How to recognize gems. How to distinguish a diamond from a fake at home

Jewelry with diamonds is the dream of many girls and women. However, before rushing to purchase such an expensive product, you should read the recommendations of experts on how to check a diamond for authenticity so as not to become a victim of fraud.

Many people are interested in the question of how to distinguish a diamond from a fake, it is especially relevant among those who already have such jewelry or are just about to make an expensive and pleasant purchase.

Methods for checking diamonds for authenticity

One of the easiest ways to make sure that you are the owner of real diamonds is to have the stone appraised by professionals in the jewelry business. However, if this is not possible, since jewelers cost a lot of money to appraise gemstones, you can try to do it yourself. The following tips will come to your aid on how to distinguish a diamond at home from fakes:

  1. A real diamond will never be cut in silver or another inexpensive metal. Such an expensive stone in the manufacture of jewelry is combined with the same expensive precious metals- mainly gold and platinum.
  2. Perfectly smooth and even diamond surface without any defects - sure sign that what is in front of you is not a precious stone known for its brilliance and brilliance, but a fake.
  3. Real diamonds should not show through. If you managed to read lines from a newspaper or magazine through a stone, you have a fake in front of you.
  4. Cut diamonds always shine and play with light. Against their background, other stones look pale and dull, even despite the high-quality cut. The diamond is endowed a high degree refraction, so in the light it should sparkle strongly. No other stone can be confused with the brilliance and play of a diamond.
  5. Diamonds never fog up. By choosing this method of self-checking diamonds for authenticity, it is enough to wipe the stone with a dry flannel cloth and breathe on it for a few seconds. Evaporation immediately forms on the surface of any fake, the diamond will remain dry and shiny.
  6. Genuine diamonds are not visible in water due to their transparency. By lowering a stone or jewelry with it into a container of water, you can check which stone you own - a real gem or a fake.
  7. You can use another way to distinguish real diamond from his forgery. Its essence boils down to the effect of ultraviolet radiation on the diamond. Under ultraviolet rays, this gem always glows blue. Moissanite will glow in other shades.
  8. Diamonds take a very long time to heat up under the influence of heat. human body. If you don’t know how to determine the authenticity of a diamond at home, to make sure that you don’t have a fake in front of you, just hold it in your palm and hold it in it for a while. Before the stone gets hot long time in the hand will be felt cold from the diamond.
  9. It is known that diamonds do not scratch, so you can rub its surface with sandpaper. If there is no trace left on the stone, then it is really real.

How can you tell if a diamond is real or fake?

More reliable way How to determine the authenticity of a diamond is to use an electronic tester that allows you to distinguish a diamond from fakes, with the exception of moissanite, a high-quality diamond imitation. However, another method will help in this: the stone must be lowered into a liquid that has specific gravity below 3.17 is the specific gravity of moissanite. During this test, the diamond will sink to the bottom while the moissanite will float to the surface of the water.

Most often, under the guise of diamonds, moissanite is given out. In this case, it will be useful to know one more option, how to determine whether a diamond is real, and not a high-tech diamond simulant. To do this, you need to hold it under fire: the real diamond will not suffer, but the moissanite will turn green, which will be impossible to get rid of. This method of determining the authenticity of a precious stone is suitable for those people who are not afraid to part with the jewelry, even if it is a fake.

Colored or fancy diamonds are especially valued because they have a high aesthetic appeal and are mined extremely rarely - no more than a few dozen stones a year. Based on this, they are more expensive than other types of diamonds, which is why they are counterfeited more often than colorless stones.

Differences between diamond and rock crystal

The popularity of rock crystal in jewelry is due to the fact that this stone is very similar to a diamond. There are still differences between a diamond and rock crystal.

To make sure that it is a diamond in front of you, and not rhinestone, you can do the following: sprinkle a few drops of water on the stone, take a needle and poke it into the drops. If the water did not spread over the surface of the stone, but retained its shape, then you were not deceived.

Rhinestone allows jewelers to use different kinds cutting, as a result of which the stone acquires dazzling brilliance. This property of crystal is used to imitate diamonds.

There is one more distinguishing feature jewelry with these different stones. It is known that only expensive metal is used as a setting for real diamond stones, mainly gold and platinum. Rock crystal is more often set in silver, sometimes in gold.

How to distinguish a real diamond from a glass fake: determining authenticity

Specialists in the world jewelry art reveal a few secrets on how to distinguish a diamond from glass and not give it away a large sum money for a cheap fake.

To make it easier to determine the authenticity of a diamond, it is better to purchase a magnifying glass, which is sold in any jewelry store. The fact is that a diamond is a mineral of natural origin, so it cannot be flawless. Inside the stone, you can see various inclusions, which will never be in a fake in the form of glass or other artificial material. True, artificial diamonds can also look perfect, so you should not rely on this only criterion for the authenticity of a diamond.

In this case, you should use additional methods how to distinguish a real diamond from a fake, namely from glass. If you pay attention to the edges of the stone, then the diamond will have sharp edges, while the fake ones will be rounded. Pay attention to how the stone is fixed: if it is unreliable, then it is not real.

