Such different semi-precious stones. Types, properties and features of precious stones

Since ancient times, stones have attracted people with their unique beauty and unique energy. It was noticed that the appearance of a stone in a person's life was accompanied by various events, both positive and negative. The mysterious properties of stones have been studied for thousands of years. They were used as amulets and talismans, attracting good luck and protecting their owner from adversity.

The history of the study of the properties of stones

Such interest in the magical properties of stones is explained by people's confidence that each stone has its own unique energy. The study of the nature of stones and their influence on the fate of mankind is carried out by lithotherapy and astrology.

Lithotherapy is the art of healing with stones. The area in which lithotherapy operates affects both the physical and spiritual state of a person. Lithotherapists believe that any ailment can be cured by choosing the right natural stone with certain properties.

The use of natural stones has become widespread in the practice of Tibetan medicine. They were the components of many medicines and the material for the manufacture of pyramids, balls of massage devices. The healing properties of these items are still used today.

An integral part of Chinese medicine was the impact of certain stones on the biologically active points of the body. In this way, the balance of the energies of Yin and Yang was achieved, and the vitality of Qi increased.

Yogis create protective talismans from stones in order to protect themselves from the negative effects of damage and the evil eye.

The modern art of Feng Shui uses the magical properties of natural stones to neutralize negative energy and enhance positive energy.

Astrologers are convinced that the sign of the Zodiac under which a person was born determines the special properties that his own “lucky” stone should have.

The influence of stone energy on a person

The magical properties of stones can manifest themselves in both positive and negative ways. Studying the energy of these particles of nature, people came to the conclusion that each stone has unique properties and can affect different people in different ways.

The first sign that determines the magical properties of a stone is its color. Stones that have different shades of the same color carry similar energy.

  • red stones: garnet, red tourmaline, ruby ​​and carnelian. These stones have a beneficial effect on the circulatory system, the heart, improve eyesight and help in the treatment of viral diseases. Abuse of the power of these stones can lead to the development of various inflammatory processes;
  • yellow and orange: amber, beryl, topaz, hyacinth and citrine. These stones improve general physical condition, cure skin diseases and increase appetite. Too much energy of yellow stones leads to the activation of the gallbladder;
  • blue and blue stones treat the endocrine system, diseases of the lungs and throat. An excess of blue stones depresses the human psyche;
  • green - emerald, malachite, jadeite, jade, chrysoprase - have a beneficial effect on the immune system, balance pressure, help with arrhythmias and headaches. Also, the power of green stones creates a positive mood. Their excess leads to the formation of gallstones;
  • white stones cleanse the body and fight mental disorders. These are pearls, moonstone, opal and chalcedony;
  • black stones are able to improve concentration, get rid of fears and develop willpower. These include morion, black tourmaline.

Very often, people use certain stones as talismans and amulets. However, here there are rules, non-observance of which can lead to sad consequences.

Expensive stones are not the best choice for an amulet. They are harsh, have heavy energy. The best amulets are topaz, onyx, obsidian, tiger and cat's eyes. When choosing a personal protector, you should rely on intuition. It often happens that a stone that is suitable for certain parameters (for example, according to the sign of the Zodiac) causes rejection in a person on a subconscious level.

Stones that have become a family heirloom have the strongest magical properties. They carry the energy accumulated by the ancestors. Any jewel that has been inherited for many decades and even centuries should be protected. Also, a stone donated by a person who experiences sincere positive feelings will become a good amulet.

Magic gems

Since ancient times, natural gemstones have delighted, inspired, protected and healed people. Currently, the magical and healing properties of stones are again attracting attention. Modern doctors and healers are increasingly using natural minerals in their practice. This method of healing is called (from the Greek. lithos- "stone"). Experts are becoming more and more convinced that the faith of ancient people in the healing properties of stones is neither mysticism nor quackery. Our ancestors, who had a close relationship with nature, were able to extract vitality and health from various minerals.

For thousands of years, lithotherapy has been successfully used in ancient Egypt, India, China and Tibet. To increase the vitality of "Qi" and align the "Yin-Yang" energy in Chinese medicine, special biostimulant stones have long been used. To relieve pain and treat various diseases, ancient healers used minerals to influence biologically active points of the body. Indian healers working according to the "Ayurveda" system for healing and rejuvenating the body use healing stones to charge the energy centers of the body - the chakras. Yogis have proved that with the help of minerals it is possible to strengthen the aura and protect a person from the negative effects of negative fields and radiations (the effects of the "evil eye" and "damage"). Tibetan and Mongolian lamas use about a hundred different minerals to prepare complex medicines. For therapeutic massage, they use balls made from various minerals; with the help of various crystals they produce, which becomes the elixir of youth and health.

Interest in healing stones in our country and abroad is growing every year. Lithotherapy is already called the medicine of the XXI century. At the same time, books about healing stones are clearly not enough. Most publications use outdated data on the mystical and astrological properties of stones, they lack information about the basic physical properties and composition of stones, not to mention the Yin-Yang energy, which is the basis of oriental medicine. The proposed mini-atlas is the first attempt to create a popular domestic reference book on healing stones, which is designed for both specialists and a wide range of readers.

Gem Magic / Aventurine

love stone

Aventurine has long been considered a lucky talisman, which is worn to maintain a joyful mood, good spirits and clarity of mind. Sometimes this eye-pleasing gem is called the "stone of love" Aventurine is a rock - quartzite, consisting of fine-grained quartz with various inclusions. Mica flakes and some other inclusions give the mineral a characteristic shimmering sheen. It is believed that the red-brown glass with copper crystals, imitating this color feature, was obtained as a result of a random sample. Hence the modern name of the stone (from Italian aventura "accidentally"). Aventurines are usually colored yellow, green or brown. in Indian yoga green aventurine It is used to stimulate the heart chakra, strengthen vision and develop the intellect. It is believed that this stone contributes to the creative development of the individual and calms the emotions. There is evidence that aventurine accelerates wound healing.

Hardness - 6-7
Density - 2.6
Zodiac sign - Taurus
Planet - Sun
Chakra - Anahata

Gem Magic / Agate

Spiritual Awakening Stimulant

According to Indian ideas, agate stimulates the spiritual awakening of a person, tunes him to a subtle wave of perception of the world, opening "channels of clairvoyance and clairaudience." Ayurveda says that agate helps to remove kapha disorders. In Sanskrit, "kapha" means bodily water, which is present in various organs and tissues (intercellular fluid according to modern concepts). Kapha gives energy to the heart and lungs, supports immunity (remember that there are immunoglobulins in the interstitial fluid). According to Ayurveda, agate contains the elements of ether, fire and air. This "soul stone" is useful to everyone. Ayurveda especially recommends agate to children. It calms them, dispels fears, helps them start walking earlier, maintains their balance. In the old days, agate was considered a talisman against sorcerers. White and yellow agates enhance the good beginning in a person, soften his character, contribute to gaining inner peace and confidence. Black agate is considered a male talisman that protects the owner from evil forces. Agate beads help with lingering coughs and sore throats.considered a remedy for epilepsy and fever. Even the famous Avicenna advised wearing a jasper stone on the stomach to protect the body from stomach diseases.

Hardness - 6.5-7
Density - 2.6
Zodiac sign - Taurus
Planet - Saturn, Neptune
Chakra - any

Gem Magic / Azurite

Third eye stimulator

The stone got its name from azure blue color, which is due copper compounds. It is no coincidence that another name for azurite is copper azure. often forms intergrowths with malachite. This is how azurmalachite is obtained, from which it is often made Jewelry. In its pure form, azurite is less common than malachite. In ancient Egypt, the sacred stone azurite was used by priests in order to raise their consciousness to the level of higher powers. And today, many lithotherapists attribute curious properties to it. So, according to the well-known specialist Catherine Rafael, azurite carries healing energy and is able to have a positive impact on all levels of our being - from the physical to the most subtle. Raphael recommends using azurite to stimulate the opening of the "third eye". It is also believed that azurite, placed on any sore spot, is able to "remove negative energy."

Hardness - 3.5-4
Density - 3.8
Zodiac sign - Aquarius
Planet - Jupiter
Chakra - Ajna
Energy - Receptive (Yin)

Gem Magic / Aquamarine

Peace of Mind Stabilizer

It has long been believed in the East that the color of aquamarine changes depending on the state of the atmosphere, as well as on the mood of the owner. A pure blue stone is only in clear weather or when peace and tranquility reign in the soul of its owner. During bad weather, aquamarine becomes cloudy and green, like the sea before a storm. Its color also changes when the owner of the stone is seized by longing or anxiety. It is believed that the main advantage of aquamarine is its ability to cool violent emotions, extinguish anger, irritability, calm and create a positive mood. Aquamarine protects its owner from danger and deceit, strengthens the spirit and gives prudence. Indian yogis revere this stone as the most important stimulator of the throat chakra, which is associated with the thyroid gland and controls emotions. In Tibetan and Mongolian medicine, aquamarine is considered a good biostimulant to relieve tension; it helps to find peace of mind. Aquamarines strengthen the body's defenses, help with skin and lung diseases, relieve toothache, alleviate allergic reactions, have a beneficial effect on the stomach and liver, and help relieve stress and fears.

Gem Magic / Actinolite

Radiant Toning Stone

Actinolite in Greek means "radiant stone" (Greek artis, artinos - "beam", lithos - "stone"). Fine fibrous inclusions of actinolites(the so-called "hairs") create in many transparent and translucent minerals beautiful radiant optical overflows like a "cat's eye". Mineral aggregates of actinolite have a characteristic radial-radiant structure. Curiously, such a well-known stone as jade is a type of actinolite in which countless fibrous crystals are randomly entangled with each other. Like malachite, actinolite is colored in various shades of green. Actinolite is used in modern Chinese lithotherapy. Its medicinal properties are described in the well-known medical monograph by Xu Tuoqiong, published in 1960. According to this major summary, actinolite has tonic, antiseptic and stimulating effects. It has a positive effect on the kidneys and adrenal glands. Actinolite powder is used in the treatment of prostatitis, impotence, menstrual disorders and constipation.

Gem Magic / Alexandrite

Spiritual renewal stone

The stone was named in honor of Emperor Alexander II, on whose name day in 1830 a deposit of this mineral was discovered in the Urals. Alexandrite is a type of chrysoberyl that can change color depending on the light. In India, chrysoberyl was called "vaidurnam" and was considered one of the strongest magical stones. Hindus believed that this stone was able to regulate blood circulation, purify the blood and strengthen blood vessels. Alexandrite treats diseases of the spleen and pancreas. It also gives its owner peace of mind, positively affecting his nervous system. In daylight, alexandrite has a green color, and in artificial light it becomes purple-red. According to ancient beliefs, a change in the color of the stone warns the wearer of danger or illness. It is believed that alexandrite jewelry contribute to the spiritual renewal of the owner, balancing his mind and emotions. Alexandrites are recommended to be worn in a gold frame. When buying jewelry with alexandrite, you need to be careful, because its color-changing property is imitated by synthetic corundum, which does not magical properties do not possess.

Hardness - 8.5
Density - 3.7
Zodiac sign - Scorpio
Chakra - Anahata
Energy - Projective (Yang)

Gem Magic / Diamond

king of stones

Diamond symbolizes purity, perfection, invincibility, strength and power. In Indian magic, it is considered the main stone of the 7th chakra, which connects a person with cosmic forces. Yogis believe that the powerful energy of a diamond feeds the heart, brain and the entire subtle "etheric" body with its vibrations. Diamonds were credited with amazing properties. It was believed that they protect their owner from diseases, drive away bad dreams, relieve fears, prevent apoplexy and the formation of stones in the body. In Ayurvedic treatment, diamond is used as a heart and rejuvenator. Subtle vibrations of diamond have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, brain and entire nervous system. Lithotherapists recommend drinking daily a glass of "diamond water" in which gold jewelry with diamonds lay overnight to improve health. In this case, it is not recommended to use jewelry that belongs to another person, or with low-quality stones, not to mention synthetic diamonds. Diamonds also work well in contact healing. Impulsive people with high blood pressure should not wear diamond jewelry all the time.

