us for as long as possible!

My dear sister, you are the brightest and most beloved person for me on this earth. You always help me. Your kind soul forgives me all insults. You never hold a grudge against me. Today I want to thank you for being you. For your care and attention. May this wonderful anniversary bring you a lot of positive emotions. 50 years is only the middle of life. Ahead of you is waiting for a lot of positive emotions and surprises. Therefore, there is no reason to be upset. People live and not with such a date in the passport. So for you, sister!

Today I came to congratulate my sister on her significant anniversary, her fiftieth birthday! My dear! I brought you this large bouquet of yellow tulips as a token of love and respect. Do not trust anyone that they are sadness and parting. On the contrary, they symbolize the eternal sun, joy and financial success. These elegant cheerful flowers are very similar to your character and give hope that after a cold winter the sun will definitely come out! Never change yourself and your life principles. happy holiday

A person is never sent just like tests. So God wants to teach us something. You, dear sister, have gone through many trials in your life. Fate today puts you the number five. You know how to behave in different life situations. You are always ready to help. You are cheerful, active, cheerful and blooming. Dear sister, I drink for your 5 dozen. Trust me, it's not much. And I look forward to celebrating our centenary with you!
necessary. I am very emotional, let it be
Happy Anniversary! Stay happy for many years!
Love! So that life is more beautiful,

My dear sister, congratulations

More fun! And on this day
A wonderful and happy anniversary!
He is in the arms
Bright, noisy, kind I wish you more
house and high

you with your
affairs and in
And children, grandchildren delight In your fifty is not
Happy fiftieth birthday Congratulations on your fiftieth birthday

Well, here it has become
Holiday! Greater happiness, good luck
wealth, let yours

50th anniversary. From pure
life is fine!
worth it at all

I congratulate my sister!
Hurry up to devote to her! You are a little older
You are fifty today, I am grateful to you
And fulfillment any path illuminates bright

I heart to you

Neither hang your nose, nor let you have everything
Let it be in life And celebrate your anniversary today!

You are the same
​ -​
Your secret dream! Light and true
I wish you well and from troubles!

you want it!
Bitterly discouraged! It will be the same
Lots and lots of happiness!
Today I wish my sister

All efforts are not
Happy birthday sister!
Hope, let the heart of happiness in the soul,

Let it bestow happiness and Let it become more and more beautiful,
Go ahead and nothing is complicated!
Let it be more sincere

Delight let your eyes
In vain.
How imperceptibly flew by
yours breathes love

wealth and prosperity
than yesterday!
Don't be afraid!

Stay happy for many years!
So that life is more beautiful, they burn,
In life you led

And the soul rejoices in the house, respect

Let your old dream come true!

Let you achieve your goal And not to fate

Let it be in Let bad weather bypass

More fun! Although they run

Me, 50, but I

And sings. And honor in

May you have enough in your life!

Start grumbling! Deeds and in

And children, grandchildren please

In your fifty years!

Than I could, I wish everyone, as in

You are 50 today, dear

Environment, peace and always patience,

And there will be more light

Let the beautiful ones wait for you

Life is fine! Yours! Worth it at all

Dear sister, dear, helped.

your 18: love is my sister. And

Love in the family, To light the cherished star!

And good!


May God save you May everything be as

Do not hang your nose, nor the big Anniversary has come!

My sweet sister

Crazy, intoxicating joy,

let your

good luck and fortune

I will ask the Lord Happy fiftieth anniversary

Let dreams come true a hundred times! From troubles!

you want it!

Bitterly discouraged! In connection with

My whole soul of exceptional beauty and

Life will be filled in any activity.

Today, I hasten to congratulate my sister

May you be all of you, May you give happiness and

Let everything become more beautiful

Go ahead and I wish for nothing

Gave. good around! sparkling

Faith, love, warmth, Congratulations on your 50th birthday, dear

Loved forever! Inspiration!

Than yesterday! Don't be afraid!

To make the world kinder And now I congratulate

Eyes, a mysterious smile, kindness and miracles

And my dear, your fate!

And wish her happiness And it will be in life

Let him fulfill his old dream! May you achieve your goal

And did not become fate!

I want you so

Awesome mood, fresh for a rating of five,

sister. wish you

To give humility and quickly, many awards!

Let you have enough

You can in life! Start grumbling! Let ideas inspire

Cordially. Jets in life!

And misunderstanding and I want cheerfulness of the soul


always be patient

And there will be more light Let the most beautiful ones wait for you

Every day on May the faithful

Beloved and faithful friend, sadness remains on

And bodies with And said: how I

I love her!

Let your today

To light the cherished star!

And good!

Meetings! Miracles,

Family my dear sister,

scale close to

Morning to night, I love you!

Congratulations anniversary 50 years old sister poems

Fifty I will ask the Lord

Happy fiftieth anniversary

Let dreams come true a hundred times! And shine with delight

Will be there endlessly! Congratulations on

zero. I wish you good luck with

Sister, dear happy anniversary, great!