And finally - bring a stone under Sun rays. The way diamonds shimmer and play with light is a unique process. First, a gray-white glow appears inside the stone, and rainbow rays form outside, which are reflected on other surfaces. Many people mistakenly believe that diamonds shine with all the colors of the rainbow, in fact this is not the case, it is the gray-white radiance that appears inside the stone, and if it is multi-colored, most likely it is artificial diamond or its fake. Crystal will never sparkle like a diamond, even with use. modern technologies when cutting it.

To distinguish a diamond from glass, you can use the following method, which uses a newspaper or magazine. Take a stone and put it on top of the printed text, if letters are visible through it, then you have purchased a cheap fake, and not an expensive diamond. This method of determining the authenticity of diamonds is possible only if they are perfectly cut.

Simple ways to distinguish a real diamond from a fake

You have become a happy owner of a precious jewelry encrusted with real diamonds, but doubt the authenticity of the stones? You can check their authenticity using the following available and simple ways how to identify a diamond at home and distinguish it from a fake:

  1. Take sandpaper and lightly scratch the surface of the stone. If it remains intact, without scratches and roughness, there can be no doubt about the authenticity of the diamond.
  2. Breathe on the stone for a few seconds: a real diamond will never fog up because it has a high heat conductivity. Other stones, given out under the guise of diamonds, are sure to fog up.
  3. If you have substandard emerald and sapphire at home, you can try to check the authenticity of the diamond with their help. Take two stones - an emerald or sapphire and a diamond, and scratch the diamond with them. The fact is that these minerals are quite hard rocks, and only a genuine diamond can damage them.
  4. A real diamond will not be affected by hydrochloric acid, this chemical will not affect the appearance and properties of the gemstone. And a fake or an artificial stone will lose its attractive appearance, as a result of which they will no longer imitate a diamond. On a fake, hydrochloric acid will leave white marks.
  5. As a fake when creating precious jewelry zirconium can be used with diamond specimens. You can distinguish these two stones by using a diamond pencil. The sharp end of such a tool is pressed onto the surface of the stone, if there are scratches, then you have zirconium in front of you. You should not press hard on the stone, because even a real diamond can be damaged in this way.

How to distinguish diamonds from cubic zirkonia?

Counterfeits of diamonds existed as early as 1920. At that time, forms of spinel such as corundolite and radiant were used as fakes. Soon their list was replenished with such minerals as titanium, strontium, sapphire, rutile and some others. It was these minerals that led the fake diamond market.

IN last years appeared a new group imitation diamonds that differ more high quality, so they are much more difficult to distinguish from genuine diamonds. The most common imitator is zirconium dioxide, or cubic zirconia, which can easily be confused with a diamond.

It was discovered in 1976 and has since been ranked second only to moissanite in the list of fake diamonds. Zirconia on jewelry market sold in different colors and brightness. The most expensive are colorless cubic zirconias, because they are the most difficult to produce and they look more like diamonds.

The relative density coefficient of a diamond is lower than that of cubic zirconia, this feature can be used in the process of checking a diamond for authenticity by using a special device that resembles a pen nib. A diamond is tested for authenticity under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, in which a fake stone turns green-yellow.

However, many are interested in how to recognize a real diamond without such a special device. Experts in the field of jewelry give some tips on how to check the authenticity of a diamond at home in order to distinguish them from fakes:

  1. The most important difference between these two stones is their hardness. mined in natural conditions diamond will always be harder than cubic zirconia. To distinguish between these two minerals, you can run them on glass: a diamond will leave a noticeable mark behind. Based on this feature of a precious stone, you should know that only the same mineral can damage a diamond.
  2. The use of fat of vegetable or animal origin will also help to verify the authenticity or fake of a precious stone. During the examination, vegetable oil or melted fat can be used. They need to moisten the brush and apply a few drops of the product to the surface of the stone. The oil on the surface of the cubic zirconia will break up into many small droplets, while on the diamond it will remain in its original form.

How to identify a real diamond at home?

Many believe that there are no minerals on earth that can sparkle brighter than diamonds. In fact, such a diamond simulant exists, it is a mineral called "moissanite". Experts in the world of jewelry art offer several options for how to identify a real diamond at home and distinguish it from moissanite.

Moissanite is brighter than a real diamond, so a diamond is more difficult to distinguish from it than from cubic zirconia. Chemically, this mineral is known as silicon carbide or carborundum. The natural properties of moissanite make it possible to pass it off as a diamond even without special efforts jewelers, as well as the use the latest technologies and modern equipment.

Natural diamonds have a rough surface and black inclusions, which is not observed in stones. artificial origin.

How to determine the authenticity of a diamond in a ring or other jewelry

Don't know how to distinguish a diamond in a ring while shopping for a piece of jewelry? Pay attention to whether the stone is glued to the frame. The fact is that when working with diamonds, glue is practically not used. Rock crystal is often attached to jewelry in this way. There is one more affordable way how to identify a diamond in a ring: take it in your hand jewel, bring it closer to your face and carefully look deep into the stone. In real diamonds, the radiance will go deep inside, it will be impossible to see the bottom in such a stone.