Hardness - 10
Density - 3.52
Zodiac sign - Aries
Chakra - Sahasrara
Energy - Projective (Yang)

Gem Magic / Almandine

fire stone

Two red garnets belong to the element of Fire - pyrope and almandine. Many nations revered almandine and attributed to him magical properties- the ability to drive away sadness and bring joy, heal the heart and brain, excite passion. It was believed that almandines could relieve pain. The crusaders took these stones with them on campaigns to protect themselves from wounds and ulcers. In Rus', almandines were called "becheta". In the 16th century hospital it is said about them like this: "it will cheer up the heart, drives away unlike thoughts, multiplies reason and honor, leads pregnant wives to the speedy birth of children." The Indian "Ayurveda" says that this stone is beneficial for "vata and kapha" disorders (that is, metabolic disorders). It helps heal wounds, gives energy to the heart and lungs, and supports the immune system. Yogis note that the soft vibrations of almandine are directed to the mental and physical body. The stone has a beneficial effect on the emotional state, stabilizes cardiac activity, and helps with inflammatory processes. Promotes the regeneration of organs and tissues, stimulates blood circulation and increases potency.

Hardness - 7.5
Density - 4.3
Zodiac sign - Capricorn
Chakra - Svadhisthana
Energy - Projective (Yang)

Gem Magic / Amazonite

Stone of the Warlike Amazons

- one of the oldest and revered gems in antiquity. On the territory of Ethiopia and Egypt, archaeologists, together with geologists, discovered amazonite mines, in which this green stone was mined several thousand years before our era. Among the treasures in the tomb of Tutankhamen were found beads, amulets, earrings and amazonite rings in a silver frame. Amazonite jewelry was also found during excavations of Scythian mounds in the territory from the Lower Don to the Southern Urals. It was in these places that, according to legend, women lived who retarded the growth of one of their breasts, rubbing it with green stone powder. Ancient Greek myths claim that the belt of the leader of the Amazons, Hippolyta, was made of green Amazonites. According to historical sources, the "stone of the Amazons" was mined by them in the Riphean mountains (the ancient name of the Urals). Indeed, it was in the Urals that the first deposit of green-blue amazonite in Russia was discovered. It is believed that jewelry made from this stone helps to strengthen family relationships and build a strong family. The bright green color of amazonite creates a good mood, relieves feelings of anxiety and insecurity. Massage with balls of this mineral is able to relieve nervous fatigue and strengthen the heart muscle.

Gem Magic / Amethyst

third eye stone

Since ancient times, there has been a belief about amethyst as a stone that prevents intoxication. In the Middle Ages, amethyst was the stone of love. In ancient Russian manuscripts it is said that "amatist ... dashing thoughts move away, a good mind does and gives help in all matters." Later, amethyst became a symbol of theological ideas and images. In Rus', it was called the bishop's stone. In India, amethyst was revered as one of the strong magical stones. Yogis place an amethyst crystal between the eyebrows, where it calms the mind with its subtle vibrations, helping to achieve inner peace. Amethyst initiates the opening of the "third eye" - that is, it helps to plunge into the subconscious realm of omniscience. At this moment, a transition is made from the material level to the higher forces of the Universe. With its healing purple color, amethyst extinguishes mental pain and anxiety, calms and purifies thoughts, fills the aura with positive energy and good intentions. In the Indian "Ayurveda" it is said that amethyst helps to control emotions. The healing properties of this stone are based on its ability to relieve irritation and eliminate insomnia. The water in which the amethysts lay is useful for restoring cerebral circulation.

Hardness - 7
Density - 2.6
Zodiac sign - Aquarius, Gemini
Planet Neptune
Chakra - Ajna
Energy - Receptive (Yin)

Gem Magic / Amethyst Quartz

Stone of Tamerlane

As you know, in nature there are many varieties of quartz, which form a large group of minerals, diverse both in shape and color. Among them, mineralogists distinguish the so-called amethyst quartz. It got its name from its characteristic purple ("amethyst") color. Another typical feature amethyst quartz- white concentric strips of the mineral, the so-called growth zones. It's curious that amethyst quartz often found with crystal amethyst. Unique amethyst quartz deposit located in Tajikistan, where he is known among the local population as "stone of Tamerlane". has long been used for the manufacture of jewelry and various stone-cutting products (balls, eggs, applied arts). In St. Petersburg, in the State Hermitage, a countertop made of amethyst quartz. Stone connoisseurs say that amethyst quartz able to drive away longing and endow its owner with the gift of foresight.

Hardness - 7
Density - 2.6
Zodiac sign - Aquarius
Chakra - Sahasrara, Ajna
Energy - Receptive (Yin)

Gem Magic / Apatite

Peace Stone

Apatite crystals(calcium phosphate) come in a wide variety of colors - green, blue, yellow, blue and less often purple. Such apatites can be confused with beryl, diopside, tourmaline. Hence the name of the mineral (from the Greek. apathao- "deceiving"). There are also colorless apatites. Most common yellow and blue apatite crystals; they are usually used in healing practice. On Russian territory blue apatite crystals mined in the Baikal region, and yellow - on the Kola Peninsula. It is believed that yellow apatite affects the physical body through the solar plexus and navel, affecting. Along with aquamarine, blue apatite can influence. Hence the beneficial effect of this mineral on the throat, vocal cords and thyroid gland. There is an opinion that blue apatites are able to cool raging emotions and cause the owner to feel peaceful and a little drowsy. Together with rock crystal blue apatite crystals can be used to harmonize the physical state.

Hardness - 5
Density - 3.3
Zodiac sign - Scorpio
Planet - Mercury
Chakra - Manipura, Vishuddha
Energy - Receptive (Yin)

Gem Magic / Beryl

Peace of Mind Stone

Beryl has long been considered in the East magic stones. It was believed that they were able to conduct pure energy into the body and remove negative energy from it. Among the others precious stones beryls were considered the best "cleaners" and healers of the body. Beryls come in different shades. The Indian "Ayurveda" mentions yellow-green beryl, which "stimulates excess pitta, relieves excess vata and kanha." Ancient Indian healers used these terms, which are unusual for us, to describe the state of the body's metabolism. Thus, in their view, beryl was able to harmonize the course of metabolic reactions. It is recommended to be worn by people who want to maintain good spirits and resist fatigue. Connoisseurs of stone magic associate beryl with thinking and reason. The contemplation of beryls promotes in-depth reflection and is therefore useful in scientific research. It is believed that beryls help with back pain, colds and runny nose. Women jewelry with beryl It is recommended to wear for healing from various gynecological diseases.

Hardness - 7.5-8
Density - 2.8
Planet - Moon
Chakra - Manipura, Anahata
Energy - Receptive (Yin)

Gem Magic / Turquoise

Victory Stone

In Persia, turquoise was a symbol of good luck and victory. In modern mythology, turquoise is considered a stone of courageous people who can lead the fight against evil. Turquoise jewelry advised to wear to people who are not afraid of risk and striving for victory. In Indian lithotherapy, turquoise is considered the most important stimulator of the throat chakra. Therefore, this mineral has a positive effect on the vocal cords and the thyroid gland. Lithotherapists believe that turquoise strengthens eyesight, relieves insomnia and nightmares. Sky blue turquoise is "young"; it is she who has the strongest energy. The least active "mature", greenish turquoise. Mongolian lamas believe that turquoise is an indicator of human health: its color changes with the state of the wearer. A fading or greenish stone can serve as the first signal of an incipient disease (remember that in modern conditions the color of the stone can deteriorate under the influence of soaps, alcohols, perfumes and fats). It is also believed that the color of turquoise can be restored if it is worn by an absolutely healthy person with strong energy. Only real turquoise has healing properties, its imitation (including artificial stones) should not be used for treatment.

Hardness - 5.6
Density - 2.6
Zodiac sign - Sagittarius
Planet - Jupiter
Chakra - Vishuddha
Energy - Receptive (Yin)

Gem Magic / Noble Spinel

passion stone

In Rus' and in the East gems called lala. Distinguish between red (noble) spinel and ruby ​​began only in the 19th century. The energy of these precious stones similar. In the East, lal has a stable reputation as a stone of love and passion, a powerful stimulant of sexual energy. It was believed that he had the ability to arouse irresistible passion. This stone was revered by loving emirs, decrepit shahs and sultans, who had numerous wives and harems with concubines. Sitting on the throne, powerful rulers often rubbed balls of lala in their palms. This stone nourished them with vitality, concentrated lust downwards, giving them a happy opportunity to feel young for a moment. This stone is contraindicated for excessively impulsive people - under its influence they can quickly "burn out". It is believed that spinel has a good effect on the physical and emotional state of the body, it strengthens the immune system, enhances blood circulation, promotes tissue regeneration, treats infectious, skin and stomach diseases, and increases potency.

Hardness - 8
Density - 3.6
Zodiac sign - Leo
Planet - Saturn
Chakra - Svadhisthana
Energy - Projective (Yang)

Gem Magic / Gagat

Stone "Great Mother of the World"

Since ancient times, jet has been used to make rosaries, beads and amulets. Under the name "gisher" it has long been mined in the Caucasus (in the Kutaisi region) and used by the monks of the Gelati monastery for the manufacture of ritual items. It is believed that jet is an absorber of negative energy. This property makes jet a kind of amulet, protective stone. In the old days in England, pieces of jet were kept in houses as a powerful magical shield, and also applied to newborns to protect them from the "evil eye". They put jets under the pillow from nightmares. A piece of this stone, taken with you on the road, protected the traveler from the vicissitudes of the path. In India, jet was revered as the "stone of the Great Mother of the World", capable of helping in comprehending one's karma, revealing the secrets of past human incarnations. Indian magicians believed that jet protects a person from dark forces, absorbs his pain and dispels his fears in its blackness. In Chinese medicine, it is considered one of the most powerful "yin" stones. In lithotherapy, jet is used in the form of balls for massage, amulets, beads, as well as in the form of plates for removing negative energy from the palm. In Buddhism, Christianity and Islam, jet is the most suitable material for making rosaries.

Hardness - 3-4
Density - 1.3
Zodiac sign - Scorpio, Capricorn
Planet - Saturn
Chakra - Muladhara
Energy - Receptive (Yin)

Gem Magic / Galite

earth rock salt

rock salt crystals(galita) have the shape of a cube - one of the most perfect geometric shapes. It is no coincidence that the sacred temple of the Kaaba looks like a cubic salt crystal. After all, inside is the "salt of the Earth" - the symbol of faith of Muslims. As a seasoning for food medicine halite has been known since ancient times. Salt deficiency in the body causes spasms of smooth muscles and leads to disruption of the circulatory and nervous systems. It is not surprising that faith in healing and magical power of salt existed among different peoples of the world. Salt was a remedy for a number of diseases, protected from the "evil eye", cleansed the body from negative influences. Gargling with a salt solution helps with sore throat, asthma, bronchitis and pharyngitis, salt helps fight rheumatism and poisoning, it has a beneficial effect on various abscesses, accelerates wound healing. It has long been known about healing properties sea ​​water and the benefits of sea bathing (thalassotherapy). These procedures harden the body, improve blood circulation, respiration, and the functioning of the nervous system. At home, sea bathing can be replaced by taking baths with salt water. To do this, use unpurified coarse salt at a water temperature not higher than +38 C. The duration of the procedure is about 20 minutes.

Hardness - 2
Density - 2.2
Chakra - any

Gem Magic / Geylandite

Absorber of negative radiation

In the voids of spherical lavas and basalts of Eastern Siberia, along the banks of the Nizhnyaya Tunguska River, in Transbaikalia, wonderful healing stones are found - heulandites. They got their name in honor of the English mineralogist J. Geiland. minerals ranges from white and bluish-gray to pearlescent and pink. belongs to the family of zeolites - the famous "porous crystals" capable of exchanging ions with the environment. Zeolites bind and remove harmful substances from the body from food, and supply it with trace elements necessary for normal physiological activity. It also has unique sorption properties. Connoisseurs of stones believe that it is an active absorber of geopathic radiation and is able to literally pull away the negative energy accumulated in the human body. Lithotherapists recommend putting heulandite crystals to the places of the body where negative anomalies are detected. cleans the palms of the hands from imposing someone else's energy-information field on them. He is able to clean and small jewelry from other stones. To do this, they need to be held on heulandite for 10-15 minutes.

Hardness - 3.5-4
Density - 2.2
Energy - Receptive (Yin)

Gem Magic / Heliotrope

best christian amulet

Heliotropes are called opaque variety of chalcedony with bright red spots or streaks of oxidized hematite. In the Middle Ages, the blood of Jesus Christ was identified with these characteristic spots. Therefore, the heliotrope was endowed magical properties; he was considered the best Christian amulet. It is not surprising that heliotropes have long been used to make various amulets. Lithotherapists believe that heliotropes have a beneficial effect on blood circulation; in particular, increase the amount of hemoglobin in the blood. It is possible that this opinion also arose due to the color of heliotropes with their characteristic blood-red inclusions. Heliotropes increase physical and mental activity, help to resist stressful situations. In Indian yoga, the heliotrope is considered as a stone that forms a strong protective energy field that can protect the owner of the stone from negative influences.