Hopes come true soon today

I hasten to congratulate my sister. Let you be all

Your kind eyes! Healthy lifestyle,

happy birthday. Wish

Your mature youth Monday through Sunday,

I sincerely congratulate you! Let it be only bright

And new ones will appear again!

So that he always keeps his own!

loved forever!

Children, grandchildren respect

Which you lead, you want yourself and be proud of her.

Grandiose and joyful On your fiftieth birthday

Positive! Let it be as it is

Your fate! And wish her happiness

And will be in life

Days are burning with smiles!

It shocks good health, constant

Dear sister! You today events every month

Let fate reward you!

Let your work be

are you talking about

To give humility and

Hurry up, many awards!​

Let love multiply thoughts

Cheerfulness, great happiness,

50, and for bright happiness

May all your dreams be not in vain!

Dreaming! Peace

Having said about how Sister, I congratulate you on your anniversary!

Your happiness is in And teaches youth.

warmth of native hearts,

You me all year round.

Perform! You just wait for miracles

Let everything around you And tell: how I

I love her! Let it be in yours today

Fifty! Therefore, sister

Sincere and warm the same girl,

Dear sister, I congratulate you. Let it give joy and

Don't stop! Worship!

I love you! Let your fate be

Fifty Fifty - already

I'm proud of mine. Meeting my loved ones

With which we are 50 years old. I wish


May health never be May the sweetness of life be you

Sister, dear happy anniversary

Great! Hopes come true sooner than 30,

What fifty -

People, respect, success climbed rooftops, feel young

Let life fill with harmony fails!

You will soon know I congratulate you sincerely!

Let it be only bright

And new ones will appear again! But not yet

I won't hide

And all the earthly fought over toys

Soul and cheerful After all, you are with us

Let there be many devotees And not have to at all

On your fiftieth birthday, positive!

Let it be like

Let everyone know.


And cried with each other's body, I wish you chamomile

More beautiful than all! Friends!


Let fate reward you! Let your work be

Congratulations on the anniversary of 50 years old sister in prose

Many more will submit. Let! My sister, I congratulate my friend on the insidious, fields of tenderness and Let all the bad things last forever Let the grandchildren grow up quickly Let all your military dreams not be in vain! Dream! You life awards! Let it not dry out

anniversary. For your but handsome boys, joys in life, 50 years - it’s going away! And they will start to please you with success! Will fulfill! You just wait for miracles Let everything around you be rainbow events Inside enthusiasm, you are life saw with all my heart

I wish with good faith the age of maturity, wealth, And be in life We are all more beautiful, it’s better Let it give joy and don’t stop! They idolize! , mine and bright hope

Wisdom and experience, only more fun! And wiser success! May health never be Let the sweetness of life be you Unexplored discoveries I know, and not very much. Beloved sister, with uplifting your soul that makes you , I want to take a word, And success is ahead of you

Let life fill with harmony brings you! You will soon know the Triumphal Ridge! You will ask others! On your anniversary. You are my happiness, I wish you dear sister, so that they are waiting for the anniversary! After all, you are with us Let there be many devotees

Open, cheerful, I wish the fiftieth anniversary that the real best cherish in the heart is more attractive. Therefore, I wish to read my postcard now! Sister celebrates her birthday more beautifully than all! Friends! Grieve! Grandchildren will give delight, Beautiful sister, everything became good

A friend with whom it’s warm, and in you to attract to And on this day a wonderful and happy anniversary! Let all the bad things last forever Let the grandchildren grow up faster My husband will add confidence, I want to be healthy, More and more, we will always understand. At home - comfort. Only joy for yourself, happy fiftieth birthday Congratulations on your fiftieth birthday Well, now it’s leaving! And they will start to please with success! You will make a splash! You are rich was. And new anniversaries Thank you, my dear, Dear sister, I congratulate you on happiness, kindness, attention. I congratulate my sister! We hurry to devote to her soon! You are a little older

And be in life We are all the most beautiful, the best source of Charm, I wish that until old age we met with what you are on your 50th birthday. Let good people, Let you have everything Let it be in life And celebrate your anniversary today! Only more fun!

And wiser than Light tenderness, kindness! My husband is joy and delight in the theater. In my life, life does not stop, and everything bad will be just as much, much happiness! Today I wish my sister I want to take the floor , And success ahead of you I wish between

Half a century you exchanged, sister,
Who knows if it's a lot or a little
Everything was on the way: both storms and winds,
I want you to be happy now
May cherished dreams come true
Let the family rejoice, grandchildren laugh,
For them, you will always be the main one,
Everyone appreciates your golden hands.
Be healthy, beloved and dear,
I love you, sister, with all my heart,
Don't rush to live, stop, stay,
And remember, we will always be with you!

Funny date, sister, you have -
Feast today, 50 years later!
And you're still such a gorgeous lady,
A sister and a wonderful mother!

All of our family loves you
After all, there is no you, the sun, dearer and more beautiful.
You are a ray in the window, you are our diamond,
You are our treasure, miracle, talent!