There is another proven way to identify a diamond in a piece of jewelry when you need to distinguish it from cubic zirconia. To do this, take the jewelry in your hand and look through it at the light. A cut diamond, due to its optical properties, which are achieved after its cutting, does not transmit light, all that can be seen when looking into it is a bright luminous point. Fianint, on the contrary, has a high throughput.

How and where to check the authenticity of a diamond in a ring?

X-rays are another method for checking the authenticity of a diamond in a ring or other piece of jewelry. Diamonds are characterized by a "radio-transparent" molecular structure. This means that genuine diamonds will never show up on an x-ray. Glass, cubic zirconia and rock crystal have very pronounced "radio-opaque" properties, so they become visible in x-rays.

In order to check diamonds with an X-ray, it is necessary to transfer the jewelry to a special laboratory for checking the authenticity of precious stones. The laboratory is not the only place where you can check the authenticity of a diamond, such services can still be provided by some jewelry stores, which employ qualified expert jewelers.

In laboratory conditions, the following methods and tools can be used to determine the authenticity of a diamond:

Weighing on carat scales. One of the ways to determine the authenticity of a real diamond is to weigh it: the size of the stone must necessarily correspond to the weight in grams or carats. Experts note that cubic zirconias and zircons are 55% heavier than diamonds, so it will not be difficult to see a fake with the help of scales.

Quartz lamp. UV rays illuminate natural diamonds blue, yellow, pink or lilac color. If the stone glows bright white, it indicates a fake.

Methods such as determining the authenticity of a diamond in a ring allow those who want to acquire a precious piece of jewelry to avoid being deceived by unscrupulous sellers.

How to distinguish an artificial diamond in a ring from a natural one (with photo)

In the process of making precious jewelry, both real diamonds and these stones of artificial origin are used. Wherein artificial stones are sold at the price of natural diamonds.

Having jewelry with a precious stone, many girls and women are looking for ways to identify a real diamond. Can be done at home following tests and experiments to confirm the authenticity or fake of a diamond:

  1. A real diamond tends to behave in a certain way in a greasy environment. To determine the authenticity of a gemstone, smear it lightly vegetable oil and apply to a smooth glass surface. A real diamond will stick to glass.
  2. When choosing jewelry, do not be tempted to buy it for more than favorable price. It should be understood that diamonds are the most expensive gems so they can't be cheap.
  3. A real diamond should be set in an "open back" piece of jewelry so that the gem can be easily viewed from behind. In this case, the rear surface should not have a smooth mirror finish.
  4. Genuine diamonds have a rough surface and black inclusions, which is not observed in stones created in artificial conditions.
  5. Another way to distinguish an artificial diamond from a natural one is to use a magnet. Sometimes, when determining the authenticity of diamonds, jewelers also use a magnet. The fact is that it attracts 90% of artificially grown stones.
  6. The use of a magnifying glass a good option how to distinguish an artificial diamond from a genuine gemstone. Magnifier. All irregularities, small cracks, foreign inclusions, air bubbles and other defects are inherent only in stones natural origin. Many of them can be seen only during the inspection under a magnifying glass.

In jewelry stores, diamonds can also be replaced with fakes in the form of stones such as synthetic rutile, white sapphire, yttrium aluminum garnet. If, after familiarizing yourself with all these methods for determining the authenticity of a cut diamond, you still do not know how to distinguish a natural diamond from a fake or doubt their effectiveness and reliability, when buying a product, check all certificates and certificates attached to it. Diamonds of high quality production always have GIA and AGS certificates, which are their real passport.

Ways to distinguish a real diamond are shown in these photos:

How to distinguish a black diamond from other stones?

Jewelry with black diamonds has always been valued above colorless gems. Such minerals are considered quite rare and expensive, so fakes are often sold instead. Under the guise of a black diamond, sapphire, moissanite, spinel can be sold.

How to distinguish a black diamond from other stones? You will need a 20x magnifying glass for this. The one who examines the stone takes it in his hand and peers into the structure under a magnifying glass. If cubic zirconia was used instead of an expensive black diamond, double faces will be visible, which is completely unusual for diamonds.

How to determine the value of a diamond: the main criteria

Price is one of the important criteria to determine the authenticity of a stone. True, you should know that even ordinary glass masquerading as a gem.

How to determine the cost of a diamond, and on the basis of what main criteria is the price of these natural diamonds formed? expensive stones? The value of diamonds is determined based on criteria such as their color, clarity, carats and cut.

The final price is formed by the gem's certification, which is issued by the GIA (Gemological Institute of America), EGL (European Gemological Laboratory), IGI (International Gemological Institute). There are similar centers in Russia.

All available methods how to identify a diamond at home, in the video below. They will help you independently evaluate the diamond and establish its authenticity. However, for more accurate and reliable results However, a laboratory study should be carried out.

Increasingly, fakes and low-quality goods are found in jewelry stores. On the shelves of shops there are jewelry with precious and synthetic inserts. Sometimes the buyer is deceived, and instead of a gem, he receives an imitation. The topic of artificial minerals excites the whole jewelry world. Even a gemologist will not be able to visually distinguish all the products with a magnifying glass. How to recognize a gemstone without special education?