Hardness - 6.5-7
Density - 2.5
Zodiac sign - Virgo
Planet - Jupiter, Mercury
Chakra - Anahata, Svadhisthana
Energy - Projective (Yang)

Gem Magic / Hematite

Healing wounds

For its dark red, almost black color, hematite is otherwise called bloodstone in Russian. The shades of this hard and heavy stone really resemble gore. It is no coincidence that translated from Greek haima- "blood". The characteristic color of hematite has firmly linked it in the minds of people with blood. In the old days, hematite was talisman of warlocks who drew them magic circles And symbolic signs. It is also believed that this stone helps to heal wounds and "purify" the blood. It is believed that it has a beneficial effect on organs, one way or another related to the removal of harmful metabolites from the bloodstream: the liver, spleen and kidneys. In oriental lithotherapy hematite amulets used to treat boils, fight blockages in blood vessels, and stop bleeding. It is believed that hematite has a beneficial effect on blood formation, can help with urinary and hormonal disorders, and prevents blood diseases. Lithotherapists claim that this stone increases blood pressure, positively influencing the energy of the supporting chakra, and also stimulates the blood supply to the sexual chakra.

Hardness - 5-6
Density - 5.3
Zodiac sign - Scorpio, Virgo
The planet Mars
Chakra - Muladhara, Svadhisthana
Energy - Receptive (Yin)

Gem Magic / Gypsum

Spiritual Stone of the East

has long been used as magic stone and therapeutic, but far from the way its powder is used in modern trauma centers when plaster bandages are applied. In Tibetan medicine, gypsum was used to treat "hot bones", to remove stones from the gallbladder. It was believed that this soft mineral has a beneficial effect on the spleen and stomach. In ancient Egypt, gypsum powder was mixed with honey, soda, and the body was rubbed with such an ointment to give the skin elasticity, and the muscles - strength. Fibrous translucent gypsum is selenite with its characteristic silky "lunar" modulations. In India selenite crystals highly valued and revered as "spiritual". It is believed that they activate the seventh, and are a purely feminine stone, a carrier of Yin energy. It cleanses and calms the mind, increases the ability to concentrate, and heals the liver, spleen, and endocrine system. This stone is used in the practice of yogis during telepathic sessions. Lithotherapists note that when working with selenite, stress is relieved, fears disappear, the general psycho-emotional state of patients improves.

Hardness - 2
Density - 2.3
Chakra - Sahasrara
Energy - Receptive (Yin)

Gem Magic / Jaspilite

Stone that improves circulation

The name of this stone comes from the English word jasper - "jasper". Due to thin stripes on the surface of the stone, often forming a bizarre pattern, jaspilite is a bit like jasper. In fact, this mineral is a variety of ferruginous quartzites, that is, it consists mainly of quartz and iron oxides. According to modern data, all jaspilites owe their origin to special iron bacteria, the activity of which was especially active at the beginning of the Proterozoic, about 2 billion years ago. It is believed that talismans from jaspilite help drive away melancholy, keep the owner from evil spells, develop the ability to foresee, make invisible to the eye visible. Lithotherapists believe that jaspilites increase blood circulation and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the circulatory system.

Hardness - 6-7
Density - 3.3
Zodiac sign - Scorpio
Chakra - Svadhisthana
Energy - Projective (Yang)

Gem Magic / Diopside

Siberian emerald

Varieties of diopside have different colors and are called differently. For example, mined in Italy in the Piedmont region, the mineral has a purple and blue color. Beautiful jewelry stone chrome diopside for it emerald green color called Siberian emerald. Exist red-brown diopsides. Diopsides from India and Burma are also known with the effect of "cat's eye" and black diopsides, on which, under certain lighting, a four-ray star is visible (the phenomenon of asterism). There are gray and sometimes colorless diopsides. There are large green and yellowish green diopside crystals reaching 50 cm in diameter. The American Museum of Natural History has a green diopside weighing 38 carats (USA, New York State). Diopside "cat's eye" and star-shaped diopsides were traditionally considered in the East magic stone charms protecting their owners from various negative influences. Lithotherapists believe green chrome diopside a good heart chakra stimulant.

Hardness - 5-6
Density - 3.2
Planet - Anahata
Chakra - Manipura
Energy - Receptive (Yin)

Gem Magic / Dioptase

Emerald's younger brother

For the similarity of dioptase with emeralds in the old days, this mineral was called copper emerald and often used to imitate real precious emeralds. However, this is a completely different stone. Shades dioptase stains vary from emerald green to slightly bluish. From a chemical point of view, dioptase is a hydrous copper silicate, which also contains impurities of iron, zinc, lead, and aluminum. Its name comes from two ancient Greek words: dia- "through" and opticos- "visual". The name of the stone hints at its transparency. Indeed, in Greek dia optasio- "look through". Lithotherapists believe that dioptases have certain medicinal properties. They advise wearing jewelry with these stones for a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. They increase the overall tone of the body and accelerate the healing of external and internal ulcers. Perhaps this effect is the result of the activation of the immune system.

Hardness - 5
Density - 3.3
Zodiac Sign - Cancer
Planet - Mercury
Chakra - Anahata
Energy - Receptive (Yin)

Gem Magic / Smoky Quartz

buddha stone

, which is otherwise called rauchtopaz, is one of the most energetic dark stones. It contains the power of Pluto, it excites fantasy, helps to open the "third eye". The purpose of this stone is to lead your thought from the darkness of the subconscious to the bright area of ​​illumination and superconsciousness. The "twisted" crystals formed under conditions of constrained growth have special strength. , especially with a dark golden brown hue, is one of the best meditation stones. Indian yogis consider it the main stone. it helps to remove stagnant, pathological energy, toxins from the body. considered the "stone of the Buddha". Indian legends tell of a bowl of whole smoky quartz crystal which cured people of any disease. It is believed that smoky quartz jewelry neutralize anger and relieve irritability. It is able to "dissolve" anger and relieve stress. Lithotherapists advise for this to take a crystal in your left hand and wait until it gets warmer.

Hardness - 7
Density - 2.6
Zodiac sign - Capricorn
Planet - Pluto
Chakra - Muladhara
Energy - Receptive (Yin)

Gem Magic / Jadeite

Gives emotional release

Emerald or light green jadeite, like jade - a favorite stone of the East. In the Stone Age, scrapers and knives were made from jadeite. In pre-Columbian America, the Mayans, Aztecs and Toltecs had jadeite cult stone. special a variety of jadeite is an almost transparent noble, or "imperial", jade. His homeland is Burma. This stone, along with jade, is used in Chinese and Tibetan medicine as a good energy stabilizer. Healers believe that noble jadeite with its energy "Qi" levels the disturbed bioenergy, gives emotional charge and regulates blood pressure. Energy ordinary jadeite less pronounced, but it is also able to equalize and calm emotional outbursts. The Spanish colonizers called jadeite "kidney stone" and considered it a talisman against kidney disease. Jadeite beads and bracelets have a positive effect on the functioning of the heart, even out blood pressure, and protect against the effects of the weather.

Hardness - 6.5-7
Density - 3.0
Zodiac sign - Virgo
Planet - Venus, Moon
Chakra - Manipura, Anahata
Energy - Receptive (Yin)

Gem Magic / Pearl

Youth elixir

The healing effect of pearls is mentioned in Avicenna's "Canon" and in the writings of ancient Arab physicians. It is believed that the contemplation of pearls calms the psyche and helps to find peace of mind. It is no coincidence that the famous monument of Tibetan medicine "Chzhud-shi" indicates that pearls help with nervous disorders, memory loss and nervous weakness. In China, Taoists considered pearls to be the frozen feminine principle of Yin, an elixir of youth that prolongs life. Until now, in Mongolia and China, they believe that pearls contain a miraculous healing power that helps in the treatment of cataracts and other eye diseases. Lithotherapists are convinced that pearl products help with diseases of the kidneys, liver, digestive system and have a beneficial effect on the body with hypertension. For medicinal purposes, the so-called "pearl water" is used. The ancient texts of "Ayurveda" recommend putting 4 - 5 natural pearls in a glass of water overnight for its preparation. You can drink this water in the morning. It helps with bleeding gums and hemorrhoids, is useful in the treatment of conjunctivitis, can have a beneficial effect on the body with liver diseases and cholelithiasis. Pearl water has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and hemostatic effects.

Hardness - 2.5-4.5
Density - 2.7
Zodiac Sign - Cancer
Planet - Moon
Chakra - Vishuddha, Sahasrara
Energy - Receptive (Yin)

Gem Magic / Serpentine

Adam's stone

similar in appearance to jade, although it is a completely different mineral, which is otherwise called serpentine (from lat. serpens- "snake"). This name indicates the characteristic color of the stone, which can be greenish yellow or dark green with characteristic spots. They give serpentine a resemblance to the color of snake skin. Serpentines similar to jade are found in huge quantities in China, where they often replaced much more expensive jade in products. According to ancient legend, Adam, choking on the apple of knowledge, spat out a piece of serpentine. Therefore, the serpentine is considered an insidious stone, a symbol of temptation and the possibility of sin. Sometimes it is worn by people who seek to deliberately introduce others into deception. Experts of ancient knowledge claim that serpentine jewelry It is recommended to be worn by people who want to avoid the dangers on the path of life. In Mongolia jade-like serpentine("toligor") is considered stone-amulet from snake and insect bites. According to local residents, this stone is able to protect the owner from negative influences from other people.

Hardness - 5-6
Density - 2.6
Zodiac sign - Virgo
Planet - Mercury, Neptune
Chakra - Anahata, Manipura
Energy - Projective (Yang)

Gem Magic / Emerald

Stone of wisdom and composure

In ancient Rus', emeralds were called emeralds. They were considered stones of wisdom and composure. About the amazing deep coloring of these stones, Pliny the Elder wrote that "there is no color that would be more pleasing to the eye." Indeed, it is known that the green color calms the nervous system, concentrates thoughts and gives a feeling of coolness. It is believed that emeralds help with insomnia and drive away bad dreams, save from evil spirits. Since ancient times, certain healing properties have been attributed to emeralds. These stones reduce fever, help treat inflammation, fight infections, and are useful for diseases of the bladder and urinary tract. Emerald treats diabetes and burns, heart pain, lowers blood pressure and helps in the treatment of psoriasis. Lithotherapists believe that jewelry with emeralds strengthens memory, helps with insomnia and drives away bad dreams, strengthens the heart, dispels melancholy and promotes longevity.

Hardness - 7.5-8
Density - 2.8
Zodiac Sign - Cancer
Planet - Venus, Mercury
Chakra - Anahata
Energy - Receptive (Yin)

Gem Magic / Calcite

Revealing the "Star of the Soul"

is one of the most common minerals on our planet. It is believed that yellow calcite crystals are umbilical biostimulants. colorless calcite able to influence the head. In Indian lithotherapy with yellow calcite beneficial effect on the kidneys, pancreas and spleen. In ancient Chinese medicine calcite powder taken as an astringent and antipyretic. Calcite crystals pyramidal shape (the so-called scalenohedra) are used for meditation. To harmonize the whole organism, it is recommended to use the scalenohedron in tandem with rock crystal. A transparent variety of calcite, which is also called Icelandic spar, is used to open the 8th chakra ("Star of the Soul").

Hardness - 3
Density - 2.7
Chakra - Anahata, Sahasrara
Energy - Receptive (Yin)

Gem Magic / Cacholong

"The petrified milk of the sacred cow"

The milky white cacholong is a porcelain-like opaque kind of opal. From a chemical point of view, cacholong is silicon oxide. Presumably, the name of the stone is derived from the Kalmyk words kahe - "river" and halong - "stone". It is rare jewelry and ornamental a stone highly valued in the East. In India, cacholong has long been revered as pure and called "the petrified milk of the sacred cow." The Mongols identify cacholong with the sacred flower of Buddhists - the lotus, which is a symbol of unfading spiritual purity. Perhaps due to associations with milk, cacholong is considered a "female stone". It is associated with motherhood. It is believed that a pregnant woman wearing a cacholong as an amulet expects an easy birth. symbolizes a pure state of mind and thoughts, this stone is good to use for "cleansing" the mind during meditation and for dealing with anxiety states of the psyche. It is also believed that cacholong strengthens well-being and health, brings peace and tranquility to the home and family.