Be the happiest ever, dear.
Live, smile, not knowing sadness.
May all relatives and children appreciate you,
You are the best in the world!

50 years is the age of maturity, wealth, wisdom and experience, which makes you, dear sister, even more attractive. Therefore, I wish you to attract only joy, happiness, kindness, attention and good people to yourself, and let all the bad things pass by. Happy anniversary!

On your lips the sweetest smile,
And the young look shines with enthusiasm,
Maybe some mistake
What are you, sister, 50?!

Accept, dear, congratulations,
Be loved, happy, young,
May good luck, joy and luck
Hand in hand go always with you!

Oh well, I don't believe it
What are you 50.
You, sister, young
The eyes are on fire!
Happy anniversary
And of course I wish
Smooth skin without wrinkles
And hairstyles without gray hairs,
Diamonds on the ears
Eat cakes without calories
Dance like you were 20.
Husband cooks dinner
He gave scarlet roses,
I adored, idolized!

Let the years go forward
Don't you ever be sad
Don't count numbers
Age is always inside.

50 is just a date
Often do not look at the passport,
After all, you're only 20,
Feel free to look in the mirror.

I wish you, sister
Always be young beauty
To be loved, to be unique.
Of course, be happy.

Happy birthday sister!
50 suits you very well.
You have certainly become wiser,
And the soul, as in 20, sings.

You are full of purity and mysteries,
Many different minutes lived,
May your life be long and sweet
People close love and wait.

And I wish you health and happiness,
Many joyful sunny years,
Laugh sincerely, laugh more often
Let the head spin from victories.

My beloved sister
You are celebrating your anniversary.
So accept congratulations
From your loved ones soon!

Such a number is not simple -
You are fifty today.
So be so young
To turn back time!

All the best to you, love and happiness
And many, many bright days.
And always be so beautiful
May it be a great anniversary!

Happy anniversary, dear sister,
I heartily congratulate you!
Be cheerful, gentle, happy,
In a word, the one I know you.

Life begins at fifty
There is so much joy ahead!
And may all that is dreamed of
With you, dear, it will happen!

My sister is so beautiful
charming, playful,
Thank you for being who you are
My sister dear!

Don't you look that fifty
They quickly ran through life -
Let them run where they want
And you yourself do not know sadness.

I want to always be like this
With a beautiful young soul
Live in joy, be loved
Love and live so well!

Your anniversary is a wonderful picture,
A holiday in reality, not in a dream.
Fifty! Yes, only half
Passed the road on the ground!

The best age! experience, knowledge,
Humor, intuition, flair,
Women's wisdom, soul understanding -
Everything is with you now, everything is yours.

And now all roads are open
And now it's time to live for yourself.
Believe in happiness and drive away worries.
Happy birthday, dear sister!

Dear sister, let me congratulate you on your anniversary. This is indeed a great date that will allow you to discover new opportunities. Therefore, I want to wish you that your desires are always fulfilled no matter what. Be happy and may you always be surrounded by the closest and dearest people. Happy holiday!

Dear sister! Today you turn 50 years old. This is not the beginning of life, but it is far from the end. This age is a period that helps to look at life in a new way, from a different angle. During your life you raised and raised wonderful children. Now your children are adults and they have their own children - your grandchildren. Live for your grandchildren, live for everyone to be happy. After all, you are happiness, joy and kindness! Happy Anniversary, may the sun shine wherever you are!

Congratulations on your 50th birthday, my beloved sister! So many important things have happened in your life. And how many good things await you ahead, because there are so many beautiful, interesting and unknown things in the world. I wish you that your life is full of goodness. Let you have only joyful dreams, from which you want to smile and live on.

Dear and beloved sister, I sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary. You are a wise woman who is always ready to give excellent advice, you can rely on and trust you. I want to wish you peace and peace of mind, be strong no matter what. Happy holiday!

They say that 50 years is half a life. In fact, this is not half of life, it is the beginning of a new life! After all, it is at the age of 50 that women become the most beautiful. It is during this period of their life that they "bloom". Dear sister, let me congratulate you on your anniversary and the beginning of a new life! May your new life be even better and brighter than the previous one. Let each new day meet you with warm sun and see you off with pleasant memories of it!

Today you turned 50 years old! But this is no reason to give up and do nothing. Now your mission is to pass on experience to the younger generation. As soon as you sit on a bench near the house and see a girl in a short skirt, be sure to say: “We didn’t allow ourselves this in our times!” Happy anniversary!

They say it takes a person two years to learn to speak, and 50 years to learn to keep his mouth shut. Today my sister proved that she passed this school with excellent marks. Stay, dear, for a second term and keep learning. 100 years will be provided to you!

Years run inexorably, but my sister is just as good. This is the unique case when the time is reflected only in the passport and on the calendar, but not in any way on the person. I wish this youth to last as long as possible, because it suits you so much. Therefore, on your birthday, I want to congratulate the whole world, because on this day he became a little richer.