Artificial stones are:

  • synthetic;
  • ennobled;
  • imitation.

Only in the laboratory can one distinguish a synthetic crystal from a natural one. The composition and structure of minerals are identical. Main physical properties analogues are close to natural.

Gemologists also define refined crystals, which undergo the following processing:

  • staining;
  • waxing (waxing/oiling);
  • coating (coating);
  • heating (heating);
  • filling (filling);
  • irradiation;
  • whitening.

These data must be indicated in the certificate that is attached to the stone. In some stores, information is not conveyed to the client. The buyer can purchase an ennobled ruby, the cost of which is 5 $ ct at the price of a natural ruby ​​- 10,000 $ ct. The consumer can go to court, and such a transaction is regarded as fraud.

The Jewelry Confederation has developed a document for trade organizations. According to the prescription, special terminology accepted throughout the world should be used. . How to know if a gem is or not? This information can be obtained from the certificate.

In the civilized world, precious minerals are sold only with a certificate. To confirm the document, you can contact the laboratory.

The most prestigious logo on jewelry is Gübelin. The Swiss brand produces jewelry of the highest quality.

In jewelry stores, a certificate is issued for each stone. The document states:

  • size;
  • color;
  • proportions;
  • purity;
  • defects;
  • cutting method;
  • place of extraction.

The stores assure the buyer that all products are checked for compliance. How to determine real stone or not, standing at the window? All grown minerals are ideal.

How to identify a real stone yourself?

There are simple ways to define imitation:

  • warmth;
  • aurally;
  • by weight;
  • fingernail.

The mineral must be picked up and held. natural material cold and heavy. All minerals have inclusions. The product is considered different lighting. To do this, use a magnifying glass, choosing a model with a magnification of 10 times. When viewed, the crystal is moved up and down to get a clear image at depth.

Gem can be wiped wet wipe. If there is a trace of paint on the fabric, do not buy decoration.

The purity and ideality of the stone is a sign of a fake. Before buying a gem, you should study the following information:

  • shades of crystal;
  • cutting methods;
  • Place of Birth.

Synthetic crystal is determined using an ultraviolet flashlight. If the stone has a bright glow, then it is synthesized.

Natural stone scratches glass. There are ways and signs by which the authenticity of a crystal is determined.


The physical properties of natural and synthetic corundums are close. To recognize natural and synthetic rubies, sapphires, the presence of inclusions, cracks is important. How to determine whether stone or glass is in front of you? For this purpose, use a strong magnifying glass.

Natural rubies contain rutile. A feature of natural ruby ​​​​is spotted coloring. Natural sapphires contain gas-liquid inclusions. A sign of their naturalness is zonal coloring.

Features of synthetic corundums:

  1. Gas inclusions different size and forms.
  2. Curvilinear color distribution.

natural sapphire the color is similar to velvet. Spinel fake will be darker. If a beam is directed at natural sapphire, it will be in the form of a six-pointed star. Natural sapphire cannot be scratched with a fingernail or knife.


If natural crystal look through a magnifying glass, you can see cracks with gas-liquid inclusions. Sometimes they are mistaken for air bubbles in a fake.

Synthetic emeralds can be checked by pointing an ultraviolet flashlight at them. If the stone luminesces in an unnatural color, it is synthetic. Natural has a reddish-brown tint under ultraviolet light. This method is not accurate. Colombian emerald will not change its color.

How to determine a natural stone or artificial? natural mineral has clear edges, while synthetic ones are erased. artificial crystal- with a yellowish tint.

Smaller emeralds are glued into one piece. Other crystals are used for fakes. This is how large samples are obtained by gluing a small emerald with synthetic spinel, beryl, quartz.

Quality emerald has saturated color. By the nature of the inclusions, the gemologist determines the deposit of the stone. Emeralds from Colombia are tinted. You can check this at home. The mineral is placed in water with washing powder.


There are several ways to determine the authenticity of amber:

  1. Natural amber will always float on the surface saline solution(4 tablespoons per glass of water).
  2. Attach a red-hot needle to amber. It smells of resin - a natural stone, plastic - a fake.
  3. If amber is rubbed about natural fabrics, it gets electrified. Finely chopped paper will be attracted to the stone.

For research use ultraviolet filter. Transparent amber will luminesce blue and in green. An opaque copy gives a milky tint, and an untreated one gives a brown one.


A natural formation extracted from shells is heavier than a fake. Pearls have an uneven surface, while imitations have a smooth one. If two pearls are rubbed against each other, they cling.

One of the most reliable ways is to run pearls across the teeth. Natural stone creaks. If a pearl is dropped on the floor, it will bounce. Natural pearls you can scratch it and leave no trace. The price of natural, cultivated and imitation is different.

What stones imitate?

For fake jewelry stones glass and plastic are often used. With the help of these materials, such stones are imitated: carnelian, chrysoprase, turquoise and so on. Spinel and glass are used to fake a ruby.

Glued doublets are also used. Stones are combined with glass. How to distinguish gemstone from glass? A fake is easy to recognize with a magnifying glass. Bubbles will be located at the gluing site.