Hardness - 6.5-7
Density - 2.1
Zodiac sign - Taurus
Planet - Moon
Chakra - Sahasrara
Energy - Receptive (Yin)

Gem Magic / Coral

Jewel of the Sea

Corals have been a favorite decoration since ancient times. In this capacity, they were used in the ancient Sumerian kingdom, Egypt and Ancient Greece. Pink coral was considered by the ancient Greeks as a symbol of immortality and happiness. In India, corals were revered not only for their beauty, but also for healing and magical properties. Meat-red ("fire") coral, soft pink coral ("angel skin"), black coral "akbar", as well as the extremely rare blue coral "akori" were especially valued. According to Ayurveda, red coral includes the elements of water, earth and fire. Its action extends to the energy that controls metabolism, body temperature, skin condition, digestion. According to Ayurveda, coral cleanses the blood, neutralizes negative states - anger, envy. It is useful for thyroid disease, helps with asthma. In Japan, white coral powder is used to accelerate the healing of bone fractures and in dental prosthetics. In Portugal, coral beads are considered a sure remedy for headaches, in England - for sore throats. In domestic lithotherapy, corals are used to treat diseases of the throat and the cardiovascular system, help with depression and psychoneurosis.

Hardness - 3.5-4
Density - 1.3-2.7
Zodiac sign - Pisces
Planet Neptune
Chakra - any
Energy - Receptive (Yin)

Gem Magic / Cat's Eye

Protective from change

The cat's eye has thin mineral fibers along its surface. Thanks to them, a peculiar optical effect arises, creating a narrow light strip on the surface of the polished stone, which looks like a cat's pupil. Unlike the tiger or hawk's eye, the translucent cat's eye has a light color, often greenish. Connoisseurs of stones consider the cat's eye a good amulet that can protect its owner from external negative influences. It helps from the "evil eye", strengthens family ties and protects against adultery. Lithotherapists believe that the cat's eye helps with bronchial asthma and attacks of rheumatism. It can relieve joint pain and help to cope with anemia. Beads from a cat's eye contribute to the fight against laryngitis, tracheitis and bronchitis.

Hardness - 7
Density - 2.6

Chakra - Vishuddha
Energy - Projective (Yang)

Gem Magic / Flint

Charm stone

Among many European and Asian peoples, flint was considered stone-amulet. It was kept in the house to strengthen family well-being, made of flint protective amulets. In Mongolian healing practice, flints of the sacred saffron-yellow color (the color of Lamaism) were used to treat gastrointestinal diseases. For this silicon amulets applied to the area of ​​the solar plexus. In recent years, black opal-chalcedony flint has been used in Russia and Belarus for conditioning and activating water. Practice shows that silicon water has an analgesic, antiseptic and hemostatic agent. It also activates regeneration processes. silicon water traditional healers treated for hypertension, trophic ulcers, burns, inflammation of the genitourinary and gastrointestinal systems, anemia, got rid of alcohol addiction, boils and food poisoning. Such an effect can be obtained by using only environmentally friendly and energetically active stone. It should also be taken into account that some varieties of flint have natural radioactivity, 2-3 times higher than the sanitary norm.

Hardness - 6.5-7
Density - 2.6
The planet Mars
Chakra - Manipura
Energy - Projective (Yang)

Gem Magic / Kunzite

Relieving nervous tension

is a precious lilac-pink or lilac variety of the mineral spodumene. This stone got its name in honor of the American gemologist J.F. Kunz, who first described it in 1902. Thickened prismatic kunzite crystals reminiscent of other pink-lilac minerals: amethyst, beryl, morganite, topaz. There are brownish or greenish kunzites. Often this mineral forms large crystals, which are difficult to cut due to the high level of cleavage. Kunzite deposits have been discovered in California, Madagascar, Brazil and Afghanistan. According to the American lithotherapist Catherine Raphael, kunzite is one of the main stones of the heart chakra, on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich the stone should be placed during healing sessions. precious minerals. It is believed that kunzite is able to relieve nervous tension. It can help in the fight against stress, contribute to the onset of peace, emotional balance and peace of mind.

Hardness - 6-7
Density - 3.2
Chakra - Anahata
Energy - Receptive (Yin)

Gem Magic / Labrador

symbol of british chastity

Labrador belongs to a large group of feldspars. This dark gray or dark blue mineral got its name from the Labrador Peninsula, where its deposit was first found. There are almost black labradors. In some stones, the surface casts with all the colors of the rainbow. Such stones are called spectrolites. In Australia, transparent, colorless and yellowish Labradors are mined, suitable for making jewelry. Connoisseurs mystical properties of stones It is believed that Labradors increase the owner's propensity for visions and mystical revelations. It is believed that on the new moon the stone becomes colder and shines brighter, gaining magical power. In Britain, astrologers consider it a symbol of purity and chastity. There is a belief that the Labrador protects the house from uninvited guests and develops endurance in the owner. Some lithotherapists believe that Labradors can be useful in the treatment of infertility, joint and prostate diseases.

Hardness - 6-6.5
Density - 2.7
Energy - Receptive (Yin)

Gem Magic / Lava

The frozen breath of the mountains

Lava is solidified magma, the product of volcanic activity. Its mineralogical composition and structure can vary greatly. In the East, in ancient times, the volcano was considered a symbol of consciousness, since it was born as a result of the combination of four elements - Earth, Fire, Water and Air. Lava is formed from the first two elements; then it is cooled by Air and flows into the sea (Water). It is not surprising that among many peoples, lava was considered a magical stone with positive energy and was used in sacred rituals. In Mongolia, pieces of solidified magma were considered amulets and were used in antiquity to heal wounds. It was believed that a piece of lava is a powerful protective amulet. Biologists, geologists and chemists are well aware that the products of volcano activity contain many trace elements, the entire spectrum of which is necessary for the efficient functioning of living organisms. It is no coincidence that the vegetation in the zones of action of volcanoes is often striking in its power and diversity. Therefore, it is possible that the healing properties of lavas, which our ancestors endowed them with, have a completely modern basis. There is evidence that magnetite helps with joint pain. It can relieve headaches, is able to fight sclerosis, accelerates the healing of wounds and fractures.

Gem Magic / Lapis Lazuli

sky stone

In Assyria, Babylon and Ancient Egypt, lapis lazuli was considered one of the most expensive stones. In ancient China, it was a symbol of power. In India, this stone was used not only for the manufacture of sacred attributes, but also for medicinal purposes. Ayurveda says that this heavenly stone strengthens the physical body, mind and consciousness. Lapis Lazuli is recommended both for stimulation of the whole organism and for the treatment of eye diseases in particular. Yogis use lapis lazuli to cleanse the aura from negative influences. This stone helps fight anxious thoughts. With it, you can get rid of old unnecessary memories, past sorrows and everything else that should not be stored in memory for a long time. To do this, yoga practice recommends applying lapis lazuli to the area of ​​the "third eye", focusing and meditating for several minutes. The inhabitants of the Pamirs use lapis lazuli to heal wounds and combat altitude sickness. Lapis lazuli helps with migraines, nervous diseases, asthma and sciatica, lowers blood pressure and brings down high temperatures. Used in the treatment of inflammation. It is believed that lapis lazuli improves the course of pregnancy and prevents miscarriages.

Hardness - 5.5
Density - 2.3
Zodiac sign - Sagittarius
Planet - Venus, Uranus
Chakra - Vishuddha, Ajna
Energy - Projective (Yang)

Gem Magic / Moonstone

Lunar energy absorber

The moonstone got its name for the blue or silvery-white overflows, which are due to the thin-lamellar structure of this mineral. In magic, this stone is traditionally believed to be strongly associated with the Moon. Some magicians believe that it should be used according to the phases of the moon, as the magical power of the stone increases during the full moon. According to Cunningham, the moonstone perceives and attracts love; wear it to bring love into your life. In India, the moonstone is called "jandarakand", which means "moonlight". It is considered the most revered stone by Moon worshipers. Hindus believe that it absorbs lunar cooling energy, calms the mind, awakening dreaminess and tenderness in people. Moonstone is able to eliminate anger and relieve internal tension. It is no coincidence that in Tibetan medicine, jandarakand was used to treat epilepsy and mental illness. It is believed that moonstone jewelry has a beneficial effect on the kidneys, bladder and urinary canals, and treats swelling and dropsy. The stone helps the development of intuition and imagination. Connoisseurs of the symbolism of stones advise people who have a strong character to wear it.

Hardness - 6-6.6
Density - 2.6
Zodiac Sign - Pisces, Cancer
Planet - Moon
Chakra - Anahata
Energy - Receptive (Yin)

Gem Magic / Magnetite

Stone of Hercules

The name of this amazing mineral is associated with the ancient Greek shepherd Magnus, who noticed that this outlandish stone attracted nails from his sandals to himself. In ancient times, magnetite was also called "guard stone", "herculean stone", "hematopoietic stone". Each such name reflects the unique properties of magnetite. In ancient China, magnetite was considered a feminine, "Yin" stone, because it attracts iron in the same way that women's charms attract men. He was considered a strong guard stone, protecting from enemies. Magnetite in the form of crushed powder was used in medicine as a hematopoietic agent for anemia. It was used to combat severe blood loss and general weakness of the body. Magnetite has not lost its value in modern medicine either. Using magnetic probes, metal objects are removed from the respiratory tract and esophagus. Magnetic therapy is widespread, in which special bracelets and balls are used to stimulate the body.

Hardness - 5.5
Density - 5.2
Chakra - Muladhara
Energy - Receptive (Yin)

Gem Magic / Malachite

health stone

In many cultures, malachite was considered a "health stone", a talisman from various troubles and misfortunes. In the Indian "Ayurveda" malachite was used for overlays on the heart chakra and "blocked" areas of the body. This was done in order to "dissolve energy plugs" and open channels for the passage of bioenergy flows. At the same time, malachites of light ("turquoise") shades were considered the most useful. Placed on the area of ​​the solar plexus, malachite with a concentric pattern relieves emotional stress, creates a balance of energy between the heart and navel chakras. Possessing a "yin" essence, malachite is able to absorb negative energy, create physical and emotional harmony in the human body. In Indian healing practice, it is believed that malachite, applied to the "third eye" chakra, helps to clear the mind of fears, resentments, anxieties and obsessive states. In modern lithotherapy, malachite is used for diseases of the heart, pancreas and spleen. It activates regeneration, has a positive effect on the pituitary and pineal glands. According to some American healers, malachite is a good anti-radiation agent.

Gem magic / Native copper

Armor from Ailments

Copper is one of the most important trace elements involved in the synthesis of connective tissue proteins, which underlie bones and cartilage, skin, lungs and blood vessel walls. Copper is also necessary for the formation of the main blood protein - hemoglobin. Copper deficiency can lead to aortic aneurysm and damage to cerebral vessels. It is not surprising that even our ancestors have long used copper in the treatment of many ailments. A copper bracelet worn on the hand brings good luck and health to its owner, normalizes blood pressure, strengthens the walls of capillaries, and prevents the deposition of salts. In the old days, warriors who wore armor with copper quickly coped with fatigue; the wounds they received festered less and healed faster. It is now known that copper ions are capable of killing bacteria, even affecting Staphylococcus aureus. able to regulate and redistribute energy during physical exertion. It strengthens bones, enhances the production of blood cells, improves immunity and is the main treatment for rheumatoid arthritis. To combat copper deficiency, lithotherapists advise wearing copper plates, discs and rings, not forgetting to regularly clean them from oxides.

Hardness - 3
Density - 8.5-9
Energy - Projective (Yang)

Gem Magic / Marble Onyx

Absorbing negative energy

Shades of layers of marble onyx can vary from white, and golden yellow to brown. There are onyxes with pinkish flesh-colored stripes, it is no coincidence that the name of the stone comes from the Greek word for "nail". The more diverse and thinner the stripes on the surface of the stone, the more valuable it is. Plays of light give a special attraction to the translucent onyx and the figures carved from it. Marble onyxes are found in the form of stalactite formations in karst limestone caves. Since ancient times, such raw onyxes have been worn as amulets against evil forces, believing that their very shape determines the protective properties of the stone. Marble onyx is considered a good absorber of negative energy, it is able to "pull out" pain. Onyx is used for diseases of the nervous system and depression. It will relieve stress, contributing to the acquisition of emotional balance and self-control. Products with onyx increase potency, sharpen hearing, rejuvenate, strengthen memory. Lithotherapists advise applying striped onyx to inflamed areas. Onyxes improve calcium metabolism in the body, so they are recommended for permanent wear by the elderly.

Hardness - 3-3.5
Density - 2.7
Zodiac sign - Virgo
Chakra - Manipura
Energy - Receptive (Yin)

Gem Magic / Jade

Tranquility Stone

is considered to be the national stone of China. It was used in this country already in the 2nd millennium BC. The Chinese deified jade, called it "eternal", "sacred", "a stone of tranquility". In the XII century, a treatise was written on the properties of jade, consisting of one hundred volumes. Among the ancient Turks and Mongols, jade was considered a stone of victory, they were decorated with swords and belts. In China, Taoists attributed to jade the ability to give vitality, good health and longevity. Crushed jade was added to the "elixir of immortality" - a drink to preserve youth and health. From ancient times in China, there were jade amulets, which were believed to help with kidney diseases and prevent stomach diseases. Chinese emperors put a jade pillow under their heads; she kept cool in hot weather, vitality and youth. Confucius considered jade a symbol of the mind, humanity, devotion and truthfulness. In the Middle Ages, jade was a favorite stone of alchemists. It is advised to wear it to people who are trying to change their lives, to enter its new period. This is a stone of change, helping to get out of everyday dead ends. It is associated with family well-being and longevity.

Hardness - 6-6.5
Density - 3.0
Zodiac Sign - Virgo, Libra
Chakra - Anahata, Manipura
Energy - Projective (Yang)

Gem Magic / Obsidian

Purifier Stone

- natural volcanic glass, which got its name from the warrior Obsian, who first brought his pieces from Ethiopia to Rome. In India, black iridescent obsidian was associated with chakra Muladhara, the energy of which belongs to the Earth. The Hindus believed that obsidian attracts this energy like a magnet and conducts it into the physical body of a person. In addition, obsidian was revered as purifying stone which helps to fight various negative phenomena at the level of the physical body. can dissolve "energy plugs". According to the recommendation of the famous lithotherapist Catherine Rafael, obsidian is placed on the groin or navel area for energy charging of the body. pieces of obsidian, located along the central line of the body, contribute to the alignment of the energy of the meridians. According to Catherine Rafael, it is useful to place small crystals of rock crystal next to obsidian, which help fight mental and emotional "blocks". It is believed that the rosary, beads and obsidian pendants have a positive effect on the stomach and intestines, as well as stimulate the kidneys, stabilize blood pressure and strengthen the immune system.

Hardness - 5-6
Density - 2.3
Zodiac sign - Capricorn
Chakra - Muladhara
Energy - Receptive (Yin)

Gem Magic / Petrified Wood

Healing tablets

The basis of this material is indeed the wood of trees that grew on our planet millions of years ago. Gradually, in the process of formation of sedimentary rocks, plant fibers that did not have time to rot were replaced by mineral substances. These are mainly minerals from the silica group. They give this mineralized wood its characteristic color, which can vary from bright pink to dark brown. This is how a mineral of organogenic origin is born - petrified wood. Sometimes annual rings remain visible in it. Sometimes in petrified wood a pattern appears that resembles stains on the surface of jasper or agate. The largest petrified wood deposit known in Arizona, near Holbrook (USA). The length of the "stone" trunks found there, whose age is estimated at least 200 million years, reaches 65 m with a diameter of about 3 m! In 1962, the area was declared the Petrifield Forest National Park. Sometimes petrified wood used as ornamental material, less often - for the manufacture jewelry. In Mongolian medicine, "tablets" petrified wood from the Gobi desert were applied to the joints for arthritis and other similar diseases.

Hardness - 5.5-6.5
Density - 2.6
Chakra - all depending on the color
Energy - Receptive (Yin)

Gem Magic / Opal

Stone of love and faith

In the East, especially in India, noble opals have long been deified, considering them to be stones of love, faith and compassion. It was believed that opals help the growth of children, and also enlighten the mind with the play of light on its surface, dispersing gloomy thoughts and fears. Opals were endowed with the same properties in Hungary, the Czech Republic and Germany. In the 17th century Boethius de Boot (the court physician of the Bohemian emperor Rudolf) wrote that opal "calms the nerves, helps with heart disease, melancholy, fainting, saves from violent passions, irritations, restores visual acuity and shine to the eyes." In India, they believed that opals promote communication between people and the establishment of friendly relations. Looking at opals, Indian magicians recalled their previous incarnations. Ayurveda says that opal contains three elements: water, fire and fat and can be useful for people as a healer. Modern lithotherapists believe that opals develop intuition and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, pituitary and pineal glands. It is believed that opals harmonize all body functions and protect it from infectious diseases.

Hardness - 5.5-6.5
Density - 2.1
Zodiac sign - Pisces
Planet - Moon
Chakra - any
Energy - Projective (Yang)

Gem Magic / Ophiocalcite

Harmonizing balance of Yin and Yang

called fine-grained marble with inclusions of noble serpentine - ophite. They form a characteristic striped or reticulate-patterned pattern on the surface of the stone, which gives ophiocalcite a resemblance to jasper. How decorative stone ophiocalcite was already used in Ancient Rome and Byzantium. It was imported to Russia from deposits in Greece until its own Satka deposit of this stone was discovered in the Urals. Modern stone cutters use ophiocalcite as ornamental stone. Vases, caskets, key chains are cut from it, rosaries and beads are made. Modern lithotherapists advise using ophiocalcite balls for manual Chinese massage. Since the stone contains two opposite essences (marble and ophite), it is believed that ophiocalcite can help harmonize the balance of two opposite principles - Yin and Yang - in the human body. Lithotherapists claim that ophiocalcite improves blood circulation, helps with neurasthenia, muscle spasms and hand tremors.

Hardness - 5-6
Density - 2.6
Chakra - Manipura
Energy - Receptive (Yin)

Gem Magic / Pumice

natural grater

A characteristic feature of pumice is porosity. Pieces of pumice resemble frozen foam rubber or a synthetic sponge born in the fire-breathing depths of our planet. There is so much air in its frozen bubbles that some pieces of pumice do not sink in water. From a geological point of view, pumice is a type of volcanic glass. It is born as a result of volcanic activity; it is no coincidence that pumice is often found among volcanic rocks. Its color can vary from gray to black. Natural pumice It is used not only as a natural abrasive material, but also as a remedy. The traditional method is to use pumice stones as graters to cleanse the skin of the heels and feet, palms. In this case, massage itself also has a beneficial effect. In addition, in modern Chinese lithotherapy, pumice is prepared medicinal powder. It is soaked in water for 3-4 days and taken orally according to the method of Xu Guoqiong, 4-11 gr. This medicine has a diuretic, sedative and expectorant effect. It improves metabolism. Chinese therapists prescribe to take such a powder for bronchitis, asthma, scrofula, diabetes, urolithiasis, gonorrhea.

Hardness - 5.5
Density - 2.4
Energy - Receptive (Yin)

Gem Magic / Pyrope

fire stone

called a type of pomegranate. Translated from Greek pyros- "fire". Therefore, the name of the stone alludes to its fiery color: dark red or orange-red. The Mongols call pyropes "galyt chulluu" - "fire stone". In the old days, they believed that it was a piece of frozen fire erupted by a volcano. Ancient Mongolian legends say that the "fiery stone" is able to glow in the night. He is the frozen blood of the dragon, which gives people extraordinary strength and fearlessness. According to legend, the soldiers of Tamerlane before the battle drank pomegranate juice from a bowl made from this fire stone for courage. Indian yogis believe that wearing pyropes is useful for energetic and domineering people who are in constant tension. Pyrope helps them maintain their energy potential. According to yogic concepts, pyrope is filled with a rich blood-red color with a normal energy balance and dims when it is disturbed. Yogis also believe that pyrope stimulates blood circulation, gives energy and excites passion.

Hardness - 7-7.5
Density - 4.3
Chakra - Svadhisthana
Energy - Projective (Yang)

Gem Magic / Rhodonite

Dawn Stone

In the East, pink gems - rhodonite and rhodochrysolite were given a poetic name - "stone of the dawn." In Italy and Thailand, rhodonite was valued not only for its beauty, but also for magical properties. was considered a messenger of higher powers, designed to help people awaken love for life, for themselves; a stone capable of filling the physical body with the power of the spirit. Yogis believe that soft vibrations, penetrating into the aura, stimulate the solar plexus; charge both the subtle (etheric) and the physical body. Eastern healers prepare a special elixir from the "stone of the dawn" for the treatment of cancer. It also helps with liver diseases. With the help of this stone, even eye diseases were treated and weakened vision was strengthened. For this pieces of rhodonite or his plates were placed on the face near the eyes. Orbs made from rhodonite were used for meditation. It is believed that rhodonite awakens hidden talents and abilities.

Hardness - 5.5-6.5
Density - 3.6
Zodiac sign - Gemini, Libra
Chakra - Anahata
Energy - Projective (Yang)

Gem Magic / Rhodochrosite

Soul and heart stone

Rhodochrosite (manganese carbonate) got its name for its own (from the Greek rhodon - "rose", "pink"). In the East, rhodochrosite was called the "stone of the dawn." In Argentina, bright crimson-red rhodochrosites are mined. In the ancient silver mines of the Incas, unique stalactites from rhodochrosite are found. It is no coincidence that in South America rhodochrosite is known under the name "Inca roses". Rhodochrosite, mined in Mongolia, is distinguished by the purest pink color. In this country, it is considered the "stone of the soul and heart", and is worn to attract love, calm emotions and recharge with pure energy. Due to these beliefs, rhodochrosite was used in the lining of the interiors of the wedding palace in Ulaanbaatar. In lithotherapy rhodochrosite balls used for massage.

Hardness - 4
Density - 3.3-4.7
Zodiac sign - Libra, Gemini
Chakra - Anahata
Energy - Projective (Yang)

Gem Magic / Rose Quartz

heart stone

rare variety of quartz pale pink color healers of the East call the "stone of the heart." Its soft pink coloring is reminiscent of the dawn; it pleases the eye, fills the heart with love and heals the soul with its soft healing vibrations. Indian yogis considered this stone the best for influencing. heals heart wounds, relieves emotional stress and sets the heart to goodness and love. Rose quartz powder has been used since ancient Egypt as a cosmetic treatment for wrinkles. Later, the ancient Romans adopted this practice of using it. Rutile "needles" are sometimes found in rose quartz crystals. They create an unusual "star" effect - asterism. Such "star-shaped" crystals are especially valued. It is believed that rose quartz gives its owner vitality and increases his susceptibility. At the same time, it contributes to the disclosure of emotions, makes human behavior more direct and natural.

Hardness - 7
Density - 2.6
Zodiac sign - Aquarius
Planet - Venus
Chakra - Anahata
Energy - Receptive (Yin)

Gem Magic / Rubellite

Stone of love and faith

Rubellite means "reddish" in Latin. This is the name of one of the varieties of tourmaline, whose color varies from pink to red. can have a variety of colors, so it is not surprising that some of their varieties are classified into special groups with their own names. Especially prized rubelliteshaving ruby-red hues. Connoisseurs mystical properties of stones believe that tourmalines have a beneficial effect on the body and mind of a person, help fight anxieties and fears. Like other pink stones (kunzite, rose quartz, scapolite), rubellite has a beneficial effect on, filling the heart with love and faith. Lithotherapists believe that if you put green tourmaline on the heart chakra along with pink or raspberry tourmaline, then this combination will refresh the heart, give a person courage and strength. Tourmaline sticks (crystals) can stimulate and strengthen the nervous system. All varieties of tourmalines are usually recommended to be worn in a pendant on a gold chain or in a ring.

Hardness - 7-7.5
Density - 2.6
Chakra - Anahata
Energy - Projective (Yang)

Gem Magic / Ruby

Hot Blood Dragon

In India, the ruby ​​was one of the most revered magic stones. He was considered the best exponent of the element of Fire, and a powerful concentrator of the strong beginning of Yang. Indian magicians called the ruby ​​a clot of the Dragon's hot blood, capable of giving unlimited power and exerting an irresistible effect on people. Rubies were also used in lithotherapy. Modern experts assign this stone a big role in the healing of various ailments. It is believed that it helps to cure blood diseases, chronic tonsillitis, diseases of the spine and joints. In addition, the ability of the ruby ​​to prevent epileptic seizures and positively affect the nervous system is noted. This stone is able to relieve depression, it helps with insomnia and schizophrenia. With an excess of the "Yang" principle in the body, nervous breakdowns and high blood pressure, it is not recommended to wear a ruby. In this case, it is appropriate to replace it with a stone of the Water element for "cooling" and harmonizing the energy balance.