To simulate precious minerals use:

  1. Lower quality natural minerals.
  2. synthetic stones.
  3. Glass.
  4. Plastic.
  5. pressed crystals.
  6. Compound stones (doublet, triplet).

It is difficult to determine the authenticity of jewelry without special knowledge. When buying a gemstone from a jeweler, it is best to contact an appraiser.

Mineral quality assessment

Gemological examination is the study of the authenticity of stones. Quality control of products is as follows. The first assessment is visual. A gemologist examines a mineral with a magnifying glass. During this inspection, marriage is eliminated:

  • chips;
  • scratches;
  • abrasions.

There are characteristic inclusions for each mineral. The gemologist sends the product for additional research if he finds signs of:

  • uneven coloring;
  • bubbles.

The following devices are used in the centers of expertise and evaluation:

  1. Refractometer.
  2. Polariscope.
  3. Chelsea filter.
  4. Jim tester.

Using a polariscope, the extinction of the sample is determined. A gemologist will immediately be able to determine whether it is glass or a mineral.

A refractometer measures the amount of refraction, which is different for each material. An immersion liquid is used for research. Using a pipette, apply a few drops and cover with a protective glass. Readings are taken after 30 seconds. After that, they compare it with the data in the table and determine which mineral was brought for evaluation.

How to distinguish natural stone from artificial? The Chelsea filter helps establish the origin of emeralds, sapphires and rubies. Some gemologists believe that the device has lost its relevance. Synthetic emeralds are difficult to distinguish even with the help of equipment.

The Jim Tester measures the thermal conductivity of a mineral.

The laboratory determines:

  • authenticity;
  • origin;
  • the presence of refinement.

The principle of grading a stone is called the "rule of 4 Cs". These are criteria such as weight, color, purity and quality.

Synthetic stones

Analogues are created specifically for jewelry, while the price of products is lower. Synthesized minerals have:

  • maximum purity;
  • high optical properties;
  • color saturation.

In addition to analogues that have similar properties, scientists have created artificial stones - cubic zirkonia and others.

The production of synthetic products is growing, and technologies are improving. The buyer has the right to choose. Some want to have unique stones, others are only interested in external beauty. The consumer wants to receive the product that is indicated on the tag.

In this article:

How to recognize and distinguish it from a fake? This question is very relevant for those who love and appreciate valuable jewellery. After all, the prospect of buying glass at the price of a diamond in a store will please few people. In order not to overpay and not make a mistake in choosing, you should know about some tricks that jewelers and jewelry manufacturers resort to.

Determining the authenticity of a stone

A little about stones and fakes

A real stone is always a profitable purchase: products inlaid with gems do not lose value, over the years the cost of such jewelry only increases. But only those minerals that were found in the bowels of the earth fall under the concept of "real stone".

Even if the crystal has undergone processing, passed through the ennoblement procedure, its price will be lower. Ennobled stones are no different from their counterparts in terms of characteristics, they are processed for several reasons, the main of which is considered insufficient bright color. The procedure helps to give nondescript gems a unique shade that is rarely found in nature.

The properties of crystals processed in this way will not change and, despite the refinement, the gem will not become worse. But minerals processed in this way are cheaper, since it was not nature, but a human hand, that gave them an amazing shade. Such pebbles can hardly be called a fake, since they still have a natural origin.

Distinguishing natural stone from artificial is actually easy. To understand the authenticity of the gem, just ask the seller of products jewelry industry certificate.

A certificate is a document that is issued for each mineral, it contains information about the stone itself, its characteristics: size, color, purity, defects, cutting method, and even the place of extraction. If the seller of jewelry refuses to provide a certificate to the buyer, then this means that the jewelry does not have any documents. And it is impossible to confirm the authenticity of the minerals with which the products are encrusted.

It is worth noting that all stones, precious and semi-precious, pass through the hands of the appraiser. Craftsmen determine the value of gems by evaluating their characteristics. After evaluating the stones - a direct path to the hands of jewelers, who are engaged in the manufacture of products. They pick up the frame and create this or that thing.

It is for this reason that the appraiser can determine the authenticity of the mineral, if you give the gem into the hands of the master, he will establish its real value. Such an examination costs money, the work of an appraiser must be paid.

There are several other ways to help recognize a fake.

Identification requires:

  1. Minimum information about the purchased stone.
  2. Opportunity to examine the mineral through a magnifying glass.
  3. Simple examination at home.
  4. Frame identification.

The minimum information about the gem you plan to buy will help you recognize an imitation or a fake. It is worth collecting information about what shades the mineral has, in what places it is mined and in what way it is cut. All this will be enough in order not to purchase glass instead of a precious stone. To distinguish a rough fake from a gem of natural origin, this information is quite enough.

Rough natural diamonds

A microscope, magnifying glass, or any other instrument may be used for authentication. A mineral created in a laboratory is pure, there are no inclusions in its structure, which jewelers call defects. But the stone that was found in the bowels of the earth probably has defects, some of them can be examined using a magnifying glass. The presence of such defects is a sign that the crystal was created by nature, and not by human hands.

A banal check will help determine the authenticity of the crystal. If we are talking about a diamond, just swipe it across the mirror. The stone will scratch the glass, while such a check will not harm it at all. The density of precious stones is high, for this reason it is difficult to scare them with alkalis and acids, even hitting a diamond with a hammer will not harm it. But the fake crumbles to smithereens.

The frame is another element that can give out a fake. not inserted into a frame made of base metals. Gold and platinum are the main metals that are used as a setting for gems. Silver products can also be found on the market, but rare and expensive crystals are not framed with silver, since the metal does not possess high cost.

Certain gems are produced in laboratories, they are synthesized on an industrial scale. Similar stones often used to make electrical appliances and even car windows. A certain amount of crystals synthesized in laboratories falls into the hands of jewelers. Such pebbles are different from those found in the bowels of the earth, but the comparison is not always in favor of minerals that are of natural origin.

According to its characteristics and appearance, gems synthesized in the laboratory may not be inferior to natural counterparts. But not always what a person does is as beautiful as what nature creates.

Naturally, crystals made in the laboratory are not very expensive, they cannot be called rare or valuable. Mankind does not experience a shortage of such minerals, therefore, jewelry inlaid with such stones does not add much to the price. It makes no sense to invest in such products.

An experienced appraiser can easily distinguish a gem made in a laboratory from one that is of natural origin. But it will be difficult to deal with those minerals that have gone through the refining procedure. Sometimes it is impossible to determine that a stone has been processed, since it has all the necessary characteristics and can “fool” even an experienced specialist.

Self Authentication

There are several ways to help doubt the authenticity of the gem and refuse to buy jewelry. For each stone they are different.

Artificial stones - perfect and free of defects

Here are a few ways to determine the authenticity of gemstones:

  • If you want to check a diamond, then remember that this stone is not only hard, but also shiny. A diamond of natural origin shimmers with all shades of gray, but if the mineral plays with all the colors of the rainbow, this indicates either its low quality, or that it is not a diamond at all, but a fake. And a diamond cannot be framed with silver or other base metal; only gold or platinum, with a mark of quality, can be a frame for it. Jewelers always leave lower part free diamond, believing that this way it will shine even brighter.
  • But the diamond shines with colors from all sides. Determining the authenticity of this mineral is simple. It is worth looking at it from the side, in this projection the diamond will shine no less brightly than from any other side. But a fake will look spectacular only in frontal projection. If you look at a fake from the side, it will not shine. And you can also put a diamond on a sheet of paper on which letters are already printed: if you look at the inscriptions through a diamond, you will not see the letters.
  • To check the authenticity of an emerald, you will have to arm yourself with a magnifying glass or microscope. It is necessary to consider the structure of the stone under a magnifying glass, in a real emerald there are no tubular or spiral patterns. In addition, a true emerald does not conduct heat well, it is always cold to the touch.
  • If we talk about a ruby, then an assessment of the color will help determine its origin. In nature, rubies of a blood-red hue are rare. If the crystal also gives purple and is inexpensive, then this is not a real ruby, but its imitation. The fact is that rubies of the “pigeon blood” color of a rich red hue with an admixture of purple are very expensive and are valued by collectors more than some diamonds.
  • Large sapphires are rarely found in nature, it is natural that such gems exist, but they are not cheap at all. It is almost impossible to find large-sized sapphires in stores; such pebbles are sold on special exchanges. From sapphire it blows cold, taking it in hand, a person will not be able to quickly warm the crystal with his warmth. You can also check the mineral for authenticity with a magnifying glass or microscope; its structure should not contain gas bubbles or streaks of gold.
  • It is known for certain that the extraction of alexandrites has been stopped, but despite this, products inlaid with this mineral regularly appear on the market. An objective assessment will help to recognize a fake when buying jewelry: alexandrite is expensive, and besides, these stones are small in size. And alexandrite changes color with changing lighting.
  • Pearls also require verification of authenticity. Natural pearls are expensive to establish its authenticity, it is enough to check it "by the tooth". When trying to bite a pearl, a person will feel that it creaks on the teeth like sand, it does not have such properties.

The list of gems ends here. But there are other gems that need to be checked.

How to distinguish natural from fake or imitation?

  • Amethyst is. It is not difficult to understand the origin of this gem, just hold it in your palms. Natural amethyst reluctantly "absorbs" the warmth of a person. And also a magnifying glass will help to distinguish a stone from a painted cubic zirconia. Inclusions in the form of dots and other defects are the main signs of amethyst.
  • Aquamarine is a variety of topaz, like a diamond, it sparkles the same way when changing position. If we consider aquamarine under different angles, then it will change the color scheme, fakes do not have such an effect.
  • Pomegranate and all its varieties can be bought safely. If you believe the statistics, then this gem is faked less often than others. But to be safe, it is worth remembering that pomegranates are rarely large and exceed the size of the grain of the fruit of the same name.
  • Amber does not differ in high cost, it belongs to, if, of course, we are not talking about amber with inclusives. A beetle or lizard, frozen in resin, equates to precious stones. In order not to buy a fake in the store, it is worth rubbing the surface of amber with wool, it will definitely shock. And amber attracts small items, it is also rubbed with wool and held on top of finely chopped paper. In addition, a stone with inclusives does not sink in salt water. You can prepare the solution yourself by pouring 10 tablespoons of salt into a glass.
  • Topaz is the most mysterious stone, its color affects the value of the mineral. is quite expensive. To check the authenticity of this gem, you need to examine it under a magnifying glass. Defects will be present in the structure of natural topaz: small dots, inclusions. A pure mineral without defects and inclusions is most likely to be a fake. Topaz, like amber, is well electrified and attracts small objects, napkins, pieces of paper. It is enough just to rub the topaz surface with wool to verify its authenticity.