Hardness - 9
Density - 4
Zodiac sign - Leo
Chakra - Anahata, Svadhisthana
Energy - Projective (Yang)

Gem Magic / Sapphire

Wisdom Stone

Sapphires have long been considered symbols of wisdom, power, victory and justice. It is known that the high priests of ancient Egypt wore on their chests jewelry with sapphires on which the symbol of truth was inscribed. In the "revelation" of John the Theologian, sapphire marks the penultimate step of the pyramid leading to the Heavenly City of Jerusalem. In India, sapphire was considered a stone closely associated with the Cosmos. The stone seemed to absorb its cold astral color. According to the famous theologian Pavel Florensky, in sapphire one can see a symbol of the soul rushing into eternity. It is curious that in ancient China, sky-blue light symbolized the soul after death. It is believed that sapphires lower blood pressure, help with insomnia, back pain, colds and even cancer. A ring or bracelet with a sapphire on the left hand helps with asthma, heart disease and neuralgia. The stone helps the owner of the ring to feel a lie. It is also believed that sapphire makes a person calm, tames passions and is able to influence the passage of time. Especially "strong" are star-shaped stones with three intersecting beams - symbols of three great forces: Faith, Hope and Love.

Hardness - 9
Density - 4
Zodiac sign - Sagittarius
Planet - Jupiter
Chakra - Ajna
Energy - Receptive (Yin)

Gem Magic / Selenite

"Stone Flower of Shambhala"

- one of the "water" and not too transparent stones, which in India is called jandarakand. The stone got its European name for the yellowish-silvery lunar overflows on its surface (in ancient Greece, Selena was called the goddess of the moon). Selenite is a noble translucent white or pale pink variety of gypsum, which literally glows in the sun, like a Shambhala flower. Due to the fine-fiber structure, beautiful overflows appear on the polished surface of selenite, involuntarily attracting the eye. The softness of selenite makes it an excellent stone for cutting. It is believed that a variety of selenite figurines help in love, give eloquence and the ability to convince. They are symbolic wishes for good luck and success. In the East, products are not cut from selenite. There it is considered a "spiritual stone", whose soft subtle vibrations purify and calm the mind, tune it to the perception of the Higher cosmic forces. It affects the Sahasrara. It can help with diseases caused by an excess of the "yang" beginning.

Hardness - 2
Density - 2.3
Zodiac sign - Aries
Planet - Moon
Chakra - Anahata, Sahasrara
Energy - Receptive (Yin)

Gem Magic / Carnelian

Sun Stone

For medicinal purposes, carnelian was used by the healers of Ancient Egypt, who considered this stone one of the most magical and healing. Powdered carnelian they added to powders and potions, which had a calming effect and helped restore strength. The Egyptians believed that carnelian could protect from evil spells and dangers, both during life and after death. The Arabs wore carnelians in the form of amulets with prayers from the Koran carved on them and believed that such amulets protect them from envy and the "evil eye". For medicinal purposes, carnelian was also used by the ancient peoples of Central Asia: the Chinese, the Huns, and the Mongols. This stone was especially revered in India. Ayurveda says that the orange color of carnelian is able to restore nervous tissue, it helps with diseases of the genitourinary and pulmonary systems, stimulates the endocrine glands, improves blood circulation and skin color. Carnelians improve cerebral circulation, strengthen the immune system, relieve headaches, and help with thyroid diseases. As mascot decoration with carnelian can be worn to mitigate anger and uplift mood.

Hardness - 6.5-7
Density - 2.6
Zodiac sign - Gemini, Virgo
Planet - Sun
Chakra - Manipura, Swadhisthana
Energy - Projective (Yang)

Gem Magic / Sodalite

Color changing doctor

This ordinary mineral of alkaline rocks got its name from the English word sodium - "sodium". It is mined in Brazil, USA, Canada, India, Burma, Namibia. are colorless, white, blue and even red. It is curious that under the influence of sunlight the color of the mineral can change. For example, bright red samples of sodalite brought to the surface become gray and unsightly after a while. Raised from the bowels pink sodalite may become almost black. In the Khibiny mountains there is variety of sodalite containing atomic sulfur. This mineral was named hackmanite in honor of the Finnish explorer Viktor Gakman. Under the sun's rays, hackmanite also loses its bright color. Transparent blue sodalites used in jewelry. Sodalite is considered meditation stone. According to Catherine Raphael, this is one of the stones of the "third eye", which clears the mind, tunes it to inner vision and gaining intuitive knowledge. In the practical magic of Scott Cunningham, sodalite is considered a good healer of psychoneurotic conditions. It is useful to wear it to establish inner harmony.

Hardness - 5.5-6
Density - 2.1-2.2
Chakra - Ajna, Vishuddha
Energy - Receptive (Yin)

Gem Magic / Hawkeye

Endowed with inner sight

In its appearance, the hawk's eye resembles stones with a similar optical effect - tiger's and cat's eyes. A distinct light strip appears on the surface of these polished stones. At hawkeye it has a gray-blue or gray-green tint, reminiscent of the pupil of a predatory bird - a falcon or a hawk. Hence the name of the stone. - a stone exotic, rare. Its deposits are known only in southern Africa in South Africa and in Australia near Salzburg. It has long been considered a good amulet that can protect against the "evil eye". According to the famous American lithotherapist Catherine Raphael, the hawk's eye is one of the stones that energize the first chakra. From her point of view, the hawk's eye is able to endow the human mind with inner vision. With its help, a person is able to see everything that happens to him on the physical plane, as if from a height.

Hardness - 7
Density - 2.6
Zodiac sign - Sagittarius
Chakra - Muladhara, Vishuddha
Energy - Projective (Yang)

Gem Magic / Soapstone

Hot stone of Suomi country

In Finland, soapstone is considered the national stone. In the language of the Suomi country, it is called tulikivi - "hot stone". The Finns gave this name to soapstone not by chance. The mineral has high heat resistance. It is an ideal refractory material that heats up quickly and cools slowly. A piece of soapstone, dipped in hot water for only 5 minutes, cools down within an hour! Thanks to this property, soapstone is a natural heating pad. In Finnish and Karelian medicine, "tulikivi" is used to treat sciatica, sciatica, osteochondrosis, traumatic injuries of the joints and other similar diseases, for the treatment of which uniform and prolonged warming is useful. In Russia, soapstone deposits have been discovered in Karelia. Mineral heating pads are made from Karelian soapstone, which are convenient for home use. It has been established that soapstone also has a strong "yang" energy with a vibration frequency close to the vibrations of the brain. This property of soapstone underlies the work of biostimulants, which are made from this unique mineral.

Hardness - 2-3
Density - 2.6-3.3
Chakra - any
Energy - Projective (Yang)

Gem Magic / Tiger's Eye

Transforming energy flows

Tiger's eye is a variety of quartz that has been saturated with many fibers of the mineral crocidolite. Due to this structure, on the surface tiger eye a characteristic light band appears, resembling a narrow elongated pupil. It is most clearly visible in stones processed in the form of cabochons. Iron hydroxides give the tiger's eye a characteristic golden-brown "silky" sheen, which makes it easy to distinguish this stone from a stone with a similar optical effect - the cat's eye. The tiger's eye has been known to people since antiquity. Already the Roman soldiers wore amulets from the tiger's eye with symbols engraved on it. Such stones were supposed to protect them in battles. Magicians believed that the tiger's eye controls solar energy, transforming its flow into a healing "emanation" and directing it into the human body. Therefore, the tiger's eye was advised to be worn by sick and weakened people. The Indians believed that the tiger's eye is a powerful amulet and stimulant stone. Modern lithotherapists believe that the tiger's eye helps with bronchial asthma.

Hardness - 7
Density - 2.6
Zodiac sign - Gemini, Virgo
Chakra - Manipura
Energy - Projective (Yang)

Gem Magic / Topaz

Stone of inner enlightenment

In magic, topazes are considered precious stones, able to protect against the "evil eye", witchcraft and other negative influences. Topaz helps in the fight against depression and fears. It dispels doubts, removes anger. Indian yogis considered topaz to be a stimulant of the highest chakra - Sahasrara. In yogic practice, topaz was used in meditation to achieve an all-pervading vision, as a result of which the personality was connected with the Higher Mind - it is no coincidence that topaz is called the stone of inner enlightenment. It is believed that topazes protect against colds, accelerate tissue regeneration, treat the digestive organs, liver, gallbladder, and spleen. they help with nervous exhaustion, relieve stress. Topazes strengthen the immune system and are used as a defense against mental illness. It is useful for gourmets to remember that topaz sharpens taste sensations. It is believed that decoration with topaz can set a person in an optimistic mood. Topaz gives beauty to women, wisdom to men. The stone drives away anger and hatred. Wearing topaz is recommended for people who are weighed down by vague fears. The stone helps to concentrate and attracts material wealth.

Hardness - 8
Density - 3.5
Zodiac sign - Scorpio
Planet - Sun
Chakra - Sahasrara
Energy - Projective (Yang)

Gem Magic / Tourmaline

Healer and Purifier

In Indian lithotherapy, various colors were used. varieties of tourmalines. Pink stones are called rubellites, green stones are called verdelites. Famous blue tourmaline(indigolite) and black tourmaline(schorl). Rubellite and verdelite are considered the best heart healers. Green tourmaline cleanses and strengthens the nervous system, helps with fatigue and exhaustion of the body. Of all the green colored gems tourmaline has the strongest rejuvenating properties. It is useful for everyone to wear it, especially during strong nervous and physical stress, to restore the aura after a negative external influence. Black tourmaline forms a protective aura around itself, reflecting all harmful influences. In American lithotherapy, to remove negative energy from the physical body, schorls are rotated counterclockwise over a sore spot. Indicolite is considered a stone of peace and restful sleep. Colorless tourmaline (achroite) creates a balance of spiritual and physical forces, clears the mind. Red and pink tourmalines have Yang projective energy. Green, blue and black - receptive energy Yin.

Gem Magic / Fluorite

Stress fighter

Fluorite is an extremely color-variable fluorspar. In Indian yoga, this mineral is one of the strongest magic stones. It is believed that fluorite promotes disclosure, helps to streamline thoughts and achieve a state of peace of mind. Stone connoisseurs believe that fluorite can reduce a person's emotional perception of a situation and calm anger. It helps fight stress and depression. Jewelry with fluorite increases the analytical abilities of its owner. It is curious that magicians, both in antiquity and today, often use balls for predictions made precisely from fluorite. An amazing ability of fluorite during meditation is noted, as it were, to "absorb" the sounds of music and then return them to a person. Lithotherapists use fluorite to treat diseases of the brain and cardiovascular system. It is said that fluorite can help with epilepsy and in the fight against multiple sclerosis.

Hardness - 4
Density - 3.1
Chakra - Ajna, Sahasrara
Energy - Projective (Yang)

Gem Magic / Chrysoberyl

Mage's Favorite Stone

Precious transparent green chrysoberyls (from the Greek. chrysos- "gold") are known to people since ancient times. A variety of chrysoberyl is alexandrite, which has an emerald green color in daylight and purple-red in electric light. In addition to golden yellow, brown, red and purple chrysoberyls are found. In India, this stone was called vaiduriyam; Hindus believed that it helps magicians understand the language of birds and animals. Vaiduriam brings insight, peace of mind and healing to ordinary people. It is believed that chrysoberyl protects against misfortune. He helps women to find success in business, and men - to succeed in the society of women. In the famous "Izbornik Svyatoslav" it is said that this stone saves from scabies, leprosy and protects the owner from intoxication. has great healing power. It helps to regulate blood circulation, cleanses the blood and strengthens blood vessels. In Tibetan and Indian medicine, chrysoberyls were also used to treat other diseases.

Hardness - 8.5
Density - 2.8
Zodiac sign - Capricorn
Planet - Mercury
Chakra - Anahata
Energy - Projective (Yang)

Gem Magic / Chrysocolla

Conquering fears

From a chemical point of view, chrysocolla is a hydrous copper silicate, which gives the stone. Its name is derived from the Greek words chrysos- "gold" and kolla- "glue", since this mineral was used in the old days for soldering gold. In ancient times, chrysocolla, passed off as turquoise, was brought from the mines of the legendary King Solomon. American lithotherapists believe that this stone affects any chakras, leveling and harmonizing the balance of relations between the physical and subtle bodies of a person. Chrysocolla helps with thyroid diseases and other disorders, one way or another related to the throat chakra. useful in the treatment of many female diseases, it regulates the menstrual cycle. Meditation with the help of chrysocolla helps to develop - the "Star of the soul", which is able to establish contacts between personal and cosmic forces. Lithotherapists note that if you just hold chrysocolla in your hand, then feelings of tension, fear dissipate and illusions disappear.