Today, you can stumble upon a fake both in an online store and in an expensive boutique. There are scammers everywhere. For this reason, you should not lose your vigilance, take a responsible approach to the choice of jewelry, avoid “profitable” offers and maximum discounts. And also evaluate the color of the stone: too bright shade should scare away the buyer, since minerals of this color are rare in nature and are expensive.

It's no secret that women love gemstones. Some men (maybe most), it must be said, also understand a lot about jewelry, trying to profitably invest in gold and diamonds or just to please their beloved.

When investing in diamonds, you should be careful: there are special investment diamonds, not jewelry diamonds.

The rules of the game are now dictated by the consumer, because the supply on the jewelry market greatly exceeds demand. Jewelers are interested in every client, because jewelry is not a matter of prime necessity, and the buyer needs to be interested in time, otherwise he can spend money on something else, more necessary.

The need to purchase a piece of jewelry with a precious stone arises on special occasions: for a wedding, anniversary, birthday and other holidays. Having studied, or , we usually go to following questions:

How to distinguish natural stone from synthetic?

How to distinguish a natural gem from a fake?

To answer the first question, we first do short review which minerals are most often sold on the jewelry market.

Comparison of natural and synthetic minerals

When purchasing a gemstone, you want to be sure that it is natural. However, many are willing to buy and wear synthetic counterparts, such as synthetic rubies or diamonds, and there is nothing wrong with that. Everyone has their own taste and preferences. The main thing is that under the guise of natural you are not sold synthetic, because this is fraud and deception of the buyer.

self-respecting jewelry houses and brands do not mislead consumers and will not pass one stone after another. Small manufacturers or sellers can go for deception, who answer the questions: what gem is inserted into the product? and who is the manufacturer ?, they answer: “I don’t know,” and they begin to talk vaguely about the long journey from Iran through Australia, during which information about the manufacturer is irretrievably lost. On the tag of such sellers, the type of product (earrings, for example) and the price are modestly indicated. It may also be written by hand - "ruby", but, as can be understood from the above, you can write anything you want, and usually - the stone with which the most outward resemblance.

Deception in the sale of synthetic stone can only be inflated prices. If a product with artificially grown chrysoberyl is sold for $ 10, then there is no fraud in this. Another thing is if for the same product they ask for 10 times more, 100 dollars, for example, giving out, thus, for a natural gem.

In jewelry stores, as a rule, it is not indicated which stone is natural or synthetic, especially if the products belong to the so-called "budget" niche. But the seller, of course, will easily confirm the origin of the stones from the laboratory and even competently make it clear why synthetic stones are better than natural ones.

But a synthetically created diamond is even more expensive than its natural “relative”.

So, here is how the prices of natural and synthetic stones compare:

Synthetic and natural stones - differences in price

Stonenatural uncutnatural facetedsynthetic uncut,
price for 1 carat
synthetic faceted,
price for 1 carat
Ruby$10 and up depending on quality
$75-915 - poor quality;
1455-4375 -
good quality;
11250-23150 $ - excellent quality -
0,01-0,02 $ 1-2 $
Sapphirefrom 10 to 75 $ - poor quality
from 75 to 150 $ - good quality
from $ 150 and above - excellent quality
Cornflower blue - with heat treatment - from $ 300, without - from $ 1000
High quality large sapphires - up to $30,000
1-2 cents3-5 $
Emeraldfrom $10 and up350-375 $ - poor quality
620-2700 $ - good quality
5000-8500 $ - excellent quality
5-8 $ 30-85 $
Diamond (Moissanite)from 4 $with characteristic 1/1 - $35,000not on the market70-150 $
Alexandritefrom 100$1500 - 6000 $ 6 $ 20-30 $
Quartz (amethyst, citrine)from $10 per kilo!depending on the type and processing - from 10 $0,1 $ 2-5 $
Opalfrom 5 $ per piecedepending on the quality and type - from 10 $- 3-5 $
The table compares the price of natural and synthetic stones

It can be concluded that natural gems have a very wide range of prices due to their individuality. Unlike them, synthetic ones - with ideal purity and color, are much more affordable (with the exception of moissonite).

How to distinguish a precious stone from a fake?

Much worse if instead of one natural stone, expensive by definition, the seller offers another, also natural, but at a price several times cheaper. Here, information about which stones are most often faked and what to look for when buying them can come to the rescue.