Hardness - 2-4
Density - 2.1
Zodiac Sign - Taurus, Sagittarius
Planet - Jupiter
Chakra is everything
Energy - Receptive (Yin)

Gem Magic / Chrysolite

Dragon Stone

For the most characteristic olive color, chrysolite is otherwise called "goldstone". It is no coincidence that in translation from the ancient Greek chrysos - "gold". The Mongols call chrysolites "Dragon stones" because they are found in the volcanoes of the Khangai highlands. According to popular beliefs, chrysolite brings good luck in all matters, gives strength and vigilance. Mystics and connoisseurs of stones claim that chrysolite is able to warn its owner against unreasonable acts. It helps to regain former confidence in life after an attack of disappointment. Yogis and healing lamas believe that the "Dragon Stone" has a beneficial effect on the navel chakra. Lithotherapists believe that chrysolites have a positive effect on the physical and emotional state of a person. They normalize cardiac activity, protect against drops in blood pressure and drive away nightmares. It is believed that chrysolites are also useful in the treatment of colds and the spine. They say that chrysolite can treat stuttering. Like turquoise, chrysolite helps with eye diseases (used in homeopathic doses), as well as with blood diseases.

Hardness - 6.5-7
Density - 3.3
Zodiac sign - Pisces
Chakra - Manipura
Energy - Projective (Yang)

Gem Magic / Chrysoprase

Stone that rejuvenates the heart

Chrysoprase is a variety of chalcedony. Its name is translated from ancient Greek as "golden-onion" (from the Greek. chrysos - "gold" and prasos - "leek"). Indeed, chrysoprase usually has a greenish or bluish-green color. It has long been believed that the bright green color of the stone improves mood and strengthens eyesight. In a person looking at a cheerful green chrysoprase, the mood improves. However, chrysoprase is able to relieve rheumatic pains. It was worn as an amulet to ward off negative energy. In medieval Europe, chrysoprase was considered a stone that brings money and drives away nightmares. It was also considered a symbol of friendship and good luck. It is no coincidence that chrysoprase was the favorite stone of Frederick the Great, who constantly wore it in a ring. Indian magicians attributed chrysoprase to the element of Air and believed that it protects against envy, slander and the "evil eye". Yogis considered this stone to be a strong stimulator of the Anahata heart chakra; a stone that rejuvenates the heart. Its beneficial effect on this organ is enhanced in combination with another "stone of the heart" - a pink stone.

Hardness - 6.5-7
Density - 2.6
Zodiac sign - Aquarius
Chakra - Anahata
Energy - Receptive (Yin)

Gem Magic / Blue Chalcedony

Joy Stone

blue chalcedony is a kind of translucent sky-colored quartz. Another name for this stone is sapphirine. Blue chalcedony has been known to people since ancient times. Along with sardonyx and carnelian, blue chalcedony was often used to make cameos, a huge collection of which is kept in the State Hermitage. In India, Mongolia and China blue chalcedony revered as magic stones. In one ancient Indian treatise it is said that this stone has the color of pure consciousness. According to ancient ideas, chalcedony contains the elements of air and ether, so it has a calming effect on the psycho-emotional sphere of a person. Jewelry with blue chalcedony is able to eliminate fear, inspire the owner with confidence in their own strength. The Mongols call blue chalcedony found in the Gobi desert "stones of joy" and believe that they are able to drive away melancholy and create a good mood. According to ancient manuscripts, chalcedony and agate served as amulets for sailors. Chalcedony was also considered a stone of love, attracting the hearts of men to a woman. He seemed to get rid of outbursts of anger and bouts of melancholy.

Hardness - 6.5-7
Density - 2.6
Zodiac sign - Sagittarius
Planet - Saturn, Neptune
Chakra - Vishuddha
Energy - Receptive (Yin)

Gem Magic / Zircon

Diamond's little brother

Zircon has long been considered a strong magical and healing stone, instilling in a person self-confidence, optimism and good spirits. In Indian practical yoga, zircon, like diamond, has one of the highest places in the energy of the Sahasrara chakra. Minerologists suggest that the strong energy impact of zircon can be explained by the dipyramidal shape of its crystals ("double pyramid effect"). It is believed that jewelry with zircon help to cope with nervous disorders. They are able to develop a person's intuition and the ability to unravel the signs sent from above. Yellow-red zircons have a positive effect on the pituitary gland, pineal gland and stimulate the liver. They help with constipation, decreased gastric secretion and intestinal atony. Zircons help achieve emotional balance and treat insomnia. It is believed that zircons improve mental abilities and increase the desire to do science.

Hardness - 7-8
Density - 3.9-4.7
Zodiac sign - Aries
Planet - Sun
Chakra - Sahasrara
Energy - Projective (Yang)

Gem Magic / Charoite

Lilac miracle of Siberia

It's relatively new jewelry and ornamental stone got its name from the place where its deposit was discovered - on the Chara River (in Siberia). is considered a unique stone not only in Russia, but throughout the world, where its analogues have not been found. The color of charoite varies from pale lilac to deep purple. It is characterized by smooth transitions from light to almost black-violet shades. Charoite Jewelry quickly become popular not only in Russia but also abroad. Charoite vases, caskets, table decorations, rings, bracelets and pendants made by domestic stone cutters have already acquired an international vocation. With its enchanting color, this mineral creates peace in the soul, promotes the harmony of human relationships. Specialist of the St. Petersburg Institute of Aid and Healing S.A. Bugrova advises the use of charoite in diseases of the kidneys, heart, liver and various inflammatory processes.

Hardness - 5-6
Density - 2.5
Planet Neptune
Chakra - Vishuddha, Sahasrara, Anahata
Energy - Projective (Yang)

Magic gems / Shungite

The saving stone of Russia

, which in the old days was called "slate stone" behind it, has long been known in the Olonets region (Karelia), where the only world deposit of this unique mineral is located., which got its name from the village of Shunga, is an intermediate form between amorphous carbon and graphite. Underground waters flowing through shungite deposits have long been famous for their healing properties. At the behest of Peter I, near the largest source, the resort "Marcial Waters" was opened, named after the god of war Mars. Wounded and sick soldiers were treated here. It purifies the water remarkably. In the instructions of Peter the Great, it was said that each grenadier should keep a "slate stone" in his knapsack and lower it into a pot of water "in order to protect the strength of his stomach." Historians claim that during the Battle of Poltava, it was shungite that saved the Russian army from an epidemic of dysentery. At present, the production of various products based on shungite has been launched: household and industrial filters-purifiers, therapeutic pastes and massage pillows, shungite pyramids. Shungite also helps in the treatment of various diseases of the skin and joints.

Hardness - 3.5-4
Density - 1.9
Zodiac sign - Scorpio
Planet - Saturn
Energy - Receptive (Yin)

Gem Magic / Epidote

Pistachio amulet stones

The name of the mineral comes from the ancient Greek word epidotus, which translates as "increment". The point is that the epidote crystals in cross section, one side is larger than the other. Transparent or translucent epidote crystals usually have a pistachio-green color, so this mineral is also called pistacite (from the English. pistachio- "pistachio"). In our country, beautiful transparent epidotes are found in the Urals in the vicinity of Yekaterinburg. Ural epidotes of bottle-green color are called Pushkinites. There are such stones in the territory of Mongolia. Mongolian Pushkinite in a silver frame is considered a good amulet against harmful influences. Cherry-red epidotes, whose color is due to manganese compounds, are called piemontites. Iron compounds give epidotes a brownish hue. There are black and green stones. are considered inexpensive gems, which are rarely used for jewelry purposes. Stones suitable for cutting are mined in Mexico, Mozambique, Norway, the USA and Austria. Lithotherapists believe that epidotes, like any green stones, can be useful in the treatment of eye and nervous diseases.

Hardness - 6-7
Density - 3-4
Energy - Projective (Yang)

Gem Magic / Amber

Magic Resin of the Ancient Forest

It has been established that amber helps with headaches and toothaches, softens the effects of pressure drops, protects against magnetic storms, and even improves eyesight. It has a positive effect on the spleen and improves cardiac activity. Doctors note that the amber mouthpiece reduces the likelihood of cancer in smokers. Preparations from amber have an anti-inflammatory effect. It has been established that one of the causes of thyroid diseases is a lack of iodine in the body. Amber contains iodine, so wearing amber beads can be beneficial for thyroid diseases. In addition to iodine, amber contains other microelements useful for the human body: iron, magnesium, calcium, zinc, etc. Amber contains salts of succinic acid, which activates metabolic processes, stimulates the digestive system, and also has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects. Amber therapy techniques are used in oncology to inhibit the growth of tumors. Amber is a source of creative forces, faith and optimism. It gives the owner physical strength, good spirits, brings good luck and preserves health.

Hardness - 2-2.5
Density - 1.2
Zodiac sign - Leo
Planet - Sun
Chakra - any
Energy - Receptive (Yin)

Gem Magic / Jasper

life stone

Jasper is one of the most common gems known to primitive man. Jasper was especially valued in China. All kinds of decorations, cups, symbols of power were cut from it. Jasper inserts on helmets, belts, sword hilts were considered reliable amulets. Chinese healers considered jasper one of the most important pharmacological agents for cleansing internal organs.

Hardness - 6.5-7
Density - 2.6
Zodiac sign - Virgo
Planet - Jupiter, Mercury
Energy - Receptive (Yin)

Since ancient times, people have attributed incredible and healing properties to precious stones. It was believed that the mysterious and magical power of stones can affect a person.

Each stone has certain properties inherent only to it. There is a belief that stones are able to feel the attitude of a person towards them.

If a stone is loved, then it will respond to a person in return and will fully reveal its properties. And, conversely, in case of improper care, the stone can hold a grudge and change color.

Minerals are able to sensitively capture changes in the emotional state of the owner and respond to them. The magical power of precious stones is manifested in energy vibrations of healing properties.

The strength of the impact of a stone directly depends on its characteristics (purity and integrity). Stones with various damages (cracks, chips) can adversely affect the owner. The origin of the stone is also of great importance.

The stones, inherited by the owner as a result of the crime, have a huge destructive potential and bring only grief. Most quickly, the positive properties of the stone are manifested if it was inherited by the owner, or was presented to him.

Newly acquired stones do not immediately show their properties.

Given that stones have magical properties and can influence the fate of their owners, their choice should be carefully considered.

When purchasing a stone, you should pay attention to your feelings and emotions when you touch it. You can feel the energy emanating from the stone by taking it in your hands. At different times of the day, the properties of the stone can vary significantly. For example, the magical energy of sapphire reaches its peak at noon, and topaz - at two in the afternoon.

Over time, the magical properties of the stone may increase or, conversely, weaken. The weakening of the effect of the stone indicates that it has fulfilled its function. In this case, you should wear jewelry with a stone that has fresh energy. A stone that has successfully completed its mission must be thanked.

The magic emanating from precious and semi-precious stones predetermined their use as amulets. For example, in ancient Egypt, the lapis lazuli stone in the shape of a human eye was used as a talisman to bring clarity to the mind.

Emerald also used since ancient times as a talisman for mothers and sailors. Malachite is endowed with very strong magical abilities. It is believed that it attracts the attention of other people to the owner.

Ruby It is considered a talisman that brings good luck to people striving for success in matters of the heart and thirsting for power. Love feelings are influenced by amethyst, sapphire, ruby, topaz. Talismans from these stones will suit people who are looking for happiness in love.

Opal it is not recommended to accept a gift from a loved one, as it can arouse negative feelings towards the donor. Moreover, the higher the cost of jewelry using opal, the stronger will be the hatred for the person who gave this stone.

A girl suffering from a lack of male attention should wear jewelry using turquoise. It has the unique ability to awaken the owner's heartfelt feelings from other people. For family people, turquoise gives calmness and peace in relationships with loved ones.

Precious and semi-precious stones, due to the specifics of wearing jewelry from them by women, have a predominant influence on them. However, The effect of stones also applies to men..

Within the framework of a small article, it is impossible to cover all aspects of the issue of the influence of precious and semiprecious stones on a person. It is important that such an influence exists, and it should be taken into account when choosing jewelry with stones.

What stones do you wear? Write about it in the comments to this article. And be sure to share this article with your friends.

It is hard to imagine that there were times when precious stones were practically worthless, had no name, and were often used for absolutely primitive purposes (for example, they chopped nuts with them). And all because gems extracted from rocks at the initial stage rarely have a presentable appearance: gems of amazing beauty are dazzled only after jewelers work on them properly (they cut, polish, create an appropriate design). Immediately after this, the gems become insanely expensive, and no one’s hand rises to use them as a tool.

Gemstones are called natural chemical compounds (minerals) that have a crystalline structure and a certain composition, which affect the characteristics and appearance of gems.

Since there are more than four thousand names of a wide variety of minerals in nature, experts agree that only a natural crystal that is beautiful and durable, and therefore suitable for jewelry processing, can be considered precious. Moreover, these minerals can be both colorless and have a beautiful monochromatic color, shine, create an amazing play of light and shadow, surprise with unusual optical effects, be characterized by wear resistance, high hardness.