So, the most common fakes are:

- it is most often faked. More than half of the gems passed off as turquoise are fakes. The materials used for counterfeiting are glass, plastic, and the cheap mineral howlite. In addition, fakes are made from turquoise powder or its small particles that stick together. It is quite difficult to distinguish such fakes at home from a natural mineral. It is clear that at home you can back side scratch the stone to make sure it is natural, and when choosing in a store, you are unlikely to be allowed to scratch the product and carry out other manipulations with it. Therefore, just be aware that natural turquoise is very difficult to find and it is better not to purchase it on the market or from hands.

- Corundum is usually issued for a ruby. A natural ruby ​​is very expensive, besides, it is far from ideal in appearance - unclear, not particularly clean, not to mention modest in size. If you have a fine quality ruby ​​in front of you affordable price- this is either a synthetic ruby, or a fake. Therefore, the main rule for determining the authenticity of a ruby ​​is the correspondence between price and quality. So, a ring with a ruby ​​that has the characteristics of color and purity of 3/3 and a size of half a carat will cost about $ 300.

There are only a few stones whose fakes are quite easy to distinguish.

Or rather, of course, t. Firstly, the legislation regulates the production and labeling of products with diamonds and, thus, the consumer is largely protected. In addition, everyone knows the simple property of a diamond to scratch glass, as well as the play of rays in it - it is simply impossible to fake it, but to consider it in quality diamond multiple refraction of rays and an amazing play of light - very easy.

It is also easy to distinguish natural opal from its imitation - it has blurry borders of patterns, unlike clear ones in a fake, and the patterns themselves never repeat with each other, you should carefully consider them. In addition, the main background of the natural opal remains unchanged, regardless of the pattern. There is another method that was invented many centuries ago (apparently already then they were engaged in fake stones) - you need to look through the opal in the sun, a natural stone will cast a glow of one shade, and a fake one - bright multi-color highlights.

Zircon - you can recognize it "by eye", without resorting to any manipulations at all. Natural zircon has a luster similar to diamond and at the same time resinous or oily. Shine plus color - and zircon is easily identified.

To the question of how to determine a gem from a fake, asked by the author IVAN DULIN the best answer is SOME RECOMMENDATIONS THAT WILL HELP YOU DIFFERENTIATE A NATURAL GEMSTONE FROM IMITATION.
All glass imitations feel warmer to the touch, unlike real stone. If the stone is not set in the frame, holding it with tweezers (so as not to heat it from the hands), touch it with the tip of the tongue - the stone should be cold.
When examining a diamond with the naked eye or with a 10x magnifying glass, it must be taken into account that it is processed in such a way that almost all the light entering the stone through the crown is completely reflected from its back faces, as from a series of mirrors. Therefore, if you look at the light through a cut diamond, only a luminous point in the stone will be visible. In addition, if you look through a diamond that is in a ring put on a finger, then it is impossible to see the finger through it.
Diamond leaves a scratch on the surface of the glass, as well as on the polished surface of other stones. When a faceted diamond is pressed firmly against the surface of the sample, one can notice that the diamond "clings" to it, leaving a visible scratch that does not disappear if rubbed with a wet finger. For such a test, the least noticeable place is chosen.
To distinguish diamond from spinel and synthetic sapphire, stones are immersed in a colorless liquid with a refractive index close to that of spinel and sapphire (methylene iodide or monobromide monoftlen). Spinel and sapphire simply won't show up in liquid, and diamond will shine brightly. A similar but less distinct effect of the "disappearance" of a fake diamond is given by plain water and glycerin. In the same way, simpler and cheaper fakes for a diamond are isolated - lead-rich crystal glass.
Garnets are precious stones that have the power of magnetic attraction.
Some other stones are also determined by magnetism. To do this, a stone (preliminarily weighed) is placed on a high cork (to separate from the metal pan of the scales), which is placed on the bowl. After the scales are balanced, a small horseshoe-shaped magnet is slowly brought to the stone until it almost touches the surface of the stone. If the mineral has a noticeable magnetism, then the balance will be disturbed when the magnet is 10-12 mm from the stone. Record the minimum weight that is "held" by the magnet. The difference between them by the true weight will characterize the attraction of the stone to the magnet.
The characteristic features of synthetic stones are twisted veils.
Quartz can be distinguished from glass by touching the stone and glass with the tip of the tongue. Quartz is much colder.
First of all, it must be remembered that pure, densely colored large ones are extremely rare in nature. This fact alone calls into question the natural origin of a large ruby.
If a stone is immersed in a liquid with a certain refractive index, the following color distribution can be observed in it: in a synthetic stone there are always curved, differently colored stripes, in a natural one - the stripes are straight and are parallel to one or more faces.
It is exceptionally easy to polish and can sometimes be identified by touch by its characteristic "slipperiness". Synthetic corundum various shades Pink colour used to imitate pink topaz. However, it looks too good to be real.
Real rhinestone is always cool to the touch
No stone, with the exception of opal and diamond, can be identified as easily as zircon. With the naked eye or with a simple magnifying glass. Its special brilliance, somewhat reminiscent of diamond and at the same time oily or resinous, combined with a characteristic colors often allow you to recognize the stone at a glance. Using a magnifying glass, it is possible, when observing through upper part stone to see the worn edges of the faces.