Considering all these interrelated factors, scientists have not yet been able to develop a clear and unambiguous scheme for dividing gems into groups (in each country, the same stones are often referred to as precious or semi-precious). The main list in many classifications is still the same: no one doubts that natural rubies, diamonds, sapphires, emeralds, alexandrites and pearls are precious stones. For example, in Russia they are recognized as such at the legislative level, and therefore all other natural jewelry stones are considered semi-precious.

Among them are garnet, amethyst, topaz, malachite, turquoise, agate, jade, amber: despite the fact that after processing these minerals become transparent and acquire a unique luster, they are not unique and do not have the necessary hardness. True, this does not prevent jewelers from widely using semi-precious stones in finishing works (malachite caskets, the Amber Room in the Catherine Palace).

The beauty of gems

Precious stones are primarily characterized by uniformity (they can be either colorless or have a certain color). A gem can have both “own” and “foreign” color, which it acquires due to impurities of other minerals that somehow find themselves in its composition (for example, semi-precious agate can be yellowish due to the inclusion of hematite and iron hydroxides ).

Also, an important role in the evaluation of the gem is played by its brilliance (the level of refraction of rays, the ability of the stone to reflect them) and transparency. In addition, the beauty of gems is given by optical effects that are obtained by combining brilliance, color and transparency:

  • Asterism - from the middle of the gem, light rays diverge in different directions. This property can be seen when inclusions of other minerals (ruby, sapphire) are observed along the edges and faces of gems;
  • Cat's eye - obtained due to the presence in the structure of tubular voids or fibers of other crystals, giving the gem a silky sheen (jade, quartz, chrysoberyl);
  • Opalescence - is formed as a result of the refraction of rays from the three-dimensional structure of the stone. This property is best expressed in opals, whose colors shimmer and sparkle;
  • Irization - manifests itself in the form of an iridescent color radiance in bright light, is characteristic of spar, quartz, moon and sun stones;
  • Dispersion - a property can be seen in minerals with high refraction of light rays (diamond). Waves of purple and red tones shimmer beautifully in these gems as they pass through the crystal.

Gem durability

The lower the strength of a stone, the less valuable it is: when jewelry processing a gem, it is very important that it can be cut, sawed, polished, etc. without any special fears. Thus, gems are divided into the following types according to hardness:

  • Soft (from 1 to 5) - talc, calcareous spar, marble, onyx;
  • Medium (from 5 to 6.5) - apatite, orthoclase;
  • Solid (from 6.5 to 7.5) - quartz;
  • Highly hard (more than 7.5) - topaz, sapphire, diamond.

The quality of precious and semi-precious stones is affected by such property as viscosity - the ability to change and restore shape during the action of deforming forces on them. Gems with high viscosity (jade) easily retain their shape and can be worn without fear that they will begin to crumble, as, for example, fragile semi-precious stones such as opal or obsidian can do.

Also, jewelers appreciate such a property of a stone as cleavage - its ability to break into crystallographic plates (a very necessary property for obtaining a flat surface). Meanwhile, if this characteristic is expressed too strongly, jewelers prefer not to mess with the gem: the stone can become covered with cracks and chips.

One of the characteristics of the strength of a gem is its purity or defectiveness - the absence of voids, cracks, impurities. It should be borne in mind that an absolutely pure mineral is almost never found and always contains traces of the early stages of its development.

Cracks rarely decorate a gem and always lower its strength - this also applies to expensive diamonds.

Thus, the most expensive Cullinan gemstone (the diamond was named after the owner of the mine where it was discovered) was presented to King Edward VII of Great Britain at the beginning of the twentieth century: it had 3106 carats, its weight exceeded half a kilogram, and its dimensions were 100x65x50 mm. Since there were cracks in the donated diamond, it was impossible to make one large diamond out of it, and therefore, before splitting it, the best cutter of that time, Josef Ascher, studied it for several months.

It was not immediately possible to break it: during the first attempt, the knife broke. But the second approach turned out to be more successful, and Cullinan divided it into two parts (it is interesting that after the first accurate blow, the master lost consciousness from overexertion). As a result, nine large diamonds and ninety-six small precious stones were made from the stone, the largest of which is inserted into the royal scepter, and the second largest adorns the crown of the British Empire.

The chemical composition of the gem

The appearance of most semi-precious and precious stones largely depends on the chemical composition of the gems. Since they all have different chemical compositions and crystal structures (gem-quality gems almost always have an ordered crystal lattice), they are divided into appropriate groups.

The most common element in the composition of gems is oxygen, and then, in descending order, silicon, aluminum and calcium follow (silicates are the most numerous group). According to the chemical composition, the list of semi-precious and precious stones is as follows:

  • Silicates - chrysolite, garnet, beryl zircon, jade;
  • Oxides - corundum, quartz, opals, spinel;
  • Sulfides - pyrite, galena, sphalerite;
  • Halides - fluorite;
  • Native elements - diamond;
  • Carbonates - malachite, marble onyx;
  • Organic compounds - amber, corals, pearls, jet.

It is interesting that the chemical properties of gems of the same group can change with an unchanged crystal structure: stones can become both precious (ruby transforms into pink sapphire) and semi-precious species.

Even the smallest fluctuation in properties can change the appearance of a jewel, for example, ruby ​​and sapphire, being varieties of the mineral corundum and having the same characteristics, have different colors - sapphire is blue, ruby ​​is red.

As for gems of organic origin, before they acquired their current form, they were an element of wildlife: pearls grew in the shell of an oyster, amber is the resin of old trees, coral is the skeleton of marine invertebrates, jet is a petrified tree.


If earlier it was believed that the most beautiful gemstone can only be formed in the tropics, geologists managed to prove the fallacy of this belief by discovering many gems in temperate latitudes. For example, in Russia such precious stones as aquamarines, diamonds, nephrites, topazes, lapis lazuli were found, in Japan - coral, pearls, amethyst, in Ukraine - beryl, topaz, in Hungary - opal.

Almost all gems (of course, except for those of organic origin) were formed in rocks, and therefore they are divided into metamorphic, igneous and sedimentary (among the latter - rock crystal, garnet, Colombian emeralds). Some gems are considered primary (located in the place where they were formed), others - secondary formations (formed minerals were transferred by rivers, seas or winds to a new place).

The extraction of precious stones largely depends on the origin of the gems. Precious and semi-precious stones located near the earth's surface are often mined by hand (especially in third world countries): stones are separated from the rock with ordinary hammers, chisels, picks, sometimes explosives are used. Placer deposits in water are processed by washing sand or using dredges. But in order to extract stones located at great depths (for example, diamonds), the technique is still involved - you can’t do it manually here.

Synthetic stones

Just a hundred years ago, it was quite easy to distinguish a semi-precious or precious stone from their glass imitation or semi-precious stone: a gemstone could be identified “by eye” and it was not easy to deceive anyone. But, in the middle of the last century, science made a huge leap forward - and the emergence of synthetic stones, which were in no way inferior to natural gems, made gems accessible to the general population.

It is worth noting that if earlier the creation of such stones was very expensive due to the high cost of equipment, then recently the cost of them has been falling every year.

The main difference between these stones and the original ones is that they were not formed inside the rock, but were created artificially in a factory or laboratory. Therefore, they have another name - “grown jewelry stones”: often there is a complete imitation of the natural process of gem formation (the only thing is that the stone grows much faster).

There are many positive aspects in the creation of artificial stones. First of all, jewelry has become more accessible to the masses, hence sales and profits have increased. Artificial gems are often more perfect than their natural counterparts (they do not have cracks, impurities, they are usually more saturated and deeper in color). Do not forget that in some cases the creation of a synthetic stone is the only way to replace the disappearing natural gems with their artificial counterparts.

For many centuries, semi-precious stones have been one of the most popular jewelry inserts. The amazing colors and properties of these crystals, as well as their reasonable price, allowed them to decorate both simple, uncomplicated items and jewelry masterpieces. In addition, this type of stone is widely used in exquisite handicrafts.

Semi-precious stones: how to determine?

But, in fact, what stones do we consider semi-precious?

There is no single answer to this question. In fact, the name used by everyone is not a definition. In various sources, we can find different conditional classifications of such stones.

Firstly, semi-precious minerals include those minerals that are quite common in nature and are so diverse that their price is significantly lower than the price of rare gems.

Secondly, this is the name of those stones that are intensively used in the jewelry industry, as well as in the manufacture of handicrafts.

In addition, the classification of this category of minerals is often based on the known hardness scale. In this case, everything is simple: the harder the crystal, the higher the value of the jewel.

So let's recap. Semi-precious stones are minerals that are very popular in jewelry, but are not classified as expensive gems. By the way, according to the law of the Russian Federation “On Precious Metals and Precious Stones”, only diamond, blue sapphire, ruby, emerald, alexandrite and natural pearls are considered rare in Russia. It follows from this that, according to the law, all other jewelry stones are semi-precious or, as they are sometimes called, ornamental.

Favorite Gems

How did semi-precious stones deserve such love from jewelers and buyers?

The main physical properties of these stones include high hardness and, therefore, ease of cutting. That is why they are so valued by jewelers.

Semi-precious stones are in high demand among buyers due to their varied color palette (from crystal white to deep purple) and transparency. At the same time, attractive appearance is favorably combined with accessibility, which makes them especially popular. Until now, many jewelry houses, when creating their collections, give preference to semi-precious stones.

Choose your

The most famous and popular semi-precious stones are amethyst, aquamarine, garnet, rock crystal, topaz, chrysolite, citrine. After cutting, these stones become transparent and especially attractive. Therefore, in the hands of experienced jewelers, minerals acquire a unique brilliance and become the perfect complement to any piece of jewelry.

In addition to attractive external characteristics, it is customary to endow semi-precious minerals with a number of interesting properties.

So, amethyst is considered a symbol of sincerity, sincerity and peacefulness. Amethyst is uplifting, invigorating and relieves stress.

Aquamarine is a stone of the brave, the patron saint of travelers and enthusiasts. Aquamarine tends to inspire action, so it is often given to lazy people. Since ancient times in Europe, newlyweds have exchanged rings with aquamarine, which brings love and mutual respect to the family.

Pomegranate brings joy to its owner, gives self-confidence and raises self-esteem. This is a special stone, a stone of love, flame and passion. Pomegranate contributes to a creative upsurge, therefore it is considered a talisman for people of creative professions.

Rock crystal stimulates mental activity, improves emotional mood and has a positive effect on the general condition of its owner.

Topaz is considered to be the most mysterious of all semi-precious minerals. This is a stone of exposure, penetration into the essence of something. Products with topaz are recommended to be worn by psychologists and criminologists. It awakens mental strength, gives emotional balance.

A similar name, but different properties has rauchtopaz. This gem is considered to be a stone of calmness and contemplation. It is often worn by people seeking to get rid of depression.

Chrysolite brings love and peace to its owner. Chrysolite is considered to be a stone of successful people, leaders in their field. Since ancient times, chrysolite inserts have always adorned the products of merchants, merchants and businessmen.

Citrine will help improve the mood of its owner and set it in an optimistic mood. In addition, citrine helps to achieve good results in cooperation and partnership, to express one's thoughts correctly. Therefore, it is recommended to be worn by pupils, students, as well as all business people.

A fairly rare mineral is ametrine, which got its name due to its similarity with amethyst and citrine. A special two-color stone has a positive effect on mood, makes a person more friendly.

As inserts, jewelers also use apatite, which is called the "stone of appeasement." It is believed that the mineral absorbs the energy of its owner, so it is not recommended to regift products with apatite.

One of the varieties of quartz is aventurine. No wonder its name is translated as "associated with the case." It is believed that the stone brings good luck to those people whose activities are associated with constant risk and uncertainty. Therefore, the stone is recommended to be worn by athletes, as well as creative people looking for inspiration.

fairy stones

Not everyone knows that semi-precious stones also include such stones as agate, turquoise, onyx, malachite, jade, jasper and amber. It seems that these are names from old fairy tales or antiquity, pulled out of a dusty box. And such associations are not accidental.

These semi-precious stones are quite large in size, so they most strongly realize their natural potential. Since ancient times in different countries they have been attributed special magical properties. For example, in China, jade was called nothing but the stone of life. Jasper has long been especially valued in Japan. Russia has always been considered the empire of amber (94% of this mineral is mined in our country), and turquoise was especially popular in the Middle East and Central Asia.

Products from semi-precious stones have always been at the peak of popularity, and our time is no exception. Fashion dictates new forms, but traditions remain unchanged.